00:13Genesis chapter 1
00:17It's first book of the Bible
00:22It's the first chapter
00:26Genesis chapter 1 verse
00:33Genesis chapter 1 verse
00:3626 let's read it together with uplifted voices come on everybody then God said
00:58I don't like how that sound that was that was kind of janky. Yeah, I miss
01:05Y'all reading like you using your finger. Come on now. Let's
01:09Come on, you go to new birth. Come on. Let's do it. Good everybody then God
01:28Then God said let us make man in our image and in our likeness so that they may rule over the fish in the sea
01:40the birds in the sky of
01:42The livestock and all the wild animals and of all the creatures that move
01:48Along the ground you may be seated in
01:51the presence of the Lord I
01:55Want to preach today using as a subject. It's a miracle. I'm even here I
02:06Want you to take that thing personal I want you to take that thing personal
02:10Would you look at the person besides say can I be honest with you?
02:14Come on, look at me and I say I hope you can handle it
02:18But I gotta tell you this
02:20It's a miracle
02:24Even here if that's your testimony, would you give God glory right there?
02:31It's a miracle
02:35I'm even here. I
02:39Was I
02:42Was interviewing dr.
02:48Don't y'all let her shout by herself
02:51If you know, it's a miracle that you here
02:55If it's been a rough year already, but you still standing
03:01Still breathing. I dare you to give God glory after all
03:08That I've been through
03:21You may be seated
03:39You may be seated
03:45Day to pull on your neighbor to say the devil thought he had me
03:50But I got away
03:53And it's a miracle
04:24May be seated strings for me, please
04:28You may be seated
04:31You may be seated it's a miracle I'm even here
05:11You may be seated in the presence of the Lord
06:29Me to say
06:51Come on one more time, whatever my lot whatever
07:08Me to
07:32That's the Lord you may be seated
07:43Was interviewing dr. Sonja stribling
07:46on my podcast
07:49Let's be clear. You can watch it on YouTube
07:54And I asked her how after a successful look military career
08:01Giving birth to two children
08:04Now being over 50
08:07How has she been able to keep her physique and what was her dietary regimen
08:16She divulged it to my astonishment
08:20That she doesn't really exercise and is not overly concerned about what she eats
08:29According to her because
08:32She has good genes
08:36Your genes are the basic physical and functional unit of heredity
08:41That make up our DNA out of chromosomes
08:46It's out of your genes that you got your daddy's hair
08:51How do your genes is because you got to wear glasses
08:58Out of your genes that you have your mama's eyes
09:06It is out of that understanding
09:10That it now makes sense that the first book of the Bible is Genesis
09:20Because it is a book of theological genes
09:25If you study the book's molecular structure
09:30The traits show up in every other book
09:34Whether you're reading Esther Ezekiel or Ephesians
09:39They all swim out of the same theological gene pool
09:46The opening verse Genesis 1 verse 1 is the foundational verse for the entire Bible
09:54The fact of the matter is if you believe that God created the earth
10:01Then you should be able to believe
10:04everything else
10:07If you believe that God created all things
10:11Then you should believe
10:13He can do all things
10:18When you read the book of Genesis you will note
10:22That Genesis waste no time trying to prove that God exists
10:30It just starts talking about what he's done
10:34I'm gonna arm you with the ammunition
10:38To know when dealing with co-workers and neighbors and friends you have got to follow the prototype of Genesis
10:47You don't have to prove that God is real
10:52Just talk about what he's done
10:59Genesis 1 verse 1 says in the beginning God
11:07We have to recalibrate our thinking to start our thoughts with God
11:14Too many of us
11:16Start with hear this too many of us start with who is against us
11:24But when we follow the Genesis model, then we understand if God before us
11:32God has got to be at the beginning of everything that you do
11:38He starts creating God does in verse 3
11:43In verse 3 he declares let there be light in verse 9
11:50He creates water
11:53in verse 11
11:54He creates fruits and plants and trees
11:59In verse 20 he creates birds
12:04In verse 21 he creates fish
12:07In verse 24 he creates livestock beast and animals
12:15Verse 26 look at verse 26 Genesis chapter 1 starts with the word then
12:23Verse 3 is light 9 is water
12:2511 is fruit 20 is birds 21 is fish 24 is animals verse 26 then
12:34Is only after he created all those other things that we get to then
12:41Then he created us
12:45He did not create us first
12:50He created hear this what we needed
13:00Can't survive without water without air without land without fish
13:05Y'all not saying anything without bees so he created everything we needed before he created us
13:15Because he wanted us to come here this into a ready room
13:24I had to go to Washington DC this week
13:26I went to Washington DC this week
13:28The hotel was packed and jammed upon my arrival and people who were there for the conference were in the lobby
13:35Complaining because they couldn't get in until 3 o'clock. I got there at 11 o'clock. I went to the desk and they said dr
13:43Bryan your room is ready
13:47There's a whole lot of people who were in the lobby sitting on their luggage mad
13:52Upset cussing out of there under their breath because what they wanted was not prepared for them
13:58But they knew before I ever arrived that I was coming so they prepared it before
14:05My arrival y'all don't know when to shout God told me to tell you you've been waiting, but you don't understand
14:12I've been preparing
14:14So that when you get in it, you ain't got to do nothing
14:18But walk into what has been
14:23for you
14:25he says
14:28the best for last
14:30so he created
14:32Light created the land created the water created flying thing and creeping things and crawling things and then
14:40Created you
14:42It is a miracle you're even here in the earth
14:47If the moon was just a little bit bigger
14:52The moon was a little bit bigger. The ocean would have a tsunami wave
14:57Here it is that would have you underwater
15:01The earth's gravity is strong enough to keep your feet on the ground
15:07So that you can be like a tree that is planted
15:10The gravity is working without your consent
15:15So that when you left your house this morning
15:18When you go back this afternoon your house will be in the exact same spot
15:24Because it was just enough
15:26Gravitational pull to keep you in a consistent location
15:31It is impossible for you to live on any other planet
15:36Because they don't have the right decibel of oxygen or gravity
15:41Your survival rate on any other planet is 1 in 10 to the 73rd power
15:49So that when God chose the earth
15:52He knew that you couldn't live on Venus or Mars or Pluto
15:57You are in the place where you can survive
16:00I don't know whether you can hear me or not, but God said where you are
16:05Don't you let folk push you out of your position
16:08You are where God needed you to be and you will survive
16:14in that position
16:17You are a miracle
16:21You don't even have to watch the Olympics in Paris next week to know how much of a miracle you are
16:28your father released over
16:31300 million seeds at once
16:35And you out swam all of them in order to get to your mother's egg
16:41You are a miracle
16:45every person in this room who was born after
16:481973 raise your hand if you were born after
16:521973 raise your hand now wave your hand you were born after
16:581973 that hand is lifted now wave that hand after
17:031973 I want you to pull your hand down because I want you to know how much of a miracle you are
17:101973 over
17:1219 million black babies have been aborted
17:191973 over
17:2019 million black babies have been aborted but your mama decided to keep you
17:27Even when your father's family wasn't supportive even when her own family was looking at her crazy
17:35Even if she didn't know how she was gonna survive or support you your mama said I'm still gonna have you
17:42And you sitting here acting like you are an accident. You ain't no accident. You are a miracle
17:50God knew before the foundation of the earth that you would be here
17:55Historians humbly suggests
17:58That two million of our ancestors jumped off the boat in the Middle Passage
18:05But something in your bloodline refuses to quit or jump overboard
18:11Suicide is not in your DNA
18:14with all of the pressure with all of the stress with all of the
18:18Anxiety that you gotta contend with and yet you have not quit
18:22You didn't slit your wrists and sit in no bathtub. You didn't jump off of no roof
18:29You've got to understand that you could have committed suicide
18:33Because the way that your DNA is set up
18:37Suicide ain't a option for you a day to give God glory if you know you are miracle
18:48The Tuskegee Institute
18:51the Tuskegee Institute has recorded that
18:563,446 black men were lynched between 1882 and 1968
19:063,446 black men were lynched from 1882 to
19:111986 and somehow or another
19:14The racists were not able the white supremacists were not able to get their hands on your great-grandfather
19:22Because something great had to come out of his DNA
19:27No weapon. I hope y'all a shout about it. No weapon
19:33Formed against the black men in your family
19:37We'll be able to prosper
19:41I don't care what Trump or Vance have in mind
19:46God is putting a hedge fence of protection
19:50around the black men in your family and you got nerve to sit there with your arms folded and
19:57legs crossed the black men in your family
20:03are miracles
20:08May be seated
20:12You may be seated in the presence of the Lord
20:16It is unnerving to note
20:19It is unnerving to note hear this very carefully very clearly that one in four
20:25One in four black women have been sexually assaulted by 18
20:32One in four black women have been sexually assaulted by 18, but look at yourself
20:39You still love yourself
20:42You didn't let what happened to you define you
20:46You have not allowed the essence of your greatness to be reduced to what happened to your body
20:53You still have a level of self-respect and self-esteem
20:57And you know God is with you how because you don't hold animosity or anger or
21:03Self-hate in spite of the enemy's attempt to break you while you were still in your formative years. You are a
21:12Miracle, I know this ain't for everybody
21:14But there's one out of four black women sitting on your role who have survived the rape and molestation
21:21and incest and being sexually abused
21:25But they woke up this morning with their mind
21:29still stayed on Jesus for their strength and for their
21:34Tenacity you judging them over their hair and over their shoe and over their dress
21:40But you don't know the blood that they have had streamed on the inside of him
21:46Would you please celebrate our God for the survivors that are around you?
21:53Because they are
22:02It's a miracle
22:05because 63 percent of black families
22:1063% of black families have an immediate family member that is incarcerated
22:17Did y'all hear what I just said?
22:1963% of us have an immediate family member that's in jail
22:25But the spirit of Paul and Silas
22:28Has just been released in this church today
22:32God said if you give me glory
22:36Starting at midnight
22:39Whoever is finding themselves being swallowed by the prison pipeline
22:45God says I'm getting ready to open up a door for them
22:49Some of y'all ain't got a shout
22:51But if you need a miracle for your son for your brother for your nephew
22:57I can't hear nobody for your grandson God said watch me open up door
23:04Don't you sit in there and look at me in that tone of voice the fastest growing prison
23:11Population is black women
23:13But I declare and decree
23:16That God is gonna make sure your daughter don't spend the night
23:22behind prison door
23:24The door is being open
23:29You are
23:31a miracle
23:35We lead in terminal illness
23:38One in three of us one out of three of us will be diagnosed it with cancer
23:47One out of five black people will die of cancer
23:53last year
23:552023 there were two hundred and twenty four thousands of cancer in our community and
24:0374,000 of our people died of cancer, but I declare over your life. He was wounded for our transgressions
24:10He was bruised for our iniquities
24:13The chastisement of our peace is upon his shoulders and by his stripes
24:19You are healed you all don't believe that God is a healer
24:24You don't believe that God is still doing it
24:27You don't believe that miracles are still happening
24:30Would you be seated for just one moment? The only people I want standing right now are cancer survivors
24:38I want cancer survivors to stand because you are a living breathing witness
24:46Of what God I can't believe y'all ain't gonna shout about it
24:50And it will not return
24:54You didn't hear what I just said and it will not return I better say it again and
25:02It will not return
25:04Those of you cancer runs in your family
25:08I declare over every worshiper that if you give me glory
25:13Cancer's running out of your family. It does not have authority
25:19over your bloodline and
25:22Over your family
25:29Black people you may be seated
25:33Black people have 50 to 80 percent more strokes than white people
25:39Did y'all hear what I just said black people have 50 to 80 percent more strokes than our Caucasian counterparts
25:47Those of you who are in this room and you survived a stroke, would you stay in right where you are?
26:02I need you to look at miracles
26:05Y'all ain't doing it good. I said look at miracles. I
26:10Hope this activates your faith
26:12God said when you give me glory I
26:16Am stopping future heart attacks
26:20He said if you open up your mouth
26:23You will have full activity of the left side of your body
26:28He said if you cry out loud
26:30You are gonna have full function of the right side of your body
26:35You will not have a speech slur. You will not have a speech impediment
26:41Why Pastor Brian?
26:43Because you are a miracle
26:49Miracle may be seated
26:5715,000 black people died of gun violence in
27:0515,000 black people died of gun violence in 2021, but I stand today as your pastor
27:13To announce to you. I see no ICU in your future
27:18God had just put a hedge fence of protection
27:24He just put a hedge fence of protection. I'm waiting on the screamers. He just put a hedge fence of protection
27:32around your children's life
27:35God I can't hear nobody. Did y'all hear what I just said? He just put a hedge fence a
27:42Protection around your child's life
27:46Hallelujah Satan was going up and down
27:49Looking for somebody to devour and he thought he was gonna get your child
27:55but he saw a hedge fence of protection I
27:59Declare over every screamer in this building a bulletproof an order
28:06that no matter
28:12You may be seated in the presence of the Lord
28:19According to statistics and data
28:21You ain't even supposed to be here
28:25You ain't even supposed to be alive
28:28You ain't even supposed to have your right mind
28:32But I need you to lay hands on yourself and just declare out loud. I am a miracle
28:48When we go to the book of genes or the book of Genesis
28:52You will now unlock why you are still here
28:57The book of genes it gives us here
28:59It is how the Morse code to understand why God allowed you to live through it
29:06Genesis chapter 1 he says in verse 26 that he began to create us after
29:14Everything else was created and watch what he says attached to verse 26
29:19He says I created you here. It is to rule
29:26In other words, you cannot die here's your shout you cannot die until you in charge of something
29:38Are a natural born leader and that's why the opposition against you is so heavy
29:46It's folk can sense that you got a drum major instinct and they are threatened and intimidated
29:53Every time you walk in the room
29:56Y'all ain't saying nothing. You ain't even got the title, but you got the authority
30:01When you don't show up at work the whole thing fall apart
30:05Because they know that it rides on who it is that you are
30:11Lift up that hand. I want to prophesy to you
30:14That before this year is over
30:18Before this year is over you will be ruling something
30:26You'll be ruling a department
30:29You'll be ruling a business
30:31You'll be ruling a corporation
30:34You'll be ruling a family. You'll be ruling a non-profit
30:38You'll be ruling a ministry y'all ain't saying nothing. You will be ruling your own idea
30:44You will be ruling a level of technology and innovation
30:49And if you know I'm talking to you, I need you to give God glory for the authority
31:03Only entity
31:05That is mad about your rulership
31:08Hear this the only thing that is mad about your rulership is crawling things
31:18Is creeping things
31:21He gave Adam and Eve
31:24Dominion and authority and a snake shows up
31:28Whoever is trying to get you out of position is beneath you
31:34Stop fighting with folk that ain't even on your level. You ain't gotta apologize
31:41For the anointing that's on your life
31:46You are
31:48Anointed to be in charge
31:52You may be seated
31:55Says you don't even understand why you still alive
32:00You are still alive because you're supposed to rule things
32:03Secondarily, you are still alive here this because you were born to name something
32:11Y'all didn't hear what I just said you supposed to name
32:15something and
32:17So the birds were already there
32:19The rhinoceros was already there
32:22The spiders were already there, but they had no identity until Adam came
32:29So they creeping around flying around crawling around until Adam gives them their name
32:36Hallelujah, I'm telling you that you got to start naming some stuff
32:41You got to start declaring stuff for what it is
32:45You don't understand that the authority of life and death is in your mouth
32:51Whenever you are going through something name it pastor. What do you mean? It's only temporary
32:58Come on, y'all ain't saying nothing with whenever it is that you're going through trotting that this is not permanent
33:04This is just temporary. You ain't got no money
33:08Name it. It's only temporary
33:13I can tell I can tell y'all are y'all from the suburbs. So this
33:20Don't make no sense don't make no sense
33:24Those of you who got hood credentials
33:30If you got street cred what I'm getting ready said to you is get ready make sense now
33:36This is before Xbox. This is before we this is for Atari. I'm getting ready. I'm getting ready date myself
33:43Those of y'all from the hood. You don't even know what I'm talking about
33:46You got no idea what I'm talking about
33:48But as soon as I say it you're gonna be able to identify it and say oh, yeah
33:52I remember that if you from the hood you will go outside and you knew you had to be back in watch this
34:03We have no cell phones y'all ain't saying nothing that was the signal you had to be back in
34:09When the lights came on now those of us from the hood those from the hood
34:14You remember this game this new generation don't even know how to play it, but you'll remember this game
34:19This was the game we used to play in Baltimore
34:21I don't know if y'all knew it in Atlanta, but we will play this game
34:24Let me see if y'all knew how to play it was called. That's my car
34:30Now what was crazy y'all is we didn't have no driver's license
34:35We didn't have no permit y'all ain't saying nothing. We didn't have no insurance
34:41But if we saw it we claimed it for ourselves
34:45God said whatever you speak today
34:48If you wanted to be yours, that's my healing
34:53That's my breakthrough
34:55That's my joy
34:57That's my relationship
35:00Would you just point at somebody and tell them it's already y'all?
35:06You gotta be able
35:09You gotta be able to name something
35:16You may be seated
35:20You may be seated
35:23I'm a miracle
35:26And I don't even know why I'm here, I don't even know why God kept me here. I don't know why he's preserving my life
35:33But I'm a miracle
35:36Ladies and gentlemen, I want you to listen to Jesus's trial sermon
35:42Jesus's initial sermons Luke chapter 4 verse number 18 and
35:47He gives a full indication to those who are listening why he is still alive
35:53Luke chapter 4 verse number 18. He says what says I have been anointed to heal the brokenhearted
36:01To help people see who they are
36:05To deliver people out of bondage and to declare watch this this is their year I
36:13Went too fast. Let me back that thing up
36:15He said part of my responsibility while I'm in the earth is I got to heal people that got broken hearts
36:22I got to deliver folk that have found themselves in bondage
36:26And I got to let them know if the end of July is still gonna be their year
36:34Y'all of the slow class, let me try just the last time the reason why I'm alive today
36:40Cuz ain't nobody gonna sit on my row and still have a broken heart
36:45The reason why God still got strength in my body
36:49Is cuz I'm assigned to get somebody out of bondage and the reason why he woke me up this morning
36:56Is cuz it's still my year
36:59Y'all I gotta get out of here, but God said I needed to give me glory
37:03Because your miracle is not just for you. You are a miracle to be a blessing to somebody else
37:11Would you look at your neighbor say you ain't gonna stand next to me and stay depressed and suffer with anxiety
37:20Because this joy that I have the world didn't give it and the world can't take it
37:31I'm almost aware. I'm trying to go
37:34Hallelujah, I feel like preaching now
37:36Would you grab that neighbor by the hand pull on that neighbor and say neighbor you should have sat somewhere else
37:43But I am anointed
37:45To pull people out of bondage
37:48When I give God glory this time
37:52Whatever you've been in
37:54You get ready to come out of it you got 60 seconds
38:01That your neighbor is coming up I need you to praise
38:06That they're getting out of that relationship
38:09They're getting out of debt
38:11They're getting out of that circumstance
38:23I'm saving the best for last
38:26He said after I heal your heart
38:28After I pull you out of bondage, then I gotta make an announcement
38:352024 is gonna be the best year of your life
38:40Though he slay me
38:42Yet will I trust him if you believe between now and December 31st a
38:50Miracle is coming to your life. Don't wait till the battle is over, but shine right now
38:58Give somebody a high five and tell them it's your year
39:03You could have died any other year, but he kept you alive
39:09Cuz it's your year
39:13All right, okay, okay
39:21Got one last thing to tell you
39:24Then I'm going home
39:25He said you supposed to rule
39:28Hallelujah, you supposed to name stuff
39:31Here's the third one. I hope y'all are ready for it
39:34But this is the year you multiply
39:41Oh my god, no more subtractions
39:45Everything in your bank account is about to multiply
39:52Every business deal is about to multiply
39:57Every contract is about to multiply
40:08Says I need you to multiply
40:10What's this?
40:12But I need you watch this to be fruitful
40:17Need you to be fruitful, I don't want you to think I lost my place it's in your genes
40:25It's in the book of Genesis
40:28It's transferred in your genes
40:31Something in the spirit realm is getting better to happen for those of you that can handle it
40:36God says I'm getting ready to shift some things
40:39The oil that is on you
40:42The anointing that is on you
40:45The calling that is on you is about to be transferred into your children
40:57God I got the wrong church
41:00Could that this ought to tear the roof off the church?
41:03The covenant I made with God is the covenant I want you to make today
41:09The covenant I made with God is what I want you to make with God today
41:14God whatever I don't get
41:17Let my children get it. I want it to run in my genes
41:24Would you give God glory for what's getting ready to happen in the life of your children?
41:33Look at me. I'm a testimony. I didn't make it on my own. Somebody praise
41:43I'm a miracle
41:45I'm a miracle
41:47I'm a miracle
41:49I'm a miracle. I
41:52Am a miracle and because I am a miracle I am supposed to traffic in miracles
42:01Miracles are getting ready to come out of you today. I want you real quick
42:05Would you just embrace three people and tell them there's a miracle on your life?
42:11There's a miracle
42:20There's a miracle
42:22There's a miracle
42:34Don't y'all let him run by himself don't you let her shout by yourself
42:40There's a miracle
42:50Lift up that hand
42:56Lift up that hand
43:02Everybody in the room, would you just shout out loud? I am a miracle
43:09Speak over every lifted hand that you will be a modern-day miracle
43:20It's gonna be a miracle how your body is gonna be healed
43:25It's gonna be a miracle how your business is about to explode
43:30It's gonna be a miracle what he's getting ready to do in the life of your child
43:35God I can't hear nobody in here. It's gonna be a miracle for what he's gonna do with your grandchildren
43:44It's gonna be a miracle I hope y'all shout about it. It's gonna be a miracle how God
43:51Regulates your mental health
43:54Regulates your mental health
43:56Come on, I can't hear nobody in here. There will be no sign of what it is that you've been through
44:04Because it's a miracle
44:07Ladies and gentlemen, it's a miracle you're here
44:12It's a miracle you're alive
44:15It's a miracle you came to church
44:19On Friday planes couldn't take off
44:24Banks couldn't open
44:27Businesses couldn't function
44:30But God kept you alive
44:34It's a miracle
44:38Do you know how many people are stranded how many people are stuck how many people can't move
44:45But God put something on you
44:49And it's
44:52It's a miracle
44:55It's a miracle that God's got his hand on this on your life
45:02Hi y'all
45:04How's a sophomore at I was a junior at Morehouse and I didn't have a ride home
45:13For Thanksgiving holidays
45:15Didn't have a ride home for Thanksgiving holidays. And we had
45:21Something called the DC Metro Club
45:24People went to Clark
45:25Mars Brown Spelman Morehouse, so I'm trying to find out who going home so I can catch a ride home
45:33And one of my guys said hey
45:35So-and-so is going home. He from the DMV. Maybe they can drop you off
45:39Went over to a dorm room say hey, man, y'all going home. Yeah, we're going home
45:43You can go
45:45So I said boom what time we leaving say Tuesday after 11 o'clock class meet us in the parking lot we going
45:52Tuesday after 11 o'clock class I go to the parking lot. I see the guys from the DMV who I'm supposed to be riding with
45:59Got my bags with me
46:01Said man, we going home. I walk up to the car and
46:05When I walk up to the car the guy who's driving say he can't go with us
46:15Yeah, I gotta get home
46:17Said nah, he can't go with us
46:20My guy who put me on said I'm sorry Jay. He said you can't go I said, but y'all got room
46:26Says I don't know he tripping, but he said you can't go
46:30I'm stuck in Atlanta, but Thanksgiving mad
46:35Eating in the cafeteria with the international students for Thanksgiving. I'm
46:45May and
46:49Monday everybody is coming back home and
46:54They call a special assembly Tuesday afternoon
46:58Said everybody got to be in Martin Luther King International Chapel
47:04Tuesday at 11 o'clock we get in the chapel. It's bustling. We're trying to figure out what is happening
47:09because um
47:12Our chapel is usually on Thursdays
47:15And they announced to us three of our Morehouse students who are on their way
47:28On their way back home for Thanksgiving
47:31And they got as far as Virginia and the police pulled them over
47:35And when the police pulled them over there was two keys of cocaine in the trunk
47:42God y'all ain't saying nothing to me
47:46Because there was two keys of cocaine in the trunk all three got sentenced to jail
47:52Y'all ain't saying nothing to me
47:55Beyond the driver even the two passengers had to go to jail here. It is just because they were in proximity
48:01Sentenced to 15 years I
48:04Can't hear nobody in here. They they announced it and I got up in the middle of the assembly and said
48:15But I can't hear no worshipers here I was mad about the door that was shut I was
48:22Upset cuz I felt rejected
48:30You are a miracle
48:35You ain't supposed to be where you are
48:38Somebody prayed for you
48:41Somebody had you on their mind
48:44They took the time and I'm so glad
48:51I don't know what you survived. I don't know what you were in I
48:55Don't know what you escaped
48:57But every now and again you got to thank him for shut doors
49:03God I can't hear nobody you
49:05You better thank God for who God didn't let you get with you
49:09You you better thank God for the relationship. He cut off
49:19I am a miracle
49:23I don't know where you are. But there are others of you in this room like me who are miracles
49:29Because you shouldn't be alive
49:33You shouldn't be in the street
49:36You shouldn't be drug-free
49:40You shouldn't have a home you should be living under a bridge
49:45But you a miracle
49:47It took this moment for you to realize that God's hand has been heavily on your life
49:54Whether you are in this room wherever you are in this room, you know, you're a miracle because it takes one to know one
50:00If you're in this room and you saying you know what Rev I got to get right with God
50:04Rev I got to get a church home
50:07Pastor this is where I start over. I press the control alt delete button. I got to refresh the page of my life
50:15Where if it is that you are no matter where it is that you find yourself if you're saying pastor
50:20I got to get connected with God. I
50:24Need you to meet me at this altar real quick, please sir
50:28You're in this room and you want to give your life over to God you want to join the church?
50:33Come on, if you get here, you'll be a miracle
50:38Come on come on, come on, don't let nobody stop you
50:42Push people out of the way get down here. You are a miracle
50:52You're a miracle I need you here I
50:55Gotta have you here. I
50:58Need you here. I gotta have you here. You're a miracle. Come on. What you waiting on?
51:15Am waiting on you
51:17You are so important that God will hold up the whole service for you to get here
51:23And I need you to come
51:26Some young man, I need you to come
51:30Some young woman I need you to come
51:33You ever thought about how you were functioning
51:36While you had a disease you hadn't even been diagnosed with yet. Come on. I need you to come
51:43You've been making it with diabetes and you didn't even have insulin shots get down here
51:55Tumors the size of a golf ball, but you still walking around driving yourself. You are miracle
52:03Needs you to come
52:06You survived domestic violence and came out of it alive you are a miracle get down here
52:18Your miracle
52:21Hallelujah, whoever it is that you are in this place
52:24Wherever you are in this place. I'm grateful for you. Listen to me
52:28I want you to know that he's gone away to prepare a place for us
52:42There are three more people that need to come and I don't even know where you hide and I don't even know where you are
52:47But I don't even need to convince you. I need you to have a flashback over your own life
52:52I'm gonna think about the car accidents that you walked away from I
52:57Want you to think about how you got out of the club before they shouted up. I need you to think about
53:02How you don't even match the family you were raised in come on I need you to get down here you are a miracle
53:22You're an incredible parent
53:25You're an incredible parent when you never had a parenting example
53:30You are flourishing in a marriage when you had no model
53:35You push your way to school when nobody will support you
53:39Come on, clap your hands for this family. That's coming. You are a miracle
53:52You ain't got to talk about it you survived an abortion at 13
53:56Came through a salt and nobody in your family believed you
54:02Told you not to talk about it. I need you to get here
54:05You are ostracized and alienated by friends. You had to be a loner
54:10Set by yourself, but God has put something on your life
54:15And he's turned the ships around no matter where you find yourself
54:19There are two more of you. I don't know where you are
54:21I will stay here till the Sun goes down
54:22But there are two more of you that got to get saved and I'm telling you you are worth fighting for
54:29You are worth the wait
54:32Here comes one I'm only waiting on one more
54:39Would you move and talk to somebody on your row ask them are they saved
54:44Ask them do they have a church home
54:46Ask them have they given their life over to God?
54:50I'm waiting on one more. I'm telling y'all. I'm ten toes down. I'm moving to that get here
54:55Wherever it is that you are. Come on. We got to go eat. Come on
55:03It's the last day of Amazon Prime come on I
55:07Need you to hurry up
55:09Bless that wonderful name of Jesus. Shut your right hand to faith both of you who are online
55:14We are local church making a global impact
55:18Come on give God some praise
55:23If you're in Columbia, South Carolina, you're a little rock, Arkansas, you're in Tyler, Texas
55:29Mobile, Alabama, I want you to still be a part of what God is doing in this place today
55:34Shut your right hand to faith repeat after me new birth. You're in the right place
55:38at the right time
55:41joining the right church
55:42serving the only God
55:44And I know that's right if you're not right about it give God some praise right now