Travis Scott Arrested After Fighting Paris Bodyguard and Hotel Security | TMZ Live

  • 2 months ago
Travis Scott couldn't put up much of a fight during his arrest ... 'cause dramatic new video shows Paris Police sent the cavalry to get him -- with several cops dragging him away and eventually taking him to a hospital via ambulance.


00:00So Travis Scott is in Paris and he scored a big win, not in the Olympics yesterday,
00:06but he had one of the charges dropped in Miami, a charge that was kind of like hanging over his
00:14head for being disruptive and possibly intoxicated over a yacht dispute. You could say he had a legal
00:21win in Miami. And he had a legal loss in Paris because he got arrested. So I guess does it all
00:26balance out? Not really. Not really, because the Paris arrest could be more serious than the public
00:32drunkenness he had in Miami. This is him being hauled out of the George Sank Hotel, very fancy
00:38hotel in Paris, but hauled out after getting into a fight. You see police not thrilled with the
00:46paparazzi around there, but Travis Scott gets hauled out of a hotel. Sorry, there are going
00:50to be photographers there. And they captured what was the tail end of a very violent encounter,
01:01according to witnesses and the police, between Travis and two different security guards. One of
01:08them being his personal bodyguard. And the other being a hotel security guard. So apparently,
01:15and we're still trying to kind of unpack this, Travis had beef with his bodyguard because he
01:23didn't like the fact that paparazzi were following him all over Paris and the bodyguard wasn't taking
01:27care of business, whatever that means. He felt like the bodyguard was kind of slacking on the job.
01:32And I can't say for sure what the bodyguard was doing, but it is true that we've seen all week
01:37while he's at the games that Travis has been followed by a lot of paparazzi and by fans
01:44everywhere he goes. Which is kind of true of any time Travis is out in public. There is Travis
01:51walking on the streets of Paris in big crowds. So look, I mean, this is the way of the world.
01:58He is famous. He knows this is going to happen. It's the Olympics. It's packed. But there was
02:04something that he didn't like about the way the bodyguard was conducting business all week. And
02:09it came to a head when they got to the hotel last night and they ended up getting into first an
02:15argument and then a physical fight when one of the hotel security guards stepped in to try and break
02:21it up. According to police, Travis struck that hotel security guard and that's why they showed
02:27up, why the police showed up on the scene. So it wasn't the bodyguard that called the police. It
02:33was the hotel on behalf of the security guard who allegedly got attacked, punched, something
02:40by Travis Scott. So can we talk about, and you can see it in some of these images,
02:46when the police are taking him out and also when he's in the lobby there of the hotel.
02:51Travis Scott is not the biggest guy in the world, right? He's small. We have yet to see
02:58exactly what the bodyguard and the hotel security guard look like. But they both have to be
03:02significantly bigger. I would imagine that they're somewhat bigger than Travis. Well, guys,
03:06we know that Travis was definitely hurt because in another, in another video that we got,
03:10we have a video of Travis being walked to an ambulance after he got out of jail and this,
03:16and he was apparently transported because during the fight, there were several vases that were
03:20shattered. So it doesn't sound like the injuries were too bad, but he was taken to a hospital to
03:25be checked for injuries. As far as the security guard that was involved in this, who belonged,
03:30who was a hotel staffer, we don't know his injuries too, but I called the hotel this morning
03:36and was repeatedly asking about what type of injuries he was facing and, you know,
03:40his situation altogether. And they were just completely silent on it.
03:44Yeah. I would imagine that the George St hotel is one of those hotels that is so fancy that,
03:49and they have a lot of celebrity, celebrity clientele. They're not going to say much.
03:53No, they're not going to say much. I got to say something. You know,
03:56who is really upset about this today? Travis Scott's lawyers in the Astroworld civil cases,
04:01because the way he conducts himself, you know, given the backdrop of Astroworld and the fact
04:10that Travis was aggressive with crowds, uh, in the past, um, you would think that the plaintiff's
04:17lawyers in this case, remember, I think there's like a billion dollars worth of alleged damages
04:22there. And, you know, you would think that the lawyers were, the plaintiffs are just like
04:28sharpening their knives now and saying that every time they see him in a public situation where he's
04:33getting in, we're going to show this to the jury and now whether or not a judge would allow it.
04:38I don't know, but the prospect of it possibly happening raises the settlement offer.
04:43I'm trying to give Travis the benefit of the doubt here. Um, and I don't know,
04:48we don't know what exactly transpired between him and this bodyguard that
04:52set off the whole thing, but I just, if his real complaint is just that there were too many crowds
04:59around, I just don't understand that because Travis has been very visible during the games.
05:04He is, by the way, he was sitting courtside yesterday when team USA, when the basketball
05:09team had that huge victory and was celebrating like nobody's business, which he should, he's a
05:15fan. But when you are Travis Scott and you're doing this at the game, yeah, people are going
05:21to pay a lot more attention to you. So you're walking the streets of Paris at night in the
05:27middle of the Olympics streets that are filled with people, by the way, you know, there are cameras
05:32when he was walking the streets, we say he clearly was uncomfortable because he even stopped at one
05:37point to ask the police if they would give him an escort, if they would help him. And they said,
05:43we can't, we have jobs that we are here to do, that we're here to do security for everyone else,
05:49not for you personally. So that didn't happen, but it does show that he was uncomfortable with
05:55whatever the situation was, whether he should have been, that's a whole other conversation.
05:59He shouldn't have been, he should have expected it. I'm sorry, he should have expected it.
06:04Hello, I am the AV show or the AV project, but you can just call me AV and I'm currently in
06:09Kansas city, Missouri. And I found this news of Travis Scott's arrest in Paris to be very
06:13disappointing and downright outrageous for a person who's shown up in fortnight who has
06:18McDonald's sponsorships and who has lots of money. He just seems like a spoiled brat who
06:23needs anger management. Thank you. Back to you, Harvey. What about Charles?
06:28No, just, just take, you take it off. You take it.
