Black Sails Season 1 Episode 1

  • last month
After a run of short hauls, the once powerful Captain Flint faces mutiny by his own crew. John Silver joins Flint's pirate ship, hiding something of great value from his captain. On the island of New Providence, Eleanor Guthrie keeps order in the face of a resurgent Royal Navy.


00:00:30I'm not sure I'm going to be able to make it out of here alive, but I'm sure I'll be able to make it out of here alive, and I'm sure I'll be able to make it out of here alive, and I'm sure I'll be able to make it out of here alive, and I'm sure I'll be able to make it out of here alive, and I'm sure I'll be able to make it out of here alive, and I'm sure I'll be able to make it out of here alive, and I'm sure I'll be able to make it out of here alive, and I'm sure I'll be able to make it out of here alive, and I'm sure I'll be able to make it out of here alive, and I'm sure I'll be able to make it out of here alive, and I'm sure I'll be able to make it out of here alive, and I'm sure I'll be able to make it out of here alive, and I'm sure I'll be able to make it out of
00:01:00here alive, and I'm sure I'll be able to make it out of here alive, and I'm sure I'll be able
00:01:30to make it out of here alive, and I'm sure I'll be able to make it out of here alive,
00:02:00and I'm sure I'll be able to make it out of here alive, and I'm sure I'll be able to make
00:02:30it out of here alive, and I'm sure I'll be able to make it out of here alive, and I'm
00:02:44sure I'll be able to make it out of here alive.
00:03:00Come on out!
00:03:12What is that?
00:03:13It's nothing.
00:03:14That doesn't seem like nothing.
00:03:18Maybe when Captain Flint gets here, we can let him decide.
00:03:22He wouldn't want to do that.
00:03:24Why not?
00:03:26Oh no!
00:03:27Get down!
00:03:28Get down!
00:03:29Get down!
00:03:30Get down!
00:03:31Get down!
00:03:32Get down!
00:03:33Get down!
00:03:34Get down!
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00:06:14Get down!
00:06:15Get down!
00:06:16Get down!
00:06:17Get down!
00:06:18Get down!
00:06:19Get down!
00:06:20Get down!
00:06:21Get down!
00:06:22Get down!
00:06:23Get down!
00:06:25He's over!
00:06:33It's done!
00:06:41Wouldn't you agree?
00:07:49Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
00:08:19oh, oh, oh, oh,
00:09:20Help me.
00:09:24He couldn't handle the thought of what you might do to him.
00:09:31I, on the other hand, would very much like to join your crew.
00:09:37My name is John Silver, and I happen to be a very good cook.
00:09:52Know this.
00:09:54Now that this fight is over,
00:09:57you have nothing more to fear from us today.
00:10:01Because we know this fight was not of your making.
00:10:05It was the choice of our true enemy.
00:10:09Your true enemy.
00:10:11The tyrant captain!
00:10:17Many of us once sailed on ships like this one.
00:10:21We know what it is to be slaves to his whims.
00:10:24His violence.
00:10:26His shit wages!
00:10:29His insufferable stupidity!
00:10:34So we've made for ourselves a different life.
00:10:37Where we don't rely on wages.
00:10:40We own a stake.
00:10:42And where our pleasure isn't a sin,
00:10:45it's a virtue.
00:10:47We also know what it's like to see our brothers die
00:10:51in the service of no end other than a tyrant.
00:10:53This one wants to join. Says he can cook.
00:10:57Well, if he keeps that up, this one won't be the only one looking to join.
00:11:00Today is a...
00:11:01Look at him. Thinks he's captain already.
00:11:03Today is a day of disposed giving.
00:11:06And they will be punished!
00:11:18We made a full sweep of the hold.
00:11:20We found eight more casks of whale oil.
00:11:24That's all?
00:11:27Total tally, four hundred.
00:11:29Five. We managed to sell the tobacco.
00:11:32Cameron's broken his arm. Duffy's been shot in the leg.
00:11:36After injury payments, we will net...
00:11:38just under eight dollars per man.
00:11:40Eight dollars?
00:11:42The crew will not be happy.
00:11:44When are they ever?
00:11:51When their end is a hell of a lot richer than eight dollars.
00:11:56Take a look.
00:11:59Captain's log.
00:12:01It's all there.
00:12:03Vasquez, Port Royal.
00:12:06Told you this was the shit.
00:12:11Where is the schedule?
00:12:16Minor obstacle.
00:12:18But we're getting close.
00:12:21Let me see if I have this right.
00:12:24This is the fourth prize in a row
00:12:25for which the profits will barely exceed
00:12:28the expenses it took to win it.
00:12:31Singleton's out there trying to convince your crew
00:12:34to torture that poor bastard of a captain
00:12:36simply because he hasn't worked out how to get them to do it to you.
00:12:40All's well.
00:12:42Because you've discovered that the information we can't tell anybody we're looking for
00:12:45exists on a page that we don't have.
00:12:49Don't have yet.
00:12:54Mr. Duffy is dead.
00:12:56I removed the leg, but we lost too much blood.
00:13:04I've done it!
00:13:16Is this necessary?
00:13:24We've paid a heavy toll today.
00:13:27And for what?
00:13:28We all know the prize won't come close to evening the scales.
00:13:32Someone ought to pay the difference.
00:13:35Talk to me about recruits.
00:13:45What's he doing?
00:13:46Just... give him a minute.
00:13:50Where's the schedule?
00:13:54What are you talking about?
00:13:56The page that was torn from your log.
00:14:02If you know where it is, now would be the time to say so.
00:14:08You want to bring on five more men?
00:14:10The carpenter, two carpenter's mates,
00:14:12the gunner's mate and the cook.
00:14:14Hard to refuse a skilled hand.
00:14:17Is it their hands you want?
00:14:19Or their votes?
00:14:21What a cunning bastard you are.
00:14:24Squarely in the captain's pocket,
00:14:26yet you've still got the crew believing you're their advocate.
00:14:29Shrewdest quartermaster I've ever come across.
00:14:32I wonder if you'll afford me the same wide berth you give that bastard,
00:14:36once I take his place.
00:14:40You get the cook.
00:14:42That's all the ship can afford right now.
00:14:46I told you I don't have him.
00:14:48I know my men must have taken him.
00:14:50They all searched.
00:14:51Get me the man Newmore, I tell you.
00:14:52Call off your men.
00:15:03You can't, can you?
00:15:05You're their captain.
00:15:06You have no control over them.
00:15:10How long before you're the one they tie to the mast?
00:15:18I won't give you the satisfaction of crying out.
00:15:22Good for you.
00:15:23Where are you going?
00:15:27Justice is about to be done.
00:15:30And you turn your back.
00:15:49Man of war.
00:15:51Royal Navy.
00:15:59Scarborough port's in Boston.
00:16:02Not today, she doesn't.
00:16:04She's got the wind of us.
00:16:06Cut us loose and get us out of the way.
00:16:18Get out of the way!
00:16:35We've taken on a new cook.
00:16:41Randall, we were clear.
00:16:43This job was only temporary.
00:16:44There's still plenty of you to do.
00:16:49It'll be all right.
00:16:50So, er, both watches are messed together at six bells.
00:16:53Don't be late.
00:16:54Any supplies you need, see your friend,
00:16:55he'll fund you out the ship maintenance account.
00:16:57Er, one more thing.
00:16:59No-one gets any special treatment from you of any kind.
00:17:02No extra rations, no preferences in cuts of meat.
00:17:04Not for me, not for the quartermaster, not for the captain.
00:17:07Here, everyone is equal, all right?
00:17:10Even him?
00:17:14Randall was this ship's boasts.
00:17:17Randall was this ship's potion
00:17:18before he got beaten to within an inch of his life for taking a prize.
00:17:22He lost his wits,
00:17:23but not our loyalty.
00:17:26We like Randall.
00:17:30We'll see.
00:17:46Come on.
00:18:17He has the votes.
00:18:19Brett Cullen?
00:18:21He has the votes to remove you as captain.
00:18:23Not every last one.
00:18:24We haven't finished Camerson yet, but when he gets ashore,
00:18:27he doesn't have to be sneaky about it.
00:18:28He'll get what he needs.
00:18:30I thought you said it would never get to this.
00:18:32Now, hang on.
00:18:33I thought you said you'd put loyal men in all the right places
00:18:35so the crew would never turn.
00:18:36No, no.
00:18:37I never said never. I'm too old to be using...
00:18:39Don't give me that shit.
00:18:41I told you there would be some lean days while we track Parrish's ship.
00:18:44You said the crew would weather it.
00:18:47Lean days.
00:18:49It's been three months with no profits to speak of,
00:18:51and nobody knows what it's all been for
00:18:52because you don't trust them with the truth.
00:18:54I don't trust them with the truth.
00:18:57So, here we are.
00:19:08They think he has any idea how to put money in their pockets.
00:19:10All they know or care about Singleton right now
00:19:13is that he isn't you.
00:19:17I just need a few more days.
00:19:19The page is gone.
00:19:21It could be anywhere.
00:19:22What makes you think all you need is a few more days?
00:19:28I'm gonna go and see Richard.
00:19:30He can help me recreate the schedule.
00:19:33Richard Guthrie?
00:19:35You think he's gonna help you?
00:19:37Yes. Yes, I do.
00:19:39That's just for fun.
00:19:40Say that he doesn't.
00:19:42What then?
00:19:43Then I'll forget about the schedule
00:19:45and go back to hunting fat, lazy merchantmen,
00:19:48and everyone will be content.
00:19:50This is one of those times
00:19:52where we pretend that we both don't know that you're lying.
00:20:01Don't fall.
00:20:02We're home.
00:20:04Don't fall.
00:20:05We're home.
00:20:33Hey, you.
00:21:04Is this English soil?
00:21:06It was.
00:21:08Now it ain't.
00:21:09Whose is it?
00:21:20Wait, I don't understand.
00:21:21The captain asked for me to go.
00:21:23Yes, and I was speaking.
00:21:25He doesn't know I'm coming, does he?
00:21:27No, but I have business here, so the job falls to you.
00:21:30And what is the job exactly?
00:21:32Captain's gonna ask Richard Guthrie for a favour.
00:21:34Mr Guthrie is going to say no.
00:21:36When that happens, the captain will most likely react poorly.
00:21:39Your job is to restrain him.
00:21:43Restrain him, you say?
00:21:45No cargo moves off this island
00:21:47without Mr Guthrie's ships and connections.
00:21:50The last crew that ran afoul of him
00:21:52couldn't buy or sell shit for two months.
00:21:54That's an outcome I'd like to avoid.
00:21:56That's an outcome I'd like to avoid.
00:22:00He never listens to me.
00:22:04I'm such a highly regarded member of this crew,
00:22:07and I can assure you the captain
00:22:09regards your inputs more than you know.
00:22:14Billy's going with you.
00:22:16Who's Billy?
00:22:19Come on!
00:22:24What exactly happens to all this?
00:22:27Goes to the Guthries.
00:22:29They pay up front for it,
00:22:31take it someplace civilised and sell it.
00:22:33The Guthries?
00:22:34Mate, no offence, but the faster we get this loaded,
00:22:37the faster I can get up the hill
00:22:39and into the arms of my sweet, sweet Charlotte.
00:22:48Come on.
00:23:05Your recipes.
00:23:07I left them with our captain for safekeeping,
00:23:09but I don't see them in the rest of the journals.
00:23:11All the volumes from the prize are here,
00:23:14unless the captain took it,
00:23:16but in this case, it's in his cabin, on the ship.
00:23:19He likes his books.
00:23:28Is that him?
00:23:30Is this necessary? He's just a cook.
00:23:32He meets the new ones, no exceptions.
00:23:36Um, what's going on?
00:23:38Who wants to meet me?
00:23:46Come on.
00:23:58Whatever you do,
00:24:00don't show fear.
00:24:16Come on.
00:24:32You're not Blackbeard.
00:24:39Oh, I see.
00:24:41If you get lost in there, give us a yell.
00:24:47Come on.
00:24:55Wars are wars, and you are ours.
00:25:16Come on.
00:25:31I need a moment with your boss.
00:25:35Not a good time.
00:25:36Get the fuck out.
00:25:38If you want to run at first sight of trouble, be my guest,
00:25:40but don't expect me to fucking help you.
00:25:43And that goes for all of you.
00:25:45If you want to hunt, my door is open.
00:25:47But if the mere whiff of the navy is too much for you,
00:25:50then God bless and get the fuck out.
00:25:52Fuck yourself, cunt.
00:26:03Did you just tell me to fuck myself?
00:26:10Mr. Scott, who is this man?
00:26:12Mr. Sanderson.
00:26:13Cruises with Captain Burgess of the Trinity.
00:26:16How much was their last haul?
00:26:18Nearly 1,000 in profit.
00:26:20Best tally in months.
00:26:26Well, Mr. Sanderson.
00:26:29Pleased to be in your company.
00:26:32Do you know why?
00:26:36Because you're an earner.
00:26:38Can I tell you what happens when I stand near an earner?
00:26:44My pussy gets wet.
00:26:49In which case, I will go fuck myself.
00:26:57Mistress Guthrie.
00:26:59What the fuck do you want?
00:27:02I wish you'd get control of your men.
00:27:04They come in here spouting off
00:27:06they've seen His Majesty's navy out there,
00:27:08and I have three crews pulling orders
00:27:10because they haven't got enough balls to get back in the water.
00:27:12I'll make sure to keep that in mind, ma'am.
00:27:14But right now, the Scarborough is the least of my concerns.
00:27:18We have an agitator.
00:27:21What the fuck does that mean?
00:27:23The challenge of the captaincy of the Walrus.
00:27:25Capitalizing on our friend's recent rough patch.
00:27:30I expect him to call a vote soon.
00:27:33And I expect him to be close.
00:27:35Flint's got morale problems.
00:27:37What do you want me to do about it?
00:27:40I need money to shore up support.
00:27:44You want a loan?
00:27:45Flint's made you more money than any captain here.
00:27:48Not lately, he hasn't.
00:27:50Yeah, well, that will change.
00:27:51But mark my words, without that money,
00:27:53the most valuable captain on this island will be out of a job tomorrow.
00:27:59Think of it as a...
00:28:01investment in the future.
00:28:03You steal cargo at the end of a sword.
00:28:06We sell that cargo to markets that will never have you.
00:28:09When you are strong, you are a necessary evil.
00:28:12When you are not strong, you are like the soon-to-be-dead.
00:28:17But what you are not, ever,
00:28:20is a sound investment.
00:28:26How much would you need?
00:28:33A thousand pieces of eight.
00:28:35Give or take?
00:28:48Take this divergent.
00:28:52You'll see that you get what you need.
00:28:54Thank you, ma'am.
00:29:04I'm wondering what it is...
00:29:06exactly you think you just purchased.
00:29:09It's my money, isn't it?
00:29:11Must I answer for how I spend it?
00:29:14For me? No.
00:29:16For this enterprise belongs to your father.
00:29:19And I do not believe he would approve of this...
00:29:25Well, then I suppose it's a good thing that my father isn't here.
00:29:35Mr. Smith to see Mr. Guthrie.
00:29:40He's not expecting me.
00:30:05What does the crew think of me, Billy?
00:30:09Beg your pardon?
00:30:10You're the ship's postman.
00:30:12You know what's said behind my back?
00:30:17I know they've always found me...
00:30:20aloof, too educated.
00:30:24But now it seems they feel I'm...
00:30:26too weak.
00:30:29I was gonna say unlucky.
00:30:32So that's the thinking.
00:30:34We've been attacking ships with light loads because I'm too weak to do otherwise.
00:30:39Is that what you think?
00:30:45What the hell are you doing here?
00:30:49Now, is that any way to greet a friend?
00:30:52I much prefer that way.
00:30:54A sugar factor from Carolina.
00:30:57Who purchases stolen cargo from you because he trusts me.
00:31:02Because I have cultivated his confidence.
00:31:06And because I keep him from ever having to lay eyes on you.
00:31:11Then the sooner we get down to business, the better.
00:31:37A whore for every finger on your hand.
00:31:40But your eyes keep refusing to this.
00:31:43Tell me, what is it that is so precious to you?
00:31:47One scream will bring Mr. Noonan.
00:31:49Bring him.
00:31:50I'll let him know his whores like to steal from their customers.
00:31:54You can let your new captain know you have withheld something of great value
00:31:57that rightly belonged to his latest prize.
00:32:04So, what now?
00:32:08Business to sell, is it not?
00:32:10But you cannot know who best to sell it to.
00:32:13I can know that.
00:32:15And what's that going to cost me?
00:32:21Pleasure should be shared equally.
00:32:23It's the only way to avoid hurt feelings.
00:32:27Look, this deal, it's really a terrible idea.
00:32:33There's so many ways it could go wrong.
00:32:35Me, I can't help myself.
00:32:37I see an opportunity, I take it.
00:32:41It's a sickness, truly.
00:32:44But you, you can still walk away.
00:32:49Now tell me what it is.
00:32:54I don't know.
00:33:18Get away.
00:33:24You are not going to throw your support behind Singleton.
00:33:29I wondered when this visit would come.
00:33:54The vote's closer than you think.
00:33:56I know this, because I bought back 16 votes today.
00:34:02Nelson's men are always for sale.
00:34:04Payne will do, not with a Welsh.
00:34:07As of now, Singleton is only up eight votes.
00:34:11And you and your men, all nine.
00:34:16Captain's fate is in our hands.
00:34:18In your hands.
00:34:19Your men vote with you.
00:34:23And how much are you willing to pay for those votes?
00:34:28Well, nothing.
00:34:31Spent everything I had getting this far.
00:34:36Think about your men.
00:34:38Think about their future.
00:34:40Is it their future you wish to protect?
00:34:44Or your friends?
00:34:48What difference does it make?
00:34:54And you will pay us, obviously.
00:34:56From the very first price we take.
00:35:02I assume that went without saying.
00:35:23You're in a festive mood.
00:35:29What do you want, Rackham?
00:35:31I'd hoped to toast your coronation as captain of the wars.
00:35:35Alas, I'm not so sure that's where we're headed.
00:35:54You should keep your distance till I signal you to return for me.
00:35:58If anything should happen and I don't return soon...
00:36:00I leave.
00:36:02Small girl.
00:36:23Let's go.
00:36:46Let me tell you a story.
00:36:48About a Spaniard named Vasquez.
00:36:53A few weeks ago, he staggers into a tavern on Port Royal.
00:36:57Takes a seat next to an English merchant captain.
00:37:01Vasquez, it turns out, is dying.
00:37:04Bleeding to death from a knife wound to the belly.
00:37:08The knife wound was courtesy of his former employer.
00:37:12La Casa del Contricio in Seville.
00:37:15Colonial intelligence?
00:37:16Navy, more specifically.
00:37:19One of their top agents in the Americas.
00:37:21Responsible for the security of one particular ship.
00:37:27A ship with a cargo so rich, the King of Spain is very anxious to see it launched.
00:37:35Vasquez warned that it was too late.
00:37:37Storm season was upon them and no escort could be mustered to guard her.
00:37:42But his superiors demanded that he sign off.
00:37:45They advised him that if he couldn't arrange for an escort...
00:37:47...he should plot a course for the ship unknown to anyone but our captain.
00:37:51And consider that route to be a state secret of the highest order.
00:37:56When Vasquez refused and threatened to report his concerns to the court...
00:38:01...things got ugly.
00:38:07The ship in question?
00:38:12Arca del Limón.
00:38:13Arca del Limón.
00:38:16The largest Spanish treasure galleon in the Americas.
00:38:20According to Vasquez... cargo in excess of five million dollars.
00:38:29Marvelous story, Captain.
00:38:33And how exactly did you come to hear it?
00:38:36A spy and my employee in Port Royal overheard the conversation.
00:38:40I must admit I harbored my doubts as to its authenticity right up until yesterday...
00:38:46...when I took the merchant captain's ship and found Vasquez's story neatly written into his log.
00:38:54Most impressive.
00:38:57It sounds like your plan is neatly resolved.
00:39:00What could you possibly want from me?
00:39:03Not quite entirely resolved.
00:39:05A page was torn from the log with the Urca's course and schedule written on it.
00:39:10Now, I could recreate it from what's left, but I'd need help.
00:39:14Someone with expert knowledge of Spanish operations.
00:39:20Your man in Havana.
00:39:23I need you to make an introduction.
00:39:29Absolutely not.
00:39:31Absolutely not.
00:39:37Five million Spanish dollars.
00:39:43When I take that ship, you stand to gain.
00:39:45When you take it.
00:39:47Do you have any idea how heavily armed that ship is?
00:39:51Even without an escort.
00:39:52The risk is all mine.
00:39:54The risk is not all yours.
00:39:56If I were to even make inquiries about this with colonial intelligence, they'd see me dead.
00:40:02You may have nothing to lose.
00:40:05But I have a future planned I'm not so willing to throw away.
00:40:11Then you may myself blame.
00:40:14I will have that name.
00:40:20Billy, put your pistol on Mr. Guthrie here.
00:40:27The name, please.
00:40:29I'm telling you, it is simply out of the question.
00:40:34The name, please.
00:40:36I'm telling you, it is simply out of the question.
00:40:52Hold there!
00:40:53Aye, Captain!
00:40:57What is it?
00:41:04Captain Hume of His Majesty's ship, the Scarborough.
00:41:12Captain Hume.
00:41:14You've caught me at business.
00:41:16I must ask you to return another day.
00:41:19My apologies, Mr. Guthrie.
00:41:22May I ask, what sort of business?
00:41:26I'm sorry?
00:41:27I ask, what sort of business you're conducting with these men?
00:41:31Sugar merchants from the colonies.
00:41:34With business, I'd just as soon conclude without interruption.
00:41:38So please, if you'll excuse us.
00:41:41Tell me something, Mr. Guthrie.
00:41:44Do you have gossip here?
00:41:48I've often wondered if it can survive in so remote a location.
00:41:52You see, gossip is what holds civilization together.
00:41:56It reinforces shame.
00:41:59And without shame, well, the world is a very dangerous place.
00:42:04I'm sorry.
00:42:06I don't understand.
00:42:08Do you know what the gossip is in London about you?
00:42:13The gossip is that you make your profits selling ill-gotten cargo.
00:42:18Stolen by the pirates of Providence Island.
00:42:22There's no truth to that.
00:42:25We'll certainly find out, won't we?
00:42:28Take them into custody. All of them.
00:42:35No! No!
00:42:46You told me you and your men were with me.
00:42:48You gave me your word.
00:42:50I do what's best for my family.
00:42:52I'm what's best for your family.
00:42:54Flint has fucked us off long enough. Can't you see that?
00:43:04I'm sorry.
00:43:35Captain Vane.
00:43:44Do I even want to know?
00:43:46It's been a long day.
00:43:48But I am on one boat.
00:43:50Looks like Flint is safe.
00:43:52I'm sure he'll be all right.
00:43:54I'm sure he'll be all right.
00:43:56I'm sure he'll be all right.
00:43:58I'm sure he'll be all right.
00:44:00I'm sure he'll be all right.
00:44:01But I am on one boat.
00:44:03Looks like Flint is safe.
00:44:16Mr. Gates.
00:44:23When he didn't return,
00:44:25I came looking for him.
00:44:27I found him here.
00:44:28He said one word before he died.
00:44:34Damn butcher.
00:44:37What is he figuring for a clever one?
00:44:40I know what you're thinking.
00:44:43We lose that fight.
00:44:45At least today.
00:44:49Fuck that.
00:45:05Awfully pleased with himself, isn't he?
00:45:08Why shouldn't he be?
00:45:10With Mosiah gone,
00:45:11Flint no longer holds the votes to remain captain.
00:45:14And once the Walruses men realize Mr. Singleton's limitations,
00:45:18we'll have a host of talented defectors eager to swell our ranks.
00:45:21And he only gets the stronger.
00:45:24He doesn't get shit without you bringing up that Singleton business in the first place.
00:45:30We all have our roles to play.
00:45:35I want to fuck.
00:45:37What? Because of what I just said?
00:45:40Fuck's it matter to you?
00:45:42All right, then.
00:45:47Miss Guthrie!
00:45:51Miss Guthrie!
00:46:19would you like to tell me what that was all about?
00:46:23You fucked me tonight.
00:46:25Flint, his captaincy, I had an interest.
00:46:29Go live.
00:46:31You'll make it right.
00:46:33Why would I do that?
00:46:34Because if you don't, you're finished here.
00:46:36I won't sell another ounce of your cargo.
00:46:40See how long you last as captain when your crew can't get paid.
00:46:44your father sells my cargo.
00:46:46Whatever it is you're so upset about,
00:46:48I doubt he feels the same.
00:46:52When I tell him you put our biggest earner out of business,
00:46:55He'll remind you that Flint hasn't been your biggest earner in quite some time.
00:46:59He'll also be reminded of what you've always known but never accepted.
00:47:03That if forced,
00:47:05your father will always choose profits over daughters.
00:47:13Hey, your father,
00:47:14I wouldn't blame you.
00:47:16Hey, me too, if you'd like.
00:47:18And if you feel the need, cling to Flint
00:47:20and his legend,
00:47:21in a past the rest of us have long outgrown.
00:47:24But make no mistake about it,
00:47:27whatever future this place has left,
00:47:30I'm it.
00:47:32And if you ever challenge me again in front of my crew,
00:47:36I may just forget that I loved you once.
00:47:50You found a supplier?
00:47:52Patience, mon cher.
00:47:54Few here are willing to cross your captain.
00:47:57And those who have a mind must be approached with caution.
00:48:11Excuse me.
00:48:20Excuse me.
00:48:48Who did this?
00:48:54I started it.
00:49:09Why would you do this?
00:49:10When the sea grows rough,
00:49:13you come to Max.
00:49:19Max is your harbour.
00:49:22It's all coming apart.
00:49:26This place, I can feel it slipping away.
00:49:29It's all coming apart.
00:49:31It's all coming apart.
00:49:33It's all coming apart.
00:49:35It's all coming apart.
00:49:37It's all coming apart.
00:49:38It's all coming apart.
00:49:48You are so ready to see the worst.
00:49:57You cannot see
00:49:59what is right in front of your nose.
00:50:38The world is so full of surprises.
00:50:43Let it surprise you.
00:50:47Oh, boy.
00:51:09What are you doing?
00:51:17I don't believe any of the men have ever met him face-to-face.
00:51:20We'll need to find a safe place to stash him
00:51:22before he comes to and starts talking.
00:51:24But in the meantime, I certainly don't want his clothes giving him away.
00:51:29You're gonna pretend that isn't Richard Guthrie?
00:51:32Soon word of Guthrie's arrest will hit the customs houses
00:51:35of Charleston, New York, eventually Boston.
00:51:39Sooner than later,
00:51:41NASA will be unable to sell to any legitimate market in the Americas.
00:51:45I don't want the men panicked about that
00:51:47when I need them focused on the Urca.
00:51:50Jesus, can you hear yourself?
00:51:53You spent months lying to us about what it is we're hunting out here.
00:51:58And now when it's clear it can't possibly succeed,
00:52:00you want to keep lying.
00:52:06Maybe Singleton is right. Maybe it's time we made a change.
00:52:16Think carefully.
00:52:19What lies ahead, Mr. Singleton cannot see you through.
00:52:22And what is that?
00:52:25There's a war coming, boy.
00:52:26One ship isn't a war.
00:52:27One ship isn't what's coming.
00:52:30That man Hume, the captain of the Scarborough, told you as much.
00:52:34When a king brands us pirates,
00:52:37he doesn't mean to make us adversaries.
00:52:39He doesn't mean to make us criminals.
00:52:42He means to make us monsters.
00:52:45For that's the only way his God-fearing, tax-paying subjects
00:52:49can make sense of men who keep what is theirs and fear no one.
00:52:53When I say there's a war coming,
00:52:56I don't mean with the Scarborough.
00:52:58I don't mean with King George or England.
00:53:02Civilization is coming.
00:53:05And it means to exterminate us.
00:53:10If we are to survive,
00:53:12we must unite behind our own king.
00:53:17You have no kings here.
00:53:20I am your king.
00:53:31I am your king.
00:53:50The crew's assembled for council.
00:53:52Mr. Singleton has called for a vote
00:53:54to select himself as the new captain of this crew.
00:54:00Come on.
00:54:07What happened with Richard?
00:54:14Oh, Jesus.
00:54:30I thought you said you'd deal with this.
00:54:33It fell through.
00:54:38You need to figure out what you're going to say to him.
00:54:41I don't care about anything I have to say.
00:54:43Well, you need to make him care.
00:54:45Or I don't know what happens next.
00:54:53I can stall him for a few more minutes.
00:55:00And I am sorry.
00:55:15Oh, fuck!
00:55:29Oh, fuck!
00:55:59I'm sorry.
00:56:02For the short hauls.
00:56:04For the trouble I've caused.
00:56:06But most importantly,
00:56:08for the disregard, it seems, I've shown you.
00:56:13The most important element of a healthy ship is trust.
00:56:18Trust is the most important element of a healthy ship.
00:56:24The most important element of a healthy ship is trust.
00:56:29Trust between men.
00:56:31Trust between captain and crew.
00:56:35Without it,
00:56:38a ship is doomed.
00:56:43For the past few months,
00:56:46you and I have been on the trail
00:56:49of a prize so rich
00:56:52it could upset the very nature of our world.
00:56:56And for that reason,
00:56:58I felt it necessary to keep it secret.
00:57:02I didn't trust you.
00:57:05And that was my mistake.
00:57:09Right now, I would like to tell you that that prize is within our grasp.
00:57:13And we are close.
00:57:16So close.
00:57:18But it would appear that my concerns about secrecy had merit.
00:57:24Someone on this crew discovered my plans
00:57:29and tore from this log the very page necessary to discover that prize.
00:57:37Stole it for their own gain.
00:57:40Stole it from us.
00:57:44And then,
00:57:46stoked your resentment to cover his crime.
00:57:51And make himself your captain.
00:57:58I don't know what he's talking about.
00:58:01That's a very serious accusation, Captain.
00:58:05Thievery is punishable by death,
00:58:08as is a false accusation of the same.
00:58:13Then, as per the articles,
00:58:17the accused has a choice.
00:58:20He can submit to a trial with who as judge?
00:58:27No fucking way.
00:58:33Then swords.
00:58:38Perhaps it's better this way.
00:58:41Be rid of you once and for all.
00:59:11Come on!
00:59:25Come on!
00:59:27Come on!
00:59:29Come on!
00:59:31Come on!
00:59:38Hit him!
00:59:51Get up!
00:59:53Come on!
00:59:55Come on!
01:00:01Come on!
01:00:07Get up!
01:00:16Come on!
01:00:23Get up!
01:00:31Come on!
01:01:01Come on!
01:01:31Come on!
01:01:44There's a stolen page.
01:02:01The prize that you and I have been pursuing
01:02:05is La Coralima.
01:02:08The Hulk.
01:02:11A prize of almost unimaginable value.
01:02:15Now with this page securely in our possession,
01:02:19we can begin our hunt.
01:02:22And we will succeed.
01:02:25No matter the cost.
01:02:27No matter the struggle.
01:02:29I will see that prize is yours.
01:02:33I'm not just gonna make you rich.
01:02:36I'm not just gonna make you strong.
01:02:39I'm gonna make you the princess of the new world!
01:03:12It's downstairs.
01:03:28Can I help you?
01:03:31Perhaps we can help each other.
01:03:35I think I have something you might want to buy.
