• 2 months ago


01:30Tranquila, tranquila.
01:32Estás muy alterada y lo entiendo.
01:34Pero su estado hay que tratarlo de alguna manera.
01:36Que no, Jesús, que estoy bien.
01:39Bueno, no lo estoy.
01:41Por eso quiero irme a Londres cuanto antes.
01:44A Londres.
01:45Con esa confusión mental que tanto nos preocupa a todos.
01:48¿Qué confusión mental?
01:49Lo que me pasó ayer fue fruto de haber dejado a los calmantes.
01:52Ya está.
01:53Calma, cálmate.
01:54Quédate sentada ahí.
01:56Estoy bien, Jesús.
01:59Solo estoy un poco aturdida, pero en unos días mejoraré.
02:02Te lo aseguro.
02:03Aturdida, despistada.
02:05No estás bien.
02:06Mi amor, si no mejoras de aquí a una semana,
02:09yo creo que no deberías viajar.
02:16No, por favor.
02:18Eso sí que no.
02:19¿Y si vuelves a tener un episodio de estos
02:21sin que yo o Dina podamos estar aquí?
02:23Pero ¿un episodio de qué?
02:24Si yo lo único que estoy es cansada
02:26y necesito tiempo para estar sola,
02:28para reencontrarme conmigo misma.
02:29Nada más.
02:30Begoña, mi obligación es cuidarte y protegerte.
02:33Y si te dejo marchar,
02:34estaría eludiendo mi responsabilidad.
02:37Me estás tomando por una enajenada.
02:39En absoluto.
02:40En absoluto.
02:41Ya te he dicho que yo entiendo las razones
02:43por las que estás así.
02:45Pero yo tengo que hacer todo lo que esté en mi mano
02:47para que te recuperes del todo.
02:50Y luego sí podrás hacer ese viaje.
02:57Todo lo que hago es por tu bien.
03:00Lo sabes, ¿verdad?
03:04Tal vez tenga razón.
03:08Ya vuelves a ser la de siempre.
03:10Mira, unos días más.
03:13Unos días más para que comprobemos
03:15que has recuperado la lucidez
03:16y yo mismo te llevaré al aeropuerto.
03:27¿Quieres que te lo calienten un poco?
03:49Hasta luego.
03:56Todo el mundo va a recordar esta celebración.
03:59Hay que hacer algo que esté a la altura
04:00de un aniversario tan importante.
04:02Bueno, ¿y qué has pensado entonces, María,
04:04para la celebración de los 30 años
04:06de Perfumerías de la Reina?
04:09Bueno, sé que en ocasiones anteriores
04:11se celebraba una misa
04:12y después se hacía una comilona con los empleados.
04:15Bueno, no es mal plano.
04:18¿Qué pasa? ¿A ti no te agrada la idea?
04:20Creo que podríamos hacer algo
04:21que se adapte más a los nuevos tiempos.
04:23Ya, pero la misa no puede faltar.
04:24Por supuesto.
04:25Y una buena comida para el personal, ¿no, María?
04:27Buenos días.
04:28Buenos días.
04:29Bueno, eso es lo que se hacía anteriormente,
04:31me lo ha dicho Andrés,
04:32pero estamos en una nueva etapa.
04:34Con los tres hermanos de la reina al frente de la empresa.
04:36Ya, y el padre jubilado, ¿no?
04:39No, por favor.
04:41Usted siempre será el alma de todo esto.
04:44¿Cómo está, Begoño?
04:46Mejor, gracias.
04:47¿Y qué?
04:48¿Nos vas a explicar tu idea
04:49o todavía no tienes nada pensado?
04:51Bueno, después de darle muchas vueltas,
04:54creo que lo más interesante y lo más divertido
04:56sería hacer una verbena.
04:59¿Una verbena?
05:00¿Con orquesta y puestos y todo eso?
05:03Pues no me parece muy serio, la verdad, María.
05:06Desde luego suena muy festivo.
05:08Esa es la idea, ¿no?
05:09María dio por la clave.
05:11¿Para qué hacemos una fiesta?
05:12Para agradecer a nuestros empleados
05:14su trabajo y su lealtad.
05:16Y a ellos les va a encantar, os lo aseguro.
05:18Se sentirán en su salsa.
05:20Ahí te doy toda la razón.
05:21María, cuando dices verbena,
05:23¿te refieres a adornar la fábrica
05:25con farolillos, guirnaldas y todas esas gaitas?
05:30Nos centraremos en el patio, ¿sí?
05:32Habrá que adornarlo todo como una verbena tradicional.
05:35Y contrataremos una orquesta,
05:37la mejor, para que la gente pueda bailar.
05:39Que es una fiesta sin un baile.
05:41Claro que sí.
05:43La que van a tener nuestros trabajadores, ¿eh?
05:45Pues yo me niego a montar ese tinglado en la colonia.
05:47Por el mero hecho de negarte a todo, quizá.
05:49Por el mero hecho de que nos va a costar un ojo de la cara.
05:51Se sale del presupuesto.
05:53Pues entonces ni hablar de los fuegos artificiales.
05:55¿Fuegos artificiales?
05:56Y una tarta, enorme, de varios pisos.
05:59Los trabajadores merecen eso y más.
06:01No creo que salga tan caro.
06:03Debemos tener ese detalle con ellos.
06:07Son ellos quienes levantan cada día esta empresa.
06:10Y ya cobran sus buenos sueldos.
06:13Venga, María, siguiente idea.
06:15Y esfuérzate, a ver si es un poco mejor.
06:17Solo a ti no te parece bien, Jesús.
06:23A mí no me desagrada la idea de María.
06:26Una verbena.
06:29Y si el problema es el dinero,
06:31ella se apretará el cinturón y se ajustará un poco.
06:36¿Votamos entonces?
06:39¿Por qué me miras así?
06:40Por nada.
06:42Y no hará falta votar.
06:43Tendremos verbena.
06:44Pero exijo que Isabel ayude a María.
06:50¿Puedo hacerlo perfectamente sola?
06:53¿O con Gema, si acaso?
06:54Quiere un poco de sentido común.
06:56Isabel es muy eficiente
06:57y será la que contacte con los proveedores
06:59y ajuste el presupuesto.
07:00¿Y tú?
07:01Bueno, ¿tú puedes ayudar a Gema a colgar los farolillos?
07:04Si quieres.
07:05No te pases, Jesús.
07:06Se acabó.
07:08Tendremos la verbena que quiere María
07:11y con Isabel supervisando los gastos.
07:15Se levanta la sesión.
07:17Ya no puede uno ni desayunar.
07:23¿Tu marido no ha bajado, hija?
07:26Voy a avisarle.
07:54¿Qué estás haciendo?
08:00¿Querías comprobar qué se siente cuando se pierde la vista?
08:03No, hoy me he levantado mucho mejor.
08:06No me mientas, Jaime.
08:08Y no intentes protegerme.
08:09Ahora soy yo la que te tiene que proteger a ti.
08:12Aparte de los terribles dolores de cabeza,
08:15más pronto que tarde voy a perder la vista.
08:19Estaba comprobando cómo me iba a sentir.
08:30Iba a ser duro.
08:35No volver a ver tu rostro.
08:38Los atardeceres, tu ruido.
08:41Los colores, todo.
08:45Yo voy a estar a tu lado para explicarte todo
08:47para que lo sientas como si lo estuvieras viendo.
08:52Me alegro mucho de que estés aquí conmigo.
08:57Jaime, tenemos que hablar.
08:59¿De qué?
09:01¿De qué vamos a hacer a partir de ahora?
09:04Esperar, Marta. Yo no puedo hacer otra cosa.
09:08¿Esperar sentados?
09:10No, no. Quiero seguir con mi vida.
09:13¿Quieres seguir trabajando en el dispensario?
09:15Quiero sentirme útil, Marta.
09:18Es un poco risco.
09:21¿Lo dices por los pacientes?
09:25Estás perdiendo la vista.
09:26Luz me ayudará.
09:28La iba haciendo hasta ahora.
09:30Hasta donde yo sé, ya no estáis juntos.
09:35No sé si es muy justo sobrecargarla a ella con esa responsabilidad.
09:39He hablado con ella y está dispuesta a ayudarme.
09:42¿De acuerdo?
09:43Está bien.
09:47¿Y cuándo le vas a contar a los demás qué te pasa?
09:49No, no.
09:52No quiero sentirme observado.
09:55Que se convadezcan de mí.
09:57Pero según avance tu enfermedad, necesitarás probablemente cuidados especiales.
10:02¿Un enfermero? No sé.
10:05¿Aceptarás que contrate a alguien?
10:08No adelantemos acontecimientos, por favor.
10:10No estoy adelantando nada, pero hay cosas que hay que hablar.
10:13Quiero poder organizarme para darte la mejor calidad de vida posible.
10:16Hablar de cosas como...
10:18Como si cuando llegue el momento quieres que te lleve a un hospital.
10:22No, no a un hospital.
10:24¿Entonces qué?
10:27No, no lo sé, Marta.
10:29No sé lo que voy a querer, no sé cómo me voy a sentir.
10:32No lo sé.
10:33Lo hablamos en el momento, por favor.
10:34Vale, perdona.
10:36Es que...
10:38Solo quiero vivir el presente.
10:41Porque me puedo morir mañana o en cualquier momento.
10:43No digas eso.
10:44Es mi realidad.
10:48La cosa se va a poner muy fea para mí.
10:52Y entendería perfectamente que no quisieras estar.
10:54Lo único que tú tienes que entender es que voy a estar a tu lado hasta el final.
10:59Y que te quiero.
11:03Y que prácticamente eres la única persona que me conoce de verdad en esta casa.
11:06Así que cuando tú no estés, me voy a quedar muy sola.
11:11Así que...
11:14Así que me tienes que dejar disfrutar de ti todo el tiempo que podamos.
11:24Como quieras.
11:27Está bien.
11:41Claudia, lo que oyes.
11:43Le ha echado de casa.
11:45Yo creo que Tasio ha dormido en la colonia.
11:47Madre mía, Fina. ¿Pero eso cómo va a ser?
11:49Que tienen que estar bien, que vamos a tener un bebé.
11:52Carmen, ¿qué pasa?
11:53¿Qué tiene pensado de pagar la alquiler ya sola o qué?
11:55No. Ella tiene la sensación de que esto va para largo.
11:58and come back to the room with us.
12:01I don't know, Fina.
12:05Mateo, come, sit with us.
12:09It's just that...
12:11I have mass now, so I can't stay.
12:16If you still want to go, right?
12:19No, not today.
12:20Well, it's okay, if you don't want to come to mass.
12:23I have a lot of work today.
12:26Of course, me too. I also have a lot of work.
12:28But, if you want, I can go see you at the store later, right?
12:34No, I'll go later, if not, to the chapel.
12:37Ah, well, very well.
12:39Of course.
12:41What's wrong with you?
12:46I'd better go.
12:48I hope everything is fine.
12:51Have a good day.
12:52See you later.
13:08Oh, Fina, we kissed, but very little.
13:25How are you, Carmen?
13:26No, no, please, don't go. I just want to know how you are.
13:29Fine, and you?
13:30I can go without hitting you, or with everyone at night.
13:32Conscience punishes you.
13:34No, what punishes me are the snores of the vice, which are horrible.
13:37God punishes you.
13:39Look, what hurts me the most is that you don't want to be with me.
13:43I've learned my lesson, I promise.
13:45Do you have news from the Civil Guard?
13:47Well, no. I just know they're after him and nothing else.
13:50Come on, we're not going to get our money back.
13:54Very well.
13:55I'm going to revoke our apartment contract.
13:58What are you saying?
13:59But what about our house?
14:01I'll take care of the money, really.
14:02Playing poker.
14:03No, well, I'll work until I get the last peso.
14:06In fact, you're just going to have to stay to leave the postcard as it was.
14:08Well, I'll do whatever.
14:10I just ask you to be a little patient and stay at home, please.
14:14No, I'm very hurt, Tassio. A lot.
14:17But Carmen, you don't know what I love you.
14:20And what good is it to me that you love me so much?
14:23It's not just the money, it's your lack of common sense.
14:26They lose our savings, they almost kill you.
14:29You've risked our future because you wanted it.
14:32Carmen, I just wanted to have you as a queen, nothing more.
14:34Well, look at how you have me in the ruins.
14:36And with a husband who is a prisoner.
14:38I've messed up, I know, I'm sorry.
14:40Yes, you've messed up, yes.
14:43I don't want to be with a man who doesn't respect me.
14:46Carmen, please.
14:47Tassio, I ask you to leave me.
14:50But Carmen...
14:51Tassio, let me go, you can't respect that, at least.
14:53Well, let him know that I'm not going to give up.
14:55Well, you're going to waste time.
14:57I swear I'm going to solve it.
14:59And even if it takes 20 years for you to love me again.
15:02I'm leaving.
15:03Carmen, please.
15:04Give me a hope.
15:09I would be lying to you.
15:12I want you as far away as possible.
15:23But how?
15:24But how do you know?
15:25Give me a kiss.
15:26A kiss, a kiss.
15:27What kind of kiss?
15:28A kiss, a kiss, a kiss with all its sacraments.
15:32No, no, no, not with that, Fina, not with that.
15:34Oh my God, my life, Claudia, please, he's the priest.
15:37I know, I know, I know.
15:39I don't know under what stone to get into.
15:41But let's see, how was it?
15:45Fina, well, you know that...
15:47That I with him, because...
15:49That I have a great time, that I'm very comfortable, that...
15:52That makes me laugh.
15:53And what?
15:54Are you going to thank him that way?
15:57No, Fina, but...
16:00But well, I feel attracted to him.
16:03Oh my God.
16:04And I think he also feels attracted to me.
16:08Of course, we were in the warehouse and suddenly...
16:12Suddenly nothing, Claudia.
16:14A kiss doesn't happen suddenly.
16:15A kiss, well...
16:16Well, it involves an approach.
16:18I know, Fina, I know, it's very bad.
16:21We're both going to burn in hell.
16:23It's already done, what can I do, Fina?
16:25Well, I don't know.
16:26You tell me.
16:28You're a priest, Claudia.
16:30With his vow of chastity and you're going to be a mother.
16:34Oh, Fina.
16:36This is the worst of you.
16:37That you...
16:38That you...
16:39It's a forbidden love, forbidden, forbidden.
16:42Look, there are complicated loves, complicated, huh?
16:46But this one...
16:50Claudia, you have to cut this out for the good.
16:54If not, this creature is going to have a lot of problems,
16:56and not just because of Tassio.
16:57I know, Fina.
17:02But I...
17:04I'm in love with him.
17:08Oh no.
17:11Oh my God.
17:15Well, I don't think it's good that your brother has trapped me in Isabel.
17:18She's an efficient secretary.
17:20She can help you, Maria.
17:21No, Jesus wants to control me.
17:24It's a moment in everything.
17:25I can't stand it, really.
17:28What do you think?
17:29What do you think they put us an inspector for La Verbena?
17:32Let's see if that's how the gentlemen have decided.
17:35Look, I know perfectly well what I want to do.
17:37With Gema we understand each other just by looking at each other.
17:40Getting in the way of a stranger is going to be very uncomfortable.
17:43Yes, it is true that later he will go with the story of everything, Jesus.
17:48It will be like being hand in hand with him.
17:50A nightmare, come on.
17:52He could focus on controlling his wife.
17:55Why hasn't Mrs. Begoña come down to have breakfast?
17:59Well, because she will be fed up with the shame after the number she set up yesterday.
18:03It is clear that she does not know about her mother's death.
18:05We have to be comprehensive with her.
18:07Even more?
18:09Hey, we haven't done anything to her.
18:10Like for her to go charging against every living creature.
18:14Poor Gema.
18:16Let's see, I was very calm because I hadn't touched the medal or anything.
18:20It is clear that she lost her nerves.
18:22Well, let her control herself.
18:24That not only she has suffered a painful loss.
18:27The most dramatic thing is to lose a child and here I am, keeping the type and the composure.
18:31You are admirable.
18:32Be polite and considerate.
18:35But no, she always has to be the protagonist, for good or bad.
18:39She always has to stand out from the rest, just like her husband.
18:42Maria, stop it.
18:44I don't think she did it consciously.
18:46Don't justify it.
18:48Begoña is wrong.
18:49She doesn't even know what she's doing.
18:51The bad time that Gema had to go through.
18:54I'm sure she did it because she can't stand us being friends.
18:56Honestly, I don't think it's because of that.
18:59Maria, neither do I, really.
19:02What if you had lost your job?
19:03That would never have happened, Maria.
19:05Well, because it's family.
19:07And because it's worthy of the medal.
19:08But what if it wasn't?
19:10I had one of the worst nightmares of my life, that's true.
19:13I'm a thief.
19:14Please, Begoña didn't say that.
19:16Please, leave it now.
19:17Well, she insinuated it.
19:18Which is the same thing.
19:19And with that anger.
19:20The educated one.
19:21The one who has lived in London.
19:24You're absolutely right, Maria.
19:29Gema, yesterday was very unfair to you.
19:33Forgive me.
19:35I don't know what happened to me.
19:39What happened was that you lost your guts.
19:42And that you can't go through life without controlling your impulses.
19:45I know.
19:46And if for whatever reason you're so bad, you should look for help.
19:50There are shelters.
19:52Like the one your mother was in.
19:56What do you mean?
19:59I've been clear, haven't I? You've understood me.
20:05I'm very tired.
20:07I'm going to my room.
20:17You've gone too far.
20:20Don't you think the same?
20:22She's crazy, Andrés.
20:25Unless all this is a masterful interpretation and she's not taking the piss, which would be worse.
20:30I'm going to the factory.
20:47No, Fina, no.
20:50No one saw us in the warehouse because there was no one there.
20:53Well, they would have missed it.
20:55What I don't understand is how you got to that.
20:57Well, because he came to tell me that Tasio had already left the dungeon.
21:00That I already knew.
21:02But well, he came to tell me that he had sung it at 40 and that he had read the letter.
21:07Well, someone should read the letter to him too.
21:11Fina, it was a stupid robbery because of me.
21:14So you kissed him?
21:17No, he kissed me.
21:20But then I gave him back the kiss.
21:23Oh my God, it wasn't one kiss, it was two.
21:26Don't make me more nervous.
21:28Okay, go on.
21:30That's what I was telling you.
21:33That you know that a week ago I see him and I start laughing like a fool.
21:38That I feel butterflies in my stomach.
21:41I don't know what's wrong with me, Fina.
21:43Well, you're in love with him.
21:45And he also feels attracted to me, Fina, because he told me.
21:49The mother he brought you.
21:51Come on, he wanted it too.
21:54Oh my God.
21:56And he has at least considered forgetting his vows and forming a family with you.
22:00No, no, no, that's not true.
22:02Why not? It wouldn't be the first time.
22:04And I don't know if you love each other that much.
22:06No, Fina, no, man.
22:08He loves the saints and the Virgin and God, come on, no.
22:11I'm not going to put him off the road.
22:13And what are you going to do?
22:16What am I going to do, Fina?
22:18I can forget about all this stuff.
22:24And from time to time remember the almost the best kiss of my life.
22:30Oh, the Virgin.
22:35Come on, the other one, but it doesn't look like you're bringing me, right?
22:38What happened?
22:40What do you think?
22:42Have you seen him?
22:45He apologized to me again.
22:47But don't tell me anything, I know I shouldn't forgive him.
22:51But it makes me sad.
22:54That's normal, Carmen.
22:56If in the end you love each other a lot and you are very good.
23:00Yes, but Tassio is an adult now.
23:02And he should stop screwing around.
23:04No, no, I'm not going to be on top of that.
23:06I'm telling you for free, come on.
23:08But someone would have to take a look at him.
23:10Because I know him and I know he's going to get drunk.
23:12He's going to get drunk and in the end I'm going to feel guilty about all this.
23:16Why do these things have to happen to me?
23:19Carmen, if you want, I can take a look at him.
23:22Yes, man, you already have enough with what you have.
23:24It has to be someone who puts it straight like a candle.
23:33What are you thinking about?
23:46When we have the result, you'll be calmer.
23:49I hope so.
23:51You'll see, it's not important.
23:53And come here so I can give you the results, okay?
23:56Thank you, doctor.
23:58You're welcome, see you later.
24:15I'm busy, Luis.
24:22I've come to know more about you.
24:25Well, curiosity killed the cat, I warn you.
24:28And why are you so interested in knowing about me?
24:31After despising me so much?
24:34I don't despise you, Luz.
24:39I need to know everything about the person I fell madly in love with.
24:43What do you want to know?
24:47We can start at the beginning.
24:49Who are you?
24:51What's your name?
24:53My name is Luz Espósito.
24:54I have the last name of the children who are abandoned by their mothers and their mothers-in-law.
24:59Is that what happened to you?
25:03I only know that I was born in San Pere de Rivas, a municipality in Barcelona.
25:07My mother abandoned me when I was barely a year old and the nuns took care of me.
25:12And you didn't hear from your mother again?
25:15I don't even know her name.
25:17The nuns found me at the door of the mother-in-law who died of cold and malnutrition.
25:21I wasn't even in the room where they leave the newborns because she was already walking.
25:26They were the ones who put me to light.
25:29Because they said I was very white.
25:31But now, can you see me?
25:35If you didn't know your mother's name, I understand that you couldn't find her.
25:39I tried.
25:42I tried to make inquiries in the village, but no one remembered any young girl
25:47who had had a girl of my age.
25:49I even thought that the nuns had made up the story of San Pere.
25:53How long did you live there?
25:55Until I was six years old.
25:57And then I moved to another orphanage and then to another.
26:02They couldn't find adoptive parents for me.
26:05And that?
26:07Because marriages want newborn babies, not a rebellious girl like me at that time.
26:12That had to be hard.
26:14Yes, everything.
26:16What a child can want, which is to have a father and a mother,
26:20I never had.
26:23What about Dr. Borrell?
26:27I went to serve at his house when I was 15, by order of the nuns.
26:32It was the first time in my life
26:35when I felt safe.
26:37I felt safe.
26:38It had to be a good person.
26:40It was.
26:42He and his wife were.
26:44They went through a consultation at home
26:46and when he saw how much I liked medicine,
26:49he threw me out to make me his nurse.
26:52So, you have nursing studies?
26:56No, Luis, I don't have studies.
26:58Only what I found in the books.
27:00In the books and in the books.
27:02In the books and in the books.
27:04In the books and in the books.
27:05Only what I found in the books.
27:07In the books and in practice, next to Dr. Borrell.
27:12Medicine saved me,
27:15but it has also brought me many problems.
27:18Of course.
27:20You were...
27:22You were in prison, but it wasn't for a demonstration.
27:27That was for practicing medicine without a degree.
27:31When Dr. Borrell died,
27:33I just wanted to do what I liked the most.
27:36I managed to change my name and look for a job.
27:40And in one of these, they found me and...
27:43And they...
27:45They arrested me.
27:48I understand.
27:50When I got out, I couldn't do anything else.
27:53I don't know how to do anything else.
27:56And soon after, I came...
27:58I came to La Colonia.
27:59I came to La Colonia.
28:07We have to find an electrician to put lights side by side.
28:10Maria, remember that the charity market was a bit of a disaster.
28:13No, Gemma, we did that in terrible conditions.
28:16Now we have time, money.
28:18I know very well what I want to do and how I want to do it.
28:20I like to see you so sure.
28:22You look like a businesswoman.
28:24I could have been.
28:26Hey, have you seen Begoña?
28:27She was like gone.
28:29Yeah, yeah. And I think it has to be for something else.
28:31Than for the shame of her mother's death.
28:33Well, I don't know.
28:35But I assure you that Andrés will not be his dog again.
28:37Maria. What?
28:39From now on, I'm going to set the rules in this house.
28:42I'll make sure you have a very hard life.
28:46But it is very serious
28:48that you attend to patients without being a doctor.
28:54I'm a doctor even if I don't have a degree.
28:57I've shown you.
28:59Too much.
29:01But what happens if at some point you make a mistake with a patient?
29:04Are you doubting my worth?
29:06No, I'm just putting on the table the consequences
29:08that it would have for you and the company
29:10if you made any kind of mistake.
29:12That doesn't have to happen.
29:14Look, Light, right now I'm the director of the company.
29:16And it's not just about you ending up in jail.
29:19It's that the company would have to answer for you
29:21with the consequences that that entails.
29:24You can do what you think is appropriate.
29:26If you want to report me, I'll understand.
29:30But why didn't you study medicine?
29:32Why didn't you do things right?
29:34With what money, Luis?
29:36With what money?
29:38Do you know how hard it is for us women
29:40to get to university?
29:42I know what I'm doing is a crime
29:44that is punishable by law.
29:46But what other option do I have?
29:53You're putting me in a very complicated situation.
29:57And it would have been the same
29:59if I had told you at the beginning of meeting us.
30:01I'm between a rock and a hard place.
30:07I don't know what to do.
30:14Blood, there has to be blood.
30:16Lemonade, soft drinks,
30:19more beers,
30:21and liquors too.
30:23We have to write it all down.
30:25Hurry up, we have to have everything ready
30:27for when the inspector of Jesus arrives.
30:29What can't she say? This mouth is mine.
30:31She's going to swallow all the toads, you'll see.
30:33Well, Joaquín has told me that she is a real rasca.
30:35Marisabidilla, stretched.
30:37The joy of the garden, come on.
30:39Good morning.
30:41Hi, what do you want?
30:43I'm Isabel, the rasca.
30:45Don't listen to the gossip.
30:48A pleasure, I'm Maria de la Reina.
30:50And she's Gemma, my assistant.
30:51Nice to meet you.
30:53I see that you have already advanced with the preparations.
30:55Yes, yes, there is no time to lose.
30:57Can I see it?
30:59Of course.
31:03We have not yet started with the expenses,
31:05which I suppose is why you are here.
31:07Yes, if you tell me what you need,
31:09I can make you the budget and adjust it
31:11to the data that Mr. Jesus has told me.
31:13Well, here Jesus doesn't rule in this.
31:15The party is for everyone in La Reina.
31:17We want it to be a celebration above all.
31:19And so it will be.
31:21We get down to business.
31:23Of course.
31:25Sit down, I'll explain it to you.
31:42Excuse me, Father, could you help me?
31:44I'm looking for the...
31:46The secretariat.
31:48You're looking for it because, well,
31:49I don't know if there is a vacant place to work.
31:51No, no, I just came for a visit.
31:53What I was looking for is the store.
31:55Where is it?
31:57Oh, you have a Marian cross, how beautiful.
31:59Yes, I am very religious.
32:01Ah, very good.
32:03Well, I'm very glad.
32:05And I have a good collection of crucifixes.
32:07I have a silver one with a beautiful cross.
32:09And an older one with the papal cross.
32:11How nice.
32:13Well, let's see if you can show me somewhere, right?
32:15It's just that I take it out for a walk
32:16in the Holy Week processions of my town.
32:19Yes, even my friends tell me
32:21how I haven't gone to a seminary yet.
32:25And you've never thought about it?
32:27Get out, get out.
32:29Don't you start with that too.
32:31There are earthly pleasures
32:33that I'm not willing to give up.
32:35Of course.
32:37Yes, yes, yes, I understand it perfectly.
32:39Ah, so you understand it too.
32:45Oh, sorry.
32:47What a silly question.
32:49But how are you going to understand it
32:51if you have given your life to God?
32:53Well, then you're looking for the store, right?
32:55Because it's right at the entrance to the left,
32:57so you've missed it.
32:59Well, you could, huh?
33:01Because I'm so clueless
33:03that I don't know if I lost the dog
33:05or I found a strap.
33:07Well, you were clueless,
33:09but at least you were funny, right?
33:11By the way, I'm Mateo,
33:17Jose Francisco.
33:19But since I was a kid, they call me Joselito.
33:21But boy, what are you doing here?
33:23Oh, well, nothing.
33:25I had a fair in Toledo
33:27and since I was nearby,
33:29I thought I'd see if Claudia was there.
33:31Oh, what a surprise.
33:33And you know each other and everything?
33:35Have you seen?
33:37He's a good friend of the priest.
33:39The priest is very nice.
33:40And he's my friend from town,
33:42Mateo Joselito.
33:44No, Claudia.
33:46We were more than friends.
33:48Look, Mateo, to tell you the truth,
33:50Claudia is the only girlfriend I've had in my life.
33:52Well, girlfriend, girlfriend.
33:54Girlfriend, girlfriend.
33:56Don't tell me you're not pretty, Rabia.
33:59Yes, she's very pretty.
34:01Well, thank you very much for your visit, Mr. García.
34:04We'll keep in touch.
34:06Well, what do you think?
34:09Good, right?
34:11I didn't think you'd pay the house for so much money.
34:14Why didn't you want to believe me?
34:16This house is wonderful.
34:18Thank goodness your uncle didn't give it to you
34:20when all that happened.
34:22The only thing he's told me is that it may be low in price
34:24because it's in the uncle's land.
34:26But the house is our property
34:28and the surrounding land too.
34:30Your uncle left it in writing.
34:32Well, I don't know.
34:33Your uncle left it in writing.
34:35Well, now we just have to go to the bank
34:37and get the credit by putting the house up for sale.
34:39That's right, sister-in-law.
34:41With that and our savings,
34:43it should be enough to be able to buy the land
34:45and start building.
34:49Well, let's toast.
34:51They just gave us some good news.
34:53Let's toast to us.
34:57I'm fine.
35:03To us.
35:05Well, I'm sorry.
35:07I have to go back to the factory.
35:09Me too, to the big house.
35:11But I'm going to change my shoes,
35:13because my feet hurt a lot.
35:15And who's going to the bank?
35:17Because we have to go to the Madrid headquarters
35:19and I've been out of work for many days.
35:21Don't worry.
35:23I'm going.
35:25Let's see if we're more lucky this time.
35:27There will be.
35:29You'll tell me later.
35:36Come in.
35:47Are you very busy?
35:49Well, I'm always up to date.
35:51But right now the next patient won't arrive in a while.
35:54So if you want, you can even sit down.
35:58Tell me.
35:59About Luz.
36:01I had a strange hangover.
36:03What did you notice?
36:05Yesterday was a terrible day.
36:08First, she didn't go down to eat
36:10because she wasn't feeling well.
36:12And then she lost her sanity
36:14because she said she couldn't find her mother's medal.
36:17And was she agitated?
36:19Or was she stable?
36:21It was strange, Luz.
36:23On the one hand, it seemed like she was tired, disoriented.
36:26It seemed like her head was aching.
36:27And on the other hand,
36:29she was very upset because she said
36:31the medal had disappeared.
36:33And it wasn't true.
36:35Begoña said she had looked for it everywhere.
36:38That it wasn't in the usual drawer.
36:40But she found it right away.
36:42In that drawer.
36:46The pain of her mother's death
36:48can lead her to such an extreme state.
36:50Well, that and the streak she's been through.
36:53The decision to go to London.
36:55It's too many things.
36:57An extreme emotional tension
36:59can play two bad moves.
37:04This morning she went down to the dining room.
37:06But she left right away
37:08because she said she wasn't feeling well.
37:10She's demacrized, absent.
37:12It even seems like she's losing her balance.
37:14I don't know, it's very sad to see her like this.
37:17She says she's just fine in bed.
37:19In the room.
37:21I don't know.
37:23They're symptoms of melancholy.
37:25It could be.
37:27I don't want to mention it,
37:29but my wife Gemma thinks
37:31it could be a sign of...
37:33Tell me.
37:35Of having inherited her mother's illness.
37:40And you didn't have to help Maria
37:42with the famous beret?
37:44Oh, look, she's been doing numbers
37:46and accounts with the secretary
37:48and they've made me look like a fool.
37:50So I'll talk to Maria when Isabel leaves.
37:53And what's Isabel up to?
37:54Well, Jesus sent her to do the accounts.
37:57Maria has received her by the nails,
37:59but in the end all she needed to do was bow.
38:01And only because he gave her the ball,
38:03not for anything else.
38:05Uy, uy, uy, uy.
38:09You're not afraid that I'll take your place
38:11next to Maria, are you?
38:13You're not jealous, are you?
38:15What are you saying?
38:17Maria and I are friends.
38:19I don't know, that Isabel,
38:21even though she seems like a perfect lady,
38:22I don't like her either.
38:24There's something about her that smells like chamoisquilla.
38:27Anyway, the less she's in the big house,
38:29the better.
38:32I can't wait to start our business
38:34and leave the Queen's people
38:36with a slap in the face.
38:46Well, I'm leaving now.
38:52I really like seeing you so happy.
38:56See you later.
39:00Look, I have to tell you something.
39:02I didn't think I'd do it
39:04because it's a professional secret
39:06between a doctor and a patient, but...
39:08What is it? What's the use?
39:10I gave Begoña some sedatives
39:12and she used them as she shouldn't.
39:14What do you mean?
39:17Instead of taking one a day,
39:19she'd take five or six.
39:20When she'd get nervous
39:22or get upset about something.
39:24In the face of the danger this poses,
39:26I had to get rid of them.
39:28So now she doesn't take them?
39:30And that's the problem.
39:32They create dependence.
39:34Maybe it's her body that's missing them.
39:36Imagine if one day she found out
39:38she was in the pantry trying to steal hidden pills.
39:40She promised me she'd leave it, but...
39:42But you should have told me before.
39:44And why didn't you control her more?
39:46Andres, this is not easy to control.
39:48The most important thing now
39:50is to find out what's going on.
39:52You could go and see her.
39:54It's harder for me to get close to her
39:56because of Maria and Jesus' suspicions.
39:58Yes, don't worry.
40:00I'll go and see her in the morning
40:02to see if I can get something clear.
40:06Patience, Gemma.
40:08No matter how well things go,
40:10there's still time.
40:12I know.
40:14You're still upset with Begoña, aren't you?
40:16What do you think?
40:18She's terrible.
40:20She made me go through with the happy little medal.
40:23It was very unpleasant, really.
40:25What's wrong with that woman?
40:27She's not well. It's obvious.
40:29She's not like that.
40:31And we should forgive her.
40:33Why has she already apologized?
40:35She apologized this morning,
40:37but she's still as angry as she was last night,
40:39so I don't know if those apologies are worth it.
40:41Gemma, knowing how she is,
40:43you shouldn't judge her so harshly.
40:45Do you think she's as sick as her mother?
40:48I don't know.
40:50I think she's very affected by Mercedes' death.
40:53And she has a husband.
40:56I'd better not say anything.
40:58I'll try to avoid Begoña as much as possible
41:01and that's settled.
41:03If it's true that she has a mental imbalance,
41:05we should help her as much as we can.
41:07Don't you think?
41:09I guess.
41:11No matter how angry she is,
41:13I don't wish her any harm.
41:15Well, you know.
41:16Let's go.
41:18I'll pick that up later. We're late.
41:23So, this is the store where I work.
41:26It smells like glory.
41:28Yes, the smell of perfumes and soaps.
41:31I'm lucky to work in such a beautiful place.
41:33Hey, and what you told me about the visit to the factory,
41:36well, I was impressed.
41:39This is a leading company.
41:41It's one of the most important perfumeries in Spain.
41:43And now we're going to expand in France.
41:44They won't send you there, will they?
41:46No, no. I won't fall for that.
41:48What's wrong?
41:50Don't you like it here?
41:52No, no, no. I like it.
41:54Look, I'll introduce you to a good friend.
41:57Joselito Fina, Fina Joselito.
41:59Ah, Joselito, Joselito.
42:02Did she tell you about me?
42:04Yes, a lot. Very well.
42:06Oh, Claudia, I'm so excited.
42:08Come on, Joselito is leaving.
42:10He's at a fair in Toledo and he's in a hurry.
42:12Come on, woman, there's no hurry.
42:14Yes, there is a hurry because Fina is very busy
42:18and I can't leave her alone with your work.
42:21Well, thank you. I know, Claudia.
42:23See you later, Joselito. Delighted.
42:28Hey, Claudia.
42:30I didn't come to any fair.
42:32No, you came because my mother sent you.
42:35She told me you'd be excited to see you.
42:39Well, you know, I'm fine, Joselito.
42:41I'm glad you're in my new home.
42:44She also told me you'd asked a lot about me.
42:48And of course, as I've always liked you,
42:51well, more than that,
42:53I came to see if it would be okay
42:56if we got back together as a couple.
42:58But Joselito, you and I have never been a couple.
43:00Come on, woman.
43:02I haven't forgotten those two weeks.
43:04Well, those two weeks my mother gave me
43:07so I could give you a chance, but...
43:08Come on.
43:10It's good to see you.
43:12You used to get into fights at my house.
43:14And that year, they made you the queen of the slaughterhouse.
43:16Come on.
43:18Joselito, what kind of boyfriend do you want?
43:21I'm not moving from here.
43:23Well, I'm going to buy a van to take you around
43:26and I can come here every weekend.
43:28But, Joselito, I can't.
43:32I'll give you another boy.
43:36No, not that.
43:38Come on, for me.
43:40Look, your mother told me you kept talking about me.
43:43Joselito, I have a lot of affection for you.
43:45And you're going to pick on me.
43:47No, but really...
43:49Really, I'm going to treat you like a queen.
43:51Joselito, I don't want you to treat me like a queen.
43:53What I want is...
43:55Is to spend your life with me, as if you saw it.
43:57Look, Joselito, I'm pregnant.
44:05But when did you get married?
44:06Fuck, man, your mother could have told me.
44:09No, I'm not married, Joselito.
44:13These things that happen in the village,
44:15you know it's happened to me too,
44:17more than once, come on.
44:20I'm sorry my mother made you come here, but...
44:24Well, the truth is...
44:28Do you think it's good that she told you the truth?
44:30Yes, yes.
44:32Because I came with very serious intentions.
44:33And of course,
44:35imagine the damage if I find you with the baby in the altar.
44:39Well, that's it.
44:41Problem solved, Joselito.
44:43You go back to Don Benito
44:45and there you will surely find a good woman who deserves you.
44:48And if that's the case, invite me to the wedding.
44:51Well, I have to get back to work.
45:25Can I come in?
45:27How did you get in?
45:29Did Jesus let you in?
45:31He let me in, Digna.
45:33How are you?
45:36Well, now that you're here, better.
45:40They told you, didn't they?
45:44The attack I had last night.
45:46I couldn't find my mother's medallion and...
45:48and I fought everyone.
45:51That's why you came, right?
45:53Andrés told me something. I'm very worried about you.
45:56I don't know.
45:58The more I sleep, the more tired I am.
46:00It's weird, isn't it?
46:01A little.
46:04Jesus told me that...
46:06that I can't travel in these conditions.
46:10Begoña, you haven't taken your pills again, have you?
46:13No, I already told you no.
46:15I left them.
46:17To be able to help you, you must be honest with me.
46:20Luz, I'm not taking anything.
46:23I'm sure if I look in the drawers or in the closet,
46:26I won't find them hidden.
46:28What are you insinuating? I'm not hiding anything.
46:29Don't you believe me?
46:31I agree.
46:33I agree, Begoña.
46:35Then we have to see where that numbness comes from.
46:37That fatigue you feel.
46:41Does your head usually hurt?
46:45Well, sometimes.
46:47I don't know.
46:49It's not pain.
46:51It's like...
46:53like a feeling of constant fatigue
46:55and the urge to sleep all the time.
46:57You should go out and get some fresh air.
47:01What I want is to be calm
47:03and lie down without thinking.
47:08What are you doing?
47:10I'm going to draw your blood to do an analysis.
47:12For what?
47:14Begoña, we have to know where that state comes from.
47:16Look at me.
47:18Let's see how you feel.
47:20Don't you believe me?
47:22I already told you I'm not taking anything.
47:24I'm not taking any sedatives.
47:26Begoña, I just want to help you.
47:27Get out!
