• last year
00:00:00I'm afraid so.
00:00:02You'd better get going.
00:00:10Where is everybody?
00:00:11Search me? I thought we were supposed to make a film or something.
00:00:15So did I. I just had a letter from that fellow Sidney... Sidney, um...
00:00:19Sidney Carton?
00:00:20No, no, no, not Sidney Carton. Sidney Box.
00:00:24Yes, he said, come along and have a swipe at that thing called, uh...
00:00:29called... what the devil was it called?
00:00:32Holiday camp?
00:00:38Not one of those huggy jobs?
00:00:39Oh, no.
00:00:43I say, that's not cricket.
00:00:45That's it! It's not cricket!
00:01:59Message for Major Bright.
00:02:21Okay, chum. I'll take it.
00:02:23Have you decoded that?
00:02:29Nearly finished.
00:02:30On what sort of show we put up?
00:02:32That's a lot.
00:02:35Oh, I think we've definitely pulled it off this time.
00:02:38Yes. Our combination of figures is just like them.
00:02:40I hope you're right.
00:02:42Let's check up.
00:03:01Oh, good. Shall we fire away?
00:03:03Go ahead.
00:03:04Right. Now, you check and I'll read them out.
00:03:06One, two, two. Got that?
00:03:10One, two, one, two.
00:03:12Oh, curse it. The last one's wrong. Who's going to let us down?
00:03:15Sheffield Wednesday.
00:03:17Sheffield Wednesday.
00:03:20Come in.
00:03:22This has just come in, sir.
00:03:25Otto Fisch, German, dangerous Nazi.
00:03:28Formerly reported killed, now known to have gone underground.
00:03:31Speaks fluent English, formerly an actor.
00:03:48Quiet, you know.
00:03:50I can deal with the smoke. How about you?
00:03:52Suits me.
00:03:53Well, you have the first one and I'll keep my eyes peeled.
00:03:55Give us your torch, John.
00:03:59Hey, Arctic.
00:04:00What's this bloke doing?
00:04:04Redcaps, bless them all.
00:04:05Here, here, here.
00:04:06What's in the bag, chum?
00:04:08Just a jeep I picked up.
00:04:09Ah, a comic.
00:04:10Or my mother thinks so.
00:04:11What are you doing out of barracks this time of night?
00:04:13Catching the midnight leave, sir.
00:04:16Catching the midnight leave train if you stop asking questions long enough.
00:04:18Got your leave pass?
00:04:19Blimey, what suspicious minds you blokes have.
00:04:23Is that his phone?
00:04:24All right, chum, on your way.
00:04:26Awfully decent of you, corporal.
00:04:28Hey, wait a minute.
00:04:29What are you doing here?
00:04:30The station's that way.
00:04:32Look, I'm an officer's batman, see?
00:04:34I'm meeting my two officers in their mess, see?
00:04:36They're going on leave too, see?
00:04:38I'm giving them the luggage, they're giving me a lift, see?
00:04:40Who are your officers?
00:04:41Major Bright and Captain Early.
00:04:43For the heavenly twins.
00:04:44Oh, blimey.
00:04:45How did you land for that packet of trouble?
00:04:47Born unlucky, that's me.
00:04:48Always dropping in the fertilizer.
00:04:50Well, so long, chums.
00:04:51So long.
00:04:52So long.
00:05:14Well, begun dull care for a fortnight, one.
00:05:27Yes, by Jove, we need it.
00:05:29Yes, I wonder where that ruddy batman is.
00:05:30We should miss that train if we're not careful.
00:05:32Cutting it a bit fine, I must say.
00:05:34He's probably doing a spot of fraternizing, I'd say.
00:05:36Oh, not at a time like this, surely.
00:05:38Ah, look, here he is at last.
00:05:44Oh, it isn't, it's an entirely different bloke.
00:05:46Major Bright, sir.
00:05:47That's me.
00:05:48I've been told off to replace your batman, sir.
00:05:50What's the matter with him?
00:05:51He's been taken suddenly ill, sir.
00:05:53Oh, what's the trouble?
00:05:54Something wrong with his head, sir.
00:05:56The M.O. doesn't like the look of him at all, sir.
00:05:58Neither do we, if it comes to that.
00:06:00Oh, well, it doesn't matter.
00:06:01You'd better sling these into the track and we'll get moving.
00:06:14Now for a spot of leave, old man.
00:06:17I wonder if we should be able to organize ourselves some cricket.
00:06:19Ah, cricket.
00:06:22Better than hunting this otter fish, gentlemen.
00:06:24Oh, fancy them letting him get away like that.
00:06:28I feel sorry for the bloke responsible.
00:06:30Oh, he'll get the rocket to end all rockets.
00:06:44Hello, you lucky so-and-sos.
00:06:49What's the flack, old boy?
00:06:50Oh, someone says old Otto's knocking around somewhere.
00:06:52Personally, I think it's another one of these things that I'd keep people like me out of bed.
00:06:55Well, as long as it's you and not us, I think.
00:06:57Unless old Earl is Otto.
00:06:59Would you like to see my identity card?
00:07:00Oh, couldn't face it at this hour of the night.
00:07:02Who's this bloke? He with you?
00:07:04Oh, that's our batman.
00:07:05Oh, well, travel on. Have a nice time.
00:07:07See you in two weeks, gentlemen.
00:07:08Oh, no, you won't.
00:07:09I'm due for my demob any day now.
00:07:10Oh, dear.
00:07:11Oh, you poor devil.
00:07:12Back to the stress and strain of civisty, eh?
00:07:14Oh, well.
00:07:15I'll be seeing you blokes again, I hope.
00:07:17Yes, well, goodbye.
00:07:29Good evening, sir.
00:07:30Good evening to you, sir.
00:07:31Oh, thank you, sir.
00:07:33Well, see you at Calais.
00:07:34Yes, sir.
00:07:35Oh, I do hope you don't mind us barging in like this, sir.
00:07:37This compartment is not reserved, as far as I'm aware.
00:07:40Oh, good.
00:07:42Oh, I'm frightfully sorry, sir.
00:07:44Crusty old devil.
00:07:46One of the angry boys.
00:07:48Still, perhaps he's going home to be bowler-hatted.
00:07:55We're off.
00:07:56Yes, we're off, all right.
00:07:57The bloke never knows if he's really on leave until the train moves out.
00:08:00Oh, you're right there.
00:08:01You two gentlemen are in the intelligence corps, I presume?
00:08:04Yes, rather, sir.
00:08:05What are you doing about fishing?
00:08:07A fancy?
00:08:08There's nothing to do with us, sir.
00:08:09Nothing to do with you?
00:08:10No, no, the catering corps looks after that, sir.
00:08:12Plenty of it in the mess, I must say.
00:08:14Too much, if you ask me, sir.
00:08:16Don't you agree with this?
00:08:17Yes, rather, certainly do.
00:08:18I said fish.
00:08:21Otto Fish.
00:08:22What are you doing about him?
00:08:23Oh, that bloke.
00:08:24Oh, the old intelligence corps look after him.
00:08:26Don't you worry about that.
00:08:27Does the intelligence corps always get the wrong end, sir?
00:08:30That's what I'm afraid of.
00:08:32Yes, rather.
00:09:09Goodbye, sir.
00:09:10Good morning.
00:09:11May not get you again sometime, sir.
00:09:45Something to be said for flying, old man.
00:10:08Good catch!
00:10:14Well, thanks, Smith.
00:10:28Have a good leave.
00:10:29Thank you, sir.
00:10:30The same to you, sir.
00:10:31Life's chapped.
00:10:33This train's a long time starting, isn't it?
00:10:47Yes, I wonder what's happened.
00:10:48Ah, there you are.
00:10:49I've been looking all over the train for you two.
00:11:05Anything wrong, sir?
00:11:06Anything we can do, sir?
00:11:07Do you know who that was carrying your luggage?
00:11:08A batman, of course, sir.
00:11:09A very nice chap, sir.
00:11:10And how long has he been your batman?
00:11:11Since last evening, sir.
00:11:12Our other batman went sick, sir.
00:11:13That wasn't a batman, you idiot.
00:11:14That was fish.
00:11:16You know, for a moment, I thought you said fish.
00:11:17Yes, so did I.
00:11:18I did say fish.
00:11:20We must go and get him.
00:11:21He's got away.
00:11:22Oh, my goodness.
00:11:23What's going to happen now?
00:11:24I give you two guests.
00:11:25Oh, orderly.
00:11:26Yes, sir.
00:11:27Could you tell me the way to the clothing store?
00:11:28Yes, sir.
00:11:29In there.
00:11:30Oh, thank you.
00:11:32Oh, orderly.
00:11:33Yes, sir.
00:11:34Could you tell me the way to the clothing store?
00:11:35Yes, sir.
00:11:36In there.
00:11:37Oh, thank you.
00:12:02Oh, orderly.
00:12:03Could you tell us the way to the exit?
00:12:04Yes, mate.
00:12:05Out there.
00:12:32What are you having?
00:12:38Well, I think this calls for two large whiskeys, don't you?
00:12:41Two large, right, mate?
00:12:42Did you hear that?
00:12:43He said mate, too.
00:12:44What he did?
00:12:45In a saloon bar.
00:12:46Timbuk, that's right.
00:12:47Well, this is a pretty kettle of fish, I must say.
00:12:48Could you make it a kettle of something else?
00:12:49Yes, sir.
00:12:50Yes, sir.
00:12:51Yes, sir.
00:12:52Yes, sir.
00:12:53Yes, sir.
00:12:54Yes, sir.
00:12:55Yes, sir.
00:12:56Yes, sir.
00:12:57Yes, sir.
00:12:58Yes, sir.
00:13:00Can I speak to Felix, please?
00:13:17Felix speaking.
00:13:18Are you near the underground?
00:13:25Yes, and the end of the tunnel is in sight.
00:13:26The tunnel is in sight.
00:13:27Have you any 16-ounce boxing gloves?
00:13:30We have some excellent gloves at 12 ounces.
00:13:32Good, good. I must see you at once.
00:13:34Be here between one and two.
00:13:37Good night.
00:13:40Well, what are we going to do now?
00:13:43Dash to Vino.
00:13:44Must do something. The old gratuity won't last forever, you know.
00:13:47Got any ideas?
00:13:48Not a sausage.
00:13:49After seven years in the army, I can't think.
00:13:52Might go into business on our own.
00:13:54What sort of business?
00:13:56About using our army experience.
00:13:58Ooh, that's a jolly good idea.
00:14:01What experience?
00:14:05Private detective?
00:14:06Oh, no.
00:14:08That's stooping a bit low, isn't it?
00:14:09It's giving evidence in divorce cases, although that's very sordid.
00:14:13But we needn't handle divorce cases.
00:14:16That's right.
00:14:17Let's have lunch and talk it over.
00:14:19Jolly good idea.
00:14:20Barman, what's for lunch?
00:14:21Nearly everything's off now, except fish.
00:14:39Doesn't suit, madam. I'll be glad to change it.
00:14:41I know how difficult it is buying presents for a small boy.
00:14:43Thank you, and good day.
00:14:45Good day, madam.
00:14:47Can I help you, sir?
00:14:49I'm looking for a pair of boxing gloves.
00:14:51Any particular weight, sir?
00:14:5316 ounces.
00:14:56We have some excellent gloves at 12 ounces.
00:14:59We only use 16 ounces in my country.
00:15:03Oh, don't be so old-fashioned.
00:15:05We haven't any in stock at the moment, sir, but I could get you some.
00:15:10First go to the Acropolis Theatre. They'll fix you up with a job.
00:15:15Have you traced the Rothstein diamond?
00:15:19You have?
00:15:21But we'll have the party funds.
00:15:22How soon can we get hold of it?
00:15:23Don't be too hasty, Otto.
00:15:24It may not be as easy as you think.
00:15:25Why not?
00:15:26The English police.
00:15:27Don't underestimate them.
00:15:28I will have the Rothstein diamond by soon back.
00:15:31And to your English police, I don't give a...
00:15:45Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:15:46I understand I am to be theatre electrician.
00:15:49That's right.
00:15:50And you think it better that I am disguise.
00:15:53Now, that settles it.
00:15:54Now, you come along to the theatre tomorrow morning at, say, 10 o'clock,
00:15:56and we'll have a run-through on the switchboard.
00:15:58It's perfectly easy.
00:15:59Yeah, that is good.
00:16:00Leave it to Otto.
00:16:17Albert Hall?
00:16:19I haven't had a call for a week, and I want to know if this is the Albert Hall.
00:16:42Oh, I don't know.
00:16:43All we need is the orchestra.
00:16:44Never mind.
00:16:45It impresses the clients.
00:16:46How long have we been here?
00:16:47I don't know.
00:16:48What's the date?
00:16:49No idea.
00:16:50Look at the paper.
00:16:51Oh, that's no good.
00:16:52It's yesterday's.
00:16:53Yes, it would be.
00:16:55When did Yorkshire beat Lancashire?
00:16:5614th, of course.
00:16:57Well, that's a week ago today.
00:16:58That makes today the 21st.
00:16:59That's right.
00:17:01We've been here three months.
00:17:02Can't say they've been exactly banging on the door.
00:17:03I don't know.
00:17:04I don't know.
00:17:05I don't know.
00:17:06I don't know.
00:17:07I don't know.
00:17:08I don't know.
00:17:09I don't know.
00:17:10I don't know.
00:17:11I don't know.
00:17:12I don't know.
00:17:13I don't know.
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00:18:56I don't know.
00:18:57I don't know.
00:18:58I don't know.
00:18:59I don't know.
00:19:00I don't know.
00:19:01I don't know.
00:19:02I don't know.
00:19:03I don't know.
00:19:04I don't know.
00:19:05I don't know.
00:19:06I don't know.
00:19:07I don't know.
00:19:09Bright and early.
00:19:11I'm Bright, and he's early.
00:19:13Do sit down Miss...
00:19:17Now Miss Brown, I'm sure we can take your work for granted.
00:19:20When I passed out at Pitman's they said I was capable of anything.
00:19:25Now when I passed out at the Savoy...
00:19:28Miss Brown you must realize that in an organization of this kind
00:19:30with clients queuing at the door
00:19:32and the phone ringing every other minute
00:19:33we must have time for relaxation.
00:19:36All right then.
00:19:37All right, then. Now, can you make tea?
00:19:41And dance socks?
00:19:43And sew-on buttons?
00:19:46Well, I think that's about all, isn't it?
00:19:47I can't think of anything else.
00:19:49When can you start, Miss Brad?
00:19:51Well, now if you like.
00:19:53Splendid! Then will you make us a cup of tea?
00:19:56I'd love to, but there's just one thing before I start.
00:19:59How much do I get?
00:20:00Our two-weekly tea rations.
00:20:02No, I meant how much money do I get?
00:20:04Yes, of course. How much money do you get?
00:20:07How much money do you get?
00:20:09Shall we talk about it later?
00:20:11Much later.
00:20:15Well, Gerald, I think you're going to find London a bit strange.
00:20:18Remember when I was demobbed in 19?
00:20:20Hardly recognised any of the old places.
00:20:22Couldn't stop myself saluting brigadiers.
00:20:25Used to feel an awful fool.
00:20:27I expect I'll be the same, Dad.
00:20:28By the way, Harry and Bill can't play in the match on Saturday.
00:20:31If you run into a couple of fellas, ask them down for the weekend.
00:20:34All right, Dad, I'm sure to bum into somebody.
00:20:36Just remembered. Cricket balls.
00:20:38See if you can get one.
00:20:40A couple if you can.
00:20:41Clean out of them in Reading.
00:20:43All right, I'll have a shot.
00:20:45I'm sorry, sir, we haven't a cricket ball left in stock.
00:20:48If you care to look in in the morning, we're expecting some new ones in there.
00:20:50All right, I'll do that.
00:20:51Good morning.
00:20:52Good morning, sir.
00:21:01Hello. Lost your shoe?
00:21:03Well, I wasn't playing hopscotch.
00:21:05Let me give you a hand.
00:21:12Well, what do we do now?
00:21:14I don't know, but do something.
00:21:16Look, my car's across the road. I'll drive you home.
00:21:18There's no need to do that. I have a spare pair in the office where I work.
00:21:21Let me carry you across the road, then.
00:21:23Well, I don't see what else we can do unless we want to be summoned for obstruction.
00:21:32Look, here's a shoe shop.
00:21:34Let me buy you a pair of shoes. It's only fair.
00:21:36That's awfully nice of you, but it wasn't your fault.
00:21:38No, no, I insist. Of course it was my fault.
00:21:50Is Madam unwell?
00:21:52Oh, no. She's just lost a shoe.
00:21:54Oh, I see. Madam requires a pair of shoes.
00:21:56That's the idea.
00:21:57You'll just sit there, please.
00:22:01I think she meant that I should sit down.
00:22:03Oh, I see. I'm terribly sorry.
00:22:06What style of shoe would you like, Madam?
00:22:08Well, something rather like this.
00:22:09What size?
00:22:12I beg your pardon, sir?
00:22:13I mean, it seems so small.
00:22:15Madam knows her own foot, I presume.
00:22:18By the way, what's your name?
00:22:20Primrose. Primrose Brown.
00:22:22What a nice name.
00:22:23You know, your father had imagination.
00:22:25No, my father was fond of God.
00:22:26Oh, was he?
00:22:27Still, it's a very nice name.
00:22:32Well, thank you for the shoes.
00:22:34You're sure they're quite comfortable?
00:22:35Oh, yes, quite comfortable, thanks.
00:22:36You're sure they won't shrink or anything like that?
00:22:38Well, let me know if they do, and we'll go back and change them.
00:22:40All right. Well, goodbye.
00:22:46Bright and early?
00:22:47Is this where you work?
00:22:48Yes, why?
00:22:49I used to know them in the army.
00:22:50It must be the same couple.
00:22:51Well, let's go and have a look.
00:22:52Yes, let's go.
00:23:00It must be the same couple.
00:23:01Well, there's no one quite like them, if that's what you mean.
00:23:03I must come and look them up sometime.
00:23:04Of course, I wouldn't like to interrupt them now.
00:23:06They're probably frightfully busy.
00:23:09Good gracious, do you know, I believe there's a man in the outer office.
00:23:14Do you think we ought to go and have a look?
00:23:17Oh, it might be an idea.
00:23:26Oh, it's only old Cheryl.
00:23:30Well, it is the Heavenly Twins.
00:23:32Cheryl, what the dickens are you doing here?
00:23:34I've just been buying Miss Brown a new pair of shoes.
00:23:36That's jolly decent of you.
00:23:37A snappy line in shoes, I must say.
00:23:39By the way, you might introduce us.
00:23:40Of course, you two don't know each other.
00:23:42You called her Miss Brown, old man.
00:23:43Yes, I did.
00:23:44And what are you doing buying Miss Brown shoes, anyway?
00:23:46I lost one in the street, so he picked me up.
00:23:48Oh, she means I carried her across the road.
00:23:50Nice bit of staff work.
00:23:52Well, how about introducing us?
00:23:53Primrose Brown, Gerald Lawson.
00:23:55A bad type.
00:23:56Oh, a wolf, Miss Brown.
00:23:57Oh, look, I'm not keeping you from business, am I?
00:23:59Oh, no, no.
00:24:00We have a broken appointment.
00:24:02Yes, old Miss Thingamy.
00:24:04She's always breaking it.
00:24:06Gerald, come in sanctum.
00:24:07Miss Brown, back to your work.
00:24:18Well, tell us what you've been doing with yourself.
00:24:20Cigarette? Thanks.
00:24:21That's right.
00:24:25These clients of ours, you know, smoking their heads off.
00:24:28Yes, rather.
00:24:29Naughty Miss Brown.
00:24:30She's supposed to attend to this sort of thing.
00:24:32Yes, better tick her off.
00:24:33She's been getting very slack recently.
00:24:35Yes, good idea.
00:24:36Yes, well, I'll go on.
00:24:37Ring for her, go on.
00:24:38Oh, yes.
00:24:39Ring for her, that's right.
00:24:41Where's the bell?
00:24:43Bell, bell, bell, bell.
00:24:56Miss Brown?
00:24:58I rang for you twice.
00:24:59I know, you frightened me to death.
00:25:00This cigarette box.
00:25:02It's empty.
00:25:03It always is.
00:25:04I know that.
00:25:05I mean, why haven't you filled it?
00:25:06Yes, now, run along, get some cigarettes or a thing.
00:25:08I mean, Miss Brown.
00:25:09With what?
00:25:10She says, what with?
00:25:11She didn't.
00:25:12She said, with what?
00:25:13With the petty cash, of course.
00:25:14What petty cash?
00:25:15You know perfectly well.
00:25:16Now, back to your work.
00:25:17Very good, sir.
00:25:18Oh, yes.
00:25:19Oh, yes.
00:25:20Oh, yes.
00:25:21Oh, yes.
00:25:22Oh, yes.
00:25:23Oh, yes.
00:25:24Yes, sir.
00:25:29Why don't you have one of mine?
00:25:32He's no good bluffing, old man.
00:25:34He knows.
00:25:35Mm, pretty smart of him, I must say.
00:25:38Business bad?
00:25:39Oh, rutting off.
00:25:40Too much law and order about nowadays, that's trouble.
00:25:43I don't know.
00:25:44Look at this morning's paper.
00:25:51Here's a chance for you boys.
00:25:52Oh, no.
00:25:53luck's rider. oh yes we're flat on our backs. business has been so bad the
00:25:57telephone hasn't rung for three weeks. it's ringing. so it is. hello? hello?
00:26:04hello? hello? oh hang on a moment. it's for you. hello? hello? hello yes. this is
00:26:14Brighton. Brighton Early. mr. Bright. what is it? oh mr. Bright is it? I'm
00:26:23speaking for Virginia Briscoe. the actress you know. it's Virginia Briscoe
00:26:27secretary. not Virginia Briscoe the actress. oh you're in clover if you work
00:26:31for her. yes. my name is Simon Herbidge. oh get on with it Simon and tell them to
00:26:37come over. all right all right do be quiet. not you mr. Bright. miss Briscoe
00:26:41wishes you to undertake some work for her. you see she's lost her dearest
00:26:46companion. of course we'll come right away as fast as we can mr. Mr. Garbage.
00:26:56come on. come on. I'm coming as fast as I can.
00:27:01hurry up. I am hurrying. oh miss Brown. we're off to work at last. yes engage by
00:27:09Virginia Briscoe. the actress? yes. I suppose you're closing up here for the
00:27:13day. yes I suppose so. never mind see you tomorrow. that's a date. miss Brown. yes
00:27:20Gerald. will you have lunch with me? but I'm working. these things go rusty if
00:27:24they're not used. you heard what the boss said. the office is closed. well in that
00:27:28case I'd love to if we go Dutch. Dutch? how do you mean? if we both pay for
00:27:32ourselves. I always do that with my boyfriends and Brighton Early. you know I
00:27:36think I could just about manage it. no I couldn't possibly allow you to pay for my
00:27:40lunch. you've already bought me a pair of shoes. I still think I could just about
00:27:43manage it. of course it means going for a week without sweets. I hate to think of
00:27:46you doing that. you'll come then? yes please. and if you're not doing anything
00:27:51this afternoon I've got a couple of tickets for the Acropolis. it's a
00:27:53charity matinee or something. my mother's mixed up in it. will you come? I'd love to.
00:27:57isn't that the show Virginia Briscoe's in? oh is it? I didn't know. come along we
00:28:01shall get a table. I wonder who this missing person is. probably miss
00:28:06Briscoe's boyfriend. oh no no a near relation. a sister. probably kidnapped and
00:28:11held to ransom by some black market gang. well maybe you're right. this might be
00:28:15quite exciting.
00:28:27must pay a tidy rent for a place like this. yes do you think we ought to put our fee up?
00:28:31yes. up from what? mr. Hurwicz? Brighton Early at your service. oh yes do come in.
00:28:40you must be quite exhausted dashing about like this. now do sit down
00:28:48somewhere and I'll call Virginia.
00:28:53Virginia? yes what is it? the detective agency. it's come. what all of it? both of it.
00:29:11will you receive them darling? yes my sweet. I'm coming. oh I'm so glad you could come.
00:29:19we tried every agency in town but literally every agency and none of them
00:29:24would handle it. didn't we Simon? yes darling. and so in utter desperation we
00:29:28turn to you. do sit down gentlemen. it's quite quite shattering. my dear Angela gone.
00:29:36gone. I'm sure something awful must have happened to her. when did you last see her?
00:29:42during the dress rehearsal at the theater last night and then she
00:29:46disappeared but completely disappeared. awful specimen George was hanging around
00:29:50the stage door last night. gone off with him the little... Simon! it would make it
00:29:56simpler dear lady if you could tell us more about her. yes or this George fellow.
00:30:00George that low hound. tell me madam what was she wearing when you last saw her?
00:30:06yes that's that's most important. wearing? nothing. nothing? nothing except her
00:30:15little collar. what else do you expect a dog to wear? a dog? yes my dog. now are you
00:30:22going to help me to find her or not? oh yes of course we are. we might find George too.
00:30:28if you find George you can lose him. well I think we better start the theater. yes
00:30:32and we'll go now because I'm due there for a charity matinee. capital we wait
00:30:36here while you go and change. fine. Simon! Simon! a dog. a lady dog.
00:30:58good afternoon Stephen. afternoon miss.
00:31:06now you'd better begin your search under the stage down those stairs and as soon
00:31:11as you find her bring her straight to my dressing room. right come on early.
00:31:14Valentine! my man! Virginia my dear. I thought you were magnificent at the rehearsal last night.
00:31:21you were my inspiration. I couldn't have done it without you. well where shall we start?
00:31:26well let's have a look at the property room first.
00:31:31takes me back. I remember one night at the windmill.
00:31:44this is gonna take years. never mind we get paid for it.
00:32:00oh let's clear that log up. yes thank goodness. oh we haven't looked in here yet.
00:32:14what is that?
00:32:17well done. here I am.
00:32:37what is it? I wonder how they do that.
00:32:48I think there's something in here.
00:32:57looking for this?
00:33:14I could share this.
00:34:16We've searched the property room. She's not there.
00:34:19Go down to the stage and see if you can see her hiding behind any of the scenery.
00:34:23Turn the place upside down, but please find her.
00:34:25Five minutes, please. Five minutes?
00:34:27My goodness, Anna's changed into my costume.
00:34:29You can watch my performance from the side of the stage,
00:34:31but don't make the tiniest sound of it.
00:34:33No, no, no.
00:34:39OK, Smith, set your lights.
00:34:46Who do you think you're playing at? Who are you, anyway?
00:34:49We are friends of Miss Brisker's. I might have known it.
00:34:51Stand over there and don't interfere.
00:34:53You seem a little nervous there.
00:34:55It's an awfully important occasion for me.
00:34:57You'll be all right when you get on. I hope so.
00:34:59Now, Miss Brisker, Mr Christmas, places, please.
00:35:02Good luck. Same to you, darling.
00:35:06There you are. Now, remember, turn the place upside down, but find my darling.
00:35:10Slow, please.
00:35:15I wouldn't be surprised if he's got something to do with this.
00:35:18Yes. Proxy type.
00:35:32Why is my heart so entrancingly alive?
00:35:36What makes me thrill anew?
00:35:40Why is the future so golden and bright?
00:35:44Maybe my dream has come true
00:35:48Now that winter has passed, I've discovered at last
00:35:52That most beautiful thing called the magic of spring
00:35:57Quiet, you two.
00:36:04Sweet moment of spring
00:36:10Oh, look, here's a dog. It's a mongrel.
00:36:12Must be George. And Angela.
00:36:14Better get Angela before anything happens.
00:36:16Must get her away from George.
00:36:21What is it? Look, in the fireplace.
00:36:23Tra-la-la-la-la, tra-la-la-la-la
00:36:27What is going on?
00:36:31Tra-la-la-la-la, it's a pair of legs
00:36:35It will be early and bright
00:36:41Have you gone raving mad?
00:36:43If you want those dogs, go round the back.
00:36:45Here's the magic of May
00:36:48Go for a day in my house, we always make love
00:36:52Early night of the seasons, that's dear as a war
00:36:58Sweet moment of spring
00:37:02With you, love will be king
00:37:06He won't do that, that rascal
00:37:09Tra-la-la-la-la, tra-la-la-la-la
00:37:13Ah, you!
00:37:15Must have gone that way.
00:37:17Oh, sweet Aria
00:37:19Oh, sunshine at night
00:37:23Two happy hearts seem to sing
00:37:26Like some magic lullaby
00:37:28Wonder where they've got to now.
00:37:29Oh, gracious, what a mess.
00:37:31Aren't these theatre people untidy?
00:37:33Yes, but they want a bit of army discipline.
00:37:39Now, stop! Let's, um...
00:37:41Let's come see something.
00:37:44Tra-la-la-la-la, tra-la-la-la-la
00:37:48Skies above are blue
00:37:54You know, it doesn't make it any easier
00:37:56With all that noise going on upstairs.
00:38:01Tra-la-la-la-la, runs all the way
00:38:07It's a magical affair
00:38:10Oh, the world may be right
00:38:12A sweeter way to fall
00:38:17Oh, wait a minute.
00:38:18Let us see what's down here.
00:38:21Why is my heart so entrancingly light?
00:38:25What makes me thrill anew?
00:38:29Why is the future so golden and bright?
00:38:33We had more light, it would be a help.
00:38:37Now that winter has passed
00:38:39I've discovered at last
00:38:41That most beautiful thing
00:38:43Called the magic of spring.
00:38:51Not a lot.
00:38:53Sweet moment of spring
00:38:57True love will be king
00:39:01King of two hearts,
00:39:03Love is born again
00:39:05For most the pain
00:39:07You are her highest gain.
00:39:11Oh, the world may be right
00:39:14A sweeter way to fall
00:39:19Oh, wait a minute.
00:39:21Let us see what's down here.
00:40:50Ring down the curtain.
00:40:52Ring down the curtain.
00:40:54Ring down the curtain.
00:40:56Is this what you're looking for?
00:41:00Old Mane casket
00:41:02to sleep
00:41:04fly from
00:41:06old him
00:41:08I will
00:41:10on that
00:41:38I want to speak to Felix, please.
00:41:41This is Felix speaking.
00:41:43Are you near the underground?
00:41:45What again?
00:41:48I must see you at once, it is I, Otto.
00:41:50Yes, I know. What's the trouble?
00:41:52I want your help.
00:41:54Oh well, I'm open until six.
00:41:56I will be with you in twenty minutes.
00:42:11Father, you can go to tea.
00:42:13Right, Mr. Felix.
00:42:14Be back in fifteen minutes.
00:42:15Yes, Mr. Felix.
00:42:17Well, go on.
00:42:23It is I, Otto.
00:42:25Yes, yes, I know.
00:42:26Well, what's the matter, Otto?
00:42:30I want you to hide something for me for a couple of days.
00:42:33Well, that depends on what it is.
00:42:35It's quite small.
00:42:37The Rothstein diamond.
00:42:39Are you mad?
00:42:45What's the matter with you, Otto?
00:42:47I am upset.
00:42:49This afternoon, two stupid intelligence officers I met in Germany, they come to the theater.
00:42:53Perhaps it is a coincidence, but I don't think they can possibly be so foolish as they look.
00:42:58So I take no chances.
00:43:00I see.
00:43:01Well, give me the diamond.
00:43:03Where are you going to put it?
00:43:05In here.
00:43:07In there?
00:43:12Very ingenious.
00:43:19Where are you going with it?
00:43:21To put it in the window.
00:43:22Are you crazy?
00:43:23The best way to hide a thing, my dear Otto, is to put it in the most conspicuous place.
00:43:28What about your assistant?
00:43:29Don't worry, he won't sell it.
00:43:30I never leave him alone in the shop.
00:43:32He's a trifle...
00:43:34Now, don't forget.
00:43:36I will be back in two days' time.
00:43:46We were in complete control from the start.
00:43:48Oh, yes, but as soon as the seal came on, then we thought it was time to leave.
00:43:52By the way, I don't suppose you two got paid for creating all that havoc?
00:43:54Of course we did. It wasn't our fault, it was George's.
00:43:58Virginia was very sporting about it.
00:44:00As soon as she calmed down, she paid up the reward without a murmur.
00:44:03Reward? Oh, I see, that's why you were so late this morning.
00:44:05I hope you didn't celebrate with all of it.
00:44:07No, no, the damage to the funds was quite slight.
00:44:09That's more than I can say for my head.
00:44:12What are you two doing this weekend?
00:44:14Nothing much, why?
00:44:15Well, my father's having a cricket weekend and two of the players have let him down.
00:44:18How would you like to take their places?
00:44:19I haven't got an appointment tomorrow.
00:44:20Nothing we can't put off until Monday.
00:44:22Good. Then after lunch, I'll drive you round to get your bags.
00:44:25I've just got to call in to the sports shop and off we go.
00:44:27Oh, that'll be fine.
00:44:29Oh, by the way, if any work turns up, it might be handy to have your secretary with you.
00:44:33That's an idea.
00:44:35What do you say, Miss Brown?
00:44:36I'd love to come.
00:44:37Well, that's settled. Waiter.
00:44:39Yes, sir.
00:44:40There we are, sir. I think you'll find those are excellent woods.
00:44:42They're the best we've had in the shop for some time.
00:44:44Put those back on the shelf, Arthur.
00:44:46Thank you, and a good day to you, sir.
00:44:48Good day to you, sir.
00:44:52Nice quiet game, Bowles.
00:44:59What was that?
00:45:01A ball, sir.
00:45:03I told you to put them up, not drop them down.
00:45:05Yes, sir.
00:45:16Charm me a minute, everybody.
00:45:17I'll ask you to pop in there to pick up a couple of cricket balls.
00:45:20Cigarette, Miss Brown?
00:45:21No, thank you.
00:45:22No? No.
00:45:23No, thank you.
00:45:25Yes, sir?
00:45:26Oh, um, I was in here yesterday.
00:45:28You said you were expecting some cricket balls in today.
00:45:30Oh, I'm afraid they haven't arrived yet, sir.
00:45:32Well, you've got one in the window.
00:45:36I hadn't noticed.
00:45:38Oh, you're quite right, sir.
00:45:40Here is a cricket ball.
00:45:41Just one.
00:45:42Well, I'll take that one with me.
00:45:43Could you post me another one on?
00:45:44Certainly, sir.
00:45:45What's the name and address?
00:45:46Uh, Gerald Lawson.
00:45:48Leatherham Park, near Reading.
00:45:51Leatherham Park, near Reading, Berkshire.
00:45:54And, uh, would you charge me?
00:45:56With pleasure, sir.
00:45:59What was that?
00:46:00Another ball, sir.
00:46:09Catch, old boy.
00:46:15Cricket ball!
00:46:17It's gone!
00:46:18My diamonds!
00:46:19Come back to me!
00:46:21The diamond!
00:46:22The diamond's gone!
00:46:23Where's Phoenix?
00:46:25What's the matter with him?
00:46:26He's passed out, sir.
00:46:29No, dizzy.
00:46:31Phoenix, speak to me!
00:46:32The diamond is gone!
00:46:34Where's the diamond?
00:46:35It's gone!
00:46:51Oh, my head.
00:46:54Where are we?
00:46:56What just happened?
00:46:58Who am I?
00:46:59You are Otto.
00:47:00The Otto?
00:47:01There's only one fortunately.
00:47:03I am Otto.
00:47:04It is good.
00:47:09Arthur, did you sell that cricket ball?
00:47:11That's right, Mr. Phoenix.
00:47:13Last one we had in the shop.
00:47:14Lucky we had it.
00:47:15You idiot.
00:47:16Do you realize there was a diamond inside it?
00:47:18A diamond?
00:47:19Silly place to put a diamond.
00:47:20Who asked your opinion?
00:47:22He gave you an address, didn't he?
00:47:24Come to think of it, I believe he did.
00:47:25I wrote it down somewhere.
00:47:26Where is it?
00:47:27Oh, Schilling, Eachway, Dudley, Davenport.
00:47:29No, no, that's not it.
00:47:31Where are we?
00:47:32There we are.
00:47:33Leatherham Park, near Reading.
00:47:35We must give chase at once.
00:47:37But how?
00:47:38My car's being repaired.
00:47:39It is easy.
00:47:40Leave it to Otto.
00:47:41We must steal one.
00:47:42Steal one?
00:47:50Oh, thank you so much.
00:47:52I'm afraid I've left it over two hours.
00:47:54I'm awfully sorry.
00:47:55But you know what these dressmakers are.
00:47:57Thank you, sir.
00:47:58Oh, danke schoen.
00:48:00We shall never get there at this rate.
00:48:02Patience, my friend.
00:48:20Good evening, Mr. Gerald.
00:48:21Evening, Howard.
00:48:22Good evening, madam.
00:48:24Good evening, gentlemen.
00:48:25Good evening.
00:48:26A pleasant rundown, I hope?
00:48:27Lovely, Howard.
00:48:28Couldn't have been better.
00:48:29Sir Leslie and Her Ladyship
00:48:30are in the drawing of their guests.
00:48:31Oh, I'll take that bag, sir.
00:48:35Nice little place you've got here.
00:48:40Gerald, my dear.
00:48:42Hello, mother darling.
00:48:44Don't you look pretty?
00:48:46Oh, nonsense.
00:48:47I'd like you to meet my friends.
00:48:49Major Bright.
00:48:50How do you do?
00:48:51Captain Early.
00:48:52How do you do?
00:48:53Cricketing friends of Gerald's.
00:48:54Couple of intelligence wallers.
00:48:58Do you know them?
00:48:59Know them?
00:49:00I got them bowler-hatted.
00:49:01They are the most incompetent couple
00:49:03of intelligence officers I've ever met.
00:49:05Well, let's hope they're good cricketers anyway.
00:49:07Come over to the window and have a look at the view.
00:49:09Do come and have a drink
00:49:10before you go up to change and meet some people.
00:49:13This is Brigadier Falcon, my husband.
00:49:15Major Bright and Captain Early.
00:49:16I know.
00:49:17I've met the Major and the Captain before.
00:49:19Oh, no, no, no.
00:49:20I don't think so.
00:49:21Oh, yes.
00:49:22A few months ago at Carry, hmm?
00:49:27Would you like to try one of those?
00:49:28It's some sort of foreign fish.
00:49:31What on earth are you doing, Otto?
00:49:33He would feed British cars.
00:50:00Come back!
00:50:01Where are you going?
00:50:02Come and look, Felix!
00:50:03Come and see just what I need.
00:50:04What is it, you idiot?
00:50:05Come and see!
00:50:07Look, moustache, wigs and beards.
00:50:08Just what I want for disguise.
00:50:09I buy.
00:50:10I buy.
00:50:11I buy.
00:50:12I buy.
00:50:13I buy.
00:50:14I buy.
00:50:15I buy.
00:50:16I buy.
00:50:17I buy.
00:50:18I buy.
00:50:19I buy.
00:50:20I buy.
00:50:21I buy.
00:50:22I buy.
00:50:23I buy.
00:50:24I buy.
00:50:25I buy.
00:50:26I buy.
00:50:27I buy.
00:50:28I buy.
00:50:30I buy.
00:50:42Can't leave it here blocking up the traffic.
00:50:43There's a park round the corner.
00:50:59What on earth's the good of all this rubbish?
00:51:03But with these, my dear Felix, I can get in anywhere.
00:51:06Madame Tussauds, Buckingham Palace, the Kremlin.
00:51:09There's only one place we want to get into, and that's Leatherham Park.
00:51:12For heaven's sake, get a move on, Otto.
00:51:14Yeah, yeah.
00:51:20What happened? Who am I?
00:51:22Otto, this is no time to be funny.
00:51:25We've got to find a car.
00:51:28Oi, oi! Bring back my car!
00:51:30Oi, bring back my car!
00:51:32Oi, son of a bitch!
00:51:42How does it feel to be out of uniform?
00:51:44I haven't really got used to it yet. I still feel like a fish out of water.
00:51:47Oh, by the way, did they ever catch old Otto?
00:51:49Good night, Mother. Good night, Dad. Good night, my boy.
00:51:56Good night. Good night.
00:51:58I suppose we ought to say good night.
00:52:00Just one more record.
00:52:01Good night, you two. Don't keep me up too late.
00:52:03We've got a lot of bowling to do tomorrow.
00:52:05I won't.
00:52:20Do you know what I'm thinking, Primrose?
00:52:25Where are we going?
00:52:27I thought we might sit this way now.
00:52:35Oh, but you said...
00:52:40Did you arrange all this?
00:52:42Well, naturally.
00:52:44It's black and white.
00:52:46The moon?
00:52:48It's black market. Ten bob an hour.
00:52:50No nightingales? Are they extra?
00:52:53The spiv I deal with is out of nightingales at the moment.
00:52:56He's expecting some in at the end of the week.
00:52:59It really is beautiful out here.
00:53:01Can't you smell the roses?
00:53:05My favourite Primrose smells rather sweet.
00:53:09But I must say it clashes with your British army of occupation here, Tonic.
00:53:12We were made to clash.
00:53:14Head on?
00:53:15Like this.
00:53:21We must be somewhere close by now.
00:53:23Here's someone coming. We'll ask him.
00:53:25Leave it to me, Felix. We cannot afford to take chances.
00:53:30I say, old boy, are we anywhere near Leatherham Hall?
00:53:34Ah! That be Sir Leslie Lawson's house.
00:53:38A fine gentleman he be.
00:53:40What we want to know is, how do we get to Leatherham Hall?
00:53:43Ah! Let me see now.
00:53:46Do we know Cooper's ill?
00:53:48Where Parston's wife fell off her bike ten year ago, come me go mash?
00:53:53HE LAUGHS
00:53:55I don't, actually.
00:53:56Well, he don't need to go as far as that anyway.
00:53:59Will you kindly direct us to Leatherham Hall at once?
00:54:02That sort of talk don't get me nowhere, young man.
00:54:05Look here, old boy, we shall miss all the jolly old hunting and shooting and whatnot if we don't get cracking.
00:54:10So do be a good sport and tell us the way, won't you?
00:54:13Well, now, do we know Buttercup Corner?
00:54:17Where old farmer Mary-Jew's cow slipped her calf five year ago, come harvest festival?
00:54:23HE LAUGHS
00:54:24Actually, I don't.
00:54:25He don't know much, do he?
00:54:27Oh, it's hopeless.
00:54:28Now, now, don't be uneasy now.
00:54:31Trouble is, if I was you and wanted to get to Leatherham Hall,
00:54:35I'd be danged if I'd start from here at all.
00:54:38HE LAUGHS
00:54:40Good night.
00:54:42HE LAUGHS
00:54:44God in heaven!
00:54:46Here's someone coming on a bicycle. Let's hope he's got a bit more sense.
00:54:50I say, could you possibly tell us how we can get to jolly old Leatherham Hall?
00:54:55Ach, das ist Leatherham Hall, 100 yards down the road on the left.
00:54:59Thanks awfully.
00:55:01HE SCREAMS
00:55:09I say, those pyjamas are a bit loud, aren't they?
00:55:20Yes, Gerald?
00:55:21My mother likes you.
00:55:23Does she?
00:55:24So does father.
00:55:25Better and better.
00:55:27I like you too.
00:55:29That makes it unanimous.
00:55:31Gerald, why didn't you tell me you were rich?
00:55:33Oh, it doesn't make any difference, does it?
00:55:35Oh, yes, it does.
00:55:37Yes, it does.
00:55:49Someone will pay for this.
00:55:51Bring me down here for a cricket ball.
00:55:54Stupid English games.
00:56:00What's going on down there?
00:56:02With the English, my dear Otto,
00:56:04this little game is almost as popular as cricket.
00:56:13Ah, that's better.
00:56:15Now, please to put out the lights, young peoples.
00:56:19Ah, now, which way can we get into the house?
00:56:22Well, there's bound to be more ways than one.
00:56:31Get off my hand!
00:56:34Oh, my ankle.
00:56:36We'll never get out of here now.
00:56:39There's a passage.
00:56:41A passage.
00:56:42Get out of my way.
00:56:44Oh, Felix.
00:56:45Come on, Otto.
00:56:47Don't hang about there.
00:56:51Felix, I've lost him.
00:56:53There you are.
00:56:54Oh, shut up.
00:56:56Let's go back, Felix.
00:56:58Don't let this...
00:56:59Who's that?
00:57:00Oh, God.
00:57:05Here's a door.
00:57:06I wonder if it opens.
00:57:33I say, Ernie.
00:57:34Yes, old man?
00:57:35I just had the most extraordinary dream.
00:57:37I dreamt I saw two fellows come in here and go out through that door.
00:57:41What an extraordinary thing.
00:57:43I had the same dream.
00:57:46What a coincidence.
00:57:48That was no coincidence.
00:57:50That was no dream.
00:57:52What are they doing here?
00:57:54I don't know.
00:57:55I don't know.
00:57:56I don't know.
00:57:57I don't know.
00:57:58I don't know.
00:57:59I don't know.
00:58:00I don't know.
00:58:01Oh, what are they doing here?
00:58:02I don't know.
00:58:03Whatever it is, they're up to no good.
00:58:04Come on.
00:58:05Let's go after them.
00:58:10Oh, wait.
00:58:11They may be armed.
00:58:12Oh, yes.
00:58:14We'd better arm ourselves.
00:58:15What about these?
00:58:16Oh, good idea.
00:58:34Release me!
00:58:40I think someone's following us.
00:58:43Come on.
00:58:44What's that infernal racket going on?
00:58:47Hurry up, Henry, and go out there and see what it is.
00:58:50Yes, my dear.
00:58:51I'm going as fast as I can.
00:58:55Yes, what is it?
00:58:56What is it?
00:58:57What is it?
00:58:58What is it?
00:58:59What is it?
00:59:01Here's one of them coming now.
00:59:20Confounded, what is happening?
00:59:23Better go and see what it is, dear.
00:59:25Probably burglars.
00:59:28Nice work, old man.
00:59:29Now for the other one.
00:59:30Yes, but I'm afraid this is Brigadier Falcon.
00:59:33That's right.
00:59:34Brigadier Falcon!
00:59:36Oh, my goodness.
00:59:44Let me have a go.
00:59:45This must be one of them.
01:00:00That's funny.
01:00:01It just struck one o'clock, now it's striking two o'clock.
01:00:04Double British summertime.
01:00:06Double British...
01:00:08Well, we've got one of them anyway.
01:00:10Yes, but I'm afraid this one is Sir Leslie.
01:00:13Sir Leslie?
01:00:14My goodness, what are we going to do now?
01:00:16Better get them back to bed.
01:00:17Yes, they won't know what's hit them.
01:00:19They'll think that they've been sleepwalking.
01:00:30Well, my boy.
01:00:32Thanks for your help.
01:00:33I feel a bit weak, but better.
01:00:35You get back to bed, sir.
01:00:36Bright and I will continue the chase.
01:00:40That burglar's going to hit me.
01:00:42My head's splitting.
01:00:43Here's your room, sir.
01:00:44Captain Early and I will see if we can catch these fellows.
01:00:47You'd better go back to bed.
01:00:49Good night.
01:00:50Good night.
01:00:52Well, let's see if we can get the right ones this time.
01:01:01Well, look at that!
01:01:04How dare you!
01:01:05I'm most frightfully sorry, madam.
01:01:07I beg your pardon, my good lady, but I'm not quite myself tonight.
01:01:30Right, we want the toss.
01:01:32Bet you it's as hard as a rock.
01:01:39Oh, well stopped, sir.
01:01:41Who stopped it?
01:01:42Silly Midon.
01:01:43Silly Midon.
01:01:49Who stopped that one?
01:01:50Silly Midolf.
01:01:51Silly Midolf.
01:01:53Well, who's that one standing a few yards in front of the batter?
01:01:56The batsman, Primrose, please.
01:01:58All right.
01:01:59Who's the one standing in front of the batsman?
01:02:01Silly Point.
01:02:03Silly Point.
01:02:04Well, if you ask me, the whole thing's just silly.
01:02:07Primrose, for heaven's sake, be careful.
01:02:08Somebody might hear you.
01:02:11Oh, shot, sir.
01:02:12Oh, shot!
01:02:15How many does he get for that?
01:02:17I haven't the faintest idea.
01:02:32Hey, barrel man, will you throw that ball back?
01:02:37Certainly, old bean.
01:02:42That was the ball.
01:02:43So I can see.
01:02:44No, our ball.
01:02:45Don't make yourself conspicuous.
01:02:48We must get into the game somehow.
01:02:50I don't see how we can do that now.
01:02:52I know what we can do.
01:02:53We can keep undercover near the sight screen.
01:02:55The sight screen?
01:02:56What is that?
01:02:57Come on.
01:02:58Over there.
01:03:00All right.
01:03:01All right.
01:03:02All right.
01:03:13Come on.
01:03:15Those two stupid intelligent officers.
01:03:17They haunt me.
01:03:18What, are they here?
01:03:20They are such dumbcoffs that they are likely to unmask me.
01:03:22My mistake.
01:03:24What is happening now?
01:03:26It's over.
01:03:34This is a very dull game.
01:03:38This decadent Englanders,
01:03:41patting a little ball to each other.
01:03:48It is not so dull.
01:03:51It is not so dull after all.
01:03:53That was a good shot.
01:04:42Well done.
01:05:37What did you think he's playing at whatever it is it's not cricket
01:05:41Come on
01:05:48They're coming this way get in the front seat
01:05:59Heaven's name what do they think they're playing at cricket old speedway racing we better get a car and catch those blokes
01:06:04We have not one. Oh, yes, we have
01:06:37Maybe a way out there
01:07:48Didn't you stop it
01:09:07Bit of gas in it
01:09:13What is this just a memento of a little job we did the other day purely routine nothing in it really so I see
01:09:20But what was in it the roster diamond?
01:09:23Now now your highness. What can we do for you? I have lost Abdullah my favorite elephant
01:09:31That's a rather big job for us at the moment. You see as a matter of fact, we're just off to a wedding
01:09:36Yes, our secretary's wedding you mean you won't find Abdullah for me find him of course
01:09:41We'll find him but not today now if you'll be good enough to give your particulars to our new secretary
01:09:46We'll start work first thing in the morning. You'll find him a most intelligent type. Goodbye. Your highness. Thank you very much indeed. I
01:09:55Wish you to take down the particulars of my elephant. I have lost him you say you've lost your elephant. That is so ah
01:10:02I have it. Excuse me while I make a trunk call. Oh
01:10:08I say I am a foolish Otto
