• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shia.
00:07Hi, Shia.
00:08For those just watching, I thank you for watching.
00:11This is going to be some crime against me, my twin flame, Shia, however not everything
00:17is going to be a crime.
00:19Anything I say in this video may or may not be true, you cannot use it against me.
00:25The reason why I don't like to put the back up camera on here is because you can see my
00:32entire body in my chest area and I'm getting harassed by the hackers saying I'm watching
00:43you on that video and I'm looking in that area, so I have to put the video over here.
00:55So, I'm going to not make this too long, Shia, I just ended up taking a nap, which is pretty
01:04rare that I'm able to do that, but I've had extreme fatigue today and part of it is because
01:13of the tomatoes I ate yesterday.
01:18I only had one bite and I threw it out immediately.
01:21The tomatoes that I picked were rotten and I'm pretty sure, I have proof to show you,
01:34I'm not going to show you the photos yet, but I have proof on my bowel movements that
01:38I got some kind of salmonella food poisoning.
01:43I wasn't going to talk about this because, well, you're the reason why you're getting
01:49sick, you're picking out rotten food.
01:52They're using AI technology to direct me to foods that are rotten and spoiled and this
02:00has happened with pantry food as well as fresh and this is why I'm so worried about fresh
02:07food specifically because it's much more easier to eat.
02:12Fresh food gets rotten much more quicker than, so I'm not going to show you right away because
02:23the video just started, but I'm going to show you the salmonella mucus on my bowel movement
02:33and this is a problem that I'm still getting food poisoned.
02:41This is a very serious problem.
02:44So I've been very, very tired today.
02:48I'm pretty much positive because of the food poison.
02:51I thought to myself, well, I didn't get nauseous.
02:54I didn't get that sick because I literally only took one bite and I threw it out, but
03:02I was like, when I took the bite, it was like I kind of had a gagging feeling and it tasted
03:09like the, it tastes like that saliva rotten egg taste.
03:24So I have a cup of coffee here and what I'm doing is I drank two cups of green tea out
03:33of the cup and now I'm putting the lid on so that it's clean to drink out of.
03:40So I can reuse the cup two or three times.
03:48I'm going to talk about the notes now, Cheyenne, and I'm not going to make this video too long
03:53because I just don't want to make the video too long.
04:01However, I want to show you, you know how I say I get sleep deprived?
04:07Well, I have proof that the fire alarm goes off in the middle of the morning all the time
04:15from food or cigarettes.
04:21So I'm going to play the video so you can hear.
04:36Fire alarm's off.
04:39Hold on.
04:41Fire alarm's off.
04:51It stopped pretty quickly because it was towards the end.
05:06It's the middle of the morning all the time.
05:13It's 2.18 in the morning.
05:19This happens every single month, no matter what.
05:25He's setting off the fire alarm.
05:29Number 841.
05:31Fire alarm number 841.
05:34It's August 9th.
05:39Let me try to make sure that you heard the, I don't know where the speaker is on this,
05:45where the audio speaker is on this laptop.
05:54Fire alarm's off.
05:57You can hear it.
06:03So this video was played.
06:15It says, why is the time?
06:19Well, we can convert the time, 1517 on the 8th.
06:27Because I just fixed the time.
06:36The time works on the 9th.
06:45I ended up taking photographs of my groceries so I could meal plan,
06:49so I could write a list of all the things I have in meal plan.
06:52I'm going to tell you my meal plan, Shia.
06:56So this AI with going to the grocery store and picking out rotten food,
07:06this is on top of the food poisoning with the fridge being turned off and on.
07:12And I didn't want to talk about it on the video because it's going to make me look bad
07:21if I'm picking out rotten food.
07:23However, actually it's not because it doesn't matter.
07:33I'm still getting food poisoned repeatedly 24-7 by the refrigerator.
07:39So it doesn't matter if I'm picking out rotten food.
07:43I'm not the one picking out rotten food.
07:46And I should have known this because I didn't look at the expiration date.
07:53There was no expiration date on the container.
07:56However, I'll show you what they look like.
07:58They didn't look rotten.
08:09You really couldn't tell.
08:13You really couldn't tell.
08:15But this has happened several times I didn't put in the video
08:20because I was afraid that it could be used against me that I'm picking out rotten food.
08:25Well, no. I'm not picking out rotten food.
08:28They're guiding me towards rotten food.
08:32So this is what I was going to have yesterday.
08:34Tuna fish, the bread, and tomatoes.
08:37I took one bite out of the tomatoes and I immediately...
08:43Well, I swallowed the one tomato.
08:46The one bite.
08:47And I'll show you what the food poisoning is.
08:51Because I'm really, really tired today.
08:54And it is unusual for me to be able to take a nap during the day.
08:57But I told you the torture is lessening.
08:59However, it didn't because I got really attacked today.
09:01But I used the lumarian technology to try to stop the torture.
09:07And it kind of did stop.
09:09So here I'm going to show you...
09:11For those watching, I apologize.
09:15This is kind of graphic.
09:18I'm going to zoom in.
09:25I'm going to zoom in on the mucus.
09:27I know this is too much information.
09:30However, this food poisoning is out of control.
09:32And if eventually the V2K and all of these things get proven that it's happening...
09:38The fact that I'm still getting food poisoned...
09:42Like those oranges I told you about...
09:47This is wicked.
09:48This is very, very dangerous.
09:56I'm showing you the mucus.
10:02It's right there.
10:04And right there.
10:07This was just one bite of the tomatoes.
10:11I've never gotten so much food poisoning in my life.
10:14And I have one more photo.
10:37I'm sorry. That's from my period.
10:44See the mucus?
10:50And this was barely...
10:52Like, I had constipation.
10:55So I'm pretty sure I'm going to have more proof that I got food poisoned.
11:00See all the mucus?
11:11The amount of food poisoning that I've got and then still getting food poisoned...
11:20Which I have.
11:31It's very obvious, this mucus, this yellow.
11:37You can see it very clearly, the mucus.
11:43You can see it very clearly on here.
11:46So, info...
11:56And then...
11:58So, info...
12:10Oh, in order to show you...
12:18I just went to the bathroom.
12:21Because I chugged some green tea.
12:30No, so it's an hour fast. It's 2.13.
12:35I think it was because I plugged the daylight savings.
12:39So, I've been not feeling well.
12:42I've had, like, extreme fatigue.
12:46I think the food poison, I don't...
12:49I've gotten so used to it that I can't even, like, feel nausea from it.
12:56However, I definitely feel dizzy.
13:00Kind of faintish.
13:03Very, very tired. Like, extreme fatigue.
13:08So, this has been going on this past six months.
13:11Where I go to the grocery store and pick things out.
13:14Even things that are from cans.
13:17Pantry foods.
13:19They're directing me towards rotten food with AI.
13:24And this is on top of the fridge and freezer being turned off and on.
13:33This criminal has gone great lengths in order to mess with my diet.
13:38Specifically, food poison.
13:41Great lengths.
13:46I'm pretty sure...
13:49That Walmart that I went to was sort of...
13:53I was supposed to go and they, like, knew about those tomatoes.
14:03And, did I check the expiration date?
14:06It does... Some of them, it's not even the expiration date.
14:14I threw out those tomatoes immediately.
14:23This... So now I'm going to move on to...
14:26Did you hear the noise?
14:28I'm going to tell you every time I hear the noise now.
14:32I'm no longer going to just ignore it.
14:35I'm going to show you to hear the noise.
14:38Because I don't want you to think any of those sounds coming from this, they never are.
14:45So every time there's noise over there, I'm going to say, do hear the noise.
14:53I stopped wearing this pink shirt, Shia, because I was getting harassed.
14:58S-C-X-U-A-L-L-Y, saying it looks like lingerie.
15:02It doesn't at all.
15:04Did you hear the noise?
15:09I started wearing this shirt today because I really like this shirt.
15:15And plus I'm losing a little bit of weight already, just from the lack...
15:20A little bit less torture, I believe you are getting less torture too.
15:24I'm actually losing weight very quickly.
15:28There's a lot of movement going on with my scalp and the bald areas.
15:32And this happened very quickly, Shia, because...
15:41I do have, it's right here, I do have that.
15:52So I did the rosemary oil last night.
15:55Basically I went to the bathtub and I mixed olive oil with rosemary essential oil.
16:01Mixed it in, put it on my scalp, all the areas.
16:06And then we sat there for about 15 minutes.
16:09Then I shampooed and conditioned her.
16:11My hair is very, very soft.
16:13And I did the head massage, which kind of makes me feel faintish.
16:17It's kind of, it makes me kind of sick, that feeling of...
16:21The feeling that comes off my head and brain makes me sick for some reason.
16:26It's weemish, I think that happens to you, Shia.
16:29I do it no matter what every day.
16:31The very, very light head and scalp massage.
16:36A lot of demon movement, a lot of demon movement.
16:39And these demons, they have to be very tiny demons.
16:44I don't really understand how it works.
16:48Because sometimes I think, I picture these little miniature things, little miniature people.
16:55And then I think it's just like a ghost spirit.
17:06I'm going to show you my meal plan for the next two weeks.
17:10Not quite yet.
17:15I've been told already four times today,
17:19I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you.
17:22And I'm starting to write down the date and time.
17:30With the sounds included.
17:34I walked 20 minutes in the courtyard.
17:37Basically, I just walked back and forth.
17:39I need to get some sunshine.
17:41I never get any sunlight.
17:44So, I'll show you where I walk.
17:51So this is the courtyard.
17:55This is the courtyard, like part of the courtyard.
18:00I just walk back and forth.
18:02This is the photograph.
18:04Behind me is the fitness center.
18:06So I just walk back and forth, back and forth.
18:10Or I can loop it.
18:12I'm going to do 20 minutes a day.
18:14Because I need sunshine for my scalp.
18:19I need sunshine in general.
18:21And I'm not going to put sunscreen on.
18:23I'm just going to do 20 minutes a day at least.
18:28I don't get a lot of sun at all.
18:31So, I might not do 20 minutes every day.
18:35I might get prevented from being able to do it.
18:37I'm going to try.
18:40Telepathy supporters are telling you, Shai, that I won't go bald.
18:44I was told that they're telling you.
18:51I'm not going to talk about it too much.
18:53I understand that I just can't do my hair.
19:00I'm not going to talk about it too much.
19:02I understand that I just can't do my hair.
19:04I'm not going to talk about it too much.
19:11Also, I'm not feeling well.
19:18I just think that I have a little bit of wave sometimes.
19:25And I can't use hair products because of the chemicals.
19:28I'm very sensitive.
19:32I don't use hair products.
19:35My hair is very sensitive in general.
19:37I don't always like to touch it.
19:41I'll figure out a reason why my hair always looks bad.
19:46However, I always look bad all the time if I'm home.
19:58I don't usually look well because of all the torture that I'm going through.
20:05Yeah, I could have straightened my hair.
20:07But after the balding thing, I don't feel like straightening my hair after I worried about that.
20:19And by the way, when did I start balding?
20:22And did you see the lack of videos?
20:24You know how I used to pull my hair up like this?
20:28Do you see the lack of videos where my hair is like...
20:32I have a little bit of hair that covers this.
20:34But it's getting worse where it doesn't cover as much.
20:37I think that's what they were doing. They were covering it.
20:44This... No, I definitely see it on the top.
20:48You might not be able to see it because of this part that I have.
20:51However, I am balding on the top.
20:55And if it gets to the point where I totally lose my hair...
21:02I'll just think...
21:06I'm not going to wear a wig because I'm allergic to plastic.
21:13It'd have to be a plant-based wig.
21:15And if I find a plant-based wig, I'd wear a wig.
21:24I forgot what I was going to say.
21:29This video...
21:31This is where it shows very obviously.
21:36And they prevented me from putting my hair back.
21:41You can really see it.
21:43You can really see it on the sides in this...
21:47You can really see it with my hair up on this video.
21:56And... I need to go to the bathroom. Hold on.
22:26I need to go to the bathroom.
23:27Why did my hair bald between these last two months? Remember?
23:32Is this some kind of thing?
23:34Remember I had a serious stroke in June?
23:37And now I'm rapidly balding?
23:39Because this part used to be...
23:42It's right back here.
23:44I'll show you again because it might not be a glare.
23:49There's a specific photo that's very obvious.
23:54Of the way it's balding.
24:01And the neighbor likes to keep the door open to kind of intimidate me while I walk by.
24:12See how the door is open?
24:15See how the door is open?
24:45See how the door is open?
25:13It is intimidating.
25:18It's a threat.
25:43That alone is ugly. You can just feel the ugliness.
26:02So... Is that what I was supposed to show you?
26:06So it's... I feel like some of this baldness happened very quickly these past few months.
26:14Because I started noticing, wow, my part's getting so jaggedy.
26:19I can't make like a nice part anymore.
26:21It's not... It's not just jaggedy.
26:24It's like I'm losing my hair on top.
26:35I'm going to put some castor oil on my toenail because it's all red underneath the nail bed.
26:54And it's starting to hurt.
26:56Like there's pain so I'm going to put castor oil on top of the nail and put a band-aid over it.
27:03I've already walked 30 minutes today indoors, 20 minutes in the courtyard.
27:12Telepathic supporters are told you're not going to go bald.
27:16However, this could definitely get worse.
27:19And it's really... If you have something... No, it's been possession.
27:26It's been possession.
27:27If you have something external though, it makes you obviously want to do things more.
27:32Especially... I've had a lot of hair trauma.
27:36And I can't... I'm not going to go into detail about it right now.
27:39But it definitely has increased these past few months rapidly.
27:47And these past couple months, I wanted to put my hair back.
27:53And they like... I was being possessed not to.
27:56Like they were hiding.
27:57And then I realized that the demons were hiding something.
28:01The baldness.
28:06I've already played a couple times the head rakia.
28:10I've played the house and body rakia to clear the house and body.
28:16I've played spiritual zen frequencies.
28:20I've been... I don't really listen to music anymore.
28:23I just listen to the frequencies and the rakias.
28:26I'm pretty sure you do too, Shaya.
28:34And also...
28:39Last morning, I heard lots of noise.
28:41And then I heard V2K, get up, get up, get up!
28:45With an exclamation point.
28:46That has happened more than a few times.
28:50It's happened a lot.
28:51Not just more than a few times.
28:54It's a little bit...
28:55What I've been treated with...
28:57With these criminals, specifically...
29:02A few of them.
29:03You know that Dustin?
29:06Where he got his mutilated lip and a brain injury.
29:09He was like...
29:1180 pounds... 50 pounds.
29:13And like...
29:14That's what's happened to me here.
29:17In these past...
29:18That's what happened to me in the car too.
29:20I was being mutilated in the car.
29:23It really...
29:24These past...
29:268 years has been like the most mutilation.
29:29I've been mutilated my whole life.
29:30However, the most mutilation has been these past 8 years.
29:36You noticed it, Shaya.
29:37That this has happened very...
29:39Quickly and rapidly.
29:45Quickly and rapidly.
29:51Yeah, I kept not wanting to pull my hair back in like a half part.
29:55And now I know why.
30:00I ate 2 apples this morning.
30:03The apples are fresh.
30:05Very hard to eat apples.
30:06Very hard to eat fresh fruit.
30:09It's very hard to eat anything.
30:10Because I have like a phobia with my own saliva.
30:14I think it has to do with all the torture that I'm going through.
30:17But like...
30:18I don't like...
30:20Sometimes I can easily get grossed out by my own saliva.
30:23Especially while I'm eating.
30:26And with fruit, it's extremely hard for me to eat the fruit.
30:29I ate the 2 apples.
30:42I'm gonna try to make my big meal at lunch time.
30:45Because I never ever get to really eat...
30:50At dinner time, I get too tired to even prepare.
30:53Let alone cook food.
30:55So I'm gonna try to make my big meal during lunch when I have the energy.
30:59And just eat something light at dinner time.
31:07Oh, I have your video.
31:09I have your video on.
31:12Luke, I'm gonna turn it off.
31:15Well, I don't have to turn it off because...
31:18It's not really in the camera.
31:26I'm gonna just turn it off.
31:39I love it so much.
31:40All your energy.
31:42Should I pour it in the room?
31:53I hear a little...
31:55I hear all these mocking...
31:57Mocking children.
32:00I heard a voice mocking a child.
32:11He's my dad, but whatevs.
32:13He's my dad, but whatevs.
32:15In a child voice.
32:19That was...
32:29Technically, no.
32:31You're not.
32:36You have a clone.
32:41Half of that child is a clone and a mixture of four different men.
32:48Technically, that's not even being a father.
32:50That's like...
32:53It would be like past generations passed down.
32:56And it would be like...
32:57Just part clone and you're not actual father.
33:03I'm not gonna go into detail with that.
33:07But those little things...
33:08Those little statements happen all the time and I don't talk about them usually to you.
33:12I don't even write them down a lot.
33:14I don't...
33:15I get too possessed to.
33:18So, I threw out the grape tomatoes.
33:25I thought, there's no way I'm gonna get food poison.
33:27It was one bite.
33:29And I just showed you.
33:30I got food poison.
33:32So, I said I had the V8 juice.
33:34I had a can of V8 juice after that.
33:42You're feeling despair and suicidal, Shia.
33:45Do not...
33:46If you feel that way, you have to immediately do something to stop that feeling.
33:55Do not feel that way, Shia.
33:56Do anything to stop that feeling.
33:58Actually, I feel like...
34:00I think there's a lot of return and sender happening.
34:04I feel like there's a lot of return and sender happening.
34:06And I think that you're having some moments of relief.
34:12And also, I had to check the pendulum.
34:14It said you're receiving new income energies.
34:18You're receiving new income energies.
34:22Spiritual ascension.
34:23Ascension energies.
34:26I am still getting tortured, Shia.
34:28I don't think I'm not.
34:29But it's...
34:31It's not as extreme.
34:33And it's not as long.
34:34And it's not as frequent.
34:36However, I can't say that 24-7.
34:38Because there was a very bad attack that lasted two hours this morning.
34:43I was just about to go through my file.
34:47Because I always try to think that I'll be able to get things done and do things.
34:51And then I get tortured and I don't.
34:53I'll have to show you the scope.
34:56So this was...
34:59It's really obvious a part shouldn't look like that.
35:04That's on the top of my head.
35:05That's on the top of my head.
35:19There's no glare, so I'll be able to show you a little bit better.
35:32Yeah, see, that's not a hairline.
35:36That's not really a hair...
35:38Oh no, there is a glare.
35:40What is wrong with this?
35:44This is so annoying.
35:48So, that's not like a good hair part.
35:52See how it's all jaggedy?
36:06Luckily, it didn't get so bad.
36:08And I have a chance to be able to fix it before it gets worse.
36:21But see all this redness?
36:24There's all this redness right here.
36:26That's like where my hair should probably be if that's my scope.
36:31But you're not going to see it.
36:34You're not going to see the redness.
36:39That's where the redness is on the top of my scope.
36:42That shouldn't be bald.
36:44That should have hair there.
36:46So it's a little bit of receding too.
36:58But I have so much mind control and brainwashing.
37:00Things could be going on in my body and I wouldn't even notice.
37:03See, this is pretty obvious.
37:05This is where my cowlick is.
37:12And I have to make part 2.
37:14I have to make part 2 now.
37:16It's 2.54.
37:18I love you Shia.
37:19Thank you everybody for watching.
37:20Thank you so much Shia for watching.
