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00:00I've got a costume box. Who's going to play the grown-ups' game?
00:05What kind of costume are we going to wear?
00:07You can wear whatever you want.
00:15Let's do one thing. Let's play a game where whoever wears the best costume of the grown-ups, wins.
00:21There can't be a better dress than this. I'm a firefighter.
00:27Lola, what's the matter? I want to do the same.
00:31What's the matter, friends?
00:33This is a cowboy box. I want to be a cowboy, too.
00:38I'm a magician.
00:41I'm a joker.
00:47I'm a lion tamer.
00:50I'm an astronaut.
00:52I'm a car cleaner.
00:54I'm a woodcutter.
00:55I'm an aerobics instructor.
00:56I'm a paper maker.
00:57I'm a car race driver.
00:59I'm a cowboy king.
01:00Hey, Sylvester, don't you want to play with us?
01:03No, I'm not getting a good job.
01:07You'll get one.
01:08Yes, you'll get a good job, too.
01:18Really? Okay, I'll give it to you.
01:22No, no, no.
01:28I got it. I'm a fast food vendor.
01:32Think about it. I'll be selling burgers all day long.
01:38I'll make people wait, and then I'll give them a break.
01:42It'll be so much fun.
01:44I don't know how to do that.
01:48Yes, it's best to take money from everyone.
01:51Make french fries, too.
01:53And give children beautiful toys for free.
01:59Okay, Daffy, what have you become?
02:01Diaper Jack. Superhero. Superman.
02:05Wow, Diaper Jack.
02:16I'm a fast food vendor.
02:18What am I thinking?
02:21No, I can never be like those kids.
02:32Hello, kids.
02:33Wow, this show is great.
02:36So, what do you want to see now?
02:38The French Fries Show.
02:40Today, I'll teach you how to make new designs from an apple.
02:44Just watch and learn.
02:46That's something new.
02:48But first, listen to our sponsor,
02:50Chewy Chops Pickle Pops.
02:55Chewy Chops Pickle Pops is for good kids.
03:01Pickle Pops.
03:03Pickle Pops.
03:06But there's no answer.
03:08Yes, really.
03:10Well, there's no doubt about that.
03:13You can be like that, too.
03:16Me, too.
03:18Why not?
03:19Everyone will be smart and eat Chewy Chops Pickle Pops.
03:25Wow, we've changed.
03:28Wow, they've really changed.
03:34We take a big piece of pickle,
03:36dip it in a marshmallow jam,
03:38and then wrap it in chocolate.
03:40Then, top-secretly, we soak it in water,
03:42and then it's ready.
03:43Put it in the freezer and eat it.
03:45It's sweet and sour flavor will make your heart happy.
03:48And after you eat it, you'll be like me.
03:51Yes, like us.
03:55Chewy Chops Pickle Pops.
03:57Chewy Chops Pickle Pops.
03:59Everyone eats it.
04:00Everyone eats it.
04:01You eat it, too.
04:03That's right.
04:08Hi, Granny.
04:10Oh, what's up, kid?
04:13Granny, are you ordering something from the grocery store?
04:17Yes, I want to order a thick rope and chickpeas.
04:22Can you order Chewy Chops Pickle Pops for me?
04:26Pickle Pops? What's that?
04:29It's a very tasty snack made of pickle and chocolate.
04:33Okay, Sylvester, but you don't like pickle.
04:37Yes, but I don't want to do anything new.
04:42Sylvester, you're good the way you are.
04:45Don't change your nature.
04:47I want to change a little.
04:49That ad guy is so nice.
04:51Maybe I'll become Pickle Pops.
04:53What are you saying?
04:55I won't spend my hard-earned money
04:57on something you won't eat.
05:00I knew you'd say that.
05:02You can spend my money.
05:05But, Sylvester, you were saving this money to buy toys.
05:10Please, Granny, order Pickle Pops for me, please.
05:15So, should I break it?
05:18Yes, I've thought about it.
05:35This is going to be fun.
05:37I'm going to be cool now.
05:42Thanks, Peebo.
05:44Oh, your tape is fine.
05:47I hope you won't gamble with the money.
05:50I was just kidding.
05:52You always make fun of me.
05:55You always call me that, Granny.
05:58Here's a shiny coin.
06:01Oh, thank you, Granny.
06:05Pickle Pops! Pickle Pops!
06:07I can't see it, Sylvester.
06:10Did he forget to bring it?
06:12Oh, here it is.
06:14I couldn't see it.
06:17Chewy Chops Pickle Pops.
06:19Do you really want to eat it, Sylvester?
06:22Yes, I do, Sylvester.
06:24We can return it and take the money.
06:26I'll eat it. I'll eat it.
06:28Okay, fine.
06:30Now, my old days are going to be over.
06:36Oh, dear.
06:38It smells awful.
06:41Oh, dear.
06:42What's this?
06:43Is it expired?
06:45Oh, no.
06:46It's fine till 3039.
06:49That's great.
06:51Kids and their food.
06:55Wheatgrass Cider.
06:59Okay, I'll try it.
07:04It's not that bad.
07:06Just swallow it quickly.
07:12It's going to be fun when everyone sees that I'm cool.
07:17Listen, friends.
07:19How are you?
07:21It's not much different from a pickle pop.
07:36I'll eat a little more.
07:39Then I'll become the best cat in town.
07:43Then I'll become the best cat in town.
07:45Pickle Pops.
07:46Show me your magic.
07:55Now the other kids will definitely see me.
08:02I don't care what I do.
08:04It's not going to make a difference.
08:06Hey, Sylvester.
08:07You look different today.
08:11Do I look different to you today?
08:14You smell really bad today.
08:16Believe me.
08:21I think you've learned your lesson today, Sylvester.
08:25I don't like pickles at all.
08:28Especially when they're wrapped in marshmallow and chocolate.
08:31And they smell like rotten cheese.
08:34And remember not to do anything while watching TV ads.
08:41I'll have to find another way to be different.
08:46Good people don't want to be different.
08:49They stay the way they are.
08:51But no one else looks at me like this, Granny.
09:00Hey, look at Sylvester.
09:03Your hat is amazing.
09:06Where did you get it, Sylvester?
09:08Well, I...
09:10Sylvester made it.
09:12Right, Sylvester?
09:17Will you teach us how to make it?
09:20I want to look like you.
09:25Of course.
09:29But why?
09:30Because you're the prettiest cat in town.