• 2 months ago


00:29How'd you sleep?
00:31How do you think?
00:33I've been telling it over and over in my head.
00:36Is it Phil? Or Sharon?
00:38They both came to see you face-to-face.
00:40Why would they resort to this?
00:43Dean, then. He got Fraser to send it.
00:45Fraser is still in custody.
00:47Well, you know that for certain, do you?
00:49Look, if it's Dean, he is bluffing.
00:51To intimidate you.
00:52Not to punish me, you mean.
00:53Cos you got his minion arrested.
00:55Look, let me deal with that.
00:57It's not like you dealt with Fraser.
01:00Look, we need to go down the station.
01:03You think I'm setting foot in that police station again?
01:05You need to go and tell them you weren't going to take the deal.
01:07How can I?
01:08I don't know which way's up.
01:09I am petrified that I will slip up and land myself in it.
01:12Mum, that is just the withdrawal.
01:14Don't worry, I will help you.
01:16Help me?
01:17I had it all sorted and you put a bomb under it.
01:20I'm not going anywhere until we find out who sent this.
01:24This is ridiculous.
01:26Can you just call me back, please?
01:28Better still, come home.
01:33Not since last night.
01:34Oh, she'll come back, she's just licking her wounds.
01:37You seen Nish?
01:40Stay clear of him.
01:41I'll, er, I'll call you if I hear anything.
01:43All right.
01:46All right, Fred?
01:47All right.
01:49Look, please, Nan.
01:51Look, please, Nan.
01:53I know what you're doing.
01:54Listen, it's natural that you're missing Stevie.
01:57Yeah, you need this.
01:59Mentally and spiritually.
02:01Right, I will come birdwatching with you.
02:05But I choose the place.
02:06You fetch the drinks and stuff.
02:13See you later.
02:17You all right?
02:18Yeah, why?
02:19Well, normally I get a good morning.
02:20All right, Lisa, please.
02:21Sorry, Ben.
02:22Coffee, please.
02:23I've been over.
02:25Don't worry.
02:26I checked.
02:27There's no Mitchells outside garden, yeah?
02:28Very funny.
02:29How's Ben doing?
02:31He's in cafe, he's doing all right.
02:33I wish you could say the same.
02:34Well, if you need anything, I'm here, yeah?
02:36Thanks, Johnny.
02:38Funny you should say that.
02:40Here we go.
02:41Wonder what the urgent text was about.
02:43Do you know where Jack is?
02:44Out on the job, why?
02:46Phrasing the clock, then.
02:47Thanks, Ben.
02:52I'm not meant to know about that.
02:53Or get involved.
02:54I just, I need to know if he was released last night.
02:56Can you ask someone?
02:59Mum's in a really bad way, okay?
03:01I just want to put her mind at rest.
03:05Yeah, tell me again how after all that I've done,
03:08Bobby ends up with the management position.
03:10Oh, you don't want to be bogged down
03:12with rotas, spreadsheets and budgets.
03:14What, you'll be on the counter?
03:16Bit of eye candy for the customers.
03:18I'll buy you a bit of eye candy, eh, bro?
03:20Oh, you missed a bit there.
03:23Hey, watch it!
03:26See you, love.
03:27See you.
03:37Peter, don't you think your mum's acting a bit strange?
03:40I mean, she faked her own death
03:42and she's put you in charge of this place.
03:44Say no more.
03:45Um, do you know what?
03:46My microwave's come back.
03:47I think I'm going to go home.
03:53Take that off, will you?
04:00What is it? I've got a lot on.
04:02Sorry to inconvenience you.
04:03How is she?
04:05And with good reason.
04:06Shopping that Fraser bloke's the best thing we did.
04:08We all know that.
04:09Right, so how did it go down at the station?
04:11She ain't been yet.
04:13Look, there's been a lot to deal with this morning, okay?
04:16I can understand why.
04:17What's more important than getting Dean sent out?
04:19She's stalling.
04:20No, she's not stalling.
04:22The longer she leaves here,
04:23the more the police will think she was going to take the deal.
04:27Now, how's that going to look when she takes a stand at Dean's trial?
04:30She needs to tell them that Dean was behind it.
04:34If they can link them,
04:35get him done for perverting the course of justice
04:37on top of murder.
04:38Yeah, I know all that, okay?
04:40You saw me in that cell, Johnny.
04:42I've got no intention of going back there.
04:44You like making threats, don't you?
04:45I don't, as it happens.
04:47But if you don't take Linda down that station,
04:49I'll drag her there myself.
05:01Right then, Nan, where are you taking us?
05:03Better be somewhere exotic.
05:04Follow me.
05:05Come on, then.
05:16You're having a laugh.
05:17You said I could choose.
05:19I've chose here.
05:20Drinks on tap, me own toilet nearby.
05:23Nan, we literally could have gone anywhere.
05:25I ain't squatting behind a bush in some forest
05:28wiping my backside with a dock leaf, right?
05:32The sun's past the yard arm.
05:34Get him in.
05:35You get him in.
05:40What are you doing?
05:41Bit of bird watching, I thought.
05:42Ain't you with Bob today?
05:43He's busy.
05:45I, um, I said I'd help Elaine out.
05:48Come on, Freddie, I'm spitting feathers here.
05:51I see what you did there.
05:53Hey, why don't you, um, scribe off today?
05:55We'll catch some rays, connect with nature, it'll be nice.
05:58I'm not sure.
06:00Oh, I can see a dove.
06:02A dove?
06:04It's a pigeon, honestly.
06:06Look, come on, please.
06:08Please, you can't leave me on my own with her.
06:11Why not?
06:12Why not?
06:14I'll get him in, yeah?
06:26They're keeping him in.
06:27I got reason to believe he could be interfering with other witnesses.
06:30So he's been locked up all night?
06:32He's refusing to cooperate.
06:33He keeps answering every question with no comment.
06:36Look, the best thing your mum can do is get down the station,
06:38tell her to tell the officers that she refused to listen to what Fraser had to say,
06:41and that she thinks the thing's behind it.
06:46Yeah, yeah, thanks, mate.
06:48We wouldn't be without you, eh?
06:49You know I'd do anything for you.
06:51For the Carters, obviously.
06:54Yeah, well, um...
06:56Thanks, mate.
07:09Any particular reason you're ignoring my calls?
07:14This treat-or-mean, keep-them-keen routine is very tired and totally transparent.
07:21I've got a window at 2.30.
07:24I don't think I can get away.
07:26Oh, that's a shame.
07:28I'm sure you're going to miss the present I bought you.
07:35Well, I'll, um...
07:37I'll move some things around.
07:39You can come to mine.
07:42Come to mine.
07:44What, you want to risk your flight again?
07:46No risk, no reward.
07:58Came to see how you were after the pub.
08:01No Eve.
08:03She's, um, not here.
08:09Look, I don't want to pry.
08:12But I remember when we used to chat, I'd feel so much happier.
08:17Unburdened, even.
08:20Oh, she was jealous.
08:23Of you.
08:25And then she got inside her head, and that's why she proposed.
08:30Well, I...
08:31You know, I didn't want to cause trouble.
08:33No, it wasn't your fault.
08:35Hang on.
08:36Did you know she was jealous when she proposed?
08:41And you didn't accept because...
08:47This conversation requires charm.
08:49Yeah, I'll get it.
08:50No, I'll get it.
09:03Thank God.
09:04I've been worried sick.
09:06I think, um,
09:08today's going to require a lot of coffee.
09:11You've run out of milk.
09:18Where have you been?
09:20Yeah, I can see that.
09:22You're supposed to be looking after your mother.
09:24There's like a herd of elephants up there.
09:26What's this?
09:27Oh, it's pushed under the door. Junk, probably.
09:29Look, would you tell her some help down here would be nice?
09:31Anna's gone AWOL.
09:49So, where have you been?
09:52I kept in a mate's spare room.
09:55Oh, right.
09:56Because I was thinking all sorts.
09:57Oh, well.
09:58At least you're work on your own.
09:59Looks like you've been well comforted.
10:01I think that's my cue to leave.
10:03Oh, you think?
10:04Don't, Eve.
10:05Do you want to maybe check upstairs?
10:06See if there's anything you've forgotten?
10:08I came here to check on my friend.
10:10But I think we know who the real enemy is.
10:13It's just a real shame that you think so little of the woman that you proposed to.
10:24Are you going to tell me why you left me hanging on one knee?
10:26I've got a few questions for you first.
10:29Oh, God.
10:30I can't bear it.
10:32It's not Fraser.
10:34He's still in custody.
10:35Who is it, then?
10:36Mum, we need to park this.
10:37OK, you need to go and give them your statement.
10:40Oh, God, you must be joking.
10:42No, you just say that you've been taking legal advice from your son.
10:45All right, that's it.
10:46Mum, we need to park this.
10:47OK, you need to go and give them your statement.
10:50Oh, God, you just say that you've been taking legal advice from your son.
10:52All right, that is why you haven't been down there sooner.
10:56And that you didn't want to jeopardise the case against Dean.
10:58And that you've been confused.
10:59I am confused!
11:01I mean, look at me.
11:02If I go down there now, I will crumble.
11:05No, no, you won't, because I am going to help you.
11:07You expect me to jump into the lion's den with a target on my back?
11:13I am not doing it.
11:16No, Mum, please.
11:17Back off, Johnny.
11:18No, Mum!
11:19No, all right, it's your fault we're in this mess!
11:21No, it is your fault we are in this mess!
11:24OK, I am done.
11:25I am done.
11:26Just keep going around you.
11:28Stop being so damn selfish!
11:31It's like you're doing everything.
11:32You are just doing everything that you can to sabotage this.
11:37If Dean's case collapses, they are going to come after you.
11:42Because Sharon, sure as hell, is not going to hesitate to drop you in it.
11:47And you'll bring me down with you.
11:49And get your own son in prison because of what you did.
11:53Ollie and Annie growing up without their mum.
11:57Is that what you really want?
12:03Well, is it?
12:08Do you know what? I can't do this anymore.
12:12I am done.
12:18The only reason you proposed was because Nish round you up.
12:21Because you were jealous of Aisha.
12:24Please, Eve, stop lying to me, OK?
12:27Stacey told me.
12:30Do you really think so little of me?
12:34OK, I admit it.
12:36I, um, I did. I let him get to me.
12:40And then you disappear.
12:42Leaving me thinking all sorts.
12:44I text you.
12:45You text me? What are we, 12?
12:49Look, I didn't ask for Aisha to come back into my life, all right?
12:53But it is only natural that I want to know what she's made of herself.
12:56And that is all it is.
13:03OK, good, because I love you.
13:05And I want you.
13:07And I have never felt happier.
13:11You just don't want to marry me.
13:14When I think of marriage, I think of Nish.
13:16And our marriage.
13:18No, but it wouldn't be like that.
13:20I wouldn't do anything to hurt you.
13:23I just want to be with you forever.
13:25I want to... I want to love you.
13:27I want to protect you.
13:29Protect me?
13:31That's what Nish said, and he called it love.
13:35No, no, Eve.
13:37No, no, I didn't mean...
13:38You did!
13:39No, no!
13:40OK, I feel safe with you.
13:42And we don't have to be married to feel safe.
13:44No, you just want to be able to move on whenever you get bored of me.
13:47Is that... Is that what you mean?
13:49What are you talking about?
13:50I know I messed up.
13:51I know.
13:52But I did genuinely want to show you how much you meant to me.
13:58It's just pretty obvious.
14:00We're in completely different places.
14:02No, Eve, listen, Eve.
14:03I need to go.
14:06Well, are we doing this or not?
14:09Come on.
14:10You can tell me what to say on the way.
14:22Well, are we doing this or not?
14:25Come on.
14:26You can tell me what to say on the way.
14:38I'm not stalking you, honest.
14:40How did it go?
14:47She stormed out.
14:48I'm sorry you got caught up in all this.
14:52Eve certainly has spirit.
14:54I suppose you think I should run a mile?
14:58If you did, you'd be making the biggest mistake of your life.
15:07I didn't know you were a twitcher.
15:10It's because I'm not.
15:12You see, the thing about twitchers, right, is that they're seekers.
15:15So they'll travel miles and miles all on the off chance of seeing a myrtle warbler.
15:21Or a buffalo head, for example.
15:24You know?
15:25But me, I prefer to just sit and let them come to me.
15:28Yeah, I'm a birder.
15:30I might not see so many rare ones, but I like to see a beauty in every creature.
15:36You don't know, I've told some tripe sometimes.
15:39I think you're sweet.
15:40Oh, I think I've spotted something.
15:43Oh, looks like a great tit.
15:46Oh, no, it ain't. It's a billy.
15:48You all right, Bill?
15:49You all right?
15:50What are you doing?
15:51Milking a cow. What's it look like?
15:53Bird watching.
15:54You're welcome to join us if you want. It's nourishing for the soul.
15:58Well, we've got our wedding plans to sort out.
16:01You can come join us if you want.
16:04That's a good job we're not inviting you in then.
16:06Uh, yeah, maybe in a bit.
16:08See you later.
16:09See you later.
16:12You love bird watching, don't you?
16:15It's peaceful.
16:17You know, my mind's racing a million miles an hour all the time.
16:21But when I'm here bird watching, it slows down a little bit.
16:26It's nice.
16:29I've never known unhappiness like being married to Nish.
16:34It's because you didn't love Nish.
16:37You love Eve, though, don't you?
16:40I had no idea what real love was until I met her.
16:43Don't you think you owe it to yourself to find out how good it could be?
16:47Not everyone has a second chance to do it properly.
16:54Perfect timing.
16:56Are you sure this is a good idea?
16:59I've made sure we've got the whole house to ourselves.
17:02Right, now you go on upstairs,
17:05I've left the present by the bed and I'll go and get the champagne.
17:09Sounds good.
17:23What are you doing?
17:26There you go.
17:28I do feel sorry for Eve.
17:31There's us planning a wedding.
17:36I take it my humiliation is the talk of the pub?
17:38Well, of course it is, it's your turn.
17:40Don't worry, darling, it'll be somebody else's soon enough.
17:45Silky will come round.
17:50She did really well.
17:51What do I get, a gold star?
17:53I'm going for a lie down.
18:19Ah, happy anniversary, darling wife.
18:22Three years.
18:23That is leather, apparently, so...
18:27You're a good wife.
18:29I mean, you're not the one I want, but you're a good one.
18:33They're here.
18:34Who's here?
18:38OK, let's go and talk about this.
18:40All right, who is it?
18:42Who's doing this?
18:43Doing what?
18:45Who's doing this?
18:46Doing what?
18:48Was it you?
18:50I've got no idea what you're talking about.
18:52You just can't let it go, can you?
18:54Mum, Mum, let's go upstairs. Come on.
18:56What's that?
18:59I knew I couldn't trust you.
19:01You were supposed to have my back.
19:02What's that supposed to mean?
19:03What are you doing? It's just a card.
19:04Get her upstairs.
19:05Come on, Mum.
19:06Someone in here has got it in for me.
19:08No-one's got it in for you.
19:10You. Give me that.
19:12Is this how you get your kicks, is it?
19:14Stop it.
19:15Mum, Mum, that's enough.
19:17If you know, why don't you just say it?
19:19Put me out of my misery, please.
19:20She knows what?
19:21Callie gave it to me.
19:24It's a whip round, Linda.
19:26It's lovely day on the market's 50th birthday.
19:28Bernie said she'd organise a present.
19:32What did you think it was?
19:34Leave me alone.
19:35If you had a drink...
19:37All right, show's over.
19:39What can I get you?
19:40So you've got a migraine or you don't have a migraine?
19:43I'm a bit confused.
19:44Migraine's come and go, Bobby.
19:45Right, you'll probably see Anna before me,
19:47so this is a thank you to say
19:49thank you for helping us...
19:51helping you out of a hole last night.
19:54Is there anything else?
19:55Yeah, I just have some accounts that I need help with.
19:59I've tried everything,
20:00but I can't seem to extend the length of this column.
20:03Oh, well, that's Ian's fault. I'm clueless.
20:06There is a helpline you can call.
20:08The number's by the till.
20:15Your dad's going to be really proud of you, you know, Bobby.
20:18You think so?
20:19You've been pretty disastrous so far.
20:21Well, that's true,
20:22but you're a hard worker and you just need to apply yourself.
20:25That's all.
20:26It's my fault I put you in charge too early.
20:28Why don't we go over there together
20:30and we can go through a few things?
20:33Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
20:34That would be good.
20:36Oh, ooh!
20:37Are you OK?
20:39Yeah, yeah, I just stood up too fast.
20:41You need to rest up.
20:42You don't want to overdo it, Cindy.
20:44Are you sure? I'm still feeling a bit hot and bothered.
20:47I insist.
20:51Well, I'll see you later.
20:58Silly me.
20:59The champagne.
21:03And, er...
21:05Thanks, Cindy, for trusting me.
21:08I really appreciate it.
21:22You are scarily good at that.
21:27I am so sorry about that.
21:29Drinks on the house.
21:30It's the least I can do.
21:32Thanks, but I should get going.
21:34I've got a flat for you in.
21:35Oh, right.
21:38That is too close, Johnny.
21:40You're under control.
21:41What about the others?
21:42Have they had any letters?
21:43No, they would have said.
21:46Well, just keep your eyes open, yeah?
21:48If you see anything sus, let me know.
22:00What was all that about, then?
22:02You promised shopping Fraser was the best thing for her.
22:04Yeah, and it was.
22:05Yeah, well, after watching that just later, it clearly had the opposite effect.
22:08I mean, how is she going to be in court if a little trip to the station does that to her?
22:12She'll be fine, OK? I'm going to coach her.
22:14Yeah, if you can keep her off the bottle long enough.
22:18I mean, what are you not telling me, Johnny?
22:23You're just going to have to trust me.
22:25I trusted you when I first brought you here.
22:29Do not make me regret my decision.
22:31Because I can just as easily have you sent away again.
22:39I'm going to buy you a drink.
22:41You must be feeling rotten.
22:45Eve, leave it. Eve.
22:50Ah, look.
22:51It's the happy couple.
22:54You're going to need this.
22:58Divorce lawyer?
23:00I think three years married to that one is long enough, don't you?
23:05Elaine, can I have the floor, please?
23:07Leave me a hush, please, everyone!
23:14Eve Unwin.
23:18I love you.
23:21And I'd walk through fire for you.
23:24And if I were to live my life again, I'd find you sooner.
23:31So will you do me the greatest honour of my life
23:37and be my wife?
23:41That was very poetic.
23:43Yeah, I just made it up on the spot.
23:51Don't you want to hang in?
23:54Yeah, I would love to.
23:56Don't you want to hang in?
23:59Yeah, I would love to be your mum.
24:02At last! A bit of good news.
24:04Tracey, bumpies in the fridge.
24:09You better.
24:19You're supposed to put sun cream on your face, not in your ear.
24:23You know, I'm really glad that you scribed off today.
24:26It was fun.
24:28Looks like she had a bit too much fun.
24:30Yeah, well, good.
24:32I've been trying to distract her.
24:34I think she's been down since Stevie left.
24:36You know, she'd never let on, but I know.
24:39But Stevie, though?
24:41The heart wants what the heart wants.
24:45Doesn't it?
24:46I think it's time we pack up, right?
24:47Yeah, yeah, I should get back.
24:49Oi, Nan?
24:51Is that a little spotted woodpecker over there?
24:55Oh, sorry, it flew away.
24:57Right, come on, let's go.
24:58I'm hungry.
24:59See you later.
25:03I saw you two lovebirds mooning over each other.
25:06Don't know what you mean.
25:07You can kid yourself all you like.
25:09Freddy Slater.
25:11I don't know.
25:12Don't know what you mean.
25:13You can kid yourself all you like.
25:15Freddy Slater.
25:16Or Beady Eyes Bill.
25:18No competition.
25:21Hang on.
25:26That sun, it is so warm.
25:29Well, it's hitting you differently today.
25:32Well, I feel different.
25:35And that's all thanks to you making me see sense.
25:38You're welcome.
25:39Are you sure you can't stay and celebrate?
25:41Yeah, I've got to go.
25:43Come here.
25:48I missed you.
25:50I missed you too.
25:55I'll see you soon.
25:56I hope.
25:57I hope.
26:07I am selfish.
26:08No, no, I was just angry.
26:10Okay, I didn't mean it.
26:12It's true though, isn't it?
26:14My own daughter's got to have an operation because of me.
26:16No, Mum.
26:22I don't feel safe in my own home.
26:26Every time I hear a siren, I think that's it.
26:28It's over.
26:31Who's doing this, Johnny?
26:34This will all be over soon.
26:36You just...
26:37You have to stay strong.
26:40Look how you handled the police today.
26:42I know you can do it.
26:46Whoever it is,
26:48I will find them.
26:50And I'm going to stop them, Mum.
26:57We're getting to her.
26:59She's close to breaking point.
27:02The fact she was going to take the deal tells you everything you need to know.
27:06She was willing to sacrifice justice for Keanu
27:08just to satisfy her own deluded vendetta against me.
27:14It sounds like she put on quite a show to Vic.
27:18Do they sound like the actions of a woman who's got nothing to hide?
27:24Keep sending those letters.
27:26Ramp up the pressure and she'll crack.
27:33You believe me now, don't you?
27:36Linda knows who really killed your brother.
27:40I believe you.
27:42And I'm going to get the truth out of her.
28:05I'm going to get the truth out of her.