The Alpha's Innocent Bride - Full Movie

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The Alpha's Innocent Bride - Full Movie
00:00Who did this to you?
00:13It's Soren.
00:17He's back.
00:21He's back.
00:27How long does he expect us to wait for him?
00:31For as long as he wants.
00:34We're not here as guests.
00:37If Alfred Ethan buys her, our money troubles are over.
00:44I'm Rosalie, and I didn't know if it was the best or worst day of my life.
00:49I was finally getting away from my father and stepmother.
00:52But it was so they could sell me to the Alpha of Dragomor.
00:55All I could think about was how badly I needed to pee.
01:12Please, come in.
01:16Just a girl.
01:22You're on your best behavior.
01:25If you don't want to buy it, you're rotting in the basement of the fence.
01:55I'm sure he's just up in his office.
01:57Please, wait here while I fetch him.
02:16What are you doing?
02:17This is occupied.
02:19I'm sorry, but the door was unlocked.
02:21The door was closed.
02:22You didn't even knock.
02:24Can you please hurry?
02:25I really need to go.
02:37Why are you still here?
02:40Can you please leave?
02:44You're the one who barged in here.
02:47It's occupied!
02:50Ethan, the girl's here.
02:52What girl?
02:53The breeder.
02:54You're meeting with Alpha Harlan about buying his daughter, remember?
03:00I'm so sorry, Alpha Ethan.
03:03I'll go.
03:07I'll take her.
03:10I'll take her as my breeder.
03:15And this is the man my father would sell me to.
03:18Alpha Ethan.
03:19I like the way you apologize.
03:47Could I have my flute back?
04:13My mom's favorite flute.
04:16It's the only thing she left for me and I can't even keep it safe.
04:28Alpha Ethan!
04:32I want my freedom.
04:34Why should I give you that?
04:37You want a healthy baby, don't you?
04:42Then you'll give me what I want.
04:56Welcome to the Luna Suite.
05:05This is really nice.
05:07It is.
05:09It was Ethan's mother's.
05:12You should have seen it then.
05:15Full of laughter and love.
05:21But that was a long time ago.
05:27I'll have some new clothing sent up for you as well.
05:48When I was little, my mother used to play this song for me.
07:05He can play beautifully, but he's very sensitive about noises at night.
07:26Red eye.
07:28Red eye.
07:33It's Soren again.
07:34That's two more dead.
07:35He's getting closer.
07:37What does he want?
07:38I don't know, but I do know what King James wants.
07:41He sent the message again.
07:43He wants you to produce an heir as soon as possible.
07:47I just don't understand why he's so obsessed with it.
07:51Because he can.
07:54He's testing me.
08:04On the bed, now.
08:16On the bed, now.
08:40You're right.
08:51I guess it's the day.
08:53No matter how much I try to avoid it, it still comes.
08:57Well, it can't be worse than the whipping from my stepmother.
09:01All I need to do is knock him out.
09:11What's the matter?
09:25Should we rip your dick off?
09:33She's a virgin!
09:35She's a virgin!
09:37Why didn't you say something?
09:42Does it matter?
09:44I mean, no.
09:46But someone should have said something.
09:49It's important information.
09:52You know, I could take care of it for you.
09:59Get her a book.
10:02Get her a book!
10:13Excuse me.
10:33I think it's really going to help.
10:44You're welcome.
10:46You're welcome.
10:57Okay, Rosalie, it's time to fulfill your role.
11:01Do whatever he demands and you will have freedom.
11:31There's something sweet about him.
11:46He's moving so gently and sweetly.
11:51He's not as bad as I feared he would be.
11:55I might even feel something for him.
12:25I might even feel something for him.
12:45I might even feel something for him.
13:06I might even feel something for him.
13:19Where is my flute?
13:34Where is my flute?
13:43Who is she?
13:45She looks glamorous.
13:47I don't know how I feel this gloom from her.
14:07Oh, hi.
14:11Sorry, I didn't know you'd still be cleaning in here.
14:15Could you close that window for me?
14:18I'd love to take a nap before dinner.
14:39Who are you?
14:41Never seen your face before.
14:45I'm Rosalie.
14:47Ethan's breeder.
14:54He got a breeder?
15:10He got a breeder?
15:27I'm sorry.
15:29I don't know who you are.
15:32He didn't tell you about me?
15:35Oh, this is Madeline.
15:39The king's daughter.
15:41She is very important to me.
15:45Ethan, darling.
15:47Propose to me again, and I might just say yes this time.
15:52Now get me a room with a better view.
16:04She's pretty.
16:42Your Majesty, what brings you here?
16:44I thought we were coming to you.
16:47I'm just here for the fresh air and a bit of fun.
16:51I was hoping to get a look at your breeder.
16:54And I heard Madeline was here too.
16:56Right, Helen?
16:59Now show me these lovely ladies.
17:24Come here, my child.
17:28The fearsome king with an iron fist.
17:32Even Alfred Ethan is scared of him.
17:35His word is law.
17:37He has no mercy for those who are against him.
17:43I have a spinning image of her.
17:46Ethan's mother.
17:50Oh, carrying a precious cargo in there, aren't we?
18:09Hi, I'm Ethan's sister, Georgia.
18:12It is a pleasure to meet you.
18:37Sorin is coming.
18:42Won't be long until he attacks.
18:44But we'll be ready for him.
18:50What about you, Ethan?
18:52He's your brother.
18:59He is nothing but an enemy to us.
19:28Lone goddess.
19:38What should I do now?
19:56I heard Sorin's back.
20:02Well, you might want to know.
20:04Who's Sorin?
20:06He's Ethan's twin brother.
20:10What happened between them?
20:13Our parents died when we were young.
20:16So Sorin left home.
20:19Ethan became another person and King James took me in.
20:26How did they die?
20:29A terrible accident.
20:50The breeder failed to produce an offspring?
20:57I wouldn't say she failed, Your Highness.
20:59These things, they take time.
21:03Isn't that right, Ethan?
21:06I want you to marry Madeline.
21:08Produce an heir with her instead.
21:10But what about...
21:14She cost us a fortune.
21:17You're fond of this breeder?
21:19No, of course not.
21:22Oh, great news.
21:24Send her up to my room tonight.
21:30Just kidding!
21:33Just kidding, my boy.
21:34You should have seen the look on your face.
21:38I'll take her with me when I leave.
21:44Enjoy her while you can.
22:03Would you like to have a drink with me?
22:31I might kiss you.
22:33You may be bad at it.
22:38You're a chapter one fucker.
22:49Was that bad?
22:57Try again.
23:08Try this.
23:38Try this.
24:10What's going on?
24:20What's going on?
24:27I'm giving you the freedom you wanted.
24:29What are you talking about?
24:51It's the king.
24:53He wants you.
24:55And there's nothing I can do about it.
24:59For some reason, I have confidence in you.
25:09Please don't make me leave.
25:16I have confidence in myself when you lean on my arm.
25:29I'm pregnant.
25:34King James mentioned something about special cargo.
25:39I think he already knows.
26:05So there's that.
26:09We really should be getting going before it's too late.
26:12I doubt he's going to give up on her that easily.
26:15I know my father.
26:18He doesn't want Rosa.
26:22He wants the baby as a hostage.
26:25Just like he kept me around all these years.
26:34I love you.
27:05Why do you want me to marry Ethan if he already has a breeder?
27:09Don't be silly.
27:11Of course you'll be the mother of that child, not the breeder.
27:14It's a shame you're not Ethan's mate.
27:17Otherwise it'd save me a lot of trouble.
27:24I love you.
27:28I love you too.
27:54If you're trying to be sneaky, you failed.
27:59I can smell you coming a hundred miles away.
28:15If you're trying to be sneaky, you failed.
28:19I can smell you coming a hundred miles away.
28:35You look like you put on some weight, little brother.
28:45Why'd you come back?
28:48Oh, I think you already know the answer to that question.
29:04You still think the king killed our parents?
29:10And killing him will make things right?
29:19You may be the king's lapdog, but I'm still a wolf.
29:37You may be the king's lapdog, but I'm still a wolf.
29:49Am I a lapdog?
29:53Or am I someone who knows how to play the game?
30:00You'd do well to stay out of my way.
30:04I'm going to be a father, Soren.
30:07Or should I say uncle, Soren?
30:12Well, that's quite a bargain for the king.
30:16I wouldn't get one free.
30:22What's that supposed to mean?
30:27You couldn't even protect your own breeder.
30:31How are you going to protect a child?
30:47Ethan, the king wants an archery match.
30:49I'm sorry.
30:52I'm sorry you got pulled into all of this.
30:56I don't know what you're talking about.
31:00You love Soren.
31:06And you love Rosalie.
31:10I guess that makes us square, huh?
31:12I guess you're right.
31:15Ethan, you can trust me if you need a friend.
31:46How did they die?
32:05How did they die?
32:07My parents.
32:09How did they die?
32:11You've heard this story before.
32:13Can you tell me again?
32:17Well, we were traveling together, going down to visit the Alfa Romero.
32:22Your mother insisted we take the carriage.
32:25She always had to embellish things, romanticize things, which was her way.
32:30Your father loved to indulge her.
32:33So, we were traveling along this scenic route, is what your father said.
32:39I spooked the horse.
32:45I was lucky I was able to get out from under the carriage before it fell over the cliff.
32:50And the bodies?
32:52I never found them.
32:54They belonged into the river.
32:59There used to be a river there.
33:01I was told it dried up half a century ago.
33:04And you believe that?
33:08So, I went there myself.
33:20So, I went there myself.
33:34So, you've gone into the abyss?
33:39I wanted to see if there was water.
33:42I didn't know about your little field trip.
33:44What did you find?
33:46Two skeletons, holding each other like the lovers of Pompeii.
33:54Someone shot them.
34:01These were also with the bodies.
34:08They're the same sort you still use today.
34:24They're the same sort you still use today.
34:30I killed lots of people, Ethan.
34:33I could be anybody.
34:35Would anyone have my father's ring?
34:49What do you have to say for yourself, King Slayer?
34:54Who are you?
34:57Seize him!
35:21Seize him!
35:27Seize him!
36:20Let her go, Soren!
36:24Don't worry, he wants me to take you.
36:39Don't worry, I'll come back for you.
36:54They've been hit!
36:57Aim for the heart!
37:23Urza! Urza, stay with me!
37:26We're almost there!
37:41I don't care if they're dead or alive.
37:46Anyone who brings them to me will be the Alpha of this Peck.
37:52If I see your Alpha alive, you'll go after them.
38:31Urza, stay with me.
38:34I'm gonna get some help.
38:39Hey! Hey!
38:41Hey, is anyone in there? We need some help!
38:44Hey! Hey!
38:56Hey! Hey!
38:58You're a doctor? Yeah? Yeah? Can you help us?
39:01Yeah? Can you help us? Can you bring... Can you help this girl? Huh?
39:47You'll be fine, but you need some rest.
40:17Take these clothes with you.
40:30Take them, you need them.
40:35Okay, I don't have any money.
40:38I don't have any more wine.
40:41Wait, wait, wait.
40:44Wait, wait, wait.
40:54Can I keep that?
41:00Ethan. Ethan.
41:06Hey, Ethan? Yeah?
41:10Come on.
41:12What's that?
41:23Thank you, doctor.
41:27I'm not a doctor.
41:43This expo for my patient.
42:02Visit our website at
42:05Oh, god.
42:14Alan, I'm here to help.
42:21Where are you going?
42:23I'm taking her south.
42:25You'll never make it. They're everywhere.
42:29Do you hear?
43:31I'll tell you a story.
43:33When we were kids, Ethan had a hard time getting potty trained.
43:37One day, he shit his pants.
43:40He was too afraid to tell mom and dad.
43:43So, we went out to the woods, dropped his pants, buried the underwear.
43:48Couldn't tell you where to find him.
44:02Harry, inside.
44:30Harry, inside.
44:53I've done everything I can.
44:56The rest is going to be on her.
45:01Talon told me you were coming, but I could not believe you would make it this far.
45:09You really should get some rest, too.
46:01Hi, ladies. How are you doing?
46:05Same thing.
46:12Oh, do you like wine?
46:16Alright, well, how about we taste it, hmm?
46:23Come on, drink with me, ladies.
47:00Honestly, he hasn't really had an appetite. You can probably just keep that.
47:04I should get going.
47:39She's there.
47:42Go find her, Ethan.
47:45How do I do that, Madeline?
47:49I have it all figured out.
47:58I got the key.
48:01What happened to Madeline?
48:03Nothing, she's fine. She just drank the wine.
48:07Now go.
48:47You need to come back to us, girl. Come on.
48:51You need rest.
49:16Come on.
49:35You were on the train with me.
49:41Do you remember anything else?
49:46I have to get to work.
49:58Do you remember anything else?
50:03I have to get to work.
50:06No, please. My father and stepmother are going to be home soon.
50:09They're going to be furious. I haven't done anything.
50:12It's okay. It's okay.
50:15You don't have to worry about anything.
50:18I want to take care of you.
50:26Everything's going to be alright, Rosa.
50:32Was that my name?
50:35Yeah. Yeah, you're Rosa.
50:39Ethan. Are you Ethan?
50:45Ethan. Are you Ethan?
50:48Somehow I remember that name.
50:52No, I'm not.
50:57Who are you?
51:19Stay here.
51:36Stay here.
51:39Stay here.
52:04Oh, Talon.
52:08Son of a bitch.
52:32You need a shower.
52:35I know.
52:38Where's Rosa?
52:40She's safe.
52:42But there's something you need to know.
53:00Did I know you?
53:02You did.
53:04I'm sorry.
53:06I don't remember anything.
53:15Don't apologize.
53:18We can start over again.
53:35I'm still learning.
53:40Go on.
54:04I forgot my lines.
54:23I'm still learning.
54:25Go on.
54:28Thank you for taking care of her.
54:40Is Madeline okay?
54:43Naturally, she can take care of herself.
54:47I think it came from the fact that, like, when I was a kid, there was a theme park.
54:58And it was, like, a really janky one, right?
55:01So, like, the roller coasters are so old, and the rigs are so old, that if you...
