• 2 months ago


00:00Hey guys on some recent videos a few people have commented about how loud the
00:08cicadas are how loud the insects are in Japan in summer yes sometimes it's so
00:15loud you can barely hear each other talk when you're outside and they've been
00:19starting at 430 in the morning quite often and if the temperature stays over
00:2530 degrees all night which it sometimes does they don't stop so they just keep
00:30going 24 hours a day just sort of dull you know all the time however you'll
00:39notice that at the old farmhouse today it's actually really quiet and with
00:44occasional bursts of semi but mostly it's been pretty quiet and I've come out
00:49to do some stuff in the garden and I found out why so the semi's life cycle I
00:58can't remember how long it is it's not super long so they come out of the
01:02ground like larvae the larvae in the ground and they come out and climb up
01:06the trees and do their cycle and and then they just die so then we start to
01:12find them all over the ground like this. I've got to be careful because someone was
01:21really angry recently and unsubscribed from our channel because that video that
01:26showed the praying mantis eating a semi and apparently it was cruelty to animals
01:33or something so David Attenborough and all those people who do the documentaries
01:36showing lions eating zebras and stuff apparently those people are bad people
01:41and apparently we're bad people for showing it too so have to be very
01:45careful about showing you things like this. I didn't kill him he just died on
01:49his own his life was at an end and we will give him a dignified burial so
01:58anyway that's the insect thing so yeah it's sort of really enjoyable today to
02:03be so peaceful isn't that nice isn't that nice so for now anyway they'll
02:09start up again it's very reliant on temperature there's still a lot of them
02:12up in the trees and it depends on the temperature and the wind and all sorts
02:16of things when they start up so we know every year when it gets to about 30
02:20degrees when it's consistently over 30 degrees that's usually when they start
02:24up that's a cicada. The other thing is now let's put our little friend down
02:31here for a moment very gently so we don't upset anybody the other thing
02:36that's interesting is the rainy season stopped a couple of weeks ago and since
02:40then there's been zero rain so the grass and everything's a little bit dry
02:45however the air is really humid and as a result of that the air conditioners
02:50produce an incredible amount of condensation so if you have a look at
02:54our air conditioning there's our air conditioner over there split system air
02:58conditioner and that's the water outlet for the condensation so what we do is
03:03we run it over here in a hose and it will it will fill up that watering can
03:12while we're sleeping so seven or eight hours it'll fill up that
03:18watering can and overflow and then start going onto the grass so that's our plan
03:22there so that's that air con we've got two and the other one around the side
03:28hello lizard
03:41that's a lot of water isn't it that one actually runs more than the other one so
03:45what we do is we just let it fill up in that in that pocket and then we just
03:49bring the watering can in there soak it in and then we use the watering can to
03:52water our trees and flowers and whatever else we want to give the water to rather
03:57than just lose it you know because apparently it's quite clean water that
04:00condensation water but today's plan is to find some old hosing from out the
04:05back here and run this hose out to the front to the grass so a bit of faffing
04:10around there's a bit of old hose lying around so it's probably not a bad thing to do
05:23so that's all from the old Japanese farmhouse garden today got to go to work
05:40now more videos coming soon