आर्थिक विश्लेषक Kishore Subramanian ने कहा, हिंडनबर्ग रिपोर्ट में कोई ठोस सबूत नहीं हैं

  • 2 months ago
हिंडनबर्ग की रिपोर्ट ने अडानी कंपनी के निजी हितों और बाजार में उसकी भूमिका पर सवाल उठाए गए हैं। हिंडनबर्ग रिसर्च ने कहा है अदानी ग्रुप को लेकर सेबी ने जो जांच की है उसकी व्यापक जांच होनी चाहिए। इस पर आर्थिक विशेषज्ञ किशोर सुब्रमण्यन ने कहा कि इस रिपोर्ट में कोई भी ठोस सबूत नहीं हैं। रिपोर्ट के अनुसार घोटाले की सिर्फ आशंका है पक्का यकीन नही है। पिछली बार भी इनकी रिपोर्ट में कुछ नही निकला था।

#HindenburgReport #Finance #Stockmarket #SEBI #ShortSelling #Stock #Adani


00:00Today I am going to talk about the latest report of Hindenburg.
00:05The latest report of Hindenburg says that there is some connection or relationship between SEBI chief and Adani offshore fund.
00:16The latest report of Hindenburg says that there is some connection or relationship between SEBI chief and Adani offshore fund.
00:34The latest report of Hindenburg says that there is some connection or relationship between SEBI chief and Adani offshore fund.
00:49Today I am going to talk about the latest report of Hindenburg.
00:56I read the entire report.
00:58I read the entire report.
01:03There is no strong evidence in this report.
01:12There are many baseless allegations in this report.
01:21If you read this report carefully, you will understand that there are many English words like we think, we assume, maybe.
01:34There are many English words like we think, we assume, maybe.
01:49If a research report accuses an institution or an individual, there should be solid evidence.
02:01If a research report accuses an institution or an individual, there should be solid evidence.
02:02After reading this report, I feel that this is another hit and run job from Hindenburg.
02:14Hit and run job means that you present a baseless report which has no evidence.
02:22No evidence can be found in the court of law.
02:26More than 40 media investigation reports and financial times reports have been mentioned in this report.
02:37I want to tell you that if any research can provide solid evidence and details, then these details should be in that report.
02:46Those who have read this report will know that there is no evidence in this report.
02:55This is another hit and run job.
02:57This is another hit and run job.
03:01Last time, when such allegations were made in January 2023, Hindenburg made a lot of money and did short selling.
03:13Even this time, on 8th August, it is said that Hindenburg has a short position on India.
03:21If we Indians want to trust such baseless reports and lower the price of our invested stock market, then it is our wish.
03:35But it is my personal opinion that we should not trust such reports.
03:43In fact, if SEBI or the Supreme Court or any court of law wants to take action on this, then they can do it.
03:51But the way there was no result in the Hindenburg report last time, and the way the Supreme Court said that SEBI drew a blank.
04:01That is, they collided with a wall where they had no evidence or proof.
04:06This time, Hindenburg has made a lot of allegations on the same SEBI.
04:12But I don't think they will be able to stand up to these allegations and this time they will fail again.
04:22In fact, it seems fair that Hindenburg's only aim is to spread this news, sit in fear in the public and bring down the market.
04:35Maybe destabilize the country a little, bring down the stock market a little, and make money out of it.
04:43So, do you have a report to read?
04:46You have a lot of intelligence and sources.
04:49Today, in the age and era of the internet, all information is available to you.
04:54Check, read all the information, do a lot of research yourself.
05:01After that, you decide whether you should sell the Indian stock market and your savings tomorrow or not.
05:10According to me, we should not give any reaction to such baseless reports.
05:17As it is said in justice and court, innocent until proved guilty.
05:23Here it is exactly the opposite.
05:26Here it seems guilty until proved innocent.
