• 2 months ago
00:00We haven't seen anything yet, because coming up next,
00:02the WWE Championship's on the line.
00:04JBL and John Cena in an I Quit match.
00:07The rules are simple.
00:09Your opponent says, I quit.
00:11You become the WWE Champion.
00:15And the champion is reeling.
00:17Cena now pumping it up.
00:19Here it is.
00:19Clothesline from hell.
00:21Cena ducked underneath it.
00:22Here it comes.
00:23No way.
00:23He got him.
00:24He got him.
00:24He got him.
00:25He got him.
00:25He got him.
00:26One, two, three.
00:28Cena is the champion.
00:30The time is indeed now for the new WWE Champion, John Cena.
00:39Gonna drop this on him right here.
00:41Y'all ain't ready for this.
00:42Y'all ain't ready for none of this.
00:43Your boy's a bad man.
00:44Then we invadein' the streets.
00:46Make him clap a rapper's skirt.
00:47He be droppin' the heat.
00:48Shock the world.
00:49Now I'm standin' alone.
00:50I flip through the things I say.
00:52The new WWE Champion doing things his way.
00:57He's got a movie on the way.
00:59A new CD.
01:00He's shooting a music video.
01:02And of course, he's on top of the world.
01:05The champ is here.
01:10You're not a bad man, John.
01:13You're a bad champion.
01:16I carry this around for you, my fans.
01:21What happened at WrestleMania?
01:25What have broke a normal person?
01:28Because most of you, when knocked down,
01:31you don't get up swinging.
01:33You crawl into a fetal position and quit.
01:36You quit at your dreams.
01:44Well, there's a little bit of truth to you.
01:46I mean, you're not a quitter.
01:47No, you're right.
01:49I am not a quitter.
01:51Neither am I.
01:52And that's why, at Judgment Day,
01:55we settle it in a match with no submissions,
01:59no count-outs, no disqualifications,
02:03no pinfalls.
02:06I'm talking about an I Quit Match.
02:16To say the words, I quit,
02:18means another man owns your soul.
02:23I quit!
02:26Say it!
02:27I quit!
02:28Say it!
02:29I quit!
02:30You fight for this championship because of your legacy.
02:33I fight for every person out there
02:35that brought me to the dance.
02:37I have sweat gallons,
02:39and I have bled buckets,
02:41and through it all,
02:42the words, I quit,
02:43never crossed my mind.
02:47I am gonna beat the hell out of you
02:49for everything that I stand for.
02:51Judgment Day,
02:52I will not be trying to pin you.
02:55I will be kicking your ass.
02:58At Judgment Day,
03:00the last two words to come out of your pathetic mouth
03:04will be,
03:08I quit.
03:17Two different worlds,
03:20two different lifestyles,
03:23two different philosophies,
03:26in two humiliating words,
03:29I quit.
03:34And here is the number one contender
03:36for the WWE Championship.
03:38He won a fatal four-way elimination match-up
03:41to end the championship series
03:43and get this opportunity here tonight.
03:46Well, he deserves the opportunity, Cole.
03:48Come on.
03:50Two arms full of WWE Champion.
03:53He's got that toothy grin.
03:55We're gonna leave his face soon
03:57when it's go time.
03:58He's rich.
03:59He's got it all.
04:00He's got the world in his hands.
04:02The following I Quit match
04:05is for the WWE Championship.
04:09Making his way to the ring,
04:11the challenger from New York City,
04:13weighing in at 297 pounds,
04:19The championship that JBL is carrying
04:21is the original WWE title
04:23with John Cena's name on it.
04:25Remember, Cena has a new spinner championship,
04:27but JBL said that he carries that title
04:30for his fans,
04:32saying that they want him
04:34to represent SmackDown
04:36as its champion.
04:38JBL held the title
04:40for nearly two years.
04:43For nearly ten months
04:45before losing to John Cena
04:47at WrestleMania.
04:48He's been in a last ride match,
04:50a boat road match, a cage match,
04:52but nothing like this
04:54in I Quit match.
04:57I'm feeling it.
05:02A confident challenger.
05:04He looks ready, man.
05:13The referee, Nick Patrick,
05:14nothing but a traffic cop,
05:16so to speak, in this matchup.
05:18There are no rules.
05:19While the referee's holding that microphone in his hand,
05:21it's good to hear someone say,
05:23I quit.
05:24That microphone will be utilized
05:26if one man screams, I quit, into it.
05:28The other wins.
05:38What the hell is this?
05:39What is this?
05:41From New York, Massachusetts,
05:43weighing in at 328 pounds,
05:45is the WWE Champion,
05:49John Cena!
05:53Check out chaos mixing in the crowd.
05:55John Cena!
05:57What an entrance for the WWE Champion!
06:03I've never seen him like this!
06:07Because, what you're seeing now
06:09is really what this match is all about.
06:11It's all the work of these guys.
06:13On the face of JBL,
06:15in a different world,
06:17in a different legacy,
06:19JBL believes John Cena
06:21gets the extra title,
06:23and everything,
06:25and can die for you
06:27in this matchup.
06:31The champ is definitely here,
06:33holding up that spinner belt
06:35with 14-knee character.
06:37He's got the ground.
06:39Catman JBL has said he is out of all competition.
06:43Get off the level, you'll step up!
06:45Whoa! He's walking all over.
06:49Oh my God, how quick he just did this.
06:53Get this shit, he don't give a...
06:55He don't care.
06:57He don't give a rap dance about anybody.
06:59John Cena is on top of the world,
07:01but tonight,
07:03if he ever says two words,
07:06I quit,
07:08that world is going to come crashing down on him.
07:12He just walked all over JBL.
07:14I still can't believe he did that.
07:18JBL is hot. Red hot,
07:20and I don't blame him.
07:26JBL is not taking his eyes
07:28off the champion.
07:30Here's the spinner championship.
07:46Well, here we go.
07:50the former WWE champion,
07:52the longest reign in ten years,
07:54ending his career as a champion.
07:56The former WWE champion,
07:58the longest reign in ten years,
08:00ended at WrestleMania,
08:02when John Cena won the title.
08:04Well, you see, I pointed out earlier,
08:06the referee has that microphone in hand.
08:08That's basically...
08:10That tells you he wins the match and loses it.
08:12And now JBL forcing a traditional
08:14WWE title to be held above the rank
08:16by referee Nick Patrick.
08:18And needless to say, I believe,
08:20if JBL wins this matchup,
08:22he'll be carrying the traditional title
08:27If JBL does win this match
08:29and win the championship,
08:31it's his prerogative, I guess.
08:33For the first time in six years,
08:35the WWE championship will be decided
08:37in an I Quit match.
08:39That was a brutal affair
08:41between Mankind and The Rock.
08:43Tonight, it is JBL and John Cena.
08:45No rules, no pitfalls,
08:47no submissions.
08:49You utter I Quit, you lose.
08:51It's simple.
08:53Well, you see, both men are kind of cautious.
08:55You don't want to go in too early.
08:57I mean, you know, you want to try
08:59and get him from jumping, like I said earlier,
09:01out of the box, you know, but you don't want
09:03to make a fatal mistake early on in this matchup.
09:05John JBL said
09:07earlier tonight that you are
09:09no longer a man when you say
09:11I Quit.
09:13Lives will be broken in this
09:15fight tonight, changed forever.
09:17Well, JBL knows
09:19what's at stake here, and that's the...
09:21What a shoulder block there.
09:23And there's a nice takedown by John Cena.
09:25So, Taz, strategy now for this matchup.
09:27We talked about your keys to victory earlier.
09:29What's the strategy in an
09:31I Quit match?
09:33You know, I would think start throwing fists,
09:35throwing hands. I'm a little surprised,
09:37but not in a bad way that Cena,
09:39he's going against what I thought he would do,
09:41and he's taking the man down with a headlock,
09:43take down and grinding him out with a headlock.
09:45I'm impressed. He's smart. Do something different.
09:47Well, again, at some point, you've got to wear your opponent down.
09:50What this match is about
09:52is about wearing your opponent down.
09:54That's all it is. No matter how you do it,
09:56you've got to wear him down so he doesn't have anything left
09:58and he has to say I Quit.
10:00You could get a submission on a guy,
10:02and you could get him to quit.
10:04What do you think a tap-out victory is in essence?
10:06Oh, yeah, but now the guy has to underline quit.
10:12Oh, there's a big difference in saying
10:14I Quit and tapping out.
10:16When you say I Quit, you're saying those words.
10:18It's so humiliating.
10:20I've never been in one of these matches.
10:22As you can see, JBL went to the bottom rope.
10:24JBL went to the bottom rope to get a break.
10:26But remember, there are no breaks
10:28in this matchup because there are no rules.
10:30Cena could have kept that hold on JBL
10:32for five minutes if he wanted to.
10:34Referee's still holding that microphone.
10:36He's got to keep his hands on that.
10:38And that's really the referee's only job in this match.
10:40The referee doesn't have another job in this match,
10:42but to make sure the mic's down there.
10:44See? Referee Nick Patrick for the microphone to JBL.
10:46And I think it's going to take a lot more than that
10:48to get JBL to say I Quit.
10:50We've seen John Cena's vicious streak.
10:52He's got one, that's for sure.
10:54Oh, my God.
10:56I'll tell you what.
10:58JBL, he's a fighter.
11:00He's tough as nails. That's well done.
11:02I was going to ask you, Taz.
11:04Do you think this type of matchup benefits the brawl?
11:06JBL more than does the champion?
11:08Absolutely, I do.
11:10John Cena, to his credit, is a ground-and-pound guy.
11:12But JBL, oh!
11:14He's the consummate brawler.
11:16Off the DDT.
11:18There is no cover.
11:20There's no cover in this matchup.
11:22Now JBL,
11:24hammering away with the right hands
11:26to John Cena.
11:28If you say I Quit, like JBL said earlier,
11:30you're really giving your soul to somebody else.
11:32And this is something you'll never live down.
11:34A year from now, five years from now,
11:36ten years from now, you will be remembered
11:38as I Quit. Remember?
11:40What do people remember about him?
11:43Not that he's a champion, but he's Quentin Omos.
11:45You know, we've been saying it for weeks on SmackDown, Cole.
11:47I mean, you know, I don't see JBL Quitting.
11:49He's not a quitter. I don't see John Cena Quitting.
11:51I agree with you on both points.
11:55Big back body drop.
11:57John Cena with a clothesline.
11:59Now you're next champion out of the ring.
12:01Well, John Cena running right through JBL
12:03with that clothesline.
12:05Now here comes Cena.
12:07I'm coming right out after him.
12:09Is there a pace in this matchup you need to keep?
12:11I think so. I think there's a pace.
12:13You don't want to punch yourself out.
12:15You don't want to exert too much out there.
12:19John Cena
12:21on the attack. Outside the ring now.
12:23There are no count outs in this matchup.
12:25Those are both men again
12:27that persisted. They're staying on each other.
12:29You don't give the other guy
12:31a chance to breathe.
12:33No wasted movement or motion.
12:35John Cena
12:37bouncing JBL twice off the steel steps.
12:39Now what?
12:43Into the barricade.
12:45Shoulder first and then out into the crowd.
12:47I'll tell you what.
12:49JBL will hop a suit right after him.
12:51What the hell? They're right out here.
12:53Where are they going?
12:55They're on the floor.
12:57They're tying themselves up.
12:59Oh my.
13:01DDT on the floor right there.
13:03Skull Force goes Cena.
13:05He heard that thump.
13:08JBL hurt himself too in that concrete I believe.
13:14This matchup is about brutality.
13:16Surprised we're not seeing
13:18Cena's brains hanging out of his head there.
13:20This is where
13:22Let's see what we missed there.
13:26Here comes Cena trying to battle back.
13:30That was a neck breaker.
13:32That made it even worse.
13:34I'm telling you.
13:36Taz, this is where JBL is scary.
13:38He gets on top of the matchup here.
13:40He's right out here.
13:42Again, this is all legal.
13:44JBL is a brawler.
13:46I'll tell you that right now.
13:48I know that.
13:50Monitors have come out
13:52of the Spanish announce table.
13:54Amigo, you might want to get out of there.
13:59JBL back at Cena.
14:03I quit.
14:05Your ass
14:07is mine.
14:11There's your answer.
14:13He's not quitting.
14:15He's definitely not quitting.
14:17Now Cena can use this time
14:19to catch his breath a bit.
14:21Now John Cena back on the attack.
14:25All over.
14:27Look at this.
14:31JBL back up to his feet.
14:38Shoulder first into those steel steps.
14:42I'll tell you what.
14:44He hit that thing hard.
14:46JBL driving John Cena.
14:50We saw that.
14:52He took the belt off.
14:56This is how JBL made
14:58Scottie do hottie grip
15:00Thursday night on Smackdown.
15:02It's legal though, Cole.
15:04Wait a minute.
15:14The referee's asking.
15:26JBL's skull
15:28bouncing off the steel post
15:30and his shoulder hit it as well.
15:32Talk about innovative right there.
15:34Cena thinking on his feet.
15:40JBL again on the attack.
15:42He hasn't been able to get anything going
15:44here in the last couple of minutes.
15:48JBL looks right over here.
15:52It's all legal, Cole.
15:54JBL up on the off table.
15:58I just heard JBL ask him.
16:00You're right, career.
16:02You're moving, career.
16:04You stupid son of a bitch.
16:06Give up right now.
16:08Or you go through it.
16:16Kiss my ass.
16:18What the hell?
16:20Oh my God.
16:24Face back, body drop through the table.
16:28Did you see JBL's spine
16:30catch the edge
16:32of that announce table?
16:34I heard it. I saw it.
16:40Watch this. Watch the replay.
16:42And watch where JBL's
16:44shoulder blade area.
16:46Watch where he hits.
16:48On the edge of the table.
16:51Watch this.
16:53Watch his lower back.
16:57Look at this right here.
16:59A minor off the skull.
17:01A minor off the skull
17:03of Bradshaw by John Cena.
17:07John Cena.
17:09He is feeding
17:11off this crowd.
17:13The champion's got the challenger.
17:15Right where he went.
17:21JBL went sailing over here
17:23to kill John Cena.
17:25Watch out. Oh my God.
17:27Oh my God.
17:31Look at that chair.
17:33I didn't see the skull indenting it.
17:39We knew how physical this would be.
17:41We knew how violent and vicious
17:43that would be.
17:53Now JBL
17:55trying to get up.
17:57John Cena's trying to get up.
17:59Oh my God. His head split open.
18:01John Cena's head split open.
18:03He split up with that chair.
18:05That chair hit
18:09Oh my God. Look at how much blood
18:11is coming in.
18:13No. No. No. No. No. No.
18:15JBL. No. Don't do this.
18:17No. No. No. No.
18:19Put it down.
18:21The skull.
18:23Oh my God.
18:25The bruises are beginning to show
18:27on that thing.
18:31I say quit.
18:43JBL mocking
18:45John Cena.
18:47Michael throwing off the skull that's been split wide open.
18:49Champion is bleeding. There's a lot of blood.
18:51Let's take a look at this.
18:53Listen. Listen to this.
19:03John Cena looks punch drunk
19:05in the ring. John Cena does not know
19:07where he's at and JBL is abusing
19:09the champion.
19:11JBL said he's on a crusade
19:13to leave the world
19:16for John Cena.
19:18He may be on his way.
19:24But JBL just turned it up a notch.
19:26Oh my God.
19:28A clothesline from hell.
19:30God what a shot.
19:34Cena's choking on his own blood.
19:36Another one.
19:40And now the big exclamation point
19:42perhaps for JBL.
19:46Cena can't even get to his own feet.
19:48JBL trying to pull him up.
19:50And a smile on the face of JBL.
19:52He's on the cusp of becoming champion.
19:54He's going to become the champion.
19:56Got a third one. Almost took the head
19:58off the shoulders.
20:00I've never seen John Cena
20:02in trouble like he is right now
20:04in this matchup.
20:06He's losing a ton of blood right now.
20:08That's John Cena's chain.
20:10That's John Cena's chain.
20:12It's all legal too. Look at this.
20:14Oh my God.
20:24We're asking him.
20:34Take it easy Will.
20:40For the love of God
20:42Cena just quit man.
20:44These great fans
20:46don't want Cena to quit.
20:48There's always tomorrow man to get a rematch or something.
20:50But this is what the title means to John Cena.
20:52Look at this kick.
20:55A low blow by JBL.
20:57That's all legal again.
21:01I told you you would bleed.
21:03I don't lie.
21:05Now quit.
21:15I said quit.
21:17Look at me.
21:19I told you this would happen.
21:25I mean at some point.
21:27Give me my championship back.
21:29Now quit.
21:31You punk ass bitch.
21:33Oh man.
21:35Well that just stirred something in John Cena.
21:37And here comes the champion.
21:39Here comes Cena.
21:41I don't know what he has left.
21:43What a headbutt.
21:45Close line.
21:47And John Cena has exploded.
21:51I'll tell you what.
21:57Gotta be on adrenaline.
21:59Look at this.
22:01A spinning side slam.
22:03And the champ is losing a ton of blood.
22:15Here we go.
22:17The champion has suddenly
22:19come alive.
22:23Oh man.
22:25It's F.U. time.
22:27It's F.U. time.
22:29Look at Stunner's smile on his face.
22:33That was the move that won Cena
22:35the title at Wrestlemania.
22:37But tonight there are no pitfalls.
22:39I don't think he's gonna win in this match.
22:41No Cole.
22:43That move won't make him win.
22:45He's gotta say I quit.
22:47And look at JBL wisely.
22:51How's he going?
22:53Wait a minute now.
22:55You can't do that.
22:57You can't just leave.
22:59I guess he can do whatever the hell he wants to.
23:01He can't leave.
23:03Cena's gonna stop him.
23:05JBL perhaps has had enough.
23:07And the champion in pursuit.
23:09Oh my god.
23:11The limo.
23:13Now John Cena's gotta
23:15try and get him up.
23:17Oh my god.
23:19Oh my god.
23:23This match is exactly how...
23:29Exactly how it was advertised.
23:31What did he lose? Now what?
23:33What's Cena gonna do now to him?
23:35Thumb of the eye by JBL.
23:37Oh my god.
23:41Neckbreaker on the hood of the limousine.
23:43And just when Cena
23:45had everything going.
23:50I'm sorry. Go ahead.
23:52Just as Cena finally had
23:54everything going his way.
23:56JBL with that swinging neckbreaker
23:58stopped the momentum.
24:00That was a difference maker for sure.
24:02Shutting down John Cena.
24:04John Cena is bleeding like a stuffed pig here.
24:06He's hurt bad.
24:08I don't think it's...
24:10I think his vision's impaired Cena.
24:12JBL said that blood was gonna get in his eyes.
24:14And JBL didn't disappoint.
24:16It's due to you as a competitor
24:18when the blood is getting in your eyes.
24:20You can't believe.
24:22When that blood gets in your eyes
24:24it burns like hell. I'm telling you.
24:26Does it play in your mind?
24:28What the hell was that?
24:30What was that?
24:32He pulled the plug out of that monitor there.
24:34Now he's using that cord as a weapon.
24:36Completely illegal.
24:46Cena! Cena! Cena! Cena!
24:48Cena! Cena! Cena! Cena!
24:50Cena! Cena! Cena! Cena!
24:52Cena! Cena! Cena! Cena!
24:56Now John Cena I thought was losing his strength.
24:58But John Cena...
25:00Right through the TV set.
25:02Right through the TV set.
25:04Headbutt. Go for it, Shawn.
25:08I can't believe that.
25:10We've talked about the comeback ability
25:12of John Cena before.
25:14I didn't expect anything like this, though.
25:18JBL went...
25:20Now he's bleeding.
25:22He went face first through that damn table.
25:24I didn't expect that.
25:26He went through the glass.
25:30Hold on. Let's look at this.
25:34Let's take another look.
25:36Let's see the glass fly.
25:38I didn't even see the glass.
25:41And suddenly, John Cena
25:43is beginning to build momentum again.
25:45Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Uh-oh.
25:49Through the window of the limo.
25:53Wow. JBL is being abused.
25:58Tell you what, Cena.
26:00He's got like a second wind here.
26:06Now what? I have no clue.
26:08JBL trying to claw away.
26:10JBL clawing away.
26:12John Cena.
26:14Oh, and again a thumb to the eye.
26:16Again a thumb to the eye.
26:18Uh-oh. Oh, no.
26:20Oh, my God. What the hell is this?
26:22Cena blocked it.
26:24Suplex! Suplex!
26:28On the roof. On the roof of that limousine.
26:30Cena blocked.
26:32JBL's throwing vertical suplex.
26:34Oh, man. What a match.
26:36Before the match started,
26:38we didn't believe either one of these men would quit.
26:40And they haven't yet.
26:42And where the hell's JBL going?
26:44He opened the door to the limo.
26:46I don't know what he's doing.
26:48JBL trying to crawl into the limousine.
26:50He's not gonna get away that way.
26:56Almost knocked the door off the hinges.
26:58The damn hinges.
27:00You ain't done, man.
27:02You ain't done.
27:04Where's this kid getting it from?
27:11Oh, again!
27:13Off the door.
27:21How much? Oh, my God. Look at this.
27:23John Cena to talk him to knock the door off the limo.
27:25And he did.
27:27Oh, my. Oh, no. Oh, my God.
27:29Oh, my God. Look at this!
27:31John Cena with the door in hand.
27:33That limo. Forget about that limo.
27:35That thing's done.
27:37John Cena now in pursuit
27:39of the champion.
27:41JBL's just trying to get out of harm's way here.
27:43He's trying to crawl up on that flatbed
27:45that Cena rode into the arena on.
27:47Good thing Chaos got out of the way
27:49from those turntables.
27:53Crawled up on top of that truck.
27:55Look at this!
27:57Oh, my God!
27:59Oh, my.
28:01Face first into that.
28:03That's a big ol' thing.
28:05That's a CO2 tank.
28:07Right into that thing.
28:09And look at Cena.
28:15John Cena.
28:17Still losing a ton of blood, though.
28:19In control. Uh-oh.
28:21Face first!
28:23Face first!
28:25Both men down.
28:27I can tell you this, Cole.
28:29This Minneapolis audience
28:31of the SmackDown fans here.
28:33Quit. Quit.
28:37I said quit!
28:39Oh, my God.
28:41Look at this.
28:43Look at that vicious and violent attack.
28:53Cena's not quitting yet.
28:58There's all that DJ equipment.
29:00They're saying that the fans
29:02have never seen a match like this,
29:04but now...
29:06What next?
29:08JBL's just picking his weapons.
29:12Again, choking John Cena
29:14at that cord that...
29:16Oh, my God.
29:18Look at this.
29:20Cena doesn't know where he's at right now.
29:22A lot of blood, man.
29:24Profusely out of the open wound.
29:26What a major wound.
29:28That was Bradshaw.
29:30Here we go.
29:32SmackDown fans
29:34are rooting on Cena, but...
29:36Look at this!
29:38No, no, no, no.
29:40Choking Cena.
29:42Wait a minute.
29:52JBL loses his grip on Cena.
29:54A third one.
29:56Oh, my God!
30:04How brutal has this match been?
30:08Words can't describe it, and I mean that.
30:10Words cannot describe
30:12the brutality here.
30:14I mean, Cena right now
30:16should more or less probably say,
30:18I quit.
30:21Out of that head.
30:23He's gonna need a transfusion
30:25if he's gonna be able to finish this.
30:35JBL desperately trying to get away
30:37from John Cena.
30:39Doesn't know where he's at.
30:41You see what he just did
30:43with that stack, that exhaust?
30:45It was a stunt stack.
30:47He ripped it off the truck.
30:51That's a damn stunt stack, all right.
30:53That's a whippin'.
30:55Oh, my God, Cole!
30:59You wanna fight?
31:01You gotta fight!
31:03Oh, man, Cole.
31:05I quit!
31:07I quit!
31:09Oh, my God!
31:15The winner of this match
31:17and still
31:19WWE Champion,
31:23John Cena!
31:25John Cena repaid
31:27the title.
31:29JBL said,
31:31I quit.
31:37In JBL's words,
31:39he just gave his soul
31:41to John Cena.
31:43Whoa, whoa.
31:47Oh, my God, no!
31:49That's some good motion!
31:51John Cena!
31:57Oh, my God, Cole!
31:59We learned today
32:01that the Wrestling God, JBL,
32:03is indeed mortal.
32:05And we learned a lot
32:07about the guts of the WWE Champion.
32:10My God, what a champion!
32:12If there's ever any doubt
32:14in anybody's mind about Cena,
32:16I'll tell you what,
32:18you better just ditch it
32:20and forget it.
32:22This guy's for real.
32:24Oh, my God.
32:26Both championships in hand.
32:28A beat.
32:30A battle.
32:34An incredible moment
32:36continues for John Cena.
32:38The time is now
32:40for the WWE Champion!
32:42Good night from Minneapolis!
