Rioters jailed for over three years in total after sentencing in Leeds

  • 2 months ago
Rioters sentenced to almost two years in prison after causing violent disorderReuters
00:00Samir Ali, before this incident you were of good character. I take account of your age
00:08and I have read the character references from your family members and employer. I balance
00:14that against the requirement for punishment and deterrence and accordingly the weight
00:21that I can give to your previous good character is limited. Adnan Ghafoor, I have taken into
00:28account the principle of totality when considering the overall term of imprisonment to be served
00:35by you and I do not double count for the breach of your suspended sentence order. I bear in
00:43mind that you have completed one third of the hours ordered. I have also read the character
00:49references from your last case. The sentences. In your case, Samir Ali, for the offence
00:59of affray the sentence is 20 months' imprisonment. In your case, Adnan Ghafoor, for the offence
01:06of affray the sentence is 18 months' imprisonment. In addition, you will serve a consecutive
01:13period of 12 months for the breach of the suspended sentence order. The total sentence
01:20in your case will be one of two and a half years in prison. You will both serve up to
01:28one half of those sentences in custody before you are released on licence. If you fail to
01:36abide by the conditions of your licence you can be returned to prison to serve some or
01:42all of the remainder of the custodial term. The victim surcharge will apply and I will
01:50make a collection order.
