• last year
The Lion King is a 1994 animated musical film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation. Set in the African savanna, the story follows a young lion prince named Simba as he grows up and learns about life, love, and responsibility. After the tragic death of his father, Mufasa, Simba is exiled by his treacherous uncle Scar. The movie beautifully portrays themes of family, leadership, and the circle of life, accompanied by a memorable soundtrack that includes songs like "Circle of Life," "Hakuna Matata," and "Can You Feel the Love Tonight?"
#TheLionKing #Disney #Animation #Simba #Mufasa #Scar #CircleOfLife #HakunaMatata #AfricanSavanna #ClassicFilm #Family #Leadership #Musical #1994 #AnimatedMovie #DisneyClassics #LionKing #DisneyAnimation #WaltDisney


00:00It's time. I'll tell you a story. A story of a come, not much bigger than you.
00:10So just to be clear, we're not in this story?
00:12There's a lot of stories with all of us! Tell one of those!
00:15Long before they became legends, Mufasa and the prince who would come to be known as Scar became brothers.
00:24Hello! What's your name?
00:27I told you to wait for me!
00:29We can't just leave him here!
00:31Rules are rules, Taka. The king will never accept a stray.
00:35I'm not a stray. I'm just... lost.
00:44We do not associate with outsiders.
00:47Taka is the future king. We must protect the bloodline.
00:50But dad, I saved his life!
00:52I have a secret, Mufasa. I always wanted a brother.
01:09Sometimes I get a scent. It's barely a trace on the wind. And it smells like home. And then it's gone.
01:18You and Taka together, that is home.
01:21Now both of you go. Find your place in the circle of life.
01:32The circle is broken. There will be one Lion King.
01:39Mufasa, run!
01:47We must fight together.
01:52If we fight, we die.
01:54Just to be clear, I never signed up for this.
01:59I'm here to protect you, my brother.
02:08This was a bad idea!
02:11We're alive! I did it! I saved us!
02:17You were saying?
