This magical series takes place deep in the heart of the Okavango Delta in Botswana. Isolated by the surrounding flood w | dHNfMWt6dS01UkduTTg
00:00At the heart of an ancient wetland lies an island of magic and mystery, a place that
00:08is home to a host of rare and captivating creatures.
00:14This secret kingdom is the Okavango Delta, a mixture of land and swamp, which both nurtures
00:23and imprisons its inhabitants.
00:31Deep within this wetland, we find Jau, an island cut off by rising floodwaters.
00:37Some of the species here form clans, while others are lifelong loners.
00:43These small, elusive characters exist in an intricate and mysterious web of life, filled
00:49with danger and challenge.
00:52Because even in paradise, survival is a daily struggle for the secret creatures of Jau.