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Matlock Full Episode 2024 ✅ Season 8 Episodes 4+5+6✅Matlock Full Episode Comedy American Sitcoms


00:00:00You're not following me, are you?
00:00:08Oh, that was so nice.
00:00:31What do you think?
00:00:39How come you're driving the Plymouth?
00:00:42Started right up, runs like a top.
00:00:45It's your beauty.
00:00:47You haven't had that car out in ten years.
00:00:49I wanted to show it to Martha.
00:00:51Martha who?
00:00:52Well, that's why I asked you to meet me here.
00:00:55Martha George.
00:01:00I haven't seen her in thirty years, called out of the blue.
00:01:02I want you to meet her.
00:01:21Hey, lady.
00:01:22Here, let me help you.
00:01:24Oh, thank you.
00:01:33Why does her name sound familiar?
00:01:35Well, it was a long time ago, you don't remember.
00:01:38Her husband was my first client.
00:01:40Cyrus Jordan.
00:01:44Worked in the diner.
00:01:46My dad always ate at back home in Mount Harlem.
00:01:49It was in the early sixties.
00:01:51Things were real different then.
00:02:02Yes, sir.
00:02:03The deputy needs to have his order, sir.
00:02:08What can I get you all this morning?
00:02:10Whip me up some of them biscuits and gravy like the sheriff always eats.
00:02:13Yes, sir.
00:02:14Fried eggs and grits for me.
00:02:15All righty.
00:02:28Mr. Matlock.
00:02:29I'll have the eggs ready for you in just a minute.
00:02:31All right.
00:02:33I hear you've been blueberry picking.
00:02:36Yes, sir.
00:02:37We got two pies back there.
00:02:39Ain't too sure how long they're going to last, though.
00:02:41You want me to save you a piece?
00:02:50Biscuits and gravy, Cyrus.
00:02:51Make it fast.
00:02:52Coming right up, sheriff.
00:02:54Hope you weren't planning on an old leisurely breakfast, sir.
00:02:58When we get done here, we got to get out to Willie Dodd's place and bust up that still his once and for all.
00:03:03Attorney General's office.
00:03:05Been raising can with me since eight this morning.
00:03:07I know what it is, though.
00:03:09It's the feds.
00:03:10They just itching for an excuse to get people like me fired so they can bring them integrationists down here and take over.
00:03:16That's just what we need.
00:03:18There's a bunch of Yankees coming in here telling us how to do things.
00:03:21You better get used to it.
00:03:22Changing town.
00:03:24That's what they call it up in Atlanta.
00:03:27Flushing the south down the toilet.
00:03:29That's what I call it.
00:03:31I need some coffee here, boy.
00:03:35Here, here.
00:03:40Sheriff, I stopped by the dime store this morning to get a paper.
00:03:44Frosty told me that Owen Lashley's pawn shop was robbed last night.
00:03:52Got any idea who it was?
00:03:54Like I was just saying, Charlie, I got more important matters to attend to right now.
00:03:59Now, Owen, he'll just have to wait.
00:04:01And he shouldn't have had all that cash in there to start with.
00:04:09I need me another fork, sir. I'm so mulled back here I forgot to wash this.
00:04:12All right, I'll get you one right away.
00:04:14Got me some biscuits and gravy this morning, too.
00:04:17Sure is good.
00:04:19Nice and clean.
00:04:21Gravy's burned.
00:04:23The biscuits are hard as rocks.
00:04:25This is garbage, boy.
00:04:31Now, it's bad news.
00:04:32You expect me to pay for it.
00:04:34But did you really think I was going to eat it?
00:04:37I mean, just how ignorant do you think I am?
00:04:42Besides, why don't you get the sheriff some hotcakes?
00:04:46I don't want no hotcakes.
00:04:48I want an answer.
00:04:50You think I'm ignorant, boy?
00:04:56No, sir.
00:05:00Then why do you serve me trash?
00:05:04Deputy Hayes there don't seem to mind the flavor, now.
00:05:06I say it's trash, boy!
00:05:09You know what I do with trash?
00:05:14I make trash clean it up.
00:05:30It does taste burned, like you said.
00:05:34Maybe if you took a couple meals out of his wages, he'd be more careful next time.
00:05:42Clean it up.
00:05:44And hurry.
00:06:19You all right?
00:06:21No, thank you, Mr. Matlock. I can walk just fine.
00:06:24Oh, come on, get in. You don't want to wear a hole in them new shoes, boy. You have to.
00:06:29Come on.
00:06:32All right, thank you.
00:06:35My wife bought me these shoes.
00:06:37Oh, they're nice. They look like they cost a lot.
00:06:40Well, she didn't tell me how much she paid for them.
00:06:42She just made me promise to take real good care of them.
00:06:49You know, the sheriff was having a bad day way before he got to the dining this morning.
00:06:57It wasn't you or your cooking that made him mad.
00:07:00Yeah, well, I don't pay much attention to stuff like that.
00:07:04Mr. Matlock, I just let it roll right off my back.
00:07:07Yeah. You do?
00:07:10Mm-hmm. Sort of like ward off a duck.
00:07:12You're a better man than I am, size short, and I'll tell you that.
00:07:24Are you all right?
00:07:26Yeah, I'm all right.
00:07:28This is Mr. Charlie Matlock.
00:07:30And it's true what they say?
00:07:32I don't know, son, what they say.
00:07:33That chef done fooled all over you.
00:07:37Yeah, well, that's all right.
00:07:38Why didn't you hit him?
00:07:39I don't want you talking like that. Do you hear me?
00:07:41I don't care, chef or no chef, I would have shoved his face in the grave and drowned him in it.
00:07:45Now, you quit that.
00:07:47And if you don't get your butt back in that house, you better.
00:07:49Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.
00:07:51Says so right in the Bible.
00:07:54Hi, Charlie.
00:08:03You boys growing up.
00:08:07You boys growing up.
00:08:09Voting the Bible and everything.
00:08:11Yeah, when it suits him.
00:08:14I guess that's the way it is with most of us.
00:08:18Where'd you get that old .46 Plymouth?
00:08:21Mr. Harriman gave it to me.
00:08:23For painting his house and fixing up his yard last year.
00:08:26She ran real good for a day or two.
00:08:28Then she just quit on me.
00:08:30Well, how about this?
00:08:31Next time you make a batch of blueberry pies, make me one.
00:08:35When I come out here to get it, I'll bring it to him.
00:08:38See what I can do, how about it?
00:08:41That'll be fine.
00:08:46Does the prosecution wish to cross-examine the defendant?
00:08:52Mr. Matlock.
00:08:56Yes, your honor.
00:08:58Thank you.
00:09:02So, you've never been in Jim Desmond's barn?
00:09:06I've never set foot in his barn.
00:09:08When's the last time you were on his property?
00:09:10Never set foot on his property, neither.
00:09:15Nope, never.
00:09:18When you gave blood last year, they told you you're blood type.
00:09:23Happen to remember what it is?
00:09:27AB something or other.
00:09:28AB something or other?
00:09:30AB negative.
00:09:32Pretty rare.
00:09:34But, wouldn't you know?
00:09:37It's the same type that was found on this strand of barbed wire.
00:09:41Which, as we just heard from Deputy Goodell,
00:09:44the sheriff removed from the fence beside Jim's barn the morning after the theft.
00:09:49Now, they believe
00:09:53whoever broke into the barn and stole those saddles,
00:09:56threw them over the fence,
00:09:59and crawled between the wires to make his getaway.
00:10:03Scratching himself and leaving AB negative blood on these barbs in the process.
00:10:09Well, AB negative or XYZ positive, who cares?
00:10:12Finding it there don't make it mine.
00:10:14Very true.
00:10:16But, it got me to thinking.
00:10:18If it had been me getting all cut up on rusty barbed wire like that,
00:10:22first thing I would have done is hightail it to a doctor.
00:10:27Ever been to see Doc Wilshire?
00:10:30Of course I have.
00:10:32Everybody in Mount Harlan has. He's the only doctor we got.
00:10:35When's the last time you saw him, Tara?
00:10:37I don't remember.
00:10:39July 12th, 10 a.m.
00:10:42The morning after somebody broke into Jim Desmond's barn.
00:10:46Doc Wilshire cleaned the cuts on your back,
00:10:48gave you a tetanus shot, and sent you on your way.
00:10:52Isn't that so?
00:10:59No further questions.
00:11:07That was good, son.
00:11:10Kind of let him convict himself.
00:11:13Tried to.
00:11:15Yeah, that was good.
00:11:16Yeah, that was good.
00:11:18Set the trap and let him walk right into it.
00:11:25There's something about being a D.A. that just doesn't sit right with me.
00:11:30I don't like sending people to jail.
00:11:33Well, it's steady work, and when I was your age, that's all there was to it.
00:11:38Yeah, but I'd rather do something else.
00:11:43I've been thinking about this for a while.
00:11:47I'm quitting the D.A.'s office.
00:11:50Practice law on my own from now on.
00:11:52Start defending people instead of prosecuting them.
00:11:55Oh, uh-huh.
00:11:57Kind of like...
00:11:59...Elmo Erickson, the drunk.
00:12:02Dad, just because the only criminal attorney you know is an alcoholic doesn't mean they all are.
00:12:07No, no, I know.
00:12:09Calvin Rees, he ain't no drunk.
00:12:12Of course, he never got married, neither.
00:12:16I'm going to the office. I'll talk to you later.
00:12:24You checked all the windows and doors and you didn't find nothing opened or busted?
00:12:30Nope. I come in this morning, everything was clean as a whistle.
00:12:33It wasn't till I opened the cash register that I realized I'd been robbed.
00:12:37And nothing else in the shop was missing? No cameras, no jewelry?
00:12:41Nope. Just the money.
00:12:44Owen, how many times we got to tell you?
00:12:48Keep your money in the bank, not at the store.
00:12:51It's a pawn shop, Wes. I gotta have money.
00:12:54And here's the worst part.
00:12:56My mama's gone to Florida.
00:12:58And I wrote her phone number on a $50 bill.
00:13:01Now I can't call her.
00:13:03You saying the stolen bill's got a phone number written down on it?
00:13:07Yes, sir. On the front?
00:13:09Or the back?
00:13:11Well, it was on the front.
00:13:12Right next door, Ulysses S. Grant.
00:13:15Now that's what I call a leave.
00:13:17I'll get on it first thing in the morning.
00:13:19No, you won't.
00:13:21Not till the Attorney General's office quits breathing down my neck.
00:13:25I'm going to personally oversee each and every criminal investigation we undertake.
00:13:30I tell you.
00:13:32Why don't you head on home, silly? I can finish up here.
00:13:35Sounds good to me.
00:13:37The foul lady just hates it when I'm late for supper.
00:13:40I'll see you in the morning.
00:13:44This, uh, phone number in Florida.
00:13:48The other one there about takes care of that.
00:13:51If and when we find that $50 bill, we may have ourselves a thief.
00:13:55Uh-oh. Somebody lost their wallet.
00:14:02I swear that man would lose his head if it wasn't bolted on.
00:14:07Hey, Sully. This here's the sheriff. Do you read me?
00:14:09I hear you, Wes. What's going on?
00:14:12You left your wallet here, boy.
00:14:15And where the heck are you anyway? I can hardly hear you.
00:14:18I'm out of town. About two blocks from home. Just stick it in my desk.
00:14:22I'll get it in the morning.
00:14:25Well, you know you're out there driving around without a license now.
00:14:30If I see you, I'm going to have to arrest you.
00:15:40Don't you work too hard?
00:15:42Yeah. Carl, come here, girl.
00:15:46I want you to be good in school and learn something from me today, all right?
00:15:50Give me some sugar.
00:15:54Gamble. Mr. Know-it-all.
00:15:57Boy, you got to work on that temper.
00:16:02I'll stand back.
00:16:04You're under arrest, boy.
00:16:06For what?
00:16:07Leave my daddy alone.
00:16:09For murder and sheriff's flattery. What the hell you think?
00:16:32My, my. Don't you look fine.
00:16:35Oh, well.
00:16:37Leanne, I am so pleased to meet you, Miss Jordan.
00:16:40I was just telling Leanne about you and Cyrus and that time he was accused of murder.
00:16:46I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for your granddaddy.
00:16:50Sit down, honey.
00:16:52Your daddy never was one for making a long story short.
00:16:55So, where were you?
00:16:57Well, I was telling her about the morning Cyrus was arrested.
00:17:03Dad called and asked me to come over for lunch.
00:17:06You're making me hot dogs.
00:17:09They're your favorite, ain't they?
00:17:13You've been telling me I've been eating too many of them for years.
00:17:17What are you up to?
00:17:19Just trying to fix you something you like.
00:17:23Oh, I just want you to know that if you want to quit your job uptown, it's all right with me.
00:17:28I just want you to know that if you want to quit your job uptown, it's all right with me.
00:17:31I just want you to know that if you want to quit your job uptown, it's all right with me.
00:17:36And what else?
00:17:38Well, I...
00:17:40I might have a client for you.
00:17:43Hey, Pop, that's great.
00:17:46Of course.
00:17:48If you take him on, it'll have to be for free.
00:18:01I was at home all night.
00:18:02You can ask Martha. She'll tell you.
00:18:06That ain't good enough, is it?
00:18:08For me, it is.
00:18:12not for a jury.
00:18:14I consider her a little biased.
00:18:17Any idea how your knife wound up being used as a murder weapon?
00:18:21Will you quit saying that? It ain't my knife!
00:18:28I use it when I'm working.
00:18:29I use it when I'm working.
00:18:32Pete says you were using that knife to cut up blueberry pies yesterday.
00:18:39Traces of blueberry juice at the lab found on the sheriff's shirt, and one of the stab wounds confirmed that.
00:18:48I left the knife for Moley to have cleaned the next morning, like always.
00:18:53Somebody just must have broke in there and took it when everybody went home.
00:19:00Somebody know about that run-in you had with the sheriff?
00:19:05You know how fast word travels around this town. Could have been anybody.
00:19:11They won't let me see Martha.
00:19:16It wouldn't be so bad in here, but they just won't let me see Martha.
00:19:26Maybe I can get you out on bail.
00:19:37You can get me out of here?
00:19:42I used to work with these guys. Maybe they'll do me a favor.
00:19:48Look, I can't make bail money, so what's the difference?
00:19:54Well, Ben and me can help you out.
00:19:57Uh, Dad, that's a lot of money.
00:20:03Um, I stand on my own, as always.
00:20:09And, uh, since I ain't got no money, I just assume staying here.
00:20:28Uh, Sarah, if I was to buy something from you, well, that wouldn't be charity, would it?
00:20:42Used to hate that old car of yours. Wouldn't never let me forget how Mr. Harriman cheated you.
00:20:48The man knew that car was gonna break down.
00:20:51But I don't hate it no more.
00:20:54When's Mr. Matlock picking it up?
00:20:55Tomorrow afternoon.
00:20:57Feels so good to have your arms around me again.
00:21:04Hey, boy!
00:21:06Get down!
00:21:07Get down!
00:21:30That's Martha's brother from Brunswick. Her and the young'uns are gonna stay there till this thing's over.
00:21:38What's wrong with people, anyway?
00:21:45Need some help?
00:21:47No, I think we got her if she don't jump.
00:21:50All right.
00:21:52You ain't gonna stay here, are you?
00:21:54Of course I am. This is my home.
00:21:56Well, I got a feeling them jackasses might come back. You can't stay here.
00:22:02Well, I don't have a choice. I don't have nowhere else to go.
00:22:04Well, that ain't so. I got extra bed at my house.
00:22:08No, no, I appreciate it, but I'll just stay home.
00:22:13But you can't stay here. They might do something to you.
00:22:17Look, I'm gonna get hung anyway. So what the hell difference does it make?
00:22:21He ain't gonna get me off and we both know it.
00:22:24Well, actually, I think I can.
00:22:29Or at least I intend to try my damnedest.
00:22:33Well, thinking and trying is a long way up the road from doing.
00:22:37I got you out on bail, didn't I?
00:22:40All the gun-toting jackasses in the world can't change the fact, Cyrus.
00:22:45Fact is, you're innocent. That means something.
00:22:49Yeah, something do that.
00:22:51That's right. Get your stuff together. We'll wait.
00:23:10Sorry I can't help with the dishes, but I got a lot of reading to catch up on.
00:23:14You've done enough. You go ahead.
00:23:16Mr. Matlock, where y'all learn to cook like this?
00:23:19Well, let's just say it wasn't from my father. I'll see you in the morning.
00:23:28No, no, no. You just sit there.
00:23:34That's a fine house you got here.
00:23:39Real fine boy, too. You must be real proud of him.
00:23:41Well, yeah.
00:23:42No more than you are a gambler. He's a fine boy, smart, got a head on his shoulders.
00:23:49He got a temper, too. He get that from you or Mama?
00:23:52Me, I guess.
00:23:55He didn't learn to hold it in yet, huh?
00:23:58No, he ain't had too much practice yet.
00:24:02Come on, now. Let me take this in.
00:24:04No, no. Sit there. Let's talk about things.
00:24:08You know, the only place we know one another is down at the diner.
00:24:10The way I see it, that's like not knowing one another at all.
00:24:15Well, ain't a whole lot to know, Mr. Madeline.
00:24:19Charlie. It's Charlie.
00:24:22You like cooking for folks?
00:24:27I like feeding my family.
00:24:30Look, I ain't too good at this talking, so unless you want me to go in there and get on them dishes, I'm just gonna turn in.
00:24:37And again, I can't thank you enough, Mr. Madlock.
00:24:43No, sir.
00:24:45No, it ain't. It's Mr. Madlock.
00:24:48White folks hear me calling you Charlie around that diner around town, they...
00:24:55They just don't like that.
00:25:00Mr. Madlock, you're a good man.
00:25:05You're a good man. And I don't mean you no disrespect.
00:25:10But some things are the way they are.
00:25:35They burned a cross on Grandpa's lawn?
00:25:38When Cyrus sent us to live with my brother, it was because he didn't want us to be there if things turned ugly.
00:25:48And back then, when a black man was accused of murdering a white man, things could turn real ugly.
00:25:56And what happened?
00:25:59My father put the fire out and called the sheriff's office.
00:26:01Nobody showed up till the next morning.
00:26:04Might as well not have shown up at all.
00:26:10I'm telling you, it was Mitchell Crane.
00:26:13He's wearing that ball cap, you know, with the bill turned up where he looks like some kind of giant duck.
00:26:19It was nighttime, Charlie. You can't be sure what you saw.
00:26:22That fire going is bright as day out here.
00:26:25Even if it was Mitchell Crane, I wouldn't know what he was doing.
00:26:28Even if it was Mitchell Crane, I wouldn't have arrested him anyway. I mean, what's the crime?
00:26:34Trespassing. Destruction of property.
00:26:37Some of your grass got burned. It'll grow back. In fact, them ashes will probably do it some good.
00:26:42You're telling me it's all right to go around burning stuff in other people's yards?
00:26:47Look, we'll do everything we can to make sure nothing else happens.
00:26:51If you use some common sense when it comes to who stays at your house, you know as well as I do none of this would have happened.
00:26:59Dad, where are you going?
00:27:01Get breakfast.
00:27:05Ah, Alma. Alma, I need them hotcakes, all right?
00:27:10Come on.
00:27:12Sorry, Pop.
00:27:18I don't know.
00:27:20I don't know.
00:27:22I don't know.
00:27:24I don't know.
00:27:26I don't know.
00:27:31That's a nice looking cap you got there, Mitchell.
00:27:35If you'll get turned up that way by accident, or do you want to go around looking like a moron?
00:27:41You say something to me, old man.
00:27:44Fill up like that, can't keep the sun out of your eyes.
00:27:48You don't need it to keep your head warm. You're too good at lighting fires.
00:27:51Lighting fires?
00:27:54Certain people need to learn certain things just ain't done around here.
00:28:01It just seems to me that lighting fires in other people's yards is a pretty dumb way to make a point.
00:28:13But if you ever get the urge to do it again, burn something else.
00:28:17I see you and yours in church all the time.
00:28:21I guess the cross don't mean nothing to you.
00:28:24Just don't seem Christian to use the cross as a symbol of hate.
00:28:29Maybe Reverend Weber ought to talk on that sometime.
00:28:34Maybe he ought to talk on how we're supposed to love our brothers.
00:28:40Treat them like we want them to treat us.
00:28:42Why don't you shut up?
00:28:58Two orange eggs over easy, side of bacon, side of sausage and grits. Don't forget them hotcakes, all right?
00:29:03I see you got your wife working.
00:29:05Him, my boy, and I'm still shorthanded.
00:29:07Why don't you hire Cyrus back?
00:29:09I can't have no colored murderer working here.
00:29:12Cyrus ain't no murderer.
00:29:14I know he ain't, but that's what everybody thinks.
00:29:17If people stopped coming in here, I'd go out of business.
00:29:20How long do you think you're going to stay in business and people have to wait a half hour for their grits?
00:29:26Cyrus is the best man that ever worked for me.
00:29:28If it was just me, I'd hire him back in a second, but I got Alma to think about in the youngins.
00:29:34Did it ever occur to you that you hired him back?
00:29:36Did it ever occur to you that you hired him back?
00:29:39People see how much you trust him.
00:29:41They might get to thinking maybe he's not a killer.
00:29:44Hey, you got them hotcakes yet?
00:29:47Dang it, Alma, where are them hotcakes? Come on!
00:30:02What are you doing?
00:30:03What are you doing?
00:30:05Well, I'm going over to Moley's.
00:30:09Cyrus, you can't go over there. You won't be safe.
00:30:14Mr. Matlock, you done done enough for me already.
00:30:18Just what I'd do for any friend of mine.
00:30:23Mr. Matlock, we ain't friends.
00:30:27And never gonna be.
00:30:28Truth of the matter is, if all this hadn't happened, I never would have set one foot in your place.
00:30:33Never eat here, never even had my family here.
00:30:38No, I'm best off with my own kind.
00:30:49Cyrus, you know, a lot of them people down there don't like you.
00:30:56People down there at the diner, ignoramuses.
00:31:04I'm gonna tell you something I believe.
00:31:07I ain't gonna tell you that I've liked every colored man I've met.
00:31:13And I sure as hell ain't liked every white man I've met.
00:31:18But I like you.
00:31:21You got a nice smile.
00:31:24Head on your shoulders.
00:31:26Make the best blueberry pie on the face of this earth.
00:31:30And I ain't ignoring the fact that you'll call it that's part of who you are.
00:31:37But if neither the whites nor the colors can start taking it one person at a time, instead of lumping everybody together,
00:31:45then all the marching and protesting and integrating in the world ain't gonna amount to a hell of a thing.
00:31:50It ain't gonna amount to a hell of a thing.
00:31:54Well, it really ain't that hard to make a decent blueberry pie.
00:32:02I could probably teach you how.
00:32:05Probably not.
00:32:10Give it a try.
00:32:20Hi, Dad. How come you're not at the service station?
00:32:24I stayed home so Cyrus could teach me to make blueberry pie.
00:32:28You made that?
00:32:31I helped.
00:32:33What'd you do?
00:32:35I picked the berries, washed them, tried to make the crust.
00:32:40But after I'd pretty much destroyed two batches of dough trying to roll it out, Cyrus took over.
00:32:46Where you been?
00:32:48Talking to Owen Lashley.
00:32:50Last person to see Sheriff Slattery alive.
00:32:53What'd he say?
00:32:55Well, he went down to the sheriff's station around 8 o'clock that night to answer questions about that burglary at his pawn shop.
00:33:05And the sheriff sent Sully home around 8.30 and Owen left about a half hour later.
00:33:12What time'd Wes' wife find him dead?
00:33:17So whoever killed him must have been hiding outside the office waiting for Wes to be by himself.
00:33:29Did you say you put new radios in all three sheriff's cars last week?
00:33:35Well, apparently Sully left his wallet at the office that night and when the sheriff radioed him to tell him,
00:33:43Owen says the static was so bad on Sully's end he could hardly hear what he was saying.
00:33:49Static? That radio's fresh from the factory.
00:33:53Well, I thought you'd want to know.
00:34:08Been there nearly a half hour. When's your daddy gonna call?
00:34:10Soon as he gets to where Sully was that night.
00:34:13I really appreciate your doing this, Owen.
00:34:16Things like this drive my father crazy.
00:34:19He's got to know whether it's the radio or the work he did installing it's bad.
00:34:23Hello, Ben? It's Charlie.
00:34:26You there? Hello?
00:34:28I'm here, Dad. Where are you?
00:34:31Chesterfield Road, about two blocks from Sully's house.
00:34:34How's the static?
00:34:36Nothing like it was that night.
00:34:37Nothing like it was that night.
00:34:39Dad, you're coming in clear as a bell.
00:34:41That don't make no sense.
00:34:44Maybe Sully said he was somewhere else and Owen heard it wrong.
00:34:48Before he left the office, he said he was going home to supper.
00:34:51Owen says Sully said he was going straight home, Dad.
00:34:55So, can Owen go now?
00:34:59No! Don't let Owen leave till I call you back, hear me? Don't let him leave.
00:35:08I gotta go. Lord, I'm as crazy as your pa for staying this long.
00:35:12No, Ben. Owen's still there.
00:35:16That's it. That's the way it sounded that night.
00:35:20We can hardly hear you for the static, Dad. Where are you?
00:35:27A lot closer than before.
00:35:39Hello, Sully.
00:35:43Hello, Ben, Charlie. What brings you out here?
00:35:46I need to talk to you, Sully.
00:35:48Yeah? About what?
00:35:50About, uh, burglary over at Owen Lashley's place.
00:35:54About what?
00:35:56About, uh, burglary over at Owen Lashley's pawn shop.
00:36:00How's the investigation going?
00:36:02It's coming. Slow, but sure.
00:36:05Found that $50 bill with the phone number on it yet?
00:36:09I told you about that.
00:36:11Owen, as soon as we found out you were behind the sheriff's office
00:36:16when Wes radioed you about losing your wallet that night,
00:36:20we asked Owen a whole lot of questions.
00:36:22I don't know what you're talking about.
00:36:25We just come from the bank, Sully. Vera. You know, teller, tall, red hair.
00:36:31She remembers that big deposit you made the day after the robbery.
00:36:35One of the bills had a phone number on it.
00:36:38She asked if you needed to copy it down. You said no.
00:36:41That's why you killed the sheriff, isn't it?
00:36:44So he wouldn't find out you were the burglar.
00:36:47Ooh, you boys is barking up the wrong tree.
00:36:53We told Deputy Vance, and he told the state patrol,
00:36:58come clean and they might go easy on you, Sully.
00:37:01Burglary's one thing.
00:37:04But this don't prove I'm a murderer.
00:37:07Especially seeing that I'm white, and your boy is colored.
00:37:11Compared to that, this don't mean nothing.
00:37:23How come you're here so late?
00:37:26Couldn't sleep.
00:37:28Sit down, I'll cut you a piece of pie.
00:37:31No thanks, Pop.
00:37:35How about a couple of hands of gin?
00:37:38No, thanks, Pop.
00:37:40I don't drink.
00:37:42I don't drink.
00:37:44I don't drink.
00:37:46I don't drink.
00:37:48I don't drink.
00:37:49How about a couple of hands of gin?
00:37:54I don't know if that's such a good idea.
00:37:57You know how you get when you lose.
00:38:01Just that once,
00:38:03that glass of tomato juice slipped off the table.
00:38:06I didn't do it on purpose.
00:38:08So clear through my overhauls.
00:38:11It was an accident, Dad.
00:38:27Are all the face cards on top of this deck?
00:38:31You shuffled, I didn't.
00:38:41Are you sure this is a full deck?
00:38:44You're getting testy already.
00:38:46No, I'm not.
00:38:57I'm sorry, Dad.
00:39:02at least the tomato juice washed down.
00:39:05Don't move. Just sit there. I'll clean it up.
00:39:10Your mother always said blueberry stains won't come out.
00:39:15Oh, Lord, it's not coming out.
00:39:36I understand you were recently charged with a crime, Deputy.
00:39:39Objection. That is irrelevant to these proceedings.
00:39:42Goes to motive, Your Honor.
00:39:44Motive? Who's on trial here?
00:39:46The wrong man.
00:39:47And if you let me continue, I'll prove it.
00:39:50Go ahead.
00:39:53What crime were you charged with, Deputy Hayes?
00:39:57They say I stole some money from Owen Lashley's pawn shop.
00:40:01Prior to the sheriff's death,
00:40:03who in the department normally investigated burglaries?
00:40:09But when you and the sheriff interviewed Owen about the burglary at his place,
00:40:13the crime with which you've been charged,
00:40:15the sheriff said he'd investigate the case, didn't he?
00:40:20Must have come as quite a shock.
00:40:22After all, you were counting on investigating that case, weren't you?
00:40:26So you could make sure it was never solved.
00:40:28That ain't true.
00:40:29You mean the fact that the sheriff wound up dead
00:40:33before he could look into that burglary is just a big coincidence?
00:40:37That's right.
00:40:38Everybody knows that that colored fellow over there done it.
00:40:42He got mad at Wes for insulting his cooking.
00:40:45And he killed him with his knife.
00:40:49His kind do stuff like that all the time.
00:40:52And all you're doing is muddying the water.
00:40:56Trying to confuse them good people over there.
00:41:04Before your arrest,
00:41:06you had a key to just about every place of business in Mount Harlan, didn't you?
00:41:11For when you pulled night patrol duty.
00:41:13Yeah, that's right.
00:41:14Have a key to the pawn shop?
00:41:17You also had a key to the diner, didn't you?
00:41:22You used that key to get into the diner
00:41:25after you left the sheriff's office that night, didn't you?
00:41:27I most certainly did not.
00:41:28And being real careful not to disturb any of the fingerprints
00:41:32or blueberry juice that was on it,
00:41:35you stole one of Cyrus Jordan's knives, didn't you?
00:41:39And then you went to your patrol car,
00:41:41and instead of going home,
00:41:43you waited in your car outside the back of the sheriff's station, didn't you?
00:41:48No, that ain't true.
00:41:50You knew the sheriff would be calling you
00:41:52because you accidentally on purpose left your wallet there.
00:41:56What are you talking about?
00:41:57So you waited and waited.
00:42:00And sure enough, he called you.
00:42:03Giving you a chance to make him and Owen think
00:42:07that you were just two blocks from home.
00:42:10So later on, Owen could give you an alibi.
00:42:13Isn't that right, Sully?
00:42:15No, that ain't right.
00:42:16And after that, you waited till Owen was gone.
00:42:20And then you snuck in the sheriff's office through the back door
00:42:24and then used the knife from the diner
00:42:27to kill Sheriff Slattery so no one would ever find out
00:42:30you were a common thief.
00:42:33Didn't you?
00:42:36Yes, you did, Sully.
00:42:37I know because I got proof.
00:42:40I got proof right here.
00:42:42Deputy Vance removed this from your patrol car,
00:42:46the one you were driving that night.
00:42:49It's the floor mat from the driver's side.
00:42:54Mind telling the court what made these stains, Sully?
00:42:59They're blueberry stains, aren't they, Sully?
00:43:09They're, uh... It's grape juice.
00:43:12I was eating in my car and it spilled.
00:43:15Well, if that were the case,
00:43:18those stains would be on top of the floor mat,
00:43:21not on the bottom.
00:43:24Police lab over in Atlanta says these are blueberry stains.
00:43:28How'd they get there?
00:43:29Well, after you stole Cyrus' knife from the diner that night,
00:43:34you had to keep it out of sight
00:43:36while you were waiting for Owen to leave the sheriff's office.
00:43:39So you put it down by your feet,
00:43:42underneath the floor mat.
00:43:45Didn't you, Sully?
00:44:06Next morning, the jury found Cyrus innocent.
00:44:09And by the end of the day, he was back working at the diner.
00:44:13And me and the children came back the day after.
00:44:17And from then on, life seemed to get better.
00:44:21Cyrus seemed more at peace with himself somehow.
00:44:25And Gamble, well,
00:44:27white folks finding his daddy innocent like that
00:44:31gave him something he'd been missing his whole life.
00:44:36Where's Gamble now?
00:44:37Columbus, Ohio.
00:44:39Got his own advertising company in Cora.
00:44:42She's married.
00:44:44Mother of three.
00:44:47And what about Cyrus?
00:44:51That's why I called your daddy.
00:44:55Cyrus passed away three weeks ago.
00:44:58I'm so sorry.
00:45:00He was a fine man, Martha. I'll never forget it.
00:45:05I got something I want to show you.
00:45:07Close your eyes.
00:45:14Okay, now open them.
00:45:20You still got that old car?
00:45:22Always my father's pride and joy.
00:45:24He was a good man, too.
00:45:27Your daddy and granddaddy set our lives on a good course.
00:45:31I just thought somebody ought to thank him.
00:45:35Or it's too late.
00:45:44Dad. Dad.
00:45:46This isn't your case. You're not involved.
00:45:50Can we go back to the hotel now?
00:45:54Come on.
00:45:57Come on.
00:46:02Let's stop by the district attorney's office first.
00:46:20I think you've arrested the wrong man.
00:46:22I find that very hard to believe.
00:46:24I was there, across the street in the hotel.
00:46:26I could see into the house.
00:46:28Somebody else was inside by the time this Cameron fella came home.
00:46:33Could you identify this individual?
00:46:36No. No.
00:46:37By the time Mr. Cameron arrived, the house was dark.
00:46:40But somebody else was there.
00:46:42Mr. Matlock, are you aware of the evidence against...
00:46:45Can I just finish?
00:46:48Of course.
00:46:49Earlier in the evening, when the lights were still on, I could see.
00:46:53I saw the dead woman, but she's still alive, fighting with another man.
00:46:57She slapped him. He slapped her up against the wall.
00:47:03Are you done?
00:47:08Mr. Matlock.
00:47:11You know that I respect you and your reputation.
00:47:14But the, uh...
00:47:17The evidence here is simple, and in my estimation, it's conclusive.
00:47:22The murder weapon was a kitchen knife with prints on it from two people.
00:47:26The victim and her husband.
00:47:28No one else.
00:47:29Two months ago, Philip Cameron took out a half-million-dollar life insurance policy on his wife.
00:47:34And most damning of all, she was having an affair, and he knew about it.
00:47:39Somebody ran out of the house just as he got home.
00:47:43Mr. Matlock, I wish more people would come forward and get involved the way you have today.
00:47:48But the evidence here is overwhelming.
00:47:51It's a slam-dunk case. Murder one.
00:47:54Murder's not a basketball game.
00:47:59Well, thank you for coming by.
00:48:07Come on, Dad. Let's go home.
00:48:09I didn't even listen to him.
00:48:11You did the best you could.
00:48:15Let's go see Philip Cameron.
00:48:18I want to talk to him.
00:48:19Dad, you're a potential witness in this case. You can't represent him.
00:48:23No, but you can.
00:48:32Did you tell the DA you saw someone in the house?
00:48:34Yeah, but he's gonna prosecute anyway.
00:48:36I understand.
00:48:37He thinks he's got a strong case.
00:48:39What is happening to me?
00:48:42Helene and I had this simple, good life down in Porterville, and nothing has gone right since we came here.
00:48:46Is that where you're from, Porterville?
00:48:54I didn't kill Helene. I loved her.
00:48:58Truth is, she was having an affair.
00:49:02And I was mad, but I was trying to get her back.
00:49:04DA's gonna say you were so angry about the affair, you killed her in order to collect the insurance money.
00:49:11No, I never took any insurance out on her.
00:49:14There was a half-million-dollar policy on our life.
00:49:17No, I didn't do that.
00:49:20Why don't you tell us what happened that night?
00:49:24The night Helene died, we had dinner together.
00:49:28We barbecued some hot dogs.
00:49:33What are you, some kind of peeping Tom?
00:49:36I wasn't peeping. I just saw you fixed hot dogs, for heaven's sakes.
00:49:42Go on.
00:49:43Over dinner, we decided to give our marriage another go.
00:49:46She was gonna break it off with her boyfriend that evening, which is why I went to the office for...
00:49:51I don't know how long.
00:49:53So that they could be alone.
00:49:55This fella look like?
00:49:576'2", slender, brown hair.
00:50:00Actor. Wayne Drummond.
00:50:03Sounds like the fella I saw fighting with her that night.
00:50:06Thinks he's God's gift to women.
00:50:09Maybe he doesn't like being rejected.
00:50:12Maybe he took out the insurance, killed her and framed you for the murder.
00:50:17Why would he do that?
00:50:19I don't know.
00:50:20Wanna try and find out?
00:50:25Let me translate that for you.
00:50:26My father's asking me if I want to represent you.
00:50:29Question is, do you want me to represent you?
00:50:33You bet.
00:50:43You found your wife in the kitchen?
00:50:47Did you touch the knife?
00:50:52What floor were you on?
00:50:55Saw everything?
00:50:58Do you mind my asking what you were doing peeping into this house?
00:51:01I wasn't peeping.
00:51:03I didn't feel well and I was bored and I looked out the window.
00:51:07I wasn't peeping.
00:51:09No, I wasn't peeping.
00:51:12When this is over, I'm going to sell this place.
00:51:14Until then, I suggest you get some blinds.
00:51:28There you go.
00:51:29What is it, Dad?
00:51:45TRI 2L9.
00:51:47TRI 2L9.
00:51:52TRI 2L9.
00:51:557, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10.
00:52:02Dad, it just upsets you.
00:52:04Did I throw my cards the other night?
00:52:06No, but you didn't talk to me for an hour and a half.
00:52:09I didn't feel good.
00:52:10I had a stomachache.
00:52:11I feel better now.
00:52:17Your little winning streak of seven straight hands is about to come to an end.
00:52:23Nine straight hands.
00:52:25Take a card.
00:52:35That's going to fill a nice little hole right here.
00:52:43Now, isn't this fun?
00:52:45It's a joy, Dad.
00:52:54Something tells me you need this little card.
00:53:00No, you don't need this little card.
00:53:20Very much alive.
00:53:23Well, we've taken up enough of your time.
00:53:25Thanks very much.
00:53:30You know, there's another way to look at this.
00:53:34Maybe Helene asked him for a divorce.
00:53:37Maybe that's why he killed her.
00:53:47Maybe I misunderstood everything I saw.
00:54:19So, what do you think?
00:54:33He grabbed her and tried to kiss her.
00:54:35She slapped him, then he went for her and grabbed her again.
00:54:41That's just what happened in the play.
00:54:44So, where does that leave us?
00:54:53Someone was in the house when Philip Cameron came home.
00:55:00Are you sure?
00:55:03That's all we need.
00:55:11Miss Galloway, how long have you lived next door to Philip and Helene Cameron?
00:55:17Four years, ever since they moved in.
00:55:20Four years, ever since they moved in.
00:55:22Did they seem like they were happily married?
00:55:24Objection, Your Honor. No foundation calls for a speculation.
00:55:27I'll rephrase.
00:55:28Miss Galloway, in the last six months, did you witness any fights between Philip and Helene Cameron?
00:55:33Oh, yes, I have.
00:55:35And were you aware of what they were fighting about?
00:55:38It was very clear. Mr. Cameron was very angry.
00:55:41He told his wife that she would have to stop seeing another man.
00:55:45He told her that she was destroying their marriage and he wouldn't stand for it.
00:55:49You say he was very upset and very angry?
00:55:54Thank you.
00:55:58So, Chinese, Italian?
00:56:00Dead. We did a thorough examination of the crime scene.
00:56:11Did you find the murder weapon, Detective?
00:56:14Yes, sir. It was a six-inch carving knife.
00:56:17Did you find any fingerprints on the knife?
00:56:19Yes, sir, we did.
00:56:20By the morning, we were able to establish two sets of prints.
00:56:24The victim's Helene Cameron and the defendant's Philip Cameron.
00:56:29It was at that time that we placed Mr. Cameron under arrest.
00:56:32Thank you.
00:56:33Nothing further?
00:56:36Miss McIntyre?
00:56:39Miss McIntyre?
00:56:40Yes, Your Honor.
00:56:41Detective Cavallo, did you tell Mr. Cameron that his fingerprints were on the knife?
00:56:46Yes, I did.
00:56:47What did he say?
00:56:48He said it was the only sharp knife in the house and he used it to carve three or four times a week.
00:56:53Thank you.
00:56:55Mr. Weigott?
00:56:57At ease. Stay at rest, Your Honor.
00:56:59Is the defense ready?
00:57:01Yes, we are, Your Honor, and for my first witness, I would like to call Mr. Benjamin Matlock.
00:57:07Benjamin Matlock.
00:57:16You found Karen?
00:57:18Yeah, right now she's outside the Cameron house sitting in her car.
00:57:22What's she doing in her car?
00:57:24I give up.
00:57:25I just followed her here.
00:57:27First she was with Wayne at the bar, then she came here.
00:57:31And right now, all she's doing is sitting in her car watching the house.
00:57:35Anybody in there?
00:57:36Uh, nope.
00:57:39Dad, come on. Come on.
00:57:42Conrad, stay on her. I gotta go.
00:57:48Mr. Matlock, where were you on the night of Saturday, March 18th?
00:57:53The Wilmont Hotel.
00:57:54Situated where?
00:57:553231 Oleander Drive.
00:57:58That's right across the street from 3230 Oleander Drive, the Cameron's house.
00:58:02That's right.
00:58:03That night, did you have a clear view of the Cameron's house from your hotel window?
00:58:08Yes, I could see directly into the den.
00:58:11At around midnight, did you see Mr. Cameron coming home?
00:58:14Yes, I saw Mr. Cameron drive his car up to his garage.
00:58:17At that time, did you see anything else?
00:58:19Yeah, the minute he slammed his car door, I saw a shadowy figure run from the den and out the side of the garage.
00:58:26Let me make sure I understand you.
00:58:28You're saying that someone else was in the house when Mr. Cameron returned home.
00:58:32I'm certain of it.
00:58:33Thank you, Mr. Matlock.
00:59:02What brought you to the Wilmont Hotel, Mr. Matlock?
00:59:30All I know is getting married.
00:59:32How was the wedding?
00:59:34I didn't go.
00:59:36Why not?
00:59:38I wasn't feeling well.
00:59:39Well, you must have been feeling pretty sick to drive all the way from Willow Springs and then decide not to go to the wedding.
00:59:45It was just a little stomach ache.
00:59:47Did you take any medication for this little stomach ache?
00:59:51The doctor prescribed something.
00:59:53Something that required a prescription?
00:59:56Was there any narcotic in it?
00:59:58Something to help you sleep?
01:00:05How far away do you think your window at the Wilmont Hotel was from the Cameron's house?
01:00:11I don't know.
01:00:13Please, your best guess.
01:00:17Forty, fifty yards.
01:00:20And while you were peeping from this window, you saw this shadowy figure.
01:00:24I wasn't peeping.
01:00:25Objection, your honor.
01:00:27Sustained, Mr. Weigart.
01:00:29Very idea.
01:00:31Mr. Matlock.
01:00:32Your honor, you know me.
01:00:35He said I was peeping.
01:00:37How dare you?
01:00:39May I continue?
01:00:41Go ahead.
01:00:43Mr. Matlock, are you sure you saw this shadowy figure?
01:00:49Was he tall?
01:00:54Black or white?
01:00:56A man or a woman?
01:00:58You're not really sure who or even what you saw, are you, Mr. Matlock?
01:01:03I saw somebody.
01:01:05Let's be perfectly clear about what happened on Saturday night, March the 18th.
01:01:09It was dark outside and the lights were off in the Cameron's house.
01:01:13You were at least 40 yards away, taking narcotics,
01:01:16which, according to the prescription, would have affected your perceptions,
01:01:19and still you want us to believe that you saw this shadowy figure
01:01:23come running out of the back of the Cameron's house.
01:01:26Are you sure it wasn't just a shadow, Mr. Matlock?
01:01:31That given the darkness and your drug state, you weren't just imagining things?
01:01:36I saw somebody.
01:01:44Nothing further, Your Honor.
01:01:47And I wasn't peeping.
01:02:09Why don't we do it the easy way?
01:02:21What's in the mail?
01:02:23I don't know what you're talking about.
01:02:26You fight with mailmen on a daily basis?
01:02:31Well, why don't we just take a look?
01:02:40No, no, no.
01:02:43Thank you.
01:02:44Give me that.
01:02:45No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
01:02:54Dear Helene,
01:02:56I thought writing you would be better than showing up on your doorstep
01:02:59and possibly doing something I would regret.
01:03:02Wayne will never love you the way he loves me.
01:03:05He will use you as he used other women,
01:03:08but will always come back to me.
01:03:13What did you think you would do that you might regret?
01:03:16I wrote her a letter.
01:03:19She was sleeping with my boyfriend.
01:03:24Your boyfriend?
01:03:26I thought...
01:03:29I didn't kill her.
01:03:31Well, you weren't at home either.
01:03:33I was sleeping.
01:03:34How would you know anyway?
01:03:36As luck would have it, the smoke alarms went off in your building.
01:03:39All of the apartments were evacuated.
01:03:42You weren't there.
01:03:44I told you.
01:03:45I didn't kill her.
01:03:49And where were you?
01:03:52All right.
01:03:56I have another job at night.
01:04:00I answer calls on a 900 number.
01:04:05What kind of calls?
01:04:12Talking to lonely men.
01:04:14Sex on the telephone?
01:04:19So when I was driving away that night, that's where I went.
01:04:23I was there till about three in the morning.
01:04:26Maybe you're just going to have to pin this murder on somebody else.
01:04:50You ever call one of those 900 sex numbers?
01:04:54You ever call one of those 900 sex numbers?
01:04:57Too expensive?
01:04:59I don't want to call up somebody and have them talk dirty to me.
01:05:02Too expensive.
01:05:04I went over there today.
01:05:05You should see some of those women answering phones.
01:05:09What women answering phones?
01:05:11I was just telling Ben I checked Karen Garber's alibi.
01:05:13She was answering phones that night.
01:05:16I get this kind of bad feeling.
01:05:19If Karen didn't kill Helene Cameron...
01:05:21Don't even say it, Dad.
01:05:22Say what?
01:05:23Philip may have lied.
01:05:25Maybe his wife was one of them.
01:05:27He said it anyway.
01:05:42Mr. Drummond, you're currently rehearsing for a play at the Actors Repertory Theatre.
01:05:46Is that correct?
01:05:48Yes, I am.
01:05:49Is that where you met Helene Cameron?
01:05:52Yes, she was cast opposite me.
01:05:54How would you characterize your relationship with her?
01:05:57Was it professional?
01:06:00At first.
01:06:01And then what happened?
01:06:03We fell in love.
01:06:05Did you know that she was married?
01:06:07Yes, I regret that she was married, but these things happen.
01:06:12We rehearsed together all day, sometimes at night, and...
01:06:16What can I say?
01:06:18We fell in love.
01:06:20We hadn't planned on it.
01:06:29Love. I don't know whether you loved her or whether you even liked her.
01:06:33But I don't think that's what any of this is about.
01:06:38This play that you were in, Lost in Time, who was cast first, you or Helene?
01:06:43I don't really recall. I think she was.
01:06:45She was, I confirm that with your director.
01:06:47As a matter of fact, isn't that the reason that you auditioned for the play in the first place, because she was in it?
01:06:53No, I didn't even know who she was.
01:06:55Are you saying that you had never heard of Helene or Philip Cameron prior to the day that you auditioned for the play?
01:07:03That's right.
01:07:07I have a playbill from the last play that you performed in.
01:07:12I was looking over your credits.
01:07:15Very impressive.
01:07:17Thank you.
01:07:19My goodness.
01:07:21Mr. Drummond did Inherit the Wind in Chicago.
01:07:25He did Death of a Salesman in Miami.
01:07:28Received rave reviews and a revival of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof in Porterville.
01:07:35He did...
01:07:38Mr. Drummond, did you know that Helene and Philip Cameron were from Porterville?
01:07:44Yes, I think she mentioned it.
01:08:07Thank you, sir.
01:08:13150, would you give me three? $300 bid, anywhere.
01:08:16$300 bid, I'm looking for anywhere at three.
01:08:18$300 bid, I got. Now at $300 bid, I got and 300.
01:08:22$325 bid, anyone.
01:08:24$325 bid, anyone.
01:08:26I had $300 bid once.
01:08:28I had $300 bid twice.
01:08:30I'm calling you for the third and the last call.
01:08:32All through and all done, sold.
01:08:34To the gentleman right over there,
01:08:36who has just become the proud owner of a corset worn by Vivian Lee
01:08:39as Scarlett O'Hara in Gone With the Wind.
01:08:42And I hope it looks half as good on you as it did on her.
01:08:49$300 for a 60-year-old girdle.
01:08:52Oh, would you lighten up? It's for a good cause.
01:08:55Here's something you might like.
01:08:57An ashtray from the set of Casablanca,
01:08:59complete with the butts of five cigarettes smoked by Humphrey Bogart himself.
01:09:03And now for all of you comedy fans out there.
01:09:05Our next item includes not only a ringside table at Kiki's Comedy Club,
01:09:09where the man better known to some of you as the Laugh King
01:09:12will be appearing next week,
01:09:14but also a chance to meet and have dinner with the great man himself,
01:09:17Mr. Harvey Chase.
01:09:20I thought he was dead.
01:09:22Well, he's gotta be at least 80. I can't believe he's still performing.
01:09:26You're gonna bid on this?
01:09:28Somebody give me $100. $100 bid, anywhere.
01:09:30$100 bid, I'm looking for.
01:09:32$100 bid, I got now. Will you give me $100 and a quarter?
01:09:34At $100 and a quarter now, will you give me $100 and a quarter?
01:09:36$100 and a quarter, I got.
01:09:38$100 and a quarter now, at $100 and a half.
01:09:40At $100 and a half now, anywhere $100 and a half.
01:09:42Yes, $150, now to $175.
01:09:44$175 bid, yes.
01:09:46At $175, now to $200 bid.
01:09:48Yes, I have $200.
01:09:50I have $200. Someone, two and a quarter.
01:09:52I have $200.
01:09:54I have $200. Someone, two and a quarter.
01:09:56Yes, I have two and a quarter.
01:09:58I have $25.
01:10:00Someone, $250.
01:10:02Anywhere, $250.
01:10:04I have $225 bid once.
01:10:06I have $225 bid twice.
01:10:10For the third and the last call,
01:10:16to the gentleman in the seersucker suit.
01:10:18An evening with Hardy Chase.
01:10:22Boy, am I going bad lately.
01:10:24I'm unlucky. Really.
01:10:26Three months ago, I loaned my best friend $10,000
01:10:28to have his face fixed.
01:10:30Now I can't find the guy.
01:10:36I'm only working this club on account
01:10:38of my health.
01:10:40My doctor told me to stay away from crowds.
01:10:46You laugh pretty good.
01:10:48You know,
01:10:50somebody wake up that guy and tell him where he is.
01:10:54Oh, boy.
01:10:56I was just talking about my age.
01:11:00let's not kid around.
01:11:02I'm putting on a little mileage myself.
01:11:04For example, this morning,
01:11:06this is a true story. For example, this morning,
01:11:08I went into a restaurant, ordered three-minute eggs,
01:11:10and the waitress made me put up
01:11:12front money.
01:11:16You're terrific.
01:11:18Keep laughing.
01:11:26Mr. Chase?
01:11:28Hi, I'm Ben Matlock.
01:11:30Oh, how do you do, sir?
01:11:32You were fantastic.
01:11:34I haven't laughed that hard
01:11:36since the first time I saw you
01:11:38on the Ed Sullivan show.
01:11:40Thank you.
01:11:42So I did have an audience.
01:11:44I thought I might have wandered
01:11:46into a funeral.
01:11:48Oh, no.
01:11:50Mr. Chase,
01:11:52I'm supposed to have dinner with you tonight,
01:11:54I'm supposed to have dinner with you tonight.
01:11:56Remember that charity auction?
01:11:58Mine was the highest bid.
01:12:00Oh, really?
01:12:02What was it?
01:12:06Well, I guess
01:12:08my standing isn't too bad.
01:12:12can I talk to you for a moment?
01:12:14Not now, Kiki.
01:12:16I'm afraid Clarence Darrow here
01:12:18and I were about to go out to dinner.
01:12:20Maybe some other time, huh?
01:12:24Tomorrow night, here before the show,
01:12:26we'll talk. Is that right? Okay.
01:12:28You're not going to be here tomorrow night.
01:12:34It's not going to work, Harvey.
01:12:36Another three nights like tonight,
01:12:38this place will be toast.
01:12:40I'm sorry.
01:12:42Come here, Kiki.
01:12:48I want to tell you something.
01:12:50You chinstomped me. That's what you did.
01:12:52You chinstomped me. You ran one lousy
01:12:54four-inch ad in the newspaper. Nobody knew
01:12:56I was here. Harvey...
01:12:58Harvey, you know I love you.
01:13:00But we are dying here.
01:13:02Comedy has changed.
01:13:04People come here expecting to see
01:13:06what they see on cable, only live.
01:13:12Who's going to replace me?
01:13:14I just got off the phone with Billy Joe Walker.
01:13:16Billy Joe Walker?
01:13:18That toilet mouth bum.
01:13:20He's doing a gig in Tahoe next month.
01:13:22Wants a place to try out some new material.
01:13:24What new material?
01:13:26All he does is scratch his butt,
01:13:28grab himself and insult women.
01:13:30And he packs the house every night.
01:13:34I'm sorry, Harvey.
01:13:36I really am.
01:13:38I'll have you checked first thing in the morning.
01:13:48She's wrong, Mr. Chase.
01:13:52For what it's worth,
01:13:54you're still tops in my book.
01:13:58That's very kind of you, but
01:14:00looks like your book's
01:14:02out of circulation.
01:14:06How about taking a rain check
01:14:08on that dinner?
01:14:12I don't think I'd be a barrel of laughs
01:14:16Thank you, Annie.
01:14:36Three more in there and
01:14:38find me a real skinny couple
01:14:40and put them at table ten.
01:14:42Got it?
01:14:44Backstage, we got a problem.
01:14:52What the hell is going on
01:14:54in this place?
01:14:56She decided to come see him tonight after all.
01:14:58Get back to work.
01:15:00I'm warning you, babe.
01:15:02You better cut it out.
01:15:04I've had it with you and your bimbos, Belido.
01:15:06This time you're dead fish!
01:15:08It's meat, you dumb broad. Dead meat.
01:15:12I can hear you out front!
01:15:14You never could swing a golf club
01:15:16worth a damn.
01:15:18Knock first next time, huh?
01:15:20I'm gonna get you
01:15:22for this.
01:15:24My wife.
01:15:26I think I'll beat her.
01:15:28I mean, keep her.
01:15:30You're on in 15 minutes.
01:15:44What are you doing here, man?
01:15:46What do you think?
01:15:48You didn't have to come down here. I told you I'd get it, didn't I?
01:15:50Yeah, several times.
01:15:52I'll have it for you by the end of the week.
01:15:54I swear, man. I'm not lying.
01:15:56I swear.
01:16:06Look at all you dudes out there with your ladies, huh?
01:16:08They picking up the tab?
01:16:10No way, man.
01:16:12No way.
01:16:14Not as long as they can con you slobs into paying the freight.
01:16:18Hey, man, though.
01:16:20Do not get me wrong.
01:16:22I love women.
01:16:24I think every guy should own one.
01:16:26Hey, now there's a good-looking babe right down front.
01:16:28Low mileage,
01:16:30nice paint job, great set of headlights.
01:16:32Hey, pal, is this your wife?
01:16:34Yeah, man.
01:16:36What are you gonna do?
01:16:38You got any, uh, you got any nude pictures of her?
01:16:40You have it?
01:16:42You want to buy some?
01:16:44I tell you, I tell you.
01:16:46I was out with the, I think, the dumbest broad I've ever been out with last week.
01:16:48I'm out with her and, uh...
01:16:50Wait a minute.
01:16:52Wait a minute.
01:16:54Well, well, well, folks, look who's here.
01:16:56Harvey Chase, boys and girls.
01:16:58Didn't stand up back in Neanderthal days.
01:17:02How you doing, Harvey?
01:17:04Heard you bombed pretty good last night.
01:17:06Why'd you come back to take notes?
01:17:10Or are you too busy copping a feel
01:17:12from that blonde bimbo sitting next to you there?
01:17:16Billy Joe,
01:17:18you like four-letter words, don't you?
01:17:20Did you ever hear of a four-letter word
01:17:22called soap?
01:17:24Only from a washed-up comic.
01:17:30You know, Billy Joe,
01:17:32you got everything.
01:17:34You ought to be
01:17:40You're killing me.
01:17:42I'm gonna make you eat those words
01:17:44as soon as you put your dentures back in.
01:17:48You know what, Billy Joe?
01:17:50From where I'm sitting,
01:17:52you're really ugly.
01:17:56And you're blotto.
01:17:58Yeah, but I'll be sober
01:18:00in the morning.
01:18:04Come on back to Jurassic Park, old man.
01:18:06Okay, go, go. I need you
01:18:08butting into my act like you need a vasectomy.
01:18:12You lousy, worthless
01:18:14little punk.
01:18:16I was bigger than you'll ever be.
01:18:18I was Broadway, television,
01:18:20motion pictures, nightclubs, Vegas.
01:18:22Take it easy, Harvey. I can't take it easy.
01:18:24Hey, Kiki, why pops a drink on me?
01:18:26Oh, shut up. Something that matches his career.
01:18:28Something on the rocks.
01:18:30That guy's about as much fun
01:18:32as passing a kidney stone.
01:18:34You know what I'm saying?
01:18:36All right, you freaks, have another drink.
01:18:38Take care of your bodily functions
01:18:40and fasten your seatbelts,
01:18:42because when I come back,
01:18:44we're gonna rock and roll.
01:19:00¶¶ ¶¶
01:19:30¶¶ ¶¶
01:19:32Okay, okay.
01:19:34I'll leave the jokes to Billy Joe.
01:19:36Let me just tell you what's coming up
01:19:38in the next couple weeks here at Kiki.
01:19:40¶¶ ¶¶
01:19:42¶¶ ¶¶
01:19:44¶¶ ¶¶
01:19:46Showtime. Let's go.
01:19:48¶¶ ¶¶
01:19:50¶¶ ¶¶
01:19:52Billy Joe.
01:19:54¶¶ ¶¶
01:19:56¶¶ ¶¶
01:19:58¶¶ ¶¶
01:20:00¶¶ ¶¶
01:20:02¶¶ ¶¶
01:20:04¶¶ ¶¶
01:20:06Here's another funny one.
01:20:08When my cousin was arrested,
01:20:10I asked him what the charge was,
01:20:12and he said,
01:20:14one charge, everything's free.
01:20:16One time in New York,
01:20:18this guy comes up to me,
01:20:20and he says,
01:20:22have you seen a cop around here?
01:20:24I said, no.
01:20:26Oh, I'm sorry, you'll have to excuse me.
01:20:31My lawyer's here, he's a very brilliant attorney.
01:20:36Ben, did you get everything cleared up?
01:20:43That broken glass they found on the floor next to Billy Joe's body had traces of creme de menthe in it.
01:20:50That's a tasty drink.
01:20:55Can I go now?
01:20:57Also had your fingerprints all over it.
01:21:12So you were backstage that night.
01:21:16I felt like a jerk for coming unglued during the show.
01:21:20It was very unprofessional.
01:21:22So I had a few belts, then I went back to apologize to him.
01:21:26What'd you say?
01:21:27Never talked to him.
01:21:28I knocked on the door and I said it was me, but he didn't answer me.
01:21:32So I said, to hell with it.
01:21:35Then I went out the back door and I walked over to the Squires Club to play cards.
01:21:40That's what I did.
01:21:43Any idea what time it was?
01:21:4711, 12, I don't know.
01:21:50Okay, thank you very much.
01:21:52Billy Joe was last seen alive around 11.30.
01:21:56We can prove you were long gone by then.
01:21:58You're home free.
01:22:00Any idea how your creme de menthe glass got in that dressing room?
01:22:04Not a clue.
01:22:06Or how all those stains got on your handkerchief?
01:22:10What stains?
01:22:11Creme de menthe and ink stains.
01:22:14The police found a puddle of creme de menthe on this pad that Billy Joe was riding on when he got clobbered.
01:22:22They think the killer spilled the drink and then tried to mop it up and got ink all over every place in the process.
01:22:29Hold on, it wasn't me.
01:22:32I don't know how those stains got there.
01:22:35You didn't use your handkerchief at all that night?
01:22:38I'd remember if I did.
01:22:41You have a great memory, Mr. Murdock.
01:22:48Oh, this is weird.
01:22:50The police found a list of license numbers in Billy Joe's wallet.
01:22:54License numbers?
01:22:55Yeah, they're checking on it.
01:22:57Anything else?
01:22:58Nothing that'll help us.
01:23:02You said you went to the Squires Club to play cards.
01:23:05That's right.
01:23:06Who'd you play with?
01:23:09Gentlemen, I've been discussing who he plays with.
01:23:14Marty Willis.
01:23:15I worked with him in New York back in the days of live television.
01:23:20Call him.
01:23:21Tell him we need to talk to him.
01:23:22There's a phone in the front room.
01:23:23It might be quieter.
01:23:24You want me to call him on the phone?
01:23:26Yeah, here, I'll show you where it is.
01:23:27Oh, thank you.
01:23:35God cracks me up.
01:23:36Well, that makes one of us.
01:23:38You don't think he's funny?
01:23:39Well, he's always on.
01:23:40He never stops.
01:23:43How about a little wager?
01:23:45I bet by the time this thing's over, Harvey'll have you laughing as hard as me.
01:23:51Ten bucks.
01:23:52Ten bucks.
01:24:01Harvey said you talked to him several times that night.
01:24:04Oh, yeah.
01:24:07I felt horrible about that scene between him and Billy Joe.
01:24:10I mean, it was ugly.
01:24:15Did you happen to notice what time he left?
01:24:19It was so crazy in here that night, Hillary Clinton could have walked in.
01:24:22I wouldn't have noticed.
01:24:25Billy Joe really packed him in, huh?
01:24:27Did he ever.
01:24:29I stood to clear ten grand a night by booking him.
01:24:35How'd you swing that anyway?
01:24:37I mean, why wasn't he playing Vegas or something?
01:24:41I lucked out.
01:24:43He was doing this gig in Tahoe next month.
01:24:45He wanted a place to try out some new material.
01:24:47Since I'd given him a break when he was an absolute nobody, he gave me a break.
01:24:51Stepped in for Harvey.
01:24:56Big mistake.
01:24:58Booking Billy Joe?
01:24:59Booking Harvey.
01:25:01I was trying to do something novel.
01:25:04Something different.
01:25:06I figured Harvey'd come across as so unhip he'd be hip.
01:25:09You know what I mean?
01:25:12I think I do.
01:25:16I was wrong.
01:25:18Harvey just came across as old.
01:25:24Marty and I used to be a team.
01:25:28But we decided to break up so we could remain good friends instead.
01:25:33Harve, did I tell you?
01:25:35I got a new girlfriend.
01:25:37You're kidding.
01:25:38Still chasing women at your age?
01:25:41Hey, dogs chase cars, but they can't drive.
01:25:44Funny, funny, funny.
01:25:48Maybe we'd better break up.
01:25:50Hey, funny.
01:25:52Maybe we'd better get down to business.
01:25:55My business has always been down.
01:25:58Even when your business was up, your business was down.
01:26:01Okay, okay.
01:26:03Now, Mr. Willis, do you remember what time it was when Harvey came over here to play cards with you two nights ago?
01:26:10Well, let's see.
01:26:11It was around 12.30, I think.
01:26:15Or it might have been a little later than that.
01:26:19I mean earlier.
01:26:21Earlier than that, around 11.
01:26:31The truth is you don't know, do you, Mr. Willis?
01:26:41That's why the act broke up.
01:26:43The dummy can't remember one line unless it's on a cue card.
01:26:47You told him on the phone what to say?
01:26:49All I asked you to say was one lousy line to remember that you were with me from 11.15 to 12.30.
01:26:56Let's go.
01:26:58That's all he had to remember was just one lousy line.
01:27:02He's pitiful. Pitiful, that's all.
01:27:07I understand that you and your husband had a fight the night that he died.
01:27:11I fought with my husband every night.
01:27:13Did you always go after him with the golf club?
01:27:15I found him cheating on me.
01:27:17I lost my temper.
01:27:25Mrs. Walker, who's in the bathroom?
01:27:28No one.
01:27:29No one.
01:27:30Then why are you wearing lipstick and there's none on that cigarette you just put out?
01:27:46Come on out.
01:27:49Put a towel on.
01:28:00This is Jeremy.
01:28:02Hi. How you doing?
01:28:04We've been friends for almost a year now.
01:28:10Well, what's good for the duck is good for the dander.
01:28:13You mean what's good for the goose is good for the gander?
01:28:17I threw that scene in the dressing room because it would have made Billy Joe suspicious if I hadn't.
01:28:22I didn't want him to know I was cheating on him.
01:28:25Lousy creep would have dumped me, left me with nothing.
01:28:28Which is what I ended up with anyway.
01:28:30You're a spouse. Aren't you entitled to all of his assets?
01:28:42Billy Joe was tapped, baby.
01:28:44To the tune of half a million.
01:28:48He liked to play golf.
01:28:50For money.
01:28:51But he was too stupid to realize he was a lousy player.
01:28:56Wound up owing some loan shark 500 grand.
01:29:02Come to think of it, he was there that night.
01:29:05Who? The loan shark?
01:29:06Yeah. Russ Tyler, a local boy.
01:29:09Must have been putting a muscle on him or something.
01:29:18He owed somebody a half million dollars.
01:29:21Yeah, Russ Tyler, a loan shark. We're searching for him after we speak.
01:29:24Billy Joe must be under a lot of pressure.
01:29:27Oh, remind me to call Detective Crowley.
01:29:30That list of license plate numbers that Billy had in his wallet belonged to stolen cars.
01:29:36What was he doing with a list of stolen cars?
01:29:39Oh, hi. I'm sorry to bother you. I'm looking for Harvey.
01:29:43Did Harvey cook up another story?
01:29:45Oh, no. I discovered I'm worse at perjury than I am at gin rummy.
01:29:49Is he here?
01:29:51I haven't seen him since this morning.
01:29:57Well, I was worried about him. I couldn't find him.
01:30:00So I got the manager to let me into his apartment.
01:30:03His clothes and all of his joke files are gone.
01:30:06I'm afraid he may have left town.
01:30:08He jumped bail?
01:30:10Well, he couldn't jump far. He can't drive.
01:30:12And he was petrified of flying.
01:30:26I hate to disturb you, but I wondered if you would be so kind as...
01:30:30I'd be very, very, very happy to.
01:30:32Uh, what's your name?
01:30:44Yes, sir.
01:30:48Well, actually, I just wondered if you could tell me how to get to his apartment.
01:30:53Well, actually, I just wondered if you could tell me how to get to the Parkview Hotel from here.
01:31:10Draw you a map.
01:31:16There you are.
01:31:17Thank you.
01:31:22Thank you.
01:31:31Your attention to the terminal, please.
01:31:33We will now begin boarding line 1565.
01:31:36Service to New Orleans at door number three.
01:31:40All ticket holders please board now at door number three.
01:31:53Over there.
01:31:58Mr. Chase?
01:32:02Mr. Chase?
01:32:06Harvey, I know you're in there.
01:32:09My name is Irving.
01:32:11And go away or I'll have you arrested for sexual harassment.
01:32:16Come on, Mr. Chase.
01:32:24Excuse me.
01:32:26Can you tell me where I can find Russ Tyler?
01:32:29Thank you.
01:32:36You Russ Tyler?
01:32:39I'm, uh, Ben Matlock, lawyer. Represent Harvey Chase.
01:32:42Is that right?
01:32:45I understand Villager Walker's a customer of yours.
01:32:50And I hear that you were at Kiki's club the night he was murdered.
01:32:54Well, maybe you went there to get the money he owed you and he told you to go fly a kite, only maybe not so nice.
01:33:02And maybe that made you mad, real mad.
01:33:05If somebody were to make me mad enough to forget that they owed me a half a million bucks,
01:33:09I'd have ripped them apart with my bare hands, not beamed them with a golf club.
01:33:13Well, maybe you wanted to frame somebody.
01:33:16Like an old man who had just had a fight with him in public.
01:33:21Billy Joe was still on stage when I left.
01:33:23You can ask the guy who was parking cars that night.
01:33:26I drive a big red Mercedes and I'm a very good tipper.
01:33:29He'll remember.
01:33:32Now get out of the way of my bag.
01:33:38Arriving passenger Russell, your car is waiting for you at the...
01:33:42I can't budge him.
01:33:44Well, you can't give up.
01:33:45Well, he's got to come out of there sometime.
01:33:50Well, I don't intend to wait.
01:33:59Mr. Chase?
01:34:08Mr. Chase?
01:34:20Mr. Chase?
01:34:37Mr. Chase?
01:34:39Mr. Chase?
01:34:41Mr. Chase?
01:35:07Evening, folks. How y'all?
01:35:10I'm getting a little absent-minded.
01:35:12Last night I kissed the cat and put my wife out.
01:35:19I have this friend of mine, he takes his wife everywhere he goes.
01:35:24He can't stand to kiss her goodbye.
01:35:31No, really.
01:35:32I'm getting a little long in the tooth, like George Burns.
01:35:36I have three minute eggs and the waitress has me...
01:35:42The waitress wants me to...
01:35:46To put up front money.
01:35:48Yeah, put up...
01:35:49Not bad, Mr. Matlock.
01:35:51Has Harvey been giving you lessons?
01:35:53No, it's just...
01:35:55I mean, I saw the microphone and the ham in me just naturally.
01:35:58Ham to everybody.
01:36:00Nice to see you again.
01:36:01Nice to see you again.
01:36:02I need to talk to the person who was parking cars here the night of the murder.
01:36:06Oh, let me see.
01:36:08Oh, that would be Rick Evans.
01:36:10Do you want his phone number?
01:36:23He's in some kind of trouble.
01:36:24Oh, no, I'm just trying to find out if one of our suspects is telling the truth at all.
01:36:29Well, here you go.
01:36:32How's Harvey doing?
01:36:33He's fine. He's full of surprises.
01:36:36Well, next time you see him, tell him I'm still pulling for him.
01:36:39I will.
01:36:41Next time I see him, I'll tell him, huh?
01:36:45What the hell?
01:36:51That's it, Harvey. Come out of there this instant.
01:36:55Out, Harvey, right now.
01:36:57No, you get out.
01:36:59This is the men's room.
01:37:01I am not leaving here without you.
01:37:03Send Cliff back in.
01:37:05At least he laughs at my jokes.
01:37:08Harvey, now you listen to me.
01:37:10If you leave town, Kiki is going to lose all of the money that she put up for your bail.
01:37:14That's $50,000.
01:37:17She can't afford that, Harvey.
01:37:19She's going to lose the club.
01:37:21She is going to lose everything.
01:37:24Now, is that what you want?
01:37:26Well, is it?
01:37:35You know, you're just like my first wife.
01:37:39She had the same annoying habit of being right all the time.
01:37:57Don't blame her.
01:37:59You got to forgive her. It's my fault.
01:38:01You see, when I kiss her earlobe, she follows me everywhere.
01:38:07Come on.
01:38:11How could you even think of jumping bail?
01:38:15I wasn't thinking.
01:38:17Didn't you realize how guilty it would have made you look?
01:38:21I just suddenly felt like going someplace, that's all.
01:38:26Do you want to spend the rest of your life in prison?
01:38:33You're giving me heartburn. I hope you're happy.
01:38:38That handkerchief with the cream de menthe and ink stains on it.
01:38:42How did it wind up in your pocket?
01:38:45You got me.
01:38:46Who hates you enough to frame you for murder?
01:38:50That's easy.
01:38:51My first wife in the audience at the Blue Mill in Newark.
01:38:54That was in 1932.
01:38:56Harvey, this is important.
01:39:00Maybe somebody picked your pocket or something.
01:39:03Do you remember anybody jostling you that night?
01:39:06Believe me, I'd remember if I was jostled.
01:39:09At my age, jostling is about the closest thing I can get to sex.
01:39:13Stop it, Harvey.
01:39:15What's it take to get you serious?
01:39:17What's it take to get you serious? A trip to the hospital?
01:39:20Ben, please, don't bring that up.
01:39:22Hospitals, to me, I hate them.
01:39:25The last time I was in a hospital, the food was so bad,
01:39:28I begged them to feed me intravenously.
01:39:31But what the hell?
01:39:32I got group insurance, I get a hundred grand if I die in a group.
01:39:36Like this guy I knew that...
01:39:39I'm sorry, Ben.
01:39:42I can't help it.
01:39:45It's a reflex.
01:39:54It seems to me it's more like your way of burying your head in the sand.
01:40:00It seems to me it's more like your way of burying your head in the sand.
01:40:10I've had it all my lifetime.
01:40:13The star treatment, the works.
01:40:16So much comes with being famous.
01:40:19It's like a golden basket filled with all kinds of wonders and goodies.
01:40:25Glamour, expensive clothes, big cars, big homes, women.
01:40:32So many women.
01:40:35There was this redhead in Des Moines with the biggest pair of...
01:40:47Then, one day, that golden basket is empty.
01:40:52Everything's gone.
01:40:55No spotlights, no TV shows, no women, nothing.
01:41:02All stolen by time.
01:41:06Then, you suddenly realize you've gone through the five stages of show business.
01:41:17Who's Harvey Chase?
01:41:22Get me Harvey Chase.
01:41:26Get me a young Harvey Chase.
01:41:31Get me a Harvey Chase type.
01:41:37Who's Harvey Chase?
01:41:44Three wives, two dogs and a blind parakeet.
01:41:48All flown the coop.
01:41:52And everything else deserts.
01:41:58A man's got to have at least one thing left.
01:42:01His dignity.
01:42:03The reason for being alive.
01:42:05My only dignity is making people laugh.
01:42:10It's my bread and butter.
01:42:13I need laughter to live.
01:42:16It's all I have left.
01:42:21It's all I have left.
01:42:29I want to help you.
01:42:32But you have to help me.
01:42:35Now, which pocket was that handkerchief of yours in when the police took it away from you?
01:42:46The top pocket of my coat, the same place as it always is.
01:42:50It was there when you went to Kiki's, you're sure?
01:42:52I'm positive.
01:42:55And you didn't use it at all that night?
01:42:59I don't know. I don't know.
01:43:02Maybe you let somebody else use it.
01:43:04I said I don't remember, Ben.
01:43:06You've got to. Now think.
01:43:09You don't understand.
01:43:11After Toilet Mouth humiliated me like that, I just didn't drink that bottle of creme de menthe.
01:43:18I crawled into it.
01:43:20I was smashed.
01:43:22I'm sorry.
01:43:32My nephew, he used to drive my car sometimes.
01:43:35Was he driving it the night it was stolen?
01:43:37Nobody was driving it. It was parked right there, right in front of this house when the bum stole it.
01:43:42You're not his lawyer, are you?
01:43:43Who, the bum?
01:43:44Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I work for someone else.
01:43:47Your car was on a list of cars that may or may not have something to do with my client's case.
01:43:55Did you ever get the car back?
01:43:59The police caught the bum.
01:44:00They said all the cars that he stole, he took apart and sold to pieces.
01:44:05My nephew said he was going to take him apart if he ever sees him again.
01:44:09He knew the guy?
01:44:10Oh, yeah, the bum used to park cars at this club Joey goes to.
01:44:18Kiki's, yeah.
01:44:19Place where you sit there and listen to people tell jokes.
01:44:24Yeah, I know.
01:44:26I know.
01:44:34Listen to this headline.
01:44:36Murder, no joke.
01:44:38Laugh King Harvey Chase goes on trial today for the slaying of comic Billy Joe Walker.
01:44:48He was a comic and I'm a brain surgeon.
01:44:50Now, that's just the kind of wisecrack I don't want you making in court.
01:44:54I want you to sit there with a nice, pleasant look on your face so the jury thinks you're a nice, pleasant person.
01:44:59Don't forget, your whole future is in their hands.
01:45:04I'm being judged by a dozen people who don't have the brains enough to get out of jury duty.
01:45:13I'm sorry, Ben.
01:45:14I'm awfully sorry about what I just said.
01:45:16I'm just trying to get everything out of my system, that's all.
01:45:20Time to go.
01:45:21Ben, I want to thank you.
01:45:24And, Ben, may I say that whatever happens, I just want you to know that I appreciate what you've done for me.
01:45:32Everything that you've done for me.
01:45:35And if I...
01:45:48Don't worry, Ben.
01:45:49It's a gag.
01:45:51Your hackership is still clean.
01:45:54Look at it.
01:45:55I was faking it.
01:45:59You're laughing.
01:46:00Oh, you thought that was funny, huh?
01:46:03No, I didn't.
01:46:06But I loved it.
01:46:13Ms. Rice, will you please tell the court who Mark Heffler is?
01:46:19He used to be a valet at my club.
01:46:21He used to park cars.
01:46:23I understand he was a friend of Billy Joe Walker's.
01:46:26That's right.
01:46:27He was.
01:46:29Where is Mark Heffler now, do you know?
01:46:32I believe he's in prison.
01:46:33How come?
01:46:34He got caught stealing cars.
01:46:38Did you know he was a car thief?
01:46:40Of course not.
01:46:41You know, in asking around, just checking, I discovered that all these stolen cars had something in common.
01:46:48At one time or another, they had all been parked in the lot next to your comedy club.
01:46:53And I wonder why that was.
01:46:54I have no idea.
01:46:55Well, it could be that Mark Heffler made impressions of the keys from the more valuable cars he was parking,
01:47:01and then made duplicate keys when he went home, and then used those duplicate keys to steal those cars later at his leisure.
01:47:10Now, that could be, couldn't it?
01:47:12Oh, yeah, I guess it could.
01:47:14And all those stolen cars had something else in common, too.
01:47:19The police found a list of all their license plate numbers in Billy Joe Walker's wallet after he was murdered.
01:47:26Now, I wonder why he had a list like that.
01:47:29How the heck should I know?
01:47:30Well, Mark Heffler was his friend.
01:47:33Could be that he told him about the thing he had going with the cars, and Billy Joe, needing money and needing it bad,
01:47:39figured out how to get that money, by blackmailing somebody, um, like you.
01:47:46He wasn't blackmailing me.
01:47:49He didn't threaten to go to the police and tell them that you not only knew about the car thefts, but you were taking a piece of the action?
01:47:56That's not true.
01:47:57A police investigation, whether it turned up anything or not, would have ruined you.
01:48:01I know that. You know that. Billy Joe, he knew that, too.
01:48:04That's the real reason he stepped in for Harvey.
01:48:07He found a way to bleed you dry, and he took it, didn't he?
01:48:11That's a lie.
01:48:12Well, what was his cut, anyway? Was it 80%, 90%?
01:48:16Objection. Your Honor, I enjoy a good fishing expedition as much as the next person, but really.
01:48:22But really? Miss Harrington, fishing expedition? I was just asking this nice lady some questions.
01:48:29Your Honor, could you make him stop?
01:48:32Mr. Medlock, don't make me.
01:48:34Don't make you do what, Your Honor?
01:48:36Throw you out of this courtroom. Objection sustained.
01:48:40Well, how about if I just slip right on down to the proof part?
01:48:44If you have a proof part, by all means, slip right on down.
01:48:48Yes, sir. I'll just whiz right on down to it.
01:48:52Right here. This handkerchief.
01:48:55With all the creme de menthe stains on it and the ink stains on it.
01:49:00The one somebody slipped out of Harvey's pocket the night he had the fight with Billy Joe Walker.
01:49:09That wasn't me.
01:49:10I bet it was.
01:49:12I bet you eased that handkerchief out of his pocket and then very gently took that grass of creme de menthe out of his hand
01:49:22and then walked on down the big road to Billy Joe's dressing room and murdered him so he couldn't blackmail you anymore.
01:49:30No, I didn't.
01:49:31And then I bet you took Harvey's handkerchief and wiped your fingerprints off the golf club you used to kill him with
01:49:38and then took the glass of creme de menthe, dropped it on the pad he was riding on,
01:49:43then took Harvey's handkerchief, mopped up the creme de menthe, making sure you got plenty of ink on it.
01:49:51And then put it in your purse, went back out to the club, gave Harvey one more big hug, slipped it in his pocket.
01:49:58That's a lie.
01:49:59Objection, Your Honor. That's not proof. That's random speculation.
01:50:03It's not random speculation, Your Honor. I said it's part of the proof.
01:50:08And here's the rest of the proof. Right here.
01:50:10Your Honor.
01:50:11Okay. What's in the sack?
01:50:15How about showing us what's in the sack?
01:50:22Please tell the court what that is.
01:50:24It looks like one of my purses.
01:50:26It's one of your purses. The police found it in your closet just a little while ago.
01:50:34Smells like creme de menthe, doesn't it?
01:50:38I probably spilled some on it at the club one night.
01:50:41But the smell's not on the outside. It's on the inside.
01:50:48Smell it. Smell it.
01:50:51Isn't that sweet?
01:50:55The police identified that stain as creme de menthe stain.
01:50:59And this darker stain right here, they identified that as an ink stain.
01:51:04The same ink stain as is on Harvey's handkerchief.
01:51:10And on the pad Billy Joe was writing on when he was murdered.
01:51:15Now how could that be, Ms. Rice?
01:51:17How could that be? Unless you murdered Billy Joe just like I said.
01:51:23And then put Harvey's handkerchief back in the purse.
01:51:28Went back out front so you could plant it on Harvey.
01:51:33You saw a way to save yourself from ruin.
01:51:37And frame a man whose life you considered was already over anyway.
01:51:42And you took it, didn't you?
01:52:00We find his offendant not guilty.
01:52:06Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for a job well done.
01:52:09This court is adjourned.
01:52:11Hey, uh, Harvey.
01:52:12Your Honor, could I say a few words?
01:52:15Harvey, no.
01:52:16Well, I suppose.
01:52:18I'd like to say I've enjoyed all of this.
01:52:21I'd like to, but I can't.
01:52:28Oh, what a crowd. What an opening night.
01:52:31It's a great room, this Lido Room.
01:52:34I'm so happy, and I'll tell you why I'm happy.
01:52:38Well, there's two reasons.
01:52:39I'm happy being here, and the other reason I'm happy is last month.
01:52:43Are you ready?
01:52:44I had a birthday. I was 82.
01:52:51Thank you very much.
01:52:52And I want to tell you guys in the audience that sex at 82 is terrific.
01:52:58Especially the one in the winter.
01:53:04But it wasn't always that way.
01:53:07My second wife, Louise, she was very romantic.
01:53:11Very romantic.
01:53:12We made love almost every day in the week.
01:53:15It's true.
01:53:16Almost Monday, almost Tuesday.
01:53:22Oh, this I must tell you, and it's the truth.
01:53:26And if it's not the truth, I should drop dead in this spot.
01:53:33One night, this is the truth.
01:53:36Louise and I made love for one hour and three minutes.
01:53:40That's right, sir. One hour and three minutes.
01:53:42Of course, that's the night they turned back the clocks.
01:54:10Hey, hey!
01:54:12Hey, come on, come on!
01:54:13Hey, hey!
01:54:14Hey, stop!
01:54:15Hey, stop!
01:54:21Hey, guys, it's Saturday.
01:54:23Go sit down.
01:54:24You guys are going to get in trouble.
01:54:25You guys are going to get in trouble.
01:54:29Red one, direction.
01:54:30If you don't want your bike, why did you take my bike away?
01:54:35Hey, hey!
01:54:36Please give me my keys.
01:54:38You can't ride a bike, you can't ride a bike, you can't ride a bike, you can't ride a bike, you can't ride a bike, you can't ride a bike, you can't ride a bike, you can't ride a bike, you can't ride a bike, you can't ride a bike, you can't ride a bike, you can't ride a bike, you can't ride a bike, you can't ride a bike, you can't ride a bike, you can't ride a bike, you can't ride a bike, you can't ride a bike, you can't ride a bike, you can't ride a bike, you can't ride a bike, you can't ride a bike, you can't ride a bike, you can't ride a bike, you can't ride a bike, you can't ride a bike, you can't ride a bike, you can't ride a bike, you can't ride a bike, you can't ride a bike, you can't ride a bike, you can't ride a
01:55:08H step
01:55:11There is no action
01:55:14Hey, boy, where are you sitting boy
01:55:16don't ride a bike
01:55:17Come here, take your keys
01:55:19Look down
01:55:23Hey, boy, where are you sitting boy
01:55:25don't ride a bike
01:55:27Stop here Take the keys
01:55:28You take the key
01:55:30Hey boy, where are you sitting
01:55:32I taught you to keep your keys
01:55:33I taught you how to keep the keys
01:55:36You should understand, he's committing a mistake
01:55:37I don't know what to do with my life.
01:55:39Okay, give it to me.
01:55:41Give it to me.
01:55:43You sent me here to give the keys.
01:55:45Or we can finish it like this.
01:55:47You let me keep the keys.
01:55:49I ate the food.
01:55:51No, no.
01:55:53You sent me here to give the keys.
01:55:55Give me the keys.
01:55:59Where are you going?
01:56:01You sent me here to give the keys.
01:56:03Take the keys.