My Final Reply to Godi Youtubers _ Elvish Yadav _ Dhruv Rathee

  • last month
00:00I've caught you.
00:00There are more lies to be caught.
00:03Then comes my Aam Aadmi Party's connections.
00:05These stupid YouTubers' favourite conspiracy.
00:08You're getting electric shock because you have Ram in your mouth
00:10and Nathuram in your heart.
00:12Poshampa, Poshampa.
00:14What happened in Lal Qile?
00:15You stole a 100 rupee watch.
00:17Now you'll have to go to jail.
00:21Hello, friends.
00:22In Haryana's Hisar district, there's a village called Rakhigadi.
00:24When excavations were done here,
00:26a 7,000-8,000-year-old civilization used to live here.
00:30But the amazing thing is that
00:31that civilization hasn't reached the streets of Elvish Yadav yet.
00:34Because this idiot is still uncivilized.
00:37Abusing, beating up, spreading hatred,
00:40intoxicating, getting youngsters into the habit of betting,
00:43objectifying girls,
00:44these are all his daily activities.
00:46And when his cringe content doesn't get views,
00:48he makes videos on Dhruv Rathee in between.
00:51This is the ninja technique of these stupid YouTubers.
00:53I think such YouTubers should be exposed in front of the public.
00:57So that people know that if they follow such YouTubers,
01:01then they're following such big idiots.
01:03Although, it's a different thing that these YouTubers don't care.
01:06Because shameless people like Elvish believe
01:08that so what if they're defamed?
01:09At least they'll have a name.
01:10It was good and bad.
01:12What was bad?
01:14The bad thing was that memes were being made.
01:16That's a good thing. It's publicity.
01:18After the last video, some of you were asking me
01:20why I'm wasting time by making a video on this one person.
01:23The thing is, friends,
01:24it's not just about this one person.
01:27All the bad things that are happening in our society,
01:29I believe that it's the personality of one Elvish Yadav.
01:32It's the personification of all those bad things.
01:34Such people have become a big threat to our society and our country.
01:38And if we correct this one person,
01:39we'll see its effect on lakhs and crores of people.
01:42So let's catch some more of his lies in the first half of this video.
01:46And in the second half,
01:47let's start correcting him.
01:49Use your brain a little, man.
01:50The video isn't over yet.
01:51It's still a long way to go.
01:53I don't know how many videos have been made so far.
01:55But there are more points to come.
02:00In the last video, his stupidity counter was at 9,
02:02so let's continue from there.
02:04Elvish says that he shared pornographic content
02:06in his Telegram group.
02:08And our Dhruv Bhai, who talks about ethics,
02:11used to share pornographic content in his Telegram group.
02:13Because of which, Telegram banned his group.
02:18Look, Elvish, every person has something here
02:21which is called the brain.
02:22If you had used it a little,
02:24you would've asked yourself,
02:25why would I want to share pornographic content
02:28in my Telegram group?
02:30What will I get by doing this?
02:31Obviously, this is a lie and I've never done this.
02:34A few years ago, there was a very common bug on Telegram.
02:36Search on Google,
02:38Telegram Pornographic Bug.
02:39You'll find a lot of people on Reddit
02:41who are complaining about this thing.
02:42Why did this happen when they didn't do anything like this?
02:45Anyways, then Elvish talks about my team.
02:47He says that there are three people in my team.
02:49He gets his video written by Vijeta Dhaiya.
02:51He's a movie director.
02:53And there are three people in his team.
02:55Rahul, Akshay and Manav.
03:00I've talked about this in many interviews.
03:02And I've said the same thing again and again.
03:03That there are 10-15 people in my team.
03:05I need basic literacy.
03:07At least, he would've seen an interview
03:09before making a video on me.
03:11How big is your team?
03:12Is it 50-100 people or how many?
03:14It's not 50-100, it's 10.
03:16I'd say it's 10-11 people.
03:17On top of that, do you know how to count?
03:19Or should I teach you that too?
03:20Because first you say that there's a researcher named Vijeta.
03:22Then you say that there are three people in my team.
03:24Rahul, Akshay and Manav.
03:25So, isn't it 3 plus 1 equal to 4?
03:27At least, he would've counted.
03:29If you need any other news about your team,
03:31then do let me know.
03:32No, you can give me any other news later.
03:34First, learn to count till 1, 2, 3, 4.
03:36You can use your fingers.
03:381, 2, 3, 4.
03:39It makes it easier to count.
03:40And the most amazing thing is that
03:41the names of the other team members that he mentioned
03:43are also wrong.
03:44Okay, moving forward, Elvish says that
03:46he promoted a fake cryptocurrency coin.
03:49He doesn't even know the C of cryptocurrency.
03:50Despite that, he invests people's money
03:52in a scam crypto.
03:56Let's clear this matter too.
03:58This is 3 years ago, in October 2021,
04:01when I got an email from this company for promotion.
04:03Here on the screen, you can see
04:04what reply I gave to this email.
04:06I wrote that I want to know
04:08who are the investors behind this project.
04:10I want their details.
04:11And I want these details
04:12that there are no Chinese investments in it.
04:14Because I don't promote Chinese companies.
04:17Then I asked him to make a call.
04:19His CEO spoke to me directly.
04:22He repeatedly showed me his documents
04:24and reassured me that whatever I'm promoting
04:26is the right thing.
04:27And as proof, he also showed me
04:29the advertorials that he had printed
04:31in the newspapers like Economic Times, Money Control, NDTV Profit.
04:34Third, this promotion came from an agency
04:36whose co-founder is one of India's popular YouTubers.
04:39This is an established agency
04:41with which all these YouTubers work regularly.
04:44So because of this, my reassurance increased.
04:46But the thing is, friends,
04:47I am a human being.
04:48I am a biological human being.
04:50I don't have any divine energy
04:52to become an Antaryami
04:53so that I can find out
04:54what is going to happen with this company in the future.
04:57Because this is like
04:58Shahrukh Khan and Amitabh Bachchan
05:00advertise the spices of Everest.
05:01And later, when the news comes
05:03that cancerous chemicals have been found in these spices,
05:05then you ask Shahrukh Khan and Amitabh Bachchan
05:07why did you advertise this?
05:09Unfortunately, we normal biological human beings
05:10don't have the ability to see the future.
05:13But when I felt that something was wrong here,
05:15I removed this ad,
05:16removed all the links from my videos
05:18and set a new standard for myself.
05:21After this, I told myself
05:22that from now on,
05:23I will not promote any cryptocurrency company.
05:26And since then, I have never done it.
05:28It's been 3 years now.
05:29Which companies do I promote?
05:31Who don't I promote?
05:32I can openly tell you my standards regarding them.
05:35First, I have never promoted any betting, gambling
05:37or fantasy app till date.
05:39Because I don't want the youth of the country
05:41to get addicted to gambling.
05:43In these betting apps,
05:44millions of youth's money and time are wasted.
05:46But there is a bigger loss than that.
05:47Their mental frame is disturbed.
05:49Second, I have never promoted any
05:50tobacco, pan masala or cigarette.
05:53Third, I have never promoted any Chinese company.
05:56Fourth, I have never promoted any fast food
05:58or soft drink company.
05:59Which has a harmful impact on people's health.
06:03I know that millions of people follow me.
06:05And in any sense, in any aspect,
06:07I don't want to have a bad impact
06:10on the society.
06:12I want more influencers, actors and YouTubers
06:15to be influenced by me and set the same standards.
06:18So that a positive impact can be made on the society.
06:20And people like Elvish are in a completely different extreme.
06:23They will show greed for money and promote any nonsense.
06:25If someone asks for your opinion on the World T20 Championship,
06:28just say that we're not giving it.
06:30We'll give it to ***.
06:32And we'll win there.
06:34The companies that Elvish is promoting,
06:35exactly these companies have offered me
06:37promotions again and again.
06:38They have offered up to 20 lakh rupees.
06:40But I can't sell my conscience.
06:42I have explained this in detail in this video.
06:45If you haven't seen it,
06:47the link is in the description below.
06:48And Elvish, I have talked about this in my YouTube course as well.
06:51I saw that even after giving a discount last time,
06:53you didn't take the course.
06:54Let's do this.
06:55Let's increase the discount for you a little more.
06:57Now instead of Elvish 40,
06:58use Elvish 420 coupon code.
07:01You won't get 420% off from this.
07:03Because it's not possible.
07:04You don't have to go into that much math.
07:06You won't understand it.
07:07You'll get 42% off from this.
07:08So watch it. It's a good opportunity.
07:09And friends, if you are also interested,
07:11it's a good opportunity for you as well.
07:12I would like to show you some reviews
07:14of people who have taken this course till now.
07:16How good their feedback has been.
07:18I have just finished your course today.
07:21I liked it a lot.
07:22I have learned a lot of things in this.
07:24Like ideas for niche topics.
07:25All the aspects which can be there for a YouTuber
07:28are there in terms of how to grow,
07:31how to earn,
07:32what are the stresses,
07:33what are the challenges.
07:34And the best part was that in this course,
07:36you have completely connected your life journey.
07:38All the examples you have given were your own examples.
07:41You are among the best in the business.
07:42Which is why I decided to learn from a young teacher like you.
07:46I don't think after buying this course,
07:47I will need to buy any other course.
07:49I got to learn one thing from this course
07:52which I was confused about for many years.
07:54First and foremost, my niche.
07:55Second, how to do what, what timing.
07:57Especially your kind master hack,
07:59I liked that a lot.
08:01This is probably the first detailed course in the country
08:03which teaches you step by step
08:05how you can make YouTube your part-time job
08:07or full-time career.
08:09In this, everything has been taught from 0 to 100
08:11about this career.
08:12And specifically,
08:1420 different niche examples have been told to you.
08:17Such fields in which I think
08:19a successful YouTube channel can be made.
08:21But in today's world,
08:22no YouTube channel exists in those fields.
08:24So if you're interested,
08:25you can scan this QR code.
08:26Or you can find the link in the description below.
08:28And the coupon code is ELVISH420.
08:31Coming back to the topic,
08:32Elvish also tries to make a new conspiracy with my DW.
08:36DW and Dhruv Rathee have a collab.
08:38For those who don't know about DW,
08:39a video is uploaded on DW.
08:41A documentary is uploaded.
08:42In which they show
08:44how Hindus attack Muslims in India.
08:47And like all news portals do,
08:49they show one side of the story.
08:50So our DW also showed one side of the story.
08:54If you don't see the other side,
08:56you won't be able to see it.
08:57He put a thumbnail of one video
08:59and showed that they only make videos against Modi.
09:01I can also say this by putting two thumbnails.
09:04Look, DW has only made videos in Modi's favor.
09:07In this, there's a journalist, Irfan Mehra.
09:09Who works for DW.
09:13Once again, the illiterate Elvish
09:14didn't know how to read names.
09:15His name is not Irfan Mehra.
09:17It's Irfan Mehraj.
09:18There's a J at the end.
09:19In the entire video, he keeps saying Mehra, Mehra, Mehra.
09:21Everyone is equal.
09:23Everyone is equal.
09:24Not everyone is equal, Elvish.
09:26Not everyone is equal.
09:27Do you know for whom he works?
09:29He works for DW.
09:31For TRT.
09:32For The Arab.
09:33For The Arab.
09:36In the entire world,
09:37there's no media house named The Arab.
09:40Maybe he wanted to say The New Arab here.
09:42But it's okay.
09:43When a person is so illiterate,
09:44he makes mistakes in every sentence.
09:46To spread a banner against Piya,
09:47Kish Intelligence Agency
09:49and Pakistan Intelligence Agency, ISI,
09:51together started TRT.
09:55Oh God!
09:56Once again, this illiterate Elvish couldn't read.
09:58I have a doubt whether he passed out from school or not.
10:01Because in his article,
10:02it's not written anywhere that
10:04ISI together started Turkey's TRT World.
10:08In the article, it's written that
10:09Turkey Intelligence Agency and ISI
10:11together are starting a propaganda team
10:13through TRT World.
10:15It's not that they're only starting TRT World.
10:17That's a different thing, friends.
10:19This article is also fake.
10:20Because it's written by a fake news website.
10:22His own website.
10:24But we'll talk about it in another video.
10:25Otherwise, it'll take too long.
10:27Write anti-India.
10:28Spread propaganda.
10:29Spread propaganda.
10:31It's not propaganda.
10:32Elvish, it's propaganda.
10:34It's not. Yes.
10:35NIA arrested Irfan Mehra last year.
10:38Because he was associated with
10:40a terrorist organization.
10:43All the big Al-Qaeda and Pal-Qaeda
10:45were working with Bhai Arun.
10:49Al-Qaeda and Pal-Qaeda?
10:50Are you talking nonsense?
10:52No, Irfan Mehra never worked with Al-Qaeda.
10:56In fact, Irfan Mehra's arrest by NIA
10:58has been politically motivated
11:00by many international groups.
11:02He has been arrested under UAPA.
11:04An arrest whose conviction
11:06has not been proven yet.
11:07International Human Rights Watch has also said
11:10that the Indian government should release him immediately.
11:13This is a wrong arrest.
11:14Speaking of arrests, Elvish,
11:16you were also crying a few months ago
11:17that you were arrested
11:19and the media was spreading false news against you.
11:21And you're doing the same thing here.
11:23I don't know if your snake venom case
11:25or the case of the pot-stealing is true.
11:28It will be proven in the court.
11:30But if a fake case comes out against you
11:32and still the police arrest you,
11:34then don't cry.
11:35Because no Human Rights Watch will come to save you.
11:38Even Godi Media doesn't spread fake news in your favor.
11:41Media is not real.
11:42So listen to the saying,
11:44those who have glass houses,
11:45don't throw stones at others.
11:47The problem is that you can't understand others' pain.
11:49You just know to roast others,
11:51to declare them anti-national.
11:53And when the same thing happens to you,
11:55you start crying.
11:56The amazing thing is that
11:58he was trying to connect me with all this.
12:00He says that Irrfan Mehraj used to write articles for DW
12:03and I make travel videos for DW.
12:06This is our connection.
12:08Tell me, what logic is this?
12:10You went to Bigg Boss.
12:11Dolly Bindra also went to Bigg Boss.
12:13Because of your logic,
12:14Dolly Bindra and you became best friends.
12:17Then let's come to the connections of my Aam Aadmi Party.
12:19These Godi YouTubers' favorite conspiracy.
12:25Look, he also has a stupid counter.
12:28This guy is making a video on me.
12:30But he doesn't know how to spell my name properly.
12:32In Rathi, I write with double E instead of I.
12:35On 21st December 2014,
12:36he made a song for Aam Aadmi Party.
12:385 Saal Kejriwal.
12:42Elvish, from which angle do you think I am a singer
12:44that I will make a song for Aam Aadmi Party?
12:46That too 10 years ago.
12:48Search this song on YouTube.
12:505 Saal Kejriwal song is actually made by
12:52famous Bollywood singer Vishal Dadlani.
12:55Actually, I made a re-edit of this song.
12:58Out of passion.
12:59I also talked about this in the story of my life video.
13:01Like in 2011-12, there was a time when
13:04there were many allegations of corruption against the UPS government.
13:07At that time, there was an India Against Corruption movement.
13:10In which Anna Hazare and Arvind Kejriwal participated.
13:13And because of this movement,
13:14I got interested in politics.
13:16Some cynical people said that anyone can do a movement.
13:18If there is courage, why don't people come into politics?
13:21After this, Aam Aadmi Party was formed.
13:23The people of Delhi also saw hope from the new party.
13:26And for this reason,
13:27in the elections of February 2015,
13:29they got 67 seats out of 70.
13:31At that time, they didn't have the donation of thousands of crores
13:33given by big companies.
13:35Common people were giving them political funding.
13:38Because I used to feel very passionately about this thing.
13:41So I openly supported them.
13:43And volunteered for them.
13:44Using my editing skills.
13:47I was a student at that time.
13:48I was studying engineering in Germany.
13:51In my free time,
13:52I did some graphic designing and made some posters for them.
13:55And edited a few songs.
13:57But the thing to note is that
13:58neither did anyone ask me to do this.
14:00Nor did anyone give me money to do this.
14:02And neither was I an official or unofficial member of the party.
14:06Whatever I did, I did with my will.
14:08I did it on the basis of my passion.
14:09By 2017-2018, you will get my Facebook posts.
14:12You will get YouTube videos where I support them.
14:15So that they can get footage.
14:16So that a new party can survive in the politics of India.
14:19If tomorrow, a new party is formed in some other state.
14:22And I feel that it is honest.
14:24And its politics will have a positive impact on the politics of the country.
14:28There are no two ways about it.
14:30That I will openly show my support again.
14:32But will I get any personal benefit from this?
14:35Or did I get any personal benefit from supporting the Aam Aadmi Party?
14:38Not even a drop of blood.
14:39Many people spread rumours that
14:40I have a relative in the Aam Aadmi Party.
14:42This is a complete lie.
14:43I was neither a member of any political party.
14:45Nor did I ever take money from any political party.
14:48Nor is there any member of any political party in my family.
14:51Elvish, if you want, I can give you an affidavit.
14:54But you won't be able to read the affidavit.
14:56If I was getting money from the Aam Aadmi Party.
14:59Think about it.
15:00Doesn't the party expect me to praise Arvind Kejriwal
15:03the same way the Godi influencers praise Narendra Modi?
15:09I wish I could talk to Kejriwal's 1% energy.
15:15If we could talk to his 1% energy.
15:18Then we would have won this match.
15:20Thank you. Thank you, sir.
15:22I would start calling Arvind Kejriwal the father of Delhi.
15:24Just to say father of the country
15:26is an analogy like a fatherly figure.
15:29I would say that I will defend our Delhi CM with all my might.
15:32Listen, I will defend the Prime Minister of the country with all my might.
15:36Like Arnab, I would start asking in the video
15:38if not Kejriwal, then who else?
15:39Modi versus who?
15:42Modi versus who?
15:43Modi versus who?
15:45And I would write on my Twitter username
15:47that I will vote for Kejriwal's family and Aam Aadmi Party.
15:50But in all these years, have you heard me say anything like this?
15:54Elvish posts a photo with BJP leader Smriti Irani
15:57and writes that she is full of energy.
15:59She has a humorous mind.
16:00He writes about PM Modi that he is Ram Bhakt, Rashtra Bhakt Modi.
16:04He once again saluted Modi in this tweet.
16:07People used to call me BJP's henchman.
16:09But according to Elvish, I get paid
16:11and BJP doesn't pay me for his flattery.
16:14Then he says that his audience is Pakistani.
16:16Because 50% of the population comes from Pakistan
16:18which doesn't affect our country in any way.
16:2350% of the population comes from Pakistan.
16:25You can say whatever you want.
16:27Should I say it too?
16:28Your entire family comes from Pakistan.
16:30But this won't make it true, right?
16:32Look at my audience statistics.
16:33More than 80% of the population is from India.
16:36And out of the remaining 20%,
16:38at least 10% are Indians who live outside India.
16:41Then Elvish says that I called Aurangzeb a secular king.
16:44According to him, Aurangzeb was secular.
16:46But does this mean that Aurangzeb was a secular king
16:50who looked at all religions equally?
16:54Do you know what the problem is?
16:56You're making a personal joke out of me.
16:58That's why you're saying anything.
16:59I said in the video that Aurangzeb used to become secular
17:02and sometimes communal as needed.
17:04That means he was an opportunist.
17:06Just like you.
17:07First, you played cricket with Munawar Farooqui as a secular.
17:10You were laughing with each other.
17:12You were giving each other magical hugs.
17:13You were clicking photos.
17:15Look at this.
17:20Oh, sorry. Wrong video.
17:21Look at this.
17:22We've chosen betting.
17:23We'll be out on the first ball.
17:25It's not out yet.
17:26But I heard you do it.
17:28Yes, that kind of betting.
17:29Oh, no. Wrong video again.
17:31Editor, stop sucking my arm.
17:33Focus on the editing.
17:36So, the opposite team's main player is with us.
17:41A Twitter user pointed this out and said,
17:43Elvish, you turned out to be a traitor against Hindus.
17:46Elvish could've said,
17:48I spoke to Munawar about whatever happened.
17:50He didn't mean to say that.
17:52That joke was actually about a Bollywood song.
17:55But he used some bad language in the flow.
17:57He has already apologized for that.
17:59Elvish could've said,
18:01Hinduism doesn't teach you to hate.
18:03It teaches you to forgive.
18:04Keep your hatred and ego aside for a while
18:08and talk to them for an hour.
18:09Then you won't be able to hate anymore.
18:11But the cricket match was over.
18:13And Elvish had to run his hate shop.
18:16So, what did Elvish do?
18:17He started telling white lies.
18:19That it was just a cricket match.
18:20That's how I left.
18:21I was just provoking Munawar.
18:23Meaning, if needed,
18:24you became a communal from a secular.
18:26And when the cricket match came again,
18:29you became a secular again.
18:30Meaning, you were just like Aurangzeb.
18:32Where communal benefits you,
18:34communal benefits you.
18:34Where secular benefits you,
18:35secular benefits you.
18:36Just like an officer.
18:39Meaning, opportunist.
18:40The truth is,
18:41you don't have your own ideology.
18:43You don't have an ideology.
18:44Whatever you do,
18:45you do it for money and fame.
18:47Elvish and Munawar's captain
18:49is changing Twitter right now.
18:52He's doing verses.
18:53What do you want to say?
18:54It's nothing personal.
18:55And as much as there's love on social media,
18:59I want to spread positivity to everyone.
19:01Then Elvish said,
19:02why did I make a dictator video about PM Modi?
19:05Look, PM Modi is sharing memes.
19:08PM Modi shared his meme that
19:10he enjoys it.
19:11So I don't think a dictator would do this.
19:13Or a dictator who wants to be one would do this.
19:17This is like someone telling you
19:19that drinking alcohol increases the risk of heart disease.
19:21Your liver gets damaged.
19:23But you say,
19:24alcohol is not that harmful.
19:26Because drinking alcohol doesn't cause fever.
19:28It's not alcohol, it's medicine.
19:30Does this make any sense?
19:32The 10 examples I gave
19:33of the growing dictatorial tendencies in the country,
19:36what about them?
19:36When 6 people are arrested for sticking posters
19:38of Modi Hatao Desh Bachao.
19:40More than 140 MPs are suspended.
19:43Central agencies like ED are weaponized.
19:46Then the answer is,
19:48look, PM Modi shared a meme.
19:50And what was in this meme?
19:52A cartoon of PM Modi was dancing on stage.
19:54Was there anything to arrest him for?
19:56If someone considers Narendra Modi great
19:58by sharing a meme,
20:00then that person's level of dictatorship
20:02would be different.
20:05Because just google it.
20:07How many times have people been arrested
20:09for criticizing Narendra Modi?
20:11You'll find such a long list.
20:13But according to Elvish, all this is fine.
20:15And the real dictator is Dhruv Rathee.
20:17He's not joking.
20:18He's trying to declare me a dictator.
20:20Because I blocked some abusive,
20:22insolent trolls on Twitter.
20:28If someone has a different opinion,
20:30then they must give it.
20:31But insolence is not an opinion.
20:33In the screenshots Elvish shared,
20:35you can see a sample of his profanity.
20:37I didn't delete his Twitter account.
20:39I blocked him just by following me.
20:41His offline version would be
20:43that if someone talks to you
20:45rudely in real life,
20:47you stop talking to them.
20:49According to this stupid Elvish,
20:51this is my dictatorship.
20:53YouTuber Ramit Verma's ANI
20:55and its editor Smita Prakash
20:57make an exposive video.
20:59Smita Prakash's ANI
21:01and his YouTube channel,
21:03Official Peeing Human,
21:05can barely survive.
21:07This is the real freedom of opinion.
21:09Elvish himself sometimes
21:11sees someone slapping someone
21:13in a hotel lobby.
21:15Sometimes he sees someone
21:17hitting an influencer with his friends.
21:19Sometimes he says on social media
21:21to tag a person and
21:23abuse them.
21:25At one point, an influencer said
21:27Dhruv Rathee should be hanged
21:29But according to Elvish,
21:31all this is okay.
21:33And if you block some abusive trolls
21:35on your profile,
21:37it becomes a dictatorship.
21:39In a so-called religious assembly,
21:41genocide slogans are raised.
21:43But Elvish has no objection to it
21:45because his own mentality is of the same type.
21:47Look at the cover pic on his Twitter profile.
21:49Do you know which film's screenshot is this?
21:51This is a screenshot of a Bollywood film.
21:53The name of the film is Shaurya,
21:55which is inspired by Hindi plays
21:57and a few good men.
21:59The person whose photo Elvish has put up
22:01is not a hero in the film, but a villain.
22:03Brigadier Pratap, whose Muslim servant
22:05Jameel killed his family
22:07during the communal clashes.
22:09Since then, he has hated all Muslims
22:11and he wanted to wipe out all Muslims.
22:13That's why he asked his junior
22:15Major Rathod to do this.
22:17Otherwise, they will eat us.
22:19They will eat
22:21hundreds of houses in Bayyur-Vihar.
22:23When this is revealed at the end of the film,
22:25the Indian Army relieves Brigadier Pratap
22:27from his duties,
22:29orders him to file a case
22:31and arrests him.
22:33So basically, this film shows the honor
22:35and principles of the Indian Army.
22:37The officer who defames the principles
22:39of the army will not be tolerated.
22:41Take a look at this news article from 2018.
22:43BJP leader and the then Chief Minister
22:45of Assam, Sarbanand Sonowal
22:47welcomed a general court martial
22:49verdict in which a Major General
22:51along with seven army personnel
22:53were sentenced to life imprisonment
22:55for a 1994 fake encounter.
22:57He said that this will strengthen
22:59people's faith in the judiciary and the army.
23:01Our Indian Army's motto is
23:03Seva Parmodharam.
23:05But how will this stupid Elvish's army
23:07understand the honor, ethics and principles
23:09of the Indian Army?
23:11They are thirsty for the blood of the Muslims
23:13of the entire world.
23:15Even a snake is afraid that such a poisonous person
23:17might bite us.
23:19And I am not exaggerating things.
23:21Last year, in October, Israel was attacked
23:23by a terrorist group from Hamas,
23:25in which 350 Israelis were killed.
23:27I made a video on this, and then Israel
23:29attacked. Till now, 17 lakh people
23:31have been displaced in Gaza.
23:33More than 37,000 people have been killed.
23:35Israel has already left the international
23:37rules of war.
23:39Hospitals have also been attacked.
23:41Recently, a tent camp was attacked
23:43in Rafah, where 45 people were killed.
23:45More than half of the people were women,
23:47children and the elderly.
23:49The Secretary General of the United Nations
23:51said that there is no safe place in Gaza.
23:53This horror should stop.
23:55In Paris, 10,000 people
23:57demonstrated outside the Israeli Embassy.
23:59The American National Security Council
24:01spokesperson said that Israel
24:03should take precautions to protect the civilians.
24:05Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar,
24:07Ireland, Germany, France, all have issued
24:09a statement.
24:11This AI image,
24:13almost 5 crore people circulated it.
24:15There are many Indian celebrities
24:17who do not have the courage to speak
24:19on Indian sociopolitical issues.
24:21But it's good that at least they can speak on this.
24:23The government of our country also issued
24:25an official statement that we support the Palestinian
24:29In addition, the heartbreaking loss of civilian
24:31lives in the Rafah camp is a matter of deep concern.
24:33Because of all this, the Israeli military
24:35itself said that non-combatants,
24:37i.e. those who were not fighting,
24:39we are sorry to harm them.
24:41The Prime Minister of Israel
24:43also called it a tragic accident.
24:45But Elvish
24:47put a cover pic on Twitter and
24:49openly stated that he is thirsty for the blood
24:51of Muslims all over the world.
24:53He morphed the image of All Eyes on Rafah
24:55and wrote All Eyes on POK.
24:57Now it is true that Pakistan is occupied
24:59in Kashmir and in fact, in Pakistan
25:01Hindus, Sikhs, Christians and
25:03minorities like atheists have been tortured.
25:05I have talked about them many times in my old videos.
25:07But what sense did this make?
25:09If there is a crime in POK,
25:11then let people die in Rafah.
25:13But did the children of Rafah
25:15commit atrocities in POK?
25:17Can't Godi influencers like Elvish
25:19say that we are against injustice everywhere?
25:21Godi YouTubers who worship Godi
25:23talk about selective outrage.
25:25But are there any more selective than you
25:27shameless people of the Godi ecosystem?
25:29When I made this video, I openly said
25:31that whether it is a Hindu, a Muslim,
25:33a Christian or an atheist,
25:35wherever injustice is happening,
25:37I am against it.
25:39But I challenge these Godi influencers
25:41that they are not against every injustice.
25:43They have hatred in their hearts
25:45for a community.
25:47And against that community,
25:49these people spread poison day and night.
25:51But this does not mean that they
25:53worry about their community.
25:55Forget this hope that Elvish
25:57will ever raise his voice against
25:59any Muslim woman's atrocities.
26:01He will not raise his voice for Hindu women
26:03if he does not see his benefit.
26:05Take the example of Manipur.
26:07People have been dying there for so long.
26:09For 250 days, Kashmiri Pandits
26:11have been on strike. Did Elvish raise his voice?
26:13No. The Godi ecosystem talks about
26:15Kashmiri Pandits only when
26:17Muslims are involved.
26:19Remember, when there were riots
26:21in Noakhali, Mahatma Gandhi
26:23went there to save Hindus.
26:25He did not go from Godi.
26:27Whether a Hindu or a Muslim,
26:29Mahatma Gandhi used to save them.
26:31And Nathuram Godse used to spread hatred.
26:33The Godi ecosystem is only affected
26:35by the politics of hatred.
26:37When the BJP lost in Ayodhya,
26:39they started abusing the Hindus of Ayodhya.
26:41The Ghaziabad police arrested two such people.
26:43One of them was the one who
26:45slapped Kanhaiya Kumar in the rally.
26:47You might ask, why are they
26:49commenting so badly about the Hindus of Ayodhya?
26:51Only because the BJP lost there.
26:53You should understand from this
26:55that their religion is the Modi Panth.
26:57And their job is to
26:59lick the cream of power.
27:01The truth is that a person like Elvish
27:03who wants to divide his own country
27:05on the basis of his religion,
27:07how can he be a patriot?
27:09What kind of a nation is this
27:11where you attack the unity of your own nation?
27:13Every day, spread the poison of hatred in the society.
27:15In Upanishads, such people are called
27:17the people of small thinking.
27:19рдПрдирд┐рдЬрдГ рдкрд░реЛрд╡рд┐рддрд┐ рдЧрдгреНрдгрд╛ рд▓рдЧреБрдЪреЗрддрд╕рд╛рдореН
27:21рдЙрджрд╛рд░ рдЪрд░рд┐рддрд╛рдирд╛рдореН
27:23рддреВ рд╡рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡ рдХреБрдЯреБрдВрдм рдХрдореН
27:25That is, he is mine, he is a stranger.
27:27Such calculations are made by people with small thinking.
27:29For those with a generous heart,
27:31the whole world is a family.
27:33Now consider the whole world as a family.
27:35Elvish will not be able to understand this thought.
27:37But at least don't break the country.
27:39The Muslims of this country are not so bad.
27:41Let's see what they say.
27:43Narendra Modi ji says that
27:45if Muslims come, this will happen.
27:47I say, don't give a single Muslim a job.
27:49You give jobs to all the Hindus of the country,
27:51we will play the game.
27:53You give jobs to all my Hindu brothers.
27:55But at least give. It is our duty too.
27:57Muslims, Sikhs, Christians,
27:59to get their brother out of danger.
28:01I am the only Hindu in this street.
28:03There is no danger.
28:05What should we do?
28:07I am the only Hindu in this street.
28:09There is no danger.
28:11There is no danger.
28:13The simple thing is that
28:15whoever does wrong to any religion,
28:17our law and order takes action on it.
28:19And the rest of the people can live in peace in the country.
28:21Understand such a simple thing.
28:23Put yourself here.
28:25I talked about your 4 anti-Hindu videos
28:27in a previous video.
28:29In that video, you were calling Shiva Bhole Prasad.
28:31You were disrespecting Bhagwan Shiva.
28:35You have removed this video now.
28:37Which is a good thing.
28:39Good boy.
28:41In the second video, you were making fun of Hindu mantras.
28:47You have removed that video too.
28:49Good boy.
28:51But I told you two more videos.
28:53One where you write Jai Shri Ram
28:55and say, install this app.
28:57You will enjoy it.
28:59You can make friends with many people.
29:01Whether they are from India or abroad.
29:03There are more than 17 million hosts.
29:05And there are many streamers.
29:07You have not removed this part yet.
29:09Remove this part.
29:11It is not good to make fun of Bhagwan Ram.
29:13The fourth video is the most problematic.
29:15Where you are making fun of Hanuman Chalisa.
29:23You have not removed this video yet.
29:25I will put it in the description.
29:27Timecode is 550-608, 851-905.
29:29After watching this video,
29:31trim this part.
29:33The next thing is that you are selling a hoodie
29:35by putting a picture of Bhagwan Ram.
29:37You are running your business in the name of religion.
29:39The problem is that you are making fun
29:41of the scriptures of Hindu religion.
29:43Acharya Prashant has told you.
29:45I have also told you in many videos.
29:47Dharma, Hinsa, Tathayavacha.
29:49These lines have not been said anywhere in any Hindu scripture.
29:51Dharma, Hinsa, Tathayavacha has not been written anywhere.
29:53And this should also raise your eyebrows.
29:55What is this centralized
29:57conspiracy unit?
29:59Which does such big conspiracies
30:01that whatever is not written in the scriptures
30:03is written in Sanskrit
30:05and is spread
30:07by WhatsApp and other means.
30:09Either you show me
30:11that these lines are written in any Hindu scriptures
30:13or remove this hoodie
30:15from your clothing line.
30:17Get a new design in which
30:19actually I have written lines of Hindu scriptures
30:21on my hoodie.
30:23Now when I made videos on Bhagwan Ram,
30:25you got a shock.
30:27You are getting a shock because
30:29there is Ram in your mouth and Nathuram in your heart.
30:31You have to remove this Nathuram
30:33from your heart.
30:35You need to purify your heart.
30:37Put the Hindu teachings of Vasudev Kutumbakam of Upanishad in it.
30:39Now there are many more things to do.
30:41But this video is getting too long.
30:43Especially I have not talked much about your misogyny.
30:45You call a woman a witch in a joke.
30:47Look at this guys, a witch.
30:49Then in a video
30:51he says that these girls are not going to have fun.
30:57When you go to buy a car,
30:59you don't understand that a sales girl is also someone's
31:01sister or daughter.
31:03She is doing a job to feed herself.
31:05So it doesn't mean that you and your friends
31:07will stare at her like vultures.
31:11At least he should be ashamed of his aunt.
31:13He says that this Katariya is stuck with Russians.
31:15So be ashamed of your Katariya.
31:17Have you ever thought that
31:19your aunt is feeling so awkward?
31:21Overall, this video will have a lot to soak in
31:23for you.
31:25So that you don't get too confused,
31:27I would like to give you 10 tasks
31:29in clear cut simple language.
31:31Do these 10 things so that you can improve your followers
31:33and together we can improve
31:35the society and the country.
31:37Number 1. Stop spreading hatred and breaking the country.
31:39Remove the cover pic of this
31:41male-sacrifice-supporting character
31:43from your Twitter profile and
31:45post a picture of a saint-like person
31:47like Swami Vivekananda or Dr. Abdul Kalam.
31:49Then tweet, Long Live Indian Unity.
31:51Then go and call yourself a nationalist.
31:53Number 2. Raise the voice of the youth of the country.
31:55I can't expect this from you.
31:57Maybe it will be too much for you.
31:59So never mind.
32:01But stop promoting betting apps.
32:03All these disgusting apps are
32:05taking the youth of the country in the wrong direction.
32:07If you want a sponsor, send me a personal message.
32:09I will get you a sponsor.
32:11Number 3. Clip the anti-Hindu videos
32:13on your channel.
32:15The videos that make fun of Bhagwan Ram
32:17and the videos that make fun of Hanuman Chalisa.
32:19Clip those portions from your videos.
32:21It's not a big deal.
32:23Number 4. Redesign the hoodie
32:25on which you have distorted the Hindu scriptures.
32:27Remove that hoodie and
32:29use a coat that is actually
32:31in our Hindu scriptures.
32:33Number 5. This is your video.
32:35You are set after drinking bhang on Holi.
32:37Remove that video.
32:39If you want, you can do it.
32:41But don't take the youth of the country
32:43in the wrong direction.
32:45Number 6. The video in which you and your friend
32:47are talking nonsense about the salesgirl
32:49should be removed.
32:51This is not freedom of expression
32:53where you attack a girl's dignity
32:55with a vulgar expression.
32:57Number 7. Pick up the textbook of Maths
32:59from Class 7 and revise the chapter
33:01on percentage.
33:03What are you showing yourself?
33:05You are showing the truth.
33:09how the rate of gold is decided.
33:11This will help you understand
33:13what is the role of the government
33:15in deciding the rate of gold.
33:17Read this article once.
33:19Being a fool is not a big deal.
33:21The problem is when a person
33:23doesn't realize his foolishness.
33:25Number 8. I saw that you have reduced
33:27the number of abuses.
33:29There was no abuse in the video you made on me.
33:31Very good. Good boy.
33:33Now make your Elvish army real
33:35and stop abusing your sister.
33:37There is a line in the song 295
33:39that there is no difference between
33:41your mother and her mother.
33:43They will get this wisdom a little late
33:45but you have got some wisdom in this matter.
33:47So now teach your Elvish army as well.
33:49Whether they will agree or not is their choice
33:51but at least try on your side.
33:53Number 9. You have made a lot of songs
33:55that glamorize weapons and objectify girls.
33:57Make the next song on something good.
33:59Instead of the songs like Honey Singh
34:01and Badshah that spread filth,
34:03make a positive contribution in Indian culture.
34:05And finally, task number 10.
34:07The last thing.
34:09Do you remember the game we used to play in our childhood?
34:11Poshampa, Poshampa,
34:13what happened in the Red Fort?
34:15I stole a 100 rupee watch.
34:17Now I will have to go to jail.
34:19I will have to eat jail food.
34:21I will have to drink jail water.
34:23Now I will have to go to jail.
34:25Remember that this was a childhood game.
34:27Why are you playing Poshampa in real life?
34:29Sometimes you beat someone,
34:31sometimes you get a snake venom case,
34:33sometimes you get a money laundering case.
34:35Aren't you fed up of all this?
34:37I told you in the last video,
34:39if you say such disgusting things about people,
34:41someday you will get a criminal defamation case.
34:43If you spread hatred,
34:45someday you will get a 153A case.
34:47Disturbing communal harmony.
34:49Once you hit someone with a car,
34:51that person survived, thankfully.
34:53Someday, in this game of Poshampa,
34:55you will really start eating jail food.
34:57That's why I am telling you to improve.
34:59I hope this counter has been enough for you.
35:01If you are still not satisfied with the counter,
35:03let me know.
35:05And friends, I hope this counter
35:07has been enough for the Godi YouTubers gang.
35:09I hope the rest of the Godi YouTubers
35:11will also get a lesson from this video.
35:13Until then, if you are interested
35:15in making YouTube your career,
35:17you will get the course link in the description below.
35:19The coupon code is ELVISH420.
35:21And on the aspect of religion,
35:23there is another detailed video that I made.
35:25You can click here and watch it.
35:27See you in the next video.
35:29Thank you very much.
