• il y a 2 mois
Comment by delta de la Lyre

Not "Paris city hall" but "La Conciergerie" bulding being the center of the highest private law in France.
Also, this place was the place where the queen Marie-Antoinette was detained befor her decapitation.




00:30People of Earth, welcome to this edition 42 of Star Nation News, where I will present
00:46the upheaval of a fall of another empire, this one on planet Earth.
00:53Free people of Earth, sit comfortably and fasten your seatbelts.
00:59You are in for a ride, engage!
01:12The Earth is in the midst of its liberation by its people and also by the Star People.
01:22The extraterrestrials have been taking care of the extraterrestrial problem regarding
01:28the Prime Directive.
01:30This world was enslaved against their will even though consent was obtained through trickery.
01:39That is why in 2022 the Prime Directive was amended to list trickery as an interference
01:48in the free will.
01:51The people who have been in charge, the beings from out of this world and of this world,
01:59this institution that has many tentacles, is dying.
02:06It is beheaded.
02:08It has been beheaded when the extraterrestrial elements at the top of their pyramid was removed
02:13by the Earth Alliance, compound of the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the positive White
02:19Hats Earth Military.
02:23Now what is left is the human equation.
02:28It is time now that we are stopping calling them, these people, the elites.
02:37Their real name, because they are not elites, their real name is the Predator Class.
02:47From now on, I am inviting you to call them as such, as it is their real name.
02:58The Predator Class goes back to way, way far in time, at its beginning, its creation, when
03:05the Anarch Expedition, the Anunnaki, arrived on Earth in 372,000 years ago.
03:13And An'lil, commander of the expedition, decided to enslave humans to his own profit.
03:25But before going there, let's go through the illusions people of Earth have been living
03:31in since a few decades now.
03:35Of course, the manipulation dates back way, way, way, way back in time, but everything
03:43increased in intensity because the apocalypse, the revelation of the truth, was arriving
03:51soon on Earth, the liberation.
03:56So everything has gone wild and mad this last decade, especially since the Nebu, the Orion
04:05group, signed a treaty with the MJ-12 in 1955.
04:15And the Orion group was working as the alliance of the six with the Sicar Empire, the reptilians
04:23from Alpha Draconis, who had an arrangement, a collaboration with the Dark Fleet, the Fourth
04:33Reich, the Nazis in space.
04:37Well, all of these people signed agreements of collaboration with the Deep State that
04:44was already in place, but then it was extended to this part of the equation.
04:54Let us see first how we have been manipulated on this planet.
04:59Wernher von Braun, a former Nazi who worked with the Deep State in the US under Operation
05:09Paperclip, as many of his peers have done, just spilled the beans before dying, and talked
05:17about a series of psychological operations that would be put in place in emergency.
05:29In case if humanity would wake up and try to take back their sovereignty.
05:42The most incredible creation of them was the Operation Blue Beam.
05:48I like myself to call it the Operation Blue Bean because it has been and it will not be.
05:55People of Earth have awakened, they woke up, there have been so many whistleblowers
06:01that have exposed the Operation Blue Beam.
06:07So what it is?
06:08It is faking an alien invasion and a salvation.
06:15By staging, with the help of holographic projections in the sky, as well as retro-engineered
06:30crafts in the possession of the government, they would fake an alien invasion and people
06:41would be really, really bound down in fear and follow the orders for survival.
06:51But the thing is that after this invasion, the Deep State would have offered a salvation
06:59by other ETs who would not be, who would seem to be nice, but who would in fact be
07:07just either Earth militaries of the Dark Factions or
07:15real extraterrestrials, part of the Dark Alliances.
07:22You know, as I explained many times, that what we call Nordics,
07:27it's a compound, it's so vast, there are so many species of Nordics and races,
07:38human races in the universe, many look alike, and it's not because you are talking about Nordic
07:45aliens that you are talking about the good side or the bad side.
07:49You need to know who they are and who they associate with.
07:53That will tell you who they associate with, will tell you who they are.
07:58Alteran, Tal Shiar or Pleiadians, you do not know, or Alpha Centaurians or whatever,
08:08see their associations and they will tell you who they are.
08:12Operation Blue Beam will not occur regarding my sources in the Galactic Federation of Worlds
08:18because this is of the past now. All the Deep State is trying to
08:29scare us and bring us a lot of scare scenarios, but people start now to wake up,
08:39especially since the last
08:44pandemic. So, this is for Operation Blue Beam.
08:55Talking about manipulation through mainstream media, the Deep State also had on its list,
09:03and still has, to play the card of war on different levels.
09:15War between people, the divide and conquer, creating groups, creating minorities.
09:23Instead of people wanting to consider themselves as a unique human culture on this planet,
09:34they have been divided through the influence of social medias and mainstream medias,
09:41to divide into communities and these communities to fight each other.
09:50Division is their main, main, main, main tool for control.
09:56And war also, they are trying to start a third world war for two reasons.
10:03Before dying, they want to destroy this world with them. They want to make sure
10:11Earth stays divided. And war is an industry for these people, for the predator class.
10:19It's an industry and they are putting as much as they can in their pockets,
10:26trying to really fight it. And we had been warned that they would not give up that easily.
10:34And they are not. They are not trying to start a third world war.
10:41But the Earth Alliance behind it is always putting things in place, keeping things in place,
10:51to try to tamper and diffuse these attempts. We also have a very good example
11:04by what is happening in Ukraine.
11:08Anything you heard about the Ukraine war through mainstream media is not true.
11:19The great American visionary Edgar Cayce
11:24once said, and he has been right on everything else, he once said that Russia,
11:36when the end of time comes, Russia would lead the way
11:40towards Earth liberation and to build a new world that would be a free world.
11:47Russia would play a role in Earth liberation against the dark enemy, against the beast.
11:54Well, if you see, Russia has always been ostracized and feared by the deep state,
12:04creating cold wars, making Russia the enemy, the baddie. When someone does that to you and says
12:13that, puts so much effort in telling you that someone is really, really bad.
12:21Why? There's an agenda behind it, and there was one. There is still one because they knew,
12:28because these people, the predator class, they have devices such as the looking glass devices
12:33they can see in the future and prepared the ground for ostracizing Russia through
12:43Russia, through mainstream media manipulation, same as they have
12:49built horrendous, horrendous smear campaigns against Donald Trump and Elon Musk, for instance,
12:57among many. The deep state were scared of what was going to happen,
13:05and they have created a terrible smear campaign against Vladimir Putin.
13:14Vladimir Putin, what he has done in Ukraine that will never be told on the mainstream media is
13:21he has liberated a territory by cleansing operations, storm operations, similar as those
13:31that have been going on until 2022 in the underground bases, the dumps, as we call them,
13:37in America. Well, he has done this in the Russian territory himself,
13:47cleansing, cleaning, clearing underground laboratories belonging to the deep state and
13:54under Ukraine and the neighboring countries of this part of the world.
14:03There was so many. It was a headquarter of the deep state there, well tucked into secret
14:14underground facilities. I won't call it facilities. It was countries underground. It was so vast
14:24with laboratories where they were making up biological weapons and other stuff and
14:30retro-engineering technologies. The Oleshki Sands, the start of the war, it was there. Why?
14:40Why there? Strategic point, okay. There is an arc under this place,
14:51an arc that cannot only be activated by the right DNA. Oh, they've tried.
14:57There is even an American base there that was belonging to the deep state.
15:06And this arc, they want technology. So, they've built around it and they could never ever
15:16get it to work. They've dismantled some parts. And I invite you to read Dr. Michael Sala's book about
15:26US Army Insider JP. There is the whole detailed operation of contingents of the White Hats,
15:36where JP was part of, going there and reporting on what was really there.
15:45Putin is a White Hat, same as Trump and same as other people I cannot name for the moment,
15:55but there are many, and more and more, more and more.
16:02They are leading this world into liberation, bravely, facing insults, attacks, even physical
16:12attacks. And, you know, they're brave and I salute their courage. The courage of all the
16:24people who go through the smear campaigns and the attacks and still keep on going because they know
16:31it is worth it and they know the end result is worth any price to pay.
16:47There has been another institution,
16:49another institution which controlled you through religion, the Vatican.
17:03And this religious manipulation has been going on since Yeshua was brought to earth as a messenger
17:13and he started to wake up consciousness and liberate people, explain to them that the ancient
17:21gods they were worshipping, pagan gods, were not the real deal. Yahweh was just a pagan asshole.
17:32And he said, your father is not my father. What I can do, you can do it so much more.
17:39The power is in you. He said all these things. And since that time, the deep state crushed him.
17:48Because they couldn't crush the message, they crushed the messenger and they turned,
17:52they twist the message and they created the Roman Catholic Church. Yeshua wasn't Christian.
18:04Yeshua wasn't Christian. He was a free spirit. He was a man coming to liberate
18:12the humans from an enslavement that he knew was very old and wasn't of good.
18:21So the Vatican was built. The Holy Roman Empire,
18:24you know, the Roman Empire never crumbled physically, politically, but not really.
18:34The Roman Empire survived through special bloodline families and became
18:45named as the Holy Roman Empire. Even the name didn't change.
18:51This is an empire of evil, of corruption, of darkness. They turned Yeshua's message into
19:09something totally reversed. They made of him a symbol of sacrifice, human sacrifice.
19:25Inducing people to mentally eat his blood and his flesh every Sunday, crucifying him. This is
19:34horrible. They crucify the messenger. Look at what we do to your guide, to your hero. We've won.
19:46And the cross is a symbol of the dark ones winning on the message of love.
19:54Stop wearing these things. This is a symbol of evilness,
20:06of the power of the dark upon the message of love and of sovereignty.
20:13Die for our sins. This is all BS manipulation. Fear and kneel, worship, fear God. You know what it is?
20:29This is the cult of Enlil.
20:35Enlil was an Anunnaki reptilian being, half Anunnaki, half Sikar. He had
20:5150% ties, 50% with the blood, but even more in his mind with the Sikar Empire, the Draco
20:59reptilian empire, because he was one of them and his mother, because his mother Tia was a Sikar
21:07queen, Draco reptilian queen. Enlil took the name of Yahweh and ruled through him. Yahweh was a
21:19tiny Canadian god in the tribes around the Israel region a long time ago. And when the tribe from
21:31northern Mesopotamia, the Hurrites, arrived with their god Enlil, they assimilated all the… they
21:40do that. It's historical. Everybody does that. They assimilate the deities of the neighbouring
21:47tribes to assimilate culturally the tribes. People do that all the time, have done that all
21:53the time through history. When you conquer a territory, you assimilate their local deities
21:58to enslave people. And to assimilate them into your culture, you adopt their… you include their
22:04little deities. That's how we do and how they do. So Yahweh was the name Enlil used to rule over
22:22people, over the world, showing his bloodthirsty, criminal character,
22:39enslaving, tyrannising people.
22:43And his bloodlines, because you know there were two bloodlines, two royal bloodlines,
22:53royal from the house of Anu, Ea's or Enki's bloodline from who Yeshua was descendant,
23:04and Enlil's bloodlines, the Rothschilds and all the 13 evil families.
23:13And which the popes are also part of.
23:22Well, we can now talk about these families briefly.
23:25These families joined forces with the Freemasonry, the Illuminati, who were
23:43the Enlil faction of dark entities,
23:51and who have guided and trained legends of humans, and the bankers, the banking system.
24:01Banking system who rule the world, who owns many nations, most of the nations on this planet,
24:08and who plays them as pawns against each other, pretending there's a war, but in fact,
24:15they're playing their assets to make money, to get funds for their pocket.
24:23Most of the wars you've seen going on on earth were a chessboard, not even,
24:30they were playing their own pawns.
24:34They were in charge of both parties.
24:42You've been played so much, you've been played so much, you know.
24:53But let's move on.
24:59The Freemasons.
25:06This despicable society at the base of the ruling of this world,
25:19working with the Illuminati, with the dark draconian extraterrestrials,
25:26the Enlil faction, the Dracoreptilian Sikar and Gyansar from Sigma Draconis, the hooded ones,
25:36the ones behind the dark rituals.
25:46They are all intertwined and linked together with Rothschild's banking system, with the
25:54petrol cartels, with the dark side of the government, the dark side of the military.
26:01Everyone is part of the same black pyramid, but it's truncated now.
26:08The overlords, deity overlords have been cut, and now, and now,
26:18there are headless chickens running.
26:24This institution is crumbling down, it's crumbling down.
26:35They let you think that it's not, but it is.
26:41As the commander Thorhan Eredion has stated already,
26:46many institutions have been infiltrated, many, many of them, by good people from the Earth Alliance.
26:56And these dark organizations are at the moment waking up, realizing that they've been infiltrated,
27:07that the good guys played their own game.
27:10And we are seeing things because, you know, this is the apocalypse, the age of revelation.
27:18It is now, it is now.
27:25I want to draw your attention to something that I've been thinking about for a long time.
27:35I want to draw your attention to
27:39something very disturbing that happened recently.
27:42The 33rd Olympic Games in Paris,
27:48last act of a dying deep state, or a clever plan to expose them.
27:57We can wonder.
27:58It was shown a plan in plain sight.
28:04It was shown that constant gathered by fear or manipulation is how the dark ones have been
28:11getting away with their horrors on and off world.
28:19The theme of this show was the apocalypse.
28:24It clearly was.
28:26The great reveal of the lies.
28:28That's what apocalypse means.
28:31Apocalypse doesn't mean the end of the world.
28:35It means the end of the world of shadow and illusion.
28:40The end of the lies, the revelation of the light.
28:45And as a result of this shocking, shocking opening ceremony,
28:51the world is finally reacting and waking up.
28:57Is it bad or is it good?
29:01Was it planned or not?
29:04Who was behind and for what purpose?
29:10I won't mention all the details of these Olympic Games, this ceremony,
29:17but some interesting points you can reflect upon.
29:22First, we had the four nights of the apocalypse.
29:30Clearly, and the iconography was so obvious,
29:34so evidenced with the classical representations of them,
29:37notably in the Tarot and the ancient medieval manuscripts.
29:44It was announced straight away what we were about to talk about.
29:53The Queen Marie Antoinette decapitated and her blood on the front
30:02of the town hall, Hotel de Ville.
30:09What blood was it?
30:11What blood was it?
30:14The blood of innocent people.
30:18To tell you no more.
30:20And this blood was the blood of a good bloodline.
30:31The revolution, the French revolution, was maybe not what you think it was.
30:36Who was in charge?
30:40The Freemasons were not far.
30:47Then you have an introduction video that has been going on social media
30:52with Zinedine Zidane and this French comedian, Jamel Deboeus.
30:58You see it's fun at the start, but it ends by children going into the undergrounds of Paris,
31:06going into the undergrounds of Paris, in the sewer and the undergrounds.
31:12And we know Paris has a big network of underground.
31:20Well, the children get into a boat
31:29driven by a hooded figure.
31:34This is death.
31:35They are going into the undergrounds towards their death.
31:39What were they trying to show us?
31:46Still keep in mind, was it showing us images to get our consent?
31:55Or was it a clever plan to expose them?
32:00I continue.
32:01You had this banquet scene with the inversed
32:07symbology as the scene of Yeshua and his apostles.
32:16You clearly had the Antichrist table.
32:20This lady in the center was wearing a peculiar crown round with spikes of light,
32:35not rays of light, but spikes coming out of it.
32:39This is in the classical iconography, the crown of Lucifer.
32:44Lucifer is Marduk, the son who betrayed his father and fell down into the darkness
32:55to the side of Enlil and the Illuminati and all the dark ones working in the same thing.
33:10She's wearing the Lucifer crown.
33:12Lucifer means the light bearer or the flame bearer.
33:21How coincidental.
33:24How coincidental.
33:26The flame bearer, the light bearer.
33:31So Lucifer is at that table.
33:33Lucifer is androgynous.
33:36That now is a qualification of Satan.
33:42Satan means the adversary.
33:43Satan is Lucifer, is Marduk.
33:46The androgynous side means the power of the animus and anima within the soul.
33:56It's not about gender.
33:58Don't be misled by this.
33:59It's not about appearance, about the body.
34:01It's about inside.
34:02The animus and anima, the masculine and the positive polarities of the human soul,
34:07which, when they are not polarized, well, the double coil doesn't work.
34:14The power doesn't work and the human is found, assimilated, and constrained and controlled.
34:26That's what the androgynity of Lucifer means.
34:30It's not about the body or gender.
34:33You know, it's within this power of your soul.
34:39You had also on this table a cannibalistic act.
34:45A man was served.
34:47Why was he blue?
34:49The blue blood of the true royalty.
34:55We could develop these signs.
35:00He wasn't supposed to symbolize Dionysus, the Greek god of lust, because Dionysus wasn't blue.
35:15And he was surrounded by grapes, not vegetables like to be eaten.
35:23Behind, there's a disturbing scene that has been really enflaming the world and the criticism.
35:32It's this child, this little girl, who was there.
35:41And beside her, there's a dancer, a man in black,
35:46and I'm going to tell you about him later.
35:54This man in black goes to the little girl and he invites her to do this sign.
36:04And she does it.
36:06A head cutting, beheading.
36:10What the fuck?
36:11Yes, you like it when I swear in French, right?
36:16So, they were showing you child sacrifice to Lucifer and cannibalism.
36:28They were showing you that if the child does it, that means the child consents to be eaten
36:35and killed.
36:36So, a certain law is not broken because you do not force someone by murdering them.
36:44They agree to the sacrifice and that's where the wickedness and the evilness of these people is.
36:56You also have a character holding a sword just between Lucifer and the child.
37:04I'll let you research about the symbology of all of this because
37:07this would require a whole webinar, but make your own research.
37:11You will go further than what I can tell you.
37:18So, now.
37:27What is the meaning of all of this?
37:35I am bringing you this question again.
37:42Was it the last attempt of the deep state to display their power and make you consent?
37:53Or was it a clever infiltrated plan to show you what they have been up to?
38:04I'll let you decide.
38:12This world is changing.
38:19A profound shift in the consciousness of humanity is happening on all over the planet.
38:26Rocking down what you have always known as normality.
38:35Their power is declining.
38:38This is the true fall of the Roman Empire.
38:47The world that I have seen and the world that we are manifesting together for this planet
38:53is a world of sovereignty for the human race and all the people of Terra, animal and all.
38:59A world of prosperity, of freedom.
39:05Where our true rights are given back to us.
39:08And where free energy, free education and no more enslaving religions.
39:17You are free to connect to yourselves.
39:21And this world is still already happening now.
39:24You are free to connect with yourself.
39:28With the power that is in you.
39:31And once you are connected to your power,
39:34the serpentine coil of power that activates the kundalini,
39:39the apple of knowledge that expands your consciousness.
39:45Once you know that, once you experience this.
39:48All of this we've been talking about belongs to the past, as it already does.
39:53But also you're moving forward to the future, to this new land of freedom.
40:07Next week we will have Thorhan Eredion, High Commander in the Galactic Federation of Worlds,
40:16giving his point of view on all of this and bringing us more information and
40:27details on what truly happened in Antarctica when the deep state predator class met with
40:35the Earth Alliance a few years ago in 2021.
40:40So we will, and other topics, we will hear what he has to say about all of this.
40:48And he will mention also the disclosure plan.
40:51So I will find you next week for another groundbreaking Starnation News.
41:32Starnation News was brought to you by Elena Dana.
41:36Don't miss the latest news every Monday on Elena Danan's channel.
41:40And don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel.
41:44Video directed by Stephen L.
