• 4 months ago
Desafío XX Capitulo 86 Completo en Español
00:00:07In this tablet, they got los teléfonos y las fotos de los
00:00:12585 participants can estado en toda la historia del desafío
00:00:17Entra esos contactos y entre esas personas ustedes van a tener que elegir una pareja que va a ser como parte de ustedes se
00:00:23van a volver uno solo
00:00:28Van a elegir su pareja para que venga a participar con ustedes y a ganarse el desafío como esa vaina así es
00:00:35los hombres eligen
00:00:37de la lista de las mujeres las mujeres eligen de la lista de los hombres
00:00:42Tienen que llamarlos y convencerlos a que en un plazo máximo de 36 horas estén aquí con ustedes
00:00:48Oh my god
00:00:52En caso de no llegar en esas 36 horas queda eliminado el participante inmediato del juego
00:00:58tiene que empezar a pensar muy bien esa elección porque de eso depende el futuro de ustedes tienen
00:01:031.200 millones de pesos para convencer a la persona que vayan a llamar
00:01:09Los eliminados de este reality también compiten todos
00:01:13Yo les puedo dar recomendación tú los ayudas a escoger las recomendaciones de esta persona súper chévere yo lo conocí a la conocí todo
00:01:28Es muy importante les voy a dar un ratito para que lo piensen no tiene que ser ya ya ya pero con calma esta
00:01:33es una decisión que va a definir el futuro de ustedes acá
00:01:40Muchos pareció a ver cuenten en la moción
00:01:47La energía yo creo que
00:01:48Sensei me pareció una máquina pero no sé si a la cola yo la haría
00:01:52A la sensei ya se lo negociaron
00:01:54Sensei olímpico ya se lo negociaron
00:01:56La que ganó la antepasado fue Alkira
00:01:58Antepasado, esa niña es guapa
00:02:00Es la niñera
00:02:02Y que tal esta
00:02:06¿Guajira es buena?
00:02:08¿Está pensando en Valkyria, en Cifuentes?
00:02:10No, es Cifuentes
00:02:12Normalmente claro
00:02:14Si usted escoge el del año pasado es un competidor
00:02:16Joven y todo
00:02:18¿Pero por qué dieron opciones de hace 20 años?
00:02:20¿Por qué?
00:02:22Hay que echarle cabeza
00:02:24A quienes van a escoger
00:02:26Yo no sé que hombre llamar
00:02:28Yo vengo
00:02:30No, no, no
00:02:32Que venga
00:02:34Ese es lo más importante
00:02:36No, pues que venga usted lo va a convencer
00:02:38Usted tiene 1200 millones
00:02:40Usted no va a convencer
00:02:42Usted le dice me viene a acompañar aquí
00:02:44Y te va a dar 200 millones
00:02:46O 100 o 50 lo que sea
00:02:48¿Y cuánto porcentaje?
00:02:50Eso si podemos hablarlo entre todos
00:02:52¿Cuánto porcentaje le podemos dar?
00:02:54¿Te ofrecemos que el 20?
00:02:56Yo diría que el 30
00:03:04Porque esto es un negocio
00:03:06El 20 o el 30
00:03:08¿Cuánto es el 10 de 1200?
00:03:10El 10 son 120
00:03:12A mí me preocupa eso
00:03:14Si tú lo llamas y no viene
00:03:16O te vas del pueblo
00:03:18No, pero no sea Sares tampoco por eso
00:03:20Porque él tampoco va a perder la posibilidad de poder venir a ganar 120 millones de pesos
00:03:22Y también tienen que manejar el tiempo
00:03:24Porque hay un tiempo
00:03:26Si no logran traerlo se van
00:03:28Bueno muchachos
00:03:30Llegué a lo que vinimos, vamos
00:03:32Como el pibe empezó
00:03:34Eligiendo a Kevin y a Caroline
00:03:36Vamos a empezar con Kevin
00:03:38Para que elija a su pareja
00:03:40Entonces ¿Quién?
00:03:44Edad en el programa 28 años
00:03:46Edad actual 29 años
00:03:48Regreso de la muerte
00:03:50Para convertirse en capitana de gama
00:03:52Y subcampeona de la temporada
00:03:56Conforme lo que los fanáticos
00:03:58Del desafío llamaron
00:04:00El tridente gama
00:04:02Hey profe
00:04:04Ay Guajira
00:04:06¿Cómo estás?
00:04:08Hola Máfer
00:04:10Un saludo para ti y para todos los que están ahí
00:04:12Bueno Guajira
00:04:14Hoy Kevin te tiene una propuesta
00:04:16Mujer primero que todo estás hermosa
00:04:22Me parece una mujer súper guerrera
00:04:24Me gustaría si me das la oportunidad
00:04:26De que compartamos terreno los dos
00:04:28Acá nuevamente en el desafío
00:04:30Y de que le metamos duro
00:04:34Hay como para motivarnos pues más
00:04:36¿Te imaginas?
00:04:38Porque si ganamos todo esto que así va a ser
00:04:40¿Qué te parece? Pues 50 billones de pesos
00:04:42Estarían bien
00:04:44¿Tengo que decidir ya o?
00:04:46Sí ya
00:04:48¿Sí o no?
00:04:50Mil veces sí
00:04:52¿Estás elegido?
00:04:54Es el honor de volver a estar ahí
00:04:56Entonces por el dinero no nos preocupemos
00:05:00Vamos a iniciar con Alejo
00:05:02¿A quién tienes en mente?
00:05:04A la reina
00:05:08Edad en el programa 25 años
00:05:10Edad actual 25 años
00:05:12Capitana de Omega
00:05:14Mantuvo la bandera de su equipo
00:05:16En la última prueba de capitanas
00:05:18De la actual temporada
00:05:20Y se va a llevar a la Casa Rosa
00:05:22Por primera vez en la historia del desafío
00:05:24A la etapa de dos equipos
00:05:30Que nervioso
00:05:32Lu como estas
00:05:34No puede ser esto
00:05:36Dios de mi vida
00:05:38Ay que lindo
00:05:40Tomalo bien
00:05:42Mi niño como estas
00:05:44No Melo mi reina
00:05:46Oiga pues mi reina lo que le tengo pa
00:05:48A mí me gustaría que usted me acompañara
00:05:50En lo que queda de desafío
00:05:52Obviamente como así
00:05:54Eso no se pregunta yo
00:05:58Adivine cuánto tiempo tiene pa llegar
00:06:0236 horas
00:06:04Lu yo en este momento en el juego tengo 38 millones ganados
00:06:06Si quiere
00:06:08No como que si quiere
00:06:10Le doy la mitad pa que venga y compita conmigo
00:06:12Igual yo le dije que yo voy a ir
00:06:14No la necesito
00:06:16Pero yo me quedo con ella
00:06:18Esa es suya
00:06:20Primera pareja conformada Alejo y Luisa
00:06:22Listo entonces Carola
00:06:24Y ahora es tu turno
00:06:26Con Jerry
00:06:32Edad en el programa 28 años
00:06:34Edad actual 33 años
00:06:36Campeón del desafío 2019
00:06:38Super Regiones
00:06:40Con el equipo de los costeños
00:06:42Siempre veló por la armonía y el compañerismo
00:06:44En el equipo que terminó siendo
00:06:46El campeón de la temporada
00:06:48Dios que presión
00:06:50Puedo creerlo
00:06:52Jerry mi amor
00:06:54Aquí vas a estar
00:06:56Este te va a juiciar
00:07:00Te gustaría
00:07:02Volver a participar en un desafío
00:07:04Y tu eres un ser humano
00:07:06Que yo admiro
00:07:08Un ser humano que yo respeto
00:07:10Y tu fuiste parte de esa motivación
00:07:12Para yo llegar
00:07:14Hasta donde estoy hoy
00:07:16Entonces me gustaría seguir viviendo contigo
00:07:18Esta oportunidad
00:07:20Te gustaría tener en tu cuenta bancaria
00:07:2260 millones de pesos
00:07:24Uy claro
00:07:26Necesito invertir solo en un proyecto que tengo
00:07:28De una
00:07:30Lo vamos a hacer realidad entonces por favor empaja tu maleta
00:07:32Y te esperamos en la Ciudadela
00:07:34Por favor
00:07:36Gracias Carola por esa confianza
00:07:38Que bonito escucharte
00:07:40Yo sé que voy a dejar la carne, el pellejo
00:07:42Y mi mente
00:07:44Ahí en esa cancha, en ese desafío
00:07:46Tiene 24 horas para estar aquí
00:07:48Uy ya lo dijo el técnico
00:07:50Segunda pareja conformada
00:07:52Jerry y Carola
00:07:56Me toca a usted Natalia
00:07:58No estoy nerviosa
00:08:00¿Cuál es tu elección?
00:08:04Edad en el programa
00:08:0634 años
00:08:0840 años
00:08:10Líder por naturales
00:08:12Tuve una lesión
00:08:14Hola B ¿Cómo estás?
00:08:16Me imagino que ya me has visto
00:08:18Yo soy Natalia
00:08:20Acá nos vino la oportunidad
00:08:22De que pudiéramos competir en pareja con alguien
00:08:24Y yo te elegí a ti
00:08:26Te quiero presentar a nuestro director técnico
00:08:28Me imagino que ya sabes quién es este personaje
00:08:32¿Qué dice el Tino?
00:08:34Tiene que borrar los tatuajes
00:08:36Quiero proponerte, si te llama la atención
00:08:38Que seas mi pareja aquí en el programa
00:08:40Hay una cosita
00:08:42Y es que tienes 36 horas
00:08:44Para llegar acá
00:08:46Tengo 25 millones
00:08:48Te puedo ofrecer la mitad
00:08:50Para que suplas lo que te vienes
00:08:52Y listo, acá ya vamos por el premio mayor
00:08:54Bueno, vamos, vamos
00:08:56Espera, espera, que le van a meter un bailecito
00:08:58Para convencerlo
00:09:00Métale un baile
00:09:02¡Eh, eh, eh!
00:09:04¡Ay, ay, ay!
00:09:06¡Sí, acepto! ¡Sí, acepto!
00:09:08Santi, ahora sí
00:09:10Continuamos contigo
00:09:12Cuéntame con quién vas para este desafío como pareja
00:09:14¿Quién vas a elegir?
00:09:16Vamos con Camila López
00:09:18Camila López, edad en el programa 25 años
00:09:20Edad actual, 32 años
00:09:24Número uno del ranking nacional femenino
00:09:26De CrossFit y doblemente superhumana
00:09:28Pues participó en las temporadas
00:09:302017 y 2018
00:09:32En las que se destacó por ser la mujer más fuerte
00:09:34Y la última en ser eliminada
00:09:38Hola Cami, pensé en ti porque
00:09:40Llevo viéndome el desafío todos los años
00:09:42Y eres una guerrera
00:09:44Me gustaría hacerte una propuesta laboral
00:09:46Me gustaría que hicieras dupla conmigo
00:09:48En esta etapa del desafío que es tan importante
00:09:50Y como es una oferta laboral
00:09:52Tienes que tener un pago por eso
00:09:54Si llegamos a ser los ganadores del desafío como dupla
00:09:56Te voy a regalar 60 millones de pesos
00:09:58Para que te duples los gastos
00:10:00En lo que tú quieras
00:10:02Entonces no sé si te gustaría la propuesta
00:10:04De venir aquí a competir conmigo
00:10:06Fantino, muchísimas gracias
00:10:08Me quedo como, estoy temblando
00:10:10De verdad que muchísimas gracias
00:10:12Por confiar en mí
00:10:14Por tenerme en cuenta
00:10:16Cuenta con esta guerrera
00:10:18Para las GCA
00:10:20Estaba como nerviosa
00:10:22Yo estaba nerviosa
00:10:24Te esperamos en el equipo
00:10:26La primera pareja conformada
00:10:28Sandy Camila López
00:10:30Bueno, ¿Quién sigue?
00:10:32Tienes tu elección
00:10:34Para hoy
00:10:36Eh, Madrid
00:10:40Edad en el programa, 28 años
00:10:42Edad actual, 31 años
00:10:44Subcampeona del desafío 2021
00:10:46Y campeona del reto 3X by desafío
00:10:50Es la primera participante de la historia
00:10:52A la que los fanáticos del desafío
00:10:54Le otorgaron el título de la reina del aire
00:10:58Hola Madrid
00:11:00Hola, ¿Cómo están? Me alegra también
00:11:02Conocerlos, ay no, estoy súper nerviosa
00:11:06Hola Madrid, feliz de conocerte
00:11:08¿A usted le gustaría
00:11:10Volver al desafío?
00:11:12Ya en estos momentos
00:11:14¿Cuándo, díganme cuándo, yo me voy
00:11:16Escúchenme Madrid
00:11:18Ya en estos momentos, ¿Le gustaría volver al desafío
00:11:20Y ser pareja mía y batallar conmigo
00:11:22Listo, entonces
00:11:24Echen tu maleta
00:11:26Las ganas, la disponibilidad
00:11:28Y aquí la espero
00:11:30Tiene 36 horas para venir acá al desafío
00:11:32Máximo 36 horas
00:11:34Si no, este hombre queda eliminado
00:11:36Hágale de una
00:11:38Perfecto, chao
00:11:44Edad en el programa, 30 años
00:11:46Edad actual, 36 años
00:11:48Ganador por naturaleza
00:11:50Fue medallista de bronce
00:11:52En Londres 2012 en Teconde
00:11:54Y campeón del desafío
00:11:56Superhumanos 2018
00:11:58Los fanáticos talaban
00:12:00Su agilidad y velocidad en las pistas
00:12:02Que me vea guapa
00:12:04Guapa, guapa
00:12:08Oye, ¿Qué es la vaina tuya?
00:12:10Ey, ¿Qué tal Pide?
00:12:12¿Todo bien?
00:12:14Director técnico
00:12:16Muy bien, muy bien
00:12:18Quise hacer esta llamada y mi elección fue
00:12:20Primeramente tú
00:12:22Porque te honro
00:12:24Eres un teso
00:12:26Te admiro demasiado
00:12:28Estoy super nerviosa
00:12:30Y mi propuesta es
00:12:32Quiero que hagamos
00:12:34Una dupla impresionante
00:12:36Yo sé que tenemos mucho power
00:12:38Si ganamos esto juntos
00:12:40Que yo sé que sí
00:12:42Que le vamos a meter todo
00:12:44Quiero tener 60 millones
00:12:46En tu cuenta bancaria
00:12:48Bueno, que los consiguen de una vez
00:12:52Claro que sí
00:12:54Para mí es un orgullo, es un honor
00:12:56De verdad que lo acepto
00:12:58Con los brazos abiertos
00:13:00Es un placer estar contigo
00:13:02Bien, bien, bien
00:13:04Te necesito aquí en la Ciudadela de las Tajas
00:13:06Pero de inmediato
00:13:08Listo, claro que sí
00:13:10Muchas gracias
00:13:20¿Cuál es tu elección de hoy?
00:13:22Voy con Sensei
00:13:26Edad en el programa
00:13:2835 años
00:13:30Edad actual, 36 años
00:13:32Primer desafiante en llegar a alfa
00:13:34En la carrera que dio inicio a la temporada
00:13:38Demostrando su fuerza y resistencia física
00:13:40He's the current champion, the champion of the challenge.
00:13:47Yes, I think so.
00:13:49Hello, Sensei.
00:13:51Hello, hello, Sensei. How are you?
00:13:53Hello, how are you?
00:13:55Well, Sensei, how are you? I hope I'm super good.
00:13:59Today, the 20-year challenge gives me an opportunity
00:14:02and it is to choose a person, a couple,
00:14:05to come and fight for nothing with me.
00:14:09So, I've always admired you a lot.
00:14:11I like your game, I like what you've done outside.
00:14:14I would like to ask you if you would be willing
00:14:16to come and fight for this prize, which is...
00:14:20I mean, the only thing I can say is...
00:14:22I know, I more or less know how you handle your game
00:14:25and it's...
00:14:26It's good, it's good.
00:14:29I'm ready to give birth to a baby.
00:14:33Hey, you made me very nervous.
00:14:35Yes, now this man says no.
00:14:37I don't know.
00:14:38We have a special technical director, Tino.
00:14:43Yes, Tino.
00:14:44How are you, Sensei?
00:14:46Sensei is called the bull of the farm.
00:14:48The bull, more or less.
00:14:50But hey, where are you?
00:14:53Right now, I'm in Lebanon, Tolima,
00:14:55because I was at an event.
00:14:56In Lebanon? That's very far.
00:14:58The important thing here is that you have 36 hours
00:15:00to get to this beautiful citadel
00:15:02and be part of me.
00:15:04Or less.
00:15:05Go there, because if you don't make it,
00:15:06this woman will be eliminated from the competition.
00:15:08I told you, I'm...
00:15:09We're partners.
00:15:11So, come on, son,
00:15:12we're going to give it our all.
00:15:14The last bus leaves at six in the afternoon.
00:15:16Let's go.
00:15:17You can count on this partner, darling.
00:15:19You can count on all of us.
00:15:20I'm not going to complain.
00:15:21We've already negotiated.
00:15:25Hey, see you.
00:15:26The fourth and last couple of this challenge.
00:15:29Clap your hands.
00:15:31Oh, man.
00:15:32Well, I love seeing you.
00:15:34It's great that you've made those decisions
00:15:36and with everything that's coming up.
00:15:40See you.
00:15:43I liked the kids' choices.
00:15:45They were very good.
00:15:46I congratulate them.
00:15:47Two very tough women.
00:15:48No, Camila is a monster.
00:15:50Camila is a very complete competitor.
00:15:53And when I saw the photo, I was like,
00:15:54ah, I know who she is.
00:15:55Camila, oh, Camila took her down.
00:15:57Yes, Camila took her down.
00:15:59And since she's a Guajira,
00:16:01she won't have a problem with us.
00:16:05Guajira is not like a Glock.
00:16:10Guajira is not like a Caroline.
00:16:12Guajira is not like a Glock.
00:16:13No, Guajira is more like a Caroline.
00:16:15No, no, not in the bad sense.
00:16:16But I thought you meant in the good sense.
00:16:18I thought you meant,
00:16:20Guajira is like that.
00:16:21But in the good sense.
00:16:22Yes, it's good.
00:16:23It makes me sad not to bring Marlon,
00:16:25because that was more from the heart.
00:16:27It was more from the heart to bring him.
00:16:28To vote for him
00:16:30and put your heart in the game.
00:16:31No, Marlon.
00:16:32I don't know if I'm going to get an invoice.
00:16:34But Luisa didn't say hi to you.
00:16:36Look, Tino, there's nothing between Luisa and me.
00:16:38I'm not going to meddle in your business.
00:16:40I'm not meddling in your business.
00:16:42She said hi to you, didn't she?
00:16:44How could she say hi to me? I gave her a vest.
00:16:46She gave me a vest.
00:16:50You're kidding.
00:16:52Give papaya to Luisa
00:16:54and you're going to eliminate her up to three times.
00:16:58That woman is going to come with a rematch.
00:17:00Because the best friend voted for her.
00:17:02The best friend in the challenge voted for her.
00:17:20For you, father of my children.
00:17:26No, that's already cooked.
00:17:28No, he's going to a clinic
00:17:30where I'm doing the fertility process.
00:17:34She already has it clear, daddy.
00:17:36And he's going there, he gets into the room,
00:17:38they give him a little pot,
00:17:40there it is.
00:17:42That's it.
00:17:44I didn't think it was you who did the play.
00:17:48Why not?
00:17:50Yes, you can also...
00:17:52Of course, you can also...
00:17:54Turn it around.
00:17:58There's an extra motivation.
00:18:00There's a reason to do it.
00:18:02Of course.
00:18:04It would look good.
00:18:06It looks better with love.
00:18:10The team was very well formed.
00:18:12Guajira, I think it's very cool
00:18:14that they chose her
00:18:16because I imagine her life was boring,
00:18:18very boring.
00:18:20You have to get to know her, take her points of view,
00:18:22her way of playing.
00:18:24I was in the live.
00:18:26And I stayed in the live.
00:18:28And they asked her about Kevin
00:18:30and about me.
00:18:32Then she started to say
00:18:34fire to the matter.
00:18:36Yes, that I was what they told me,
00:18:38that I don't know what.
00:18:40But very hard.
00:18:42I don't believe you.
00:18:44And to know that she was so criticized.
00:18:46That's when they told her,
00:18:48you're jealous because you like him.
00:18:50And she, I like him.
00:18:52I don't know if you know,
00:18:54with the type of men,
00:18:56as well as all the aspects with him.
00:18:58You see with the type of men
00:19:00that I go out,
00:19:02as well as all aspects with Kevin.
00:19:04And I go out like this,
00:19:06here, see if he has them,
00:19:08that I don't know.
00:19:10And why?
00:19:12That he bathes himself with gas.
00:19:14Oh no.
00:19:16The santa is star.
00:19:18To the beach.
00:19:20I don't have them.
00:19:22I used to have a lot more volume.
00:19:24You're getting closer.
00:19:26The dissemination is changing.
00:19:28The dissemination is changing.
00:19:30It's worth more.
00:19:32Of course, there is a touch of love.
00:19:34There is affection, right?
00:19:36There is trust.
00:19:40There you are consolidating, teacher.
00:19:42As she is doing, it is better.
00:19:44Because she says,
00:19:46knowing little by little,
00:19:48it's worth it.
00:19:50It's worth having the baby.
00:19:52With this hand or not?
00:19:54Of course, I have to see how my baby is going to come out.
00:19:56The baby's father.
00:19:58You were always right
00:20:00with the whole issue of Kevin.
00:20:02I came out here and I
00:20:06Who started the whole thing there?
00:20:10And what I'm telling you,
00:20:12he did the ...
00:20:14I told him,
00:20:16we are already more sold.
00:20:18And he told me,
00:20:20Nati, calm down.
00:20:22He wanted to screw everything up with the person outside,
00:20:24but I didn't realize it.
00:20:26He wanted both.
00:20:28As Tino said.
00:20:30What Tino said was ...
00:20:32And that's why things look like
00:20:34if I had gotten into it for ...
00:20:38I didn't need to do that.
00:20:40Me neither, Nati.
00:20:42I love you.
00:20:44I love you too.
00:20:48So for me to look like this,
00:20:50I live like it's serious.
00:20:58Don't make that face.
00:21:02Bad, bad.
00:21:04And moms have their sixth sense.
00:21:06Your mom already told you.
00:21:08My mom never gets into anything,
00:21:10and she chose her best friend.
00:21:12I don't like him.
00:21:14And I'm analyzing right now,
00:21:16how he fell.
00:21:18What I'm telling you,
00:21:20in the whole program,
00:21:22it's not an excuse,
00:21:24but he sold the worst relationship of his life.
00:21:26And on the day of the integration,
00:21:28he remembers it.
00:21:30And even so,
00:21:32we end up together.
00:21:34If I were really crazy,
00:21:36when they told me it was a promise,
00:21:38I wouldn't believe it.
00:21:40I enjoy it,
00:21:42and I eat each other.
00:21:44Honey, can I tell you something?
00:21:46You can choose the guy you want.
00:21:48Because you're a mom.
00:21:50He's smart.
00:21:52He has his things.
00:21:54He doesn't owe anyone anything.
00:21:56We're in the game.
00:21:58We're still in the game.
00:22:00That's not going to affect you,
00:22:02the competition,
00:22:04but it will motivate you more.
00:22:06We're going to shut our mouths.
00:22:08We're going to shut a lot of mouths.
00:22:10That 5-0, what did they do?
00:22:14Against who?
00:22:18It's monumental.
00:22:20The atmosphere is heavy,
00:22:22because it's a classification fight.
00:22:24Because that's the game,
00:22:26the classification fight
00:22:28of the 1994 World Cup.
00:22:30They had to win to qualify.
00:22:32And we had two options.
00:22:34We had that option.
00:22:36We didn't give a damn.
00:22:38And because we were playing,
00:22:40Sol Maturana and Bolivia,
00:22:42for the bus.
00:22:44Don't start fighting with the people.
00:22:46We're going to lose.
00:22:48Don't give a damn.
00:22:50Stone and stuff.
00:22:52You know there's always stone on the buses.
00:22:54We got to the hotel.
00:22:56We were going to rest,
00:22:58but we couldn't rest,
00:23:00because the people were playing.
00:23:02We were on the floor,
00:23:04and you could hear the bus and the dance.
00:23:06We were going to touch the ball
00:23:08to make them desperate.
00:23:10We were 0-0,
00:23:12but we had a big group of seniors.
00:23:14The coach was talking
00:23:16when the coach arrived.
00:23:18We knew there was no despair here.
00:23:20But I told him,
00:23:22the one who loses the ball here
00:23:24is an a**hole.
00:23:26What an expression.
00:23:28We couldn't lose the ball.
00:23:30The team was technically well-equipped.
00:23:32We had a trick of doing 100 touches
00:23:34in training.
00:23:36And we did 100 touches.
00:23:38They didn't take it away from us.
00:23:40Forty-two minutes
00:23:42from the first hundred.
00:23:44A save.
00:23:46Wilson Perez throws it to me like this.
00:23:48I do it like this.
00:23:50And I do it like this.
00:23:52Freddy passes.
00:23:54I already knew that one.
00:23:56Pink train.
00:23:58I already knew that one.
00:24:00I did it like this.
00:24:02When I do it like this,
00:24:04I see that Freddy starts.
00:24:06I already knew that one.
00:24:08When I see him go,
00:24:10I do it like this.
00:24:12And he starts, that a**hole.
00:24:14And when he starts,
00:24:16the goalkeeper came out
00:24:18and did a quick goal.
00:24:20I said,
00:24:24and they left.
00:24:26Do you know what the best part of the goal is?
00:24:28The celebration.
00:24:30When that black man goes over there,
00:24:32we all go over him.
00:24:34And you know that this man was an animal.
00:24:36I did it like this.
00:24:38In the second half,
00:24:40when we got to the dressing room,
00:24:42the coach said,
00:24:44well, guys,
00:24:46we have to keep playing the same way.
00:24:48That's what he told us.
00:24:50Keep the strategy clear.
00:24:54I did it like this.
00:24:56He scored a goal.
00:24:58A goal.
00:25:00With speed and right foot.
00:25:02He scored a goal.
00:25:06They were going 2-0.
00:25:08I thought there was going to be a walk.
00:25:10Between me.
00:25:12You realize it.
00:25:14And then Leonel came out on the left.
00:25:16What a guy.
00:25:18He did it like this.
00:25:20And he shot the center.
00:25:22And then Freddy came out again.
00:25:24On the left.
00:25:26No, on the right.
00:25:28Yes, on the right.
00:25:32This is dancing.
00:25:34This is dancing.
00:25:36We were celebrating.
00:25:38We were all happy.
00:25:42They were playing.
00:25:44And Fauto.
00:25:46He presses him and cuts the ball like this.
00:25:48He shot it long.
00:25:50And the guys were going.
00:25:54Take me.
00:26:02I said, this is over.
00:26:04And people recognized.
00:26:06The fifth was missing.
00:26:08Of course.
00:26:10The train.
00:26:12And the train couldn't score the goal.
00:26:14And he was asking for it.
00:26:16He said, I'm not going to score my goal.
00:26:20The last one was missing.
00:26:22And Fautino was dancing.
00:26:24And he did it.
00:26:26And he was waiting for it.
00:26:28For it to appear.
00:26:30And he had to score.
00:26:32And he was waiting for it.
00:26:36And the people.
00:26:42But that 5-0 was history.
00:26:44Because it was heard a lot.
00:26:46That 5-0 was history.
00:26:48It's history.
00:26:50I like it.
00:26:52It's good.
00:26:54You tell me it was.
00:26:56You are talking about the past.
00:26:58Because it has not been repeated.
00:27:02Because every time the Colombian team plays.
00:27:04They mention it.
00:27:06The narrators mention that epic moment.
00:27:08That they had in that season.
00:27:10I tell you it is.
00:27:12And the people remember.
00:27:16We remember the 5-0.
00:27:18The little hand.
00:27:20So it's still.
00:27:22It's still.
00:27:24My friend told me.
00:27:26If he gets close and greets him.
00:27:30I'm not going to be ugly.
00:27:32I'm going to be normal.
00:27:34But he always needs to see that.
00:27:36You're not going to fall again.
00:27:38You and me at that moment.
00:27:40Pretty little girl.
00:27:42Tell me.
00:27:44Do you miss us?
00:27:46More or less.
00:27:48I'm going to cry.
00:27:50Did you have to offer a lot of money?
00:27:52No, from the heart.
00:27:54We did not offer them money.
00:27:56Look at Karen.
00:27:58She spat it out.
00:28:00From the heart.
00:28:02They did not ask.
00:28:04They all said yes.
00:28:06As soon as they saw the team.
00:28:08Those boys.
00:28:10As soon as they saw the boy.
00:28:12They said yes.
00:28:14They were thrilled.
00:28:16Even the boy.
00:28:18Do you think the team is not painted on the wall?
00:28:20No, because he does not speak.
00:28:22It seems.
00:28:24And the boy did not hear him either.
00:28:26What about the boy?
00:28:28Boy, your father.
00:28:30I love you.
00:28:32Me too, Negro.
00:28:34To all.
00:28:36What a woman.
00:28:38Nice to be here.
00:28:40Thank you very much.
00:28:42You played very fast.
00:28:48A pleasure.
00:28:52A pleasure to meet you.
00:28:54The pleasure is mine.
00:28:56The winning team.
00:28:58Thank you for coming.
00:29:00To break it.
00:29:02How do you feel?
00:29:04Let's do something.
00:29:06To surprise the team.
00:29:08Come on.
00:29:10You are a wajira.
00:29:14What do you think?
00:29:16What a pleasure to be here again.
00:29:18They are coming.
00:29:20Thank God for this opportunity.
00:29:24What is the joy?
00:29:26Daddy, we are active.
00:29:28Tell them.
00:29:30We are active.
00:29:32We are not going to tell them anything.
00:29:36Hold on.
00:29:44You look spectacular.
00:29:46You are beautiful.
00:29:48Thank you very much.
00:29:52Hold on.
00:29:56I am honored.
00:29:58I have seen them all compete.
00:30:00After this experience, life changes.
00:30:02It is a personal growth.
00:30:04I hope we all have the opportunity to live it.
00:30:06I heard some screams.
00:30:08People got very excited.
00:30:10A wajira came.
00:30:12She threw so much hate at me.
00:30:14She has enemies everywhere.
00:30:16I don't have enemies.
00:30:18In nowhere.
00:30:20The wajira.
00:30:22The woman of the other.
00:30:24They are not enemies for me.
00:30:26Then what are they? Friends?
00:30:28The wajira came.
00:30:30She is my enemy.
00:30:32She eliminated my best friend.
00:30:34She said, you are going to be the best DJ.
00:30:36I am happy to be here.
00:30:38I am happy too.
00:30:40It is great that you chose me too.
00:30:42You are a warrior.
00:30:44You are one of my reference participants since day one.
00:30:46I didn't expect it.
00:30:48It is great.
00:30:50I am here.
00:30:52The queen.
00:30:54She is the first one to react.
00:30:56The kiss of Judas.
00:31:00Oh no.
00:31:06They are feeling it.
00:31:10Tino is saying.
00:31:14A special moment.
00:31:16Luisa, welcome.
00:31:18How are you?
00:31:26How are you?
00:31:28Tell him what he just said.
00:31:30What was he saying?
00:31:32Say hello to the witch.
00:31:36She is my friend.
00:31:38He didn't eliminate her.
00:31:40He promoted her.
00:31:42Keep going.
00:31:44Tino is as offended as I am.
00:31:46Keep going.
00:31:50The queen.
00:31:52Who is the queen?
00:32:00He is stupid.
00:32:02He brought Lu.
00:32:04He brought her.
00:32:06I am going with my queen.
00:32:10This is going to burn.
00:32:12This is going to burn.
00:32:16Welcome, Luisa.
00:32:18I am so excited.
00:32:20Why did you take so long?
00:32:22You got there first.
00:32:24You got there first.
00:32:26Who do you think got there first?
00:32:28The queen.
00:32:32The queen.
00:32:34She came to gossip or to compete.
00:32:36I have to be aware of everything.
00:32:38Of what I came here to do.
00:32:40I have to be aware.
00:32:42She came to gossip or to compete.
00:32:44She came to gossip or to compete.
00:32:46Yes, both.
00:32:48She came to compete in her uniform.
00:32:52Luisa, you are going to put me in the center.
00:32:54Right away.
00:32:56Right away.
00:32:58There is no bed for you.
00:33:00You have to sleep with me by obligation.
00:33:02We are going to fly.
00:33:06We say, welcome, queen.
00:33:08We are going to tell her.
00:33:10Will it be?
00:33:12What if she doesn't know?
00:33:14No, that's why we make them hesitate.
00:33:16Maybe they realized.
00:33:18Let's tell her.
00:33:20Let's tell her, queen.
00:33:22Welcome, queen.
00:33:24Queen, say hello.
00:33:26You are at home.
00:33:30I missed you, Kevin.
00:33:36Welcome, queen. You are at home.
00:33:38Welcome, queen.
00:33:40How are you?
00:33:42I read that your voice was very difficult.
00:33:44The golden queen.
00:33:46I'm glad you recognize me.
00:33:48Obviously, you know that.
00:33:50We need to see each other on the track.
00:33:52When they were silent,
00:33:54that was it.
00:33:58You were not even born at that time.
00:34:00Yes, I was born in 2001 or 2002.
00:34:04And you were also a firefighter.
00:34:062001 or 2002.
00:34:08You were born at the same time.
00:34:10I was in Palmeiras.
00:34:12I was playing in Brazil.
00:34:14But I fell in love with you.
00:34:16Don't talk like that.
00:34:18They are going to kick her out.
00:34:20They are going to kick her out.
00:34:22He has a 10-year-old girlfriend.
00:34:24From what neighborhood is she from?
00:34:26From a commune in Medellín.
00:34:28She is the boss's wife.
00:34:32When Luisa left, I said,
00:34:34Luisa is still going to leave.
00:34:36That's enough.
00:34:38That's enough.
00:34:40She got a little better.
00:34:42She was with you.
00:34:44She got a little better.
00:34:46But in Gamma.
00:34:48I told them to kick her out.
00:34:50Because you are Gamma.
00:34:52They destroyed Gamma.
00:34:54You have to be very smart in your life.
00:34:58Come to a challenge
00:35:00so that the same person eliminates you twice
00:35:02and you come back.
00:35:04Let her go.
00:35:06What is it?
00:35:08It's poisonous.
00:35:10Don't worry.
00:35:12We already have Kevin.
00:35:14We have him.
00:35:18Because he cheated on her.
00:35:20He said she was the woman of his life.
00:35:22I didn't tell you that.
00:35:24Luisa is not here.
00:35:26Luisa is not here.
00:35:28I don't know him,
00:35:30but I hate him.
00:35:32He's going to cheat on you with Natalia.
00:35:34He's going to take advantage of a girl like this.
00:35:36Listen to me.
00:35:38You are not worried.
00:35:40I don't want to worry you,
00:35:42but she hasn't arrived yet.
00:35:44You are worried now at night so you don't sleep.
00:35:46Listen to me.
00:35:48She hasn't arrived yet.
00:35:50On the contrary, let her appear.
00:35:52It's up to you to eliminate us.
00:35:54Where are we going?
00:35:56To Marinilla.
00:35:58You didn't hallucinate Marinilla.
00:36:04You are not worried.
00:36:06I'm worried.
00:36:08It would be best if all of them arrived.
00:36:10Whether they eliminate him or not,
00:36:12they are competing.
00:36:14But if they don't eliminate him because of you,
00:36:16that's why he didn't come.
00:36:22I've always talked about you.
00:36:24What do you think?
00:36:26I hope he does that.
00:36:28I don't like what he's doing with Natalia,
00:36:30but that has to do with being a competitor.
00:36:32He deserves it.
00:36:34One thing doesn't have to do with the other.
00:36:36The broth has to do with the cup.
00:36:42Give me a message.
00:36:48What do you mean?
00:36:54Let's go.
00:37:52Hello Tino, ready to go?
00:37:56Are you going to help us win?
00:37:58First of all, your friends have to get there.
00:38:02They have until five in the afternoon, I think.
00:38:05For everyone to arrive.
00:38:07I hope everyone arrives right now.
00:38:08Aren't you worried because they haven't arrived?
00:38:12You know, I'm not worried about anything.
00:38:13Víctor is a very serious man.
00:38:15If he says yes, he does it.
00:38:17I hope they arrive before the competition.
00:38:19Hello, hello.
00:38:21How are the girls here?
00:38:24They arrived at a good time.
00:38:25It's breakfast time.
00:38:26Isn't that...
00:38:31What are we preparing today?
00:38:32Chocolate and eggs.
00:38:34Is it enough for me?
00:38:35Of course.
00:38:36I thought it was Olympic.
00:38:38It was.
00:38:40I'm going to get the first reinforcement.
00:38:43No way!
00:38:44I would be the last one in Caranga.
00:38:46But Víctor is tuned.
00:38:48He's the best, he's crazy.
00:38:50We're ready for the competition.
00:38:52With my partner.
00:38:53We're going to give it our all.
00:38:54Long live Dario!
00:38:57Hey, but...
00:38:58Hey, but what about Chino?
00:39:02He's here!
00:39:05Look, the teacher is here.
00:39:06Oh, my.
00:39:09What's up, Chino?
00:39:10All good.
00:39:11All good, or what?
00:39:12He already got my reinforcement
00:39:13because Nathalia's already arrived.
00:39:15Yes, of course.
00:39:17Coming here again is good.
00:39:19It's hard.
00:39:20And yesterday was a hard day.
00:39:22I took a flight, a bus, a car.
00:39:24I took everything to get here.
00:39:26Good choice, good choice.
00:39:28This was one of mine.
00:39:29Yes, darling.
00:39:32No, but what if he did it while thinking of me?
00:39:35Because he's good.
00:39:36Oh, my God, to throw you hard.
00:39:38To throw you hard.
00:39:39And because you know that I like that.
00:39:40So, that's why.
00:39:42So much pain in the ass.
00:39:43No, but why?
00:39:45Well, you know who I am.
00:39:46I like to compete like this.
00:39:48How do you perceive the difference
00:39:49between this format and the format you were in?
00:39:52I feel that when it was our turn,
00:39:54it was harder.
00:39:55Survival in the sense that we are on the beach,
00:39:58we are on a cenote, everything was wet,
00:40:00a lot of cold, mosquitoes, flies, everything.
00:40:03The middle beach was like an igloo.
00:40:06You slept very well, you could get into the sea
00:40:07or a water of toads.
00:40:09Water of what?
00:40:10It was full of toads.
00:40:13You took out the toy and toads came out.
00:40:15I go to the sea.
00:40:16But you stay all sticky.
00:40:17But it is that I also had the challenge in 2005,
00:40:22when there were no cameras.
00:40:26The only thing they did on the lower beach was a cambuche
00:40:30and that's it.
00:40:30From there to there, research it.
00:40:32And we had to bathe with the water of the sea.
00:40:47I do like this team.
00:40:52Welcome, welcome.
00:40:55Thank you, Father.
00:40:55Thank you for bringing me here again.
00:40:57Hey, who's going to direct us?
00:40:59I think for any human in the whole world,
00:41:02it would be an honor to be directed by you, brother.
00:41:04Thank you, thank you.
00:41:05What a blessing, kid, right?
00:41:07You've done well.
00:41:08Congratulations, boy.
00:41:09Thank you, thank you.
00:41:11Daddy, cool.
00:41:12I'm proud to see you here, brother.
00:41:13I've seen everything.
00:41:15Thank you very much, dad.
00:41:17I have a question there.
00:41:18Why in that game,
00:41:20when you got the animal,
00:41:22why didn't you have a lycra on?
00:41:25Put it in context.
00:41:27The shot was in a game,
00:41:29and the man is going to make a move,
00:41:30get up, and he gets the...
00:41:32The anaconda.
00:41:33He gets the animal.
00:41:34I'll tell you what happened.
00:41:36I came for the first time
00:41:38to the call of the Colombian national team
00:41:40in Mayores, 1993,
00:41:42a game in Bogotá
00:41:44against the Chilean national team.
00:41:46What happens is that in Italy,
00:41:47when I played football,
00:41:49they always gave us what he says,
00:41:50lycras, pants, everything.
00:41:52In the Colombian national team,
00:41:54you had to bring the pants to play.
00:41:56Since I played the game
00:41:58and I was going to the airport,
00:41:59because I was going to Tuluá,
00:42:01it turns out that I sent my suitcases
00:42:03to the airport,
00:42:05and I realized that when I got to the stadium,
00:42:07I got the pants to travel.
00:42:10So I said,
00:42:11I'm going to play without pants,
00:42:12because the pants are quite long.
00:42:14But after the game,
00:42:16I realized that it wasn't as long as I thought.
00:42:18Because every time I ran,
00:42:19I got out like this.
00:42:20In one of those,
00:42:21a girl took a picture,
00:42:23and the girl realized
00:42:24that this picture was so strange,
00:42:25that something was wrong with it.
00:42:26Because those were black and white.
00:42:28Even in black and white?
00:42:29Of course, the photos were for the newspaper.
00:42:33So you realized
00:42:34when everything was over and everything?
00:42:36When they put out a huge picture
00:42:37in a magazine,
00:42:39and there were photos
00:42:40that you could paste
00:42:41and paste them on the wall,
00:42:44everything turned around.
00:42:45Because at that moment,
00:42:47I was among the five best players
00:42:49in the world.
00:42:50And now,
00:42:51there's a picture of Messi
00:42:52or Cristiano Ronaldo
00:42:54of a tiny little thing.
00:42:59When I won the challenge,
00:43:00my life changed completely.
00:43:01And I think it's not just
00:43:02for those of us who won it,
00:43:03but for everyone, brother.
00:43:04It's a very beautiful thing.
00:43:05It's always present.
00:43:06Of course.
00:43:07Well, I can't hear you!
00:43:08Are you scared or what?
00:43:10Hey, you finally showed up.
00:43:12What? Here I am, son.
00:43:13You were nervous,
00:43:14and I said,
00:43:15oh, my brain got sick.
00:43:16We're going to eliminate you.
00:43:17The more people call me,
00:43:18the more we eliminate them.
00:43:19We're already complete.
00:43:21They're scared.
00:43:22Hey, you're screwed.
00:43:24My team has been training
00:43:25since yesterday.
00:43:26They didn't even sleep.
00:43:28They have more adrenaline
00:43:29than Argentina.
00:43:31Bye, guys.
00:43:32See you now.
00:43:33Well, in conclusion,
00:43:34we are a team.
00:43:36We are the Tino Papi.
00:43:38We are speculating.
00:43:40They asked me,
00:43:41are we scared?
00:43:43And then,
00:43:44he clearly answered,
00:43:47Not at all, son.
00:43:48I'm not scared.
00:43:49Ready or not?
00:43:50We're ready.
00:43:51You're ready to go with me.
00:43:52It's not like you haven't
00:43:53come to my partner.
00:43:54And how much are you going to give me?
00:43:56You're going to give me?
00:43:57There's 1,200 million.
00:44:00If I told you,
00:44:01eat the Tino,
00:44:02I don't know how much
00:44:03you would convince me.
00:44:04A little lunch.
00:44:06A little lunch?
00:44:08I mean, do you really think
00:44:09I'm that cheap?
00:44:10It's that easy.
00:44:11As a gift?
00:44:14What 200?
00:44:15Wait, I have to go to Italy.
00:44:16No, 200.
00:44:17I even brought you a gift.
00:44:18A thousand?
00:44:19Why would I have a thousand?
00:44:20And you still have a partner.
00:44:21You're single.
00:44:22I was born single.
00:44:24Yes, I'm single.
00:44:25Yes, it shows that you're single.
00:44:27Because he's handsome.
00:44:28He's very handsome.
00:44:30And you feel good alone?
00:44:33I made a decision.
00:44:34That was a problem
00:44:35that I had.
00:44:36I left my house
00:44:37when I was 12 years old.
00:44:38My mom never
00:44:39was with me.
00:44:40My dad,
00:44:41I never met him.
00:44:42He was still very old.
00:44:43That lack of a partner,
00:44:44I understood at some point
00:44:45because of the psychological structure
00:44:46and everything.
00:44:47And in the end I said,
00:44:49give me some time,
00:44:50I want to evolve in this.
00:44:51And I've been alone for two years.
00:44:53I'm looking for a partner,
00:44:54but may God put it on me,
00:44:55you know what I mean?
00:44:56Of course.
00:44:57Someone with whom I can really grow.
00:44:59And are you sure
00:45:00that your partner is coming or not?
00:45:02I see him very excited,
00:45:03but I'm already worried.
00:45:04If he doesn't come, bye.
00:45:06because at the moment
00:45:07I'm a very busy person
00:45:08and yesterday when I called him,
00:45:09he was in Lima,
00:45:10not in the house.
00:45:12He was in Lima.
00:45:13Oh, my brother is not coming.
00:45:14You are the one who competes,
00:45:15I know you are going to compete with me.
00:45:18how can I go from Lima to Tolima?
00:45:19It's Lebanon,
00:45:20do you think that's it?
00:45:22but I think it's two hours from Pereira.
00:45:24I just took you to Bogotá,
00:45:25I think there is only one flight a day.
00:45:27but to Bogotá,
00:45:28but you have to go to Pereira,
00:45:29to make your suitcase,
00:45:30to your house.
00:45:32my brother is not coming.
00:45:33It would have been easier
00:45:34if I told him
00:45:35to give him 100 million,
00:45:36so that he could put the money there.
00:45:37You tell him,
00:45:39if he comes,
00:45:40there are 100 million of the premium,
00:45:41let him come.
00:45:42If he comes,
00:45:43I'll have to go to him.
00:45:44There is a donkey.
00:45:45Where did you live?
00:45:47But Bogotá?
00:45:48Bogotá, yes.
00:45:49And what did you work?
00:45:50I was the last one
00:45:51who was doing security,
00:45:52before that I worked as an operator,
00:45:53the machine,
00:45:54and I worked there for five years with them.
00:45:55And now,
00:45:56I'm here.
00:45:57Are you not going to change jobs anymore?
00:45:58Or do you want to stay in the same thing?
00:46:00the truth is,
00:46:01I would like to do things
00:46:02that I find more passionate,
00:46:03so I don't think I'll go back to that.
00:46:04I want to do something
00:46:05that I find more passionate,
00:46:06so I don't think I'll go back to that.
00:46:07I want to do something
00:46:08that I find more passionate,
00:46:09so I don't think I'll go back to that.
00:46:10I want to do things
00:46:11that I say,
00:46:13it's not going to be a job for me,
00:46:14that you have to eat everything,
00:46:15see you later,
00:46:16that's it.
00:46:18I'm still a beginner.
00:46:21I mean,
00:46:22this is what happens.
00:46:23For me,
00:46:24Berta is like a reference
00:46:25of someone that I admire,
00:46:26from someone that I say,
00:46:28a person who went out
00:46:29to that challenge so long ago,
00:46:30who has done so many things,
00:46:31who has grown so much
00:46:32that your name is not out there
00:46:34but you grow
00:46:35and people know you.
00:46:36You have
00:46:38Transcendencia tras el desafio, eso es lo que yo quiero para mi vida.
00:46:42No dejar caer ese momento, sino seguirlo alimentando.
00:46:46De lo que yo he visto, las pruebas, qué te ha pasado, las cosas,
00:46:50¿en qué forma tú crees que yo te voy a poder ayudar?
00:46:53Experiencia, yo dije al momento de tomar una decisión,
00:46:55al momento de hacer algo, este hombre la tiene clara.
00:46:58Vine con muchas ganas de callar bocas.
00:47:00Muchas, muchas ganas de callar bocas, entonces dije, listo.
00:47:04También vi en cierto punto, porque es lo que yo he visto en televisión,
00:47:08obviamente, que la relación, que no sé qué.
00:47:11Hoy fue como un romance de reality, ya me huele así.
00:47:14Lo del estar en el otro equipo, eso ya acabó.
00:47:16Entonces como que en ese momento estabas como concentrada en eso, no sé,
00:47:20y de pronto eso te estaba desviando, pero pues ya es un punto en el que es decisivo,
00:47:25o sea, de aquí dependen muchas cosas, y como que es concentrarse en el juego.
00:47:30¿Quién cree que es el villano de esta época? No, villano, villana, no.
00:47:32Villano no, pero sí el más tremendo.
00:47:35Bueno, ¿qué escuche tan feo? Beba.
00:47:38Ah, pero de toda la historia.
00:47:40Ah, ¿de toda la historia?
00:47:41No, no, pero no de toda la historia, sino ahora mismo.
00:47:43No, ahora mismo, ahora mismo.
00:47:46Tremendo, es tremendo.
00:47:47Pero es buen competidor, ¿verdad?
00:47:48Muestra mucho odio en el juego.
00:47:49Pero es buen competidor, ¿sí o qué?
00:47:51Le mete garras.
00:47:52Alejo es un gran ser humano.
00:47:53Sí, sí, claro, hermano.
00:47:54Alejo es un gran ser humano, simplemente que quizás no encuentra las palabras idóneas
00:47:58para expresar sus cosas, ¿sí me entiendes?
00:48:02Hay que estar claro que es un juego, hermano, ¿sí me entiendes?
00:48:04Yo creo que eso es lo más que tenemos que tener todos nosotros.
00:48:07Es un juego y todo el mundo va a jugar a suya, ¿sí me entiendes?
00:48:09Pero a mí también me parece que Alejo en convivencia es firme, obviamente tuvo su estrategia
00:48:13y nos reímos de eso, pero para mí todo es válido después de que no dañe físicamente
00:48:17a alguien, ¿sí me entiendes?
00:48:18Porque es un juego, tienes que ser estratega.
00:48:20Y su estrategia le funcionó perfecto.
00:48:23Tienen que tener ustedes en cuenta que ustedes llevan más tiempo que los que vienen.
00:48:27Que los que hemos comido mierda somos nosotros.
00:48:30Yo aconsejando a Natalia ayer para que trajera a esa mierda y tal,
00:48:34esa mierda es la que me la va a quitar.
00:48:38Oye, Natalia.
00:48:39Yo en un momento pensé y yo dije, oiga, Alejo no ha caído en cuenta de eso.
00:48:43Que no, yo sí pensé en eso, claro, obvio.
00:48:46Pero siempre lo he dicho y lo voy a decir hasta el final,
00:48:49yo quiero es pelear con los monstruos, con los más monstruos.
00:48:51Porque uno cuando va a ganar algo, eso sí, créame,
00:48:55que hay que eliminar a todos.
00:48:57Hasta el...
00:48:58Ahora si es diferente, pues se la echa porque trajo un man que es campeón
00:49:03y usted trajo una pelea que es competidora.
00:49:05Usted como siempre, comentando lo que no tiene que comentar.
00:49:09Lo que tengo que decir esta vez, ¿qué puedo decir de usted?
00:49:12Limite, limítese.
00:49:14Es un halago.
00:49:15No limítese.
00:49:16Es un halago.
00:49:21Nos van a eliminar los dos.
00:49:23Con esa actitud lo eliminan.
00:49:25Lu, Lu, Lu.
00:49:26El técnico no, vea.
00:49:28Es que usted también se hace la mártir, pero usted también.
00:49:30Cuando la eliminaron, ¿usted perdió o ganó la prueba?
00:49:33Perdieron por usted entonces también.
00:49:35La perdí.
00:49:36Y le dio papa ya chiquita, el mismo tan.
00:49:39Y los meditos también.
00:49:40Le clavó sus tres puñaladas, ni siquiera una.
00:49:42No, pero con razón, porque con razón.
00:49:44Pero Dios mío.
00:49:46Ninguna cosa, yo en ningún desafío me he echado a las mujeres enemigas.
00:49:49Va del primero, mijo.
00:49:51Le estoy dando la razón y me va a pegar también.
00:49:54En este caso las estoy defendiendo.
00:49:56Claro, usted le metió.
00:49:58Este es realista, está muy raro.
00:50:00Le estoy dando la razón a ella y me va a meter un chanclazo.
00:50:02Y esto también, me puta.
00:50:15Qué chévere.
00:50:16Ella es un amor.
00:50:18Ay, gracias.
00:50:19De verdad que contraviento y marea porque...
00:50:23Difícil, o sea, dejar el consultorio listo.
00:50:25Los pacientes, pacientes que ya tenían programados.
00:50:28A mi pequeñín, dejarlo con Lucho.
00:50:31No un sueño, o sea, que alguien me pellizque, por favor.
00:50:35Dispuesta a dar el mil por ciento que traigo entre nosotros.
00:50:39Gracias por venir acompañando acá.
00:50:41Ay, sí.
00:50:42¿Te imaginaste en algún momento que volverías al desafío?
00:50:44No, o sea, sinceramente, yo ya le había dado a esto como un...
00:50:49Ya había cerrado el libro.
00:50:50O ya pasaste la página.
00:50:51Ya le había puesto el fin.
00:50:53¿Vos te encarretaste con alguien?
00:50:55¿Con quién?
00:50:56Con Marlon.
00:50:57¿Y qué tuvieron?
00:50:58Nos molestábamos.
00:51:00¿Qué es molestarse?
00:51:03De aquí para allá.
00:51:04Habla lo que usted no sabe.
00:51:06Bueno, pero ¿qué es molestarse?
00:51:07¿Cómo que qué es molestarse?
00:51:09Luyeñaita, manujeaita.
00:51:11Hablábamos, nos conocíamos, me contaba de él.
00:51:13Yo le contaba de mí.
00:51:15¿Y usted en qué momento entró?
00:51:17No, yo no entré en ningún lado.
00:51:18No, yo no entré en ningún lado.
00:51:20No, no.
00:51:21Si entró en una relación.
00:51:22¿Qué relación?
00:51:23¿Cuál relación?
00:51:24Si no había relación.
00:51:25No, yo no entré en ningún lado.
00:51:26Mike no estuvo en ninguna relación.
00:51:28O sea, usted a los meros picos con uno y no hay una relación ahí.
00:51:31¿Usted sabe eso?
00:51:33¿Usted cree que es que yo no tengo televisor en mi casa?
00:51:35Muy grande, por suerte.
00:51:37Veintiocho pulgadas creo que tiene.
00:51:41Estoy preocupado porque estoy viniendo.
00:51:43No, no, no.
00:51:44Usted vino a enredar la pita aquí.
00:51:45No, el que las quiere enredar es usted.
00:51:47Yo viví con Marlon.
00:51:49Eso es un problema de nosotros dos.
00:51:51Y aparte que yo aquí en Omega no viví nada con más nadie.
00:51:53Entonces, no entiendo qué es lo que estás hablando tú.
00:51:55Porque aquí en Omega estamos en tino.
00:51:56Cuando sube en Omega, cuando sube en Omega.
00:51:58Es que enredó Marlon y le va a enredar también Alejo.
00:52:01¿Y por qué lo voy a enredar?
00:52:02Porque es mi equipo y yo tengo que estar pendiente de él.
00:52:04¿Y en qué se lo estoy enredando yo?
00:52:06Pues ayer no chupó tropa con él y durmió con él.
00:52:10¡Ay, Dios mío!
00:52:12Yo me desperté a las ocho de la mañana y la vi a usted.
00:52:16Parecía un carajol.
00:52:20Le va a acabar el noviazgo a usted.
00:52:22Y apuramos que está soltera porque ella es feliz acabando con los noviazgos por ti.
00:52:27La reina es una brúa, yo sé.
00:52:30Ya le advertí.
00:52:32Yo me siento muy feliz con todas las personas que están llegando.
00:52:36Pero se los veo yo grandes.
00:52:39De que puedo aprender de ustedes muchas cosas como personas.
00:52:41Gracias, papá.
00:52:42En todo sentido.
00:52:43Yo no esperaba ni siquiera que me eligieras tú.
00:52:45Porque debo ser franca, no me voy a poner con bobadas.
00:52:47Muchas veces me pidieron opinión respecto a tu situación.
00:52:50Sí decía, voy a opinar respecto a lo que estoy viendo en la cámara.
00:52:53Y me parece que está siendo tibio, me parece que está siendo desleal.
00:52:55Tal vez con una persona que está afuera.
00:52:57Pero nunca me has caído mal.
00:52:58Siempre te he admirado.
00:52:59Y para mí es un honor que estemos aquí.
00:53:01Que me hayas elegido a mí.
00:53:02Entre más de 500 personas estar aquí.
00:53:04Es como, wow.
00:53:05En mi mente, de tenerte aquí como el campeón en mi mente.
00:53:08A pasar a competir con el que yo sé que se va a ganar el desafío, en nombre de Dios.
00:53:12Es como, wow.
00:53:13Que me siento súper honrada.
00:53:15¡Hola, muchachos!
00:53:16Ay, ese pelo.
00:53:19¿Oíste vos qué?
00:53:20Demoraste demasiado.
00:53:23Me tenías estresada ya.
00:53:25Hola, pareja. ¿Cómo estás?
00:53:28Me tenías súper nerviosa.
00:53:29¡Muy poco!
00:53:30¿Qué chinazo?
00:53:31¿Ti no?
00:53:32¿Ti no?
00:53:33Bueno, bienvenido.
00:53:35Llegó a, no a un equipo.
00:53:37Llegó a una familia.
00:53:39Y hay que competir con todo.
00:53:42Tiene toda la confianza de aquí de...
00:53:44¿Por qué me escogiste?
00:53:45No, yo siempre lo he admirado mucho.
00:53:47Siempre le decía a los muchachos que me gustaba mucho su trabajo,
00:53:51cómo lo hacía acá y cómo lo hacía afuera.
00:53:53Gracias, no.
00:53:54Ya saben, aquí vayas con toda.
00:54:01Hace parte de este equipazo.
00:54:02No, no.
00:54:03Mi amigo me lo conoce.
00:54:04Mi amigo me la parció.
00:54:06Muestre a él.
00:54:12Tu hombre me tiene preocupado.
00:54:15No, lástima, ya está demorado.
00:54:18Ni el Tino, pues.
00:54:21El Tino llegaba siempre tarde.
00:54:22El Tino, no.
00:54:24Los goleadores, como meten goles,
00:54:26entonces ellos son los chachos del equipo.
00:54:28Nosotros llegamos tempranito.
00:54:30Y nosotros esperando.
00:54:32Dos horas, pues.
00:54:33Es lo que sea.
00:54:34Ahí quién falta, quién falta, y nosotros vamos.
00:54:37Y llegaba corriendo.
00:54:41Yo lo miraba así.
00:54:44Y el profesor se emputaba.
00:54:46Ah, muchachos, ¿qué hacemos con este man?
00:54:48Y entonces yo le decía,
00:54:49bro, ¿qué vamos a hacer?
00:54:52Vamos a esperar el partido.
00:54:54Y siempre que la cagaba,
00:54:55metía dos goles.
00:54:58Uno que hacía.
00:54:59Vamos a abrazar a ese...
00:55:01Nosotros perdonamos al Tino,
00:55:02que no era el mejor jugador de nosotros.
00:55:04Pero este man no ha metido ni un gol.
00:55:07No ha metido ni un gol.
00:55:09Flaca, ¿no podemos llamar a otro?
00:55:11Tenemos cinco horas.
00:55:12¿Tú dices?
00:55:13¿Tenemos cinco horas?
00:55:14Claro, ¿para llamar a otro?
00:55:15Nosotros lo que no queremos es que te vayas tú.
00:55:18No, pero él debe llegar, obviamente.
00:55:21Flaca, ¿va hasta el final?
00:55:22Claro, hasta el final.
00:55:24Esperemos a ver.
00:55:25El problema es que nosotros no.
00:55:26Nosotros vamos a quedar jodidos.
00:55:28Porque si el man no viene, te vas tú.
00:55:29Y no queremos que tú te vayas.
00:55:30No, pero el profe tiene razón.
00:55:31Pensemos en alguien que pueda estar en Bogotá.
00:55:33Que esté en Bogotá.
00:55:35Yo tengo aquí la libertad de echarlo y buscar otro.
00:55:38Pero depende de ella.
00:55:39Mi pibe, mi pibe,
00:55:40manda todas las energías que va a llegar.
00:55:42La energía la estoy mandando.
00:55:44Tan bacano que la hemos pasado.
00:55:46Te vas ahí en la final.
00:55:48Faltando un minuto.
00:55:50Faltando un minuto.
00:55:53¿Quién es el capitán del otro equipo?
00:55:55El capitán del otro equipo se llama
00:55:58Carlos Alberto El Pío Alderrama.
00:56:00No te preocupes que él era el que me los ponía,
00:56:02yo hacía goles.
00:56:05Aquí tenemos una ventaja,
00:56:07que yo soy el que hago los goles.
00:56:10Siempre es una ventaja el que mete.
00:56:14Pero la nobleza mía está por encima de todo.
00:56:17Y el pibe y yo nos amamos.
00:56:19Yo amo al pibe.
00:56:20Pero el amar, pues.
00:56:23Cuando estábamos en el mismo equipo,
00:56:25íbamos por lo mismo.
00:56:26Pero ahora que estamos en equipos rivales,
00:56:28y por eso estamos él allá y yo acá,
00:56:30yo voy por mi equipo.
00:56:32Y él va por el de él.
00:56:33Porque así tiene que ser.
00:56:34Somos muy leales en eso.
00:56:47En el 86, nosotros fuimos a arrepentirse con un paraguayo.
00:56:52El técnico era el profesor Gabriel Ochoa Uribe.
00:56:56Man, ese man era...
00:57:00Y me llamó.
00:57:01Carlos, yo necesito hablar con usted.
00:57:03Lo felicito.
00:57:05Profe, gracias por llamarme.
00:57:08Usted juega muy bien.
00:57:10Por eso lo convoqué.
00:57:12Pero quiero que se corte el perro.
00:57:17Personalidad enseguida.
00:57:19Me dice así.
00:57:21¿Qué, qué?
00:57:22No, yo no dije nada.
00:57:24Ya con eso le digo todo.
00:57:27Nos vemos, profe.
00:57:31No, hombre, Carlos, tranquilo.
00:57:33Yo nada más le hice esa observación.
00:57:36Para que se vea mejor.
00:57:37Y yo le digo, no, profe, si yo soy bonito con pelo.
00:57:40Y le va a cortar la fuerza a Sansón, pues.
00:57:43Claro, pues.
00:57:44Pero nunca se lo cortó.
00:57:45No, no, no.
00:57:46Y después de eso, nadie más nunca.
00:57:47Nadie más.
00:57:48Nadie más.
00:57:49Es que esto lo decidí yo.
00:57:51¿Con qué molesto yo esta vaina?
00:57:54En el Mundial del 94, éramos archifavoritos.
00:57:58No perdimos un solo partido en el eliminatorio
00:58:00y le ganamos a Argentina 5-0.
00:58:02Imagínese, pues.
00:58:04Todo el mundo apuntaba a mí,
00:58:05porque yo estaba entre los cuatro mejores jugadores del mundo.
00:58:09Pues todo el mundo pensaba que yo en el Mundial
00:58:13iba a ser la gran figura y no.
00:58:15Fui capaz.
00:58:17Me fraudeé al pie, a la selección,
00:58:20a Maturana, a Bolillo y a todo Colombia.
00:58:23Porque el Mundial lo jugué mal.
00:58:25Era muy niño.
00:58:26Y me quedó grande, la verdad.
00:58:30Y es un peso que voy a llevar hasta que me muera.
00:58:34Por les paso esto.
00:58:35Para que no les pase a ustedes.
00:58:36Para que dentro de 10 años o 20 años
00:58:39ustedes no se recriminen diciendo
00:58:46tuve oportunidad tan linda de ganarme el desafío
00:58:51y no lo gané porque cometí este error tan, tan, tan.
00:58:55¿Cuántas horas son?
00:58:56Treinta y seis.
00:58:57Ya falta poco.
00:58:58O sea, faltan ahorita cinco, faltan unas tres.
00:59:00Tres, dos horitas y media.
00:59:02Uy, o sea, estamos en el semáforo rojo.
00:59:04Sí, señor.
00:59:05Estamos en alarma.
00:59:06Sí, señor.
00:59:07No, y el problema es que la flaca se ganó la estadía aquí.
00:59:10Se la ha sudado.
00:59:11Claro, estoy mierda por esa vaina, no.
00:59:14Pero yo le dije a ella,
00:59:16busca otro.
00:59:17Claro, pero ella estaba sin el chance.
00:59:18Ni de Bogotá alcancé a llegar ahorita.
00:59:20Ah, bueno.
00:59:21Hay que tener la energía que el man viene por ahí.
00:59:23No, y que la flaca se vaya así de vacilón.
00:59:25No, mire la carita.
00:59:27Está preocupada, está preocupada.
00:59:29Hay tensión en casa, pibe.
00:59:34Madri, ¿qué?
00:59:36Madri no demora en venir.
00:59:39¿Sabes cómo es él?
00:59:40Sí, yo estoy fresco, estoy muy tranquilo.
00:59:43Es que no depende tampoco de usted.
00:59:44Yo cuando la vi.
00:59:45Sí, ya, no depende de usted.
00:59:47No depende de usted.
00:59:48Ella tenía muy buena actitud.
00:59:49Sí, claro.
00:59:50Yo estoy muy tranquilo.
00:59:51Estoy muy tranquilo.
00:59:52Esperar a ver.
00:59:53Y si no viene, pues esa ha sido la voluntad.
00:59:56No, no, no.
00:59:58A mí no me gustaría que se saliera así ni por el...
01:00:02¿Qué dice uno ahí?
01:00:05See you later.
01:00:06See you later.
01:00:08Francisco, game over.
01:00:10Dejé la vida en el juego.
01:00:18Ay, mal.
01:00:19¿Qué es eso?
01:00:20¿Cómo es si entonces?
01:00:24No, todavía faltan para las 36 horas.
01:00:27Desafiantes, buenas noches.
01:00:28Buenas noches.
01:00:31Guau, qué emoción ver tantas caras nuevas.
01:00:33Ya tendremos el momento específico y formal para saludarlos a todos.
01:00:37Pero quiero saber cómo ha marchado la conformación de los equipos,
01:00:40si es tal y como lo tenían planeado.
01:00:42Pibe, cuéntame, ¿cómo van los tuyos?
01:00:45Nada, está muy incompleto.
01:00:46Falta un man ahí que se está pegando el hoyo.
01:00:49¿Quién falta de pareja en tu casa, Pibe?
01:00:52No, Karen.
01:00:53Karen, la flaca, Karen.
01:00:54No tenemos solución, un chance.
01:00:57¿Solución como qué, Pibe?
01:00:58Para llamar a otro.
01:01:00Pero es que, Pibe, ¿quién llega en una hora y pico a la Ciudadela?
01:01:04Den un chance, porque la flaca va a jugar hasta el final.
01:01:07Yo hubiera tomado la decisión de hace rato,
01:01:09pero estoy respetando porque la flaca se ganó el derecho de estar aquí.
01:01:12Pero ella dijo que iba a esperar hasta el final.
01:01:14Tino, ¿tu equipo sí está listo, completo, ya todos?
01:01:21Nuestro equipo también falta una persona,
01:01:24falta la pareja de Francisco, pero Francisco está muy tranquilo.
01:01:29Yo no sé si es que se siente eliminado ya o qué,
01:01:34pero está muy relajado y estamos todos en la expectativa también
01:01:38con la angustia que llegue la persona de Francisco,
01:01:40pero la verdad es que esto ya está...
01:01:42Falta una persona y estaríamos completos.
01:01:45No es momento, la verdad, para estar relajados.
01:01:47Sé que lo quieren tomar con optimismo,
01:01:49pero repito, en cerca de una hora
01:01:53se cierran las puertas de la Ciudadela Zafío 20 años.
01:02:00Karen, Francisco,
01:02:02debo recordarles lo que Mafe, mi compañera,
01:02:06les comunicó hace casi 36 horas.
01:02:08Las parejas tienen que estar conformadas en ese tiempo.
01:02:13Ese es el límite.
01:02:1536 horas que están cerca de cumplirse.
01:02:19Así que en breve las puertas de la Ciudadela Zafío 20 años
01:02:23se cerrarán.
01:02:24Llegue el que llegue.
01:02:26Ahora no sé, viendo la situación como estaba en ese instante,
01:02:30si los equipos van a competir con el mismo número de integrantes.
01:02:35Eso lo veremos.
01:02:36Es más, una hora a partir de este instante.
01:02:39Hasta pronto.
01:02:42Ya llega, ya llega.
01:02:44Ya llega.
01:02:45Igual como dije,
01:02:46ella debe estar ocupada también
01:02:48y que no venga también es entendible.
01:02:50No, papi, se la va a perder la esperanza.
01:02:52No, ya llega.
01:02:53Que pierda la esperanza.
01:02:57Que el man va a llegar.
01:02:59Colocado el cronómetro y todo.
01:03:00El tiempo.
01:03:02Hay que llamar la energía positiva.
01:03:04Eso, eso, eso.
01:03:05El seman tiene que llegar.
01:03:06Yo detallé una cosa muy importante.
01:03:09En esa llamada,
01:03:10que el equipo de ellos todos tenían el uniforme puesto,
01:03:13como quien dice,
01:03:14vamos a la guerra ya a competir.
01:03:16Y el de nosotros,
01:03:18ustedes vieron el uniforme,
01:03:19humanos todos,
01:03:20hasta el pibe tenía el uniforme puesto.
01:03:22Es verdad.
01:03:23Es verdad.
01:03:24Y usted, mire,
01:03:26como lo cogió como si ya estuviera en Cartagena.
01:03:28Si no hubieran dicho,
01:03:29vámonos ya para la pelea,
01:03:31ya íbamos perdiendo un a cero.
01:03:33Ese man se vestió,
01:03:34no es la mañana que le atodillé,
01:03:36es que dejó de abrazar a la flaca.
01:03:38El man se levantó,
01:03:42se puso el uniforme.
01:03:43Hasta para meterse a la piscina,
01:03:44le dijeron,
01:03:45¿se va a meter así?
01:03:46Y yo, no,
01:03:47yo ya estoy listo.
01:03:48Eso es,
01:03:49esa es la actitud,
01:03:51Lo pongo ejemplo porque ya pasó.
01:03:52Yo por eso la tengo
01:03:53y yo ya me quedo con ella, ya.
01:03:54Ya, ya.
01:03:55Hasta que llegan a dormir.
01:03:56Cuando me digan,
01:03:58tienen que competir los nuevos.
01:03:59Ya estoy listo.
01:04:00Cuando me digan de nosotros,
01:04:01en una hora que falta,
01:04:02pues yo quedo eliminado
01:04:03y ya,
01:04:04eso es todo.
01:04:08Se ha comido mucha mierda
01:04:09como para eliminarse así,
01:04:12Entonces, ¿qué?
01:04:14Cámbiese, hombre.
01:04:17¿y qué menos me va a cambiar?
01:04:18Yo la verdad,
01:04:19pues no contemos con él
01:04:20porque él está tan tranquilo
01:04:21que ya se siente eliminado.
01:04:22Sabemos que no están sus manos,
01:04:24pero cámbiese,
01:04:26Al menos las medias
01:04:27y las pantalonetas,
01:04:28que la camiseta,
01:04:29que van a encerrar.
01:04:30A ver.
01:04:31Ahí va a meter el seguido.
01:04:33¡Ay Dios mío!
01:04:35Por fin.
01:04:36¡Seguro que no debe sobreir tanto!
01:04:37¡Ay no!
01:04:38¡Casi no llegó!
01:04:39Levi no era el mal cuerpo
01:04:40a este hombre,
01:04:41por Dios.
01:04:43Me preocupa que
01:04:44el viaje más bien
01:04:45le jugué bien.
01:04:46¡Ay grande!
01:04:47Qué es eso?
01:04:48Tan guau.
01:04:49¡Qué es eso!
01:04:50Como él equipazo.
01:04:51La vayas de presentación.
01:04:52Pero más guau, vea.
01:04:53Es más guau.
01:04:54Madre su de té.
01:04:55Que papa,
01:04:56el que se puso
01:04:57You're the coolest.
01:04:58In case of tea.
01:04:59That's right, baby.
01:05:00In case of tea.
01:05:02Did you like it?
01:05:02I'll suck your ass.
01:05:03I'll suck your ass.
01:05:04I'll suck your ass.
01:05:06So what else?
01:05:07Tell me more.
01:05:08Why am I here?
01:05:09Well, I know it's for Francisco, but what happened?
01:05:12Let him be surprised.
01:05:13Let him be surprised.
01:05:14Oh, no.
01:05:15That's it.
01:05:15That's it.
01:05:16That's it.
01:05:16That's it.
01:05:18The good thing is to wait.
01:05:20Very good.
01:05:20Very good.
01:05:21That's right.
01:05:22I want to see you!
01:05:25Are you scared?
01:05:26We're done, Pecuecas!
01:05:30Talk to him!
01:05:31Long live your father!
01:05:33The rest of you are fucked.
01:05:35The pressure is for the cold ones.
01:05:37Are you done or not?
01:05:39Daddy, calm down.
01:05:40We'll solve it here.
01:05:41I see you scared.
01:05:42I don't see you complete.
01:05:44Here we also have one of three feet of mine.
01:05:46Don't worry.
01:05:48A long one and it comes out.
01:05:50A long story.
01:05:53He would do very badly in front of Colombia.
01:05:56Too much.
01:05:57He's playing his image.
01:05:59His good name.
01:06:00His name.
01:06:00So if I make myself understood, then I don't think he'll
01:06:03take that from me.
01:06:04In two minutes, it will arrive.
