General Hospital 8-7-24

  • last month
00:00How long have you been awake?
00:08Long enough to trip the weather and score the woodchucks game.
00:12Did they win?
00:13They did.
00:14Good morning.
00:15Good morning.
00:16Oh my, I actually forgot for a second, Christina.
00:28I texted a fellow cadet who was on the night shift yesterday.
00:32He said Christina made it through.
00:33And the baby?
00:34He didn't have any info on the baby.
00:36Well, thank you for finding out what you could.
00:37What else can I do for you?
00:38I already did.
00:41Well, thank you for finding out what you could.
00:42What else can I do for you?
00:43I already did.
00:45Well, thank you for finding out what you could.
00:46What else can I do for you?
00:47I already did.
00:49Well, thank you for finding out what you could.
00:50What else can I do for you?
00:51I already did.
01:10Hey, have you seen my briefcase?
01:13Why are you dressed like that?
01:17You mean dressed for work?
01:19Because my caseload is insane.
01:21Molly, you can't go in today.
01:25Oh, there it is.
01:27Um, I have to go in.
01:29The office needs me.
01:30Molly, I need you more.
01:39I'll take those labs as soon as they're ready.
01:45Just the person I was wanting to see.
01:48What's up?
01:49Well, Terry and I discussed your proposed changes to the nurse's schedule, and we love them.
01:56I speak for us both when I say that you are doing a fantastic job as head nurse.
02:01Keep up the great work.
02:04You can take this food, if that's what you call it, away.
02:08I don't eat slop.
02:13Hey, Trina.
02:17Is it okay that I'm here?
02:20Why wouldn't it be?
02:21I just didn't know if you wanted to see me, considering that my statement helped put you in the cell.
02:26Don't be silly.
02:29The police asked you questions, and you answered them honestly.
02:35That's all any of us can do.
02:38Are you alright?
02:41I'm still reeling from yesterday's events.
02:45It was all just a terrible, tragic accident.
02:50Was it an accident?
02:53Or did you push Christina?
02:56All good?
02:57Yes, yes. Donna and Avery are happily playing with Pilar.
03:01Did Avery have any questions about sleeping here last night?
03:03None, none. I mean, she was great.
03:05But she's here all the time, so it wasn't something out of the ordinary.
03:09Good. I'm glad she's okay.
03:11I'm glad Sonny is okay.
03:13I mean, the fact that he took it upon himself to go see Kevin, that he reached out?
03:17Yeah, that just shows you how hard this hit him with Christina falling and losing the baby.
03:24Okay, so how did Sonny seem when you drove him home?
03:30Sonny was... he was quiet.
03:35He really didn't talk much.
03:37But he did ask you to drive him, right?
03:41He did.
03:43Sonny's coming back to us.
03:45I know he is.
03:49Come in.
03:55I didn't know doctors make house calls.
04:01Thought I'd see how you're feeling.
04:04Uh, my mind's... my mind's a lot clearer.
04:09Good. That means the medication's working.
04:12Looks like it.
04:13To be honest, I'm still concerned about your emotional state.
04:17What do you think about discussing what happened last night?
04:21Sonny finally realized that there was a problem, you know?
04:47That he didn't consciously stop taking his medication.
04:51That he saw that there was legitimately something wrong.
04:55Yeah, I mean, hopefully they can recalibrate his medication and he's gonna be okay.
05:01He's still gonna have to deal with what happened to Christina.
05:06What the hell was she doing in Ava's room?
05:09Yeah, so I talked to Dante after I dropped Sonny off, got some details.
05:13Apparently Ava subpoenaed Christina for Avery's custody case.
05:19Because Christina saw Sonny go after Dax.
05:22And Ava wants to force Christina to put it on the record?
05:25Yeah, I'm assuming that Christina got served, went to Ava to confront her, they argued.
05:30Yeah, but could Ava really push a pregnant woman hard enough to break through a window?
05:35I don't know exactly what happened in that room.
05:38But I do know that Christina was there to protect her father.
05:46Hey, where are you going?
05:49I gotta go to work. I was gonna make some coffee.
05:52Didn't you tell Donna you were gonna hang out with her today?
05:55Yes, I did. And I will, but if you skip the coffee part.
06:01Jocelyn Jax, are you avoiding the real world?
06:05Yes. It's a horrible and scary place.
06:10And only good things happen in this bed.
06:14Is it terrible that I want to stay a second longer?
06:35Thank you for the compliment for just doing my job.
06:39It's not a compliment, Elizabeth. It's a fact.
06:43I made a promise to myself when I became co-chief of staff.
06:47That if my doctors and nurses are doing a good job, I want them to know it.
06:52And you are doing a very good job, Elizabeth.
06:55I learned from the best.
06:58Don't be funny.
07:00She was the type of nurse I aspired to be.
07:03Professional, no-nonsense, but always kind and compassionate.
07:08Christina Fallon, who's the baby, sent me to a dark side.
07:15It's understandable.
07:18And I felt responsible, and my niece Molly pretty much said as much.
07:24To you?
07:27Must have been hard to hear.
07:29Molly and Jason, they figured out a while back that there was something off with me.
07:35Off how?
07:37That I wasn't, you know, thinking clearly.
07:42I just didn't trust them.
07:44And that's unusual for you when it comes to Jason and Carla.
07:49Well, it should have been a warning sign, but, you know, I just didn't understand what they were saying.
07:57According to you, you were fine.
08:00Yeah, until last night, I...
08:04Something was really wrong.
08:07That's why I went to your office.
08:12I mean, obviously my pills needed readjusting, right?
08:18I, uh...
08:21I got the results of your blood test.
08:24That was fast.
08:25I put a rush on it.
08:28There was no Lorphenidine or Lithium in your system.
08:41But that doesn't make any sense. I've been taking my medications every day, like clockwork.
08:48Exactly as prescribed.
08:53All right, uh...
08:55I would like to schedule some regular sessions with you just until we can recalibrate and determine a new protocol.
09:06How do you feel about what I just told you?
09:10Well, I feel confused, relieved that there's something physical, you know, that I can blame my heights and lows, but I guess that's a good thing, right?
09:19And just to triple check...
09:22You never skipped any doses?
09:26That's why that blood work doesn't make any sense.
09:30I had nothing to do with Christina's fall.
09:34She was in a rage.
09:38Couldn't be reasoned with.
09:40She tripped.
09:42She fell against the window and it shattered.
09:44When I tell you that it all happened so fast, I'm still spitting from it.
09:49You grabbed her. Have there been time? There wasn't.
09:52But if that's true, then why were you arrested?
09:57Because, Trina, when something this awful happens, people need somebody to blame.
10:07It can't be the woman who lost her child.
10:10That's too cruel.
10:12So it falls on me.
10:14I know how most people in this town feel about me.
10:18I am an easy scapegoat for the police.
10:21That's really all this is?
10:23Really. I'm completely innocent.
10:27I thought your mom was coming over today.
10:30Yeah, she is. And Aunt Stella and Uncle Curtis, they're going to help us back up to nursery.
10:35Good. Then you won't be alone. That's good.
10:39Molly, you don't want to be here for that?
10:43I can't, TJ.
10:45Listen, I know. Okay, I know this has been incredibly hard.
10:48It's impossible.
10:51That nursery is like a time capsule, except instead of the past, it represents a future that we are never going to have.
10:58And I know that we've got to let it go, and I will.
11:04But I cannot physically get rid of what is in there.
11:09Can you understand that?
11:14But there are some things we need to make decisions on that just can't wait, Molly.
11:20Like what?
11:22Like a name for our daughter.
11:24I brought it up at the hospital.
11:27It was like you didn't hear when I said it.
11:30I heard you.
11:31And we still need to deal with the funeral.
11:33We need to pick a cast.
11:34TJ, can we talk about this later?
11:37I don't know. I don't know. Just pick out whatever you want.
11:42Molly, this happened to both of us.
11:53Are you on your way out?
11:55Yeah, I've got to go to work.
11:57Molly, please, can we just...
11:59Just for an hour or so.
12:01Okay, I'm just going to check on the most urgent cases, and then I'll be back.
12:13Is she all right?
12:15How can she be?
12:22I am so sorry, baby.
12:25This is the most unfair, unfathomable loss.
12:32Thank you, Auntie.
12:35Where's Mom?
12:42Oh, my God.
12:44Are you okay?
12:46Are you sure?
12:48I'm going to get you some coffee.
12:50You just missed Jason.
12:53Oh, yeah? Where did he go?
12:55Well, he went to check in on Sonny.
13:00Yesterday must have been really tough for him.
13:02And pretty tough for you, too.
13:05I mean, it's so good to see you, you know, considering I haven't.
13:09I texted you.
13:10I know, but it's not the same.
13:11As a mom, I need to have eyes on you to know you're okay.
13:14I'm fine.
13:15Sit down.
13:19Oh, God, Jason, I've been so worried about you.
13:23I mean, you were the lifeguard on duty.
13:26When Christina fell through a window and into the pool, that had to be devastating for you.
13:31Look, I'm just happy that I knew what to do in that moment.
13:35Me, too.
13:37I'm so proud of you.
13:40And if you couldn't come home to me, I'm glad you had Trina to be with and decompress with.
13:46Yeah, um, I wasn't with Trina.
13:51I spent the night at Dex's.
14:00Molly, hello.
14:03Cadet Heller is here as an impartial witness.
14:06Witness to what?
14:08An ADA can't speak to the accused without a third party present.
14:13How's Christina?
14:15She survived the surgery.
14:17Oh, thank God.
14:19But the baby she was carrying did not.
14:22One of the reasons you're here in this cell.
14:25Molly, I'm so sorry.
14:29I know what it's like to lose a child.
14:32It's unbearable.
14:37What is that?
14:39The autopsy report on the victim.
14:44Let's take a look at the facts.
14:48The patient was a newborn female, weighing five pounds, two ounces.
14:54Please don't do this.
14:56Death occurred minutes after being delivered by emergency cesarean section.
15:01Molly, stop.
15:03The external examination reveals numerous signs of blunt force trauma to the head and body.
15:09What can we do, baby? Have you eaten?
15:14I'm not hungry.
15:16Well, you know I'm not accepting that answer.
15:20I'll go scrap something up.
15:22I'll help you.
15:26Is this what you and Molly were doing this morning?
15:31I've been wanting to, but every time I bring up the funeral or even mention the baby, Molly shuts down.
15:41Yeah, T.
15:44I know.
15:47I know this can't be easy for you.
15:50If it's any consolation, people deal with grief differently.
15:55I'm just...
15:57I'm just worried she's not dealing with it at all.
16:02Thanks for bringing me home.
16:05I was happy to do it.
16:08You're not going to ask me any questions?
16:13But I'll listen to anything you want to tell me.
16:15I talked to Alexis this morning.
16:18How's Christina?
16:20She's resting, no complication from the surgery.
16:23That's great.
16:26It's going to be tough, tough on her.
16:28Because not just the injury, but the emotional toll and, you know, losing the baby.
16:34I mean, luckily she has family and friends to help her through it.
16:44You know, Molly blaming me for Christina falling hit me really hard.
16:51Because she's not wrong.
17:00I always hurt the people that I love.
17:07That's why I didn't want to do that anymore, so...
17:13I went on the roof of the hospital.
17:17The hospital?
17:19I wanted the pain and suffering to end.
17:25And that was...
17:27I felt the only way out.
17:31What stopped you?
17:55Do you have a minute to talk?
17:57Well, I always have an infinite amount of minutes for you, right?
18:08What's wrong?
18:10I can't stop thinking about Christina.
18:13Here she is doing an amazing thing for her sister.
18:16And she's almost at the finish line.
18:19And then the baby dies.
18:22Honey, I know it's terrible.
18:24I just... I feel so awful for her.
18:27And for Molly and TJ.
18:29I mean, they had this whole life just planned out and...
18:33Now it's over.
18:35Just like that.
18:37It's heartbreaking, isn't it?
18:39Why are some people just taken away too soon?
18:44I wish I knew the answer to that.
18:49But honey, this time...
18:53Ava shoulders the blame.
18:55How does she push Christina that hard to fall out of a window?
19:00I mean, how do you do something like that?
19:02That's not what happened.
19:04First off, how do you know what happened?
19:06Because she told me.
19:07So you went to go see Ava?
19:09In jail?
19:11That's where I just came from.
19:14The infant died from internal bleeding caused by blunt force trauma to the head and body.
19:22Because of you, a child's life ended before she was given the chance to live it.
19:27I never meant for any harm to come to Christina or her baby.
19:31My baby!
19:32I could never intentionally hurt a child!
19:35And that's why you were charged with manslaughter and not murder.
19:38You didn't plan to kill my daughter, but your actions led to her death.
19:44And it is time for you to take responsibility!
19:51This is delicious, but I can't eat anymore.
19:54I understand, baby.
19:57I'm only glad someone does, because none of this feels real.
20:00Of course it doesn't.
20:06How can my daughter be...
20:08Can my daughter be gone?
20:10It is impossible to wrap your mind around.
20:14Everything was fine.
20:16Despite all my worrying, Christina was healthy.
20:20The baby was healthy.
20:23It was a standard pregnancy, except for the surrogacy part.
20:27We were due in three weeks.
20:29Finally built this nursery,
20:31and Christina decides to go into Ava's hotel
20:34because of this stupid custody battle between Ava and Sonny.
20:40I feel like such an idiot!
20:42I feel like such an idiot!
20:45TJ, why?
20:47Because out of all the ways,
20:50out of all the ways I imagined Sonny could endanger my family,
20:54there are a lot of them.
20:55Not once, not...
20:57Not once, not...
20:59Any time did I expect this.
21:02I was convinced that my family was better off without me.
21:07And then Morgan showed up, and he...
21:09He just kept telling me that...
21:12My kids need me.
21:17And he was pleading for me to live.
21:21I mean, maybe Morgan was that...
21:24That part of you that knew something was just medically wrong?
21:28Yeah, yeah.
21:29That's when I figured out something was really, you know,
21:33was not great, and I had to do something about it.
21:37Because I couldn't sit in that darkness anymore.
21:44So I went to see Kevin.
21:48I'm glad you did.
21:49Yeah, so was me, too.
21:53So what did, um...
21:55What did Kevin say about the whole Morgan?
21:58Oh, no, I wasn't going to tell Kevin, because...
22:03I don't... I don't really talk to Kevin.
22:06You're the only one, you know?
22:12I was surprised, you know,
22:14when I realized that Dax was the one person that I wanted to see.
22:20After your mother?
22:21Of course.
22:24So did it help?
22:25It just makes me feel safe.
22:29It's the only way I can explain it.
22:32Sounds perfect.
22:35Does that mean you guys are back together?
22:39John! You came!
22:41Hi, you!
22:42Give me a hug.
22:44I missed you.
22:46You want some vitamins?
22:49What vitamins? Like, the chewable kind?
22:54What are you talking about? What vitamins?
22:56Dino-vitamins. See?
23:05Um, sweetie, did you take any of these?
23:08A bunch, but I don't want any more.
23:11Oh, my gosh.
23:12Jocelyn, get my keys.
23:13Honey, we're going to go for a ride.
23:14We're going to the hospital.
23:15Yeah, we're going to the hospital.
23:16We're going to go for a ride.
23:17We're going to the hospital.
23:18Yeah, we're going to go see a doctor.
23:20All right.
23:22All right, well, I'll bring the boxes to the shelter.
23:27But, TJ, is there something that you want to say?
23:34Are you sure, honey?
23:35It hurts to look at.
23:37I know, but soon that hurt won't be as sharp,
23:42and you might want something to remember your daughter by.
23:47I'm sorry.
23:51You know how close Ava and I are.
23:54I do, yes, but given what's just happened,
23:58I just don't understand.
24:00What would compel you to go visit Ava in jail?
24:05I felt guilty.
24:06Guilty for what?
24:08Telling the police that I saw Ava looking out of her broken window after Christina fell.
24:14I didn't know you saw that, Trina.
24:16She was just looking down and standing there.
24:20But that doesn't mean anything.
24:22I mean, I still don't know what happened in that hotel suite any more than you do.
24:26Yeah, okay, yes, but the optics are always bad when Ava's evolved.
24:32People always think the worst of her.
24:34But I've seen another side of her.
24:37She would never hurt a child, not on purpose.
24:40Okay, yeah, okay, yes, yes.
24:42I see what you're saying.
24:43We all want to believe Ava.
24:45No, but it's true, okay?
24:46Because she was there for me when Spencer died.
24:50I just don't, I don't want to abandon her.
24:53What did Ava say?
24:56She said that she was innocent.
24:59And you believe her?
25:01I want to.
25:03So you're not sure.
25:05Deep down, Ava is a good person.
25:10I know she is.
25:13But sometimes good people are capable of doing bad things.
25:19Plead guilty, Ava.
25:21Do the right thing and save us the pain of a trial.
25:26I've done nothing wrong.
25:28Oh, my God.
25:29Quite the opposite.
25:31What was Christina doing in my suite?
25:34Have you asked yourself that?
25:38I didn't invite her over for a chat.
25:42She forced the confrontation, refused to leave, lost it, and attacked me.
25:47And in the process, she tripped and fell.
25:50I am sorry for your loss.
25:53I truly am.
25:55But you need to face reality, Molly.
25:58I am not responsible for your baby's death.
26:02Christina is.
26:06What am I doing?
26:12Let's go.
26:23Let it out.
26:24I don't want to.
26:26The only way past pain is through it.
26:33I can't.
26:35I can't, Auntie.
26:36It's just too much.
26:38When I try to envision my life now,
26:42it's blank.
26:44There's nothing.
26:48You know what they say about grief, TJ?
26:52That it's love.
26:55With no place to put it.
26:58So what feels like sadness and anger to you
27:03is actually all that love that you had for your little girl with no place for it
27:08or home anymore.
27:11That's why it feels so heavy, baby.
27:17But we are here to help you shoulder that burden
27:21and to collect that love piece by piece and find new places to put it.
27:27I'm not ready to let her go.
27:29Come on.
27:31You don't have to be, baby.
27:36We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
27:39I can't do it.
27:43I can't do it.
27:45It's okay, baby. It's okay.
27:47I can't do it.
27:48It's okay.
27:54We need to see a doctor now.
27:56What's wrong?
27:57I think Donna may have ingested some of Sonny's lithium pills.
28:01Why can't she set up in her room?
28:03Page Dr. Fernandez immediately.
28:05Come with me.
28:06Okay, come on.
28:07Come on, baby.
28:08Right through here.
28:11Can you give us a minute?
28:13Sure, but you might need these.
28:15Just please take care of her.
28:17Yeah, we'll do everything we can.
28:20I promise.
28:22I'm so happy that Avery stayed with Carly last night.
28:25I didn't want her to see me like this.
28:27Yeah, I stopped by Carly's this morning.
28:29Donna and Avery were having a great time together.
28:32Yeah, they always have a great time.
28:38That's strange.
28:44You need to get to the hospital right now.
28:46Donna took some of your lithium pills.
28:48Mom and I took her to the ER.
29:02Are you okay?
29:04Come here.
29:08I can't stand to see TJ like this.
29:12I would do anything to take away his pain.
29:15So would I, but unfortunately we can't.
29:20All we can do is just show up and show our support for him.
29:24Like his domestic partner has?
29:28I'm sorry.
29:30I know that sounds bitter and immature.
29:34It sounds human.
29:37I'm just...
29:39Where is Molly?
29:42You know, she should be here with him together.
29:47I agree.
29:48I'm sure she'll be back soon.
29:50Rather than...
29:53Rather it be sooner than later.
29:56Because they need each other.
30:02I'm really sorry for your loss.
30:04I know you had big hopes and dreams for your grandchild too.
30:09I did.
30:11And now she's gone.
30:15I still want to be strong for TJ.
30:18You are being strong.
30:20Well, it doesn't feel like it at the moment.
30:26Just remember.
30:27Yes, I'm here for TJ, but I'm also here for you.
30:31Whatever you need.
30:54I think we should leave.
30:57Are you sure? I was planning on staying.
31:01For everything.
31:02I'm so grateful for your support.
31:06But honestly, you guys have lives to give back to and...
31:10Hey, I could use the alone time.
31:15Nephew, say no more.
31:17Look, man.
31:18We're only a phone call or a text away.
31:21I know.
31:32I love you.
31:35I love you.
31:36So much.
32:02Do you honestly think that Ava would push a pregnant woman through a window?
32:07Well, Christina certainly didn't jump.
32:09Oh, Mom, you're not listening to me.
32:11No, Trina, you have a big heart and I'm afraid you might be trusting someone that you shouldn't be trusting.
32:17You said it yourself.
32:18You're not sure if you even believe Ava.
32:24I don't exactly know why.
32:28She did feel off.
32:33But with that being said, she had just spent the night in a jail cell, so I would be off too.
32:42Okay, okay, let's take this a different route.
32:46In your opinion, who's most likely to lie?
32:51Ava or Christina?
32:53Did Christina say that Ava pushed her?
32:55Did Christina say that Ava pushed her?
32:57Well, the police must have just cause because they arrested Ava.
33:01They don't think it was an innocent fall, honey.
33:03What they think is irrelevant.
33:05Yeah, but you're proving my point. Ava is behind bars right now.
33:09The police must feel like they have some sort of evidence.
33:12Because they believe that Ava's guilty.
33:18Another visitor.
33:20A little popular girl today.
33:22How are you doing?
33:25I just can't believe this is happening.
33:28The incident keeps playing over and over again in my head like a nightmare I can't wake up from.
33:35And I'm very worried about Avery.
33:38I understand Avery spent the night with Carly and she's fine.
33:43My daughter needs her mother.
33:45And Sonny's out of control.
33:48He can't be counted on to care for her.
33:52Would you mind coming to my arraignment?
33:54You could speak on my behalf as a medical professional.
33:57You could tell the judge that I need to be granted bail and emergency custody.
34:02That Avery's well-being depends on it.
34:05You can rest easy.
34:07How on earth can I do that?
34:10Sonny won't be a concern.
34:12He's getting treatment.
34:17Where's Dad?
34:18She's in with the doctor. They're pumping her stomach.
34:20Is she going to be okay?
34:22I don't know. The doctor just took her in. It happened so fast.
34:25Was she scared?
34:26Yeah. A little. I mean, we tried to stay as calm as we could.
34:30But yeah, I mean, she was scared.
34:32Thanks for calling.
34:33You're her dad.
34:34What happened?
34:36Donna said she found a bottle of Daddy's vitamins in Avery's overnight bag.
34:40How many pills did you have left in that bottle?
34:43I have no idea. I didn't know she was going to grab them.
34:46What was Pilar doing at this point?
34:48Pilar and Avery were in the playroom.
34:50Yeah, Donna didn't show anybody else the bottle.
34:52She didn't want to share.
34:54So we don't know how many she took?
34:58How was Donna when you got here? Is she still talking?
35:00Yeah, she seemed okay.
35:02I mean, she said her stomach hurt, but she seemed okay.
35:04Okay, that's good. And that you got her here so fast.
35:07Yeah, we're all good. It's going to be okay.
36:27Dr. Robinson?
36:33Yes, I understand. Thank you for that.
36:36Is something wrong?
36:37Yeah, you need to go.
36:40That was Pentonville. Heather Weber is on her way to GH for a follow-up.
36:46What do you mean by treatment?
36:49Well, now we're getting into doctor-patient confidentiality.
36:53But you are his doctor.
36:55I've really said too much already.
36:57The main thing is Avery is and will be safe.
37:01Her father is not a danger to her.
37:04Well, that's wonderful.
37:06I'm pleased to know that Sonny's getting help.
37:13I'm sorry, I have to take this.
37:19This is Dr. Collins.
37:24What kind of problem with Mr. Corenthal's medication?
37:32How is Donna?
37:33She's going to be fine.
37:36My God, she's still frogging from the anesthesia and her throat is going to be sore, but she's doing great.
37:45Okay, so what's the problem?
37:48The lab tests the remaining capsules, it wasn't lithium.
37:54What was it?
37:55It was nothing.
37:57What do you mean it was nothing?
37:59There was no medication in those pills.
38:03No, no, no, Donna was holding Sonny's prescription bottle and she told me that she took the pills that were in the bottle.
38:09Not only was there no lithium in the capsules, there was none detected in Donna's system either.
38:15There would have been a very different reaction had there been vomiting, confusion, seizures, coma.
38:23You're telling me I've been taking placebos?
38:31On the next General Hospital.
38:33What the hell was that?
38:34The list is long and you are about to add your name to it.
38:38What's in this for you?
38:39Sonny's days of trampling over people are about to come to an end.
38:42Aren't we in trouble for eating that cinnamon?
38:45What do you want me to do?