Equals (2015) Sci-Fi Romance

  • last month
In a utopian future where people are emotionless, Silas and Nia regain their feelings and fall in love with each other. They plan to go to Wellington but life takes an unexpected turn.
00:02:27After you thank you
00:02:49Are you really tired or experiencing increased sensitivity?
00:02:54Maybe you have difficulty concentrating
00:02:56You may have SOS
00:02:58Switched on syndrome
00:03:42Bombs dropped for the span of 28 days and obliterated
00:03:4699.6% of usable arid land on the Earth's surface
00:03:50An event that changed the course of humankind forever and now known as the Great War
00:03:55Of the two tracks of land that survived the Great War
00:03:58The peninsula still stands 44 degrees west of the collective and is a wild primitive area containing empty
00:04:06dilapidated buildings
00:04:09And little is known about the primitive nature of the peninsulas inhabitants the defects living there are ruled by emotion
00:04:19This image shows Equus 12 leaving Earth's orbit on last week's interstellar mission
00:04:24Who wrote the text for this feature
00:04:27Me I did
00:04:29Does this look accurate to you? Yes
00:04:34Except the Rockets fission thrusters are cylindrical. These appear triangular. Thank you. I'll change that
00:05:02Risk is back from conception duty
00:05:08She got back yesterday
00:05:10She had a defect
00:05:12How do you know?
00:05:14She told me does she have the back?
00:05:18No, she says she's clean
00:05:20Where is everyone watching the landing tomorrow night? I'm watching in Bishop Park. I'm gonna leave work early to get a good seat
00:05:26If I arrive early enough, I can get a seat close to the screen
00:06:05They're in safe hands now folks, please continue on your way
00:06:50Total number of puzzles solved 2,000
00:07:20The following is an update on last night's disturbance in living block 5j
00:07:33How the safety officials subdued two individuals engaged in coupling activities and both have been transported to the defective
00:07:40Emotional neuropathy facility the death for containment and emotional suppression treatment
00:07:46The incident is an outbreak of defective behavior
00:07:49Remember couplers are a danger to themselves and to all of us
00:07:53physical contact
00:07:55Touching or displays of emotion or signs of an individual infected with SOS
00:08:00If you see the signs report the couplers to health and safety immediately
00:08:04Let's do our part to help contain this dangerous epidemic
00:08:07Although the political order has no sophisticated or technologically advanced material
00:08:14With no infrastructure the collective erected a patrolled border to contain any resurgence of chaos
00:08:26Did anybody see that
00:08:55Just remembered there was a suicide of my building last night a woman slit her throat. I hope they'll find someone to cover his work
00:09:28Even before the demise humankind knew the importance of space exploration
00:09:33as the collective
00:09:37Now 790 million miles away as we grace the surface of tk-14
00:09:44We move one step further in our understanding of ultimate reality. Okay, everybody. This is it three
00:09:52one mark
00:10:12At this point in time we should be on the ground
00:11:29Last but not least speculative non-fiction. The title is inside the peninsula silas. Would you talk us through the lead illustration?
00:11:41Sorry lennon
00:11:44I went with the scene on the peninsula where the defects huddle together for warmth in my research
00:11:48I found that they form social bonds with each other to help alleviate something called anxiety. Very good
00:11:53Thank you
00:13:07While scientists are making great strides in understanding the security
00:13:16A reliable cure for sos has yet to be found
00:13:20And most sos sufferers will experience complete emotional disability in as little as four to six months
00:13:27prior to eventual containment at the den
00:13:29Capiro inhibitors offer reliable means of dampening symptoms and slowing the stages of the disease
00:13:35Thus allowing sufferers to maintain what stage productive lives as members. Excuse me. What stage are you?
00:13:44Oh, i'm just here for a check up strictly precautionary
00:13:49I'm jealous
00:13:56What stage are you
00:14:01You look healthy
00:14:05I have my good days and my bad days
00:14:17The crown was rushing towards me I couldn't breathe
00:14:22I felt like my stomach was
00:14:25It's in my mouth it was extremely unpleasant you had a nightmare silas
00:14:33Never want to experience anything like it again
00:14:36How long have you had these symptoms?
00:14:38Maybe three days no longer than that
00:14:41I'm gonna take some blood now
00:14:45Can you give me your hand please
00:14:57Your test is positive silas you're only stage one
00:15:03A woman in my office recently gave birth to a defect. I
00:15:08I couldn't have caught it from her not if she's clean, right? Even if this woman did have sos it isn't contagious
00:15:14I'd like to start you on a full course of inhibitors immediately. There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to live a normal life
00:15:20at least for a while
00:15:22Then the den
00:15:24You mustn't think about that for now. The den is a long way off for you. The cure is right around the corner
00:16:00Where were you son?
00:16:03I went to the cafeteria to drink some tea
00:16:06Is that why you got the bruise
00:16:10Last night in tai chi class the man next to me accidentally struck me
00:16:14Silas you weren't in tai chi class last night. Yes, he was
00:16:19I saw him
00:16:41What's that
00:16:47It's bumblebee careful, don't they sting
00:17:01According to the laws of aerodynamics, they shouldn't defy
00:17:07They don't know it
00:18:03Picking up
00:18:10If you're watching this film
00:18:12Your doctor has diagnosed you with sos
00:18:15switched on syndrome
00:18:17As members of the collective we hear a lot about switched on syndrome
00:18:21Here is important information about how the stabilitating disease will affect you and how you can manage it responsibly before eventual containment
00:18:29at the defective emotional neuropathy facility the den
00:18:35Switched on syndrome is a malfunction of the gene silencing that controls human emotions and eliminates human flaws
00:18:42But in switched on syndrome problem genes lose their silencing and reawaken
00:18:46leading to unpredictable sensory experiences and behavioral defects
00:18:51Until a cure is available inhibitors are the only effective means of slowing the disease's staging while dampening the onset of emotion
00:19:00And while the causes are unknown we do understand the disease's progression
00:19:06During stage one intermittent feeling you will experience
00:19:10difficulty concentrating
00:19:12depression pain
00:19:14overwhelmed feelings
00:19:17impulsivity and sensitivity to light
00:19:21As the disease progresses into further stages consistent low level emotion and emotional volatility these symptoms will worsen
00:19:29in stage 4
00:19:30acute behavioral chaos
00:19:32You will no longer function as a productive member of the collective and your doctor will prescribe containment at the den
00:19:38Where you will be provided with electro restraint emotional suppression and a pain-free death scenario
00:19:45If you have questions about your condition notify your doctor or health and safety official for immediate attention
00:19:51And remember a cure is right around the corner
00:20:29What's that
00:21:57If values can be reduced to natural phenomena as described by the sort of physical sciences individuals no longer
00:22:06Read your article in the hollow nine probe. I was wondering if you could look over my impressions
00:22:12But you're a speculative nonfiction. I
00:22:15Switched with Leonard
00:22:22I felt like a change
00:22:27There's a staff meeting tomorrow afternoon, why don't I review your work then?
00:22:31I'd really appreciate your input at this early stage of us not too much trouble
00:23:08This isn't what it's great
00:23:16Where's its robotic arm for those for a feature
00:23:20Yes, I thought you were speculative nonfiction I switched with Leonard
00:23:26One more thing the Ilios landing was made on a flat surface the way you've drawn it it looks almost mountainous
00:23:31Is there anything else I can help you with silence?
00:23:36Thank you for everything
00:24:41It's this vastness
00:24:44and accessibility symmetry
00:24:47And permanence of the night sky that made it a natural topic for philosophers pursuing an understanding of ultimate reality
00:24:54It's this vastness
00:25:01And permanence of the night sky that made it a natural topic for philosophers pursuing an understanding of ultimate reality
00:25:10It's this vastness
00:25:13At Atmos our past is not a relic we should leave behind but a living creation
00:25:19Something to be handled the work we do at Atmos is that which links our present
00:25:32You drop these
00:25:46It's about time you all knew last week I tested positive for SOS
00:25:54I'm stage one. I'm taking inhibitors
00:25:58That there's no evidence that the bug is contagious, however, it makes you feel more comfortable. I'll wear a face mask. No Silas
00:26:04I'm very sorry. How long do you have?
00:26:09It's difficult to say is this why you stopped doing speculative nonfiction, I don't know Rachel
00:26:18I think a face mask is a little extreme. Although I don't think you should sit with us anymore and you should have your own mug
00:26:28Do you agree
00:26:32We cure cancer we cured the common cold we can cure SOS you're going to live pal
00:27:34If it continues, I'll be forced to report you you understand
00:27:44Have fun clean
00:27:49The day that man jumped off the building you saw his body out the window you
00:28:03There have been other times to it. I've been watching you the way you look at the world the way you experience things and clean
00:28:10I've been watching you the way you look at the world the way you experience things and clean
00:28:18It's different
00:28:21You're going through must be very difficult
00:28:25If you were clean this conversation wouldn't be taking place you'd have reported me already, am I right?
00:28:35Nice room
00:29:15Finally the Harlow landing
00:29:18Yeah, do you have any more notes for me no your changes work well, thank you onto the next article then so
00:33:34You're Bruce, aren't we?
00:33:37Yeah, I'm just sad
00:33:44You're in three months
00:33:46I don't want to go to the doctor. I just sort of knew you know, there's really nothing any anyone could do to help
00:33:56I was scared of the medicine then
00:34:04Doesn't seem fair at first
00:34:13You know, I could live I could live with it but every day was different and that was the hardest part every single time
00:34:19I thought I knew something or learned anything
00:34:30And I felt this guilt every time I wanted to go back to normal like I shouldn't want that
00:34:37Every day I'm practicing unbearable discipline and self-control
00:34:44You realize what would happen if anyone saw us in here
00:34:51We go straight to the dentist it's a sentence
00:34:56One of my neighbors missed two doctors appointments, I haven't seen him in six weeks
00:35:05We can't do this again
00:35:21We just we just to hold out for the cure
00:35:37We stand here we got longer
00:36:39Yeah, are you staying late again tonight, I'm not sure I wish I had your kind of work ethic I
00:36:48Received a message from so on her way to work this morning. She received a conception duty summons
00:36:53And one of the illustrators present for her in the staff meeting. I'll do it. I'd be glad to
00:37:16They may simply be labeled as dualist two subject concepts
00:38:46I'm scared
00:40:31Learned Silas. I didn't expect to see you here this late
00:40:43Have you thought about killing yourself
00:40:46No, that's not until stage three
00:40:56Why is Nia's interface on
00:41:00Have you been snooping again Silas
00:41:04Excuse me a month ago health and safety saw you on Nia's interface after hours. I was told to keep an eye on you
00:41:12Is there something you want to tell me?
00:41:18The manager here that knows one of my duties is to maintain the safety and welfare of the team
00:41:24Therefore if I believe that someone on the team is in danger or involved in an activity that is unsafe
00:41:32I'd report him or her
00:41:35to health and safety
00:41:37Unless of course the activity were to stop
00:41:42Does that make sense to you
00:41:51Shall we get out of here status
00:43:22He knows
00:43:28What are we gonna do
00:43:36We have to stay away from each other I
00:43:41Can't stay away from you I can't not be around you
00:43:47Not in that office. Not when I see you every day. It's impossible
00:43:57Thought about it the best thing is for me to leave at let's get a job somewhere else
00:44:15Like you said to hold on to the cure that's all we should be thinking about
00:45:38During gestation
00:45:50Are you sure this is what you want?
00:45:53I'm sure
00:45:55Positions that at miss are highly coveted once we place you at a different job
00:46:02Because of my diagnosis I think a work environment where I interact less with others would be better
00:46:07For everyone's benefit
00:46:11It's a very responsible attitude
00:46:22Tradition Oh Nia meet Dominic our new illustrator Dominic. This is Nia. She works in text. You'll be interpreting her words
00:46:30It's very nice to meet you Nia
00:46:32Welcome to Atmos
00:46:34Follow me
00:47:38Also design rockets and I could have been an engineer but I lacked patience I
00:47:43Think working at Atmos is a vitally important job
00:47:47Science is a process and often leads to dead ends
00:47:51but here
00:47:53We're delivering the answers
00:47:56We're educating people
00:47:57Knowledge is sacred and Atmos is the new scripture
00:48:01If you think about it, we're kind of like preachers
00:48:04Where did you study?
00:48:06I'm self-taught. I've always drawn pictures ever since I was a child one of my guardians Barnabas nicknamed me a little da Vinci
00:48:16So was infeminated
00:48:18It means she's clean. She didn't catch the bug from silence. That means we're probably clean, too
00:48:22I'm definitely clean. I donated blood last week
00:49:25Okay, okay, do you want to take a walk?
00:49:39Miss her
00:49:42I don't know felt so good to be around her that
00:49:48We were nearly tripping up and I couldn't see
00:49:52You can see anything bad happened to her
00:49:55You two are in love with each other
00:49:58That's very clear
00:50:00You're right to end it though. I think dealing with this disease on your own is hard enough coupling would just make it unbearable
00:50:13You know about a year ago, I also made a connection with a woman
00:50:23No, it didn't end well
00:50:31I'm so sorry
00:50:38Your friend what stage is she
00:50:43She's self-diagnosed she's fighting the bug without drugs. She's a hider
00:50:52How many people can do that successfully I think hiders a I
00:50:56Think they're wired differently, you know, we have one in our group bass. She said
00:51:02She's a doctor at the den of all places
00:51:05Listen I'm part of a group a support group with Bess and others from my work to talk openly about how we feel
00:51:14If you're interested I'd vouch for you it might help
00:51:21I'll be willing to try
00:51:31Yeah, it's me again until you give me some text to work with I'm idle and that doesn't seem like a very good use of
00:51:37my time
00:51:40I'm almost finished on all the other illustrators received their pieces hours ago. I'm almost finished on Nick
00:51:51But I appreciate your patience
00:51:53Of course
00:52:52Silas you made it. This is great. I'm glad you're here everybody. This is Silas. So I was telling you about
00:53:00Silas this is Bess and Peter and Thomas Gil max and Alice come take a seat
00:53:10And then after lunch, he just kept staring at me like he could tell that I wasn't taking my meds
00:53:16And I wanted to say something to him, but then I thought what if I'm just imagining it
00:53:22So I turned and walked away
00:53:25But all I can think is that he knows he's gonna report me I'm gonna get caught
00:53:30And I can't stop thinking that all the time. It's natural. It's happened to every one of us
00:53:36Yes, but all I can think is that I am going to the den. I'm going to the den. It's over and
00:53:47What happens in the den
00:53:57Have some people who are brought in commit suicide the staff encourages it and stand by while it happens
00:54:04And that's the preferable option anyway compared to electoral restraints and all the other methods of treatment, but there is value in living
00:54:14Being a hider reminds you of that I still don't know how you do it
00:54:21Working for health and safety is hard enough
00:54:25Yes, it's difficult to see things and not be moved but that's what being a hider is all about
00:54:33So you do small things to help
00:54:36Just looking someone in the eyes
00:54:39Can make them feel they're not alone
00:54:41Give them hope
00:54:45But under no circumstances do you interfere
00:54:49You have to tell yourself do not risk your job. Do not risk your life
00:54:59Stay in a position where you feel so much risk
00:55:02You can ask to be reassigned. I'd rather be with people who feel
00:55:08Who feel intensely
00:55:11It reminds me of who I am and why I choose to keep on living
00:55:15Everybody says it's not contagious
00:55:19After all these years as awful as it is
00:55:23Every day, I feel a stronger
00:55:27Affinity with other people
00:55:32See I don't believe all the research
00:55:34feelings and gender feelings
00:55:37SOS isn't even a disease. That's what they say
00:55:40Switched off is something they do to us between conception and birth
00:55:44SOS is who we really are and the inhibitors are just another attempt to squash that. I don't know
00:55:51It is so hard
00:55:53It's lonely
00:55:56At least with the inhibitors I could get by but now I
00:56:00Would rather feel nothing
00:56:03Nothing is better than this
00:59:15I could never imagine what I felt like. It's strange
00:59:21Tornado going around
00:59:27That's why I was so scared of it at first
00:59:35It's I'm giving okay, I want you to take everything I don't even know what it is. I just want you to take it from me
00:59:42I just want to
00:59:49Run like both of us just as fast as we can outside just take off
00:59:59It's so weird
01:00:05Since we're kids, it's drilled into us that
01:00:08Purpose is to explore the universe
01:00:11Outer space is where we'll find
01:00:14the answers
01:00:15Why we're here and
01:00:18Where we come from
01:00:24Searching for these answers 800 million miles away
01:00:36Me too
01:00:40What are we gonna do now
01:00:42Just spend as much
01:00:45time together as we can
01:00:48work at normal
01:00:50but then
01:00:52At night
01:01:22What did you look like when you're a little
01:01:27Have you always had these freckles
01:01:35Think so
01:01:37Did you grow early did I grow early? Yeah, I was tall until I wasn't
01:01:55What was your favorite subject I like history about you
01:02:01I always really loved her. What did you write? I always really liked to write poetry
01:02:10I'm like those school trips
01:02:17Great war museum to see how the bombs dropped and wiped out all the cities and stuff
01:02:25I see a future outside of this room
01:02:27Some place out there the vastness of everything we know
01:02:31And all those millions of miles
01:02:34Dominic FYI
01:02:36The article's finished
01:02:38You gave it to me already. I'm working on it right now. No the one after this on the extraction of superfluids from neutron stars
01:02:47The pressure
01:02:50I wish I could explain this to her for miles
01:02:53I'm sick of being
01:02:55Scared of getting
01:03:00Not think we're sick
01:03:49Be clear, this is not another capital inhibitor
01:03:52It's a cure that restores the health and systematic order to the individual with the Ashby EMI cure
01:03:58It's only a matter of time before all current SOS cases are treated and future cases
01:04:04Prevented the EMI cure is injected directly into the neck leaving a small coin like scar a quick and simple procedure
01:04:12Once administered the drug requires a six-hour absorption period before the disease is completely neutralized
01:04:19After which point regardless
01:04:25Mass production of the drug is already underway and shipments are being made available to public clinics immediately
01:04:32Individuals diagnosed with SOS need not suffer another day
01:04:35Contact your doctor immediately to receive the Ashby EMI cure and rejoin the ranks of equals
01:05:13Live every day remembering we're not gonna feel it
01:05:24Think it's the same
01:05:40It's not
01:05:52See you don't want the cure no to you
01:06:13Take this drug
01:06:19This is Nia
01:06:23We want to go to the peninsula
01:06:27At my old post I I took part in an air patrol
01:06:33We wouldn't fly directly over the peninsula, but I could see it from a distance. It's totally overgrown if anyone actually lives there
01:06:42Completely primitive state. How do we get there? You're seriously considering this already decided
01:06:49You know, you'd be on your own out there. There'd be no one to look after you
01:06:54Whatever we go through it'll be together. I
01:06:56Know how you're feeling, but you're not thinking of all the risks if we stay here. We'll be found out. We'll get the cure
01:07:08You know, it's many years ago I
01:07:11Was not much older than you are now when I got the bug
01:07:14No one even knew what SOS was back then people were getting it and most of them would commit suicide
01:07:23There was a young man in my living block I
01:07:27Could tell he was a hider just like me
01:07:31But no one dared mention it back then
01:07:35One night
01:07:37He knocked on my door and told me that he and two others
01:07:40And he wanted me to go with him, of course, there was no way I was going I
01:07:45Knew they were headed for their deaths. Yes a
01:07:52Few months after he left with a little mist I've ever felt
01:07:58We'd only spoken that one time
01:08:02More than all the suicides I've seen
01:08:05It was his death that was the most
01:08:07unnecessarily wasteful
01:08:10such a waste I
01:08:12Was a new feeling for me
01:08:16But you don't know that he died
01:08:20What if he didn't
01:08:22I can talk to my old colleague. He was the pilot who took us on the air patrol. If they get caught the whole plan could be traced back to you or to the group
01:08:32You said interfering was serious
01:08:37Think it was a mistake
01:08:42Don't know if it was a mistake
01:08:45But I don't know if it was a mistake
01:08:47To you or to the group
01:08:51You said interfering was too risky
01:08:55If you make this decision, you know
01:08:58There's no turning back if you do manage to get out
01:09:03You can never return
01:09:07Of course
01:09:22Think it's at the border ask for Oliver. He'll fly you
01:09:28What if he gets caught you won't
01:09:34Good luck
01:09:51Willing to close the station to the border the trains don't whether it's what we can attend to schedule make a leave on Saturday
01:09:59Three days
01:10:06You're shaking
01:10:12Are you sure yes, are you
01:10:58Got a conception summons
01:11:04We're leaving in two days by the time they come looking for you, we'll be gone ignore it my tie is blocked
01:11:08I'm not gonna be able to get on the train. I won't make it through any of the checkpoints
01:11:12Look, it's just a summons, right?
01:11:14It's not like they're gonna inseminate you don't check my blood they'll see I have the disease in stone
01:11:23They can't force you to get the cure I've been diagnosed no one's forcing me to get it
01:11:26Are they besides the clinics are overwhelmed right now?
01:11:29What's gonna happen is they'll tell you you've tested positive for SOS and then you should see your doctor immediately. That's it and get out of there
01:11:39Nothing's changed
01:11:41We're leaving Saturday in a club train, you've already missed the whole morning of work. You should get over there right away
01:11:46I'll come after my shift meet me behind the clinic
01:12:31Mean to take a sample of your blood, okay
01:12:50Have the bug tonight. Yeah, you're pregnant
01:15:40What is it she's pregnant
01:15:42She got called for a conception Judy and then they found out and they taken her to the den
01:15:46You need to calm down
01:15:48When did they take her? I don't know about an hour ago or something. Listen, I will contact us. No, no, not that
01:15:54She won't help us ask someone else. There is no one else
01:15:58You can't be seen around here like
01:16:05You don't see me
01:16:08Silas go home. Trust me. What are they gonna do to her? Just calm down
01:16:13You need to stay calm or they'll give you the cure
01:16:17Give me a couple of hours go home and wait there
01:18:28Can't get dressed as fast as you can and listen to me carefully
01:18:33Last week a woman was brought in called Ava. She was stage three last night
01:18:39She nodded a garbage bag over her head suffocated. She's dead
01:18:44Now you are gonna switch places with her Ava didn't kill herself last night
01:18:50You did you are Ava. She was you you're gonna walk out of here
01:18:55Just hold out your arm you left on please
01:19:06You are Ava
01:19:26I told Silas to wait at his apartment. You'll find him there
01:21:39The following message is an update on the security breach
01:21:43the collective wishes to congratulate health and safety official ID 2 2 5 6 4 9 4 3
01:21:50Who alerted authorities to three individuals operating against protocol?
01:21:55Two of the three were health and safety officials and the third was a position
01:22:00All are currently safe from receiving the Ashby and I cured so that they may return to work as productive equals in the collective
01:22:07The ENI cure will now be required for all those diagnosed with or suffering from SOS and mandatory
01:22:14SOS testing will begin immediately for all health and safety officials as well as medical professions
01:22:27Name is Nia her ID tag is three four seven two nine six four seven. She writes text for atlas
01:22:35You said her name was Nia yes
01:22:40Well, she brought here yesterday evening lives at 6l 4 1 5 mm-hmm, that's right
01:22:46She died last night
01:22:49According to the doctor's notes the cause of death was asphyxiation
01:23:02Yes, that's her
01:27:18Come on
01:27:28How long do you have maybe five hours
01:28:13Can't get on the train
01:28:25Hope you
01:29:07Just remember what this feels like
01:29:16What happens
01:29:27Just don't give up on me
01:30:25It's gonna
01:30:50Remember I loved you
01:31:05Still want to go
