Congés payés : les parents sont-ils prioritaires par rapport aux autres salariés ?

  • il y a 2 mois
00:00Are parents prioritized over other employees for paid leave?
00:04After a year of hard work, you can't wait to go on vacation in August,
00:07but your leave application is rejected because your colleague has children.
00:11Yes, it matters.
00:13Employers have several criteria for validating leave.
00:15And according to a social justice lawyer, the family situation is a priority.
00:19If your colleague has children or has to take care of a loved one in a disability or elderly situation,
00:24he will often have the priority.
00:26Old age also plays a role, but family responsibilities prevail on this criterion.
00:30Parents are often forced to align their leave with their children's school holidays.
00:34But be careful, these criteria are not absolute.
00:37Make your request as soon as possible to increase your chances.
00:40And once validated, your request cannot be canceled at the last minute.
00:44For managers and bosses, the rules are different.
00:47Team leaders often have to organize among themselves to ensure permanence.
00:50As for the bosses, they will logically have the last word on their leave date,
00:54but they generally try not to penalize the holidays of each other.
