• 2 months ago
In an adaptation of the 2023 poem Love Letter, a heartbroken soul is tasked with one final shot to rekindle what once wa | dG1fa1NFVDlVQzV2bWM
00:00With you, life flourishes.
00:10People are grateful.
00:11People take note.
00:12I appreciate all you bring to life, as without it, there is none.
00:17How could I go back to life without you, a world made so dry, so dull?
00:21One that is unable to be inhabited entirely, a place I could not call home.
00:27When I look at your face, into your beckoning eyes, all I can see is the essence of healing
00:31you encompass, but far greater is your capacity for destruction.
00:37The apple tree in my backyard needed you.
00:39Together, you made a tiny seed into a source of sustenance for hundreds.
00:44When you and my dear old tree split ways, my dad brought out the axe.
00:49When you disappear, I too lose my true self, minutes turned to hours on my lonesome, pleading
00:54for just a taste of you.
00:57You're needed in spades, just not too many.
01:00Too much of you is overbearing.
01:02I love you, but too much of you can destroy.
01:05A feverish downpour from you is something I never fail to appreciate.
01:09The beauty in the passion of winds, streaks of rain eternal, drive me mad with obsession.
01:15Unending passion, however, is not passionate.
01:18Too much of a good thing is overbearing.
01:20Your unending passion kills.
01:22A hurricane of sensation from you spells doom for millions.
01:26What do you have to say for yourself, fiend?
01:29How can you allow this kind of result to come from your love, where too little of it and
01:33too much of it kills?
01:35How can one choose between two deaths?
01:38Maybe I'll drown, just for your sake, love.
01:41Compared to a dry, lonely demise, I would rather die in your sweet embrace.
