• 2 months ago
00:00Here we go. Hayden Deegan, the comeback win in Moto 1. You have to wonder, what does Chance
00:06Hymus have under the hood in this one? He was so fast all day long. Can he bounce back from
00:11a crash like that and be fast again? That'd be hard. We'll see. He's going to find out. It's
00:16going to be important. He's on the outside. This isn't the track you want to be on the outside,
00:20on the gate. So if he gets a jump out front, then, yeah, maybe he can.
00:24And Kitchen right there as well, the 47. Here we go, second 250 Moto from Unadilla.
00:40Kawasaki's again. Which one is it going to be? That is a big Motosport.com hole shot.
00:49That is Kitchen and MasterPool. Deegan is third. Just like the first Moto. Let's see if Ty can go.
00:57And Ty goes down for second. Just like the first Moto. Two good starts wiped out. I think they
01:03put a little bit of water on the track where he just started losing a front end, but bummer for
01:07him. Ah, Ty. And that is Shimoda now second ahead of Deegan. And one of the triumphs there in fourth
01:17might have the rematch brewing with a good start from Kitchen again.
01:21It's like Tom Bial's up in the sixth behind his teammate Julian
01:25Boumer, which might go around the outside of Jalik. Yeah, that is Swole. That's the
01:30triumph there in fourth. And where is Hymus? As you mentioned, the bad gate pick,
01:3726th off the start on what might have been for him today as Boumer goes after Swole.
01:45Yeah, Julian was trying to get around, but yeah, I was looking at the start.
01:48Chance got a pretty good jump, but he was too far on the outside as we'll see on the replay.
01:53But bummer for him. He's this far back. He's in red on the 48th. And he's back there with
01:58MasterPool. Yeah, MasterPool already crashed. So that's how far he was back to get up.
02:04And Dylan Schwartz on the 40. Oh, crossed in the lines there. Hymus and MasterPool.
02:10Schwartz is trying to fight for that final playoff spot with March Banks,
02:14who had the great first moto. And look at that. Hymus just made two passes. Yeah,
02:18I think for a chance, it still could be a great day. If he can get up somehow,
02:22maybe let's just say he gets in the top five. It'd be like him winning this moto. I mean,
02:26look, he was out front. We know he's got the pace, but I think this is important for him
02:30moving forward. Just finish this race and see how you can come up from the back.
02:34Because that's really done it. This guy, two and a half seconds, almost Levi Kitchen.
02:39And good to see Shimoda with the good start. He has been kind of feast or famine with the starts
02:46this year, but he's got a good one right now. I think he's got to listen to the report. At least
02:52watching that first moto. They all went to the inside. Very patient. Hug that inside going up
02:56that wall. Oh, it was a stark difference in both first motos. 250 and 450. That inside line.
03:05Let's see what Shimoda has. Didn't get the start in moto one, so we didn't really see him get to
03:10race against Deegan and Kitchen. Right around to Japan. Yeah, you got to think for Joe. He
03:17obviously has the pace. I mean, one of his best rides was a few weeks ago at Millville. So let's
03:22see if he can find that form. Hang on to Kitchen because Levi's got a great pace, and I don't think
03:27for him, you know, Hayden's going to be there the whole race. So I think, Joe, if he can just kind
03:32of latch on to Levi, maybe have a chance to win this thing at the end. Dropping down to the valley
03:40here. Vial has moved up to fourth. See him behind Deegan next. So they got a big gap over him,
03:48but he has made his way around Boomer and Swole. A day that might have been for Vial also.
03:54Had the early crash in moto one. There's Deegan. Yeah, you see those bikes coming up and
04:01starting to spin. But, yeah, let's see if Tom Vial can have a little redemption tour,
04:05get some points back, or at least just the motivation of being able to go out and beat
04:09Hayden. It's going to be tough, but got to at least keep it going. Fight for it. There's a lot
04:13to race for still. Yeah, well, you mentioned at the top of the show, we were talking points,
04:18but really for any of these guys, individual moto wins, race wins, it's going to mean a ton
04:23regardless of the points. Yeah, it definitely does. I mean, I think for them, a lot of these guys,
04:28especially like Tom Vial, I mean, having leads and then crashing, it's going to feel like he
04:33left a lot on his table. So last weekend or last race was really the first time that they both
04:38was up and Hayden was able to get around him. It's been one of the other going down and
04:42opportunities to go. So for Tom, not just this year, for the playoffs and even moving forward
04:47to next year, they got to stop that 38 because he's only going to get better as he goes on.
04:53So let's see if they all can close it and make it a three rider battle up front.
05:02They're all going inside now.
05:07Yeah, it really is. And you can see if you get that right or if you don't, it affects
05:14this whole next section, too. So I think for those guys, they obviously been paying attention,
05:20but it's important to get it out. This one guy has got it right. This guy right here,
05:23probably a lot really motivated. Probably that first motor game confidence, even though Hayden
05:28passed him, he was right there at the end. And I'm sure that whip didn't help him out.
05:33I think that's been looking good all day. Oh, battle right now. Boomer and Brown. This is for
05:39six and seven. Brown crossing up outside to inside on the surely designs Red Bull gas gas
05:46can't quite get the Red Bull. Yeah, man. Yeah, but he's setting them up now. He's starting to
05:50get Julian look in and eventually this pass to come with this track. There's a lot opportunity
05:56swing, you know, like back and forth, really being wide sets you up for this next one. So
06:00even though he's no, he can't get around this corner, set him up for get him in the corner
06:05later on down the road. And Brown is all over this track, looking for lines. Send it to Katie.
06:12That's one thing that he's been focusing here this weekend. And he said he also wants to work
06:16at the intensity at the beginning about it. So we're still in that time frame, taking advantage
06:21when the groups are together. And, of course, when it comes down to it, really being heads
06:25up about the line choice. Like you guys are mentioning, he is. But as good as the line
06:28choices were, Katie, no one's going to say Boomer isn't trying to hold him off. He fought for it.
06:33No, he did. And what he did, he actually made tears. He was wondering which line he's going
06:38to go. Pierce could have just stayed on the gas and went around the outside. But his plan was to
06:42square Julian up. Julian slowed down just enough and Pierce couldn't do it. Now he has to find
06:48another place to get around him. But a good fight from Boomer, the rookie. And a nice line there,
06:56actually able to pull away a little bit from Brown. Yeah, there's certain parts where we
07:00mentioned in the 450 class, sometimes you just got to follow. It's going to funnel back down
07:04into one line, and then it opens back up here. So they'll get into the same line. And then now
07:09you'll see Pierce probably go outside or inside, which he's not setting him up to pass him here.
07:14He's setting him up to pass him in the corner, a couple corners from here. It's all got to be set
07:19up. And a reminder, the NFL season. Yes, that's right, folks. It's coming. We'll have the double
07:26header of sorts September 5th, Thursday and Friday, September 6th. NFL season begins. That's
07:33upcoming. Can't believe it's here that quickly. We were talking about that yesterday. She's
07:38Ravens will kick that off. And how about Boomer? Yeah, this is great from from above the seat of
07:46different lines and really saw Pierce kind of missed that corner of that wall corner and how
07:51much time he lost. And Boomer quietly been very good this year, been inside the top 10 a lot,
07:59just had the big crash. He had hit by another bike at Southwick, missed a race with a concussion,
08:04but he's getting right back to where he was in that 678 range, which as deep as this class is
08:10and being a rookie is not noticeable. People probably don't even leave the track knowing
08:14what position he finished. But you're pretty darn good if you're six. Yeah, absolutely. I mean,
08:19anywhere from fifth to 15. Yeah. I mean, you're riding pretty much just as hard and as fast as
08:25the guys in the top three. So, yeah, getting a 12th place. Oh, no. Casey Cochran, the rock star
08:32Husky rookie is down. Lap one crash, we are told. Oh, you see that kick that Julian got right there.
08:40Breaking bumps are going in these corners. But yeah, now he's able to stabilize this. And I
08:44saw Pierce look back. So maybe he has something going on. But shout out to him, Julian, for
08:50keeping that gap. Looking good, too. And no changes up front. Kitchin, a 3.1 second lead
08:55over Shimoda and six seconds on Deegan. Buckle up, though. These 250 races, often when you think
09:02it's over, it's really just begun. Yeah. Tommy was the fastest guy on the racetrack in fourth.
09:09So he is starting to close that gap on eight. Here's Mark Banks running ninth.
09:16First ride on this team that he used to ride for but was riding for club MX, Yamaha, and on a 450
09:23for a while, that team let him go. He was scheduled to move to this pro circuit Kawasaki team next
09:29year. So he called them and said, can we start early? And they said yes. And here he is riding
09:35well, fifth in Moto 1, ninth here. That's the monster pro circuit Kawasaki team. If you want
09:41to follow this squad, flying information, that's monster energy, Yamaha, star racing.
09:46Check out beyond the gate. That's the exclusive behind-the-scenes series.
09:50At all 31 races this year, Max Anstey and Dax Bennett battling. You can get behind the scenes
09:55with them. New episodes of that show every Friday on the Yamaha Motor USA channel. That's behind,
10:03that's beyond the gate, giving you behind-the-scenes looks. All right,
10:06battles continue to rage here at Unadilla all over the place.
10:18And I'm not kidding. So you've got DeFrancisco here. This is 12th place. You would think it's
10:22a battle for the Moto win, but he and Bennett. Yeah, there's no slouching back here. They
10:28continue to come. And behind them, it's Chance Hyman. So, yeah, they're going to have a battle
10:33for this. Like, man, I rode 35 minutes all the way. What did you finish? Not 13. But the results
10:40don't say much. These guys are out here performing. No, and you said it. You now see Hyman
10:46beginning to enter the picture. Still has some of that speed despite the crash earlier in the day.
10:52DeFrancisco and Bennett, these kids have been battling really their whole lives all the way
10:56through amateurs and now it's pros. And Roderick trying to make it happen. Can't quite. Still
11:05going. Send it to Katie real quick with an update on Kasey Cochran. Yeah, standing by here at the
11:11all-time stars group, and Kasey Cochran just went inside. His mom's here. He's holding his arm,
11:18pretty emotional, and we'll be waiting for results to see what's going on with Kasey Cochran.
11:22All right. Might be an arm injury there. Great battles all over this racetrack. Pro motocross
11:29from Unadilla, part of the SMX world championship. He just made that pass on the 59.
11:40This is the next generation. A lot of riders, we keep saying the word rookie.
11:44Some second year guys like DeFrancisco here. Yeah, I mean, a lot of these guys, it seems like
11:51Bennett, nice pass by Ty. Oh, yeah. I wonder if chance is starting to feel the effects because
11:57you can see his body language. He's starting to lean back almost like he's hurt. I mean,
12:02he's got to be at least bagged up from that. Yeah. Massive crash. Yeah. The way he was riding,
12:07he looked pretty good, but I wonder with these ruts and now the way he's starting to ride,
12:11I'm starting to wonder, did he catch that ankle again? It looks like a guy that's kind of hurt
12:16down there more than anything else. So, yeah, it's easy to happen. We saw what happened to
12:21first moto and all these ruts. Yeah. Oh, he's out. So, yeah, we're not sure. The old ankle
12:30injury, has he re-aggravated that? Is it something that he hurt in that big crash in moto one?
12:37But what could have been an unbelievable day for him, this is that crash in moto one. What could
12:41have been a big day for him came undone right here. Yeah. Wasn't doing anything wrong. It's
12:45the bike kicked out. And, yeah, you can see once he was on that, he was on for a ride. And that's a
12:51really fast part of the racetrack. Yeah, that was a tough hit. The bike comes back and gets him again.
12:56And he was about eight seconds out in front. So, yeah, a day of what if. Super fast in practice,
13:03out leading that first moto. I've seen it many times. Is this Joe Shimoda?
13:10It's Joe time. Yeah, he's catching kitchen. And, man, they have left Deegan way back. Yeah,
13:18the last couple laps, Joe Shimoda has been in the 16s and Levi has been in the 18s.
13:22Joe is the only one that's even close to that. The closest person behind him was the leader
13:27at 218 flat. But Joe has found the form. Closed that gap from the three seconds to two.
13:33Little over one right now. And kitchen hustling back up that hill. Trying to stretch the lead
13:39back out. Well, it's interesting how much has changed. The real key is that Deegan is 7.3
13:48seconds down. That could lead to an overall win for kitchen if it goes like this. But he's going
13:56to have to hold Shimoda off. Send it to J.T. Well, it's interesting watching these two. And I say
14:01this remembering that Hayden Deegan won the first moto. But these two riders, when I think about
14:06what really works at Unadilla, you can't override the racetrack. You can't bury the bike in the
14:10corner and kill all your momentum. You have to kind of stand through the corners and allow the
14:14bike to keep its natural momentum around the racetrack. And that's what these two riders
14:18do really well. And I also remember they ride almost every racetrack really well. But I think
14:23certain racetracks highlight certain attributes. When I think about these two guys,
14:27it really works well here at Unadilla. And that's why they found success here in the past.
14:30Yeah, great point, J.T. And especially in the second moto, this is more like the Unadilla
14:35that we're used to, that hard base. You can start to see some of those rocks there. So
14:39for sure, that first moto was different. They had a lot of traction with these ruts. Now
14:44it's slippery again. And these two are out front.
14:50That's a big part of what we have at the S.M.X. playoffs coming your way. Two full days of S.M.X.
14:56fun. And you want to be there when history gets made in Concord, North Carolina, Fort Worth,
15:00Texas and Las Vegas, Nevada. Go to supermotocross.com. And as we watch this battle close
15:08in there, you can see the playoff dates and locations on the left side. Shimoda was very
15:12similar last year. He went 5-1 at this track. So that speaks to what J.T. Was saying. He's
15:16had success at this track before, and he might have some more success today.
15:23Yeah, and in certain parts of this racetrack, just like we saw in the 450 class where guys
15:27were able to close in quite a bit, it seems like each rider has that stronger part of the racetrack
15:33where they feel pretty good. And Joe is a lot quicker over here. Levi seems a little bit better
15:37on the front side. But both of these guys are running good. Any time you can pull away from
15:42Peyton Deegan, you're running at a pretty good pace. And D.L. Forth, small hanging on to fifth.
15:48Kind of bracing for the battle for the lead here. And we're halfway through. Reminder that monster
15:56energy is available now at Morabito. Gosh, how patient these guys are in these corners.
16:07It's impressive. I hear you say that a lot, how they do that. But, man, it's got to be so
16:11tempting when you're this close to the lead or you got someone right behind you. Yeah,
16:15it's really hard, especially, as you said, like the guy in second. Even the guy in front,
16:19sometimes when you don't see the rider coming in, you're going in a corner like Levi is right now.
16:23As long as you see that rider coming in, you have an idea of where he's at. When you don't
16:27see him, then you know he's a lot closer to you or he fell. And I think Levi knows Joe's coming in
16:33and you want to get on the gas really quick. If you do that, you're going to lose a lot of time
16:36as we're watching the battle for seventh. I think it's Brown and Marchbanks for seventh.
16:41Marchbanks on the move. Yeah, Garrett goes in and see if he can get it going up on the inside
16:48of Pierce. Yeah, you should have him. Nice move by Garrett. Pierce trying to come back on the
16:55downhill. Garrett gets it done. And more good news, not only does Marchbanks make the pass,
17:00we now hear that, trying to see what happened, Dylan Schwartz. Yeah, he's out of the moto.
17:07So Dylan Schwartz, who was 20th in the SMX standings, guaranteed spot in the playoffs.
17:13Marchbanks was 21st. Marchbanks a great day. Schwartz trouble. And that should move Marchbanks
17:19back into the top 20 in the standings as the battle for the lead rages. Yeah, Garrett's marching
17:24his way up that standings right there. But yeah, again, this is where Joe's been pretty strong at.
17:29He's closing back in on Levi. He's got to set him up because a lot of these corners, they funnel
17:34into one line. And sometimes, as we mentioned earlier, you just got to follow the guy, stay
17:38close, see if Joe can get him. Might be an opportunity right here, Katie. Yeah, it might be.
17:43But one guy who's not having the opportunity today is Chan Tymus. He took that first moto out,
17:47went so strong, obviously had that big, wicked crash that we have been talking about. He just
17:52pulled off himself by his own measure. Nobody in the team was telling him to, but they did mention
17:56if anything was feeling off or funky after that first crash, make sure you take care of yourself.
18:00And that was exactly what he did. The mechanic came over and said, look, you did the right thing.
18:05That was a hard thing to do, but you did it. Let's show up next weekend. Let's prepare this
18:08for the next time. All right. Thanks, Katie. Hopefully nothing serious for Hymus.
18:14Well, Honda's got something else to cheer about, though. Shimoda right there.
18:21Oh, there's that patience. Yeah. Levi's standing up, using those legs to absorb some of those
18:26bumps. You can see him pull away from Joe. It's a tough spot for Joe to be in, especially in that
18:31section because you're following Levi and all those kinks in the corners. You're too close to
18:35the guy. You can't see. So better to drop back and make sure you keep that momentum up as Levi
18:41almost washes the front end out going down the wall. Oh, listen to those bikes up that hill.
18:51Yeah. And these guys are fighting. It's not like you just sit on the bike. The bike wants to loop
18:55out from you. So you're fighting, trying to get back on the front so you can keep the front end
18:59down, but trying to be light as well. So there's a lot of core exercise going up that hill for sure.
19:05Yeah, the loop out. So the bike would actually wheelie over backwards. They got to work that.
19:09Oh, they have 100% wheelie over, have a loop out, and then you got to be light. So when that bike
19:15hits those bumps, you're too heavy on it. The whole bike's going to pick up. You're going to
19:18lose that momentum. So as these guys are pulling their weight over the front to keep that traction
19:22going, they got to almost be standing up so the bike doesn't hit those bumps and slow them down.
19:27There's a lot going on just going up that hill. Yeah, one hill, but we have seen it make
19:33such a difference in the racing today.
19:38Last time around, Deegan was a little quicker than these two, closing in just a little bit
19:43from third. We go back to the battle for sixth. March Banks and Boomer. March Banks is marching
19:50to the front just like he did in mode 01. Yeah, and you got to believe with Garrett,
19:55he's only going to get more comfortable each lap he goes. So getting the confidence,
19:59his best finish probably all year long, at least up here racing, and he's only going to get
20:05stronger. So Julian, he's going to have his hands full, and maybe even Julek Swole if Garrett keeps
20:09around like this. Yeah, could he get all the way to Swole, who is in fifth? Boomer, another
20:16underrated ride, though, hanging tough in sixth. And talking to March Banks earlier, he said,
20:26really, the bike adjustment hasn't even been the biggest thing. He was moving to California
20:30and just getting everything figured out. James, you even said when you switch teams like this,
20:34there's all these little details like the gear, the riding gear that even feels different to
20:38adjust to. Yeah, I mean, he's in different boots. They're in Fox gear, and I'm not sure exactly
20:42which gear it was before on the Muc-Off or FXR. Yeah, so, yeah, he's got not only a bike,
20:48the boot changed, the helmet changed. So everything changed on him. So it's a lot
20:53more than just getting used to the motorcycle, and you feel it as a rider. Anybody that's ridden
20:57a motorcycle knows switch boots, it's a big difference. And he made the move into sixth.
21:04Battle for the lead continues. Shimoda was fourth in moto one, so not really a shot at the overall
21:18win. See if Joe can get it. Man, Levi greased that corner right there. And we'll battle again.
21:30Yeah, every time Shimoda's right there, Kitson pulls something out. But he's close here,
21:35and this is, I would say, going into Joe's best part of the racetrack. He seems like he's been
21:39quicker. Levi senses that. He's going to try to pick up the pace and just beat Joe to the corner.
21:45But as close as he's been. Whoa! Big launch from Joe.
21:52Did that hurt? No, funny enough, that hill actually goes down when they land off that. So
21:57essentially, you can jump to a certain part, and it's almost landing a double. Okay. And Joe wasn't
22:03far enough to actually get to the upside of that. But you can see he lost that time.
22:09Yeah, last time around, you see Shimoda was quickest, and Deegan right there with him.
22:13Deegan now has it down to six seconds flat. It was nearly eight at one point. Oh, there's a bike
22:21down. Oh, that's close. Hopefully Hayden, that bike, Hayden's on the inside. Otherwise, he'll
22:26hit that. Yeah, yellow flag was flying, but still never know exactly what's on the other side.
22:33There is Deegan in third. Yeah, it's just a blind jump, so hard to know. But it's important for
22:40these two leaders, because now Hayden's starting to pick up the pace, and we know after 15 minutes,
22:44that's his time. Those guys start battling each other, and then you're going to allow Hayden to
22:48get back in, and you don't want that to happen. And with each split, he gets a little closer. Now
22:53it's 5.9. And this is where Deegan does his best work, the final ten minutes. That's a big gap to
23:01bridge in seven and a half and two laps. And Shimoda and Kitson still fighting. Yeah, but I
23:09think for Hayden, even though it's, you know, about six seconds, the problem for these guys
23:14is that if Joe gets around him, then that's just going to slow Levi and both those guys down just
23:18in general, which five seconds, it might seem a lot, but he's going to gain time just as they
23:24pass each other. So Hayden just needs to keep fighting, and hopefully Joe gets around Levi
23:28pulling it up. That's the gap to third. There's Deegan. That over revs. I wanted to let the
23:38lappers know, but that's that frustration over rev. It's just so upset. Man, put in a good lap,
23:43make another mistake. Did he hit that corner too hard? Yeah, he went in there too hard.
23:50And that corner, it's soft. It's a berm out there, and if you get too deep into it,
23:54you can hear those bikes and that RPM drop down. So yeah, he didn't hit it like he wanted to.
24:00And then we'll tell the story of the lap times right now with another lap done.
24:09Yes, another big launch, another soft landing for Shimoda. Yeah, now it has it down to 5.7.
24:16Yeah, Joe knows exactly where he's trying to go at now as far as the distance off that jump. So
24:20it's not, it's not a hard landing him. Levi's riding really good, even though Joe's closing.
24:25If Levi doesn't make a mistake, Joe can't find that opportunity to get around him because Levi's
24:30just good enough in the places that Joe is. He's just good enough to keep him going, but
24:35maybe it isn't. Oh, send it up. Look at the lap times. Deegan quickest last time around,
24:41almost three tenths. Kitchen and Shimoda nearly tied. Yeah, with five minutes left,
24:46it's still, Hayden's not catching them enough. He needs those guys to get,
24:51you know, start battling and lose a second here and there, Katie. Yeah, you know, and Joe Shimoda,
24:56that's a guy who earlier today was not at all comfortable with his bike. And in fact, the team
25:01had made a suspension change after qualifying. And since he came back from Moto one, he said,
25:07don't change anything on the bike. It was nearly perfect. So the team was really happy about that.
25:11You can see he's more comfortable. And also he had that start, which beginning of all of this,
25:16we knew that Joe Shimoda needed to work on those starts and look how he can maintain
25:20once he's out there racing. Oh yeah, Katie, completely different story. He had to work
25:25his way from the back of what we consider kind of the lead group this year in the first Moto
25:31and only got to fourth. Now going for the Moto win. Here's Deegan. Yeah, I think Hayden's starting to
25:38settle in those mistakes that he made. He can sense those guys not closing enough on him and
25:43still actually pulled away a little bit. Yeah, they pulled away, but then I think they're starting to
25:46get held up. So Hayden's still there. He's just not going to be able to make that time up unless
25:51he's got to start battling. And we saw Joe really close to Levi before we before we went down to
25:57Katie. I think he was too close because he started making mistakes. Once he was so close to Levi,
26:02he couldn't see the corner, made a mistake. And I think that's the gap that you're not seeing
26:07that Levi has over Joe. So does that mean, James, that Joe, you think you get back to him?
26:12I believe Joe can get back to him. I mean, he's he's fast. I think he's a little bit faster than
26:17Levi. And that's the way this track is. You can't gain that time, just the angles.
26:21But it's hard to pass. He's gotten less, especially how good Levi's riding. And if
26:25he doesn't make any mistakes, Joe can close in. But it's gonna be hard to get around Levi.
26:30He's proven tough to pass so far.
26:38Oh, yeah. Joe closes closing in again. Yeah.
26:41I got that foot caught in that corner.
26:53I like this outside line for Joe. Just keeps it up. And then he doesn't have to worry about
26:58those ruts that Levi's going into. So he's making time up, J.T. Yeah. And I don't think
27:03it's intentional. I don't think they're meaning to do this, but they've done a great job of not
27:07getting into their own battle because as soon as they do that, if they start blocking each other,
27:11start getting in each other's way, Hayden Deegan would close that gap immediately.
27:15They've really done a good job of just staying in their preferred line and keeping their lap
27:19times really low. And that's really kept Hayden Deegan in that five to six second gap. There's
27:23still a few few laps left. If Shimoda makes a charge and that changes, so can Hayden Deegan
27:28status here. But that's been the way that's gone so far. Much to the chagrin of Hayden Deegan,
27:33I'm sure. Yeah, for sure. And oh, Shimoda. Oh, you saw that one actually coming. He made a mistake
27:39in the corner before where chance Hyman's went down that black start dancing. Oh, no. Is he
27:45banged up now? I want you to catch that steak or that wasn't a super high speed crash. But oh, no.
27:54Yeah. But when we get a replay of that, you're going to see how hard he actually hits that
27:57ground. So, yeah, he caught that steak for the banners or he just hit that ground and
28:04had that instant stop. Oh, man, you hate that just like Hyman's in the first moto. But that is
28:11the rep of this track. Just when you think you have it figured out,
28:16you're tracing a lot this week about Travis Pastrana. Yes, he used to race this series.
28:21He was champion in 2000 of this class. And oh, one, he won the first moto going away with
28:25stretching the point lead. It looked like he was going to win the title again. And he crashed out
28:31and he never won another moto. Pastrana after this.
28:34Now it's back to Deegan in second, but it is 7.4 seconds back.
28:42And Kitchin would get the overall, by the way, if he wins this moto as well.
28:46Yeah. And what J.T. Was talking about, we're watching chase X and ready to regroup.
28:54Yep. Yeah. Chase X to get ready. We'll hit this in a second, James. 450s will be up top
29:00the next hour. We'll see if Levi Kitchin can hang on to this overall win.
29:08All right. What are you seeing there, James? Yeah, no, I was watching, you know, since those guys
29:13didn't really start fighting each other, it actually made Hayden make a decision. I think
29:17that's why he settled for that third place because he wasn't getting that much time.
29:20But with Joe, that crash started before where we saw James Hyman go down. Joe missed that outside
29:26of that corner to inside. I think that threw him off. Almost looks like he hit neutral or
29:31something because he started falling forward. I don't think he got a stake. I think he just
29:35hit that ground hard. Yeah. He was in between the stakes and the banners. And what you can't tell
29:41is how, you know, steep that is. It's not like he fell over to a flat part. That part drops off
29:46where that water truck is. So, yeah, tough break for him. And, ah, Joe. And that dirt, there's a
29:53section right here, that dirt on the inside. You see Shimoda right there. That is rock hard dirt.
29:58Those water truck lanes. It's not deep tilled, soft dirt like you have on the racetrack
30:05designed for the equipment to be able to get around as efficiently as possible.
30:09Yeah, it's got to be hard because those water trucks, they got street tires on it. So
30:13yeah, they'll sink. Yeah, they'll sink in there. But shout out to Levi after that first motor
30:17to come back here. All the pressure that he had from Hayden at first motor. And the same thing
30:21with, you know, Joe. If he can hold on to this thing another two laps,
30:27it's a great ride. Probably the best ride of the year.
30:35So Levi kitchen looking to finish the job at Unadilla. James Stewart, you said after the
30:44first motor, he did get beat. But you felt like it was maybe a little bit of confidence for him.
30:47He kept it close to Deacon all the way to the end and definitely confident now.
30:51Yeah, I mean, I'm not sure what happened at Wash Ugo. And I don't think Levi knows what
30:55happened at Wash Ugo. But the race that we saw before that Millville, I mean,
30:59the kid was dominant. He won both those photos just outright, even with a crash in that first
31:04photo. So I'm sure he feels like he has to speed. Now he comes up here. Hayden got around him.
31:10Hayden had a great race, but Levi was still right there. So maybe they went back,
31:14checked some lines, made a couple of suspension changes. But Levi feels like he can win. And
31:19you got to be able to hold all that pressure off with those two guys, Joe and with Hayden.
31:25Yeah, the great irony. He could be looking at two out of three overall wins in a row. And the one
31:30bad one is his home track at Wash Ugo. There is Shimoda standing and now jumping into the Alpine
31:38medic mule. And we hear left arm sling. But I wonder, they don't like to speculate too much
31:44on injuries, but you come down hard on the side. It's pretty easy, unfortunately, to hurt the
31:48shoulder or maybe the arm. Yeah, collar bone. I'm sure he probably knocked the wind out of him. So
31:54tough break for him. And, yeah, I mean, Chance Hymus as well. The next corner.
32:00So hopefully Joe's okay. Anytime a rider gets up, it's easier. Long walk back. Take that ride on
32:08that mule back. So good to see him up. Yeah, just trying to explain. It's so weird how motocross
32:13works. You see the Hymus crash, and it seems impossible that he would not be hurt. He ends
32:18up relatively uninjured. The Shimoda crash wasn't nearly as bad. But like I'm saying, it's game of
32:24inches there. So hopefully he's okay. And by the way, similar story for Tom Villal. He had a big
32:31crash in the first moto. Fought his way, unfortunately for him, to 22nd place, which is
32:37the first position that does not pay a championship point. Good little rebound to get third in this
32:43one. Oh, there's the sling now on Joe. Yeah, tough, tough break. And yeah, back to Tom Villal
32:49for sure with him. Unless he went down, I know it's a great rebound for him to get third place
32:55if he can hold this off in his moto. But he was right there with Hayden. So I don't know if he
32:59fell or something happened, but I'm sure he'll feel a lot. He wish he was a lot closer to Hayden.
33:05I'm sure Tom probably be a little disappointed, even though he's in third with a good rebound
33:08after that first moto. Yeah, the big hit is going to be in the points. It should push him to third
33:14in the championship standings. Now Kitchen will be ahead of him, and it just makes it that much
33:19easier for Deegan to wrap up the title next weekend at Bud's Creek. So if you're a Deegan fan,
33:24come on out and check it in person. We mentioned that President's Club, the really cool VIP area
33:30that they'll have at that track, so you might want to do it that way. Promotocross.com, place to go
33:36if you want tickets. But how about Levi Kitchen? He is back, back twice at Millville. He got back
33:43to where he was at the beginning of the year when he's battling for wins. Fell back off at Washougal.
33:49Back to that again at Unadilla. Yeah, the fire marshal shut him down at Washougal. The kitchen
33:53was too open. But no, it looks good. And, you know, I think these rods are coming more consistent,
34:00but we saw this last year. He would have a 13th and then one of these rods. At least now he rode
34:05good that first motor and he's been riding good the last few weeks. So nice to see him up here.
34:11This is the more Levi that we expect to see more consistent. It's doing good at the right time,
34:17building for those playoffs. So good point to be hot. Good point. And he was great in Monster
34:23Energy Supercross this year, so he can ride any type of track. Narrowly missed that championship
34:28to R.J. Hampshire. R.J., by the way, just getting back on the bike after a wrist injury suffered
34:33right before the Promotocross opener. He's hoping to be back for the playoffs. Levi, after he
34:41all of a sudden won at Millville, he said, I hate to talk bike setup. I hate to use that,
34:47but the bike wasn't where he wanted it. He thought it was there at round one. And then
34:52once they got to the faster tracks, it was too soft. And it took a couple rounds to stiffen it
34:57up the way he wanted it. Clearly they've got it there now. Yeah, they figured out. And with this,
35:03the reason why it's so big, because all these guys are really close. I mean, they're close in
35:06speed. So it comes down to start, you know, how comfortable you feel. And because they all are
35:12at speed, you've got to have something that separates you. So if you're not comfortable
35:15on the motorcycle, you go from being able to win races to fifth. And for a guy like Levi,
35:20who was close to winning that supercross title, had expectations of winning this title,
35:25fifth place is no good for him. So that's why you were having the middle part of the season
35:29where he kind of disappeared. But he's back. They figured out that bike. And this is what
35:32the results are you're seeing. And the winds now starting to pile back up again for the mighty
35:37monster pro circuit Kawasaki team. This will be 302 wins for this team now. And Levi kitchen.
35:46Going to go to one at Unadilla. And by winning a second moto,
35:52Levi kitchen takes the overall here in New York. Great ride. Great ride. Nice ride by
35:59Hayden Deegan. No loss on the points, actually, at least to Levi. Gain some points. Let me give
36:05a shout out to this guy running fourth place. Tommy Allen might cross the check flag in third
36:10place, but Jalik Swole. Yeah, fourth place. He's going to be third overall, which I'm thinking
36:15the first overall for triumph. Oh, we could be less. Good math there. James looking at the first
36:22ever podium for triumph. There is small on the thirty three solid in moto one. Even better in
36:29moto two at the fourth. So many other riders with issues with the consistency and we could be
36:34looking at a triumph on the box. This is going to be third overall. Good on you, Jalik Swole
36:43and everybody involved with that team. That's awesome. Awesome. Congrats. Triumph making it
36:50happen. They have had the ups and downs of motocross, but they get to the box today.
36:54You don't want to race behind you. But at the same time, I had I was like, where is I don't
36:58know who it was, but always go. I love it. Didn't even know what was locked in Levi kitchen with the
