• 2 months ago
Nagasaki Day 2024 at the Worthing Peace Tree
00:00In our neighbouring church was someone called Mary Scott and her grandfather was a Church
00:16of Scotland minister from Galashiels and he worked in Manchuria in Northern China and
00:23after Pearl Harbour he was one of those who was interned by the Japanese and they were
00:32sent to a Polish monastery in Nagasaki and were there when the bomb dropped and it was
00:41about midday on the 9th of August and Nagasaki was one of the first places where Christianity
00:49came to Japan and the Catholic Cathedral was in the centre of town and it was in fact while mass
00:57was being celebrated on the Feast of the Transfiguration that the nuclear bomb was dropped.
01:03But her grandfather's task was to look after the monastery cow and that meant that he was out in
01:11the countryside when the bomb dropped and he wrote, there was a single plane in the sky and
01:19then a light terrifying in its intensity which so filled my mind that I had no sense of the
01:26explosion afterwards and when I got up the first thing that I saw was the mushroom cloud. Now there
01:34was a low hill between the monastery and Nagasaki which shielded me from the blast and looking one
01:41way there seemed little different and looking the other was a scene of utter devastation. We were
01:48deeply distressed as we found that our cook who'd been friendly had been in the city that lunchtime
01:55and had never returned. We never saw him again. Our morning prayers the next day took the form
02:03of a memorial service and the text was Matthew 25 40, in as much as he did this to the least of my
02:11brethren, you did it unto me. A month later John Dawood walked through Nagasaki. The outskirts of
02:20the city were burned black with the occasional chimney still standing but the centre was fused
02:26into a brick red mess. Mary Scott Wright wrote, please use my grandfather's memoirs in your vigil
02:37anything that can demonstrate how awful this was and how it should never be repeated has to be used
02:45and let us pray for peace.
