General Hospital 8-9-24

  • last month
00:00You're looking well, Heather.
00:06I predict that your tests are going to come back great and you won't need to stay at GH
00:12as long as they thought.
00:13Oh, joy.
00:14I'll be back in Pentonville in time for mahjong.
00:15I'll check on you in a bit.
00:16Did you get enough lunch?
00:17Is there anything else I can bring you?
00:31I mean, sure.
00:33Hospital food's like five-star dining compared to prison fare.
00:36Do you think maybe you could squirt me a vanilla pudding?
00:41I'll see what I can do.
00:44You're an angel, Elizabeth.
00:45Can I get a lunch tray?
00:47No, just bring it up to the tenth floor and I'll take it in.
01:15What brings you in?
01:16I had a free hour and I thought I'd spend it with my husband, but he's not in his office.
01:21Have you seen him around lately?
01:22I have not.
01:23He's probably with a patient.
01:24I assumed you were here to see Heather.
01:28She's here?
01:29I didn't know that.
01:30What room is she in?
01:31I'll visit her.
01:32I don't want to speak out of turn, but you might want to visit her another day.
01:40Thank you for this working lunch, boss.
01:43I mean, Crimson's budget's on track and I think it was a good call to increase the print
01:48run on the latest issue.
01:49Oh, you're not going to regret it.
01:50I am so excited.
01:51This issue is going to fly off the racks.
01:54Well, I have to admit I'm not much of a Crimson reader myself, but Willow is.
01:58I'm sure she'll enjoy it.
02:00So, um, can I get you another cappuccino or anything?
02:06Oh, no, that's very kind.
02:07No, I'm still working on the one that I have.
02:10I've always loved the coffee here.
02:12It was one of the perks when I owned.
02:16I never thought that you would agree to my request so easily.
02:21I want to say I do appreciate it.
02:25Nobody knows more about Crimson than you do, and I just want to make sure you have everything
02:28you need to be successful.
02:31And plus, I want to show my appreciation for everything you've done for Willow.
02:49You got room for one more?
02:52Hey, Sam, it's mom.
02:55Listen, I think you should just go to Sketch Softball game.
02:58All right.
02:59I've got everything covered here.
03:00Christina's she's improving.
03:06Why don't I just fill you in on everything later?
03:13Molly, it's mom.
03:16I just wanted to tell you that I think about you every minute and that I love you.
03:25You don't have to worry about Ava.
03:26I got it handled.
03:27She's not going to get away with this.
03:29OK, what are you going to do?
03:31Listen, you got to rest.
03:33That's what you that's all you need to concentrate on.
03:35You just rest.
03:36OK, you understand?
03:39Dad, I'm resting.
03:40It's not like I'm going to feel better.
03:42There is no better from here.
03:44Please, dad, I need I need you to promise me you will not let Ava take another life
03:49like she took my daughter's.
04:15What's going on with Heather?
04:20She was brought in for a standard follow up.
04:23We've run some tests and waiting on the results physically, she seems fine.
04:28It's her mental state.
04:31Oh, what about it?
04:33She seems really down, like there was a switch in her mood, in her demeanor.
04:39She's not her usual chaotic self.
04:42I'm going to see if a psychiatrist can chat with her.
04:45Let me talk to her first.
04:47I think I can cheer up.
04:49Thanks to your coaching, Willow's more confident in a role as a spokeswoman
04:54of the New Tomorrow Institute.
04:55Well, she's not going those PSAs out of the park.
04:57And well, you don't need me to tell you this,
04:59but she she's not going for it.
05:01She's intelligent and she's approachable and she's kind and strong and fierce
05:05and relatable.
05:06And from what I hear, everyone at the Institute is thrilled with her.
05:09Well, they should be, Michael.
05:10I mean, she puts an alluring face on a very daunting issue.
05:13She's living proof that donations save lives.
05:17Yeah, we got a miracle and we are forever thankful.
05:20And the kids, they love their mom's new job because she's around a lot more often.
05:25I mean, I I really got a hand to Drew.
05:28I mean, we've given her this opportunity.
05:31So what brings you to Metro Court?
05:34Yeah. You here to see Michael?
05:37No, actually, I'm going to Crimson.
05:40Nina left a few outfit choices for my upcoming meeting with New Tomorrow's board.
05:44Oh, that reminds me.
05:45I'm glad that I ran into you.
05:47I just spoke with them.
05:48I've got some really good news for you.
05:54Well, that didn't sound very good.
05:58I know you're upset and I want to make Ava pay, too.
06:02But there's a time and place.
06:04Dad, think about everything Ava has done to this family,
06:08how she shot Connie in cold blood, how she switched Morgan's meds.
06:12He never would have been in that car if not for Ava.
06:15She is the reason that he died.
06:18And with Mike, she used Mike's Alzheimer's to blackmail you
06:21into sharing custody of Avery.
06:23Dad, when is Ava finally going to pay for everything she has done?
06:27We don't need my baby is dead because of Ava.
06:31Dad, please, you you have to do something
06:36so that she cannot hurt anyone else in our family.
06:42Now, Olivia, we're we're both fine.
06:45It's just how long is it going to take to to fix this thing?
06:49Yeah, no, I understand.
06:50I understand. And
06:53absolutely, we don't really have any choice other than just to kind of wait it out,
06:56but just keep us updated, OK?
07:00OK. Well,
07:05the elevator company is on the way, but they're going to be a while.
07:07You're not claustrophobic or anything, are you?
07:09I know. OK, are you?
07:12No, no, no.
07:14I'm a little warm.
07:17Would you would you mind if I took my jacket off?
07:20OK, thanks. Oh, OK.
07:27There we go.
07:28So what was the good news you were about to mention before?
07:33Right. The Institute, the
07:37board director called to congratulate us on the PSAs.
07:40They're getting a great response and they owe it all to you.
07:43Oh, well, that's nice of her to say, but I'll give some of the credit to Nina.
07:47Well, a lot, actually, since I've been working with her.
07:50She's made me a lot more comfortable in front of the camera.
07:53Yeah, I mean, it's been great.
07:55But Willow, you're a natural at this.
07:59And I'm sure they were planning on bringing this up at the board meeting.
08:02But everybody at the Institute loves you.
08:06And the director wants to fly us out to L.A.
08:08for their big annual fundraiser.
08:11Us as in you and me in L.A.?
08:16So I know that Drew, he
08:19he sat in on Willow's earlier rehearsals,
08:22but I would imagine he's super busy now with his own campaign.
08:26He's actually pretty focused on expanding the donor pool
08:29because of his late son, Oscar.
08:31So, yeah, he makes the time he and Willow are working really closely together.
08:36Well, he he really needs to focus in on his own campaign now,
08:40you know, go full throttle.
08:41And if he gets elected, his base will be in D.C.
08:45Yeah, I know we all get that.
08:47Willow, she didn't say anything, but I really feel like she's
08:51she's going to miss Drew when he's gone.
08:55That'll be a quick trip.
08:56But the fundraiser sounds really impressive.
09:00They got a celebrity host and celebrity presenters.
09:02Tamron Hall wants to get an interview with you.
09:05And they rented out the the Getty Villa in Malibu.
09:09It is a magical spot.
09:12I can't.
09:16He's such a cut up, right?
09:17He has quite a little personality, doesn't he?
09:21Look where he gets it.
09:22Yeah, I don't know, I suppose both Nicholas and Aziz may
09:27had a certain kind of charisma, didn't they?
09:31And well, Spencer was every bit the prankster when he was young.
09:37Well, thank you for including as me in that assessment.
09:41I mean, she loved that boy so much.
09:45She ever gave her best self to anybody.
09:47I saw that, Heather.
09:49She was a really good mom.
09:53I got another one, I think.
09:54Oh, yes, there it is.
09:58I think he's beginning to look a little like me in this one.
10:03Do you think so?
10:05Yeah, that's interesting.
10:08So tell me something, Heather.
10:11How are you feeling?
10:13I'm feeling great.
10:14I'm feeling great.
10:16How are you feeling?
10:19Everybody keeps asking me that around here.
10:23I'm sorry, I don't mean to be cranky, but I am.
10:26And I'm feeling just sort of discombobulated.
10:30I had a visit from Trina Robinson earlier today.
10:34Oh, how did it go?
10:37How do you think?
10:39I mean, she listened to my apology.
10:42And in the end, she didn't accept it.
10:47But, you know, I can't blame her.
10:49And at least she listened, which is more than her mother is ever going to do.
10:54I mean, not that I blame her either, though.
10:56That's the thing.
10:59That's the song, Heather.
11:02I think that it's admirable the way you want to take responsibility
11:06for the things you've done and try to make amends.
11:10Yeah, like an AA, except without the perks of boozing it up first.
11:14I mean, not that being an alcoholic's like a perk, exactly.
11:18It's just, you know, I meant that it's not so serious.
11:22I don't even know what I'm talking about.
11:25I don't know if I'm coming or going right now, Laura.
11:28And then this being in GH is like totally giving me the heebie-jeebies.
11:38I've been thinking a lot about my future.
11:44Oh, OK. I think I understand.
11:47I want to put your mind at ease about your sentencing, Heather.
11:51That's what I've been thinking about, too, Laura.
11:53Right. Now, the last time we talked, you made it really clear to me
11:59that you felt that you should stay in prison and serve out your whole sentence.
12:04And I just want you to know that.
12:08I heard you, I really heard you.
12:11And when you asked me to drop it, I did.
12:15I know I know that I said that.
12:17Yeah, I did. Right.
12:19So it's over. It's over. OK.
12:22I promise you, I will never bring it up again.
12:26You have my word on that.
12:29Christina, listen, I know.
12:32Are you feeling because I've been there,
12:35you're in a place of emotional distress, grief,
12:38but you're going to feel differently when this passes.
12:41No, I'm going to feel differently when I know Eva can't hurt anyone else.
12:45And you think payback is the answer?
12:46It wasn't for me and Morgan.
12:47I did everything I could to Eva.
12:49Didn't bring Morgan back.
12:50At least Eva would have been out of the picture and my baby would still be alive.
12:53Now, all I can do is get justice for my child.
12:57But you're not going to get peace because in the end you're going to have grief.
13:00Dad, please just spare me the conversation on grief right now.
13:05OK, you are wasting your time.
13:07There's a time and place for everything.
13:09I'm going to tell you right now.
13:11Hear me out.
13:13I don't know how or when,
13:16but Eva is going to pay.
13:19She didn't pay for Connie.
13:20She didn't pay for Morgan.
13:21They died and nothing happened.
13:24Eva just went on living her life and she's going to do the exact same thing again.
13:31I have proof that Eva laid hands on you.
13:36You do?
13:38Yeah, Brick had her under surveillance and one of his guys took photos.
13:45OK, let me see them.
13:47You will when you're better.
13:49No, do you have them now?
13:50Are they are they on your phone?
13:51Let me see them if you want.
13:53If you want to make me feel better, Dad, show me.
13:55It's not time for me to show you.
13:57Dad, please let me see them.
13:59Now, I want you to know that those pictures are at the PCPD and Eva is in custody.
14:29She is not walking away from this.
14:40I want to make sure of it.
14:43Performances and even the lost teeth, if you want.
14:48So Athe and I are not going anywhere, Heather, OK?
14:54And in the meantime, I will print up these photos I just showed you and I'll drop them off to you next time I visit.
15:04You know where to find me.
15:08Take care of yourself.
15:12Bye, Laura.
15:13I happen to be seeing someone else on this floor.
15:16So I inquired about Christina.
15:20Things seem to be improving.
15:24They are.
15:27My guess is you've been by your daughter's side since she came out of surgery.
15:33Scared to death.
15:34You've been the chief communicator.
15:36You've been by your daughter's side since she came out of surgery.
15:39Scared to death.
15:41You've been the chief communicator between friends, family and medical staff.
15:47You haven't slept.
15:48You probably haven't eaten and yet you've done it with composure and a game face.
15:53How am I doing?
15:55Pretty good.
15:58I have been doing it here alone.
16:01I'm holding down the floor to making calls.
16:03I'm texting, making sure everybody's OK.
16:05I'm dealing with all the conflicting emotions.
16:07And for me, most recently is rage.
16:11And that's understandable.
16:14It isn't easy to be caregiver to a loved one who's hospitalized, even with lots of support.
16:21My advice is to let anyone who offers to help, help.
16:27And make yourself a priority.
16:29You can't do it all alone.
16:33Even if you are a pillar of strength.
16:37Times like this, it's really OK to take your comfort wherever you can get it.
16:42Sonny's in there with Christina now.
16:45Good. And you get a bit of a break.
16:49And my door's always open if you ever want to talk.
16:53I might just take you up on that.
16:56Maybe Ava will get convicted and go to prison.
16:59Maybe she'll be there for the rest of her godforsaken life.
17:02But Ava will still be alive.
17:04And my baby will still be dead.
17:06And it's not fair.
17:08I don't want you to think that way.
17:11You got your whole life ahead of you.
17:13You got family who loves you.
17:14And I know it doesn't feel like it right now.
17:18But you're going to be OK.
17:20No, I won't be OK until I know that Ava Jerome is no longer breathing.
17:30Listen to me.
17:31You don't have to worry.
17:32I'm going to take care of Ava.
17:36Take care of Ava how, exactly?
17:44I can't go to a fundraiser in L.A. with you.
17:48Wiley starts school soon.
17:49And he's transitioning to full days.
17:52Which will be a big adjustment.
17:54And we are talking about taking a little...
18:01I'm sorry.
18:02I didn't mean to spring this on you.
18:03I just...
18:05I kind of thought that maybe you'd be interested.
18:08I'm sorry.
18:09If these kind of business trips are expected of me, I don't know.
18:14Drew, maybe this isn't the right position for me after all.
18:17Whoa, whoa, whoa.
18:18Hold on.
18:19No, I just...
18:20You're really like the perfect person for this position.
18:22I just finished telling you how much everybody loves you in this role.
18:25So, please, it's completely fine if you don't want to go.
18:31Of course.
18:32They know you got two young kids.
18:33They want to make this work for you.
18:34It's not the other way around.
18:37I'm sorry.
18:38I overreacted.
18:39It's just...
18:41It's just the wrong time.
18:44Not that I wouldn't have loved a trip to California.
18:49It all sounds great, but...
18:55If I'm the reason you don't want to go, maybe that is something that we should talk about.
19:01What is taking the elevator so long?
19:03You'd think that Carla...
19:05Someone would look into this.
19:08They probably are, yeah.
19:15There's nothing to talk about.
19:17We've gotten past what happened on the fourth.
19:21And it's never going to happen again.
19:23I'm sorry.
19:24I would never forgive myself if I ruined this chance for you.
19:31No, you haven't.
19:34No, I am so thankful to you for giving me this opportunity and...
19:39I enjoyed working with you.
19:42I've enjoyed working with you, too.
19:44And I support you.
19:47No matter what you do.
19:53I need to get to the hospital and check on Christina before heading back to the office.
19:57So I think I'm just going to take the stairs.
20:00Oh, yeah, yeah.
20:01I'll see you at the office.
20:02Yeah, and thanks again for lunch.
20:03My pleasure.
20:12Well, I guess we're back in business.
20:17Hey, um...
20:19You go to the benefit.
20:22I'll stay in Port Charles, okay?
20:27But you'd miss out.
20:29Oh, that's not important.
20:32You're one of my favorite people, Willow, and...
20:36All I want is for you to be happy.
20:52Well, here we go.
20:55On the ground, so to speak.
20:56Thanks, I'll take it.
20:58Willow, you okay?
21:00Oh, yeah.
21:01No, I'm just anxious to get on with my day.
21:04How did you know we were stuck?
21:06Oh, I didn't.
21:07I just knew that the elevator was slow.
21:09Michael and I were having a business lunch.
21:11Michael's here?
21:12Uh, no.
21:13He just left.
21:14He took the stairs.
21:15He said he was going to the hospital.
21:17I should go.
21:18Well, didn't you say you had some outfits to pick up?
21:21We could go to my office and get them,
21:23or I could have medicine bring them up.
21:25Are you hungry?
21:26Because I could sit with you and keep you company.
21:28Thanks, but I can't stay.
21:29I'll come back for the outfits later.
21:31The elevator's working again.
21:32I'm sure you'll be fine.
21:33No, thanks.
21:34I'd have rather taken the stairs.
21:42What did you do now?
21:44What did you do now?
21:58Michael, I hear I just missed you.
22:01I just want to make sure I have my day in court
22:04and that Eva will pay for what she's done to me and my daughter.
22:09Um, can I speak to you outside for a minute?
22:24Please tell me that Christina didn't ask you to do what I think she did.
22:29I'm worried about her.
22:30Oh, yeah, I'm worried about it,
22:31because if she is seeking revenge right now,
22:33that's not going to help her.
22:34Listen, listen.
22:35I don't think we should be having this conversation right here.
22:39Can we go somewhere in private?
22:49Thanks. Have a good day.
22:52Hello, Laura.
22:54May I speak to you for just a moment?
22:57Of course.
22:58What can I do for you?
23:00Trina told me that you've given up trying to reopen Heather's case,
23:05and I wanted to thank you.
23:09I just know that Trina will be safer with Heather remaining behind bars.
23:14Don't thank me.
23:16I didn't do it because you put pressure on me to do so.
23:21Heather had a sudden change of heart,
23:24and she asked me to let it go herself.
23:28And I have.
23:33Sorry for the wait,
23:34but I brought you some soup and crackers and vanilla pudding.
23:40Do you want me to move the tray over now so you can eat?
23:42I'm really not hungry anymore, Elizabeth.
23:45I'm sorry you went to all that trouble.
23:48Why is everybody so busy trying to get me into tip-top shape
23:52just so I can go live out the rest of my life behind bars?
23:56I mean, what does it even really matter?
23:59Of course it matters.
24:01I know, I know.
24:03Probably all for the best.
24:06I mean, I did terrible things. There's no getting around that.
24:09People are dead because of me.
24:12Because I killed them.
24:14But is it really all on me?
24:20I mean, is justice really going to be served if I'm the only one who pays?
24:29Oh, yeah. This is much better.
24:32This is the perfect place to discuss murder.
24:34No one's getting murdered.
24:36So you're telling me our daughter didn't ask you for help?
24:39Yes, she has.
24:41Listen to me.
24:43I have lethal thoughts about Ava, too.
24:45After what she did to my family, to my career,
24:48and the agony that my daughters are in because of her, it's unbearable.
24:51Are you at a breaking point?
24:53Not yet.
24:56But sadly, Christina is.
24:59So I'm asking you, this request of Christina's?
25:05You aren't going to do it, are you?
25:18I'm, uh...
25:21I'm so, so sorry, Christina.
25:25I wish there was something I could say, something I could do.
25:30Because I know this pain.
25:35And I would do anything I could to take it away from you.
25:39But you got a happy ending.
25:41Wylie's still alive.
25:43Did you see the photos?
25:47The photos?
25:49The ones Brick had taken?
25:52Wait, did you see them?
25:54Dad told me that there was proof Ava pushed me.
25:58There were photos, so I made him show them to me.
26:03Do you have them, too?
26:05I do.
26:06Send them to me.
26:08Christina, do you really need that right now?
26:10Michael, you said you would do anything to help me.
26:12I need those pictures.
26:17I see my concern.
26:20As a mother, my very real fear that your questions would gain momentum.
26:25And Heather's sentence might be reduced, or she might be set free.
26:30Either way, I'm relieved.
26:33I'm grateful it's not going to happen.
26:35Yes, I understand.
26:38And I want you to know that I treasure your daughter.
26:41Trina is a very special young woman.
26:44She had a profound effect on Spencer.
26:47She made him a better man.
26:50Trina loves Spencer very much.
26:55She thinks the world of you as well.
26:58Well, I hope now we can put our differences behind us.
27:01Shall we?
27:02And move forward in a more positive way.
27:05I'm all for that.
27:08The truth is, Elizabeth, I wouldn't have done any of those horrible things
27:12if that medical supply company hadn't given me a radioactive hip.
27:17So really, shouldn't one of their fancy executives be in a jail cell right next to mine?
27:24I see your point.
27:25And I am appalled by the lack of quality control.
27:29I mean, they probably knew all about this.
27:32And they just hushed it up.
27:34See, that's what they do.
27:36I took responsibility.
27:39But it wasn't all on me.
27:41So why should I have to spend the rest of my life without my grandson in a prison cell?
27:46I mean, it isn't fair to Ace to have his grandma in the slammer.
27:51I know you miss him.
27:52I do.
27:53The other thing is, I have never been compensated at all for this.
27:57Even for their negligence.
27:59And aren't I really entitled?
28:01I mean, I don't want anything astronomical.
28:03Just, you know, something to make me comfortable.
28:07Maybe a little house with a room for Ace.
28:10A little garden with petunias.
28:13I love petunias.
28:15Okay, I'm gonna just take this right now.
28:19Use your call button if you want it back or if you need anything else.
28:23Elizabeth, wait.
28:26Have you by any chance seen Scott Baldwin around?
28:32Did you see how quickly Willow left?
28:34She couldn't wait to get away from you.
28:36I didn't do anything.
28:38Would you just give me a break, please?
28:39She probably is running down the stairs two steps at a time.
28:42What is wrong with you?
28:44Really, what is wrong with you?
28:46She loves Michael.
28:47She doesn't want to lose him.
28:48She doesn't want to hurt her kids or blow up her life.
28:50I don't want that either.
28:51Then leave her alone.
28:53Leave her alone.
28:55Just get over this, whatever it is, this hero complex of yours
28:59and cut her loose before you destroy her life.
29:02It was one kiss.
29:04Okay, and I'm not trying to defend it,
29:06but I already told you we got caught up in the moment.
29:08It's not gonna happen again.
29:12It's McConkie.
29:13I gotta take this.
29:17Hey, what can I do for you?
29:24I understand.
29:25Yep, and I will take care of that.
29:31Wow, suddenly being stuck in an elevator doesn't sound so bad.
29:35Dare I ask?
29:37Well, he thinks that I'm just not making enough progress with the school board,
29:40that I'm not being proactive enough to get their support.
29:45What are you doing tonight?
29:50Because I might be able to help.
29:54Hey, wife.
29:56It's good to see you, if only for a few minutes.
29:59It's been a busy day.
30:01Yes, it has been.
30:02I came to see you, but you weren't here.
30:05So I went and I visited Heather.
30:07She's in the building? I didn't know that.
30:11Elizabeth said she was kind of depressed, so I tried to cheer her up.
30:16With pictures of Ace.
30:19Yes, and some reassurance that I stopped looking into her sentencing.
30:25That do the trick?
30:27Not really.
30:29You know, she seems concerned that I'm going to abandon her,
30:34and that I'll stop visiting her.
30:38That sounds like reality is setting in.
30:44This will be all over the place.
30:47Yeah, I tried to reassure her that I will keep visiting her, just as I always have been.
30:52I'll keep Ace in her life, in photos.
30:55And she perked up just a little bit, but I think the reality of Pentonville is weighing on her.
31:04Trips to the hospital can be a mixed blessing.
31:07She gets a break from prison, but then she has glimpses into a life she can no longer have.
31:16Make no mistake, I know who she is.
31:20I know the things she's done pre and post-metallosis,
31:23but there's always been this sort of tragic, poignant thing about Heather.
31:30But the horror that she became, that is something altogether different.
31:36What do you think now that you've taken a step back?
31:40I have mixed feelings, but I am relieved to have made a decision and put it behind me,
31:45and I know that Portia's relieved too.
31:47You spoke to Portia?
31:49Yeah, I ran into her here.
31:52She wanted to thank me for dropping Heather's case.
31:59That bump, that's her.
32:02That was the last time she was with me, safe and protected.
32:09Why did I go in there? What was I thinking?
32:12Why didn't I just leave Ava alone?
32:15It doesn't help going down that path.
32:17You've never asked yourself, what if?
32:19What if I would have made some different choice? Would everything be different?
32:23Many times. Many times.
32:25Christina, it doesn't change anything. It's just another way to beat yourself up.
32:28I wish I could just go back in time.
32:30I wish I could just walk out that door and turn around and leave.
32:36Then my baby would still be here. She would still be with me.
32:40She would still be alive.
32:45Christina is traumatized.
32:48And while we're lucky that she's alive, her baby didn't make it.
32:53And she still doesn't know if she's ever going to be able to have a child again.
32:58I didn't know that.
33:00Yeah, see that's why they've been monitoring her so closely,
33:04because they're trying to avoid a hysterectomy.
33:07She is so fragile right now.
33:09You think I didn't see that, Alexis?
33:11When I walked into the room, it broke my heart.
33:13Good. Then you realize that she doesn't know what she's asking.
33:18I know what you're saying, but this is between me and Christina.
33:21No! No!
33:23We're not doing this again.
33:25I am her mother, and I am telling you that you cannot do what she asked.
33:31Because if Ava dies or disappears or whatever euphemism applies here,
33:36you will leave a forever mark on her soul.
33:43I'm glad that you and Portia were able to mend fences.
33:46Well, yeah, me too.
33:48I mean, I've always liked Portia, and I just adore Trina.
33:53And I do understand where Portia was coming from.
33:56As a mother, if you perceive a threat to your child, you do anything you can to stop it.
34:01Ironically, that's what Heather was doing, too.
34:05Well, I admire you for asking the questions.
34:10And for your sense of fairness and decency,
34:13and for overlooking what's popular and politically expedient.
34:18And come to think of it, I admire myself.
34:22Oh, really?
34:25For having the good sense to marry you.
34:28Oh, well, you're not so bad yourself, Dr. Collins.
34:35I tell you, I don't regret raising the questions that I raised.
34:41But I think in the end, it's best that Heather remains in prison.
34:47I have not seen Scott today.
34:50Oh, really? He was in here earlier.
34:52Could you just ask him to come back in and see me in my room?
34:56Yeah, I don't know if he's going to be back by the time you're discharged.
35:03Then could I just make a teeny-weeny phone call?
35:06Heather, you know you're not allowed access to unmonitored lines.
35:09Yeah, but it's really important.
35:11Elizabeth, it's actually kind of urgent.
35:14Oh, I know.
35:16Could I maybe ask you to call him on your phone?
35:19Oh, yeah, I don't think I want to get involved.
35:22Please, just leave a message. Two words, that's all.
35:28Heather's in.
35:33After reading me the riot act, you're going to offer to help me?
35:36Well, I promised that I was going to help you get elected, and I really need you to get elected.
35:41And McConkie is counting on you, and I don't want to let him down.
35:45So, why don't you just come by my place tonight, and we will order dinner?
35:55You sure about this?
35:57If I wasn't sure, I wouldn't have offered.
36:03See you tonight.
36:12I'm so glad to see you.
36:14I'm glad you called.
36:16How's Christina?
36:18Oh, she's not good.
36:21I mean, physically she's on the mend, but emotionally she's in a dark place.
36:25And, uh, yeah, she's hurting. She doesn't see an end in sight.
36:29Well, I understand that. You do, too. Right?
36:32Yeah, yeah.
36:34So I was thinking, if you're willing,
36:39Christina, she could really benefit from hearing from somebody who was carried and lost a child.
36:46I know, I know it's a big ask, so you could obviously say no, but
36:51would you be willing to talk to Christina?
36:55You will always be with me.
36:58We were a part of each other.
37:03And I pray you knew just how loved you were.
37:07How loved you still are.
37:11You changed my life, baby girl.
37:15You taught me the power of a mother's love.
37:20And that is something that Ava can never take away from me.
37:25Like she has everything else.
37:29Our daughter is searching with grief right now.
37:33And if you take any action against Ava, she will feel responsible.
37:39And she...
37:43Everything that you are saying, I already know.
37:47I love my daughter. I'll do anything for my daughter. I'll protect her.
37:52But Ava is my problem.
37:56And I will take it from here.