WWE lovely P39 ladies summerslam. full hd

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00:00Morgan spiked Rhea right on the crown of her dome, but the challenger had enough left to
00:10Let's take another look.
00:11Hoisted up by Mami, and you have to wonder if the shoulder played a factor in Ripley's
00:16power and her ability to deliver that maneuver that Morgan countered so well.
00:21Are you talking about the shoulder that she tried to spear through the commentators desk
00:24just a moment ago?
00:25Yes, the one that almost sent me into the front row.
00:26Oh, and now Ripley caught Morgan with a kick, dropped the champion again.
00:27Liv Morgan toward the corner, Rhea Ripley trying to bring the fight to Liv.
00:38Competitive battle here tonight.
00:40Oh, Ripley could be thinking about the prism lock.
00:41This is the submission hold, but she can't really use the right arm here, Corey.
00:42Trying to use it, trying to lock it in.
00:43One of Mami's arms is stronger than both of most.
00:44I can't believe she's doing this just like that.
00:45If she taps Morgan here, she'll win the championship, and Liv, though, able to reverse and send
01:04Rhea shoulder first again into the corner.
01:07Great wherewithal by the champion, desperate as it may be.
01:11Got to think with the humidity, if maybe Liv was able to loosen up a little bit, slip out,
01:16wiggle out.
01:17And Liv now, oh!
01:18Crucifix driver!
01:19What a win to retain!
01:20Kick out at two!
01:21And Morgan wisely looking for the arm bar, Ripley doing her best to prevent the submission
01:29from being complete.