Steve Bannon's War Room hr.2 | 08-10-2024

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Steve Bannon's War Room hr.2 | 08-10-2024
00:00about the people. The people have had a belly full of it. I know you don't like
00:04hearing that. I know you try to do everything in the world to stop that, but
00:07you're not gonna stop it. It's going to happen. And where do people like that go
00:10to share the big line? MAGA Media. I wish, in my soul, I wish that any of these
00:17people had a conscience. Ask yourself, what is my task and what is my purpose?
00:22If that answer is to save my country, this country will be saved. War Room, here's your
00:30host, Stephen K. Batts.
00:38Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. We are here in the War Room, and I am your
00:42host, Royce White, belly of the beast, Minneapolis, Minnesota. I'm sorry to tell
00:48Tapper there, he can wish upon a star all he wants to. It's not gonna get any
00:52better for him this morning. We got some ultra MAGA patriots coming in to the to
00:56the show or getting into the show this this half. And first on the list is the
01:00great and controversial Laura Loomer. We got Laura here. Bring bring Laura up for
01:05me. I was involved with Laura. We got Laura on the phone. I was involved in a
01:10in a string of tweets. And let's talk a little chaos strategy. I said, I talked
01:17about it briefly in the first hour, and now we're gonna, you know, explain it.
01:21Here in Minnesota, we have open primaries. And in CD5, Ilhan Omar has had
01:27a primary opponent for the last two election cycles, I believe, named Don
01:31Don Samuels. Now he's still a Democrat, obviously, but he's a far cry better
01:37than Ilhan Omar. And Ilhan, you know, and Laura are kind of like arch
01:42nemesis, right? Ilhan definitely is bothered by by Laura Loomer's constant
01:48smash mouth American nationalist MAGA patriotism. But here in CD5, we have
01:54open primary. So if you're in Minnesota, and you're in CD5, Laura pointed out
01:59that it's possible for Republicans to cross over and vote for Ilhan Omar's
02:04opponent. Again, Ilhan Omar only defeated Don Samuels in 2022 by 2000
02:10votes around 2000 votes, which means that there's a huge opportunity to get
02:15to get Ilhan Omar out during this primary. And you're already seeing the
02:19mainstream media react to it because they know how dangerous this strategy
02:23has been. And I thank and commend Laura Loomer for pointing it out to me. I
02:27backed her up on social media and some other people as well. Laura, talk to us
02:31about the strategy and why you think this is this is the way to go. And you
02:35know, all the people out there say, Oh, well, the Republican shouldn't be doing
02:38this. And tell me why you think this is important.
02:42Well, thanks for having me on. And as you said, we really have a once in a
02:47lifetime opportunity to remove another Hamas supporter squad member from
02:52Congress. We've already seen that people who support Hamas and push radical
02:57Islamo fascist and communist policies in Congress people like Jamal Bowman. And
03:02as we saw this week, Cori Bush, they've both been removed from office and we
03:06have an opportunity to remove Ilhan Omar in a completely legal manner. We
03:12need to take advantage of open primaries. And it's the same exact thing
03:15that Democrats have done to us. When President Trump was running in the
03:19primary in New Hampshire, you had David Plouffe, who was Barack Obama's
03:23campaign manager, telling Democrats to vote for Nikki Haley in the primary. And
03:27now David Plouffe has gone on to work as a senior advisor, and many are saying
03:31it's going to be Kamala Harris's campaign manager in this presidential
03:34election season. So we need to we need to do what the Democrats do. And that's,
03:39you know, encourage people, Republicans, independents, and even Democrats to to
03:45vote in this open primary. And all of them, as long as they're registered to
03:49vote, can cast a ballot for Ilhan's primary opponent, who happens to be a
03:54Democrat. And while doing that, they can still also vote Republican and support
03:59President Trump in the general election. And the general election doesn't matter
04:03what you're registered as, doesn't matter who you vote for in the primary,
04:06you can vote for whoever you want a general election as long as you're
04:09registered to vote. So might as well take advantage of this because most
04:13primaries are closed throughout the country, which means that you have to
04:17only vote for the ballot that you're registered with. And a lot of times
04:21we've seen independents have not been allowed to even vote in primaries. But
04:25with this open primary, independents, Republicans and Democrats can all join
04:31forces in voting for Don Daniels. And as you pointed out, Ilhan Omar only won
04:37her primary in 2022 by 2466 votes. Okay, so if about 5000 Republicans or 5000
04:45independents cast a ballot against her in the primary on August 13, she will be
04:50removed from office, she will be removed from office. And she's tweeting up a
04:53storm. She's very scared. She's saying things like, Oh, it's been the honor of
04:58my lifetime to serve you and represent you. And, and, and that's the type of
05:03rhetoric that incumbents post this close out from a primary when they are very
05:07scared they're going to lose. So if you're listening, and you live in
05:12Minnesota, and you live in and you live in Ilhan Omar's district, doesn't matter
05:17if you're Republican cast a ballot for the Democrat opponent, Don Daniels,
05:23you can remove her from office. Yes, absolutely. And Ilhan is scared and she
05:28should be and we should feel right to fight fire with fire. This is this is
05:33part of becoming a party in a movement that is infectious and spineless. We
05:37understand the lay of the land, we understand that the terrain in front of
05:40us, we're going to we're going to fight and we're going to go forward the way
05:44that things are not the way we want them to be. We don't always get it the way we
05:48want them to be. Sometimes we have to make adjustments on the fly. This is a
05:51perfect opportunity to get Ilhan Omar out of office. And Laura, to tell you,
05:55level with you, I ran in CD5 last election and I was sort of railroaded by
06:01by some establishment Republicans down there in the district and I never got a
06:04chance at Ilhan in the general and a lot of people said hey you should run
06:08against Ilhan again. My race is statewide. I'm going against Amy Klobuchar and the
06:13reason why is because I needed to to to get a sense of where the MAGA movement
06:17was at a statewide level. Now Donald Trump has already showed by his recent
06:20rally here in Minnesota in St. Cloud that we have an incredible MAGA
06:24grassroots momentum here in the state. I want to be clear about this this chaos
06:28strategy across Dover in the primary. If you are in CD5, that is the only place
06:33where Ilhan Omar's race will appear on your ballot. Okay, if you're in CD5 and
06:39her race is on your ballot, my race will also be on your ballot. Please vote for
06:44Don Samuels. If you circle my name and Don Samuels name, your ballot
06:52will be invalid and it will be tossed out. Okay, make sure you understand that.
06:56Make sure you spread the word. If you're down there in CD5, even on election day
06:59when you're at the polls, make sure people know you cannot circle Republican
07:03and a Democrat for the primary. You can only circle one. You can only pull one.
07:07And as far as the rest of the state goes, her race won't be on your ballot anyway.
07:11You'll have my race there. Royce White, I'm running for United States Senate
07:14obviously, and we're gonna take down Amy Klobuchar, but we have seven primary
07:18opponents standing in the way, so make sure you spread the word about that as
07:22well. Laura? Yeah, this really only applies to people who live in the Minneapolis area.
07:28So we're not trying to, you know, exactly, we're not trying to confuse people, but
07:33if you do happen to live in Ilhan Omar's district, right, you can, and Royce has
07:38already said he doesn't mind if his voters don't circle his name. Please, please vote for Don Samuels.
07:44Yes, circle Don Samuels' name, and if you live elsewhere in the state, you can vote,
07:50you can vote for Royce, but we have, we have a unique opportunity here to have
07:55real political influence, and Republicans and independents should take advantage of
08:01it, and you should encourage people that you know, even Democrats, right? If you
08:05know a Democrat, tell them to go out and cast their ballot for Don Samuels in
08:09that, in that district that Ilhan Omar is occupying, so. We're playing hardball now.
08:14We're playing hardball, we're playing hardball now. This is smash mouth
08:18populism right here, and Laura, Laura's the tip of the spear. And this is something that the Republicans should have done. The Republican Party, the RNC, should have taken
08:25advantage of this, okay? It wouldn't have cost that much money to target voter
08:29rolls, and to send out black campaign text messages to Republicans and
08:34independents in Minneapolis, and gotten them to do this. But I don't know, I'll tell you, I'll speak on behalf of the Minnesota
08:43Republican Party here. I think, well, and I can't speak for the party, and the RNC,
08:48and everybody nationally, but I talk with the party here in Minnesota, and I think
08:51there are some, some legal issues that prevent certain parties, maybe
08:55constitutionally, maybe at a state statutory level, from, from, you know,
08:59actually promoting it, and doing that type of thing officially in their
09:03communication. I can't be certain, but I would think that that's part of their
09:06hesitation. I want to move to, speaking of the RNC, I know you, you've, you've said
09:10some things on social media in the last 24 to 48 hours, being critical of the
09:15Trump administration, or the, the Team Trump not being aggressive enough, right?
09:19And some friendly criticism, can some constructive criticism, is necessary. We
09:24should want it, we should invite it, we need people from their street corner to
09:27give us advice, to tell, tell me what your frustration is right now with Team
09:31Trump, in terms of how offensive they've been since Kamala Harris has gotten a
09:36nod. Well, look, I support President Trump, I'm, I'm one of President Trump's biggest
09:41supporters, and so my criticism is not of President Trump, it's just a matter of,
09:45you know, refocusing people, and not, not losing the momentum that we had when
09:51President Trump was almost assassinated. You know, it was our election, it was our
09:56election to lose, and, you know, President Trump, President Trump won a lot of
10:01people over that day in Butler, Pennsylvania, and we had a massive surge
10:05of momentum during the RNC convention, and then now that, you know, the Democrats
10:11have really undemocratically removed Joe Biden, and, and allowed for Kamala Harris
10:15to become their new nominee, it just seems like the messaging has fallen
10:20flat. And I want to remind Republicans that Kamala Harris is just as much to
10:24blame for the Biden administration's failed policies, their destructive
10:29policies, as Joe Biden is. And you, you can, you can, you can harm Kamala Harris's
10:36presidential campaign by holding the Biden administration accountable. But
10:42what we've seen is instead of a call for accountability, and instead of pressure
10:46being placed upon people like Mike Johnson and James Comer from the Trump
10:51campaign, you've seen that the Republicans have just been completely
10:54absolved of holding anyone accountable. They're on vacation, they're on vacation
10:59until September 9th. Donald Trump was shot and almost took a bullet to his
11:03brain 27 days ago. We have no answers. We have no accountability. We have these
11:09fake promises that Biden was going to be impeached and that the Biden crime
11:13family would be held accountable. But when these Republicans returned from
11:17their vacation, their month-long vacation on September 9th, nine days
11:21later, President Trump is set to be sentenced by Judge Mershawn, whose
11:25daughter, of course, Lauren Mershawn, is evading all accountability. She was
11:29supposed to submit her records and her communications with her father and pro
11:32indictment Democrats that she's been fundraising for yesterday by 5 p.m.
11:38Eastern. But once again, we don't have any answers from the Republicans in the
11:43Judiciary Committee about whether or not he complied. So, you know, it's just
11:48really getting down to the wire. Now we have 87 days left until the election,
11:51and there's just zero accountability. And my question is, why are the surrogates
11:55who are going on TV and pushing out messaging, you know, not pushing for
11:59accountability? Why are we only talking about how unlikable Kamala is, as
12:03opposed to the fact that she is complicit in one of the biggest cover
12:07ups in United States history? The fact that we have an Alzheimer's patient who
12:11is too sick to do his duties, and so we have unelected bureaucrats who are
12:15serving as president of the United States.
12:17Question for you, Laura, and I completely agree with you. We definitely
12:20have to put our foot on the gas here. We have the advantage. Is it your
12:25take, is it your take, is it your theory of the case that President Trump was
12:30touched by God, that him surviving that was a miracle? And we
12:35certainly could have devolved into some sort of civil war and public violence
12:40and, you know, eventually maybe martial law had that taken place that day. Is it
12:45your case that we should lean upon that miracle? Are you saying that
12:48that we've sort of let this miracle, you know, fall by the wayside? And do you
12:52think that that speaks to a lack of a certain, let's say, faith in our own
12:58movement and how we want to identify with that miracle? Are you following
13:04Well, I certainly think that, you know, Republicans had an opportunity to
13:09embrace that moment to really call for accountability and to show how evil the
13:14Biden regime is. Let's be honest, this was an inside job. And I don't know why
13:18there's such a reluctance by the Trump campaign to call it what it is, but it
13:23doesn't do President Trump any justice for people to run away from the fact
13:26that this is a coordinated effort to assassinate Donald Trump by the Biden
13:30Wait, Laura, wait, wait. And me and you and there's a lot of us in our wing of
13:37the party that look at the situation and go, no way this guy gets up on a
13:41fire escape and a roof with a pair of sweatpants on and takes a shot at the
13:44most important man in American history without somebody knowing it. And then
13:48we're hearing rumors that there were certain Secret Service members asked to
13:51stand down. And the great Donald Trump has been very gracious to the people
13:55around him as he should be, which is a sign of leadership in and of itself. But
13:59but are you saying that the Congress that the Congress has really dropped the
14:02ball and and asking for for some some some real accountability around this
14:06matter? You got about 30 seconds, huh?
14:09Yes, they have dropped the ball. Alejandro Mayorkas, who is in charge of
14:14Secret Service, has not been held accountable. Kim Cheadle has been
14:17allowed to resign while receiving her fifty five thousand dollars per year
14:21pension. And meanwhile, we have Secret Service whistleblowers who are on the
14:25record saying you should expect expect another assassination attempt. What the
14:30hell does that even mean? Yeah. Why? Why has nobody been arrested and charged as
14:35an accessory to murder and attempted murder? A man died. We don't have a
14:39warrant for Laura Loomer, a fire breathing populist. Make sure you go.
14:46Welcome back to the war room. I'm your guest host, Royce White, here in the
14:49belly of the beast, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Joining us now is Mark
14:53Mitchell Rasmussen polls. Mark, how are you doing this morning? Doing great to be
14:59on with you. Thanks. Thanks for joining us, brother. Well, you say there's a bit
15:04of gaslighting happening this week since Kamala Harris got the got the nod and
15:08there's some prominent pollsters out there that don't really want to want to
15:12want to poll this week for some strange reason. You guys have a poll. Tell us the
15:15update on your poll and what you're seeing out there with the other
15:17mainstream poll outlets. Yeah, I'd love everybody watching this right now to go
15:22to real clear politics if they can pull it up. And what you'll see is absolutely
15:26incredible. There's a sea of blue polls showing that Kamala Harris is beating
15:31Donald Trump, except we released numbers on Thursday that showed that Trump is
15:35still beating her nationally by five points in both a two-way and a
15:39multi-way matchup. So in our opinion, that just shows that Donald Trump is doing
15:45as well against Kamala Harris as he was doing against Joe Biden. And that makes
15:50sense because Kamala Harris has never pulled better than Joe Biden. So we still
15:54have Trump comfortably winning. But why is the media telling everybody that
15:59Kamala Harris is winning? I think, I mean, what you're looking at is peak
16:03gaslighting. She has like highly scripted events. They're astroturf.
16:07They're paying influencers. And I think, you know, shrewd what they're doing.
16:12They're trying to maximize the effect of the few positive polls she has put
16:16pressure on the Trump campaign. And I think also maybe potentially try and
16:21minimize the stink of incompetence that she has. But I'm telling you, I don't
16:26think it's enough because I think the polling industry is now carrying water
16:30for her. And what is crazy is this is one of the biggest weeks in politics. I
16:35think I could possibly, I mean, Kamala Harris is only three weeks old as a
16:40candidate. They pulled the switcheroo. She just picked the vice presidential
16:44candidate. And we are the only people that put out national numbers this week.
16:48The date on every other polling out there is August 4th or sooner. Not a
16:53single other company has put out anything with data this week, which is
16:59it's just absolutely incredible. Because if you crawl from the day after
17:03Kamala Harris got anointed, Reuter Sipsos was out there with a poll they
17:07did in one day. So where's the curiosity about whether or not Trump has
17:12regained his lead over Kamala Harris? And I'll tell you in our numbers, he
17:16did. There were a few days where Kamala Harris was beating Donald Trump. They
17:20were over 10 days ago now, but he is winning comfortably and no pollster
17:25wants to stick their neck on the line right now and come out with a headline
17:29result like that. Even New York Times came out with polling this morning and
17:32they cherry picked a few swing states to drop no national numbers.
17:36Yeah, well, well, let me let me take you back 2016 and you're the expert. I'm
17:41not. I'm just a concerned American citizen that looks at the history of
17:45what's going on here with the polls and and it's cause for great worry. Back in
17:502016, 2016, when Donald Trump won on the day of the election, there were a good
17:57number of mainstream polls that still had Hillary Clinton up twelve points
18:00almost. I mean, going back and looking at that and given the the American
18:06people some some historical context, what what do you make of that back then?
18:10And how does that is that is that is that re you know, re showing itself now?
18:15Are we seeing some of the same sort of gaslighting and and wishful thinking on
18:18behalf on behalf of these these pollsters?
18:22Yeah, absolutely. I mean, Hillary Clinton was up in our polling lower low single
18:26digits and Donald Trump still won in the Electoral College. And here we are.
18:31They're trying to convince everybody that Kamala Harris is a runaway success
18:35is definitely going to win this thing. But even with all that pro Kamala Harris
18:38polling, she's only up half a point in the real clear politics aggregate. You
18:43know, four years ago, eight years ago, Clinton and Biden were doing seven to
18:48eight points better than Kamala Harris is now. And now, of course, they're
18:53going to say, oh, it all comes down to the swing states. The national vote
18:57doesn't matter. And that is true. But also, how can you see such a shift at a
19:03national level and then still say that the swing states are tied this much?
19:07Because in our polling, I showed Donald Trump leading big. And of course, it was
19:11against Biden. But we had him up one point in Michigan and all the way up to
19:16nine points in Arizona. And of course, New York Times is dropping Pennsylvania
19:22down. Trump down two or three, I think it was. I don't see that. I saw
19:26Pennsylvania Trump up three. And we I think if people look at the charts we
19:32put out there, we were dead accurate in 2016 and 2020. And with Trump leading
19:38nationally, it's a massive swing, like millions and millions of people have
19:43changed their minds. And they tell us they do because of all the issue polling
19:47every single one of the issues that matters.
19:52Mark, I want to ask you about the issues. And I have a question here. What
19:55do you make of, you know, Kamala Harris never really being that likable, you
20:02know, in in the polling and in the country and some of her own racism and
20:07whatnot? What do you make of this? What's justifying this new polling? Is
20:12it completely some media manufactured honeymoon that she's the she's the pick
20:16and people are going along with it? I mean, what are you hearing out there in
20:19the streets? Why have people had this shift on light and Kamala Harris when
20:22she has no no policy or any time in office to to justify any difference of
20:28opinion on it?
20:29Well, that's because they're trying to show that now she has a structural lead
20:33when what happens is people are susceptible to what they see in the
20:37headlines. People are susceptible to zeitgeist, it will change opinions, but
20:41it also changes the people that will decide now to respond to things that
20:45will change whether somebody maybe not whether who they're going to vote for,
20:49but whether they decide to say they're going to vote or not or how enthused
20:53they are. But those things tend to fade like very rapidly. And she's never
20:59pulled better than Biden in our polling. Her favorability has always been
21:02slightly worse. Every time we did a matchup, she always did one or two
21:05points worse. But what is really horrible is her record that she's not
21:09going to be able to outrun in a question where we asked how she do as
21:12the borders are 33% of the country said good or excellent, but 49% said she
21:18did a poor job. And I believe we asked another question only 19% of voters say
21:22that she's been better than most recent vice presidents, but 48% said no. And I
21:28think independence it was like 17 to 51 or something absolutely horrible. So you
21:34know, you see a poll where like maybe she's leading independence and one of
21:38these mainstream left leaning polls and it's like, well, in my polling, you know,
21:43they give Trump the benefit on the economy by like a number in the 20s. On
21:49the border, they say she's horrible as the borders are. So I mean, again, it
21:54that isn't necessarily the first thing that comes to everybody's mind when they
21:58answer these questions. But it's a reality that they're not going to be
22:02able to outrun.
22:04Now, what what should we be watching? What should us watchdogs of poll gas
22:08lighting be watching for in the next seven to 10 days from these these bigger
22:12polls to see if they're trying to trying to reconcile and at least at least
22:17present themselves to be stand up in the way that they're reporting this stuff.
22:20What what should we be looking for?
22:23So I think new polls will maybe start dropping early next week. Of course,
22:27we'll have numbers next Thursday. And we're also going into the field for our
22:31first post Kamala Harris swing state poll. But when these big national polls
22:36finally do start dropping, I would have people like look into the internals, see
22:40if there were oversampled Democrats, see if there was a shift in the way they
22:44weight things. I've had my eyes really open in the last week or two about this
22:50industry. And I do not like what I see. Trafalgar put some numbers out last
22:54night. I think we he and us are really the only ones out there that are curious
22:59right now. And that tells me that Trump is winning.
23:03Thank you, Mark, I appreciate it so much. And we appreciate your work and the
23:06work right there at Rasmussen. And we're out here in the field trying to do our
23:10part to to activate the Donald Trump base and make sure people understand what
23:14they're actually voting for on the policies and other things as well. So we
23:18appreciate your time this morning. Thank you.
23:21Happy to be here.
23:23Good, good. Next, we got Tej is is is he on? Do I got him here?
23:30I'm right here.
23:32Okay, bring bring him on for me.
23:38How you doing, brother? Good morning. Good. How you doing? Good. Good. Good.
23:42Good. Well, talk to us. Talk to us how you're doing over there. How's the
23:46coffee coming in your world? Tell us about it.
23:49We're doing good. Coffee's going really good. We've got the we've got a really
23:53good product for you. If you're tired of drinking burnt coffee, we've got the
23:58best coffee out there. It's a Warpath coffee. I'm a Navy SEAL. It's veteran
24:03owned. We we roasted on a perforated drum. It's we don't burn the beans at
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24:14it's a smoothest coffee out there. We've got flavors. We've got dark
24:18chocolate, vanilla. We've got a dark roast, which is the Mariners blend. And
24:22that we actually created that blend for Steve Bannon. He loves this coffee. You
24:28know, he Steve doesn't pull any punches when it comes to anything. So when I
24:32created this dark roast coffee for him, and he said he goes, Dude, this is the
24:37best coffee I've ever drank. So I was like, Alright, we hit a home run. And
24:41we've got a breakfast blend, which is a really smooth coffee. And then we've got
24:45a summer blend, which is a Jamaica Blue Mountain blend. It's a really good blend.
24:52That's my favorite now. And we're coming out with espresso. We're going to call
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25:04it. The website, the website is And then for all the
25:11war room posse, just go ahead and use promo code war room. And you'll get 20%
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25:20So it's promo code war room. And it's Or you can do They both go to the same site. And it's the best coffee
25:31you're gonna drink.
25:33Sir, stay with us. Stay with us to the other side of the break. I have a few
25:37questions for you about this assassination attempt. Like Laura said,
25:40we don't want to lose sight of this assassination attempt. And I want to get
25:43your your take as a veteran and somebody who's obviously been an operator and but
25:48before I before we go to the break, I want to say that there is nothing more
25:52important than the Patriot and alternative economy. You guys got to
25:55support these businesses that support the movement. You have to do it. You know,
25:59we get beat and the the money part of this political game, because we fail to
26:06go out of our way to support our Patriot economy and make sure that you go and
26:12support all of these people, all of these people who believe in the
26:16movement, and who are willing to put their money where their mouth is. And
26:20this is something that we have to prioritize and emphasize. I want you to
26:23stay through to the other side of the break, we're going to talk about the
26:25failed assassination attempt, the miracle that is Trump lives. Trump lives.
26:29Kamala Harris isn't black. That's been the theme of the show so far. Stay tuned.
26:34We'll catch you on the other side of the break. Here from the War Room, Royce White.
26:38Welcome back to the War Room. I'm your host, Royce White, and we are back on the
26:42other side of a break here, a small break with Tej Gill. And Tej, we got the
26:48coffee going and we hope that all of the War Room posse goes out and supports and
26:52buys the coffee. If you got to drink coffee, buy it from somebody who supports
26:55the movement, right? I want to talk to you about this failed
26:59assassination attempt and your take on what we've seen and things
27:04that have come out after the attempt. Where do you feel about
27:08what happened that day as a former operator? I think it's either unbelievable
27:20levels of negligence, which I don't really buy. I think definitely the kid
27:26had help. I was a Navy SEAL sniper. I was also a protective service agent for the
27:31U.S. government. The Secret Service, they're traditionally going to have
27:36concentric rings of security. The innermost ring is going to be the agents
27:41around Trump and then they're going to have outer rings and then further out.
27:45And being a sniper, it's SOP, they should have had all the rooftops
27:50covered out to 800 yards. So this kid, there's videos of him running around
27:57on the roof. It can't happen unless it's allowed to happen. And then the
28:04ladder, he can climb up on the roof and then there's a sniper in the
28:08window basically right behind him. And then the fact that he was able to
28:13fly a drone the morning of the speech, that's also a huge red flag.
28:21For presidential security, they restrict the airspace. And part of restricting
28:25the airspace is they send out firmware updates to all the drones.
28:29So you can't actually fly, your drone won't even fly in a restricted
28:33area. That's another huge red flag. And then I see all these things about
28:40possibly being a second shooter out there. I'm very open to that idea of a
28:46second shooter. It's just, there's so many coincidences and things that it's
28:54almost unbelievable. It's too many coincidences to be an accident. There's
29:01no way. And then this kid is like a literally a 20 year old kid with no
29:06training. And he's able to set up do do like reconnaissance days prior to and
29:14then get in with his rangefinder. And then he has a bicycle and a gun stashed
29:19in there. And he's able to climb on the roof, walk around on the roof. And then
29:23now there's this video of the police officer who pulled himself up on the
29:28roof and a kid turns around and points his gun at him and the cop drops off.
29:32It's unbelievable. It's unbelievable. It's unbelievable. It's like a bad
29:37Hollywood movie. It's, it's, you know, when did the Secret Service become this
29:42negligent? This is like, this is beyond gross negligence. You know, they drop
29:47their guard. It's negligence. It's, it's, it's like criminal negligence. It's
29:52either that or they let this kid get in there and, and take these shots at Trump
29:57and, you know, 125 yards that, sorry, go ahead.
30:01No, no. And we, and, and we need to do our best to find out which, which one it
30:05is. And I echo Laura Loomer's concerns that I don't think that there's enough
30:09urgency to, to have that happen and have that take place. I'm thankful that Donald
30:14Trump survived, but there was certainly a gross negligence to say the very least.
30:20Tej, tell us where, tell us again where we can find the coffee. Tell us, tell us
30:25where we should be going to, to get the best coffee in the, in the War Room
30:29Yeah. The, the, the coffee you can get at or you can do, whatever is easier. And if you're part of the War Room Posse
30:40use promo code war room, and that's going to get you 20% off this weekend.
30:44It's usually 15% off and you can use that promo code year round. It'll work
30:48on any sale we have anytime. It's, promo code war room, and
30:54it's the best coffee out there. If you haven't tried it, try it. You're going to
30:57love it. We have, we have over 5,000 five-star reviews.
31:01Thank you, brother. Thank you. And we appreciate your service. And we look
31:04forward to having you back on the War Room soon. God bless you, brother. Next,
31:07we got Gina Swobodo, chair of the Arizona GOP. Gina, how you doing?
31:13I'm great. How are you doing, Royce? Thanks for having me.
31:16Fantastic, Gina. Let, let it rip. Let it rip, Gina. We want, we want to, we want
31:20to talk about Kamala and Arizona and what you're seeing there from the, from
31:25the grassroots. You party chairs are so important to the movement. Let, let it
31:30rip. Let it rip.
31:31Thank you. Thank you. So Kamala was here yesterday. She had a closed event that
31:39purported to fill up a smaller, smallish arena. They were by invitation only. So
31:46I'm happy for them that they were able to find every former SEIU member and get
31:52them on a bus and get them there. But, you know, the momentum is all on the side of
31:57the Republican Party. And we're behind President Trump and JD Vance all the way.
32:02I find it interesting, Royce, that Kamala is running like she's not an incumbent.
32:06She has no policies up on that website at all. We have no idea what she's running
32:12on. And that's because she hasn't accomplished anything. So as we're having
32:16this conversation, we don't know who the president is. We have the worst and most
32:22dangerously liberal ticket, I think, in the history of the country. And it's just a
32:26disaster. Yeah. So I agree with, I concur with the, the wonderful gentleman from
32:31Rasmussen that was talking about where's the national poll? Where are the national
32:35polls, Royce? I mean, it's August 10th and there's been nothing out there since,
32:39since prior to August 6th. So
32:41they're covering for, they're covering for, they're trying to, they're trying to
32:45show for, they're trying to, you know, manufacture consent. We're going to make
32:48you think that Kamala's, you know, got this runaway from, from a number of, I
32:53don't know, rappers who, who, who, you know, show up and get paid probably a
32:58hundred thousand dollars or more, way above market price probably to, to, to
33:02perform at these, at these things. So what do you, what do you, what do you feel
33:05about Arizona specifically? How are you feeling about Arizona in terms of Donald
33:10Trump and it being a key swing state itself, at least last, last election in
33:16Yeah, we have to have it. Unfortunately, we're ground zero for a lot of the
33:21highest levels of pain for the people in the country, right? When Governor Abbott
33:25closed the border in Texas, we have Governor Hobbs who refuses to do a single
33:29thing to help us. Our legislature has tried. We have a referral coming on our
33:34ballot, on the same ballot that President Trump and J.D. Vance will be on to allow
33:38the people to decide to let our law enforcement help secure the border by
33:43interdicting people coming over outside ports of entry. So that's usually
33:46important to the people of Arizona. Our inflation is amongst the highest in the
33:50country. And our housing is a mess. You know, people can't afford housing. And in
33:55part, that's the illegal aliens coming over the border. And, you know, it's a
33:58tight supply and we have increased demand. So I believe that the voters are
34:03common sense voters in Arizona. We have a lot of independents and, you know, we
34:07just want our lives to be our own. We want to not be interfered with. And we
34:12want to be able to pursue our dreams. And we cannot do that under the failed
34:16crushing, hardcore leftist policies that this ongoing administration is
34:23offering. That's all she offers is more pain.
34:26Amen, Gina. We appreciate it. Where can people follow you on social media? Let
34:29us know where people can follow you and keep up with the Arizona GOP. Obviously,
34:33one of the most important spots in the entire country this election cycle.
34:37Thank you. You can hit us on Twitter at AZGOP and you can go to We're
34:44in a lot of litigation. We're going to secure the system so that our voters can
34:47come out and we can put President Trump back in the White House. Thank you for
34:50having me, Bryce.
34:51Amen. Godspeed to you. We appreciate the time. Yep. Election security, election
34:56integrity. Don't let them, you know, blind you with Kamala and forget about
35:02the fact that there is fraud and there's nothing wrong with saying that. There's
35:05absolutely nothing wrong with saying there's fraud. We need to be out there.
35:09We need to be poll watching. We need to be involved. We need our lawyers, our
35:13conservative lawyers and the movers and lawyers in the movement. We need you all
35:17to start to formulate a plan because you're as much a part of this resistance
35:21to this communist takeover as anybody else. We're going to have a significant
35:25legal battle here one way or another. I guarantee it.
35:28Next, we have Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots and
35:35all. I love me some Tea Party Patriots. I love them here in Minnesota. I love them
35:38anywhere. Give me some Tea Party Patriots anywhere. How you doing, Jenny? I am great.
35:43Thanks so much for having me on. Good, good. Glad to have you here. We had some
35:47recent victories there and we have some more things that we need to get done.
35:53Talk to us about what you got going on down there. All right. Well, in Georgia, the
35:58state election board just met this week and they've passed some really good
36:02rules. They've been passing quite a few good rules. They have made it where when
36:07you return your absentee ballot in person, you actually have to show an ID
36:12the same way you would if you have to when you go to vote. They are clarifying
36:17what certification means, which is very important, especially if you are on an
36:22election board and have questions and don't quite know that what you're
36:27don't think what you're certifying is actually the final vote. They need
36:32to get it right before certification. After certification, the only resolution
36:37is lawsuits and we saw how well that did not work in 2020. And then they reopened
36:43an investigation into duplicate ballots and missing ballots in Fulton County,
36:50Georgia, from 2020. That investigation never was fully ever covered and
36:57investigated. The media and others will say that it was, but the details of the
37:03investigation were never fully covered. And we have to, we're not going to change
37:08what happened in 2020, but we will repeat the past if we don't learn from
37:12the mistakes. And the people who are investigating that are working very hard
37:17to make sure they know what happened, what went wrong, and how to prevent that
37:21from happening again in 2024 or in any other election going forward. So it's
37:26good that the Secretary of State has reopened that investigation and has asked
37:30the state attorney general to conduct a real investigation of it. There's one
37:36other rule that I'm personally excited about that is in the rulemaking process
37:42that will be finalized hopefully on August the 19th, and that would require
37:47counting the individual ballots at the precinct before they leave the precinct.
37:53Not counting the the vote totals by hand, but just making sure that the paper
37:58ballots in the final machine match the number of ballots scanned, which then
38:03should also match the number of people who checked in to vote that day. Those
38:07numbers should reconcile, and I hope that that actually gets passed.
38:12It is a little an extra step that would be required of the election workers, but
38:19it's a simple step, just counting the ballots and making sure the number of
38:22ballots matches the number scanned, matches the number of people who voted.
38:26And so that's what's been happening from the state election board standpoint.
38:31Jenny, I got a question for you. We had some incredible news,
38:36very courageous move from Governor Yunkin to write executive order to
38:43demand that they have paper ballots. We got a Republican
38:46governor down there in Georgia as well. A lot of scrutiny over the
38:50years, but nonetheless, would you and some of the Tea Party Patriots and other
38:55citizens, residents there in Georgia, like to see a similar thing happen? Would
38:59that help your efforts, or are you already too far along in what you guys
39:03have going on down there for that to be implemented? There are a lot of people
39:08pushing for paper ballots, and I think that paper ballots are very important,
39:12so I don't discount the importance of that at all. I also look at what we've
39:19seen out of the governor and the Secretary of State over the last three
39:23and a half years, and they're not going to do anything unless the state
39:27legislature takes action and passes a law to change the voting process. And I
39:33don't think it is something that the state election board in their own
39:37authority would be able to single-handedly change. So I think
39:42what Yunkin did is very good and very important, and I think that paper ballots
39:47are important, and I used to program computers. I have as many concerns as
39:53just about anyone else about the machines, but I also understand the
39:57reality. The reality is that going into November, this November, when we're less
40:02than 90 days from the election, I don't think the mechanism, yeah, we're talking
40:08about what we've got. We've just got to make sure the processes are, that we're
40:11putting in those safeguards as much as we possibly can to safeguard it because
40:17of where we are at. Yes, well thank you, and tell us before you go quickly
40:21where people can find you. We're gonna cut the break here in a moment. Sure, go,
40:26you can find me on social media, Jenny Beth M, M as in Martin, Jenny Beth M, and
40:31then visit our website at secure and win. Welcome back to the Whirlpool, I am your
40:36host Royce White here in the belly of the beast, Minneapolis, Minnesota, filling in
40:40with the man himself, and we have another very important man here from Minnesota. I
40:45don't think you can get a better ending to, and again I'm so honored to have been
40:50able to host the War Room today. I hope I can do it again in the future. I
40:53appreciate the entire posse, but we have another very important man from
40:56Minnesota, and I'm honored to have him join right now, the great Mike Lindell.
41:00Mike, how you doing this morning? I'm doing great, lots of great things
41:05happening just in the last few days, and I'm very encouraged, you know, one piece
41:10at a time to get our election secure, and how about Royce, last time I seen you up
41:16at the Great Rally there in Minnesota, and boy I'll tell you, that was some, what a
41:21reaction, the crowd there, you know, the crowd there loves, the
41:27crowd there loved Mike Lindell. Mike Lindell came down the stairs at the
41:32perfect moment when everybody had sort of filled in, and the crowd exploded. It
41:36was like a WWE arena when the Rock or Stone Cold Steve Austin comes out, he loves Mike.
41:41Well, like our great real president always tells me, he says, Mike, he
41:45goes, you get these big applauses, but that's because the people want what I'm
41:49trying to get to, they want secure elections, everybody does. You know, I can
41:54go anywhere, I'm going to Chicago, what, next week for the Democrat Convention to
41:59be there and to flip Democrats, we're talking, I was there about three, four
42:03weeks ago, or I guess it's been a couple months now, and we talked to all these
42:07Democrats that voted for Biden and now are voting for Donald Trump, Royce, and it
42:12was just so encouraging, but all of them, a common thread is they all
42:16want to get rid of the machines, paper ballots, hand counting, have secure
42:20elections. I went on the Young Turks at the RNC convention, I went on their show,
42:27you guys can check it out on YouTube, and they, we had one thing in common as we
42:31went back and forth, and that was paper ballots, hand counting. I think, Royce,
42:36you see me say on stage there where I said 132 countries have gotten rid of
42:43the machines and banned them, and over a hundred countries have banned early
42:48voting and mail-in voting. Why do we have the worst of the worst here in the
42:51United States, and Minnesota, they were the start of all this early voting, you
42:55know, back in the day, but pretty soon you'll get to, why don't we start voting
42:59on the next election four years from now, right when this one's done, it's crazy.
43:03That's ridiculous, and I agree with you, and even my opponent here, if I can get
43:07through this primary on August 13th, and I thank you so much for your endorsement,
43:11I really do, it's a great honor, but Amy Klobuchar, you know, Amy Klobuchar is on
43:15the record saying that she had a problem with the machines too, right, you know,
43:18back in, I think it was 2018, so there is some, there's some, there's some
43:23bipartisan agreement that the machines pose a great threat and security to our
43:27elections. Tell us what you, what you have in plan to secure the mail-in
43:32ballots, we talked about what happened there in Virginia, what happened, what's
43:34happening in Georgia, where are you at on some of those issues? You guys, we, after
43:39three and a half years of our research, of everything my teams have done, we have
43:43over 300,000 people in all 50 states, and all the, all the work that we've done,
43:50it's all come down to this, and we, what we, what we need right now is all of you
43:55go out, get your mail-in ballot, request that, you can do it in every state, you
43:59request your ballot, you secure it, that pulls it off the dirty voter rolls,
44:04they're not going to be able to grab your name, and then if you get, when you
44:07go in to vote on the day of, and they say you've already voted, you pull that out
44:12and say no, I have not, and at that point, it becomes a different crime called
44:17identity theft, that has to be investigated, that's going to be a gateway
44:21to open everything up that we didn't have in 2020 and 2022, even though it
44:26went on. The sheriffs can get involved, we lay it all out at,
44:32that's just one of many things we're doing, but we're doing that in all 50
44:35states. If you go to, you can check it, everything out there, you
44:40can support us, we need support right now to get all this to the finish line, and
44:46it's a great plan, and it's a part of a multi, it's multifaceted, we have a lot
44:50of other stuff going on with lawyers across our country, I have lawyers going
44:54in and being proactive, so that we can set sort of election crime traps, if you
45:00will, and this goes both ways, one of the things when our great real president
45:05gets in, he wants to get to same day voting paper ballots, hand counting, to
45:09get there, we've got to have a lot of stuff for him, data that we get from this
45:14election, and we learned a lot from 2020 and 2022, but now we've got to just
45:20implement it and get it to the finish line. Yeah, amen brother, and we appreciate
45:24your work so much, and I just want to say, anybody out there who thinks that Mike
45:28Lyndale is anything other than a patriot, you come and you talk to me about it in
45:32person, the man is an American hero, and I appreciate you Mike so much, MyPillow,
45:36one of the best retail products, quantifiably one of the best retail
45:40products in American history, I sat with you and we talked about the history of
45:44MyPillow, and even as a fellow Minnesotan, I saw your face so many years, and I've
45:48had the products, and I didn't even know some of the stories, but tell us what's
45:52going on with MyPillow, obviously the main weapon is lawfare to try and pull
45:56people like Mike Lyndale up, tell us about MyPillow, sir. Well, we're the most
46:02attacked company in the history of the world, no one's been attacked more than
46:05my employee-owned company, and we've, by the grace of God this last year, we've
46:09been able to survive by the support of all of you out there, Warm Room Posse has
46:15been absolutely amazing, one of our biggest supporters, and we just hired,
46:21just, I believe it was two weeks ago, another 20 jobs, and when you come onto
46:25MyPillow, it's careers, not just jobs, people stay, Mike, why do you stay in
46:29Minnesota with all Walt's high taxes and all his regulations? Well, we love
46:35Minnesota, and we also, these are friends, family, it's an employee-owned company,
46:39and so we love giving back, they've canceled all our box stores, there's no
46:43in-between, so people say, how can you sell your product so, at such a low
46:47price? Well, we can do that because it's directly to you, so what we're doing,
46:52we had a special earlier in the week, it was our classic collection, this is our
46:56pillow that we make, we've sold over 83 million, here it is, everybody, we're
47:01gonna run it for the weekend, because you guys need a shot at this too, the queen,
47:05look at that, the queen size, 1888, king size, 1988 for king size MyPillows,
47:11988 for the multi-use pillows, and the body pillows, which Peter Navarro told me,
47:16you gotta get these on sale, 2988, so you guys, they're all on sale just for this
47:21weekend, promo code war room, or you go to, you go there, and there
47:27you have the towels we talked about yesterday, that's a war room exclusive on
47:31the left there, and then we got the beach towels, a huge towel special going on,
47:35then you got the new product, the mattress topper, where you get free bed sheets,
47:40free MyPillow sheets, and free shipping, you guys, this is, we've been supporting
47:46you, it's a win-win-win, you get, my employees and MyPillow, they get supported,
47:52we're one of the biggest sponsors, I told Steve we would break records while he's
47:56in prison, and you guys are a part of that, and it's a win for the war room, for
48:00the greatest show to get out, and it's a win for everybody at home, to get the
48:04best sleep ever, Rice, you're awesome, everybody get on board, Rice is awesome,
48:09he will be the best politician this state's ever seen.
48:14Mike Lindell, ladies and gentlemen, Ophelia Barrett, I am a white priest,
48:19Hispanic, I love you, and we will not take a single back step.
48:24God bless, God speed, the people are coming.
