• 2 months ago


00:00For the Cronkite in New York, we're about to present for your enjoyment a panel program
00:08called It's News to Me.
00:10We'd like you to play the game with us and we'll start in just 20 seconds.
00:22It's News to Me.
00:24The American oil company, the drillers who produce oil, the scientists who refine it,
00:29the seamen who transport it, the men who deliver it, and the Amoco dealers who serve you, all
00:35the Amoco people present It's News to Me.
00:39And now, let's meet the panel on It's News to Me as they examine this object that played
00:48a part in the news this week.
00:50John Henry Falk, raconteur and humorist, Nina Foch, star of the current MGM Film Executive
00:56Suite, Quentin Reynolds, famous author and editor, our own delightful Anna Lee, and your
01:03host and moderator, news correspondent and commentator, Walter Cronkite.
01:09Good evening, we're happy to have you with us tonight on It's News to Me.
01:18Our panelists are going to be asked questions about this loot and other items like it which
01:23played a part in this week's news.
01:26If they know the answer, they'll give it.
01:28Otherwise, they'll make one up and it'll be up to our studio contestants to see if they
01:33can tell the bluff from the real story.
01:37Now our first contestant, please.
01:45Miss Jamel Jackson, Jamel is it?
01:48That's right, Jamel.
01:49Jamel, Jamel Jackson of Waynesboro, Mississippi.
01:52That's right.
01:54What do you do in Waynesboro, Mississippi?
01:56Well, that's where I live.
01:57Oh, well, that's one of the very best things to do in Waynesboro, Mississippi.
02:02I bet everybody in Waynesboro, Mississippi enjoys that, don't they?
02:06Yes, they really do.
02:07What else do you do in Waynesboro, Mississippi besides live?
02:10Well, I go to college in a nearby city.
02:13Oh, good.
02:13You're not going to name it?
02:14Oh, I thought you weren't going to name the city.
02:17You're certainly a Waynesboro, Mississippi booster.
02:20Very good at it.
02:20What are you doing in New York?
02:22Well, I'm sightseeing and I'm attending power school.
02:25Oh, power school, model school.
02:26That's right.
02:28I think that we can predict success for you practically automatically.
02:31Oh, thank you.
02:33You know how we play News to Me, Miss Jackson.
02:36I give you $30 here.
02:38Your job is to judge the answers of our panel, you see?
02:40Here's the $30 with which to play now.
02:42Every time your judgment is correct, I give you an additional $10.
02:46But if the panel fools you, you have to take some of those dollars away.
02:51Gee, it better be.
02:52I don't know what we'd do if you said it wasn't okay.
02:55There's a slide up there, a picture.
02:58That's for our first question.
02:59Take a look at our screen, panel.
03:02In the Middle West this week, this gentleman buttoning up his shirt
03:06might well have said, after losing my shirt four times in a row,
03:11it's nice to keep it for a change.
03:13Can you give us the answer, the story on that, Quentin Reynolds?
03:18Yes, I think so.
03:20And you're quite right.
03:22For four years, he's been shooting for the jackpot,
03:25and each time he did lose his shirt.
03:27But this year, after four wonderful tries, he finally made it.
03:31And of course, that's Robert Young of Chicago,
03:33who is now chairman of the board of our wonderful New York Central Railroad.
03:38He finally gained control of it this week and is now chairman of the board.
03:43Do you accept that answer, Miss Jackson?
03:45No, I don't.
03:46When you said you did not accept that answer,
03:48you won yourself $10.
03:56Annalee, what is that story?
03:57Isn't that our old friend Casey Stengler?
03:59I have a hunch it's Quentin Reynolds' old friend, too.
04:02He was doing a lot to Miss Jackson on that one.
04:04I was three times Ohio at the All-Star Game.
04:06That's right.
04:07For four years, the American League team did not win the All-Star Game,
04:11but this year he came through with a win.
04:12I like the New York Central Railroad so much.
04:14It was in my mind I thought I'd just give it a little boost.
04:17There's a man bucking for a season pass if I've ever heard one.
04:20Yeah, but Mr. Young didn't ever sweat like that.
04:22He said he had that railroad in his pocket from the start.
04:26He comes from Texas, Walter.
04:27You live in Croton now.
04:29You've got to use that New York accent for every day of your life.
04:31You better be nice to Mr. Young.
04:33And Walter's got you outvoted, haven't we, Walter?
04:35Yes, sir. We're going up to Croton tonight, too, aren't we, John, after this?
04:38For our next question, I will ask you to watch and listen
04:42to Frank Wayne as an irate Irishman.
04:46Now, I don't mind the government sticking their nose in where they're not asked,
04:51but in the matter of getting married, I think that's another thing.
04:56Picture it, if you will, the bridal couple wheeling their hoops down the aisle,
05:04stopping for a game of jacks on the way out.
05:07Why, they'll be no more of that love, honor, and obey stuff.
05:11From now on, they'll be promising to love, honor, and burp each other.
05:16If that be the case, they should live happily ever after, I should think.
05:29I'd like you to tell us that story, John Henry Falk.
05:33Well, the Irish government, obviously, Frank Wayne's very excellent rendition there.
05:38The Irish government thinks the young folks, and has passed, or made a suggestion,
05:41at least, the young folks should get married younger.
05:43They're waiting too long in Ireland to get married.
05:48Miss Jackson, how about that answer? Accept it?
05:52No, I don't.
05:53Honey, I'm not a Miss Jackson girl.
05:56I am sorry. That will cost you $10, because that is the answer, indeed.
06:01Now, that's a big problem over there, Walter.
06:02It's a very serious problem, apparently.
06:04And the Irish government, disclosing after a six-year survey, I think it was,
06:09that men are getting married at the average age of 37.
06:13Suggested marriages all the way down to the age of 14, I think.
06:16Well, I think 60% of them aren't married until they're over 14 years old.
06:21I could go into this further by asking you.
06:22I think it's the best idea to come out of Ireland,
06:24because I think it's a wonderful idea to get married young.
06:26I hope all my children get married at 16 and have at least 10 children apiece.
06:30Ooh, yeah.
06:32Well, bully for you.
06:33I want to vote for the 37-year-old marriage.
06:37You'll have no trouble at all getting visas.
06:38Soon enough.
06:40Now, I'm the newly married in the group,
06:42and I think 30 is an excellent age.
06:44That's when I did it.
06:47Are you just telling us right out like that?
06:49I'll be doggone.
06:51I did. Newsweek did.
06:54Our next question, panel, and Miss Jackson,
06:57concerns this marker here.
06:59This week, in the East, everybody who saw it
07:02knew not only who was who, but who was where.
07:07Now, do you know that story?
07:09Let me see. Nina Foch.
07:11Well, I think that that belongs to Governor Minor,
07:15as you can see, of New Jersey,
07:16who was having trouble around Trenton,
07:18because every time he left his car unattended,
07:22why, young chaps, or old chaps, but anyway,
07:25chaps would pick up the license plate
07:27because it said, New Jersey 1,
07:30and so he got a little tired of all of that,
07:32and he had, with the permission of the state vehicle thingamy,
07:37put up this license plate for him that no one would steal.
07:42Do you accept that answer, Miss Jackson?
07:44Yes, I do.
07:45Miss Jackson, accepting that it cost you another $10?
07:49That's a shame.
07:51I have to take that away from you.
07:52Who knows the answer to that one?
07:55Well, actually, that was put on a car
07:58up in Lake George, New York,
08:00where we're having a conference of all of the governors,
08:03and our governor, Tom Dewey,
08:05just wanted to show that New York State
08:06could be even more hospitable
08:09in that silly state you come from.
08:11Go on, make him quit.
08:13And so every governor had his own plate
08:15just exactly like that.
08:16There were 48 of them.
08:17That's indeed the case.
08:18New York State, July 11th to 14th, 1954,
08:21the National Governors Conference in New York State
08:24was the host up at Lake George.
08:26That's the answer to that one,
08:27and I see, Miss Jackson, that you won $20.
08:31It's been very good to have you with us playing this game.
08:40You'd like to see It's News to Me in person,
08:42or perhaps be on the show as a contestant,
08:44write to It's News to Me, CBS Television,
08:48485 Madison Avenue, New York, 22, New York.
08:52We'll be back for round two in just a minute.
08:57Hello, I'm Bob Dixon.
09:00I've been sitting here looking at the ads
09:02for the new cars in some of these magazines.
09:05Boy, they're really beautiful, all right.
09:07Roomy with nice, sleek lines.
09:10The ads tell us about all the features
09:12the makers have thought of to add to our convenience
09:16and our pleasure.
09:18Well, a new car costs money.
09:21Any car costs money.
09:23I guess next to our homes,
09:25our car is probably our biggest investment.
09:28And so we ought to keep it in top condition,
09:31just the same as we do our homes.
09:33Now, for instance, the gasoline we use.
09:36We want a gas that gives us plenty of mileage and power.
09:40And we want to know,
09:42not only what that gas can do for our engine,
09:45but also what it can do to our engine.
09:49And that brings us to the big point about Amoco gas.
09:53Amoco gas is the one premium motor fuel
09:56that has no additive.
09:58It gives us power without penalty.
10:00You see, an additive doesn't always burn completely
10:04and can leave a harmful metallic deposit
10:07in your car's engine.
10:08Another thing, no other motor fuel offered to the motorist
10:13is refined to as high an anti-knock value as Amoco gas.
10:19So, to keep your car, new or old,
10:22running better longer,
10:24the answer is Amoco gas.
10:34Now, may we have our next studio contestant
10:36on the stage with me?
10:43Mr. Louis Rocco.
10:45That's correct.
10:46From San Francisco, California.
10:50What do you do out in San Francisco, Mr. Rocco?
10:51I'm a restaurant owner.
10:52Oh, you are in the fabulous restaurant city
10:54of San Francisco.
10:55One of the best, if I may say so myself.
10:57Why don't you just tell us the name of your restaurant?
10:59Original Joe's.
11:00Original Joe's?
11:01Fine Italian food.
11:03All right, we'll keep that in mind
11:04next time we're in San Francisco.
11:06What are you doing in New York?
11:07I just come in from Rome
11:08and I'm on my way to San Francisco
11:10and there wasn't enough space in the air service.
11:15I know my wife's looking on.
11:16I'm kind of glad to be on this show.
11:18Well, that's one way of telegraphing your next move
11:20or your lack of a same.
11:21You know how we play, it's news to me, Mr. Rocco.
11:23Here's $30 and remember every time your judgment
11:26of an answer is correct, I'll give you an additional $10.
11:29But if it's incorrect, if the panel fools you,
11:31you'll have to take 10 of those away.
11:32I haven't read a paper in three weeks,
11:34so I hope I'm doing all right.
11:35You're practically a patsy for this panel tonight
11:38almost, aren't you?
11:39Well, they may not fool you too much, you can't tell.
11:41Here's the first question.
11:42It's time for our newsman's question of the week.
11:45In this case, our newswoman's question of the week.
11:47It's from Janet Kern, Chicago American,
11:50an old friend of ours and a very lovely one.
11:53This week, a bonanza came to New Jersey
11:56where a woman who had taken a flyer told her story.
12:01Do you know that story, Annalee?
12:05That's the story of the lady,
12:07I think she's well over 60, Walter,
12:09who has just come back from a flight.
12:12She flew herself all around Africa, I think, and Europe,
12:16and she came back to New Jersey this week.
12:19Do you accept that answer, Mr. Rocco?
12:22Mr. Rocco, besides losing an airplane seat today,
12:26you lost yourself $10.
12:29Indeed, that is exactly what happened.
12:31Mrs. Marion Hart, the noted woman flyer,
12:33landed her single-engine bonanza on a plane
12:36at Peterborough, New Jersey this week,
12:38completing a one-year flight, 35,000 miles in 25 countries.
12:44Mrs. Hart is with us tonight.
12:45Please come out, Marion Hart.
12:50Thank you, Mr. Rocco.
12:55This is a very remarkable lady indeed.
12:58Can you imagine taking a single-engine airplane
13:01and just simply taking off from New York City,
13:03did you, Peterborough?
13:04Was that where you started?
13:05Well, I took off early from Benson, Massachusetts,
13:07had my plane fixed up there.
13:09And then launched a trip around the world, practically?
13:12Well, not quite.
13:13But you didn't fly with him?
13:15No, I didn't fly over the Pacific.
13:16And you didn't make the Iron Curtain countries either, did you?
13:18No, no, I didn't try that.
13:20A little difficulty there, I imagine.
13:22Why did you decide on this flight, flying your own plane?
13:25Well, I had a good plane.
13:27I thought I might as well use it.
13:28Just for a trip?
13:29Just for a trip.
13:31Just to sightsee around?
13:32Just for a trip.
13:33And I think on that flight, you flew from west to east,
13:37that is, from Europe back to the United States
13:39in a single-engine plane
13:41for the first time that anyone has made that flight
13:44since the 1930s?
13:45I flew from Newfoundland to Shannon.
13:48That's the first time since the 30s.
13:50Oh, Newfoundland to Shannon, it was.
13:52So that's the west to east flight, then?
13:53That's the west to east.
13:54No, I couldn't tell.
13:55Well, I never could tell directions very well.
13:56No, I came back the other way,
13:58the short hops to Iceland and Greenland.
14:01Well, isn't that new, too?
14:03No, no, no, everybody does that.
14:05Oh, just everybody just takes their single-engine airplane
14:08and fly these distances, of course.
14:09Did you have any difficulty on this flight?
14:11Any thrilling experiences?
14:13No, no, just fighting.
14:18Did you use that, is that a chronometer on your watch?
14:20Did you use that to navigate?
14:23Well, no, I didn't.
14:23I got that just before I came home.
14:25You can use that to navigate, can't you?
14:27Well, I'm not sure if it's quite good enough.
14:30The one thing Mrs. Marion Hart certainly does know
14:32is how to fly an airplane,
14:33and I think that your British co-pilot
14:35who came back with you reported
14:37that he didn't believe any of the ladies in the British Isles
14:41who would do the same thing you did.
14:43Well, my English co-pilot,
14:46he got himself nearly into a little trouble here.
14:48Oh, he did?
14:49Uh-huh, he came over without a visa.
14:52And when he got to Boston,
14:54they didn't know what to do with him.
14:56So finally, they decided to enter him
14:59as a juvenile delinquent,
15:01and he was paroled in my custody.
15:02Oh, thank you very much, Marion Hart,
15:06for being with us on A Fuse for Me.
15:13I think that's rather fantastic,
15:14taking a single-engine airplane flying around the world,
15:16and she just doesn't see anything to it.
15:18It's just another trip, just sightseeing.
15:20Now, a few moments ago, for this next question,
15:23you all had a chance to examine this object here.
15:26It's an ornamental lute,
15:28and it was a great favorite with its owner
15:30until he had to face the music himself.
15:33Can you tell us that story, John Henry Faulk?
15:35Well, it's in kind of shape it's owners into the stomach of it is least ways that I think that belonged to King Farouk's
15:43And the Egyptian government put it on sale here in New York all his jewelry
15:48Do you accept that answer? Mr. Rockham? I
15:53Think I will I think you've won yourself $10. That's exactly
15:56Indeed indeed was a part of the fabulous jewel collection of
16:07Ex-king Farouk of Egypt. Well, you're over there in Cairo
16:10Walter when I was going through I was in Cairo a year ago today
16:13I saw a whole pack of you weren't well
16:15They'd already got shit of it, but I saw a whole pack of that stuff when I was there
16:19That was a big big mandolin, but it was on a diet
16:21Even as I think Farouk should have been yeah
16:25Anyway, this is now at Gimbel's here in New York bought a part of this collection of ex-king Farouk's an eight million dollar collection
16:32I think it was and there I gather have some of these objects up for sale
16:36And the wonderful Gimbel's let us bring it around tonight
16:38Even if it's great value to show to you here now for this next question
16:42Let's watch and listen to Frank Wayne as an ardent Mexican fan of the bullfight
16:48What the bullfight I saw last Sunday the matador
16:55Missed the bull the bull turn around and curtsy
17:00the matador
17:03Missed the bull again the bull turn around and smile
17:09Ten smiles and eight curtsies later the matador
17:13Stop the bull
17:15But the crowd don't stand up and shout only
17:19But from the bull there comes a long
17:25He's so embarrassed
17:35Wayne marches on this time of things
17:39Seems that a mess was worth almost as much as a smile or something of the kind
17:43Can you tell us the story Quentin Reynolds? Well, yes, this is out of Mexico City and
17:48It develops at the fans down there have been very annoyed lately by the lethargy of the bullfighters
17:54So they just had to make a new rule that if a bill a bull
17:59makes five passes and a matador and the bull is still alive the bull is given a reprieve and
18:05The bullfighter is fine
18:08This is something new in bullfight
18:11Mr. Rocco, does that strike you as the version of the story?
18:17Well, if it is it's a new one I've seen bullfights
18:21Mr. Reynolds answer I do not mr. Rocco. I'm pleased to say that you win $10
18:36Think that's that model who is not
18:38American model who's decided to become a bullfighter and she was knocked down three or four times and finally made it and they say the
18:46Aficionado say that she's going to be a good bullfighter Susan. Sure. Bravo lipstick. I've been told
18:52That was no bull
18:56We almost got through that whole question with anybody saying that you did Betty Ford former Broadway model and actress and
19:04Juarez Mexico it was that she made her debut as a bullfighter exactly as you described the Nina post. Mr
19:10Rocco you carry away $40. It's been a pleasure having you with us on
19:19We come to a special feature on its news to me which we call
19:22Eyewitness here the panel cross-examines a guest who actually saw a famous news event take place now. Let's meet tonight's
19:30Eyewitness, will you come out please?
19:37We're not going to tell you the name panel of our eyewitness because we feel it would give away the event
19:43So we're just going to call him. Mr
19:45X panel if you can uncover the news event within two minutes our guest receives $50
19:51If you do not guess the news event, mr
19:54X will win
19:55$100 by beating you
19:58I want from you just the month and the day not the year of the news event at which you were an eyewitness the month
20:04Waller was April and the day was the 15th April the 15th. Now before we get started, let's let our home audience know the event
20:13Okay panel ready for questioning you John Henry Faulk start now
20:20Did this happen on land
20:22Yes, did it happen in America on the American continent? Yes, the United States in the eastern part of the United States. Yes
20:29Did this happen this year?
20:31Yes, it did. I had it something to do with sport. Yes. It's added something to do with fighting. No, ma'am
20:40Were you it was a happy occasion? It was a very happy occasion
20:45Did it have to do with baseball? Yes, it did. Are you a big league baseball? Yes, I am
20:50I hope so. Are you in the American League? Yes, I am. You're not with the Yankees, though. No, not fortunately. I'm not
21:03Think you could say yes, I'd call it first. Did it concern you America the American League? Yes, it did
21:12No, New York wasn't involved in this partner. Did anything do that band-aid over your right eye?
21:19No, I had nothing to do with the band. In other words. This was a win a game of some kind. It was one
21:24This was a yes, but I'm absolutely out of my field. I don't know anything about baseball at all
21:31Did you catch a particularly long ball or something? No
21:43No, did you you're a pitcher? Yes, I am you with the
21:47You with the
21:49Baltimore team. Yes, you're Bob Turley and you hit your head in the old star game the other day
21:55But you struck out what a great many men on April 15th for a record, right?
22:01No, I struck out a few men of who has no record. That's not the event. Anyway, finally
22:13No, I didn't say it happened in Baltimore
22:20Whipped them Bob you up and they couldn't get it
22:23Tell them the event. Well, the event was that was the first major league baseball game in Baltimore in over 50 years
22:38What part did you play in that game? Well, I was the winning pitcher
22:42I pitched the first game in Baltimore in over 50 years and won it
22:45Yes, and won $100 playing its news to me with us tonight, Bob
22:49How does it feel being in Baltimore instead of back in st. Louis where the Browns were moved out to go to Baltimore?
22:55Well Walter it feels real good
22:57They're on a kind of the Baltimore fans are real good to the ballplayers and everything is wonderful there st
23:03Louis wasn't drawing too good, but in Baltimore the enthusiasm is really good and it is something
23:14Tell me one thing I think
23:15Unfortunately because position Baltimore has in the American League race right now, which I regret to say is down at the bottom
23:23You're practically an impartial observer. Who do you think's gonna win the American League pennant this year?
23:27Well, there's three clubs and it's gonna be hard to say who wins
23:31But I would say the club that can beat the New York between Cleveland Chicago the win of American League
23:36And you think that they'll beat New York one of them? No, I never said they would beat him
23:40If they if New York beats both end in New York will win
23:44Okay, Bob. I think you hedged that one pretty carefully. Thanks for being with us
23:55What a boy 23 year old Bob Turley star of the Baltimore Orioles
23:59If you are an eyewitness to an important news event would like to be on its news to me
24:03Write a letter to its news to me CBS Television 485 Madison Avenue, New York 22, New York
24:09We'll continue the game in just 30 seconds
24:15Hi, this is an Amoco roadmap a very handy and important item to have if you're gonna take a trip for yourself
24:22But even more important than that before you start that trip is to see that your car's engine is protected
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24:41Yes, friends a trouble-free trip starts at the Amoco sign of greater values from Maine to Florida
24:53And now may we have our next audience representative on its newest
25:00Oman seaman Wayne
25:03Aston is that from Milton, Wisconsin
25:06You're stationed in New York or just passing through. I'm on my way to Norfolk Norfolk, Virginia
25:11Are you are you at sea? Well, I will be I think you know what kind of a ship you're gonna be on
25:16I'm going aboard the USS Fulton. That's a subtender
25:20Well, good luck to you is when you get to see yeoman seaman Austin and good luck to you on its news to me
25:25Understand how we play $30 is yours at the moment every time your judgment of an answer is correct
25:30I'm going to give you an additional $10, but don't let the panel fool you because I'll have to take $10 away
25:34Are you ready? Here's your first question
25:37Slide up there a picture like for you to look at right now on our screen the hands you see there
25:42We're busy in Europe this week trying to pull the fat out of the fire. Will you tell us that story Annalie?
25:50That's a story from England water
25:53Prime Minister Churchill called a cabinet meeting this week to see if anything could be done about the meat situation
25:59you know meat has just been taken off the ration for the first time in I think fourteen and a half years and
26:05Everybody was delighted about it
26:07And then suddenly the butchers skyrocketed the prices and there was so much meat around nobody would buy this stuff
26:13That they had to do something about it. And I think that picture must have been taken at the meeting
26:18I think the hands there belong to Winston Churchill and
26:23Richard Butler, I think
26:26Chancellor Vick's checker and probably I
26:30Think Willem Lloyd George was Minister of Food except that answer seaman Aston. I think that's wrong
26:35I think seaman Aston you've won yourself $10
26:44Saw a picture that's uh, that's
26:47Dulles and Mendis brand even you can see right there now
26:50What's his name there all of them over there trying to clear that business up in Geneva?
26:54We are there we are right secretary Eden French premier mendis France in the center and and secretary of state
27:01Dulles regarding the Indochinese situation just time perhaps to take one quick look at this object
27:06I have my hand for question number two
27:09Electronic gadget that experts in New York claim may soon make a pain a pleasure. Did you tell us the story?
27:15Let me see Quentin Reynolds. Oh, that's that new painless drill Dennis have invented
27:20Well, that's a good sharp answer you accept it. I
27:26Think that's right
27:35The Cavitron equipment corporation which brought it out and dentists are gonna have it in their offices
27:39They say this fall sometime
27:40I think seaman Aston you would have won another $10 there on that third question the way you were going
27:45So you carry out $60 and it was a pleasure to have you
27:51Have another look at our panel in just 30 seconds
27:58Sunburn murder sleep
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28:13Yes, Noxzema lets you sleep in cool comfort
28:17For years lifeguards and first-aid hospitals at most famous American beaches have relied on greaseless Noxzema for sunburn. Try it
28:28And so we wind up proceedings on tonight's session of its news to me
28:32We hope the program has proved enjoyable perhaps even sharpened your interest in the news
28:36This is Walter Cronkite saying good night for our panel of Anna Lee
28:41Quentin Reynolds Nina posh and John Henry Fong. We'll see you next week on its news to me
28:53It's used to me has been a Mark Goodson Bill Todman production produced in association with the CBS television network
29:15Annalise gown by gravois. This is Bob Dixon. Be sure to join us next week when Noxzema the most famous
29:23appear to be in my
