• last year
Desafío XX Capitulo 85 Completo en Español
00:00:10I think they're gonna carry state ultimo tramo de el desafio quiero darle las gracias
00:00:15gracias por aver hecho de el desafio el programa numero uno en colombia
00:00:21queríamos que la celebración de estos 20 años fuera por todo lo alto y ustedes lo hicieron posible
00:00:27Convirtiendo lo en un verdadero fenómeno de audiencias
00:00:30Así que como no agradecerles e invitarlos a que nos acompañen en la nueva etapa que como dice un gran amigo si lo que han visto
00:00:36Hasta ahora les ha gustado lo que viene les va a gustar el doble ya entenderán por qué se los digo
00:00:43Como ustedes saben mandamos a los desafiantes a sus casas con el pretexto de tener ese espacio con sus familias con sus seres amados para
00:00:51recargar energías pero aquí entre nos
00:00:55Las razones eran otras necesitábamos ese tiempo extra para hacer cambios en la locación en la estructura del programa y como ustedes muy bien
00:01:02Lo saben darle un compás de espera a esos dos invitados que vienen en camino de los cuales los desafiantes no tienen
00:01:09Les digo ni la menor idea no le vamos a dar más largas a este arranque así que vamos a conectarnos de inmediato con
00:01:15nuestros semifinalistas
00:01:24Yo muy bien, ¿y ustedes? ¿Cómo están?
00:01:29Excelente, felices
00:01:31Me dicen muchachos igualmente también
00:01:36Están más gorditos, todos los veo gorditos
00:01:40Chicos, los extrañé mucho, me encanta verlos, ¿cómo están?
00:01:46Muy bien, excelente
00:01:48Y a ver por quién empezó, tú Alejo hablaste tanto de esos frijoles
00:01:51Cómo te fue sentándote finalmente después de añorarlos en esa frijolada que supongo que tenían para esperarte
00:01:58No André, qué delicia, maravilloso, con toda la familia, mis dos abuelas hicieron parte pues de los frijoles
00:02:06Los prepararon súper rico, una belleza, momento top de mi vida
00:02:13No me imagino, pero hagamos algo, no dejemos a los televidentes antojados y que tengan una probadita de los frijoles
00:02:19Como le dices tú de tu abuela
00:02:27Ay no, que es esta emoción, me dio dolor de cabeza, ahora sí tengo que tomarme un guaro, yo no sé
00:02:32Amita, yo le pague
00:02:34Alejo, ¿cómo están los frijolitos?
00:02:38Y alza la pezuña
00:02:39Delicioso, me los han mandado
00:02:40Mira la pezuña allá
00:02:42Y algo que quería decirles
00:02:44A mí nada me queda grande, yo por esta familia me hago pelar
00:02:53Bueno Alejo, usted llegó a la final, usted cómo está en este momento
00:02:57Ya salió
00:02:58Yo soy vivo, no, no, yo soy vivo
00:03:00Todavía estoy vivo
00:03:02Yo todavía no he cantado Game Over
00:03:12Alejo, y esa boquita
00:03:14¿Cuál? ¿Por qué?
00:03:15Había capítulos, pipi, pipi
00:03:17Ese es todo lo que fue, por no decir vulgaridades, se los juro
00:03:19Ese es todo lo que fue a mi alcance
00:03:21No, no
00:03:22No, no me daba, no me daba
00:03:24Natalia, tengo entendido que tu regreso fue como una catarsis, ¿por qué hubo tantas lágrimas?
00:03:31Uff, fue súper recargante ver a toda mi familia
00:03:35La verdad no me lo esperaba, yo me esperaba llegar a mi casa y no sé, dormir, comer
00:03:40Pero verlos a todos, ver a mi papá y sobre todo ver a mi papá en lágrimas, verlo en llanto
00:03:47Pues nunca llora, al frente mío nunca llora
00:03:50Entonces eso para mí fue único, me lo disfruté realmente
00:03:54Siento que llené las baterías ese día, impresionante
00:03:58Te propongo que para que no nos quedemos cortos en esta descripción de cómo fue tu recibimiento, lo veamos todos
00:04:05Hola mi princesa
00:04:08¿Cómo te fue?
00:04:10¿Cómo estás, amor linda?
00:04:12Te soñé mucho
00:04:13Yo a ustedes
00:04:15Papi, gracias porque cuando nos tocaba una prueba muy difícil pensaba mucho en ti
00:04:20Porque a ti te ha tocado muy duro, que yo decía, mi papá puede, yo también puedo
00:04:25El orgullo
00:04:27Gracias, mi bella
00:04:28Gracias a ustedes por el apoyo, por estar aquí
00:04:31Este orgullo es un orgullo indescriptible
00:04:34Kevin, extrañar un hijo, sí que entiendo esa sensación, ¿cómo fue el reencuentro con tu hijito, con Matías?
00:04:42Excelente, la verdad, me llenó de energía
00:04:45Estaba aquí, lo abrazaba, sabía que me iba a poner esa sonrisa y escuchar su voz, uff
00:04:51Me llenó, la verdad, me llenó
00:04:54Me hizo llorar
00:04:56Con toda la razón, vamos a verlo
00:05:10¿Cómo están? ¿Muy bien?
00:05:13Bien, estoy siempre en el desapego
00:05:15¿Cómo me ves?
00:05:16Muy bien
00:05:17Los sueños sí se cumplen, creo que eso lo dice todo, todos saben que lo he hecho
00:05:22Y mi hermana es la que me ha impulsado de que sí, hágale, hágale, hágale
00:05:26Voy dando un pasito, un paso grande
00:05:30Y Diosito me tiene ahí, si Dios quiere, para cosas más
00:05:34¿Sí te acuerdas que yo te dije que te quería meter a la escuela de fútbol, no?
00:05:37Entonces voy a seguir dándole a los dones que Diosito me dio
00:05:42Para poder que tú puedas cumplir ese sueño
00:05:45Y meterte a una buena escuela de fútbol
00:05:47Para que puedas seguir haciendo tu deporte
00:05:50Darlene, me cuentan que tu regreso a casa tuvo un acento romántico
00:05:55Con rosas, con ese reencuentro, ¿cómo fue?
00:05:59Hola Andrea, ¿cómo estás?
00:06:01Muy bien
00:06:02Sí, realmente fue un encuentro muy bonito
00:06:04Todos mis familiares tienen la costumbre de llevar rosas
00:06:08En cada rosa había un mensaje que me llenó de amor y de mucha pasión para seguir
00:06:15También supe que estabas antojada de un mural en tu honor
00:06:19Y que esto fue diciendo y haciendo, pero además en tiempo récord
00:06:23Así que a mí me encantaría que todos vieran cuál es la versión de Darlene en pintura
00:06:34Ahí la tiene mi amor, el esfuerzo de todos, de la comunidad, de la familia
00:06:38No, pa, está hermoso
00:06:44Qué genial, pa, está muy lindo
00:06:47Y en toda la esquina para que todo el mundo lo vea
00:06:49Con mis lunares, con la mirada malacarosa
00:06:52Qué hermoso, pa
00:06:54Cuéntame, ¿por qué es que has soñado usted con esto entonces?
00:06:57Pa, pues realmente a mí lo que me mueve de estos murales
00:07:00Es como que la gente llegue y haga deporte y diga
00:07:03Ella hizo algo por el pueblo
00:07:04O yo ya, no sé, en unos años pasar y decir
00:07:07Si lo hice, lo hice bien y representé al pueblo
00:07:10Es eso
00:07:12Francisco, me enteré que tu mamá a tu regreso
00:07:16Pudo entender un poco más porque la disciplina te puede llevar tan lejos
00:07:20¿Cómo fue esto?
00:07:21Sí, no, lo que no entendía cuando yo hacía deporte y hacía breakdown
00:07:25Era que estaba por ahí en la calle haciendo cosas que no debía
00:07:28Pero cuando le di a entender de que yo lo que hacía era bailar
00:07:31Pasarme de pronto en las canchas y en los parques
00:07:35Era porque quería practicar y quería que el deporte me saliera adelante
00:07:39Era por ese motivo que hacía mucho deporte y me escapaba de la casa
00:07:43Pero bueno, ya con esto le quedó clarísimo cuál es esa motivación
00:07:47Por qué merece la pena
00:07:49Y entre otras, el breakdance
00:07:51Con tu paso por este desafío
00:07:53Se tomó cúcuta y tengo pruebas
00:07:55Mi querido Francisco
00:07:56Sí señor, así es
00:07:58A mí entonces acá cuando se ponía el semáforo en rojo
00:08:00Yo lo que hacía era bailar breakdance
00:08:02Entonces le voy a hacer una demostración
00:08:04Cómo yo era que hacía la monedita
00:08:08¿Qué te parece?
00:08:13¡Muchas gracias!
00:08:15¡Muchas gracias!
00:08:20¡Muchas gracias!
00:08:23¡Muchas gracias!
00:08:25¡Muchas gracias!
00:08:28¡Uy! Papi
00:08:31Papi mío
00:08:32Mi querido, mi bocetón
00:08:34Mi querido, mi bocetón
00:08:36Oh, shit.
00:08:38What a joy.
00:08:40What's up, daddy?
00:08:42Give daddy a kiss.
00:08:44Daddy, here's your tattoo.
00:08:46Daddy, here's your tattoo.
00:08:48Here's your tattoo in the shirt, sweetie.
00:08:50What's up?
00:08:52We love you, we love you.
00:08:54We love you, we love you.
00:08:56We love you, we love you.
00:08:58We love you, we love you.
00:09:02Caroline, in your house,
00:09:04it was a battalion, right?
00:09:06The welcome.
00:09:08Yes, Andrea.
00:09:10The Artundo Agas family
00:09:12is a very large family,
00:09:14so they all got together.
00:09:16I didn't expect it.
00:09:18At the time, I thought my grandmother
00:09:20would only be at home.
00:09:22I didn't expect such a welcome.
00:09:24They welcomed me with a little bit
00:09:26of the culture of my apartment.
00:09:28I ate a lot that day.
00:09:30I was very happy and it was comforting
00:09:32to come home and see them all
00:09:34together after so many days
00:09:36away from my family.
00:09:38I can imagine.
00:09:40And speaking of your grandmother,
00:09:42Caroline, that reunion
00:09:44was necessary.
00:09:46Here are the images.
00:09:52How beautiful.
00:09:54How beautiful.
00:09:56How is my grandmother?
00:10:02How beautiful.
00:10:22I don't know what to say, God.
00:10:24This time away from all of you
00:10:26made me value you,
00:10:28love you.
00:10:30I missed you all so much.
00:10:32I've talked a lot with Jesus and Mary
00:10:34to bless her every day
00:10:36and to make her a warrior,
00:10:38hard-working, and true woman.
00:10:40I love you with all my heart.
00:10:42Here we are leaving the name
00:10:44of Neiva Willanalto.
00:10:46Now I understand about the costume.
00:10:48Caroline, your grandmother was beautiful.
00:10:50And they made me dance
00:10:52in San Juanero, Andrea.
00:10:54My neighbors were saying,
00:10:56it was a miracle.
00:10:58It was wonderful.
00:11:00Karen, in your case,
00:11:02I'm curious,
00:11:04because they told me
00:11:06you didn't meet your husband.
00:11:10No, Andrea.
00:11:12The reception in the house
00:11:14was wonderful.
00:11:16I thought only my parents
00:11:18and siblings would be there,
00:11:20but my uncles,
00:11:22nephews, and cousins were there.
00:11:24We made a video call
00:11:26and I felt closer than ever.
00:11:28The reception with my family
00:11:30was an impressive recharge.
00:11:32I feel that this break
00:11:34they gave us was impressive.
00:11:38I'm very happy.
00:11:40My uncle took me to Lechona,
00:11:42and I ate several dishes.
00:11:44By the way,
00:11:46do you want to know
00:11:48where Karen's dream
00:11:50to be in the challenge
00:11:52Here's the answer.
00:11:54This square
00:11:56is the market square
00:11:58of San Miguel, where Karen was raised.
00:12:00Her mother brought her
00:12:02when she was 15.
00:12:04Karen sold cilantro, tomato, potato,
00:12:06onion, paprika, garlic, everything.
00:12:22I love you, I love you.
00:12:24Thank you for this spectacular
00:12:26reception, everyone.
00:12:28Family is the first
00:12:30and this was my gasoline
00:12:32plus in each game.
00:12:34Hello, beauty.
00:12:36I love you, silly.
00:12:38I love you too,
00:12:40and I miss you very much.
00:12:42I love you, I love you.
00:12:44I love you, I love you.
00:12:46I love you, little girl.
00:12:48I love you so much.
00:12:50I support you, I support you, my dear, I support you.
00:12:53Yes, I know you support me a lot.
00:12:56I love you.
00:12:57I have a love for you, Levi.
00:13:02I love you.
00:13:04Santi, you returned to El Carmen de Viboral.
00:13:08How did this happen, my dear Santi?
00:13:11Well, let me tell you that no one was missing.
00:13:14I was with the person I love the most,
00:13:17with the person for whom I give my life,
00:13:19who is my beautiful mother.
00:13:21She made me some beans too, she made me a tray.
00:13:24I shared with her spectacular moments,
00:13:27we could talk, she could recharge me with such a beautiful energy,
00:13:30which is the energy of the mother.
00:13:32And well, to wait and see what happens,
00:13:34and with faith in God, Andrea.
00:13:36And as Santi says, it is very clear here
00:13:39that it is enough to meet that being that you love so, so much.
00:13:44I didn't even know how to serve you this dish.
00:13:47I ate and remembered you.
00:13:49Oh, what a pity.
00:13:51What a celebration that we are both together.
00:13:53I don't need you to receive me with beans or dishes.
00:13:57This is my absolute happiness.
00:13:59The only thing that is missing right now is Ricky,
00:14:03because he was my older brother.
00:14:06Unfortunately, he was very young, he died very young.
00:14:09I know he would be very happy with us
00:14:11and seeing what I have achieved,
00:14:18and seeing that the three of us could come here to eat.
00:14:23And he was telling me,
00:14:25Santi, I told you, I told you that you were for that.
00:14:28And he is the only one who is needed here, right mom?
00:14:31He is the only one who is needed,
00:14:34because the three of us were just the three of us.
00:14:38Maybe he is not here physically,
00:14:42but spiritually he is here sitting with us,
00:14:45watching us eat, watching us enjoy what we are living.
00:14:49And I know that he is going to give us many blessings.
00:14:55Challengers, after seeing this injection of life that you received in your homes,
00:15:00the time has come to return to the reality of the competition.
00:15:05I am waiting for you tonight at 8 p.m. in the black box.
00:15:11And I anticipate, everything, everything will change.
00:15:16I can only anticipate that you must have a lot of faith for what is to come.
00:15:21And that, as our judge would say,
00:15:24be aware of that dream of boys,
00:15:28because you are only a few steps away from fulfilling it.
00:15:31Semi-finalists, see you in 12 hours.
00:15:36And it is that those 12 hours we are going to use to adjust details and list the new houses.
00:15:41Because it is serious, everything is going to change here.
00:15:44And the surprises are just about to be revealed.
00:15:47To start, look at the colors of the new teams,
00:15:51because from now on, red and blue will take on the challenge.
00:15:55Detail the new symbols very well.
00:15:57The garments, the uniforms that will lead to compete.
00:16:00And of course, there is the decoration of the houses.
00:16:03Anyway, get ready to enjoy a new challenge.
00:16:06And so that Tino Asprilla and the boy Valderrama take control of this program.
00:16:26It seems that an eternity has passed since we last saw each other,
00:16:31and I really missed you a lot.
00:16:33But I am also convinced that it was appropriate for you to go home.
00:16:36Now, there is no excuse with this return,
00:16:40so as not to get into this new trap.
00:16:44As I warned you this morning, it can change.
00:16:48It depends on you.
00:16:50And if you accept a proposal.
00:16:56At this time, a man and a woman will be crowned as winners of the 20-year challenge.
00:17:04Each will receive a prize of 400 million pesos.
00:17:11What is the deal?
00:17:12Raise the prize from 400 million pesos to 1,200 million pesos.
00:17:22Now, a man and a woman will not win.
00:17:26It will be a single winner.
00:17:31You tell me.
00:17:34Logically, the number increases in these proportions.
00:17:38It will also increase the complexity of the clues.
00:17:41And we are aware that it will be a single winner.
00:17:45Logically, the number increases in these proportions.
00:17:47It will also increase the complexity of the clues.
00:17:50And we are aware that it will be a single winner.
00:17:54And that's why we're going to allow you to have help.
00:18:02Help? How?
00:18:04Oh my God.
00:18:05They will be surprised.
00:18:07If you accept the proposal, I will continue to deliver the rules of the new game.
00:18:13If not, we will simply realize that this conversation has not been carried out and we continue with total normality.
00:18:19I'm going to give you five minutes to decide.
00:18:22Please discuss it.
00:18:39What did you decide? Do you accept the deal?
00:18:42Andrea, we all decided the deal.
00:18:45A winner.
00:18:47Very good.
00:18:481,200 million pesos.
00:18:51That sounds tempting.
00:18:54That's right.
00:18:55The name of one of you will be in that cup as the winner of this 20-year challenge.
00:19:03And in your bank account, 1,200 million pesos.
00:19:08Now, to implement the new mechanics, I need the presence of two people.
00:19:14The most emblematic in this challenge.
00:19:17The most influential, the most famous.
00:19:19Some icons adored in our country.
00:19:23With you, Carlos, the son of Valderrama, and Faustino, the son of Esprilla.
00:19:55The team of Tino and the team of Pío.
00:20:05How are you?
00:20:06What an honor to have you here, Pío.
00:20:09How are you?
00:20:10I think just as excited as our challengers and our semifinalists.
00:20:14How are you?
00:20:15Good, good.
00:20:17Happy to be here once again in the challenge.
00:20:20A little older.
00:20:22Because, well, especially Pío, because he was the first to inaugurate this.
00:20:26Oh, no!
00:20:27How wonderful!
00:20:29But happy, happy.
00:20:30Thank you for this beautiful invitation.
00:20:32Well, for us it is an honor, Tino, to have you here.
00:20:36And also that you have opened a space for us in those very tight schedules.
00:20:41Kid, what's going on in your head?
00:20:43Coming to La Ciudad de la Desafío at 20 years old, knowing that you were one of the first,
00:20:48the first challenge, there you were.
00:20:50Here I am again.
00:20:52I say, I'm 20 and what?
00:20:54And I even go out.
00:20:56It would be missing more.
00:20:57Of course.
00:20:58And I have more hair than Tino now.
00:21:00But I'm happy to be here.
00:21:02Tino, what was it like to be a challenger 19 years ago?
00:21:06Hard, difficult.
00:21:07I got one of the worst teams in the challenge.
00:21:14I always had a great time on Playa Baja, but it was an unforgettable experience,
00:21:19a new thing for me, that I was taught to share only with footballers
00:21:25during all my life.
00:21:26And having the opportunity to meet other people who had nothing to do with my profession,
00:21:31it was something very nice.
00:21:33I made very nice friends there.
00:21:36Well, I tell you that these two wonderful icons are accompanying us because I told them,
00:21:43I need a hand, a help to put together the teams with which you will continue in this competition.
00:21:55The team Pibe, the team Tino.
00:21:59And since you two are united by football, I think we're going to do it in a very simple way.
00:22:05Something like a 21.
00:22:06The one who touches the ball the most starts to put together his team.
00:22:11A competition.
00:22:12Who starts?
00:22:13Start, Tino.
00:22:14Well, usually the older ones always start, right?
00:22:16How do you give responsibility to the kid?
00:22:19That's why we need the judge, the top authority of this 20-year challenge.
00:22:26So, Pibe, you first.
00:22:28I start.
00:22:34He fell.
00:22:38Ready, set, go.
00:22:42One, two.
00:22:46I win, I win.
00:22:50I win.
00:22:55No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:23:0132, Pibe.
00:23:03This guy is 50.
00:23:04Your turn.
00:23:07Well, they gave Pibe deflated, they inflated it to me.
00:23:11Ready, set, go.
00:23:17Get out of the team.
00:23:28Come on.
00:23:29Watch out, watch out.
00:23:35I did what I could.
00:23:37Your turn, Tino Esprilla.
00:23:39You have to let the old ones win.
00:23:43Let's start putting together the teams.
00:23:46You start, Pibe.
00:23:47I'm going to ask you to choose a man and a woman.
00:23:51There they are all.
00:23:52Let's go with a man.
00:23:54Alejo, Francisco, Kevin or Santi, Pibe.
00:24:04Now you are a team, Pibe.
00:24:09Pibe, a woman.
00:24:11Darlene, Karen, Natalia, Caroline.
00:24:19Now you are a team, Pibe.
00:24:25Tino, your turn.
00:24:26A man.
00:24:27Pibe is going to take me...
00:24:34Now you are a team, Tino.
00:24:37A woman, Tino.
00:24:41There's one that reminds me of a girlfriend of mine.
00:24:46I used to call her Natalia.
00:24:50I used to call her Natalia.
00:24:51But why does it remind you of her?
00:24:53Because she used to hit me.
00:24:56Pibe, a man and a woman for your team.
00:25:05Welcome, welcome.
00:25:12Now you are a team, Pibe.
00:25:14Francisco, Darlene, you two are a team, Tino.
00:25:17Join your coach.
00:25:20I was going to take him anyway.
00:25:24Pibe, Tino, your teams have been confirmed.
00:25:28I remind you that the prize has gone up.
00:25:32It won't be 400 million pesos anymore,
00:25:35but 1,200 million pesos for the winner of this 20-year challenge.
00:25:42And I think I was short,
00:25:43because at first I had told you that you were going to like this twice.
00:25:46No, it's not twice.
00:25:48It's triple, ladies and gentlemen.
00:25:51And I know there's a lot of information here,
00:25:53so I'm just going to ask you to stay tuned for Mafe's visit.
00:25:56Once you locate and organize your new houses and your new teams,
00:26:00because she brings you even more surprises.
00:26:12Challengers, it's time to rest,
00:26:15because what's coming is tough.
00:26:18So take advantage of it.
00:26:20To your homes.
00:26:24Let's go for the money, so Diana can chase us.
00:26:28We already set up the combo.
00:26:29We already set up the combo.
00:26:31Let's break it.
00:26:32They have everything to win.
00:26:33They have everything to win.
00:26:39There's a lot of money in the middle.
00:26:41And one with Diana on top.
00:26:43When I said 1,000 million pesos, they called me a jackass.
00:26:51Let's go, let's go!
00:26:54Team B!
00:26:55Team B is here!
00:26:57Let's go, let's go!
00:26:59Now, I said this morning,
00:27:01I'm going to put my eyes and nipples on you.
00:27:04Good luck!
00:27:12Team Argentina!
00:27:15Welcome home.
00:27:17Welcome to our new home.
00:27:19Tremendous ranch.
00:27:20A glass of water to toast.
00:27:21Let's toast with a glass of water.
00:27:22Let's toast with a glass of water.
00:27:25Pia already drank it.
00:27:27For the fortune of being here with you,
00:27:30for the gratitude and the happiness we feel right now
00:27:33because you fully trusted us, our potential.
00:27:37At this moment, we commit ourselves
00:27:39that we are going to give our 1,200%
00:27:42so that you feel proud of us.
00:27:46And well, what eminence.
00:27:55Oh, mom!
00:27:56How beautiful!
00:27:57What is that so cool?
00:27:59Oh, mom!
00:28:00Welcome, my brother!
00:28:02Oh, mom!
00:28:03What is that so cool?
00:28:04Oh, uncle!
00:28:07The king's bed.
00:28:08And once we go to Medellin, you know.
00:28:10Tino, and with whom are you going to premiere that bed, brother?
00:28:12I see you are making little eyes.
00:28:14Oh, man!
00:28:18Gorda and Red.
00:28:19Red is a winning team.
00:28:22The red of energy.
00:28:23For Superman's uniform.
00:28:26Oh, man!
00:28:27Man, what a man!
00:28:28Take advantage of the camera roll, daddy,
00:28:30that I don't steal in betas.
00:28:34He's going to devour the world.
00:28:35Invincible, Gorda! Invincible!
00:28:39What is it?
00:28:40Professor, we are ready.
00:28:42Seriously, Ben, look at yourself in the mirror.
00:28:44You look like a superhero.
00:28:45Now it's a team that inspires respect.
00:28:48Like when I put on the Colombian national team uniform.
00:28:52Very proud to have a shield and represent a country.
00:28:55So that's what this uniform is about.
00:28:58They have to represent it in the best way
00:29:00and always with the best mentality.
00:29:02A winning mentality.
00:29:04Come on, come on!
00:29:06Come with me!
00:29:08What friends to find!
00:29:11Who is the love of the Probe El Pibe!
00:29:15All the way we will go!
00:29:20From the cradle to sleep!
00:29:25That guy is very old!
00:29:27Respect, because we are with the Probe, with the Pibe!
00:29:31We are with the teacher, with the ten, with the ten, with the one who puts them.
00:29:36Here is the winner!
00:29:38Here is the winner!
00:29:39What do you think?
00:29:40Good God!
00:29:41There is no one to put it!
00:29:43Come with me!
00:29:45What friends to find!
00:29:50Who is the love of the Probe El Pibe!
00:29:52All the way we will go!
00:29:55Let's not waste energy, tomorrow another one.
00:29:57What friends to find!
00:30:00Let's not waste energy.
00:30:02They are already lowering the bar.
00:30:04They are throwing with everything.
00:30:06They are already lowering the bar.
00:30:08Let the team go better.
00:30:10Let him speak.
00:30:12The one who talks a lot?
00:30:15What does he do?
00:30:17Do you have a good partner?
00:30:19Yes, I have a girlfriend.
00:30:20I do not.
00:30:22No, she has an agent.
00:30:23Or not?
00:30:24No, I do not have anyone.
00:30:26We have a complicated situation.
00:30:29What is your complicated situation?
00:30:31I complicate life out there.
00:30:33Tell me who this is to eliminate him first.
00:30:37With Kevin.
00:30:39But a slip.
00:30:41I would not do it.
00:30:43I mean, I would go like this.
00:30:46He had a partner.
00:30:48How did he tell you?
00:30:49Yes, I knew.
00:30:51How did you realize he had a partner?
00:30:53He never lied about that.
00:30:55But then he sold his partner as the worst.
00:30:59That they were super bad.
00:31:01That it is not the same story of all men.
00:31:06That is older than the challenge.
00:31:07You fell into the trap.
00:31:10You would have to start eliminating him.
00:31:14Far away.
00:31:15Take it out tomorrow.
00:31:17And wait.
00:31:18Kai, don't give me the blessing.
00:31:19You gave me the blessing.
00:31:20Give me the blessing that you are going to take it out.
00:31:21Do not do it.
00:31:23And you met the other person?
00:31:24No, but if one day I have the opportunity to talk to her, I would do it.
00:31:27I would love to talk to her.
00:31:29What I did was a favor.
00:31:32Oh, Manny.
00:31:34And if I bring it to you, will you talk to her?
00:31:35Yes, at once.
00:31:36You go to the side.
00:31:40Hey, say goodbye to your partners.
00:31:41Because Tino's team had an advantage.
00:31:43Oh yeah?
00:31:44Because of the manioc.
00:31:46And we here.
00:31:47And we here have the competition.
00:31:51The anaconda is here.
00:31:52It came out.
00:31:53It came out.
00:31:54It came out.
00:31:55The competition.
00:31:56And the team competition came out.
00:31:57The competition came out.
00:31:59Here we have...
00:32:01That is true and you know it.
00:32:02We here thinking that no, that there they will have an advantage.
00:32:05That is a lie.
00:32:06That the team was going to compete with three legs.
00:32:07We here also compete with more.
00:32:08Because they call him anaconda.
00:32:09No, but tell me that you were the girlfriend.
00:32:10No, I was not the girlfriend.
00:32:11Well then.
00:32:12But you can corroborate because they call you that.
00:32:13No, I can not corroborate.
00:32:14Why did you put the anaconda?
00:32:15They call him anaconda because you are an anaconda.
00:32:22Why did you put the anaconda?
00:32:23They call him an anaconda because he has a long distance.
00:32:24Natalia, are you true or am I telling the truth?
00:32:25The hose.
00:32:26I do not know why, I do not know why you went.
00:32:27Well, if this is the anaconda, then put it over the liquor.
00:32:28Something tells me that you are not telling the whole truth.
00:32:29I want to see my competition, plus I want to win or I do not want to win.
00:32:30I want to...
00:32:31And the guy's story.
00:32:32The story of the kid was ...
00:32:33I am going to put it.
00:32:34My dad was a professional football player.
00:32:37He played for the Magdalena Union.
00:32:42But there was a Argentine who was a friend of his.
00:32:47But there was an Argentinian who was a friend of his.
00:32:50His name was Turko Davy.
00:32:52My dad would always take me to practice.
00:32:54When I was a kid.
00:32:56One time he didn't take me.
00:32:58And Turko Davy asked him,
00:33:00Hey, where's the kid?
00:33:02You know?
00:33:03My dad said,
00:33:04I couldn't bring him.
00:33:06And the other players were like,
00:33:08And the next day everyone took me.
00:33:09Kid, kid!
00:33:10From there, I was baptized as a kid.
00:33:12Are you going to eat arepa?
00:33:13I like arepa.
00:33:14The arepa that sweats.
00:33:15This is the one that sweats.
00:33:18That's how easy they put it on me.
00:33:25Ana, you're a professional dancer.
00:33:28Yes, I dance.
00:33:29What do you dance?
00:33:31I dance breakdance.
00:33:33But you're too young for breakdance.
00:33:35You weren't born when the breakdance era.
00:33:38You weren't a kid.
00:33:39We kept going,
00:33:40and we got in a mess.
00:33:41The floor was spinning.
00:33:43It was like a fucking trumpet.
00:33:45But I'm in the time where all the steps have evolved.
00:33:49Ah, I see.
00:33:50And I do things that...
00:33:51But this progress,
00:33:52this progress,
00:33:53I mean,
00:33:54you're the generation.
00:33:55You're the best.
00:33:56You invented everything.
00:33:57Let's see,
00:33:58what is breakdance?
00:33:59Explain it to me,
00:34:00because I didn't realize it for a few years.
00:34:01As you know,
00:34:02breakdance was born
00:34:03in New York Bronx,
00:34:04100 years ago.
00:34:06Those are the good 100 years.
00:34:07Who said it was 100 years?
00:34:08Yes, sir.
00:34:09Yes, sir.
00:34:13Do you think that what he just did...
00:34:14No, it's the first time I've seen it.
00:34:16It's new.
00:34:17You think so?
00:34:19Man, I've seen people dance to the ear.
00:34:22Do you remember 5-0?
00:34:24Of course, yes.
00:34:26I gave the talk at the hotel,
00:34:28and we went to the stadium.
00:34:30In the bus,
00:34:31everyone was throwing stuff at us,
00:34:33and we concentrated on the game.
00:34:36And we got to the dressing room.
00:34:37I usually got to the dressing room,
00:34:39but I didn't go out.
00:34:40I didn't like going out at first,
00:34:41and nothing.
00:34:42Everyone was dressed up.
00:34:43But I kept an eye on my teammates.
00:34:45I said,
00:34:46let's go, let's go.
00:34:47And I was like this,
00:34:48fixing my shoes.
00:34:50And I was like,
00:34:51let's go.
00:34:52El Tino was always next to me that day.
00:34:54I did this,
00:34:55and he was like,
00:34:56where are you?
00:34:57I started looking for him.
00:34:58Maybe he was in the bathroom,
00:34:59or something.
00:35:00And I looked out the window.
00:35:02The stadium was full, man.
00:35:04And I saw El Tino
00:35:05in the middle of the field
00:35:07with his cell phone.
00:35:08And I was like,
00:35:09what the f*** is he talking about?
00:35:11We were impressed,
00:35:12and he was relaxed.
00:35:13He was chill.
00:35:14Yeah, man.
00:35:15And I was like,
00:35:16hey, Fauto,
00:35:17what's up?
00:35:18You put two on me,
00:35:19and I put two on you.
00:35:20And he said,
00:35:21what the f***?
00:35:22He said,
00:35:23don't worry about me,
00:35:24I'm fine.
00:35:25Put two balls on me,
00:35:26and I'll put two on you.
00:35:27And he put two balls,
00:35:28and it was the same.
00:35:29It was the same.
00:35:30Oh, man.
00:35:31I went to the field,
00:35:32and there was a f***ing guy
00:35:33with a gun.
00:35:34And I was like,
00:35:35what the f***?
00:35:36And he said,
00:35:38What the f***?
00:35:39We were playing,
00:35:40and I shot a goal.
00:35:41I ate the goal,
00:35:42it was up like that.
00:35:43And I did one like,
00:35:45I threw it?
00:35:47Put that motherf***er
00:35:48the f*** away
00:35:49or I'll be here
00:35:50shooting goals all day.
00:35:52Calm down.
00:35:53I'll get her right now.
00:35:55I shot the other goal.
00:35:57I did the goal.
00:35:59In the celebration.
00:36:00He saw
00:36:01the f***
00:36:02that was able
00:36:03to get this motherf***er in.
00:36:04And I cheered him up.
00:36:05I said,
00:36:06I became a better footballer because I knew I couldn't make mistakes, I couldn't fail.
00:36:13Because I had that monkey fucking me.
00:36:16It helped me become a better footballer in the Colombian national team.
00:36:20So you have to be competitive, improve every day.
00:36:24But you guys are going to win this shit.
00:36:27First, get rid of those over there.
00:36:29After you, you'll see what you do.
00:36:32Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
00:36:34Welcome to this fashion show by El Pibe.
00:36:37On the first aisle, we have our great coach of the team, El Pibe.
00:36:42El Pibe Valderrama.
00:36:45Power, hope, wisdom, greatness.
00:36:49Everything a great coach like El Pibe Valderrama can have.
00:36:54Let's hear it for him.
00:36:57Sleep is the key.
00:36:59The plane to say goodbye.
00:37:01The plane.
00:37:07Carly, I've always liked Marinilla's women.
00:37:09Yeah, right? Marinilla's pretty.
00:37:14Yeah, because redheads are dangerous.
00:37:17Dangerous? A little bit.
00:37:19We only do three laps.
00:37:20They must be crazy.
00:37:22You have to be really fucked up so that he doesn't leave you.
00:37:25I left him.
00:37:27Because I didn't want him anymore.
00:37:28How long did it last?
00:37:29Five years.
00:37:30And how come you don't want a man after five years and you don't want him?
00:37:33What do you mean?
00:37:34And why?
00:37:35You're in love with someone else.
00:37:38It's over.
00:37:39Hold on, hold on, hold on.
00:37:40Hold on, hold on.
00:37:41Don't divert the conversation, please.
00:37:43Ask him.
00:37:44Let's see.
00:37:45You've been with a man for five years and you don't want him anymore overnight?
00:37:49It wasn't overnight.
00:37:51He was coming.
00:37:52When the challenge came, I saw him and I...
00:37:55You didn't feel anything?
00:37:56My whole family was asking me what was going on and I didn't feel like I missed him.
00:38:01I don't feel like I need to be with him.
00:38:04Did you realize you had another woman when you broke up?
00:38:06No, no.
00:38:07Until now, I haven't realized anything.
00:38:08You realize how much.
00:38:10Nati realized how long it wasn't for you.
00:38:13Not every week.
00:38:14Not every week.
00:38:15She's also more bitter.
00:38:16She left her with Kevin's man.
00:38:21They left them both because they were hot.
00:38:24Kevin, do you feel good?
00:38:26No, I'm going to start.
00:38:27I'm asking you if you feel full, safe.
00:38:30No, no, I'm not normal.
00:38:32And you don't want to tell us anything?
00:38:34To us, our friends?
00:38:35What do you mean?
00:38:38Let's be more direct.
00:38:39Did you make love these days?
00:38:43I came to talk.
00:38:44It couldn't be done.
00:38:45With desire, but no.
00:38:47What happened with our Natalia?
00:38:49With my partner Natalia?
00:38:50We didn't want to be so direct, but...
00:38:52I don't know.
00:38:53I don't deny that I thought other things.
00:38:57Like having something to do with her?
00:38:59Yes, really, I don't deny it.
00:39:01But obviously, this is another world.
00:39:04We were talking and...
00:39:08Let's just say that until now...
00:39:10Nothing has flowed?
00:39:12I still love the girl.
00:39:13And your ex-partner?
00:39:14She's been good to me too.
00:39:16My ex-partner.
00:39:17I haven't had the opportunity to talk to her.
00:39:19You haven't talked to her?
00:39:21I don't remember, but you didn't look for her.
00:39:22You didn't call her.
00:39:23You didn't write to her.
00:39:24Mom, look.
00:39:25I'm not saying that I regret it.
00:39:27I'm just saying that maybe I should do things differently.
00:39:31Right now, I prefer her to be there.
00:39:34She left?
00:39:36She was telling you that they went to the United States?
00:39:39Something like that?
00:39:40And I prefer that...
00:39:41I love her very much.
00:39:42Obviously, I committed...
00:39:43I did something that wasn't right.
00:39:46I'm not proud.
00:39:47You're not proud of what happened here with Nata?
00:39:50No, I'm not proud of that.
00:39:51That woman is a love.
00:39:52Believe me.
00:39:53It hurts me so much that I hurt her.
00:39:55And of course, I'm going to apologize to her.
00:39:58I'm going to apologize because she deserves it.
00:40:01I had an image in 2005
00:40:03that I was the greatest footballer.
00:40:06So, when I went to the challenge in 2005,
00:40:09I never acted because I'm not an actor.
00:40:12I showed what I am.
00:40:15The most authentic in the world.
00:40:17In the challenge in 2005,
00:40:19I realized who I really was.
00:40:21Because I didn't need fame
00:40:23because I had it all the time.
00:40:25But I didn't want to go to the challenge
00:40:28because I was shy.
00:40:30I didn't want people to know about me.
00:40:33But this show changed my image
00:40:36with the rest of the people.
00:40:38And then people said,
00:40:40I'm cooking Tatiana Rodriguez.
00:40:43And I said, I'll take you to your rice.
00:40:45Raw rice.
00:40:47Then people realized who I really was.
00:40:50When you enter this type of reality show,
00:40:53where you meet different people,
00:40:55you're very likely to go through what happened to Kevin.
00:40:57They told you that you're beautiful.
00:40:59You're beautiful.
00:41:01You're beautiful.
00:41:03You're beautiful.
00:41:05You have everything.
00:41:07My friends must be jealous.
00:41:09My friends, introduce me to Santi.
00:41:11Karim's friends.
00:41:17Natalia, come on.
00:41:19Look at this, there's another blue one.
00:41:21I told you, they pampered Tino.
00:41:25It looks even softer.
00:41:29Natalia, don't hit me.
00:41:31I thought I was going to sleep next to you
00:41:33and you were on a pillow.
00:41:35I'm too old to be on a pillow.
00:41:37I went on my pillow to hug my pillow all night.
00:41:40Come on, Kevin.
00:41:44And how's Tino doing with the snoring?
00:41:46With Francisco's snoring,
00:41:48because Francisco is the one to snore.
00:41:50He's the one snoring.
00:41:52No, I don't snore.
00:41:54If you snore,
00:41:56bring me a bucket of water.
00:41:58I'm going to tell you something.
00:42:00If you snore, we'll all stay up all night.
00:42:02I'm not going to stay up all night.
00:42:04Nobody sleeps here.
00:42:06I'm not going to do that.
00:42:08I'm going to kick his ass.
00:42:12And the teacher who went to sleep early.
00:42:14Yes, yes.
00:42:16But he's very strict with his food.
00:42:20When the kid mentioned us,
00:42:22I saw you,
00:42:24I saw the color, I saw the logo,
00:42:26I saw him.
00:42:28I said, my God, this is a dream.
00:42:30And I had never been so happy
00:42:32to meet a public figure.
00:42:36I see a public figure in the street.
00:42:38Being with the kid is another story.
00:42:40The kid is an emblem,
00:42:42a national emblem.
00:42:44Believe me, this team promises very good things.
00:42:46The energy is too much.
00:42:48Look at the energy with which we got in here.
00:42:50The lessons he can leave us
00:42:52are many.
00:42:54We have to make the most of it.
00:42:56Because time is going to pass.
00:42:58Too much.
00:43:00I was falling in love with Darlene.
00:43:02It's not that I stopped loving Melissa,
00:43:04my cousin, but in the game.
00:43:06At that moment, I was liking Darlene.
00:43:10I was getting goosebumps.
00:43:12I had the need to take care of a woman.
00:43:14And I feel that she had the need
00:43:16to let herself be taken care of.
00:43:18Because that was what happened to you.
00:43:20The same thing happened to me.
00:43:22The same thing happened to you.
00:43:24I've been with you for 10 years.
00:43:26I've never had that with anyone else.
00:43:28What the fuck happened to me?
00:43:30She was expressing love to me.
00:43:32I was expressing love to her.
00:43:34I didn't feel love from anyone else.
00:43:36I didn't feel anything.
00:43:38That's what happened to everyone.
00:43:40In Omega, I heard a lot.
00:43:42And suddenly, also with Kevin.
00:43:44You had the same thing.
00:43:46Now that you're telling me you're not with Kevin,
00:43:48you had exactly the same thing.
00:43:50You know, when Reina left,
00:43:52I also prayed.
00:43:54I said, blessed be God, she had to go.
00:43:56The time had come.
00:43:58I was in the house, and I said,
00:44:00I don't give a shit about you.
00:44:02No, my love.
00:44:04I can't let you go.
00:44:06Thank you, thank you.
00:44:08You're the one who saved me.
00:44:10And now he's kissing her on the face.
00:44:12It's like I just said.
00:44:14Thank God.
00:44:16Don't be in that fusion with Kevin.
00:44:28No, no, no, no.
00:44:58I saw them this afternoon.
00:45:00They sat in that bed,
00:45:02and they didn't come back.
00:45:04What do you usually have for breakfast?
00:45:08Only fruits?
00:45:12We were thinking of making a Paisa tray for breakfast.
00:45:14No, the Paisa tray is for lunch.
00:45:16Good morning.
00:45:18Officially, good morning.
00:45:20I'll help you.
00:45:22He's slow.
00:45:24Oh, no.
00:45:26Oh, no.
00:45:34Adiós, pues.
00:45:36¿Quién no quisiera eso?
00:45:38Pero usted está muy enamorada.
00:45:40Eso es un corazón.
00:45:42Ese corazón está muy chueco.
00:45:44Usted está muy enamorada.
00:45:46Es un corazón.
00:45:48Ay, late y todo.
00:45:50Usted está enamorada.
00:45:52Sí, enamorada es el Tino.
00:45:54El corazón de Kevin, vea.
00:45:56¿De dónde es Kevin?
00:46:00Está como bravita, mija.
00:46:02Se le va a comer el corazón a Kevin.
00:46:04Camila, Glo, antes de venirme,
00:46:06me dejó un mensaje súper bonito.
00:46:08Y yo, ¿será esto real?
00:46:10Se lo envié a mi mamá, y yo miré a Malo que me envió a Glo.
00:46:12Ay, tan linda.
00:46:14Pero no te comas el cuento completo.
00:46:16Sí, total.
00:46:18Mi mamá tiene un dicho, y es que el que es nunca deja de ser.
00:46:20Deja de ser.
00:46:22Nosotros en el juego es lo que somos.
00:46:24¿Por qué?
00:46:26Porque cuando el ser humano es llevado al límite,
00:46:28es cuando muestra lo que verdaderamente es.
00:46:32La verdad, yo nunca me arrepiento de haberlo que hice
00:46:34y de haberla tratado mal.
00:46:36Tampoco voy a decir que se lo merecía,
00:46:38pero fue en el acto de lo que yo veía,
00:46:40lo que ella hacía,
00:46:42a mí me asaltaba y yo no tomé su madraza.
00:46:44La Glo es tremenda, sí.
00:46:50A mí no me gustan, a mí solo.
00:46:54Ah, ¿se escucharon que la espalda no se puede?
00:46:56¿No puede qué?
00:46:58Papá, ya se ha acompañado. Ah, no, vea que sí.
00:47:00¿Y quién me estrega la espalda?
00:47:02Ándale, ándale, estrébala.
00:47:06Me ando mucho frío.
00:47:08¿Qué está haciendo frío? ¿Para qué le digo mentiras?
00:47:10Yo sé que Santiago
00:47:12vino más empoderado, más...
00:47:14Y yo sé que él se preparó estos días
00:47:16que estuvo en casa.
00:47:18Vamos a romper esos miedos,
00:47:20ese nerviosismo que él siente.
00:47:22Lo que hace la confianza en una persona es increíble.
00:47:24Anoche tuve una conversación con él
00:47:26y él dice que lo siente comunísimo,
00:47:28que él quería quedar aquí, que quería quedar conmigo.
00:47:30Que él nos quiere muchísimo
00:47:32y que él le dolió mucho
00:47:34de que yo hubiera hablado tanto de él.
00:47:36Eso fue lo único que yo me arrepiento.
00:47:38Porque Santiago es una buena persona.
00:47:40Es un ser humano.
00:47:42Mi familia lo ama.
00:47:44Y, ¿sabes? Eso vale más que cualquier otra cosa
00:47:46porque deportivamente una persona puede mejorar
00:47:48así de la noche a la mañana.
00:47:50Pero el interior de una persona es muy difícil
00:47:54¡No lo siento!
00:47:58¿Estás cagado?
00:48:00¿Cómo fue?
00:48:02¿Vas a cobrar un penalti?
00:48:04No, mi hijo. Usted sabe que estoy con los mejores.
00:48:06No nos asustan.
00:48:08Es más, ni se le escuche la voz.
00:48:10Alcen la voz, conillos. Alcen la voz.
00:48:12¿Vas a cobrar un penalti? ¿Estás nervioso?
00:48:14¿Usted sabe que a todo marrano le llega su Navidad?
00:48:18Podemos perder, pues. Ya me comprometí con ustedes.
00:48:20¡Nos vemos en la cancha!
00:48:24Profe, tu primer desayuno en la casa, pibe.
00:48:26¡Ah, chale!
00:48:28Tengo como un costillito...
00:48:32No, no tanto nervios, como ansioso.
00:48:34¿Vas a cobrar penalti?
00:48:36¿Cómo que sí?
00:48:40¡Ay, tío!
00:48:42Se calentó esta vuelta, ahora sí.
00:48:44Aquí hay que tratar de coger una ventaja
00:48:46para dejar al segundo con ventaja.
00:48:50Es fundamental.
00:48:52Así sea con 10 segundos, lo que sea, es ventaja.
00:48:54¿Cuál es la debilidad de ellos?
00:48:56La mente.
00:48:58¿Cuál es el jugador de acá
00:49:00que ustedes consideren que es el más débil
00:49:02a la hora de enfrentar?
00:49:04Santi. Santi podría salir hasta con una de nosotras.
00:49:06No, pero donde flaqueen,
00:49:08ahí es donde uno tiene que aprovechar y coger la ventaja.
00:49:10No desigualarlos, porque le pongo a este
00:49:12para que lleguen iguales, no.
00:49:14Ah, me puede ser.
00:49:16Sales antes algo yo en película,
00:49:18va a ganar tiempo, a ganar tiempo.
00:49:20A toda.
00:49:22Así es.
00:49:24Lo que no se puede hacer es mandar a Natalia con Kenny,
00:49:26porque empieza a darle reclamos.
00:49:28¿Usted por qué no?
00:49:30Desconcéntrelo, desconcéntrelo.
00:49:32¿Me puede pasar también?
00:49:34¿Cómo puede pasar?
00:49:36Vamos a meter uno en la cabeza, Kenny.
00:49:38¿Usted es la final qué?
00:49:40¿Terminó con su mujer? Sin mente.
00:49:42Claro, claro, hay que ponerlo a pensar en otra cosa.
00:49:44Sí, ¿por qué no?
00:49:46Te mejoras a meter con Natalia,
00:49:48pues ya Natalia y yo tenemos algo, así que...
00:49:50Con el Tino, que me es lo mismo.
00:49:52Una cosa es una cosa, otra cosa es otra cosa.
00:49:54¿Vos pensaste que me iba a ganar?
00:49:56Ya te igualaron, yo ya te igualé.
00:49:58En tu juventud tú eras así de rubia,
00:50:00era tu color natural.
00:50:02No, yo me pintaba esa.
00:50:04Este es el original.
00:50:06¿Pero tu color base cuando eras joven cuál era?
00:50:08Castaño claro.
00:50:10¿Pero te lucía perfecto el amarillo?
00:50:12No, me quedaba bacán.
00:50:14Me quedaba bacán.
00:50:16Por ahí me ven, píntate el pelo amarillo.
00:50:18No, ya yo estoy en mi vacile,
00:50:20hojas blancas se llaman ahora.
00:50:22¿Hojas blancas?
00:50:24Claro, son momentos.
00:50:26Son momentos de la vida.
00:50:28Llega uno,
00:50:30ya estoy grande,
00:50:32voy a vacilar así,
00:50:34y me queda bacán.
00:50:36Voy a vacilar.
00:50:38No, ¿verdad?
00:50:40El pibe le ponía a usted presión
00:50:42cuando usted la votaba.
00:50:44Yo estoy pensando
00:50:46que pronto están más presionados ellos.
00:50:48El pibe,
00:50:50al pibe no le gusta perder.
00:50:52A nadie le gusta perder,
00:50:56¿Al pibe si no?
00:50:58Al pibe no le gusta perder.
00:51:00Ni siquiera ahora que jugamos partiditos
00:51:02de recocha por ahí,
00:51:04cuando vamos perdiendo,
00:51:06se nos viene.
00:51:08En esta vida lo que no hay que perder es la alegría para vivir.
00:51:10Amén, así es, así es.
00:51:14La vida es más bacana que el carajo.
00:51:16Se la complica a uno.
00:51:20La vida es esta.
00:51:22Estamos vivos, marica.
00:51:24Estamos vivos.
00:51:26No, ¿verdad?
00:51:28No, ¿verdad?
00:51:30Uno hace...
00:51:34Estamos vivos, saludables y completos.
00:51:38Entonces nosotros nos cabreamos porque amanecemos vivos.
00:51:40Nos emputamos.
00:51:42No, todo el mundo deja el champú.
00:51:44¿Saben cuántos quieren estar aquí?
00:51:48Tenemos la fortuna.
00:51:50Muy amados, por Dios.
00:51:52En todas las competencias siempre hay momentos difíciles.
00:51:54En los momentos difíciles
00:51:56es donde uno tiene que primero tener
00:51:58mucha confianza en uno mismo.
00:52:00Paciencia e inteligencia.
00:52:02Nunca uno gana
00:52:04nada fácil.
00:52:06Ni siquiera jugando un parques con la mamá
00:52:08o con la abuela.
00:52:10Siempre hay un grado de dificultad
00:52:12para poder ganar y salir triunfador.
00:52:14Y nadie va a te regalar.
00:52:16Nadie te regala absolutamente nada.
00:52:18Los de allá no te van a regalar nada.
00:52:20Ellos van a salir con todo a ganarte.
00:52:22Ellos van a querer
00:52:24eliminarlo a todos
00:52:26porque hay un premio importante.
00:52:28Y eso es lo que no podemos dejar que pase.
00:52:30¿Y cómo lo hacemos?
00:52:32Con la cabeza. En los momentos más difíciles
00:52:34piensen en que ustedes son los mejores
00:52:36y porque están aquí.
00:52:38La única forma de uno ganar es pensar
00:52:40que yo soy mejor que el otro en todo.
00:52:42Yo extrañaba estar acá.
00:52:44Yo no descansé en mi casa como descansé anoche.
00:52:46O sea, dormí tan bien.
00:52:48Te lo juro.
00:52:50Pero una cosa, ya me siento completa.
00:52:52¿En serio?
00:52:54No lo escucho. ¿Se cagaron o qué?
00:52:56¿Qué pasa, papitos?
00:52:58¿Están asustados?
00:53:00A ver, a ver.
00:53:02Nosotros tenemos 10 papitos.
00:53:04No hay nada.
00:53:06Uno más uno.
00:53:08No se escuchan. ¿Están cagados?
00:53:10Ahorita nos bebo las carátulas
00:53:12a ver qué es lo que tienen, qué es lo que hablan.
00:53:14Ya mismo los atendemos, mijo.
00:53:16Cuando quieran, plancha.
00:53:18Plancha para el Tino.
00:53:20No comemos de pibe.
00:53:22No comemos de 10.
00:53:24El pibe era bueno
00:53:26cuando tenía el pelo amarillo.
00:53:28Ya lo tiene blanco.
00:53:30Ustedes saben que todavía tienen la magia, papi.
00:53:32Todavía tienen la magia.
00:53:34Eso está intacto.
00:53:36Tati, nos vemos en aire ahorita.
00:53:38Papi, lo que sea.
00:53:40Ustedes saben que yo no copio de vos.
00:53:42Yo voy, mijo.
00:53:44Sin miedo al éxito, papi.
00:53:46Y el profe es abuelo.
00:53:48Tengo ocho.
00:53:50¿Ocho nietos?
00:53:52No jodas.
00:53:54¿Ocho nietos?
00:53:56¿Cuántos hijos tienes?
00:54:00¿Ocho hijos?
00:54:04Ocho hijos y ocho nietos.
00:54:06Cuatro mujeres y cuatro hombres.
00:54:08Grande la familia.
00:54:10Ay, pero es el lindo.
00:54:12Eso es precioso.
00:54:14Yo soy de la época antigua.
00:54:16Yo no soy de ahora.
00:54:18Yo imagino los diciembres.
00:54:20Qué felicidad.
00:54:22Y toda la familia.
00:54:24Los diciembre son espectaculares.
00:54:28Cuando llega todo el convoy.
00:54:30¿Y cuántos añitos tiene tu nieto menor?
00:54:32El menor tiene seis meses.
00:54:34¿Seis meses?
00:54:36¿Y el mayor?
00:54:38El mayor tiene 12 años.
00:54:40Por ahí qué diferencia.
00:54:42¿Hay de entre dos años cada uno?
00:54:44No, hay uno de seis, uno de dos años.
00:54:48Pero son diferentes edades.
00:54:50¿El hijo menor tuyo cuántos años tiene?
00:54:52El menor, la menor tiene 25 años.
00:54:54Que es la que tiene el menor o los nietos.
00:54:56¿Y todos vienen allá?
00:54:58¿O están repartidos?
00:55:00Están repartidos.
00:55:02En Barranquilla y en la Unay.
00:55:04Qué rico, una familia grande.
00:55:06Tengo el convo, convo grande.
00:55:08Bueno, ¿qué se viene?
00:55:10¿Qué cree que se va a venir?
00:55:12Una despelucada.
00:55:14Lo que se viene es la guerra.
00:55:16Lo que se viene es la guerra.
00:55:18Los activos, punta de pie,
00:55:20como dicen cuando uno juega a fútbol.
00:55:22Ay, Dios mío, me van a sudar las manos.
00:55:24Uno lo que no puede es distraerse
00:55:26a la hora de las competencias
00:55:28con pensamientos en los hijos,
00:55:30en los hermanos, en la mamá.
00:55:32Y sobre todo las necesidades,
00:55:34que es que tengo que ganar
00:55:36porque necesito la plata para...
00:55:38No, no, no.
00:55:40Si usted es bueno compitiendo,
00:55:42la plata llega sola.
00:55:44Eso siempre lo dijo Maturana.
00:55:46Compita para ganar leal.
00:55:48Siendo uno siempre la lealtad
00:55:50en la competencia es fundamental.
00:55:52Porque el que es tramposo,
00:55:54así como le llega, se le va.
00:55:56Honesto, jugar honesto.
00:55:58El que obra bien, bien le va.
00:56:00No sé qué están hablando, pero...
00:56:02Estamos hablando de Kevin, venga.
00:56:04Si usted está ahorita de parallel
00:56:06y le dice, Kevin, te odio,
00:56:08lo voy a eliminar.
00:56:10No, tiene que ser al contrario.
00:56:12Kevin, te quiero.
00:56:14No, porque ahí sí lo llena de orgullo.
00:56:16No, no, ahorita cuando estemos
00:56:18ahí de frente con él, usted me chupa trompa,
00:56:20yo me dejo, solamente por el programa.
00:56:22¿Sabe qué? Usted hace eso
00:56:24y ese tipo, uf, se va.
00:56:26Por el equipo, ¿sí me entiende?
00:56:28Yo también me voy a sacrificar.
00:56:30Venga, vamos a ensayar ese pico
00:56:32¿Un beso novelístico?
00:56:34Pero sin lengua. Yo no chupo trompa con lengua.
00:56:36Bueno, si estoy... Bueno, sí, con lengua.
00:56:38¿Cómo así que no?
00:56:40¿Sin lengua?
00:56:42Es que con lengua ya queda como muy comprometedor
00:56:44y yo no quiero compromiso.
00:56:46Ya le dieron a la directriz.
00:56:48Así es, yo hago lo que diga
00:56:50nuestro director técnico.
00:56:52Ay, ay, ay.
00:56:54¿Tú cuántos años tienes?
00:56:56Tengo 30.
00:56:5830, lo mismo, tienes que avisparse a ser papá pronto.
00:57:00Los hombres pueden tener hijos hasta los...
00:57:02Gorda, pero para que lo disfrute ahorita joven.
00:57:04Ay, igual yo estoy joven hasta la que sea.
00:57:06Pues yo estoy buscando donante.
00:57:08Yo no entiendo eso.
00:57:10¿Qué, profe?
00:57:12Esa, que tener relaciones con mamigos y tatay
00:57:14y somos amigos y como esa vaina.
00:57:16Préstame atención. Cuéntamela.
00:57:18Yo quiero ser mamá, pero yo no quiero estar con un hombre.
00:57:20Ajá. ¿Sí? Ajá.
00:57:22O sea, yo no quiero esposo, yo no quiero acostarme con él.
00:57:24Nada, cero. Pero quiero ser mamá.
00:57:26No entiendo esa vaina.
00:57:28No puedo con los hombres, no puedo con ellos.
00:57:30¿Entonces no puede tener hijos?
00:57:32No, sí podemos.
00:57:34Por inseminación, hay una nueva técnica.
00:57:36Ah, ok, ok, ok.
00:57:38La ciencia, profe, sí.
00:57:40Yo soy de la antigüedad.
00:57:42Es que tener familia con la mujer y vivir con la mujer.
00:57:44Vamos a sentir.
00:57:46Tú me gustas, yo te gusto.
00:57:48Y entonces, vamos a ver.
00:57:50Y eso va.
00:57:52Claro, que eso es bacano.
00:57:54Eso es bacano.
00:57:56Yo no entiendo a ella.
00:57:58Ella dice que con los hombres, nada.
00:58:00Pero quiere tener hijos.
00:58:04Ya la entendí.
00:58:06No, con los hombres, nada, pero quiero tener hijos.
00:58:08Y para tener un hijo, ¿qué tiene que necesitan?
00:58:10¿Un hombre?
00:58:14Ese es lo que no entiendo.
00:58:16Profe, venga.
00:58:18Ahora no es necesario que yo sepa con ella sexualmente.
00:58:20No, yo sé.
00:58:22Todo eso yo lo sé.
00:58:24Él es el donante.
00:58:26El donante es responsable.
00:58:28Porque él sí quiere hacerse responsable de mi bebé.
00:58:30Te estás dando cuenta de lo que está queriendo ella.
00:58:32Ella con los hombres no quiere un pu**.
00:58:34Pero quiere un hombre responsable.
00:58:40Que sea guapa y responda.
00:58:42Pero no quiere nada con él.
00:58:44No, espérate.
00:58:46Yo nunca había pensado así.
00:58:48Yo decía, no, yo quiero ser mamá y no quiero saber nada.
00:58:50O sea, que mi bebé, su figura materna y paterna sea yo.
00:58:52Pero como ya está Santi...
00:58:54Ah, cambió.
00:58:58Porque ya se me fue el otro prospecto.
00:59:00Ahora sí.
00:59:02Ya tú, Lizzy, te cambiaste la historia.
00:59:04Claro, me cambió el chip.
00:59:06Es que ahora sí quiero vivir con el hombre.
00:59:12Demuestre las ganas.
00:59:14Hágale creer a los demás que usted es el más débil.
00:59:16Que no lo vean como una amenaza.
00:59:18Consejo que yo le doy.
00:59:20A que no le tire.
00:59:22Tiene que jugar con la mente de las personas en este juego.
00:59:24Entre más desapercibido, pues, menos es una amenaza.
00:59:26Pero todo el que demuestra que yo soy el pu**,
00:59:28lo apunta.
00:59:30Ha pasado 20 años que yo vivo viendo este reality
00:59:32y pasa siempre eso.
00:59:34¿Me entiendes?
00:59:36Pasar desapercibido, claro.
00:59:38Un consejo que le doy, si quiere llegar a la final,
00:59:40te hagas el juego.
00:59:42Así es la palabra.
00:59:44Y el día que le toque el que sacar las uñas y la agarra
00:59:46en las competencias,
00:59:48porque me gustaría que usted ganara por sus tres hijos.
01:00:06¿Van para allá?
01:00:08¿Qué le decimos?
01:00:12¡Le vamos a quebrar ese a** hoy!
01:00:16¡No estamos copiando de nada, papito!
01:00:18¡No les como cuento!
01:00:20¡Quien dijo miedo!
01:00:22¡Nosotros aquí tenemos nuestro propio tino, amigo!
01:00:24¡No les como cuento!
01:00:26¡Más con el viejito que les tocó!
01:00:28¡Vive tu papá!
01:00:30¡Pierde tu papá, oíste!
01:00:32¡Los demás valen mo*****!
01:00:38¡Hola! ¿Cómo van?
01:00:40¡Qué bueno verlos otra vez!
01:00:42Abracito, abracito, porque es mucho tiempo.
01:00:44¿Cómo estás?
01:00:46¿Cómo estás, hermosa?
01:00:48¡Tino, un honor!
01:00:50¡Dios mío, bendito!
01:00:52¿Cómo estás?
01:00:54Muy bien, ¿y tú? ¡Qué bueno conocerte!
01:00:56¿Me cogió descalzo?
01:00:58No, tranquilo, estamos en confianza.
01:01:00¿Te imaginabas la ciudad en las cajas así o cómo?
01:01:02No, nada.
01:01:04Estoy champú.
01:01:06Asombrándote con todo lo nuevo.
01:01:08Sorpresa nueva.
01:01:10¿Y qué tal este equipo y tus pupilos? ¿Cómo los sientes?
01:01:12Buena energía, buena energía.
01:01:14¿Y ustedes? ¿Con el pibe?
01:01:16Nada más y nada menos que con el pibe.
01:01:18¿Se imaginaron alguna vez eso?
01:01:20No, jamás.
01:01:22Los participantes,
01:01:24mi equipo,
01:01:26maravillosos todos.
01:01:28Con mucha ilusión de poder competir.
01:01:30Y estoy convencido
01:01:32de que aquí va a quedar
01:01:34el ganador.
01:01:36Bueno, pero a mí me han dicho que tú eres así
01:01:38charlador y todo porque estás así como
01:01:40cansado. ¿Por qué?
01:01:42Porque la belleza tuya me tiene
01:01:46Nunca había tenido
01:01:48el placer de verlo.
01:01:50Pues déjame decirte que estoy en modo fan.
01:01:52Admiración total por todo lo que has hecho
01:01:54por nuestro país y por tantas sonrisas.
01:01:56Muchísimas gracias.
01:01:58Bueno, me alegra mucho y entonces sé que
01:02:00están con toda la energía para lo que se viene.
01:02:02Así es.
01:02:04Entonces, en esta tablet tengo
01:02:06los teléfonos y las fotos de los
01:02:0845 participantes que han estado en
01:02:10toda la historia del desafío.
01:02:14Entre esos contactos y entre esas personas
01:02:16ustedes van a tener que elegir una pareja
01:02:18que va a ser como parte de ustedes.
01:02:20Se van a volver uno solo.
01:02:24Van a elegir su pareja
01:02:26para que venga a participar con ustedes
01:02:28y a ganarse el desafío.
01:02:30Así es.
01:02:32Los hombres eligen
01:02:34de la lista de las mujeres.
01:02:36De la lista de los hombres.
01:02:40Tienen que llamarlos y convencerlos
01:02:42a que en un plazo máximo de 36 horas
01:02:44estén aquí con ustedes.
01:02:48En caso de no llegar
01:02:50en esas 36 horas,
01:02:52queda eliminado el participante inmediato del juego.
01:02:54Tienen que empezar a pensar muy bien
01:02:56esa elección porque de eso depende
01:02:58el futuro de ustedes.
01:03:00Tienen 1.200 millones de pesos
01:03:02para convencer a la persona que vayan a llamar.
01:03:06Recuerden algo muy importante.
01:03:08Es que esa pareja llegará hasta el final
01:03:10con ustedes. Se van a volver uno solo.
01:03:12Los eliminados de este reality también compiten?
01:03:16Incluye este año también.
01:03:18Yo les puedo dar recomendaciones?
01:03:20Tú los ayudas a escoger,
01:03:22les das recomendaciones, les dices
01:03:24esta persona es súper chévere, yo la conocí,
01:03:36Subtítulos realizados por la comunidad de Amara.org
