Ka Tu Dedni hai par mardi tu hai nahi poetry

  • last month
The phrase you're referring to seems to be part of a couplet or poem that reflects on the nature of life and death. It appears to be a poetic expression commenting on someone's state of being or their perception of mortality.

The lines "Ka Tu Dedni hai par Mardi Tu Hai Nahi" could be translated or interpreted as:

"Are you dead, but you are not truly gone?"

This suggests a contemplation on the idea that someone might be physically alive but metaphorically or spiritually disconnected from life or reality. It could be a reflection on how someone’s existence or presence feels hollow or disconnected despite being alive.

If you're looking for a specific poet or source of this poetry, it might be helpful to provide more context or details. Poetry often plays with deep philosophical and emotional themes, and interpretations can vary widely based on the context and personal perspective.


