¡Top 20 Películas de Tiburones MÁS RIDÍCULAS!

  • hace 2 meses
¡Todos fuera del agua! Bienvenido a Watchmojo Español, en esta lista veremos algunas de las peores y más cursis películas de tiburones que se hayan lanzado.


00:00That's not a dolphin, that's a shark!
00:03Now row, row!
00:30Beneath its glassy surface, a world of gliding monsters.
00:51Carter, cut the crap, you're scaring everybody!
01:00When a storm damages the lab, people like Thomas Jane, Saffron Burrows and LL Cool J must fight these mutant super sharks.
01:13Oh, and Samuel L. Jackson, whose rudeness, unfortunately, is not enough to save him from a surprise bite.
01:30We're gonna seal out this world!
01:51Cody's latest brainchild, he wants to end it with Ruby Slippers instead of going dark.
01:54Look man, I just think we could use a little more redemption is all.
02:00He's sad because he has to spend Christmas with his family and relieves his frustration by drawing a comic called Santa Jazz,
02:06in which an evil shark with a Santa hat appears.
02:14Unfortunately, he used a magic pen, so his creation comes to life and he starts killing his friends and family.
02:22Santa Jazz?
02:24Don't you hate it when that happens?
02:26Uncle Mike is missing.
02:28It's Santa Jazz.
02:29You need to call the police.
02:31Anyway, if you're looking for a movie for Christmas parties with lots of candles, candy sticks and creative deaths, this is for you.
02:39How, how, how, you son of a fish.
02:52Number 18
02:55Shark Frenzy
02:57Do you know sharks never succumb to disease?
03:00Jeffrey Kams was no stranger to interpreting mad scientists before participating in Hammerhead in 2005.
03:06After all, it was already a cult sensation, thanks to his interpretation in the horror classic Re-Animator.
03:12Who's going to believe a talking head get a job in a sideshow?
03:16Hammerhead benefits enormously from Kams' role as the main villain,
03:20whose obsession to cure his son's cancer leads him to turn him into a fierce, hybrid human shark.
03:32Meanwhile, Hammerhead's team follows Jazz's example and shows a titular creature with moderation,
03:38using point of view shots and close-ups to hide CGI's poor work.
03:44Even so, the movie is made more competently than some of the others on the list.
03:49Yes, that's useful.
03:56Number 17
03:58Super Shark
04:00Get ready, because here we have another example of bad CGI.
04:04This 2011 movie doesn't seem to bother even to pretend to have quality and be proud of it.
04:15Of course, some of its main actors at least try to keep up with the ridiculous material they have to work with.
04:24However, the truth is that Super Shark copies Jazz's argument.
04:28It doesn't have anything to do with the genre and exists in its own meaningless entertainment void for a non-demanding audience.
04:41Number 16
04:52The truth is that there are two ridiculous shark movies with the same title,
04:55but we are not referring to the oldest, which was released in Japan in 2002,
04:59and finally in video in the United States in 2004.
05:14Even for the early 2000s, the movie known as Sharkzilla has a shameful CGI.
05:30Of course, then there is the fact that if the people of this company were not so eager to get oil from the bottom of the ocean,
05:36then the prehistoric fish would never have attacked them.
05:45But that's how it happens, and the shark is so outraged that it even chases them on land.
05:49The moral of the story is that you never invade the domains of a shark.
06:01Number 15
06:03Due to the climate change and the thaw of the sea, a mysterious creature emerges from the depths of the Arctic Ocean.
06:10Is it a dinosaur?
06:11Is it a crocodile?
06:12A shark?
06:13Seriously, what the hell is it?
06:15Can I think it over?
06:16The characters in the movie wonder, and you too, because this thing looks simply ridiculous.
06:22What is that thing?
06:24It has all the characteristics of a monstrous shark from any bad movie.
06:27It is fast, can dodge bullets and is hungry for surfers and bikini women.
06:32Reach for my hand!
06:33I got you!
06:38Come on man, kick!
06:40Who can stop this threat?
06:43Let's hope that our heroes, including Eric Balfour as captain,
06:47Iva Hasberger as a marine biologist and Roger Corman as a scientist.
07:00Although it may seem like a funny and cheesy movie,
07:03the consensus seems to be that without much plot and action, it is not worth seeing it.
07:10No, it's cool. I understand.
07:12Number 14. Shark Attack 3. Megalodon.
07:15Go for it with the megalodons.
07:17The first two Shark Attack movies have contemporary mutant sharks,
07:21but in this one things get prehistoric.
07:24After the discovery of a giant tooth, a scientist realizes that megalodons still exist.
07:31Also, although they had never bothered anyone before, now humanity is in grave danger.
07:37I found it. Ancestor of the great white shark.
07:40It's supposed to be extinct.
07:41Of course, the tooth is found by some workers in the background,
07:45and who is the shark? Attack.
07:47As the movie progresses, so do the deaths,
07:50but who can get angry with this adorably ridiculous CGI shark with huge round eyes?
07:58Also, some of these people are clearly asking to be eaten.
08:02If you like movies that are so bad that they are good, Shark Attack 3 is worth it.
08:12Number 13. Bait.
08:14One of the main problems of this movie is that it starts like a soap opera.
08:18If someone sees it without knowing what it is about,
08:20they probably have no idea what it is about.
08:23If someone sees it without knowing what it is about,
08:25they probably have no idea that there are sharks in the plot.
08:32First, we have to see how our hero Josh has a traumatic experience as a lifeguard.
08:38In the movie there is also a food store where he meets his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend.
08:51And he has to deal with a robbery and someone who gets shot.
08:55It is almost a relief when a tsunami arrives that floods the store and lets several sharks in.
09:00Our hero, his friends, enemies and a dog have to fight to escape.
09:05I should know, I built the storm.
09:12Fortunately, although the sharks attack several people, the dog does survive.
09:22Well, some humans also survive, but they are much less memorable.
09:27Number 12. Shark Night.
09:29Although it is classified for older than 13 years,
09:32this movie is disturbingly close to the romanticization of violence.
09:44Instead of the big and exaggerated bites that are seen in most shark thrillers,
09:49in this one people appear, mostly women, who fight and suffer during uncomfortably long scenes.
10:07Hey, the fact that some crazy people have filled a body of water with sharks to be able to record the attacks,
10:12does not mean that we want to see them.
10:14I can't get in the water, there's a shark.
10:18Yeah, I know.
10:19Who do you think put him there?
10:25Actually, this movie only has two things in its favor.
10:28The first one shows a variety of different species of sharks, which is not seen very often.
10:33The second one, there is a dog, and it also survives.
10:41When a tsunami is about to hit the beach in Malibu,
10:44the lifeguard and her friends suddenly face whatever these things are.
10:49They turn out to be living fossil dwarf sharks.
10:59These are a real species, and although they look strange, it is not likely that they bother people.
11:04They only live in very deep oceans.
11:07They don't look much like the creatures in the movie either.
11:17However, these sharks are the best effects the movie has.
11:21What is it?
11:26It's a garden shark.
11:27Because in terms of realism, everything else looks even worse.
11:31From the tsunami and the blood, to this guy who pretends to maintain balance so as not to drown.
11:37I can't hold it much longer.
11:40Overall, the movie is not so bad that it is good, it is just bad.
11:45Oh no!
11:48Oh no!
11:55Number 10, Jimer.
11:56Another Megalodon?
11:57Are you serious?
11:58They are becoming a real problem.
11:59What could do that to the rover?
12:00I don't think I want to know.
12:04Especially in this movie, which shows a shark with CGI ridiculously big, but quite impressive.
12:10It's like 20, 25 meters.
12:13It's Megalodon.
12:16Along with the huge fish, we have the actors Jason Statham and Leigh Binkbink in more important roles.
12:21A character who calls himself The Wall and...
12:24Why is there a little girl in this submarine lab?
12:26Anyway, thanks to a memorable cast and a good budget,
12:31The Meg is quite entertaining and has the action and great special effects that the audience is looking for.
12:36Show him this, you ugly bastard.
12:48It only lasts almost two hours, with a series of accidents, betrayals and plot twists
12:53that seem a bit out of place in a shark movie.
12:57It's not about the people you lose.
13:00It's about the people you save.
13:04Sign it up.
13:06Number 9.
13:07Jaws. The Revenge.
13:09The iconic original movie Jaws didn't need a sequel, and much less three.
13:14But unfortunately, successful productions usually inspire terrible later deliveries.
13:20First time's the best for everything. After that, you know too much and nothing's ever quite the same.
13:25Jaws 3D, for example, was a mediocre attempt to impress the audience with 3D effects.
13:30And that's it.
13:35However, The Revenge is a real madness.
13:38A huge white shark, apparently in search of revenge,
13:42is determined to hunt and kill the remaining members of the Brody family.
13:46Yes, really.
13:47He chases them from the fictitious Amery Island in New England to the Bahamas.
13:52And in the edited ending of the movie that was released on DVD,
13:55the shark spits on a person because he knew he wasn't a Brody.
13:59Oh, and he also roars.
14:00Even with its illogical plot, the movie is less entertaining and rather a failure that merges in general.
14:08When I dive, you're in it.
14:11Oh, man.
14:12I'm way too mean for that.
14:16They've tasted human flesh!
14:20I know, I've seen it before!
14:39Get out, now! Now, now, now, now!
14:41Go, go, go!
14:42Go, go, go!
14:43Oh, that was awesome!
15:09Who would've thought?
15:10In this movie, real sharks come out.
15:12There's no CGI nonsense here.
15:14Mako is also one of the few legitimately fun movies on this list,
15:19since it starts from an ingenious premise.
15:21Richard Jackal's Sony seems to have a telepathic connection with sharks,
15:26and the movie uses this idea to portray them as conscious beings and victims of humanity.
15:38I had a decision to make, one that would affect my life from that day on.
15:43It's a pretty solid cartoon movie,
15:46with a tense underwater photography and Jackal's performance that keeps it together.
15:50If you're looking for a shark production from the 70s that tries to do something more than imitate Jaws,
15:55this is for you.
15:57All that fuss over a lousy shark.
16:01That guy's a nut!
16:02Number 6, Two-Headed Shark Attack.
16:09Movie fans know The Asylum well as a low-budget movie provider,
16:15known as Muckbusters.
16:17Two-Headed Shark Attack may not follow the format of any other,
16:20specifically when it premiered on D-Man and Video in 2012,
16:23but it undoubtedly fulfills all the characteristics of The Asylum.
16:28Mayday, please! Anybody there?
16:31I'm sinking!
16:32Does it have a frankly bad mediocre performance?
16:35Is there unjustified sex and violence?
16:38Shark effects that look like the unfinished work of a first-year graphic design student?
16:44Of course!
16:45On the other hand, the name doesn't give us so many hopes from the beginning.
16:49What did we expect?
16:55Number 5, Jersey Shore Shark Attack.
16:58Isn't that Vinny's stuff?
16:59Which Vinny? Vinny no neck?
17:00No, bro! Vinny bananas!
17:02Have you ever wondered what would happen if a horrible shark movie
17:06and a horrible TV show coexisted in the same universe?
17:10Well, neither do we, but let's talk about that anyway.
17:14Jersey Shore Shark Attack is a movie that doesn't get proud of its own plot,
17:18with a premise that took advantage of the fashion of the realities
17:21and combined it with the tropes of less imaginative shark movies.
17:28Frickin' sharks!
17:31The performance is horrible!
17:33And the effects are the worst thing that has ever been seen on screen,
17:36which makes it a ridiculous shark movie that is better not to devour.
17:42Fire in the hole!
17:51Oh my God!
17:52Number 4, Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus.
17:56Captain, I'm picking up a massive underwater disturbance.
17:58The Asylum returns to our list,
18:01this time with the first movie of the series
18:03in which several mutant creatures face each other in a fight to the death.
18:07This first fight was Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus.
18:11The title is quite obvious.
18:21It's not even as ridiculous as later installments,
18:24and it's starring pop singer Tabby Gibson and Renegade's Lorenzo Lamas,
18:30so it's something.
18:31Or not?
18:32Honestly, it's not so bad for fans of shark movies,
18:36but we do recommend that you watch any of them.
18:48Number 3, Ghost Shark.
18:50Ladies and gentlemen, the great white shark.
18:53Nature's perfect killing machine,
18:55until me and my daddy whipped his ass!
19:02Well, at least they made an effort with this one,
19:05because it tries to do something new with an already established genre,
19:08which was not a small thing when it came to TV screens in 2013.
19:12The ghostly effects could have been much worse,
19:15and it seems that most of those involved,
19:17from the cast to the technical team,
19:19try their best to have fun with an absurd premise.
19:23Does the idea of a dead shark chasing the living make sense?
19:27But who cares?
19:28It's made to be enjoyed with friends, drinks and very little critical eye.
19:37Number 2, Sharktopus.
19:40Oh no!
19:42Not like this!
20:09Sharktopus is a shark that has been in the Corman factory for decades of murderous beast movies.
20:19So, is it as fun as its 70s and 80s production?
20:23Well, no.
20:25But it has that something that makes the idea of a hybrid of shark and octopus
20:29much more fun to watch.
20:32Hey, we're not done yet, but almost.
20:35Don't forget to subscribe to our channel
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20:41If you do, you won't be eaten by a shark.
20:44Now, let's go to the end.
20:46Number 1, Sharknado.
20:53Did you know that it had to be in first place?
20:56Sharknado is a shark that has been in the Corman factory for decades of murderous beast movies.
21:00Did you know that it had to be in first place, right?
21:02Of course, there had already been disasters with low-budget sharks
21:06before the release of Sharknado in 2013,
21:09but rarely one had become as popular as this one.
21:13The main media, for one reason or another,
21:16echoed the ridiculous premise of the shark-infested hurricanes
21:20that flooded the city of Los Angeles
21:22and got the movie to be a success.
21:30The series even had 5 sequels,
21:33which is probably more than anyone in Sci-Fi or The Asylum
21:36expected when they gave green light to the development of the movie.
21:40Well done, filmmakers!
21:49And do you agree with our choices?
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