Doremon full episode

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00:00Come on, let's throw away the things we don't need.
00:04And anyway, the storage room needs to be cleaned, right?
00:11Listen, that box is not that heavy.
00:14You just keep on acting.
00:22Both of you come here and help me.
00:24Yes, sure. We'll be right back, mom.
00:31Hey, Nobita!
00:33You don't need this anymore, right?
00:35What? Oh, this inner tube!
00:38This can be used right now.
00:47Doraemon, look! It doesn't have any puncture.
00:52And I won't be able to swim without this.
00:54This is a matter of shame.
00:56Oh, really?
00:58Look, I found something interesting.
01:05What is that?
01:07This is a book that my grandfather wrote for the future generations of our family.
01:12Your grandfather? That means I am his...
01:15You are related to him, Nobita.
01:19What is written in that diary?
01:22I think we wrote it when we were kids.
01:24Yes, we did.
01:25Let's see.
01:2620th May, 1930.
01:28Writer Nobita wrote...
01:32Oh, I see.
01:33I'll tell you what's written in this.
01:3676 years from now...
01:38Oh, this is going to happen soon.
01:42According to what's written in this book,
01:45this is going to happen soon.
01:482006, that means this year.
01:51That year, something terrible is going to fall from the sky.
01:56When that happens,
01:57my future generation will have to dig near that persimmon tree.
02:02Only then can we all survive.
02:06Something is going to fall from the sky?
02:08I wonder what it is.
02:10Look, he wrote this years ago.
02:14What's going to happen under that persimmon tree?
02:17Maybe it's a hidden treasure.
02:20I wish that was the case.
02:22But how can a kid hide a treasure under a tree?
02:25You're absolutely right.
02:28I'll give this book to my grandchildren myself.
02:31Shall we get back to work?
02:33Okay, let's go.
02:34Let's go.
02:36Doremon, let's go to that persimmon tree.
02:43That persimmon tree was here.
02:45Let's dig the ground.
02:47We shouldn't do that.
02:50Why not?
02:51Because your dad and grandpa have never dug it before.
02:55They listened to their elders.
02:57You'll have to do the same.
02:58Okay, but I'm very anxious.
03:01I wonder what's hidden there.
03:03I don't know.
03:10I wonder what's going to happen this year.
03:13What happened in 1930?
03:15We'll have to find out somehow.
03:20Let's go.
03:31I'm so anxious that I can't sleep.
03:34Okay, Nobita.
03:35Let's watch what happened in 1930 on TV.
03:39Please, Doremon.
03:43They buried it on May 20th.
03:46Let's go back a week.
03:50Did your neighborhood look like this?
03:52Yes, exactly.
03:54And look at this.
03:55Your house.
03:56And grandpa Nobikichi.
03:58Why is he staring at the bucket?
04:04Oh, his head!
04:07What now?
04:08He's been in the water for more than a minute.
04:11I hope he doesn't suffocate in the water.
04:15We have to stop him.
04:16Time machine.
04:18Stop, Nobita.
04:20What's going on?
04:22I have a tube.
04:23I'll get it.
04:24I'll get it.
04:25I'll get it.
04:26I'll get it.
04:27I'll get it.
04:28I'll get it.
04:29I'll get it.
04:30I'll get it.
04:31I'll get it.
04:32I'll get it.
04:33I'll get it.
04:34I'll get it.
04:35I didn't have the money for the tube.
04:37So I was practicing holding my breath.
04:39Leave me alone.
04:41A tube?
04:42Practicing holding your breath?
04:44Look, listen.
04:45Don't you ever do this again.
04:47But mom, our teacher told us to...
04:50I think something happened at school.
04:52So let's go back a few days.
04:58Everyone listen carefully.
05:00There's a very serious problem.
05:01Halley's tail can be poisonous.
05:03It could be dangerous for us.
05:05What did you say?
05:10Halley's tail?
05:11Did you hear that?
05:12Is there poison in the tail?
05:13Like a scorpion?
05:16It's said that when the tail passes through the earth...
05:18all the oxygen on the earth will be depleted.
05:22Will be depleted?
05:23What does that mean?
05:24I don't know.
05:25Let's wait and see.
05:34If this is true, everyone will die.
05:36No one will survive.
05:39When Halley's tail comes...
05:40if we hold our breath for five minutes...
05:42we will survive.
05:43Five minutes?
05:46I can hold my breath for a minute.
05:49I can hold it for a minute and a half.
05:51And I...
05:54You can't even hold it for 30 seconds.
06:03Listen, kids.
06:05Go home.
06:06Don't mess around here.
06:08We were just leaving.
06:12Go home.
06:16That inspector is very dangerous.
06:18You'll see.
06:19When I grow up, I'll be a police officer.
06:24I have an idea.
06:25I found a way to escape Halley's tail.
06:27I just have to store the air.
06:30I just have to go to the market...
06:32and buy a bicycle tube.
06:35Did you hear him?
06:36Yes, I heard him.
06:40What are you saying?
06:42We don't even have a bicycle.
06:44Then what's the point of buying a tube?
06:46Halley's tail is going to come because of Halley.
06:48I'm not lying.
06:49This is a matter of the Noby family's life and death, Mom.
06:52Otherwise, we'll all die.
06:54That's the truth.
06:59Let's go.
07:11What's this?
07:13Sorry, Nobita.
07:14We bought all the tubes from the market.
07:18It's good that you're trying to hold your breath now.
07:21Let's go.
07:27Poor old man.
07:28You can find such goons everywhere.
07:30Right, Nobita?
07:39What do I do now?
07:46Nobita, let's give him this.
07:49What is it, Doraemon?
07:50Look at this.
07:53Oh, really?
07:54Let's go.
07:55Let's go to the year 1930.
08:04Nothing can be done now.
08:06My mom and dad won't survive.
08:08No one can escape Halley's tail now.
08:17What's this?
08:23Oh, wow.
08:27I get it.
08:28This is a gift from God.
08:31Mom, we're safe now.
08:32Nothing can happen to us now.
08:33We'll be safe.
08:34Halley is safe now, Mom.
08:35That's great, Nobita.
08:37But grandpa thinks that God saved him.
08:42Because in those days, there were no plastic inner tubes.
09:00What should we do now?
09:02I don't know what Halley is.
09:04But Doraemon, we have to try our best to stop her.
09:07No matter what.
09:08That's a great idea.
09:11I don't know if it will work.
09:13Let's try.
09:29What are you doing?
09:30Aren't you afraid of Halley?
09:32Excuse me, sir.
09:33Where is Halley right now?
09:35Don't you know?
09:36She's over there.
09:38Over there.
09:39I saw her.
09:41What will happen now?
09:58That's a comet.
10:00A comet?
10:03I got it.
10:04In May 1930, Halley's comet came close to Earth.
10:08Nobita, I read this in a book.
10:12That means Halley's comet is Halley's tail.
10:15That's right.
10:16It's Halley's comet, not Halley's tail.
10:18That's it.
10:42Look, there it is.
10:44Is this the comet, Doraemon?
10:49We are right.
10:51Science didn't progress as much as it does now.
10:55That's why people think that Halley's comet is a monster.
10:59That's why people call it Halley's tail.
11:03People thought that the world will end.
11:06That's why everyone was scared.
11:09Now I understand.
11:11This is the secret treasure of my great-grandfather, Nobekichi.
11:31I found the treasure.
11:34I found the treasure.
11:40Whatever it is, this time Halley will leave without harming anyone.
11:44But she will come back after 76 years.
11:47To be ready at that time,
11:49I am leaving this gift of God for my future generations.
11:53Look, this inner tube came back to me.
11:58Look, a comet.
12:04Oh no, it's just a vapor trail, Nobita.
12:08Oh yes, Doraemon.
12:10Nobita, everyone in the world will be able to see Halley's comet after a few years.
12:16Once in every 76 years.
12:19I mean, if it's in my destiny, then once in my life.
12:23Am I right, Doraemon?
12:25Halley's tail.
12:27I am very eager to see it.
12:33Now come on, admit your mistake.
12:35This is the work of one of you.
12:37Someone complained to my mom about my mischief.
12:40Did you do it?
12:41Huh? No, I didn't do it.
12:43Then who did it?
12:45If you know, tell me.
12:47So this is your job, listen.
12:49Don't talk nonsense.
12:51Why would I do that?
12:52You are wrong.
12:53If you didn't do it, then who did all this?
12:57Yes, yes, it could be Nobita.
12:59Or never.
13:00Everyone knows this.
13:02Nobita has a habit of gossiping about others.
13:06So Nobita, this is your job.
13:08This is a lie.
13:09It's not my fault.
13:10Do you understand?
13:11I didn't do anything.
13:12Shut up.
13:13My mom hit me because of you.
13:15Now it's your turn.
13:17I didn't complain.
13:18You are mistaken.
13:19Shut up.
13:20Now you will have to bear my anger.
13:23Stop, Nobita.
13:24You won't escape today.
13:25You will be beaten today.
13:27I didn't do anything.
13:28You are mistaken.
13:30Nobita, remember one thing.
13:32Whenever you come in front of me, you will be beaten badly.
13:38Why do I become the scapegoat every time?
13:42Doraemon, I am very angry.
13:44I am innocent.
13:48Do something, Doraemon.
13:52Are you listening to me, Doraemon?
13:54Why don't you say something?
13:55Say something.
13:57What is happening?
14:00Hi, my clay robot.
14:01Thank you for taking care of my Dora cakes.
14:04Doraemon, what is this?
14:07See for yourself, Nobita.
14:11It's gone.
14:15What do you think?
14:16It's nice, isn't it?
14:17But what is this?
14:18This is called a reverse camera.
14:20It's not like other cameras.
14:22We shoot after loading the picture.
14:25What did you do first?
14:26First, I loaded a picture in this camera.
14:29And I made an image.
14:31It was looking real.
14:36All my work is done.
14:38Now, I will eat Dora cakes.
14:40Doraemon, I am in trouble.
14:43You are in trouble again.
14:46Yes, I am in trouble.
14:47Very badly.
14:50I am innocent.
14:52I am innocent.
14:54What? You are innocent?
14:56This is very wrong.
14:58You are not a clay robot, Nobita.
15:00You are right.
15:01It's true that you don't do your homework.
15:03And you are not good at sports as well.
15:05But you can't do such things.
15:09Whoever complained about Jiyan.
15:11But Sunio shouldn't have blamed you like this.
15:15Jiyan shouldn't have behaved like this with you.
15:18She has no right.
15:19After all, she did the mischief.
15:21Let's teach her a lesson with this camera.
15:24But what will we do with this camera?
15:29Nobita, now listen to me carefully.
15:31Take out your photos from this album.
15:35Should I take out my photos?
15:41But Doraemon.
15:43But Doraemon, tell me.
15:44What will we do with those photos?
15:46Just wait and watch.
15:47Jiyan is in the park right now.
15:53There is no one here.
15:54Maybe everyone has gone to their homes.
15:56We have no other option.
15:58We have to find him.
16:03Look, there he is.
16:04He is reading a comic book.
16:07Let's set this photo.
16:13Jiyan, please catch me.
16:19Nobita, you are not safe today.
16:21I won't spare you today.
16:26Where did he go?
16:35Doraemon, I think Jiyan is trapped.
16:39Now it's Sunio's turn.
16:45What a beautiful girl.
16:47Is she Sumire Hoshino?
16:50Give me an autograph.
16:52Where did you go?
16:53It's strange.
16:54She was right here.
16:55Now I don't know where she went.
16:57Sunio, why did you go out without wearing your shoes?
17:01Mom, did you see Sumire Hoshino here?
17:04I saw her right here.
17:06Sumire Hoshino?
17:07Who is she?
17:08She is a big superstar.
17:11She is a superstar.
17:12Where is she?
17:13Where is she?
17:14Tell me, Sunio.
17:15Tell me quickly.
17:16Where is she?
17:17Tell me quickly.
17:18Calm down, mom.
17:19She is not her.
17:20I copied Sumire Hoshino's photo.
17:28Hey, Sunio.
17:29Did you see Nobita?
17:30Forget Nobita.
17:31Jiyan, did you see Sumire?
17:33She is a big superstar.
17:37You mean Sumire Hoshino?
17:39She was in my house a while ago.
17:42What did you say?
17:43Sumire was here?
17:44I am telling the truth.
17:45But she left before taking her autograph.
17:48I wish what you said is true.
17:51I am also a big fan of hers.
17:53Let's go and find her together.
17:55She must not have gone far.
17:57Come in front of me quickly, Sumire.
18:00Sumire, where are you?
18:02Where are you, Sumire?
18:04I am here.
18:05I am waiting for you.
18:09This is strange.
18:10Where did she go?
18:14Jiyan, Sunio.
18:15What are you doing here?
18:17Shizuka, did you see Sumire Hoshino around here?
18:21Are you talking about Sumire Hoshino?
18:24As far as I know, she must be shooting a film abroad.
18:30She is a very busy superstar.
18:32How can she come here?
18:34Try to understand.
18:36Sunio, did you lie to me?
18:44Look at Sunio.
18:45Let's go.
18:46We have to teach Sunio a lesson.
18:48Jiyan always beats me up.
18:54Nobita is here.
18:56Jiyan, this way.
18:57He is at someone's house.
18:58Come quickly.
19:02He is not here.
19:03He is not here.
19:04He must be hiding here.
19:05Are you sure?
19:09Hey, Nobita.
19:12What are you doing here?
19:14I was just...
19:16Tell me.
19:17How did you dare to wear shoes and come to my house?
19:19Tell me.
19:20I don't have shoes.
19:22How dare you?
19:24But Jiyan, I saw him here.
19:26Shut up.
19:27Hurry up and find Nobita.
19:33Sunio, I am here.
19:39Oh, so Nobita is here.
19:42Sunio, did you see him properly?
19:44Yes, Jiyan.
19:54How did Nobita climb such a tall tree?
19:57He was never so strong.
20:04Did you see?
20:05He was right there.
20:06Did you beat him up?
20:11I will never believe you again.
20:16Now it's Jiyan's turn.
20:19Hey, Jiyan.
20:22What are you doing?
20:25Nobita, I won't spare you.
20:28What's happening?
20:30What's happening?
20:33What are you doing?
20:35I am here.
20:38You naughty boy.
20:45Where did he go?
20:46What's the matter?
20:47I am here.
20:48Catch me.
20:49Oh, no.
20:50I am blind.
20:51I can't see him.
20:53I will catch you.
20:59What have I done?
21:01Mr. Jiyan.
21:02I was shocked to see you.
21:04Why were you following me?
21:06Tell me.
21:07Please forgive me.
21:09We did it.
21:11Jiyan accepted his defeat.
21:13You will see.
21:14Jiyan will be calm for a long time.
21:17From tomorrow, he will be in school for a week.
