Anupama 11th August 2024

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Anupama 11th August 2024


00:00Jai Shri Krishna Yashdeep Sir. I need your help.
00:03I am sending you the number of the Child Welfare Committee Center in New York.
00:08There was Adhya there.
00:10They have put her in fostering.
00:12They have taken her to the foster parent.
00:14Can you find out?
00:15Mr. Khanna, I am reaching my son step by step.
00:19And I have complete faith in you that very soon you will introduce me to him.
00:26Get connected.
00:27Till then you will have to protect my Anuj and my Adhya.
00:32Why isn't it connecting?
00:33I... I...
00:39Why are both of us like this?
00:41Where is Anuj?
00:45Is he in his room?
00:52Meenu this, Meenu that, Meenu like this, Meenu like that, Meenu good.
00:56She is making excuses for the internship.