Top 10 Weapons in Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon

  • 2 months ago
Whoever wields these weapons holds a serious advantage! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most legendary weapons featured in “Game of Thrones,” “House of the Dragon,” and – in some cases – both!


00:00They say the best swords have names. Any ideas?
00:03Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the most legendary weapons featured in Game of Thrones,
00:10House of the Dragon, and in some cases, both.
00:13Warning, expect some spoilers ahead.
00:22Number 10. Ice.
00:23Ice, the ancestral greatsword of House Stark, is one of the most iconic blades in the world of Westeros.
00:30Crafted with the extremely valuable and elusive Valyrian steel,
00:33Ice is massive, you might even call it absurdly large,
00:37reflecting the strength and honor of the Stark lineage.
00:40In the name of Robert of the House Baratheon, the first of his name.
00:43Don't look away.
00:44In a cruel and ironic twist, Ice is used to behead its own carrier, Eddard Stark,
00:49the event that prompts the War of the Five Kings.
00:54Don't go!
00:56You're hurting him!
00:58Get out of his head!
01:00The sword is later melted down and reforged into two new blades.
01:04As such, Ice's legacy endures, albeit in a rather sad way,
01:08representing both the honor and the tragic downfall of the Stark family.
01:12You can also spot Ice in House of the Dragon, held by Cregan Stark on the season 2 premiere.
01:18My father brought King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne to see the wall.
01:24The Dothraki are some of the fiercest warriors in the Seven Kingdoms,
01:27and much of their brutality is thanks to their signature means of defense.
01:39An arak is a curved blade that almost resembles a scythe,
01:42and as such, it can slice impressively hard and deep.
01:46Araks are shown to be ideal for mounted combat,
01:49allowing the equestrian Dothraki to slash efficiently while riding at high speeds.
01:54Although its shape makes it ineffective for stabbing and penetrating armor,
01:58you know some intense battling is about to go down when one is unsheathed.
02:07One of two swords reforged with Ice's steel,
02:11Oathkeeper comes to play a vital role in the series,
02:14not to mention in Brienne of Tarth's story arc.
02:17After forming an unlikely bond with Brienne,
02:19Jaime Lannister gives her the exquisite longsword so that he can fulfill her promise
02:23to the late Lady Catelyn, that is, to protect the remaining Stark children.
02:35Oathkeeper's Valyrian steel makes it exceptionally easy to use.
02:39Oathkeeper's Valyrian steel makes it exceptionally sharp and resilient,
02:42allowing it to serve this heroic character well on her journeys.
02:52Furthermore, the weapon's name, chosen by Brienne herself,
02:56reflects her unwavering dedication to honor and loyalty.
03:05This legendary Valyrian steel sword is steeped in the rich history of the Targaryen dynasty.
03:17The weapon was not only a prized possession of the family,
03:20it also served as a symbol of royal authority and power,
03:23being passed down from generation to generation as a rite of passage.
03:27According to lore, Aegon IV's bastard son Daemon took the name Blackfyre for himself
03:32and his cadet branch,
03:33leading to his rebellion for the Iron Throne to be known as the Blackfyre Rebellion.
03:45Moreover, in House of the Dragon,
03:47King Viserys I even uses Blackfyre as a scepter while in court,
03:52further showcasing its vital role in the Targaryen lineage.
03:55Arya Stark's slender sword is a weapon of profound personal significance in Game of Thrones.
04:00In one of the first season's most touching moments,
04:03Arya's half-brother Jon Snow gives her the weapon as a farewell gift.
04:11The small sword was built for speed and precision rather than brute strength.
04:15As such, Needle is well-suited for Arya's slight frame.
04:19Like her, it's small, mighty, and mighty.
04:26Arya hangs on to Needle until the very end of the show,
04:29as if the sword is an extension of her very character.
04:32Throughout Arya's tumultuous journey,
04:34Needle symbolizes her identity, uncommon skill, and unparalleled bravery.
04:45As we get to know Daenerys Targaryen's dragons,
04:48we quickly learn that not much can destroy these noble monsters.
04:52However, there are a few exceptions,
04:54including the Night King's Ice Spear and the ballistic long-range Scorpion weapons.
04:59These colossal crossbows can fire enormous bolts
05:02that prove capable of piercing right through a dragon.
05:10For this reason, they've come in handy when the fire-breathing beasts pose a threat,
05:14such as during the Dance of Dragons or the Dothraki ambush at the Gold Road.
05:19Although Scorpions definitely sound like they could be a George R.R. Martin creation,
05:24they did, believe it or not, exist in the real world,
05:27having been invented in ancient Rome.
05:33Number 4. Dark Sister
05:35Yet another Valyrian steel sword, this blade belonged to Visenya Targaryen,
05:39one of Aegon the Conqueror's sister wives.
05:42Visenya was the daughter of the late King of Westeros,
05:45but we do know that Dark Sister plays a unique role in the lore of Westeros.
05:51Prince Daemon Targaryen wishes to continue!
05:54Despite being in the possession of Daemon Targaryen in House of the Dragon,
05:58Dark Sister is said to be feminine in nature, given its light and elegant design.
06:04Notably, it's first mentioned in the series by Arya Stark,
06:07who'd grow to be one of the greatest women warriors of the Seven Kingdoms.
06:11Shudder Valyrian steel sword she called Dark Sister.
06:14Number 3. Wildfire
06:16This devastating tool of destruction is known to be the most powerful weapon of the Seven Kingdoms.
06:21It's the most powerful weapon of the Seven Kingdoms,
06:23but it's also the most dangerous weapon of the Seven Kingdoms.
06:26It's the most dangerous weapon of the Seven Kingdoms,
06:31This devastating tool of destruction is known for its intense, uncontrollable green flames.
06:36Created by the Alchemist's Guild of King's Landing,
06:39the highly unstable Wildfire can burn through almost anything,
06:42including flesh, steel, and even water.
06:46Mothra, get down!
06:55Perhaps its most memorable usage was in the Battle of the Blackwater,
06:59in which Tyrion Lannister employed the substance to obliterate Stannis Baratheon's fleet.
07:04Later, Tyrion's sister Cersei used it to destroy the Great Sept of Baelor,
07:08eliminating her enemies in a massive explosion.
07:11The unpredictability and sheer power of Wildfire make it capable of changing
07:16both the course of battles and history itself.
07:19The ancestral weapon of House Mormont,
07:22this Valyrian steel blade can be recognized by its length,
07:25uncommon lightness, and surprising flexibility.
07:32The Valyrian steel blade is a weapon of the Great Sept of Baelor,
07:35in which Tyrion Lannister used it to destroy the Great Sept of Baelor.
07:40It's the most powerful weapon of the Seven Kingdoms,
07:42but it's also the most dangerous weapon of the Seven Kingdoms.
07:46This is Valyrian steel.
07:49It's my father's sword.
07:51Jeor Mormont, Lord Commander of the Night's Watch,
07:53gives Jon Snow the sword after the latter saves his life,
07:56and Snow goes on to wield Longclaw for the rest of the series.
08:07The sword's pommel originally bore the figure of a bear,
08:10but Jeor Mormont has it changed to a direwolf,
08:12the sigil of House Stark,
08:14You could argue that Jon Snow's signature weapon symbolizes his bravery,
08:18resilience, and enduring fight against the odds.
08:26Before we unveil our top pick,
08:28here are some honorable mentions.
08:30The Red Viper's Spear,
08:32the Prince of Dorne's weapon of choice.
08:44Ser Criston Cole's Morningstar,
08:47when all else fails, use the flail.
08:59Widow's Wail, Oath Keeper's nasty sister.
09:02Every time I use it, it'll be like cutting off Ned Stark's head all over again.
09:09Nymeria Sand's Whip,
09:11Nymeria Sand's Whip,
09:13a weapon as swift and deadly as the Sand Snakes themselves.
09:20Corlys Velaryon's Battle Axe,
09:22this brutally effective weapon perfectly suits his fighting style.
09:30Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
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09:49Yes, that's right, we're talking about that dagger.
09:52It doesn't have an official name,
09:54nor does it look as threatening as some of the long swords on this list,
09:57but there's no other weapon in the Seven Kingdoms
09:59that has shown up so frequently in so many important places.
10:04In House of the Dragon,
10:05we learn that Aegon the Conqueror's prophecy is engraved into the dagger.
10:10In my blood come the prince that was promised.
10:15But those who also watched Game of Thrones have seen it before.
10:18It is in fact the same weapon that was used in Bran Stark's attempted assassination.
10:24He's dead already.
10:27As it turns out,
10:28the dagger passes through many hands before ending up with Arya Stark,
10:32who uses it to kill both Littlefinger and the Night King.
10:41Do you agree with our list?
10:42Feel free to discuss in the comments.
10:45I'll wield it in his memory.
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