Finale Olympique de Paris Football France vs Espagne 3-5 Masculin Faits saillants Espagne vs France Buts complets

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France vs Spain 3-5 Olympic Paris Final Mens Football Highlights Spain vs France Full Goal Highlights


00:00so hello guys welcome back to Republic of game so it has been a great match and
00:04Spain team who was great in the performance where startingly France
00:09scored the first goal and Enzo Milot who scored a fantastic goal against Spain
00:15team and which boost their confidence because every game when first goal score
00:20every team got boosted and boosted their performance boosted their energy and it
00:25was France who scored the first goal and it was a fantastic goal by Enzo Milot
00:30goalkeeper was too far from ball that's why they didn't score and secondly a
00:36youngster of Spain team Fermin Lopez who got the ball and he smashed the ball on
00:41the left side and it was only 18 minute of the game France who has been scoring
00:45the goal but now this time Spain and here a great pass and it was a great
00:51execution where Fermin Lopez got the ball and on the middle he smashed the
00:56ball on the left side at goalkeeper who was straight on him but he couldn't
01:01stop the ball and finally and also the goalkeeper like he was not good he was
01:06supposed to stop the ball not to give the goal and finally you can see great
01:12goal by Spain team and also there was a chance for the France team but here
01:17Spain team did a brilliant brilliant save and here you can see there was a
01:22foul but referee didn't give a free kick and everyone was booing and I think the
01:28referee was supporting Spain team rather than France team and France was not
01:32happy with the referee which was not which was not given a foul on 25th
01:37minute of the game Fermin Lopez once again got the ball and it was a mistake
01:42of goalkeeper he got the ball but the ball went towards Fermin Lopez and
01:46Fermin Lopez got the chance and he scored the goal for Spain and his second
01:52goal and it was a team third goal so this is the Olympic final football match
01:57and who got the free kick after the foul by France player yes guys they want
02:02yellow card but referee said that I will give you a free kick so goalkeeper set
02:06the field then Alejandro Bina who kicked the ball on the left side and see
02:11goalkeeper was looking on that ball and he didn't touch the ball oh my god that
02:16the crazy man every France fan got shocked after the great Alejandro Bina
02:22free kick and Spain team who got their third goal in the final match and see
02:27how he's looking and he didn't jumped on that at least he should jumped or do
02:32something but he only saw the ball and ball went towards the goal and finally
02:38Spain team got the third goal and what a celebration by Bina so guys what's
02:44your reaction on this goal so first half was against France and Spain team took a
02:49great lead and they were dominating against France team also there was a
02:53mistake by the France team which they were not executed well and here you can
02:58see the great chance by Spain team so Spain team got a lot of chance where
03:03they dominated on the first half and it was a great match between the
03:08Spain versus France so on the second half France want to show their execution
03:12for show their very much dominating if they don't dominate they will not win
03:17the gold medal they will walk away with the silver medal and once again
03:21goalkeeper did a great save and France lose their goal and also after this
03:26France got a chance but they missed and it was a great goalkeeping and it was a
03:32great execution so on the second half it was a great France comeback and
03:37Magnus Achilleus who scored the goal and it was a fantastic goal for France and
03:44now France scored two goals and Spain scored three goals so France need one
03:50more goal to equalize and it was a great goal something you can say Spain
03:54goalkeeper didn't touch the ball even didn't touch the ball and blow ball was
03:59too far also the 89th minute of the game the moment change when yellow card given
04:05to Spain team and Joan Mirinda who got yellow card because he's pulling up
04:11France player so referee look on the VAR and VAR checked and they gave a penalty
04:17to France team and see here he was not happy with the decision but Mateta who
04:23scored the penalty goal and finally the score got level France three and Spain
04:29got three but after the extra time Sergio who got the ball and he was too
04:34close to the goal even the goalkeeper couldn't stop him and finally here Spain
04:39team lead by 4-3 and it was a great great match and after this there was a
04:45huge mistake by France because there all the defender were on the other side so
04:51Sergio got the chance and he scored the final goal and a fifth goal for Spain
04:56team and they won the gold medal yes guys and France got a silver medal and
05:02it was a fantastic goal a great presence of mind where he ran away on
05:06the goal side and finally he scored the goal and Spain team finally won the
05:11match against France and Spain team after Euro against Neylid
