• last year
Airlangga Hartarto dikabarkan bakal mengundurkan diri dari jabatannya sebagai Ketua Umum Partai Golkar.
00:00I, Enlangga Hartarto, after considering and to safeguard the integrity of the Golkar Party
00:08in order to ensure the stability of the government transition that will take place in the near future,
00:15by saying bismillahirrohmanirrohim and on behalf of the Great God,
00:23I hereby declare my resignation as Chairman of the Golkar Party.
00:29This resignation has been counted since yesterday, Saturday, August 10, 2024.
00:35Next, as a mature and mature party, the Golkar Party DPP will immediately prepare the organization mechanism
00:45in accordance with the determination of the ADART, the existing organization.
00:50All this process will be done in a peaceful, orderly and with high respect for the Golkar Party.
00:59Democracy must be controlled and developed continuously.
01:05The political party is the pillar of our democracy.
01:10Indonesia is a big country.
01:13We must ensure that our democracy continues to run from one generation to the next.
01:20The Golkar Party so far has been our pride and the future strength of Indonesian democracy.
01:29For 60 years, we have proven all that.
01:34In the 2024 Legislative Election,
01:38we have jointly increased our party's achievements by winning 102 DPRI seats and hundreds,
01:48even thousands of parliament seats at various levels of government from Sabang to Merauke.
01:56With joint sweat and joint determination,
02:00the Golkar Party has succeeded in transforming itself as a pride of all of us.
02:08Personally, I would like to apologize for the shortcomings or mistakes that I have made so far.
02:17Once again, thank you for your help, cooperation and friendship to all parties.
02:24I am confident that with strong cooperation, Indonesia will become a country that makes us all prouder.
02:33As a closure, allow me to quote a quote from the Golkar Party's anthem.
02:43Long live the working class. May God always protect it.
02:48Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
02:54For more UN videos visit www.un.org
