Thorgal & The Night Wanderer | Mighty Koi Studio: Behind the Scenes

  • 3 weeks ago
Get a behind-the-scenes look at Mighty Koi Studio, developers of Thorgal and The Night Wanderer, and the creation of games based on Thorgal and The Lord of the Ice Garden - iconic series of Polish fantasy.
00:00:00In the previous episode...
00:00:15All exits before you enter, you have to look around, you have to investigate.
00:00:21Because you don't know where the enemies are hiding in the lighthouse.
00:00:31They said he came out of the icy waves of the North Sea.
00:00:40Born of its raging expanse.
00:00:47They said he emerged out of the night.
00:00:51Riding on a horse as big as a dragon.
00:00:55His sword ablaze.
00:01:03They said he came out of the fright wastelands.
00:01:10Shaped by depraved thoughts.
00:01:14A shadow followed him.
00:01:18A shadow who sang of war.
00:01:22They said he was the son of a vagrant god.
00:01:28Who sired him with a mortal woman.
00:01:41They said he was forged by lightning.
00:01:51A lightning that woke up the slumbering princess.
00:01:56The storm is.
00:01:59This is the moment I am born in.
00:02:09When the fire starts to burn.
00:02:19She was confined by the abyss.
00:02:26When the fire starts to burn.
00:02:29Her only hope, the ship carrying her beloved.
00:02:35When the fire starts, when the fire starts.
00:02:41When the fire starts, when the fire starts to burn.
00:02:50When the fire starts to burn.
00:02:54They said she died.
00:02:57Giving birth to fire.
00:03:02And to the warrior.
00:03:07When the fire starts to burn.
00:03:10When the fire starts, when the fire starts.
00:03:13They were all wrong.
00:03:25I AM HERE
00:03:40Welcome, my name is Ada Borysiuk
00:03:43and I have the great honor and pleasure to be your guide today.
00:03:47A guide in the world of visionaries,
00:03:49developers, game creators,
00:03:51animators and icons of the world of fantasy.
00:03:54A moment ago, you could see the trailer for the game The Night Wanderer,
00:03:58based on the book by Jarosław Grzędowicz,
00:04:00The Lord of the Ice Garden.
00:04:02And what I can reveal to you right now
00:04:04is that today we will discover the cards
00:04:06about not one, but two fantastic productions.
00:04:09I invite you to the world of innovation,
00:04:11to the world of technology
00:04:13and to the world of phenomenal stories.
00:04:15I invite you to the world of Mighty Koi.
00:04:17Let's get started.
00:04:21The Night Wanderer
00:04:52The Night Wanderer
00:05:07And here is the CEO of Mighty Koi, Karolina Majdzińska.
00:05:13My dear, since we are at the beginning,
00:05:15we should talk about the beginnings.
00:05:17So what did Mighty Koi look like?
00:05:19Behind the seven mountains,
00:05:21behind the seven forests,
00:05:23quite seriously in Warsaw,
00:05:25there was a group of people
00:05:27who decided that they would like to
00:05:29be able to fulfill the dreams of all players,
00:05:32of all people who love games,
00:05:35books, stories, fantasy very much.
00:05:38Just as we love it,
00:05:40as we wanted to be able to share it
00:05:42and create new, cool products,
00:05:45including, above all, computer games.
00:05:48So that was the beginning.
00:05:50And what did we see?
00:05:52You immediately saw a certain niche for yourself,
00:05:55or a gap that you want to fill.
00:05:57And you see that this is what the players need,
00:05:59this is not there yet,
00:06:01and we have an idea for it.
00:06:02Will we do it?
00:06:03You know what?
00:06:04We looked a little more broadly,
00:06:05because there were people in our group
00:06:07with different experiences,
00:06:09with different perceptions,
00:06:10with different optics.
00:06:11So we also looked from the point of view
00:06:13of business,
00:06:15what are the expectations,
00:06:17what could be found
00:06:19as the best market for Betus.
00:06:21Because we wanted to make high-quality games
00:06:23from the beginning,
00:06:24i.e. also in high budgets.
00:06:26So we knew that we also had to analyze
00:06:28such issues,
00:06:30to be able to meet the needs of the players,
00:06:33the players' expectations,
00:06:34as well as our own.
00:06:35So we looked through business,
00:06:37we looked through what has a good reception
00:06:39in the environment,
00:06:41what players would like to receive,
00:06:43because for a long time
00:06:45it was also possible to read on forums
00:06:47that after some Polish games,
00:06:50another game should be a game
00:06:52based on The Lord of the Rings.
00:06:55So that's where the look
00:06:57at the date of the story came from.
00:06:59In addition, we also saw
00:07:01that the author Jarosław Grzędowicz,
00:07:02Jarek Grzędowicz, said
00:07:03that he would like to have a game
00:07:05based on his story,
00:07:08that he is ready to believe
00:07:10his work to someone,
00:07:11that he would do it differently,
00:07:13because a game is a sign,
00:07:14it is a different way of conveying.
00:07:16Hence the visit
00:07:18and long conversations with Jarek.
00:07:20It turned out that in human terms
00:07:22we just have chemistry,
00:07:23we look at certain issues in a similar way,
00:07:25we have similar values
00:07:27when it comes to products,
00:07:28what we would like to give away,
00:07:29how we want to treat
00:07:31the characters in his book.
00:07:34And that's how the production of the game
00:07:36based on The Lord of the Rings began.
00:07:39A combination of heart and mind.
00:07:43We'll come back to Mr. Grzędowicz,
00:07:44but you say we were there.
00:07:45How big was the studio at the beginning
00:07:47and what did its expansion look like?
00:07:49At the beginning,
00:07:50at the very beginning there were three of us,
00:07:52then there were a few more of us,
00:07:53it was about 10-15 people,
00:07:55and at the moment,
00:07:56in total, everyone working on the game
00:07:58and all the technologies,
00:08:00tools, other issues
00:08:02that are necessary for this
00:08:03is almost 100 people.
00:08:05We talked for a while about the plans,
00:08:07but you definitely have hard goals
00:08:09for the next few years.
00:08:12There are a few IP universes
00:08:14that we will talk about,
00:08:17but which you deal with.
00:08:20Games are just part of the universe
00:08:22that comics, books, series, movies can create.
00:08:26Is this also an area
00:08:27that you would like to deal with,
00:08:29which you deal with?
00:08:30Definitely yes.
00:08:31This is something
00:08:32that we internally call transmedia.
00:08:35To better understand what it's about,
00:08:37we wanted to give our players,
00:08:39our users of our products,
00:08:41the opportunity to interact with them,
00:08:43basically from morning to night.
00:08:44If today is a day
00:08:45when I want to play a computer game,
00:08:47I play a computer game.
00:08:48If today is a day
00:08:49when I want to play a role-playing game
00:08:53with my friends,
00:08:54I play an RPG.
00:08:55And this also enlightened us,
00:08:57we wanted to achieve this
00:08:58and we will definitely go in this direction.
00:09:00Of course, also with mobile media.
00:09:03However, these are also plans
00:09:05that we will want to pursue,
00:09:06whether it's feature films, animated films,
00:09:09or other such issues.
00:09:11And how important is cooperation
00:09:12with the community, the fandom?
00:09:15It's definitely important.
00:09:17We wouldn't be here
00:09:18if not for the many people
00:09:19who helped us,
00:09:20who believed in us
00:09:22and our dreams, our goals.
00:09:24Without the players, without the community,
00:09:26it would be pointless
00:09:27to do something like that.
00:09:28Doing something for yourself
00:09:29and putting it on the shelf
00:09:30is not our goal.
00:09:31It's supposed to be a product
00:09:32that's really supposed to be played,
00:09:34that's supposed to be played,
00:09:35that's supposed to be used.
00:09:36Okay, so what are you going to show us today?
00:09:39Today we're going to show a trailer,
00:09:42today we're going to reveal
00:09:43another surprise,
00:09:44we're going to tell you more about it.
00:09:47And there's a lot of it,
00:09:48because we have a very big appetite
00:09:52for all that we can meet
00:09:56at the moment in game dev
00:09:59or in general terms
00:10:01in creative industries.
00:10:03There are a lot of phenomenal people in game dev,
00:10:05so I can only add from myself
00:10:07that there are a lot of people
00:10:09on this couch,
00:10:10actually not on the couch,
00:10:11but in our studio today.
00:10:12You'll see them
00:10:13and I'll have the opportunity
00:10:14to talk to them.
00:10:15But not just me.
00:10:16It was Karolina Majdzińska,
00:10:17CEO of MightyKoi.
00:10:19And since we're talking about people,
00:10:21let's move to the MightyKoi studio,
00:10:24where, in person,
00:10:25Filip Beskhamat Malinowski
00:10:27was able to observe
00:10:28how the work on the game
00:10:29The Night Wanderer looks like.
00:10:45I got my first volume
00:10:47on my birthday,
00:10:48I was 20 years old,
00:10:49and my first thought was
00:10:50this is a game-movie,
00:10:51why isn't there an adaptation?
00:10:52So for me,
00:10:53it's natural,
00:10:54it's a natural development of this IP,
00:10:56it was a natural consequence
00:10:58of what's in the books.
00:11:00There's so much material there
00:11:02that we didn't feel the need
00:11:03to create a new hero.
00:11:04Even from the beginning,
00:11:05when we got the right to this IP,
00:11:06it was clear,
00:11:07yes, this will be the story
00:11:08of Wuko Drakajnen,
00:11:09and that's it.
00:11:10We've been waiting for it for years,
00:11:12and in the end,
00:11:13we're doing it ourselves.
00:11:14So I think sooner or later
00:11:15someone had to reach for it.
00:11:16The material is great, so...
00:11:20This word has to fall.
00:11:21Where did the idea come from
00:11:23to combine this world
00:11:25and this story
00:11:26with a Souls-like genre?
00:11:28It was also,
00:11:29in fact, a few decisions.
00:11:30We've looked at the market,
00:11:31what players are playing,
00:11:32what we're playing,
00:11:33what our friends are playing,
00:11:34so this Souls-like
00:11:35is not without a reason.
00:11:38But let's also remember
00:11:39that the world itself,
00:11:40Mr. Glacier's Garden,
00:11:41Midgard's planet itself,
00:11:42is dangerous,
00:11:43because the so-called
00:11:44war of the gods is going on there.
00:11:45That's what the inhabitants
00:11:46of this planet call the whole phenomenon.
00:11:47We find out later
00:11:48why it's caused.
00:11:50So that makes it
00:11:51doubly dangerous there.
00:11:52So this genre,
00:11:53largely based on fighting mechanics,
00:11:57is a natural consequence
00:11:59of all this.
00:12:00In my opinion,
00:12:01it fits perfectly
00:12:02to give the planet
00:12:03a sense of danger.
00:12:04What makes players
00:12:05eager to reach out?
00:12:06Why is this genre
00:12:07so popular?
00:12:10You know what?
00:12:11In my opinion,
00:12:12there are a few reasons.
00:12:13First of all,
00:12:14it's a bit of a return
00:12:15to the roots,
00:12:16to the old games.
00:12:18I think it's a natural,
00:12:19you know,
00:12:20atavistic desire
00:12:22to compete,
00:12:23to prove oneself.
00:12:25Plus, you know what?
00:12:26These games are
00:12:27really quite fair.
00:12:29I think that's what it's all about.
00:12:31You have the freedom
00:12:32to think,
00:12:33you can do a lot
00:12:34in your own way,
00:12:35but it has its price.
00:12:37If you've planned something
00:12:39wrong somewhere,
00:12:41then it's too bad.
00:12:42Maybe you should have
00:12:43followed the path
00:12:44shown by the light
00:12:45in Elden.
00:12:46And that's it.
00:12:47If you could tell us
00:12:48about something
00:12:49that stands out,
00:12:51not only in Slayke,
00:12:52but also in other games.
00:12:53Of course,
00:12:54I think of the number.
00:12:56How it will be used.
00:12:58But I assume
00:12:59you can add something
00:13:00to it.
00:13:01Imagine that
00:13:02your user interface
00:13:04depends on what's
00:13:05sitting in your
00:13:07fungal graft
00:13:08that's under your skin,
00:13:10which, through the magic
00:13:11of an alien planet,
00:13:12has gained consciousness.
00:13:13I don't think
00:13:14that's happened yet,
00:13:15because the number
00:13:16will be your guide,
00:13:17a kind of companion,
00:13:18but also,
00:13:19you know,
00:13:20it's responsible
00:13:21for what's displayed.
00:13:22So, theoretically,
00:13:23if you have a bad relationship
00:13:24with it,
00:13:25you know,
00:13:26you go to a party,
00:13:27and there's a party,
00:13:28so I can spoil you
00:13:29that much.
00:13:30And it turns out
00:13:31that the number says,
00:13:33you're like that,
00:13:34so deal with it yourself.
00:13:35And around,
00:13:36for example,
00:13:37monsters and fog,
00:13:38or the so-called
00:13:39cold fog,
00:13:40which we know
00:13:41from the book.
00:13:42So, yes,
00:13:43the number is
00:13:45it's one of the,
00:13:46let's say,
00:13:47selling points
00:13:48of our game.
00:13:49But not only.
00:13:50I think the world
00:13:51will also surprise players
00:13:52in a few aspects.
00:13:56How much of Midgard's world
00:13:58will be open to the player,
00:14:00and what will be the possibility
00:14:02of navigating it?
00:14:04I'll tell you this,
00:14:06there will definitely be elements
00:14:08that will allow
00:14:10the player to feel the world.
00:14:12Of course,
00:14:13the souls-likes
00:14:14are quite closed,
00:14:15because the feeling of alienation
00:14:17is quite important.
00:14:18We want to break it,
00:14:19we want the player
00:14:20to love Midgard a little bit,
00:14:22to feel here
00:14:24like at home,
00:14:25because that's how Wuko,
00:14:26our main character,
00:14:27reacts to it.
00:14:28He runs away from the ground
00:14:30to be more free.
00:14:32And Midgard gives him that.
00:14:34We have a character
00:14:35who is a modern human for us.
00:14:37He has the same mindset
00:14:39as each of us,
00:14:41and he is thrown
00:14:42into a completely different world,
00:14:44thanks to which
00:14:45we play on the same principles
00:14:47as him.
00:14:48We get to know
00:14:49a completely new world
00:14:50through the eyes
00:14:51of a human like us.
00:14:52For me,
00:14:53this is a great solution
00:14:55for the narrative
00:14:56to tell this story.
00:14:58We want the player
00:14:59to feel it somewhere,
00:15:01and we want certain elements
00:15:06of the world,
00:15:08I'm talking about the hub.
00:15:09We're planning a cool hub,
00:15:11more RPG-like
00:15:12than souls-like,
00:15:14so we open the player
00:15:16to this world
00:15:18much more than
00:15:19in other souls-likes.
00:15:22We want the quests
00:15:24to be strong,
00:15:26so that the player
00:15:27can experience them
00:15:28after many years.
00:15:29I'm a tabletop RPG player,
00:15:31and this is something
00:15:32I struggle with,
00:15:34because you can never
00:15:36predict what will happen
00:15:37at the RPG table.
00:15:39If you lock the player
00:15:41in a tight corridor
00:15:43and don't let him
00:15:45choose his path,
00:15:47the player will get bored.
00:15:50Of course,
00:15:51there are some players
00:15:52who like to be
00:15:53kicked in the back
00:15:54so that they get
00:15:55a clue,
00:15:56an adventure.
00:15:57You have to respect this,
00:15:59because everyone
00:16:00has their own approach
00:16:01to playing the game,
00:16:03but for me,
00:16:04you can make a choice,
00:16:06but you don't have to.
00:16:07If you want to,
00:16:08we'll do it
00:16:09according to your will.
00:16:11I would like to
00:16:12convey this
00:16:13as strongly as possible
00:16:15in our game,
00:16:16so that the choices
00:16:17are real,
00:16:18not just
00:16:22so that at the end
00:16:24the player can say
00:16:25that this is his story.
00:16:27The keyword is
00:16:29In the book,
00:16:30it's an integral part
00:16:32of the character,
00:16:34but also
00:16:35a separate being.
00:16:37How are you going
00:16:38to use digital
00:16:39in the game?
00:16:42for us,
00:16:43digital is
00:16:44one of the most
00:16:45important elements of the game.
00:16:47It's also
00:16:48an element
00:16:49of your own agenda.
00:16:51It's not really
00:16:52a fantasy,
00:16:53as you might think.
00:16:55Mr. Nowak-Ogrod
00:16:56is pure sci-fi.
00:16:57You just have to
00:16:58read the ending.
00:16:59And he kind of looks
00:17:00like a cool
00:17:01cyber viking.
00:17:03cyber viking,
00:17:05Cyber viking,
00:17:06isn't that?
00:17:08cyber viking,
00:17:09this is the
00:17:10exact description.
00:17:11That's everything
00:17:12that you need
00:17:13to create him.
00:17:14Yes, yes,
00:17:15cyber viking,
00:17:16to achieve
00:17:17the feeling,
00:17:18I would say,
00:17:19old-fashioned sci-fi
00:17:21like 80s,
00:17:22something like this.
00:17:24maybe a good
00:17:25reference here
00:17:26could be also
00:17:27the Star Wars,
00:17:28for example,
00:17:29because it's
00:17:30like old-style
00:17:31and this kind of
00:17:32not digital,
00:17:33but analog sci-fi.
00:17:34It doesn't look
00:17:35that much
00:17:38and that was
00:17:39the idea,
00:17:41you know,
00:17:42it has to be sci-fi,
00:17:43but it has to be
00:17:46so this also
00:17:47was an inspiration,
00:17:48so everyone
00:17:49can find something
00:17:52but maybe one thing
00:17:53I can highlight
00:17:54that voice-over,
00:17:57it is literally
00:17:58just the actor
00:18:00reading the first
00:18:01chapter of the book.
00:18:03we literally thought
00:18:04how the voice-over
00:18:05should work,
00:18:06what the text
00:18:07should be there,
00:18:08and so on,
00:18:09but then we just
00:18:10opened the book,
00:18:11we just read
00:18:12an introduction,
00:18:13and we're like,
00:18:14what do we need?
00:18:16We have even
00:18:17a director
00:18:18who is working
00:18:19with us full-time,
00:18:21because it's very
00:18:22important that
00:18:23every single
00:18:24casting should be
00:18:26and we personally
00:18:27act like
00:18:28it's a real movie.
00:18:29I don't know,
00:18:3015 seconds,
00:18:31but all these
00:18:33and we have
00:18:34a professional
00:18:35director in our team,
00:18:36and all this stuff,
00:18:38the approach
00:18:39is completely
00:18:40the same
00:18:41like in movies,
00:18:42and I personally
00:18:43try to push
00:18:44as far as possible
00:18:45the possibilities
00:18:46of the tools
00:18:47that we have
00:18:48for this game,
00:18:49and to achieve
00:18:50this as realistic
00:18:51as possible,
00:18:52as cinematic
00:18:53as possible,
00:18:54as movie-style
00:18:55as possible
00:18:58this is basically
00:18:59what I'm trying
00:19:00to push
00:19:01everyone in the team,
00:19:02the artists,
00:19:03the art directors,
00:19:04it's all about that.
00:19:06So, I guess
00:19:07we can expect
00:19:08the game to be
00:19:09cinematic experience,
00:19:10much more than
00:19:12this is
00:19:13my main
00:19:14internal goal.
00:19:15It's not highlighted,
00:19:16but this is
00:19:17my responsibility
00:19:18on this project,
00:19:19that it has to be
00:19:20really, really cinematic.
00:19:23is the teaser
00:19:24in any way
00:19:25a good indication
00:19:26of what we could
00:19:27expect in game?
00:19:28I hope so.
00:19:30I hope so.
00:19:33I think yes.
00:19:43here is some
00:19:44magic happens.
00:19:46the magic.
00:19:52What about
00:19:54I mean,
00:19:55she's redhead,
00:19:56are there any
00:19:58For sure.
00:19:59I really love
00:20:00the work with the skin,
00:20:01as you can see,
00:20:02it's really highly
00:20:04and we will try
00:20:05to use those
00:20:06details for the game
00:20:07as well,
00:20:08so not only
00:20:09in the teaser,
00:20:10but we can also
00:20:11take those concepts
00:20:12and turn them
00:20:13into 3D assets.
00:20:14Sure, sure.
00:20:15For example,
00:20:16this one is still
00:20:17in process,
00:20:18but we,
00:20:19as you can see,
00:20:20we have a lot of...
00:20:21All those assets
00:20:22that are in teaser.
00:20:23Yes, yes.
00:20:25since the book
00:20:26that the game
00:20:27is based on
00:20:28is a non-visual medium,
00:20:29and there are
00:20:30only hints
00:20:31of how the world
00:20:32should look like,
00:20:33what is the most
00:20:34exciting part,
00:20:35or maybe it's
00:20:37in creating it
00:20:38pretty much
00:20:39from scratch?
00:20:41I guess it is
00:20:42the most challenging
00:20:43part of our work,
00:20:46we need to recreate
00:20:47the imagination
00:20:48of the author,
00:20:49but even though
00:20:50that's really hard
00:20:51for us to create
00:20:52those unique
00:20:55it's going to be
00:20:56really, really
00:20:57awesome experience
00:20:58and unique experience
00:20:59for the player.
00:21:00And also,
00:21:01a few words
00:21:02about what we're
00:21:03working on right now,
00:21:04we start with the
00:21:05lands heavily influenced
00:21:06with the Nordic style,
00:21:07and then we're
00:21:08going to go
00:21:09into something
00:21:10more crazy
00:21:11and fantasy-like.
00:21:13So, there are
00:21:14different stylistics
00:21:15as well
00:21:16than you can expect?
00:21:17Yes, for sure.
00:21:19If not to spoil
00:21:20the whole game,
00:21:22every biome
00:21:23has its own
00:21:25own weather,
00:21:26own narrative,
00:21:28so it's absolutely
00:21:30and that's the most
00:21:31difficult part for us,
00:21:34if something is
00:21:35really, really different,
00:21:36you need to create
00:21:37a smooth connection
00:21:38in between.
00:21:40I can expect
00:21:41many different locations
00:21:42with their own
00:21:43specific environment
00:21:44and feel?
00:21:45Yes, for sure.
00:21:46Based on books?
00:21:59I can't count
00:22:00how many times
00:22:01I've heard
00:22:02the word
00:22:04in the context
00:22:05of The Night Wanderer.
00:22:06I already know
00:22:07that this game
00:22:08will be something more
00:22:09than just Souls-like
00:22:10and something different
00:22:11than many people
00:22:12might think
00:22:13when they hear
00:22:14or hear this word.
00:22:15I won't name games
00:22:16because there are
00:22:17some games that
00:22:18replicate it
00:22:19and that's it.
00:22:20We really don't
00:22:21want to fall into traps
00:22:22where it's just
00:22:23something that already
00:22:25In fact,
00:22:26we want to push
00:22:27the evolution of the genre
00:22:29and just experiment
00:22:30a little,
00:22:31so we want
00:22:32to play around
00:22:33with this formula.
00:22:35people will find
00:22:36something for themselves.
00:22:38It's a golden mean
00:22:39and you have to
00:22:40balance it well.
00:22:41But we really try
00:22:42to make focus tests
00:22:43so that every group
00:22:44of people
00:22:45will find something for themselves.
00:22:46If someone likes
00:22:48wants a challenge,
00:22:49will find something
00:22:50for themselves.
00:22:51The same goes
00:22:52for casual players
00:22:53who just want
00:22:54to experience history,
00:22:55like IP,
00:22:56like books,
00:22:57this will also be
00:22:58a game for them.
00:22:59Most Souls-likes
00:23:00are characterized
00:23:01by a gloomy atmosphere,
00:23:02a heavy atmosphere.
00:23:04Did you manage
00:23:05to keep a certain balance?
00:23:06Was there also
00:23:07a place for humor?
00:23:08Yes, there is a lot of humor.
00:23:10Of course.
00:23:11I'm sorry
00:23:12to ask you
00:23:13a bit ahead of time.
00:23:14So not so depressing.
00:23:16You know,
00:23:17you have some main quest,
00:23:18you've done something
00:23:19in some location,
00:23:20let's say you're
00:23:21in a inn
00:23:22and something is happening there.
00:23:23You see some interaction
00:23:24between two NPCs
00:23:25and you can talk to them.
00:23:26You know,
00:23:27very life-like,
00:23:28funny situations
00:23:29will also be in our game.
00:23:30This is quest design,
00:23:31side activities,
00:23:32where the player
00:23:33will experience
00:23:34side events.
00:23:35Speaking of fighting.
00:23:36I know
00:23:37you have
00:23:38a lot of
00:23:40Could you tell us
00:23:41a bit about
00:23:42how it will look
00:23:43like as a show,
00:23:44animations and so on?
00:23:45The animations
00:23:46in Souls-like
00:23:47are very precise.
00:23:49are counted,
00:23:50everything is based
00:23:51on frames,
00:23:52the whole gameplay.
00:23:53So it was
00:23:54one of the main
00:23:56we had to quickly
00:23:58and reiterate
00:23:59some solutions
00:24:00so that
00:24:01the whole pipeline
00:24:02works effectively.
00:24:03So it was
00:24:04a big iterative
00:24:06We did
00:24:07pretty well
00:24:08and it will be
00:24:09even better.
00:24:10Because this is
00:24:11something that
00:24:12can be improved
00:24:13and changed
00:24:14all the time
00:24:15through development.
00:24:16So we're
00:24:17playing with it all the time.
00:24:18You know,
00:24:19Souls has
00:24:20some stylized
00:24:22That's why
00:24:23we don't
00:24:24make mock-ups.
00:24:25Jedi has
00:24:26more realistic
00:24:28and we want to
00:24:29do the same
00:24:30in the game.
00:24:31And this world
00:24:32is actually
00:24:33something you can
00:24:34relate to.
00:24:35It can
00:24:38And do you think
00:24:39you'll be able
00:24:40to connect
00:24:41the depth of the
00:24:42gameplay and
00:24:43the possibility
00:24:44of fighting
00:24:45with the value
00:24:46of film production
00:24:47when it comes
00:24:48to the game
00:24:50It's possible.
00:24:52And taking into
00:24:53account that
00:24:54you're adapting
00:24:55the first
00:24:57there's a
00:24:58lot of
00:25:00Do you think
00:25:01you'll be
00:25:02able to
00:25:03expand it
00:25:04in the future?
00:25:05Maybe some
00:25:06DLC, additional
00:25:08We're running
00:25:09into the future.
00:25:10But yes,
00:25:11this world is
00:25:13very rich
00:25:14and there's
00:25:15a lot of
00:25:17to do.
00:25:18And we
00:25:19think about
00:25:21It's all
00:25:24to some
00:25:32the game
00:25:34in the
00:25:39a lot of
00:25:41to do.
00:25:48the game
00:25:50in the
00:25:58the game
00:26:00in the
00:26:05a lot
00:26:08to do.
00:26:15the game
00:26:17in the
00:26:22a lot
00:26:25to do.
00:26:29a lot
00:26:32to do.
00:26:36a lot
00:26:39to do.
00:26:43a lot
00:26:46to do.
00:26:50a lot
00:26:53to do.
00:26:57a lot
00:27:00to do.
00:27:04a lot
00:27:07to do.
00:27:11a lot
00:27:14to do.
00:27:18a lot
00:27:21to do.
00:27:25a lot
00:27:28to do.
00:27:32a lot
00:27:35to do.
00:27:39a lot
00:27:42to do.
00:27:46a lot
00:27:49to do.
00:27:53a lot
00:27:56to do.
00:28:00a lot
00:28:03to do.
00:28:07a lot
00:28:10to do.
00:28:14a lot
00:28:17to do.
00:28:21a lot
00:28:24to do.
00:28:28a lot
00:28:31to do.
00:28:35a lot
00:28:38to do.
00:28:42a lot
00:28:45to do.
00:28:49a lot
00:28:52to do.
00:28:56a lot
00:28:59to do.
00:29:03a lot
00:29:06to do.
00:29:10a lot
00:29:13to do.
00:29:17a lot
00:29:21to do.
00:29:25a lot
00:29:28to do.
00:29:32a lot
00:29:35to do.
00:29:39a lot
00:29:42to do.
00:29:46a lot
00:29:54a lot
00:29:57to do.
00:30:02a lot
00:30:05to do.
00:30:09a lot
00:30:12to do.
00:30:17And the very recent examples of the characters, environments, they are so photorealistic that sometimes it's very hard to see the difference between the real world and the final picture.
00:30:32But on the other hand, there are still requirements, technical requirements, and limitations of the different platforms, new computers, players' computers as well.
00:30:42So we will apply all the knowledge, all the experience we have to mix the movies industry and game industry to use not only the technical solutions, but the storytelling solutions, cameras, movement, the narration, just to make it as cool as possible, as realistic as possible.
00:31:06When we are talking only about the technology, so I think right now Unreal Engine provides the best solutions to achieve that. So we are experimenting a lot with the limits and pushing these limits as much as possible. So I hope you will be glad with the results, at least inspired.
00:31:33Basically nothing to add.
00:31:37Speaking of the cool effects, I think I had a pleasure, no, I had a pleasure, it was a pleasure to be a part of the process in Motion Capture Studio. So what's your experience of that day?
00:31:51You definitely can think about another career.
00:31:58We're still in this topic.
00:32:02Still in the negotiation.
00:32:05Because it was great. It wasn't like, okay, let's test it or let's try it. You just had literally fun.
00:32:11This is the best moment. You should just have a look. Let's watch it.
00:32:15We just need to measure our actress to understand the real physical size of the body, then put all this information to the computer and to create the same skeleton for the upcoming motion capture session.
00:32:46Okay, now we need to fit all the...
00:32:52All the triniki.
00:32:54All the triniki.
00:32:55To the right position.
00:32:57This specific one independent in terms of the optical tracking. You don't need cameras. So you're quite free. It's like a total freedom for the motion capture.
00:33:17For me personally, I like it. You can go outside and run in the forest. It's very hard to simulate forest in the studio. You cannot just literally put millions of trees in the studio and just run between these trees.
00:33:31They punch you.
00:33:32But with this one, you can do that.
00:33:34We worked a lot with the celebrities, Dolph Lundgren, Korn, Sabaton, Offscreen. We shot a lot of videos.
00:33:45So we created effects for different movies. Now we just want to concentrate all this experience and bring it here and tell the perfect story and do our best to bring this experience to gamers.
00:33:58And now you can make several fights. You can show jumping, moving. At the same moment, camera in front of your face recording all your emotions.
00:34:19Normally, you have one screen when actor can see actually.
00:34:24Or not.
00:34:25Normally, we don't record motion capture inside the cage.
00:34:28Oh, yeah.
00:34:29You can see your digital double here.
00:34:37Great one. I need something like that in my home.
00:34:40Why not? It's very cool for the trainings. And when we use Unreal Engine, we cannot show this generic body, but we can literally show the character.
00:34:51I have no idea what I'm doing, but it's fun.
00:34:54You just generated a ton of data.
00:34:56Yeah, I know.
00:34:58For the solving.
00:35:11This is nice.
00:35:12This is nice. All right.
00:35:15It's okay. It's okay. No problem.
00:35:18All right. So now we can solve it.
00:35:21Now solve it.
00:35:25The result is really cool.
00:35:26You can see that even small movements of the shoulders, of the head, everything is okay.
00:35:32What is usually...
00:35:33Oh, I'm good.
00:35:37It's too low.
00:35:38We will definitely...
00:35:39My knee is perfect.
00:35:41You were asking about non-cap actors, but you know...
00:35:44You can do that.
00:35:45Yes. Really?
00:35:47Do you record it? Did you record it? Do we have it on tape?
00:35:51You can definitely do that.
00:35:54We can literally then replace this character with, I don't know, a game character or somebody else and just create a video.
00:36:02High five. Thanks.
00:36:05And high five.
00:36:08We got it.
00:36:16I don't know if I'm proud of the effect, but you're the experts.
00:36:21Tell me about your thoughts.
00:36:23I think it was great, so feel free and...
00:36:27Where can I send my CV?
00:36:28You can do it just after the recording.
00:36:30Okay, thanks.
00:36:31No problem here.
00:36:33Thank you, guys.
00:36:51What do you think makes people in the world want to reach for it more and more and are interested in it?
00:36:57It comes from the fact that the authors of fantasy in Poland started as fans of fantasy.
00:37:05And they read a lot.
00:37:07They read world literature, English literature, but then we didn't realize that what we have at our disposal is just cream.
00:37:18Publishers who have limited resources choose the best things.
00:37:23And we were convinced that every Western author is a class of Bradbury or Aldiss or Zelazny or whoever,
00:37:35because that's the only thing we got.
00:37:38And our own specificity was added to it.
00:37:42I mean, we developed our own topos, much more original.
00:37:49Because abroad, if someone wanted to write fantasy, they started with something that was based on something.
00:37:56And these were things that have their own structure.
00:38:00It's known that it works.
00:38:02So that we didn't know that, we developed our own structures.
00:38:06So our fantasy is just very original.
00:38:09What is so special about it that it attracts us so much?
00:38:12Very different things.
00:38:14We are open to the world, but at the same time we are closed.
00:38:19On the Internet, on YouTube, in social media.
00:38:24And we use this openness to the world less than it seems.
00:38:29Because the world has become very complicated.
00:38:33Few people understand what's going on here.
00:38:37Especially in recent years, when many things have gone out of control.
00:38:41And fantasy is a source of emotions, okay.
00:38:47But in a way more understandable than what we deal with every day.
00:38:53So it provides security.
00:38:55It provides security and at the same time provides emotions.
00:39:02On the pages of a book?
00:39:03On the pages of a book or on the screen.
00:39:05Let's move on to Mr. Lodowy Ogrod.
00:39:08Is it science fiction or fantasy?
00:39:11It's a complicated thing.
00:39:14It would also be difficult for me to answer the question without making a shameful spoiler.
00:39:19But it is science fiction to a large extent.
00:39:27When you deal with it, you get the impression that you are still in the world of fantasy.
00:39:33There, the world has some mysteries that are only revealed at the end.
00:39:39I also wanted to move so smoothly to the question of Midgard as a planet
00:39:44on which the action of the story takes place.
00:39:47What could we tell our viewers?
00:39:49What will they find so unique in this Midgard?
00:39:52Apart from the basic ontological mystery of the world, which I will not reveal,
00:39:58I tried to build this world as wide as possible.
00:40:06There are different cultures, different languages.
00:40:10There are several of these cultures.
00:40:11They are all quite elaborate and colorful.
00:40:14I wanted the reader to have the impression that apart from what he sees,
00:40:19which was described by the narrator,
00:40:21there is a corner somewhere.
00:40:23We have a living world.
00:40:24We have a living world.
00:40:25There are more plans, more places, more landscapes.
00:40:28It's not just what the hero is going through at the moment.
00:40:32It was important for me that there were no ghosts.
00:40:36Everyone had to have their own character, their own personality.
00:40:40Everyone had to be someone.
00:40:42It was not a third-party statistic, whose task was only to fill the background.
00:40:48What about places you like to go back to?
00:40:53Of course, to the coast of Żagl.
00:40:55This is my favorite place.
00:40:59I would be very curious to see a visualized ice rink.
00:41:04It will be there.
00:41:07Have you ever thought about your story as a content that can be transferred to other media?
00:41:16I didn't think about games.
00:41:18However, I often thought about visualization,
00:41:20because I had to imagine this world all the time.
00:41:25I had it so much in front of my eyes
00:41:28that I could be very dissatisfied with some illustrations,
00:41:31because it was not in this climate, as I imagined it.
00:41:37I thought it was not similar to anything, certainly not to Mr. Ice Garden.
00:41:45Visualization, whether it was a movie, a comic book or a game,
00:41:53I had it in the back of my mind and I always thought about it.
00:41:58So we looked for someone who could be interested in such a project.
00:42:05And there were different proposals, which were not satisfactory for us.
00:42:12Because we decided that we were not in a hurry,
00:42:16we would wait for the right contractor and partner,
00:42:21because we wanted this game to be wow,
00:42:24to be something, to be well done,
00:42:27to play well, to satisfy the player,
00:42:32and for me to be satisfied with the visualization of the world.
00:42:36I would say, yes, it could look like this.
00:42:40And we came to the conclusion that this could be it.
00:42:44Do you play at all?
00:42:47Did you play?
00:42:49Will you play our game?
00:42:51I won't be able to.
00:42:52We'll show you.
00:42:57Can we zoom in a little?
00:42:59Yes, yes.
00:43:00So you can see the details.
00:43:02And did you like the idea of the capsule?
00:43:05It was very good.
00:43:06I was afraid it would be too small,
00:43:08that it would barely fit in there.
00:43:13It looks as if such a capsule could look like this.
00:43:19It even has an ablation cover at the bottom.
00:43:22The guys did a lot of research on this topic.
00:43:25That was our goal.
00:43:27To make it believable.
00:43:29To make it believable, yes.
00:43:31You had to replace the kiss in the glass with something.
00:43:35Yes, yes.
00:43:37Is it true that I'm giving this creation back?
00:43:39Yes, it could be.
00:43:42What is this exactly?
00:43:44A boss.
00:43:45At this moment, it's a boss.
00:43:48Yes, one of the heroes.
00:43:58Tomek, show us what you're working on at the moment.
00:44:01Boss Fight.
00:44:02The first Mother of Monsters.
00:44:04We're creating an arena where the fight will take place.
00:44:08A dynamic, fast fight.
00:44:10And we want the bow to be visible.
00:44:14Like during a fight.
00:44:17The accuracy is important.
00:44:19The player must know that he will never be punished
00:44:22for an animation error.
00:44:24Every movement must be perfectly reproduced.
00:44:27That's the specificity of this genre.
00:44:29I'm calculating the force applied to the player
00:44:31at the moment of the jump.
00:44:33What did you try to calculate?
00:44:35We tried to calculate it in a three-dimensional space
00:44:39using gravity and other vectors,
00:44:41applying vectors to calculate
00:44:43exactly where the player will land.
00:44:45We were able to prepare a map for this.
00:44:49It was a great experience.
00:44:54Now, thanks to the game, thanks to the new medium,
00:44:57the whole new generation can finally touch
00:45:00the Lord of the Glaciers in a different form.
00:45:03Maybe in a more accessible form.
00:45:06How do you approach this?
00:45:08We saw with our own eyes
00:45:11how the whole generation started to read it fanatically
00:45:14thanks to Harry Potter.
00:45:16And it turned out that it's not true
00:45:18that children don't read.
00:45:20They must have something to read.
00:45:22They must have something to read, exactly.
00:45:24And to find out what it is,
00:45:26sometimes they have to see it first.
00:45:28When we talk about the young generation,
00:45:31what can the older generation
00:45:33or the younger generation
00:45:35learn from your story?
00:45:38The values that appear in The Lord of the Glaciers
00:45:41are simple values.
00:45:44And they are timeless.
00:45:49It's dealing with the adversities of fate.
00:45:55To friends and comrades in arms.
00:46:00Having a defined goal
00:46:03on an ethical level.
00:46:05I mean, there are things that we do,
00:46:07there are things that...
00:46:11Some kind of universal ethics.
00:46:15Put to the test,
00:46:17because this hero is thrown into a dangerous world,
00:46:19into dangerous situations.
00:46:22He has to fight
00:46:23and at the same time
00:46:24save humanity
00:46:25and save his moral circle.
00:46:28And these are things
00:46:30that never change.
00:46:32You can change them by force,
00:46:35but it's not true.
00:46:37It's fiction.
00:46:39How do you look at the issue
00:46:41of our technological development?
00:46:43Because here we will use
00:46:45various technologies,
00:46:47primarily related to visualization.
00:46:49We will use the X-Sense combination,
00:46:52so how do you see this change
00:46:55in recent years
00:46:57from the perspective
00:46:59of a science fiction writer?
00:47:01Let me put it this way,
00:47:03it may sound a bit impolite,
00:47:05but technological development,
00:47:08when it comes to graphics,
00:47:10when it comes to animation,
00:47:12in a sense,
00:47:13has grown up to books like mine.
00:47:16I mean, you need to have
00:47:18this type of technology
00:47:20and this type of equipment
00:47:21to be tempted
00:47:22and do something
00:47:23that will be adequate.
00:47:25So I'm very happy about it.
00:47:27I am full of admiration
00:47:29when I see these animations.
00:47:31I still remember special effects
00:47:34that were basically
00:47:36only on Mechatronika.
00:47:39Fire was some kind of
00:47:40dancing jelly,
00:47:42smoke was just kleks,
00:47:44and water was also
00:47:46some kind of jelly,
00:47:48and at the moment
00:47:50a character comes out of the water
00:47:52and we see that she is wet.
00:47:54We will soon see a cold fog
00:47:56thanks to this.
00:47:58And such things were impossible
00:48:00with people.
00:48:01At the moment, smoke is smoke.
00:48:02And AI?
00:48:03Doesn't it scare you,
00:48:04this kind of digital?
00:48:06Of course it scares me.
00:48:08I was supposed to put something
00:48:10into my head
00:48:12that was supposed to help me,
00:48:13but it does a hell of a lot.
00:48:14And it can really
00:48:15force me to do something.
00:48:17Or someone can take over
00:48:18this control.
00:48:20And Wuko agrees with that.
00:48:22He is, let's say,
00:48:24a generation ahead of us.
00:48:26He is already used to such things.
00:48:29He learned to live in times like ours
00:48:31and to keep himself at it.
00:48:33He doesn't adapt.
00:48:35Above all, he is
00:48:37an extreme individualist.
00:48:39He can't be manipulated,
00:48:41he can't be forced to do something,
00:48:45to fulfill a mission,
00:48:47a command.
00:48:49He has to be convinced
00:48:51that it is right or wrong.
00:48:54He will do what is necessary
00:48:56or what he thinks is right.
00:48:58There is no other way.
00:49:00He would have to be
00:49:01a very difficult person
00:49:02on a daily basis.
00:49:04That was my assumption.
00:49:05And I don't know exactly
00:49:06how the game works,
00:49:07whether it will be possible
00:49:08to convey it.
00:49:09Yes, Wuko as a character
00:49:11is a landmark for us
00:49:13when it comes to
00:49:14conveying a certain content
00:49:16to the player.
00:49:18And that's great.
00:49:19That's what I mean.
00:49:20Wuko is supposed to be
00:49:21the man in the book,
00:49:23because we like him personally.
00:49:25That's it.
00:49:26And I'm counting on it.
00:49:29That's all from me.
00:49:30I would like to thank you again,
00:49:32first of all,
00:49:33for Mr. Lodowy Ogród,
00:49:34for the material
00:49:35we will be working on.
00:49:36Great job.
00:49:38Thank you too.
00:49:39I'm looking forward to our cooperation.
00:49:43And I welcome you
00:49:44in our fandom,
00:49:45cozy corner.
00:49:47This is our element.
00:49:50because I have with me
00:49:51Maria Lengren,
00:49:54translator of comics
00:49:55and co-author of a podcast
00:49:57whose name I will not say yet
00:49:59so as not to spoil the surprise.
00:50:01Good morning, everyone.
00:50:02And Tomasz Kołodziejczak,
00:50:06fandom activist,
00:50:07human institution.
00:50:09Good morning.
00:50:10Good morning.
00:50:11Referring to the interview
00:50:12with Jarosław Grzędowicz,
00:50:14the question is,
00:50:15Mr. Lodowy Ogród,
00:50:16why do you think
00:50:18Jarosław Grzędowicz's tetralogy
00:50:20is such a grateful material
00:50:22for game adaptation,
00:50:24or maybe not just game adaptation,
00:50:26In my opinion,
00:50:27first of all,
00:50:28it is an incredibly capacious world
00:50:30and incredibly densely populated,
00:50:33really very grateful
00:50:35for game adaptation creatures.
00:50:37But what is more important for me
00:50:40is also the possibility of identifying
00:50:43with the hero,
00:50:44who is so important in the game,
00:50:46on such a meta-level,
00:50:47because he is a hero
00:50:49from outside the fantasy world
00:50:51with a very contemporary mindset
00:50:54and quite contemporary problems
00:50:57with which he came to this planet
00:50:59and has to immerse himself in it
00:51:01and deal with it
00:51:02and fulfill his tasks in it.
00:51:04So he is a bit in a similar position
00:51:07as a player
00:51:08who enters a new reality
00:51:11created by game designers.
00:51:14So this is a really cool opportunity
00:51:17not only to like the hero,
00:51:20but also to be in a wider dimension with him.
00:51:24When 40 years ago
00:51:25with young Jarek,
00:51:26ten-year-old Jarek Grzędowicz,
00:51:28we discussed our stories
00:51:30on story-writing machines,
00:51:32we did not expect
00:51:33that in a few decades
00:51:34computer games
00:51:35would be based on these texts.
00:51:37We did not expect
00:51:38that every computer would have one at home.
00:51:40And I am very happy
00:51:41that Jarek's story
00:51:42will be adapted to the needs of the game,
00:51:44because I think
00:51:45it perfectly fulfills
00:51:47all the conditions
00:51:48that a good story
00:51:50and a good computer adaptation
00:51:52of a story must meet.
00:51:54It gives a fantastic,
00:51:57scenographic world
00:51:59with a lot of civilization,
00:52:01interesting characters,
00:52:03great accessories.
00:52:04And it gives the possibility
00:52:06to lead this hero
00:52:08through the nooks of this world
00:52:10and get to know this world.
00:52:12I think it will be a breakthrough.
00:52:14Do you have the impression
00:52:15that you can use
00:52:17the origin of the main character
00:52:18in an interesting way?
00:52:19Finnish, Croatian, Polish?
00:52:21I think that
00:52:22the sum of the components
00:52:24of Wuko's personality,
00:52:25not only his origin,
00:52:26is a very grateful material
00:52:28for creating the hero of the game,
00:52:31which has this Slavic,
00:52:33Finnish charm in it.
00:52:36It's definitely a character
00:52:38that is very likeable.
00:52:40And it's nice that these features,
00:52:42this indomitability,
00:52:44this standing by your side,
00:52:47are what we meet every day
00:52:49among our friends
00:52:51from a similar cultural circle.
00:52:53We will also be able to show it
00:52:54more widely in the world.
00:52:56This origin serves the whole of Europe
00:52:58from the north to the south
00:53:00with a central point in Poland.
00:53:02We have Finland and Croatia.
00:53:04And in general,
00:53:05such heroes who are mixed,
00:53:07who come from different cultures,
00:53:08from different countries,
00:53:09have different experiences,
00:53:11are certainly great figures
00:53:13to tell very complex stories,
00:53:15to show them in a specific,
00:53:17original way,
00:53:18with this local background,
00:53:20also local culture
00:53:22and local history.
00:53:23Staying with the famous titles
00:53:25of Fantasy and game adaptations,
00:53:27we now have something
00:53:28really special to present,
00:53:29something that I think
00:53:31a lot of people have been waiting for
00:53:33and probably won't even say a word about it.
00:53:36You already know what it will be.
00:53:38And without revealing to the viewers
00:53:40who will see it in a moment,
00:53:42if you had to say one sentence
00:53:44related to what is about to happen.
00:53:48Heroes who have been very active
00:53:51so far only in my head,
00:53:53and whom I have seen so far
00:53:55only in frozen poses,
00:53:57finally have a chance to come to life
00:53:59and show themselves in three dimensions.
00:54:03There is a frame,
00:54:04which has changed the way of thinking
00:54:06about the comics of the whole generation of Poles,
00:54:09including mine.
00:54:12And this frame will finally be launched.
00:54:15Let's see it then.
00:54:30Waters, hide the truth
00:54:41All your hopes and dreams
00:55:00Waters, hide the truth
00:55:18So we are in this dark and lyrical mood.
00:55:22And in our studio,
00:55:23Marcin Grzegórski, co-founder of Mighty Coins Studio.
00:55:27Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
00:55:28Since Torgal has already entered the carpet,
00:55:31of course, we will talk about him.
00:55:33Where did the idea for the adaptation of this character,
00:55:36these comics, come from?
00:55:38And was it difficult to get such an IP?
00:55:41I think it's destiny.
00:55:43I think Torgal's time has come.
00:55:46I think the world needs another epic story,
00:55:49which we can show you in a short time.
00:55:54I think it's crucial for us
00:55:56when it comes to building Polish gamedev,
00:55:59where we base on Polish stories,
00:56:01Polish-Belgian stories in this case.
00:56:04However, I have the impression that this is an IP
00:56:06that has a chance to achieve global success
00:56:09because of how rich it is,
00:56:11how expressive its characters are
00:56:13and what these characters represent.
00:56:15There are many such universal values
00:56:17that we can read in Torgal.
00:56:21Are they the most important ones
00:56:23that you wanted to transfer to your game?
00:56:25Yes, we want to build the whole game
00:56:27based on the fact that Torgal is a family man.
00:56:30For him, his whole life is a family,
00:56:32it's a fight for his wife, for his children,
00:56:34for building this friendly home.
00:56:37However, gods, history, fate
00:56:40have different plans for him.
00:56:42However, this is a story of value
00:56:44because of what this man represents.
00:56:47How he behaves towards random people,
00:56:50that he tries not to kill, not to hurt.
00:56:53This is a character that the world currently needs.
00:56:55These are values that we should have
00:56:57rooted from the beginning of our lives.
00:56:59You mentioned an interesting thing,
00:57:01that he tries not to kill, not to hurt.
00:57:03It is difficult to build a game based on a protagonist
00:57:05who is a character rather pacifistically
00:57:07set to the world.
00:57:09Was it a difficulty of this kind?
00:57:11It is indeed a great difficulty
00:57:13to build a character that at the same time
00:57:16shows these values through gameplay.
00:57:19Creating mechanics that enable
00:57:21to neutralize the opponent
00:57:23and at the same time not to hurt him
00:57:25is difficult.
00:57:27Of course, we try to make the player
00:57:29choose which book he wants to follow.
00:57:31Should Torgal be a family man
00:57:33or should he be a completely different character
00:57:35that the player will come up with?
00:57:37Of course, every decision
00:57:39that we make in the game
00:57:41will have its consequences.
00:57:43It is a big problem for these games
00:57:45to be interesting,
00:57:47to flow, to be dynamic,
00:57:49to be interesting enough
00:57:51for the player to want to stay
00:57:53until the end of the adventure,
00:57:55to want to know the end of the story.
00:57:57I think that the key here is
00:57:59to build the clarity of the character,
00:58:01but also the scenario of what will happen
00:58:03to Torgal in this game.
00:58:05The desire to explore the world,
00:58:07to interact with the characters
00:58:09that we meet by chance,
00:58:11the desire to immerse ourselves
00:58:13in Torgal through other products,
00:58:15not only games.
00:58:17The desire to go back to the comic book,
00:58:19the desire to compare it.
00:58:21The desire for the player to feel
00:58:23the hunger of this adventure all the time.
00:58:25I think this is the most important thing.
00:58:27I think that games turn
00:58:29the direction of filmmaking very much.
00:58:31That's why for us, for our studio,
00:58:33animations are key
00:58:35to show this expression, this emotion.
00:58:37Facial expressions.
00:58:39We have developed a special technology
00:58:41just to focus on the faces,
00:58:43where we see the smallest change of emotions,
00:58:45where we want to show these emotions
00:58:47through the interaction
00:58:49of various characters in the story.
00:58:51This is the key, in my opinion,
00:58:53and at the same time the scenario.
00:58:55The scenario that the comic book gives us,
00:58:57which tells really great stories,
00:58:59it is electrifying.
00:59:01The stories that are shown in the comic book
00:59:03are incredibly deep,
00:59:05incredibly intense.
00:59:07We have a lot of material
00:59:09that we could use.
00:59:11The problem is that
00:59:13we won't be able to put everything
00:59:15in the hours that we plan to do.
00:59:17Perhaps this is also the basis
00:59:19to make another part,
00:59:21maybe a few.
00:59:23We'll see how it goes with the first one.
00:59:25The first one will also answer the question
00:59:27whether we really did it
00:59:29and met the expectations of the audience.
00:59:31However, the interaction, for sure.
00:59:33We definitely want to talk to the community
00:59:35so that things appear in this game
00:59:37that they value in this Torgal.
00:59:39This is important.
00:59:41Since we're talking about the community
00:59:43and the fanbase.
00:59:45A big one,
00:59:47definitely strong in Europe,
00:59:49but not the youngest,
00:59:51as for the players.
00:59:53Yes, this is an interesting story
00:59:55because Torgal in the 90s
00:59:57was considered one of the strongest
00:59:59IPs in Poland.
01:00:01In those days it was more recognizable
01:00:03than The Witcher by Sapkowski.
01:00:05This also gives a certain understanding
01:00:07of what is happening at the moment.
01:00:09The main group that recognizes
01:00:11this IP are people
01:00:13aged 35-50
01:00:15who grew up on this Torgal.
01:00:17Our main task
01:00:19is to show this IP
01:00:21to the younger audience
01:00:23who currently mainly buy
01:00:25computer games.
01:00:27This is the whole trick
01:00:29to adapt what we see in the comic
01:00:31to the current times
01:00:33and to make it a clear message
01:00:35for the new audience.
01:00:37I hope that
01:00:39those who read about Torgal
01:00:41will come back to play the game
01:00:43and experience this adventure
01:00:45in a different medium.
01:00:47I asked you about this at the beginning
01:00:49but you answered cleverly.
01:00:51How do you get such a big IP?
01:00:53Is it a difficult process?
01:00:55How many studios do you have to compete with?
01:00:57It's a race of weapons
01:00:59and tuning of feathers.
01:01:01No matter how you look at it,
01:01:03there is someone who manages this IP
01:01:05and has a lot of freedom of choice.
01:01:07You have to build a strong trust.
01:01:09Respect for the creators
01:01:11is extremely important.
01:01:13We have the pleasure of working
01:01:15with outstanding creators.
01:01:17Grzegorz Rośniński is a legend in itself.
01:01:19Piotr Rośniński is a man
01:01:21who is responsible for
01:01:23the development of this IP
01:01:25and for the development of the community.
01:01:27There were a lot of meetings
01:01:29and conversations.
01:01:31A bond was born between us
01:01:33and it showed that we trust each other.
01:01:35This trust is built
01:01:37through our relations.
01:01:39It is important for us
01:01:41not to disappoint the author
01:01:43and at the same time to promote this IP.
01:01:45I think he deserves it.
01:01:47Not only because it is interesting
01:01:49but also because it can
01:01:51bring something from himself.
01:01:53It can improve us as people.
01:01:55I think we need role models
01:01:57like Torga
01:01:59when we are struggling with wars,
01:02:01with economic crises
01:02:03where trust is lost.
01:02:05I think it is worth showing Torga
01:02:07at this moment.
01:02:09I think it is his destiny
01:02:11to emerge at this moment.
01:02:13It is electrifying for me.
01:02:15How would you describe
01:02:17the mood in the game?
01:02:19You say there will be
01:02:21chases, wars, shootings,
01:02:23chases, explosions,
01:02:25what other people like.
01:02:27Of course, there will be such elements.
01:02:29We want to show people
01:02:31that the world is cool
01:02:33in these calm moments
01:02:35and at the same time
01:02:37throw him into the deep water
01:02:39because there is a whirlwind of events
01:02:41and you have to react.
01:02:43We all behave well
01:02:45when it is nice and safe
01:02:47but people get to know
01:02:49certain events
01:02:51that affect their families,
01:02:53their environment.
01:02:55We want to show Torga
01:02:57as a person you can always count on.
01:02:59He always reacts to the harm
01:03:01of other people
01:03:03and always helps.
01:03:05There is a million discussions
01:03:07that we have all the time
01:03:09to make the IP well received
01:03:11and at the same time
01:03:13keep the character of the comic.
01:03:15It is hellishly difficult.
01:03:17Creating expressive characters
01:03:19through the model,
01:03:21where we have the possibility
01:03:23of customization of these characters,
01:03:25we change it all the time
01:03:27and I think we will change it
01:03:29and polish it for many months.
01:03:31But the point is
01:03:33that these IPs,
01:03:35despite being based on the same story,
01:03:37were completely different
01:03:39but at the same time
01:03:41they referred to each other
01:03:43and at the same time
01:03:45they were contemporary.
01:03:47There are many problems
01:03:49that we discuss together
01:03:51and Grzegorz Rośnicki
01:03:53helped us to achieve this cooperation.
01:03:55At the end, I would like to ask you
01:03:57if Torgal will be as popular
01:03:59or maybe even more popular
01:04:01than our Polish Witcher?
01:04:03I think that the fate of The Witcher
01:04:05and our Torgal
01:04:07are very similar.
01:04:09The whole etymology
01:04:11of the CD Projekt
01:04:13is very similar
01:04:15to what we are trying to do.
01:04:17It is a great example for us.
01:04:19I think Torgal should follow
01:04:21Geralt's footsteps.
01:04:23It has a huge chance
01:04:25because there is
01:04:27a huge need for such games.
01:04:29When I finished The Witcher 3
01:04:31I felt a great lack of satisfaction
01:04:33and I would like to play it for a long time.
01:04:35I think the fans feel the same
01:04:37and that's why Torgal can be
01:04:39a complement.
01:04:41I would like to have
01:04:43an equal,
01:04:45partner rivalry
01:04:47that can help both sides.
01:04:49Of course, it's us who are chasing
01:04:51and not them chasing us.
01:04:53Thank you very much.
01:04:55It was Marcin Grzegórski,
01:04:57co-founder of Mighty Goit Studio.
01:04:59And now we will connect
01:05:01with our fandom corner,
01:05:03our library,
01:05:05where Filip Malinowski is.
01:05:07The game Torgal.
01:05:09When we started our conversation,
01:05:11Mario, I said that you are
01:05:13co-hosting a podcast.
01:05:15I didn't say which one.
01:05:17I would like to start with you.
01:05:19What are your impressions
01:05:21after watching this teaser?
01:05:23I hope we will all talk
01:05:25about Torgal much more
01:05:27thanks to what we just saw.
01:05:29First of all, I was happy
01:05:31to see this huge space
01:05:33at the beginning
01:05:35that always struck me
01:05:37from Grzegorz Rosiński's drawings.
01:05:39I am happy to see
01:05:41this Torgal,
01:05:43whose look still seems
01:05:45to be a bit out of place,
01:05:47but he versus the world,
01:05:49versus extraordinary beings,
01:05:51which, of course,
01:05:53as it usually happens in Torgal,
01:05:55are always only a carrier
01:05:57for our very human problems,
01:05:59which is a huge strength
01:06:01of this series.
01:06:03But I am glad
01:06:05to see him here,
01:06:07exposed to the highest trials,
01:06:09just like in the series,
01:06:11but with such a willingness
01:06:15This frame is Torgal
01:06:17attached to a rock,
01:06:19but a witch's red hair
01:06:21was leaning over it.
01:06:23I am here.
01:06:25It's true.
01:06:27He leaned over Torgal.
01:06:29It promises to be great
01:06:31and I hope that this game adventure
01:06:33will take the next generations
01:06:35of readers, players,
01:06:37comic book lovers,
01:06:39just like my generation
01:06:41started about three years ago.
01:06:43So I am waiting.
01:06:45Finally, Torgal is coming.
01:06:47Tomasz, what are your expectations
01:06:49and hopes for this game?
01:06:51I would like it to
01:06:53bring the world of Torgal
01:06:55to the screens of computers
01:06:57or consoles,
01:06:59but also to keep
01:07:01a certain ethical and moral line
01:07:03in this comic book.
01:07:05I think it is very important.
01:07:07Adventure, fight, entertainment,
01:07:09sometimes humor,
01:07:11but also a clear message
01:07:13about what should be done
01:07:15and what should not be done,
01:07:17what is important in life
01:07:19and what is not.
01:07:21We will see how it will turn out
01:07:23for the creators of the game.
01:07:25I also hope that this
01:07:27ordinary layer that is
01:07:29extremely important in Torgal
01:07:31and which this rich world,
01:07:33this universe serves
01:07:35will be preserved,
01:07:37because this moral circle
01:07:39mentioned by Tomasz
01:07:41is extremely important for Torgal.
01:07:43And the fact that he,
01:07:45having to deal
01:07:47with incredible twists
01:07:49from space,
01:07:51from the celestial spheres,
01:07:53from underground,
01:07:55from many different dimensions,
01:07:57apart from various
01:07:59strict Viking rulers and wars,
01:08:01that he faces all this
01:08:03while remaining himself,
01:08:05is of an unobvious origin.
01:08:07So I hope that
01:08:09Torgal will remain
01:08:11so unbreakable,
01:08:13because he is a beacon of hope
01:08:15for us,
01:08:17who face
01:08:19an unpredictable world
01:08:21every day.
01:08:23And I see that Aga is already
01:08:25on stage, waiting for us,
01:08:27so we join Aga.
01:08:31And we are again
01:08:33in our studio, and it's time
01:08:35to talk a little about money.
01:08:37In our studio are
01:08:39Miłosz Białas, Senior Developer Relations Manager
01:08:41at AMD.
01:08:43Robert Łakuta, Vice-President
01:08:45of Fabryka Słów.
01:08:47And Tomasz Jędruszak,
01:08:49CDO of Mighty Koi.
01:08:51Mighty Koi wants to designate
01:08:53new directions,
01:08:55including helping partners.
01:08:57I would like us to talk about
01:08:59these new directions and plans at the beginning.
01:09:01First of all, we invest
01:09:03a lot in technology.
01:09:05We are not only a game development company,
01:09:07but we also have other pillars.
01:09:09So we have both
01:09:11an animation studio and a small software house,
01:09:13where, using only our
01:09:15internal resources, we are able
01:09:17to carry out the entire spectrum of game production.
01:09:19An additional pillar is
01:09:21outsource, i.e. both our animation studio
01:09:23and our software house
01:09:25offer a very high class
01:09:27of services for foreign companies.
01:09:29And this is the sector
01:09:31we want to exist in in the future.
01:09:33So about 80%
01:09:35of our services are provided
01:09:37to our external clients,
01:09:39when it comes to these two pillars.
01:09:41However, we use the rest of the resources
01:09:43to produce our own IPs,
01:09:45i.e. in this case, Torgal
01:09:47and Mr. Ice Garden.
01:09:49Speaking of IPs,
01:09:51based on wonderful books and comics,
01:09:53these games can be built,
01:09:55if you have such a foundation.
01:09:57Let's talk about the Fabryka Słów.
01:09:59Since when did the Fabryka Słów
01:10:01cooperate with Mighty Koi?
01:10:03How does it look like and how can it develop in the future?
01:10:05The book by Mr. Ice Garden,
01:10:07based on which Mighty Koi
01:10:09makes its game,
01:10:11is the best book published by
01:10:13the Fabryka Słów in more than 20 years.
01:10:15There are hundreds of thousands of copies,
01:10:17I don't know if not under a million or more,
01:10:19of these copies sold in Poland only,
01:10:21because this book is still
01:10:23not translated into English.
01:10:25We could not give this book away to anyone.
01:10:27During these years,
01:10:29because the first volume was published in 2005,
01:10:31there were many proposals
01:10:33to try to sell the rights
01:10:35to this book, the rights to games,
01:10:37to screenings,
01:10:39but all the time with Jarek Grzędowicz
01:10:41we could not decide on any proposal,
01:10:43because, as he said in his interview,
01:10:45it seemed to us that
01:10:47none of the proposals
01:10:49fits, even technologically,
01:10:51to the possibilities of this complex world
01:10:53in Mr. Ice Garden, for example.
01:10:55And only after talking with Mighty Koi
01:10:57it turned out that
01:10:59there was a light in the tunnel,
01:11:01a studio that would lift it,
01:11:03which firstly has a vision, secondly has a technology,
01:11:05and thirdly, we feel chemistry with them,
01:11:07that is, they give on similar waves
01:11:09as we do.
01:11:11Therefore, we decided
01:11:13to decide on this cooperation.
01:11:15And not only that, I think that this cooperation
01:11:17has greater possibilities
01:11:19than it seems at the moment.
01:11:21I mean, if this game
01:11:23will be a success,
01:11:25which we very much believe in,
01:11:27so will the second game, Torgal,
01:11:29then maybe we will use our potential
01:11:31and other activities
01:11:33around this product
01:11:35will appear,
01:11:37because now the world is such
01:11:39that the book competes, you know,
01:11:41with various media.
01:11:43However, we observe, thanks to this,
01:11:45an increase in interest, for example,
01:11:47in audiobooks and electronic content,
01:11:49so I think that
01:11:51the effect of this cooperation
01:11:53will also be the expansion
01:11:55of our activities in this direction,
01:11:57so that around these products
01:11:59a world is created,
01:12:01thanks to the Word Factory.
01:12:03Around, you circle, you circle, my dear,
01:12:05but I think I can more or less
01:12:07figure out the direction
01:12:09and what you are heading for,
01:12:11because we have Torgal comics,
01:12:13but we don't have books.
01:12:15And what you say about competition,
01:12:17I think that games also
01:12:19struggle with it a bit.
01:12:21They struggle.
01:12:23Torgal is, in my opinion,
01:12:25such a strong trend,
01:12:27because I read the first Torgals
01:12:29in the old days,
01:12:31as it turned out, in Relax,
01:12:33and it caused a huge tension
01:12:35in the whole community
01:12:37of these fans of fantasy,
01:12:39and it seems to me that
01:12:41you don't have to weigh
01:12:43these open doors here.
01:12:45I think it's a real hit.
01:12:47We also have to distinguish
01:12:49two brands in terms of reach.
01:12:51The brand of Mr. Garden
01:12:53is a completely unused diamond,
01:12:55which can really conquer the world.
01:12:57If this book had been translated
01:12:59into English earlier,
01:13:01probably the offers of games
01:13:03and movies would have been pouring in a long time ago.
01:13:05However, thanks to the fact
01:13:07that Mighty Coy will come in
01:13:09with such a strong product right away,
01:13:11it will practically take place
01:13:13in Poland and abroad.
01:13:15You have been emotionally
01:13:17associated with this book
01:13:19and the author of this book
01:13:21for 25 years.
01:13:23Since Mighty Coy's proposal
01:13:25was the best,
01:13:27something had to kill in the heart,
01:13:29because it seems to be a very important
01:13:31universe for you and a very important story.
01:13:33It means a lot,
01:13:35because Jarek Grzędowicz is also
01:13:37an important figure for me.
01:13:39We have known each other for a long time
01:13:41and he brought something
01:13:43unprecedented to this publishing house.
01:13:45At the beginning, we tried
01:13:47various other books from the fantasy field.
01:13:49He brought such epochal works
01:13:51comparable to Dune
01:13:53or The Lord of the Rings,
01:13:55something that was not yet
01:13:57available in the Polish market.
01:13:59Andrzej Sapkowski started with stories
01:14:01and then had some stories from it.
01:14:03However, Jarek Grzędowicz
01:14:05had a large, complex world
01:14:07constructed from the beginning.
01:14:09We decided to do everything
01:14:11to let people know about this book
01:14:13and read it.
01:14:15But our work required only publishing
01:14:17at some point.
01:14:19It happened in a blink of an eye
01:14:21and this book became one of the most popular
01:14:23fantasy books in Poland.
01:14:25But I can see that you are a huge fan
01:14:27because we can talk about the book
01:14:29until tomorrow.
01:14:31I am a fan of this book,
01:14:33like many people in Poland.
01:14:35I really want this book
01:14:37to become a game.
01:14:39A game reaches everyone
01:14:41regardless of time and territory.
01:14:43You can buy it, play it,
01:14:45pay for it and enjoy it.
01:14:47But everything goes further
01:14:49because people want to
01:14:51get to know this character.
01:14:53Books, audiobooks,
01:14:57Video games!
01:14:59Video games, comics, everything.
01:15:01Let's go back to those games
01:15:03because we have a lot of fans
01:15:05and they love IP.
01:15:07But if IP and the production
01:15:09attract such partners,
01:15:11huge partners like AMD,
01:15:13I wonder if you felt
01:15:15that it is created by people
01:15:17who love this story
01:15:19and know how to move
01:15:21players' hearts.
01:15:23I can see that the hearts of people
01:15:25behind this project are already moved.
01:15:27The love for this production
01:15:29and this story is just pouring out.
01:15:31There were some criteria
01:15:33but we believe in these people
01:15:35and we believe in this project.
01:15:37Yes, but there is one more
01:15:39key argument.
01:15:41I am a technology guy
01:15:43so I will always come back to technology.
01:15:45Tomek mentioned that they use
01:15:47the latest solutions
01:15:49and the fact that both titles
01:15:51are based on the latest version
01:15:53of the Unreal engine is also
01:15:55an invaluable argument for us
01:15:57because this is the best
01:15:59on the market at the moment
01:16:01and we are aware
01:16:03that our technology
01:16:05allows us to make the best of it.
01:16:07So it was also much easier
01:16:09to support this project
01:16:11from our side
01:16:13because this technology is used for it.
01:16:15And there are a lot of animation techniques,
01:16:19which is provided
01:16:21thanks to, among others,
01:16:23Mr. Smroja Studio,
01:16:25who were our guests today.
01:16:27I think I can convince you
01:16:29that if we are able to give back
01:16:31so much emotion,
01:16:33at least on the faces of our heroes,
01:16:35protagonists or NPCs,
01:16:37it also indicates a high level
01:16:39of technological advancement.
01:16:41And here, by the way,
01:16:43we can say right away
01:16:45that we support this project.
01:16:47As AMD, we are in a unique position
01:16:49because we have graphics cards,
01:16:51we have processors,
01:16:53so it is a technology that allows
01:16:55to drive artistic visions
01:16:57of our productions,
01:16:59but also the other pillars
01:17:01mentioned by Tomek,
01:17:03i.e. animation production
01:17:05or even programming itself.
01:17:07And what is particularly important
01:17:09is the fact that the studio
01:17:11also creates its own technologies,
01:17:13the so-called plugins,
01:17:15so it also indicates
01:17:17the maturity to use
01:17:19the potential of its people
01:17:21to get the most out of this technology
01:17:23for the needs of their productions,
01:17:25but also those of the future,
01:17:27which will eventually fall under the umbrella.
01:17:29I am extremely excited
01:17:31that these two fantastic worlds
01:17:33will find their reflection
01:17:35in video games for me,
01:17:37so that's why I'm spinning a little
01:17:39in the chair,
01:17:41because knowing that it will happen
01:17:43in the end, I just can't wait.
01:17:45And from the perspective
01:17:47of the position taken by me,
01:17:49AMD, I am glad that
01:17:51we can drive it technologically
01:17:53and make this vision
01:17:55simply find its place
01:17:57in video games.
01:17:59Great power and great responsibility,
01:18:01I have the impression,
01:18:03that flows from the words of our guests,
01:18:05who are your partners.
01:18:07How does it look from the side of MightyCoi,
01:18:09because we already know that
01:18:11both AMD and Fabryka Słów want to
01:18:13continue to build strong brands with you
01:18:15and see each other,
01:18:17I think I can say it easily,
01:18:19in a few years,
01:18:21because at one time
01:18:23there was a survey on the market,
01:18:25what players are really waiting for
01:18:27at the moment.
01:18:29And the two first titles
01:18:31that were on the top of this list
01:18:33were Torgal and The Night Wanderer.
01:18:35So in a way,
01:18:37it is a very big obligation for us
01:18:39to ensure that the expectations
01:18:41of our players
01:18:43will be met as much as possible.
01:18:45So having this whole ecosystem
01:18:47that supports us here,
01:18:49both animation and software house,
01:18:51from a technological point of view,
01:18:53we are able to deliver a game
01:18:55meeting the expectations
01:18:57of our players.
01:19:01we are talking about a game here,
01:19:03but we also have to remember
01:19:05the whole concept of transmedia,
01:19:07that is, we are not only working on the game,
01:19:09but we will also focus
01:19:11on the original products,
01:19:13that is, when it comes to series or movies,
01:19:15because we want this whole ecosystem
01:19:17of titles to become more popular
01:19:19among fans,
01:19:21and probably also to get
01:19:23new fans of these two titles.
01:19:25What do you think,
01:19:27which markets do you want to talk about
01:19:29at the very beginning,
01:19:31which you think can be convinced
01:19:33of these quite specific IPs?
01:19:35Yes, I mean,
01:19:37I think, of course,
01:19:39we will start with the markets
01:19:41that are the most natural on our side,
01:19:43i.e. Torgal, which has been selling
01:19:45over 20 million copies,
01:19:47and every year
01:19:49more than 400,000 copies
01:19:51disappear from the shelves.
01:19:53However, these are definitely
01:19:55mainly French-language markets
01:19:57at the moment,
01:19:59but we definitely want to
01:20:01expand to Asia,
01:20:03i.e. China, Korea and Japan.
01:20:05These are markets that are
01:20:07as cool as possible,
01:20:09very interesting IPs,
01:20:11and we think here,
01:20:13these two IPs are so interesting
01:20:15that they will also
01:20:17stimulate the imagination of Asian markets.
01:20:19Since we have the latest
01:20:21and best technologies,
01:20:23the best stories, the best IPs on board,
01:20:25it can't go wrong, right?
01:20:27We believe in it very deeply.
01:20:29Of course, we also need
01:20:31players and community.
01:20:33Thank you very much, gentlemen,
01:20:35for a great conversation,
01:20:37and with this smooth step
01:20:39we will move to our fandom corner,
01:20:41where Filip Beskamat-Malinowski
01:20:43and his guests are already.
01:20:47And we are in our
01:20:49very cozy fandom corner,
01:20:51in our element.
01:20:53Dear, in your opinion,
01:20:55can we talk about something like
01:20:57the renaissance of Polish fantasy,
01:20:59not only in the book medium,
01:21:01but maybe actually
01:21:03especially in other media
01:21:05than books?
01:21:07I didn't feel anything like that,
01:21:09at least in my environment.
01:21:11Of course, because we are sitting
01:21:13in a fandom corner,
01:21:15it is a kind of a bubble,
01:21:17but I didn't feel the fall of
01:21:19the vitality of fantasy,
01:21:21so I don't know if it's a renaissance.
01:21:23However, I feel it,
01:21:25being at book fairs
01:21:27where it's not only about
01:21:29fantasy and science fiction,
01:21:31that it's still the backbone
01:21:33of reading in Poland,
01:21:35and that fantasy,
01:21:37such a fast-moving segment
01:21:39of literature,
01:21:41extends its boundaries.
01:21:43Beyond the classic dimension
01:21:45to which we were accustomed
01:21:47a dozen or so years ago,
01:21:49more and more fits
01:21:51under this concept.
01:21:53As a result, more and more readers
01:21:55also fall into it.
01:21:57The most important thing is that
01:21:59they are young, and therefore,
01:22:01at least if it's not a renaissance,
01:22:03it doesn't lean towards
01:22:05renaissance, that's for sure.
01:22:07Of course, the technological development,
01:22:09when it comes to special effects in the cinema,
01:22:11or the incredible leap
01:22:13of the possibility of visual representation
01:22:15in the game,
01:22:17does very well
01:22:19in fantasy.
01:22:21And stories like
01:22:23Grzędowicz's story
01:22:25are a dream
01:22:27for environmental storytelling
01:22:29in the game,
01:22:31so I think there will be
01:22:33more and more of it.
01:22:35Polish fantasy has always been strong.
01:22:37Lem, Sapkowski, Dukaj, hundreds of writers
01:22:39who have created their works
01:22:41over the last several decades.
01:22:43Literature is a cheap medium.
01:22:45There is an author with his head
01:22:47and a typewriter or a computer,
01:22:49so there were a lot of these books
01:22:51and they were very diverse.
01:22:53On the other hand, computer games or movies
01:22:55are media that require budgets,
01:22:57large investments,
01:22:59entire human teams,
01:23:01and now the time has come,
01:23:03after The Witcher's great success,
01:23:05the time has come for
01:23:07more Polish stories to be adapted
01:23:09to the needs of other media,
01:23:11on a much larger scale,
01:23:13on an international scale.
01:23:15So it's not a renaissance,
01:23:17it's a new step in the development
01:23:19of fantasy as a medium in Poland.
01:23:21Taking into account these two game adaptations
01:23:23that we have on the horizon,
01:23:25i.e. The Night Wanderer based on The Lord of the Glacier
01:23:27and Torgal,
01:23:29is it possible to launch
01:23:31an avalanche of game adaptations
01:23:33best done by Polish studios,
01:23:35but perhaps not only based on
01:23:37other works that we have
01:23:39in the catalogue of Polish fantasy?
01:23:41We know that
01:23:43more games are being created.
01:23:45These are two powerful brands,
01:23:47because Torgal is one of the most popular
01:23:49comics in Europe,
01:23:51but still the most popular in Poland.
01:23:53And The Lord of the Glacier
01:23:55is probably the biggest bestseller
01:23:57of the last 20 years,
01:23:59so the impact is huge.
01:24:01If these games are a success,
01:24:03then I think that
01:24:05the next producers,
01:24:07or maybe the same producer,
01:24:09will go further.
01:24:11We are waiting for it.
01:24:13Yes, I also think that
01:24:15the gates that have been opened
01:24:17by The Lord of the Glacier
01:24:19are opening up more and more.
01:24:21I especially hope that
01:24:23Polish comics will find,
01:24:25in the past and now,
01:24:27a wider entry into the gaming market,
01:24:29because they are often ready storyboards
01:24:31with really phenomenal visions
01:24:33of the worlds presented.
01:24:35Polish fantasy is extremely rich,
01:24:37because in Poland we have always
01:24:39had something to run away from
01:24:41for domestic emigration,
01:24:43and there is really
01:24:45something to draw from,
01:24:47so that more and more studios
01:24:49dare to take such steps.
01:24:51I think that computer games
01:24:53have already entered
01:24:55this space of art,
01:24:57where they can be considered
01:24:59to be independent art,
01:25:01and certain narrative tools,
01:25:03which are different from
01:25:05literary or comic tools,
01:25:07allow for fun,
01:25:09for development,
01:25:11for building the reality
01:25:13that the user experiences
01:25:15in a way that is not provided
01:25:17by either literature
01:25:19or comics.
01:25:21So, yes,
01:25:23do it right, gentlemen,
01:25:25so that we can have fun
01:25:27with the digital world.
01:25:29So, we are looking forward
01:25:31to Mighty Core games
01:25:33and all the others,
01:25:35I hope,
01:25:37due to these two titles,
01:25:39and I can see that
01:25:41Aga is waiting for us on stage,
01:25:43so it's time to join in.
01:25:50They say that everything good
01:25:52comes to an end,
01:25:54but in fact, it's just the beginning.
01:25:56Today's event is coming to an end.
01:25:58It was a great pleasure to host it.
01:26:00Thank you, Mighty Core studio,
01:26:02thank you, partners,
01:26:04but most of all,
01:26:06players and viewers,
01:26:08thank you for being with us today.
01:26:10Together we will write a beautiful story.
01:26:12See you!
01:26:43You can have it all now
01:26:46Yeah, you can have it all
