مسلسل احببتك مرة الحلقة 36 السادسة والثلاثون مدبلج HD

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مسلسل احببتك مرة الحلقة 36 السادسة والثلاثون مدبلج HD


00:00Seven years in the basement
00:20Where are you going?
00:22You haven't recovered yet
00:24Leave me alone
00:26Where are you going?
00:28Stay with him
00:50This is a nightmare
00:53This is impossible
00:59Who told you to do this?
01:02Tell me, who told you?
01:07Leave my hand, Ozan
01:09I didn't say anything but the truth
01:14I want to break up
01:17We were going to get married yesterday
01:20Even though you wore the ring
01:23Why are you doing this? Why?
01:27Don't ask me anything
01:29I don't want anything from you
01:34Look into my eyes
01:40Answer me honestly
01:44Don't you love me, Aslim?
01:57Listen to me carefully
01:59We have to sort this out
02:01Did they take something from us or is the girl making fun of us?
02:05Excuse me, brother, the girl's name is Elul
02:08I don't care
02:18I only care that I don't see her father's face again
02:22Do you understand?
02:24Go and sort this out today
02:36Come on, Aslim
02:39Look into my eyes and tell me
02:42I want to see you tell me
02:45Come on
02:50You can't do this
02:54Because you still love me
02:57As much as I love you
03:01I beg you, Aslim
03:04Why are you crying?
03:07What are you hiding from me?
03:11Is someone threatening you?
03:13Is there something you're afraid of?
03:16Tell me
03:25We can say that I've given up
03:27You broke our agreement
03:29That's why we broke up
03:50They were preparing for Ozan's surgery
03:53Go after that girl and stop hiding
04:11Ozan, go to your room
04:14I'm telling you, we broke up
04:17We broke up
04:18Everything between us is over
04:20I simply stopped loving you
04:22I can't go on
04:23What happened between us was temporary
04:25I wanted you to be more attached to me
04:27Why don't you understand?
04:29We broke up
04:30I want to go back to Azmir and relax
04:32I'm a human being, don't you understand?
04:35Don't be mad at me, Aslim
04:39I know you love me a lot
04:45I'm sure
04:47Don't you have any dignity?
04:49I'm telling you, enough!
04:50Why don't you understand?
04:52I don't want you anymore
04:54We broke up
04:55Do you understand?
05:11Let's go, darling
05:19Let's go
05:35Now you're in my hands, darling
05:37You're mine now, Aslim
05:40Ozan won't stay in your life
05:42I love you
05:48You're going now
05:49Make sure there are no witnesses
05:52And just make sure
05:54We're going to win
06:00Yes, Elul
06:03I'm with dad
06:10Call me when you're ready
06:11I'll pick you up
06:21It won't take long
06:26See you
06:42Hello, Nermin?
06:45I'm fine
06:47How are you?
06:49Do you see how time flies?
06:53How are you?
06:54I hope you're doing well
06:57Why are you so angry?
06:58It's not fair to ask about them
07:06Oh, she hung up
07:09Oh, she hung up on me
07:14I think she wants to keep me away
07:16I'm going to make Koray marry Elul
07:18And tell him the truth
07:20And as long as Elul is Adnan's daughter
07:22Koray will be his son-in-law
07:31You'll be fine
07:33Don't worry
07:34We're all waiting for you to recover
07:52As long as you're fine, my love
07:55And as long as the danger is far from you
07:58I'll keep smiling for you
08:00And hide all my feelings inside my heart
08:03As long as I know you're alive
08:05I'll never mention your name again
08:07So you'll always be fine
08:10And you'll always see this world with your beautiful eyes
08:13Because I know you're fine
08:15And you're seeing the same sky that I'm seeing
08:19I'll keep you alive inside me
08:21Without anyone knowing the truth, Ozan
08:25You can hate me as much as you want
08:28Because I'll disappear
08:30For you
08:35For you
09:00Elul, what are you doing?
09:02Why is the room so dark? What's going on?
09:05Mom, look
09:07Giz told me he's going to introduce me to his father
09:10What? Are you serious?
09:13Why don't they come and shake your hand?
09:16No, it's too early for that
09:18He's going to introduce me to his father
09:21Do you see how white his heart is?
09:24He introduced us to each other
09:26And now he wants to introduce you to his father
09:29He wants to introduce you to his father?
09:31I'm sure he's going to marry you
09:34Mom, do you think he's going to like me?
09:37Maybe he won't
09:39Why not?
09:41You're both so beautiful
09:43And you know what you want
09:45And you're so talented
09:47That's why he'll like you
09:49I don't know
09:50Don't forget, Giz studies at the university
09:52And I don't
09:54Maybe he won't like this
09:57Look, dear
09:58Next year, when we win the case
10:00You'll enroll at the university and become like him
10:02Tell him that
10:04Tell him you're going to the university too
10:06If his father, Giz, has a kind heart like his son
10:09He'll understand
10:11Don't worry
10:12I hope so, mom
10:15What's wrong? Is it sweet?
10:18No, dear, it's not sweet
10:27And just so you know
10:29We're both going to win
10:34Hello, son
10:35Hello, brother
10:37Come in
10:43Son, don't you understand what you're saying?
10:45How come you don't know that I'm rich?
10:47Dad, you don't know
10:48I couldn't tell him
10:50I don't know
10:51I don't know
10:52I don't know
10:53I don't know
10:54I couldn't tell him
10:57You lied to me the first time we met
10:59And the lie grew bigger and bigger
11:01And what happened, happened
11:04Dad, honestly, I'm tired
11:06I'm going to tell the truth today
11:08Look, son
11:15I could understand if you were lying
11:17And saying that you're rich and that you're actually poor
11:20But don't forget that you're Adnan Beg's son
11:23And girls these days only think about money
11:26And they like to see a strong young man with influence
11:29Son, explain to me why you did that
11:32Dad, she's not like the other girls we've seen
11:36She doesn't care about money or appearances
11:39There's nothing she cares about but love
11:41And honesty, of course
11:43Look, dad
11:44She has a white heart and she's very kind
11:46In short, she's the best person you can meet in your life
11:49How are you?
11:51You look like you fell and no one heard you
11:55I made a reservation at our restaurant
11:58I prepared a nice table for you
12:01I don't want you to be shy in front of your bride
12:04Come on, don't be late
12:06Thank you, dad
12:19Thank you
12:39Take care of me, doctor
12:41Please don't hide anything from me
12:43The operation was a success
12:44Both of them are fine, don't worry
12:47Thank God
12:48Thank God
12:50Thank you so much, God
12:52Bless you and may God make you as happy as He made me
12:55Now we can rest
12:57Thank God you're safe, Jolita
12:59God bless you, Tariq
13:01And thank you so much
13:04I won't forget what you did for us
13:07You couldn't accept Barchin's decision
13:09And you tried to stop him because you're his father
13:12That's why we're grateful to you
13:15Anyone would have done the same thing
13:50What are you doing here?
13:52Do you still want to come here?
13:57Tell me, what do you want from us?
14:00Let's get out of here
14:02Barchin has his word
14:04Leave us alone
14:06I don't care
14:08I don't care
14:10I don't care
14:12I don't care
14:13Barchin has his word
14:15Have some dignity and keep your promise
14:18Get out of here
14:20Get out
14:22I don't want to see you here anymore
14:23I don't want to see you here anymore
14:43Oh my God
14:45Everything is going as I planned
14:48I think my plan is going to work
14:53I think my plan is going to work
14:57Look, don't worry and behave
15:00And whatever happens, don't worry
15:02And don't get upset for any reason
15:04And we're not afraid of you
15:06Elul, do you remember what his father's name was?
15:09I don't know, I didn't ask him
15:12My daughter, you don't have to go empty-handed
15:15Take these and buy something on your way
15:18Don't worry, I have money, mom
15:20Okay, my daughter
15:22May God send you good luck
15:25Send my regards to Giz
15:32My brother Yashar
15:34You're going to be in court next week for sure
15:37Look, look
15:39He's going to score
15:41Look, look, look
15:44Well done
15:46Very nice
15:48I'm going to court, my brother Yashar
15:49You've been talking about court since you came
15:52We understand now
15:54By God's will, we're going to win for sure
15:56Fate always stands with the good people
15:59Of course, you're right, brother Yashar
16:01But why are you so sure?
16:03Did you bring someone to testify with us?
16:05Those guys
16:07Well done
16:20Adnan's daughter
16:23Has become Yashar's daughter
16:27And Yashar's son has become Adnan's son
16:32You know what Alul will do
16:34When she finds out that Adnan Beg is her father
16:37By God, this mess is going to be very rich
16:41And my son is going to be rich too
16:43And he's going to be the breadwinner for his children
16:45And he's going to be the breadwinner for his children
16:47And he's going to be the breadwinner for his children
16:50And Yashar Beg
16:52Is going to welcome Adnan's son
17:04What's this?
17:06He's still running after her
17:08I hope he finds you
17:18Thank God, you're safe
17:21This is a nightmare
17:24And now it's over
17:27Thank God, you're back safe and sound
17:30Oh my soul
17:38I'm here
18:09I won't let her get close to you again
18:12As long as I live, my son
18:27Are you Mneha?
18:36Ozan is Mneha
18:38And that's enough for me
18:44Aslim, but you
18:47You left Ozan for him, didn't you?
18:49Or am I wrong?
18:52You're right
18:53We left him
18:57In my opinion
19:01Go somewhere far away from here
19:03Get some rest
19:06You're right
19:09This is the best solution
19:12I can't see Ozan in this state
19:17I have to go away
19:19This will be better for me and everyone
19:27What about your mother?
19:30What will you say to her?
19:31I don't know
19:35I have an old friend who lives in Kazmir
19:38I'll go there
19:40I want to rest for a few days
19:44Then I'll decide what to do
19:49Well, if you don't mind
19:51Can I talk to your mother if there's no problem?
19:54Maybe I can help you convince her
19:57I don't know
19:59Maybe I can help you convince her
20:02Are you serious?
20:04Are you willing to do this for me?
20:06Come with me
20:14Doctor, how is she?
20:16She's fine
20:18She'll regain consciousness soon
20:20Thank you, doctor
20:24Tariq, I'm going to get something to eat
20:26I'm going to get something to eat
20:28I'm going to get something to eat
20:41Excuse me, doctor
20:43Can I talk to you for a minute?
20:50Tell me, how is my daughter?
20:52She's fine, ma'am
20:53She's just under the effect of anesthesia
20:55We transferred her from the infirmary to the OR
20:57And we're trying to make it look like she's under anesthesia
21:00We gave her a light anesthesia
21:02And everything is fine, God willing
21:04That's great
21:06This is what I expected from you
21:08Here you go
21:10You really deserve it
21:12Thank you, God willing
21:15We're done with this
21:17I promise I'll make your life a living hell, Eslim
21:21I'll show you
21:23You and your mother
21:30I'm sorry, I was going to leave
21:32But we have guests
21:34And I want to make them two cups of coffee
21:36Don't worry about me
21:38I'll wait for you
21:42Why haven't you left yet?
21:44You're going to be late
21:46Didn't you hear my aunt?
21:48I insisted on making her coffee
21:50Yes, Sharbek, about the court
21:53I hope you got the evidence
21:56What court, son?
21:59Excuse me, Sharbek
22:01Of course, they told me you're bored at home
22:04So, why don't you go out with Koura and change the mood?
22:07Look, my beautiful daughter
22:09I can't believe you're making coffee with a bride
22:13God bless you
22:15You make me so happy, my daughter
22:17Thank you, aunt
22:19Where's dad now?
22:21He's gone
22:23Where's Kheirla?
22:25She's at work
22:27They called from the cafe and told her not to come
22:30Oh, and the blond guy who works at the cafe?
22:35Do you know this guy, Sharbek?
22:39Yes, he's here to pick her up
22:41He's Elul's best friend
22:43And he's a nice guy
22:45He introduced us to each other
22:47So, I'm not afraid of him
22:49What are you talking about, Sharbek?
22:51I mean, there's a stranger at your door
22:54And on top of that, he's not a fiancé
22:56And you want to let him go with her?
22:58What will people say?
23:00I don't care what they say
23:02I trust my daughter
23:05Come on, my daughter
23:07You're going to be late
23:12The girl left and your job is outside the court
23:42I don't know yet
23:45I'm working on it
23:47I just want to know what's going on
23:50What is this, my love?
23:52What do you mean you broke up with Ozan?
23:55You're doing all this for him
23:57You already faced death for him
23:59Why did you do this to me now?
24:05It's over, mom
24:07This is what happened
24:09I found out that I don't love him
24:11Oh, my God
24:13You found out what?
24:15What do you mean you don't love him?
24:16You don't love him?
24:18My daughter
24:20Look at me
24:22Are you in trouble?
24:24Is there someone threatening you or scaring you?
24:31Now I know
24:33This is Jolida, ma'am
24:35She's definitely scaring you
24:37I'm going to talk to her
24:39Mom, wait
24:41It's not like that
24:43So what?
24:44Are you threatening me?
24:46Or are you afraid of something?
24:48Are you afraid that he's going to destroy us if you don't leave Ozan?
24:51No, no, calm down, ma'am
24:53There's nothing like that, calm down
24:55Please calm down
25:04Look, Mr. Fateh
25:06Aslim loves you a lot
25:08And she trusts you
25:10And she always praises you
25:12But, my daughter
25:14You love Ozan so much
25:17I can tell that from her eyes
25:20And now you want to believe that we broke up?
25:23Tell me, my daughter, what happened?
25:35You love someone else
25:42No, I'm sorry
25:44I don't want you to get me wrong
25:46Or think that I know something and I'm hiding it
25:48But young people these days
25:50They fall in love one day and forget about the next
25:53It happens to anyone
25:56Please don't be mad at me
26:03No, that's impossible
26:05I'm not mad at you
26:07I'm not mad at you
26:08No, that's impossible
26:10I don't understand anything about Maria
26:17Mom, there's something else
26:20What is it?
26:22I need to be alone for a while
26:24I want to go to Izmir for two days
26:38Thank God you're safe
26:40You saved Ozan
26:42So don't worry
26:44Mom, what about Lily?
26:46Is she still with us?
26:52Don't tire yourself, my love
26:56Ozan has no other choice
26:59Ozan has no other choice but to love me
27:02Bersheen, your father is here
27:05Don't talk and tire yourself
27:07Don't think about these things
27:09You just need to relax and get better
27:11Okay, my love?
27:16Oh, you
27:20You can't let your daughter do something like that
27:25Because my daughter learned from her mother
27:27Don't lecture me, Tariq
27:29It's not the time for that
27:36Okay, I'll let you go
27:39But please, Mr. Fateh
27:41For your studies and for your job
27:44You study and write for your job
27:46And you have a friend
27:48Take care of yourself
27:50Send my regards to Noor, okay?
27:52Noor has been her friend since she was a child
27:54She's the best
27:56Don't take too long
27:58I'll miss you so much
28:06Calm down, my dear
28:08Calm down
28:10Why are you so sad and crying?
28:12Where are you going?
28:14They'll be back in a few days
28:17It's true that it's only for a few days
28:21Aslim and her daughter are going to win
28:23I'm so sad that she's going to leave you
28:26You're right
28:29But I have to go
28:32I have to go
28:34That's better
28:37They'll be back in a few days
28:39And I'll miss you so much
28:56It's cold out there
28:58So dress warmly, okay?
29:00And let me know when you get there
29:02Okay, Mom
29:21Excuse me, Madam
29:29Honestly, before I go
29:31There's someone I have to see
29:34I can't leave without saying goodbye to Ozan
29:56What a beautiful view
30:00You're the best, Koray
30:02You're the king now
30:04And now I have to go celebrate
30:10Yes, Adnan Bek
30:12How can I help you?
30:14No need to praise me now
30:16How are you?
30:18Don't worry, I'm fine
30:20I'll know when it's time
30:22Don't make me regret
30:24I want to know everything about Yashar
30:26And who his witnesses are
30:27That's what I want to know
30:37What do we do if Yashar had a witness?
30:43We'll teach Yashar a lesson he'll never forget
30:48And we'll take his daughter if we have to
30:57Let's go
31:05Why should we take a gift for your father?
31:08There's no need to take anything
31:10No, my love, we can't leave empty-handed
31:14Wait, what did you say?
31:17I said we shouldn't leave empty-handed, right?
31:22Did you say something else?
31:24Like you said, my love?
31:27You're mistaken, I didn't say anything like that
31:30I'm not mistaken, I said my love
31:32But I didn't hear it properly
31:34Can you repeat it?
31:38My love
31:40Excuse me?
31:42My love
31:43My love
31:56Our son, Giz, is full of love and passion
32:00Even his eyes sparkle when he talks about this girl
32:04Does that mean he's getting married soon?
32:06If this girl is from a good family, why not?
32:09Once we get to know her, we'll make her the best wedding
32:11Giz, what happened to the court case?
32:14I'm still looking for it
32:16As far as I understand, the poor man's client has witnesses
32:20That's what his daughter said
32:22He's holding me by the hand that hurts me
32:25But I'm going to end it
32:27If he really had witnesses
32:29I'm going to destroy his family, starting with his daughter
32:32And I'm not going to leave anything for him
32:34Oh, Mashallah
32:36May God protect you
32:38May God protect my son
32:41My love, Nooran
32:43May God protect my son
32:45He's a very respectable man
32:48Yashar wanted a boy at first
32:51Do you know what we were thinking?
32:54A boy?
32:57I don't know
32:59I don't know
33:01I don't know
33:04Please, help me Radia, please
33:09For God's sake, help me
33:11Take this girl and replace her with a boy, God willing
33:18Radia, give me your hand
33:22Yes, give it to him
33:26Yashar, the lawyer is in the courtroom
33:29I'm dying of curiosity, what now?
33:31I'm going to drink water and come back
33:44Don't talk about the court
33:46You're going to lose the girl
33:48Isn't this boy enough?
33:50He took Aylul and ran away
33:52You want to marry Aylul?
33:54What about the money?
33:56If you want to get the money, you're going to get the girl and marry her
33:58Did you forget that her father is a millionaire?
34:00What do you mean a millionaire?
34:01That's enough
34:03This man is going to get nothing but compensation
34:05How can he be a millionaire?
34:07That's enough, it's not important now
34:10Don't take Aylul away from me
34:12Don't worry, okay?
34:14This girl is going to be my wife in the end
34:16You'll see her tomorrow
34:18That's enough, mom, leave me alone
34:20I'll explain to you why the court case is important
34:28Wait, Aslim
34:29You're going to make a scene
34:31I'm not going anywhere until I see Ozan
34:35I have to see him before he wakes up
34:37So he doesn't know I'm here
34:40I don't care what he says
34:42I can't leave without seeing him
35:00Okay, you can go now
35:02But don't take too long
35:04Okay, thank you so much
35:18And this is what's going to happen to me when I get out of here
35:21I'm not going anywhere
35:23I'm not going anywhere
35:25I'm not going anywhere
35:27And this is what's going to happen to me when I get out of here
35:32I didn't leave anyone around you to help you
35:37Neither your mom, nor Ozan
35:40You simply
35:44Became under my control
35:48Ozan stole everything from me
35:52And now it's my turn
35:57I'm going to take you first
36:02And then I'll show you
36:10It seems like you're not feeling well
36:16It seems like you're sleeping and dreaming
36:27I love you
36:31I love you so much
36:57I'll always love you
36:59Like I know you
37:02I lied to you so many times
37:07Forgive me
37:15I never denied your love
37:17And I never wanted to leave you
37:20But you have to know that
37:21I know that
37:26Barshina made a deal with me
37:32So that I can save your life, my soul
37:36I had to agree to her request
37:39She wouldn't have given you everything
37:43If I didn't want to leave you
37:48But I don't want to leave you
37:52I don't want to be away from you
38:05But Tafiq is going to be
38:07Gone from here
38:12But you are in my heart wherever I go
38:16Remember this
38:21I love you
38:29Welcome, how can I help you?
38:31Can you show me this?
38:33Of course
38:35Here you go
38:39Take your time, I'll be back in a bit
38:41Thank you
38:43Gis, your father will love this
38:48But it's too expensive
38:49It's too expensive
38:51Don't say that Fadi, tell me do you like it or not?
38:54As long as it's from you, he'll love it
38:56Are you serious?
38:58Gis, I'm so excited to meet your father
39:01I'm sure he'll be as kind as you
39:03And he'll be a great man and a great father
39:06Because he raised you this way
39:08Does he look like you?
39:10Or is all this beauty coming from your mother?
39:14He's excited to meet you
39:16Nice to meet you
39:18Today is my birthday
39:23Your mother is very dear to me
39:25More than you can imagine
39:27And my family knows this
39:29Trust me
39:40Come here
39:43What's all this?
39:46Go fix the eggplant
39:48I told you I was coming to the restaurant
39:51I want everything to be perfect
39:53This girl chose my son, that's why she cares about me
39:56Don't embarrass me in front of her
40:03Look Nooran, tell me what happened today?
40:06Today is my birthday
40:08I saw an old woman who fell in the street
40:10So I went to help her and she kept holding her hand
40:13I wish you were here to see how thankful she was
40:16And how happy she was
40:18You know Nooran, I was lucky to have a good son
40:23God bless you
40:25And by the way, he's very smart
40:27I'm not kidding
40:29He learned to read when he was 5
40:31Yes, you told me the story
40:33You even told me to let him start studying from the 2nd grade
40:38My son is very smart, smart and open-minded
40:39One day, Al-Asya called us from his school
40:42And she said, Radia, your son is very smart for his generation
40:47Let's send him to the school with the top students
40:51Radia, my dear
40:53Didn't Koray leave school?
40:55He left school before he finished his education
40:57And now you're saying he's very smart and successful?
41:00What's with this story, Nooran?
41:02What's all this?
41:04What am I saying and what are you saying?
41:05My son is very smart and special compared to the others
41:11I hope you fixed it
41:13I'm fixing it, brother
41:17I got a new one
41:22What did you do, Shahar?
41:24I've been fixing it for an hour
41:27I'll fix it later
41:29Let me go help the workers
41:32Shahar, wait
41:33Shahar, wait for the workers
41:36Don't tire yourself
41:38You have important things to do, like the court
41:40It's almost time and we have to go
41:42There's no need, my son
41:44It's solved
41:48I have a strong witness who will win this case
41:50He will be with us in court
41:52Adnan Baik will be punished
41:54He will be imprisoned
41:56If you'll excuse me, my son
42:01Let's see how much Adnan Baik will pay
42:05I'll bury the poor man
42:11Forgive me, my love
42:18You're the person I love the most in my life
42:26You're my first love
42:32You're everything to me
42:35You're my love
42:40But I have to leave you
42:46So you can live, Ozan
42:51Live on, my love
42:54As long as you're well
42:57I'll be well
43:01I'll be well
43:07Aslim, we have to go
43:09Mrs. Jolida will be here soon
43:20I don't want to leave you, my love
43:24But I have to
43:25I want to leave
43:30I want to leave
43:40I can't take my eyes off you
43:46Nor can I take my hands off you
44:26This has to happen, Ozan
44:29I made a deal with the devil so you can live
44:34She asked me to kill my feelings
44:37To leave you
44:40Or my love for you
44:42And I chose you
44:45I'll always love you
45:03Why don't we buy some flowers?
45:06There's no need
45:08We already got a gift
45:10No, I think the flowers are prettier
45:12My husband will like them more
45:20What do you think? Are they pretty?
45:23We're back, Bek
45:25What happened? Are you looking after the girl?
45:27Yes, Bek. I'm looking after her
45:29But there's a guy with her
45:31He's standing next to her
45:33Wait till I tell you
45:35When am I going to tell you to get rid of her?
45:37I've heard a lot about you, but I haven't gotten to know you
45:39So finish your job
45:41And you'll get the best reward
45:43As you wish, Bek
45:52Slowly, slowly
45:54Don't fall on the ground
45:56There was no need
45:58I could have pulled her myself
46:00No, Nooran, what are you talking about?
46:02Koray is here with us
46:04And my son loves helping people
46:07Didn't I tell you how he helped that woman
46:10Who fell in the street that day?
46:12You told me, Radia
46:15Well done, son
46:18Excuse me, but this is an important call
46:21And I have to answer it
46:26Why did you call me?
46:28Yes, Adnan Bek
46:30I'm at Yashar's house right now
46:32We thought the girl was the one who called
46:35But it was someone else
46:37What do you mean?
46:39I mean, Adnan Bek
46:40Adnan Bek, I made sure of it from Yashar himself
46:43That he has witnesses
46:45A lot for this case
46:47I mean, he's sure he's going to win the trial
46:50What are you talking about?
46:52Are you making fun of me?
46:54Who do you think you are?
46:56What do you mean he's going to win the case?
46:58If anyone can win this case, it's either me or an animal
47:01Do you understand?
47:06This guy is really crazy
47:07He's really crazy
47:10Gis, I'm so excited
47:12And I believe I'm going to meet your father
47:14Are you sure he's as excited as you are?
47:16Aylul, what do you think we should take a taxi?
47:19No, there's no need for you to stop the buses
47:21Come on, let's go
47:23I'll get a bus right now
47:28Honestly, there's something I want to tell you
47:31I wanted to let her see my father, but...
47:38It's like you had a heart attack here
47:41No, it's nothing
47:43You can tell me later, it's okay
47:45Come on, let's go
48:04Yes, we have a problem
48:06Yes, we have a problem
48:08You're going to kill her now
48:10The girl's name is Aylul or something like that
48:12Hit her in the car and finish her
48:14Whether she dies or is removed, it's not a problem
48:16The important thing is to hurt her
48:18And let her father take care of her and leave me alone
48:20But the guy is still with her
48:22And if I have to, hit him in the head
48:24Don't hesitate for any reason
48:26This is the poor girl who has to die today, you hear me?
48:53My love
48:55You finally opened your eyes, my soul
48:58Are you okay?
49:01Call the doctor
49:03Are you in pain?
49:08Calm down
49:10Calm down, Ozan
49:11You can't get up
49:15But I don't want to leave you
49:18I don't want to be away from you
49:23But you can, I'll be gone
49:26But you will stay in my heart
49:30Where is Aslim?
49:32I want to talk to Aslim, where is Aslim?
49:34Ozan, no
49:36You don't have to get up from the bed
49:38Ozan, answer your mother
49:40You can't get up
49:41Leave me alone
49:46Aslim is gone
49:49She left you
49:51And everyone saw it
49:53And you are tired and you don't have to get up for any reason
49:58I know
50:00I know the truth
50:04You have blood poisoning
50:07And your kidneys are very tired
50:10If we didn't secure the donor
50:13You would have died and we would have lost you, my son
50:16She was here
50:18Aslim was here
50:20Not long ago
50:23I have to find her
50:41Look, Ozan
50:44This is the person who saved your life
50:53You depend on her in your life
51:09Thank God you are safe
51:19My uncle
51:20My aunt Nooran
51:22Yes, Loul
51:24You taught me to love my family
51:28And what is commitment
51:31You made me feel commitment for the first time in my life
51:35You are the first people in my life, other than my mother
51:39I can trust you
51:41And make you feel safe
51:43You opened your house to me
51:45And you helped me with everything
51:47And now I can't leave you in a way you deserve
51:51I won't forget what you did for me
51:54And your kindness with me all my life
51:57And for you, Loul
51:58And for you, Loul
52:04You are the kindest and most beautiful person I have ever met
52:07I hope nothing separates you
52:09For the last day of my life
52:11And from the bottom of my heart
52:14I only wish you all the best
52:16I hope you stay together
52:18And live happily
52:21It's like he's in love with the bus, isn't it?
52:23Yes, it's always like that
52:24Whoever listens to you says you have a car
52:29Hello, dad
52:31Where have you been, son?
52:33I've been looking for you
52:35Come, let me see you
52:36I missed you, dad
52:38We bought you a gift, dad
52:39And Loul got you a rose as well
52:41What a beautiful flower
52:43I've been loving it ever since
52:45Where have you been?
52:47Not long, dad
52:49Okay, we'll be there soon
52:51What did your father say?
52:53He's more excited than you
52:54He can't wait
52:56Let's hurry up and see him
53:10The girl's name is Ayloul or something like that
53:12You hit her in the car and get rid of her
53:29I thank you so much
53:30For this great sacrifice, Barchin
53:34I couldn't have seen you die
53:36And I couldn't have done it, Oza
53:39We've been friends for a long time
53:41Anyone else would have done the same
53:45Thank God your two daughters are safe
53:48Thank God
53:53The patient needs rest
53:55One can stay
53:56And the rest can leave
53:57Yes, ma'am
54:00Let her sleep
54:05Barchin might get upset
54:07I need to talk to her about something important
54:11Of course, son
54:12Talk to her as much as you want
54:13I'll be back in a bit
54:29Let's see, what do you want to talk about?
54:32Look, don't thank me again, okay?
54:38Do you know where Aslim is?
54:44Is this what you wanted to talk to me about?
54:49I want to talk to you about something
54:52What is it?
54:54Is this what you wanted to talk to me about?
54:59Listen, Ozan
55:00Answer me, do you know me or not?
55:03I heard what Aslim told you before you left
55:06I'm really sorry
55:08I told her not to go
55:09And I begged her
55:11At least she wouldn't leave you like this
55:13But she didn't answer
55:16Everything was fine
55:18Then everything changed and turned upside down
55:23She wasn't together at all
55:26But there must be a reason for her actions
55:31Honestly, yes
55:33There is a reason for her actions
55:36What is it?
55:44We're here
55:45Wait, Giz
55:47I'm so excited and nervous
55:48I feel like my whole body is shaking
55:50I feel like my heart is going to stop
55:54I'm so excited and nervous
55:58Take a deep breath now
56:02Listen to me
56:03Dad is going to love you a lot
56:05I'm sure of it
56:06Because he knows how much I love you
56:11Come on
56:12Come on
56:24I don't think we should talk about this now
56:27I mean, there are things you shouldn't know at all
56:30To be clear
56:32It's better for you to remember the old Aslim
56:36Don't talk nonsense, Barshin
56:38Tell me what you know
56:45Aslim did a blood test as well
56:48To see if her blood matches your blood for the donation
56:53She can give you her key
56:55But she asked us not to tell anyone
56:57Because she was so scared of the operation
57:01That's why she decided to leave you and leave you alone
57:07I mean, I asked her if it's possible for Ozan to die like that
57:10But she didn't answer
57:16Aslim, don't do this
57:18You're lying
57:19It's your right not to believe me
57:21How could you know she's that kind of person?
57:24I also didn't believe it at first
57:28But unfortunately, this is the truth
57:30She left you in a difficult situation
57:33She ran away without saying anything
57:36Her love was all a lie
57:38Now it's gone
57:42I assure you, no one will ever mention her name to you again
57:46What's important now is you
57:51You can rest now and I'll leave
58:02She's lying
58:13She's lying
58:24She's lying
58:36You're the only one who's lying
58:38You're all lying to me
