PPN World News Headlines - 9 Aug 2024

  • last month
• Israeli leaders meet in the Pit • Earthquake shakes Japan


00:00Amid fears of a massive Iranian retaliatory attack against Israel for the killing of a
00:19Hamas leader and a top Hezbollah commander, the Israeli security cabinet held a meeting
00:24at an underground bunker known as the Pit on Thursday night.
00:29Despite rumors that the meeting took place at the underground command room over fears
00:33of an Iranian strike, Israel says the event was a drill for a potential emergency situation.
00:40Located under the security ministry's headquarters, the last time such a meeting took place at
00:45the Pit was in April, when Iran responded to an Israeli attack on its embassy in Syria
00:51by firing hundreds of drones and missiles toward Israeli targets.
00:59After a month-long student demonstration rapidly turned into a mass movement, the state of
01:11Bangladesh toppled the 15-year-long autocrat Sheikh Hasina on August 5.
01:18The day will be marked as the day of rebirth and independence for Bangladesh, as the country's
01:24choice of interim leader was sown in.
01:27One of the country's most revered veterans, Nobel Peace Laureate Muhammad Yunus, has been
01:32made chief advisor to the interim government and will help rebuild his ravaged country.
01:48Spanish police set up roadblocks outside Barcelona in an effort to catch Catalonia's most wanted
01:56Earlier Thursday, Carles Puigdemont appeared at a rally in Barcelona for the first time
02:01in seven years of self-imposed exile.
02:04There, the Catalan separatist delivered a short speech, cheered on by thousands of supporters
02:11calling for independence.
02:13Moments later, Carles Puigdemont walked off stage and promptly disappeared, allegedly
02:19with the help of a local police officer.
02:24Tonight, just 24 hours after Taylor Swift's sold-out concerts in Vienna were canceled,
02:35officials releasing this chilling photo of the 19-year-old Austrian suspect they say
02:40hope to kill as many people as possible outside the stadium.
02:44The teen, who is seen with machetes in hand wearing an ISIS flag, has allegedly confessed
02:49to planning a suicide attack, according to authorities.
02:52They say the terror cell wanted to create a bloodbath, copying ISIS attacks like those
02:58at concerts in Moscow, Paris and Manchester.
03:01Police say they found knives, timers and explosives inside the suspect's home.
03:06And a suspected accomplice, 17-year-old Austrian, was arrested at the stadium where he had just
03:10taken a job.
03:11A 15-year-old Turkish citizen was also questioned.
03:23For the first time, Japan has issued a warning for a long-feared mega-quake striking in the
03:28near future.
03:29The country's meteorological agency says the probability of a large earthquake is higher
03:35than usual, but not imminent.
03:37It's urging residents to be on alert over the next few days.
03:41A 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the southern islands of Kyushu and Shikoku hours before
03:48the alert was issued.
03:50The epicentre was recorded at the edge of the Nankai Trough.
03:55Earthquakes in the area occur every 90 to 200 years.
03:58The last was in 1946.
04:11More protests in the Kenyan capital as businesses in Nairobi remain closed and demonstrators
04:16clashed with the police on Thursday.
04:19Building on the concessions they won in weeks of demonstrations, people are calling on President
04:23William Ruto to resign.
04:26Following the recent protests, he fired his entire cabinet and included opposition members
04:31in what he called a broad-based government.
04:35But it appears that, for some, this was not enough.
04:49For more UN videos visit www.un.org
