Doremon- Horror old ep - In Hindi

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00:05I have decided
00:07I will be a good human being
00:12did you say something nobita
00:13Doraemon I said that I will work for the welfare of people
00:16what happened to you suddenly
00:18yes Doraemon I have decided
00:21I will do this
00:26ok I am leaving
00:28what is happening
00:34stories of great people
00:36ok so all this happened because of him
00:39I hope he will be able to do this for a long time
00:43excuse me
00:45is your mom at home
00:48I will call her please sit
00:50please sit
00:55please sit on this and wait for some time
01:02my mother
01:04what did you say mother
01:05you scared me
01:08come out someone has come
01:10someone has come to meet
01:11who can it be
01:16here it is
01:17oh I am sorry
01:18is this your house
01:22can I say one thing ma'am
01:23you are looking very beautiful
01:26you are praising me just like that
01:28no no no I am not praising you
01:31I never thought that this small child is yours
01:33yes ma'am
01:34I am telling the truth
01:35believe me
01:38you wait I am leaving
01:44your son is so smart
01:46his manners are also very good
01:48he is just like you ma'am
01:50you are very smart
01:52thank you very much
01:54I don't know where I lost it
01:55what should I do
01:56have you lost something
01:58yes just now I lost my contact lens
02:01this is very bad
02:02no problem
02:03I will help you
02:04you are so nice
02:13what happened
02:17what have you done
02:19what will I do now
02:21I don't even have money to buy a new contact lens
02:24I am sorry
02:27actually ma'am
02:28the thing is
02:29I have come here to show you something
02:33what are you showing me
02:35ma'am I have cheap gems
02:37which I have bought
02:39I want you to see them
02:41I will give you cheap
02:43but I don't want any gems
02:45what are you saying
02:47gems shine only when
02:49beautiful women like you wear them
02:51I am telling the truth
02:52believe me ma'am
02:54but I don't want them
02:56ma'am but what is wrong in seeing them once
02:58if you don't like them then don't buy them
03:00see this
03:04ma'am this one will look good on you
03:06see this
03:09this is a diamond
03:11this is amazing
03:14ma'am this is one of the best gems in the world
03:17I can't buy this
03:19this is a diamond
03:20it will be very expensive
03:23don't worry
03:24I have cheaper ones too ma'am
03:26you wait here
03:27I will be back
03:29listen mom
03:31what happened Nobita
03:34what are you saying
03:36I broke their lens
03:38you must be getting a new one mom
03:40how did this happen
03:41you know our budget for this month is very less
03:45nothing can be done now
03:46this is your pocket money
03:48go and give it to him
03:49mom how is this possible
03:51it was your mistake Nobita
03:56I wanted to do something good
03:58and what happened
04:04but I am not going to lose this
04:06all the great people
04:07faced their problems
04:08and became great
04:09I shouldn't be disappointed
04:10by giving up
04:12hey Nobita
04:16actually I need your help Nobita
04:18what my help
04:20yes yes
04:21if I have to help someone
04:23then I will definitely help him Jiyan
04:26you gave the right answer
04:28what help do you want Jiyan
04:30actually I am very bored
04:32that's why I want to punch you
04:35no no
04:36hey stop
04:37if you are not there
04:38then who are you
04:39to help me
04:40Jiyan no
04:41I don't want to help you
04:44I want to punch you
04:50why does this always happen to me
04:54hey Nobita
04:55throw the ball back here
04:57who is going to throw this ball
05:00I have to do something good
05:05take this ball and listen
05:10what did you do
05:11where did you throw the ball
05:14what is this
05:16I am asking you
05:17who threw this ball
05:19you threw that ball
05:20you will have to pay
05:21for breaking the glass
05:22tell me where do you live
05:23come with me
05:24and pay me
05:29what do you think
05:30about this ruby ring
05:31what do you think
05:33this looks very beautiful
05:34in your hand
05:38what will I do
05:39first that contact lens
05:40and now that window
05:42now how will I
05:43pay that lady
05:51but this is very expensive
05:54this is not so expensive
05:55for you
05:56I will give you
05:5760% discount on this
05:5860% discount
05:59yes ma'am
06:01the price of this
06:02is 5 lakh rupees
06:03I am giving you
06:042 lakh rupees
06:05what do you say
06:06if you
06:07give me
06:081 lakh rupees
06:09for this ring
06:11I will give you
06:121 lakh rupees
06:13but don't
06:14mention this
06:15to anyone
06:16what really
06:17then I can
06:18think about
06:19buying this
06:24now what
06:25will I do
06:27how is it
06:36what happened
06:37why are you
06:38crying Nobita
06:44let's apologize
06:45to mom
06:46I will come
06:47with you
06:48don't worry
06:50she will never
06:51forgive me
06:52I am not good
06:53no matter what
06:55I always
06:56do wrong
06:57I shouldn't
06:58have become
06:59a bad person
07:02I understood
07:03if I am going
07:04to be scolded
07:05I will become
07:06a bad person
07:07I will only
07:08do bad things
07:10what are you
07:13this is not
07:14right at all
07:15you should
07:16forget all this
07:19I will do
07:20what I said
07:21don't try
07:22to stop me
07:23I think
07:24I have to
07:25do something
07:26he is not
07:27going to
07:28do anything
07:30he will
07:31do something
07:33what are
07:34you doing
07:35till he
07:36stays on your
07:38you won't
07:39do anything
07:41I am not
07:42going to
07:43give up
07:44I told you
07:45I will
07:46do what I
07:49you just
07:50watch Jiyan
07:51how dare
07:53do this
07:54to me
07:56I will
08:02are you ok
08:04you took
08:05such a big
08:06risk to save
08:07my life
08:08you are
08:09really a
08:10good friend
08:12I didn't
08:13want to do
08:15but still
08:16you did this
08:17you are
08:18really a
08:19good friend
08:21I told you
08:22you won't
08:23do anything
08:25I won't
08:27I told you
08:28you won't
08:29do anything
08:31I will
08:33let you
08:34do anything
08:36I will
08:38let you
08:39do anything
08:42do you
08:45do you
08:48do you
08:51I did
08:53tell you
08:55I can't even take it out.
08:57But why can't I take it out?
08:59Leave it, Nobita.
09:01Just stop thinking about doing bad things.
09:03No, I will do what I said.
09:05Now that aunty will get angry and
09:07will come out of the house, Doraemon.
09:13Hey, she didn't come out.
09:15Maybe she is not at home.
09:19It's strange.
09:21Hey, what is this smell?
09:23This is the gas smell.
09:29This is the gas smell.
09:31The heater's flame is off.
09:35Open the window and take out the gas.
09:43Aunty, get up.
09:49I have closed it.
09:51Thank you very much.
09:53You saved me.
09:55You are good.
09:57What is this, Doraemon?
09:59I can't understand anything.
10:01I told you before.
10:03People will be happy with you.
10:05No, this time I will definitely get scolded.
10:09Mom will definitely scold me.
10:11What will happen to me now?
10:13Now I am done.
10:17You were lucky.
10:19Mom, forgive me.
10:23Nobita, it's good that you took my purse.
10:25That's why I was saved.
10:27What? What do you mean?
10:29That man was a cheater.
10:31He cheated me yesterday.
10:33I was saved with great difficulty yesterday.
10:35What? Cheating?
10:37Yes, do you know?
10:39The gems he was selling are all fake.
10:41Aunty is absolutely right.
10:43If I had money, I would have bought that ring.
10:45You are very good, son.
10:47You saved me, Nobita.
10:51I can't do good or bad things.
10:53Look, Nobita.
10:55You shouldn't take so much tension.
10:57You just do what you can do.
11:01What I can do?
11:03Yes, you should work according to yourself.
11:05Otherwise, whatever you do,
11:07it will be of no use.
11:09Doraemon, according to me.
11:11Is this what happens?
11:13Owner Seeking Machine.
11:17Owner Seeking Machine.
11:23Mom, I have completed it.
11:25Very good.
11:27Now I will give your reward to both of you.
11:31Don't waste it.
11:33And here is your reward.
11:35Yay! It was fun.
11:37I will buy Dora cakes.
11:39What will you buy?
11:41I am going to buy a comic book.
11:43Doraemon, let's go and buy it.
11:45Again a comic book?
11:47I can't decide when he will say
11:49that he will buy a course book.
11:53See you later.
11:55I hope the comic books are not over yet.
11:57I can't believe
11:59that you want to buy a comic book with your money.
12:01What did you say?
12:03Do you think that I always want to read other people's comic books
12:05and not mine?
12:07I didn't mean that.
12:09But you said the same thing.
12:11Watch out, Nobita.
12:13You are too much, Jian.
12:23Jian, that money is mine.
12:25Give it to me.
12:27Move away, Nobita.
12:29This money is mine and I will use it.
12:31Jian wants to buy a comic book with this money
12:33and I am his fitness.
12:35This is not possible.
12:37That money is mine.
12:39Give me back my money.
12:41No, this is mine.
12:45Jian took my money.
12:47Now that comic book will be sold.
12:51Tell me one thing.
12:53Are you sure that the money that fell
12:55was yours, Nobita?
12:57I am sure.
12:59I held it tightly in my hand.
13:01Okay, I understood.
13:03Owner Seeking Machine.
13:05Will this machine find out
13:07where the money has gone?
13:09What if you put the same coin in it?
13:11Okay, I will explain you later.
13:13Let's go to Jian first.
13:15Wait, Jian.
13:17Hey, Nobita.
13:19I told you that the money is mine.
13:21You are after me, Nobita.
13:23I told you that I am his fitness.
13:25Okay, I didn't tell you anything.
13:27Put the coin in the machine.
13:29What do you want to say?
13:31This coin is mine.
13:33If you say that this coin is yours,
13:35What did you say?
13:37Why should I prove it to you, Nobita?
13:39If this coin is yours,
13:41then prove it to me.
13:43Listen to me, Jian.
13:45If we put this coin in the machine,
13:47then we will find out
13:49who is the real owner of this coin.
13:51This sounds fun.
13:53Let's do it.
13:55Okay, put the coin in the machine.
13:59The face of the real owner
14:01will appear on the monitor.
14:05See, I told you that this coin is mine.
14:07How is this possible?
14:09No, Jian has put this coin in the machine.
14:11That's why his face has appeared.
14:13Let's see who was the real owner of this coin.
14:19Congratulations, Nobita.
14:21I knew it.
14:23This is a lie.
14:25My mom gave me this coin.
14:27I put it in this pocket.
14:29What is this?
14:31This coin is in this pocket.
14:33I am very happy.
14:35Doraemon was caught easily.
14:37But how did he find out?
14:39This machine uses sweat
14:41to find out the real owner.
14:43Do you know what happens after that?
14:45Leave it.
14:47You won't understand.
14:49Doraemon, there must be many people
14:51who want to know
14:53who is the real owner of their things.
14:55Hello, Nobita. Hello, Doraemon.
14:59Nobita, come inside.
15:01One is my Pico.
15:03But the other one is missing.
15:05Now you tell me, Nobita.
15:07What should I do?
15:09What? She is missing.
15:11This is very bad.
15:13Her owner must be very worried about her.
15:15If we find her owner,
15:17we can get her back.
15:19If you want this,
15:21we have a solution.
15:23Yes, leave it to me.
15:25Who is this girl?
15:27She is Kikuchi Sachiko.
15:29Let's find out her address.
15:31She lives very near.
15:33We can go there with the help
15:35of Bamboo Copter.
15:37What do you say, Doraemon?
15:39Let's go, Shizuka.
15:43Wow, Chico.
15:45I thought I lost her.
15:47Thank you very much.
15:49Don't leave her alone again.
15:51She is with us now.
15:53I am very happy.
15:59It feels good to do a good deed.
16:01You are right.
16:03Hey, Nobita, Doraemon.
16:05She is Jiyan.
16:07What is her problem now?
16:09Please give me the owner-seeking machine
16:11for some time.
16:17I don't know where Mooku
16:19got these things from.
16:21Mom wants these things
16:23to be returned to her owners.
16:25She is very angry.
16:27Her eyes have become
16:29crooked in anger.
16:31My eyes are not that crooked.
16:33We don't have time to check your eyes.
16:35Doraemon, please do something.
16:37Okay, Jiyan.
16:39I will help you.
16:43This third block belongs to Mr. Venu.
16:47And this one belongs to Mr. Sasaki.
16:51Only this last one is left.
16:57What is this?
16:59This is not Mooku.
17:01Let's see who was her owner
17:03before her.
17:07Nobita, this is mom.
17:11This is my mom's doll.
17:17This is strange.
17:19I don't remember her at all.
17:21Is this doll really mine?
17:27This is very strange, Doraemon.
17:29Maybe it's been a long time
17:31that's why mom forgot it.
17:35If I get to know when it got lost
17:37then I can use the time machine
17:39to check it.
17:41This is a long time ago.
17:43It was in Kindergarten.
17:49It's raining.
17:55This is the same doll.
17:57Tamako, dad is going to the hospital.
17:59Be a good girl, okay?
18:03Mom, I am going to the hospital.
18:05Take care of the house.
18:07She is taking care of the house.
18:09Why is she going to the hospital?
18:15I am late.
18:25Look, Lily. I am flying.
18:43Looks like dad is back.
18:49It's a boy.
18:51Tamako also has a brother.
18:53We have named him.
18:55His name will be Tamao.
19:03Now I understand.
19:05This will be the same day
19:07when my uncle Tamao will be born.
19:09Looks like it.
19:13Nobita, you shouldn't bring that doll back.
19:15Do you understand?
19:17You are right.
19:19This will change the history.
19:25He has a brother today.
19:27That's why he must have forgotten about that doll.
19:29Right, Doraemon?
19:31That dog must have buried that doll somewhere.
19:33And then Mooku must have taken it out.
19:35Isn't it, Nobita?
