Berserk of Gluttony Episode 2

  • last month
Fate Graphite lives miserably as a gatekeeper in a world where skills given at birth determine an individual's entire life. Afflicted by the seemingly harmful skill Gluttony, which makes him perpetually hungry, he is abused by the holy knights, the supposed protectors of the populace, who view him as a dreg on society due to his skill. However, Fate's destiny takes a dramatic turn after he kills an escaping injured thief. To his surprise, Gluttony activates, enhancing his stats and granting him new skills. Following this epiphanic event, Fate receives a job offer from Roxy Hart, the only benevolent holy knight in the city, which he happily accepts. Eager to further explore Gluttony's true potential, he partners with a mysterious talking sword named Greed, who warns him that Gluttony is a taboo skill that breaks the logic of the world. Now forced to live a double life, Fate must slay monsters at night to satisfy his awakened appetite for souls, lest he go berserk and lose all chances at finding happiness.


00:00Holy Laplace is the creator of our world.
00:03When her work was finished and she departed,
00:06she bestowed humankind with very special gifts.
00:10Can you tell me what those gifts were?
00:12Our unique skills.
00:13That's right, she gave us our skills.
00:15So let us give thanks to her for the gifts she blessed us with then
00:19and the bounties she blessed us with today.
00:21Thank you, Holy Laplace.
00:23Why aren't you eating your food?
00:30You feeling ill, child?
00:32Holy Laplace doesn't play fair.
00:34There are holy knights and warriors who have great skills.
00:38So how can I call my weak skill a blessing?
00:41Bet it's why I was abandoned.
00:44You are just fine.
00:46In the end, we're all human beings who came from the same place.
00:49Everyone was equal in the olden days, you know.
00:52No skills, stats, or monsters.
00:56I wish I could have been alive during that time.
01:03I have searched for her everywhere, but it's as if she's disappeared.
01:08Though I haven't checked in town yet.
01:12Sahara, where have you gone?
01:18Come on!
01:19You aren't making enough noise!
01:21Cry harder!
01:22Scream louder!
01:24Or the holy knights won't be entertained!
01:29You're a rat food if you don't do as you're told.
01:41You'll be alright.
02:11I don't want to steal your heart anymore.
02:16The more my heart yearns for love,
02:26the more contradictions are born.
02:29I'm like a patchwork,
02:32and I'm like ash.
02:36Two things want one thing.
02:41An angelic smile
02:44and a demon-like obsession.
02:48The two come together.
02:53Like the color of the magnetic field,
02:56like an angel and a bear,
02:59two feelings flow from nowhere.
03:05Romantic love.
03:07Embrace me.
03:09Hurt me.
03:11I want to know true love.
03:16I wanna find true love.
03:22This is no place for a young lady.
03:25I've seen your type before.
03:28Adults with foolish notions of playing the hero come waltzing in.
03:36Well, look at you.
03:38Can you fight and protect that run at the same time, though?
03:45I should get her to safety first.
03:47But where is safe?
03:49Listen, I have an idea.
03:51Go ahead and back away.
03:53This braggart thinks you're weaker than him.
03:56Let's take advantage of that confidence.
03:58Uh, sure.
04:06If you're scheming to bury me with the crates,
04:08then you'll bury yourselves, too.
04:11All in all, I guess you gallant worms do serve at least one purpose.
04:16After I kill you in front of the playthings,
04:18they're much more obedient.
04:21Now, fate.
04:32Just had to make it hard, huh?
04:34Well, now you're gonna die.
04:36Great! The sharp edge skill?
04:39Cut through his blade and strike him down.
04:41It's always the plan.
04:53Heard you say this girl is to be a toy for the holy knights.
04:56Who was it that you had kidnap her?
04:59My lips are sealed.
05:02Then I suggest you unseal them and tell me what villain hired you!
05:06All right, already! I'll tell you everything!
05:09A name.
05:10Out of where it's the one who hired me!
05:23Told you you'd be all right.
05:25Oh, I guess so.
05:29Must be hungry now that she's relaxed.
05:33Missed dinner, huh?
05:35Oh, but what's your name?
05:37I'm Sahara.
05:38And my name is Fate.
05:40So, now that we've been introduced, let's eat!
05:46I'll take two, please.
05:47There you are.
05:50Enjoy. It's hot, though, so don't just inhale it.
05:56Don't look at me! I tried to warn you!
05:59I know. I'm excited because I've never had meat.
06:18Help yourself to mine as well, Sahara.
06:25Where were you, child?
06:26Yes, sir, I'm home!
06:38You have my gratitude.
06:40Fate, thank you for rescuing me.
06:43You look as if we've said something that offends you.
06:47Never been thanked or appreciated before, at least that I can recall.
06:51Got a waste of a skill, so why would they?
06:54I didn't realize you had a weak skill. Like what?
06:57Being hungry non-stop.
06:59You're always hungry?
07:01Mm-hmm. Weak, right?
07:03But smiling through the hard times, no matter how brutal they are, is the key to happiness.
07:08Think I can, though?
07:12Faye, if you smile through all the worst times, you'll have discovered the true key to happiness in life.
07:19Think I can, though?
07:24I didn't grasp what he meant back then, but I do believe Father's words are the reason I made it to this point.
07:35Sahara, I hope they help you survive, too.
07:44One-handed sword techniques. Baby's first technical skill. Well done.
07:49Then technical skills are good?
07:51Indeed. They grant you special moves called Tech Arts.
07:54You're able to attack twice in the span of a single strike with sharp edge.
07:58That's the attack he nearly used on us.
08:01How much trouble would I have been in if he'd struck before I did?
08:04The maximum amount. You probably would have died.
08:08And my trusty blade didn't warn me?
08:10A hero is in the middle of saving a little girl. Couldn't interrupt that.
08:16I'm no hero in any sense.
08:18Would have played it safe had you told me.
08:20Uh-oh. Somebody sounds embarrassed because he showed off.
08:26The stronger opponent isn't guaranteed the win. It often comes down to luck.
08:30I'm surprised luck was on my side for once.
08:35I want to get stronger. Enough that I can win, regardless of luck.
08:41I've been meaning to ask you something.
08:44Tomorrow's your first day working for the Hearts, yes?
08:47That's right.
08:48Dressed in those rags?
08:52No! I forgot to buy nicer clothes!
08:55Don't drop me, dammit! Handle the priceless treasures with care!
09:02Did you hear? Sir Mason was struck down by a divine dragon in Galia.
09:07The messenger was my friend, so I know it's true.
09:11And what of the Heart family, then?
09:13Well, Lady Roxy shall of course succeed him.
09:16Not sure she'll be able to keep the Holy Knights in line like Sir Mason did, though.
09:20He was the one preventing them from going completely out of control.
09:24By Holy Knights, you mean the Vleriks, yes?
09:27Always causing grief.
09:30I'd like to request a more pleasant conversation, please.
09:35Fate faring well these days?
09:38All I know is that he doesn't drop by after work near as often.
09:43I see.
09:55This is it. Home of the Holy Knights.
10:06This place is huge!
10:23I'm so glad you came!
10:27I've been waiting. Welcome to the Heart Estate.
10:32Does something ail you?
10:34I'm just feeling a bit... stunned.
10:37You look beautiful.
10:41Well, now you know when the mood strikes, I don the occasional dress.
10:45I see that you've cleaned up quite nicely, too.
10:49Come, let's be off.
10:59A grave?
11:00A grave?
11:02This is Fate. He'll be working at the estate from today onward, Father.
11:06With him around now, things are bound to be lively again.
11:10So, this grave is...
11:12My father's. He encountered a Divine Dragon in Galia five days ago, and...
11:17well, he didn't return alive.
11:20Galia. The Forbidden Continent.
11:23It's dominated by monsters, and the Holy Knights are tasked with keeping them contained.
11:29That duty fell to the Heart Family, and Father was prepared to face the danger that the job always brings.
11:34But instead, for the first time in over a thousand years, the Divine Dragon emerged.
11:43My father's force was slain to the last man.
11:46I had no idea. She's been carrying that weight, yet still looking out for me.
11:53While I remained oblivious.
11:57This day is too joyous to be so sad.
12:00With my father's passing came my succession as heir.
12:03Now I head the House Heart, and you're a part of it.
12:06Will you help me spread some cheer?
12:08Yes. Every day.
12:15Wait! If I touch her...
12:17Oh no.
12:18Telepathy will activate.
12:23What'd you see?
12:28Perfect timing.
12:30May I present Fate.
12:32Fate, Graphite. Pleasure to meet you.
12:36I'm sure. Haru is my name, and I'm the chief maid of the estate.
12:41I ask you to conduct yourself in a manner befitting a servant of the Heart Family.
12:54So meaty!
12:57Conduct yourself in a manner befitting a servant of the Heart Family.
13:06Hey, don't forget to take a break.
13:09Thank you, I won't. I'll rest after I finish trimming this shrub.
13:13Try not to overdo it now. Can't believe you've been here a full week.
13:18Honestly, neither can I.
13:20I thought you were a real crackpot at first. The way you're always talking to your sword.
13:25And how eating makes him shiver.
13:28That's because I was meatless for five whole years. Show some sympathy.
13:34How are you hungry when we just had lunch?
13:37Perhaps you didn't eat much?
13:39No, I ate my fill, I promise you.
13:42Guess I'm having a little growth spurt.
13:45Mr. Fate.
13:46Yes, ma'am?
13:47The lady requests your presence.
13:49Then I shall oblige.
13:50Back to work.
13:53Why, I've been eating better than ever.
14:12So, Fate, are you accustomed to working here yet?
14:16Each day, the hunger grows and grows.
14:22And my restraint slips away.
14:24Faye? Are you there?
14:27Is something troubling you, Faye?
14:30That nickname.
14:32Oh, sorry. I haven't been called Faye since my father passed, so it took me by surprise.
14:37Then your father's gone?
14:39Yes. He was killed in a monster hunt years ago.
14:42I suppose we share in that loss.
14:45But, uh, why start addressing me like that?
14:48Remember what I told you about spreading cheer around the estate?
14:51Nicknames are a sign that you're close with other people.
14:54It strengthens our familial bond.
14:56Familial bond?
14:57M-me and Lady Roxy?
15:01Requesting you call me Fate!
15:06Huh? Faye! Are you ill?
15:15I'm back in my room.
15:23Please take tomorrow off from work and be sure to get plenty of rest.
15:27Still looking out, huh?
15:31Hey, Greed.
15:33My hunger's never been this bad before.
15:36Used to endure it just fine.
15:38Now it's only getting worse.
15:40Any idea why?
15:41Why do you think?
15:43The dye's been cast.
15:44Once gluttony gets a taste for souls, there's no stopping it.
15:48No way at all?
15:50Your strength grows each time you consume a soul.
15:53But so does your hunger.
15:55You're destined to devour more and more till the day you die.
16:00And if I don't consume more souls?
16:03You'll starve to death.
16:04Or lose control and start attacking anyone in your path.
16:08Without hesitation?
16:11But that...practically makes me a monster.
16:15Here's a little tip.
16:16When your hunger approaches its limit, it shows in your eyes.
16:25As I said, the dye's been cast.
16:28There's no turning back.
16:31Tonight's strategy is hunt a lot and earn a lot.
16:36So we're agreed.
16:37They...smell delicious for some reason.
16:40Sounds like your hunger boost is in full effect.
16:43The eyes are the indicator?
16:46Hunger boost temporarily increases all basic stats so you can get the best out of gluttony.
16:51You'll have improved night vision, be able to track prey by scent,
16:55and weaker prey will be terrified and paralyzed.
17:01I see.
17:03They're standing still for the slaughter because they're frozen in fear.
17:06So I believe I'm going to help myself.
17:21Not enough.
17:22Might find more filling food in Hobgoblin Forest.
17:48How many more?
17:53How much must I gorge myself to satisfy this hunger?
18:07Seems that did the trick.
18:10I'd like to avoid ever feeling this again.
18:13Then you'll have to make hunting a habit.
18:15Slay lots of monsters and feed gluttony their souls.
18:19Suppose I could do that.
18:22What's happening?
18:28That thing is gargantuan.
18:32It's a goblin.
18:35It's a goblin king.
18:37Goblin king?
18:41Doesn't have much edge on you, stat-wise.
18:43What's health regeneration?
18:45A skill that heals wounds.
18:47If you get injured, it'd help you power through the fight.
18:50Oh, I definitely want that.
19:01Why are you getting sick?
19:03Goblins are a fine meal for monsters.
19:06Doesn't make it easy to watch.
19:14All right, slow and stealthy.
19:16I know, I know.
19:18Ready, set, go!
19:23Well struck! You got the drop on him.
19:30Stop daydreaming and dodge.
19:39You won't beat him by running away.
19:41I won't get clubbed, either.
19:43Don't fear his stick. You have me.
19:46Then I give you all my faith.
19:52Now, let him have it!
20:04Gluttony skill activated.
20:06Status values increased.
20:08Health regeneration skill has been added.
20:14I'm spent.
20:15Nicely done.
20:17You have the stats to unlock my first level now.
20:20You have levels? To unlock?
20:22With enough stats, yes.
20:24My wielder can offer them in exchange for versions of me that are more versatile.
20:29So you have more forms?
20:31I'd like to see that.
20:33Hand over the stats and you will.
20:35All right. How much do you need?
20:38Everything you've gained since my very first swipe.
20:42What part of greed don't you understand?
20:44There I'll stand locked, then, because that's a little too greedy.
20:47You could decline, but you'll lose the right to wield me if you do.
20:52Advance on your own or strengthen me, too, so we can advance together.
20:56Your choice.
20:58Is it?
21:00Well, it really isn't much of one.
21:02The only partner for me is you, Greed.
21:05Well said. You won't regret this.
21:12I feel the power leaving me.
21:14Bit by bit, it's being stolen.
21:19Amazing, Greed.
21:21So you're a sword that transforms into a bow.
21:25A magic bow.
21:27What does that even mean?
21:29I'll show you with this sneak that's been sizing you up.
21:31See him?
21:32Take a shot before he escapes.
21:35If I had arrows to use, sure.
21:37Draw back the bow and they'll appear.
21:44Your shots will land no matter where you aim.
21:46An ideal weapon for a novice like yourself.
21:51It worked!
21:57A gift from me to you.
22:00Goblin King ears should keep them fed for a while.
22:27I'm sorry.
22:28I'm sorry.
22:29I'm sorry.
22:30I'm sorry.
22:31I'm sorry.
22:32I'm sorry.
22:33I'm sorry.
22:34I'm sorry.
22:35I'm sorry.
22:36I'm sorry.
22:37I'm sorry.
22:38I'm sorry.
22:39I'm sorry.
22:40I'm sorry.
22:41I'm sorry.
22:42I'm sorry.
22:43I'm sorry.
22:44I'm sorry.
22:45I'm sorry.
22:46I'm sorry.
22:47I'm sorry.
22:48I'm sorry.
22:49I'm sorry.
22:50I'm sorry.
22:51I'm sorry.
22:52I'm sorry.
22:53I'm sorry.
22:54I'm sorry.
22:55I'm sorry.
22:56I'm sorry.
22:57I'm sorry.
22:58I'm sorry.
22:59I'm sorry.
23:00I'm sorry.
23:01I'm sorry.
23:02I'm sorry.
23:03I'm sorry.
23:04I'm sorry.
23:05I'm sorry.
23:06I'm sorry.
23:07I'm sorry.
23:08I'm sorry.
23:09I'm sorry.
23:10I'm sorry.
23:11I'm sorry.
23:12I'm sorry.
23:13I'm sorry.
23:14I'm sorry.
23:15I'm sorry.
23:16I'm sorry.
23:17I'm sorry.
23:18I'm sorry.
23:19I'm sorry.
23:20I'm sorry.
23:21I'm sorry.
23:22I'm sorry.
23:23I'm sorry.
23:24I'm sorry.
23:25I'm sorry.
23:26I'm sorry.
23:27I'm sorry.
23:28I'm sorry.
23:29I'm sorry.
23:30I'm sorry.
23:31I'm sorry.
23:32I'm sorry.
23:33I'm sorry.
23:34I'm sorry.
23:35I'm sorry.
23:36I'm sorry.
23:37I'm sorry.
23:38I'm sorry.
23:39I'm sorry.
23:40I'm sorry.
23:41I'm sorry.
23:42I'm sorry.
23:43I'm sorry.
23:44I'm sorry.
23:45I'm sorry.
23:46I'm sorry.
23:47I'm sorry.
23:48I'm sorry.
23:49I'm sorry.
23:50I'm sorry.
23:51I'm sorry.
23:52I'm sorry.
