Jujutsu Kaisen Season 1 Episode 1 Hindi-English Japanese

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Jujutsu Kaisen Season 1 Hindi-English Japanes
Jujutsu Kaisen Season 1 Episode 1 Hindi-English Japanese


00:00Good morning.
00:20So tell me, who are you right now?
00:24But, you are...
00:26Satoru Gojo. I am the first year in-charge of Jujutsu Tech.
00:34You are...
00:39What is all this?
00:43Right now you should worry about yourself, not others.
00:47Yuji Itadori.
00:49Because you are going to be killed in secret.
00:53You will be killed in secret.
01:54Yuji Itadori
01:55Yuji Itadori
01:56Yuji Itadori
01:57Yuji Itadori
01:58Yuji Itadori
01:59Yuji Itadori
02:00Yuji Itadori
02:01Yuji Itadori
02:02Yuji Itadori
02:03Yuji Itadori
02:04Yuji Itadori
02:05Yuji Itadori
02:06Yuji Itadori
02:07Yuji Itadori
02:08Yuji Itadori
02:09Yuji Itadori
02:10Yuji Itadori
02:11Yuji Itadori
02:12Yuji Itadori
02:13Yuji Itadori
02:14Yuji Itadori
02:15Yuji Itadori
02:16Yuji Itadori
02:17Yuji Itadori
02:18Yuji Itadori
02:19Yuji Itadori
02:20Yuji Itadori
02:21Yuji Itadori
02:22Yuji Itadori
02:23Yuji Itadori
02:24Yuji Itadori
02:25Yuji Itadori
02:26Yuji Itadori
02:27Yuji Itadori
02:28Yuji Itadori
02:29Yuji Itadori
02:30Yuji Itadori
02:31Yuji Itadori
02:32Yuji Itadori
02:33Yuji Itadori
02:34Yuji Itadori
02:35Yuji Itadori
02:36Yuji Itadori
02:37Yuji Itadori
02:38Yuji Itadori
02:39Yuji Itadori
02:40Yuji Itadori
02:41Yuji Itadori
02:42Yuji Itadori
02:43Yuji Itadori
02:44Yuji Itadori
02:45Yuji Itadori
02:46Yuji Itadori
02:47Yuji Itadori
02:48Yuji Itadori
02:49Yuji Itadori
02:50Yuji Itadori
02:51Yuji Itadori
02:52Yuji Itadori
02:53Yuji Itadori
02:54Yuji Itadori
02:55Yuji Itadori
02:56Yuji Itadori
02:57Yuji Itadori
02:58Yuji Itadori
02:59Yuji Itadori
03:00Yuji Itadori
03:01Yuji Itadori
03:02Yuji Itadori
03:03Yuji Itadori
03:04Yuji Itadori
03:05Yuji Itadori
03:06Yuji Itadori
03:07Yuji Itadori
03:08Yuji Itadori
03:09Yuji Itadori
03:10Yuji Itadori
03:11Yuji Itadori
03:12Yuji Itadori
03:13Yuji Itadori
03:14Yuji Itadori
03:15Yuji Itadori
03:16Yuji Itadori
03:17Yuji Itadori
03:18Yuji Itadori
03:19Yuji Itadori
03:20Yuji Itadori
03:21Yuji Itadori
03:22Yuji Itadori
03:23Yuji Itadori
03:24Yuji Itadori
03:25Yuji Itadori
03:26Yuji Itadori
03:27Yuji Itadori
03:28Yuji Itadori
03:29Yuji Itadori
03:30Yuji Itadori
03:31Yuji Itadori
03:32Yuji Itadori
03:33Yuji Itadori
03:34Yuji Itadori
03:35Yuji Itadori
03:36Yuji Itadori
03:37Yuji Itadori
03:38Yuji Itadori
03:39Yuji Itadori
03:40Yuji Itadori
03:41Yuji Itadori
03:42Yuji Itadori
03:43Yuji Itadori
03:44Yuji Itadori
03:45Yuji Itadori
03:46Yuji Itadori
03:47Yuji Itadori
03:48Yuji Itadori
03:49Yuji Itadori
03:50Yuji Itadori
03:51Yuji Itadori
03:52Yuji Itadori
03:53Yuji Itadori
03:54Yuji Itadori
03:55Yuji Itadori
03:56Yuji Itadori
03:57Yuji Itadori
03:58Yuji Itadori
03:59Yuji Itadori
04:00Yuji Itadori
04:01Yuji Itadori
04:02Yuji Itadori
04:03Yuji Itadori
04:04Yuji Itadori
04:05Yuji Itadori
04:06Yuji Itadori
04:07Yuji Itadori
04:08Yuji Itadori
04:09Yuji Itadori
04:10Yuji Itadori
04:11Yuji Itadori
04:12Yuji Itadori
04:13Yuji Itadori
04:14Yuji Itadori
04:15Yuji Itadori
04:16Yuji Itadori
04:17Yuji Itadori
04:19We shall start!
04:20Hi all!
04:21Look here,
04:22Puhl Upan,
04:23So, tell me,
04:24what genus of genus
04:25is weak against our president?
04:31The懂est way to say it!
04:36Paani's president,
04:37you're here.
04:38How's it going?
04:39As you were told once before,
04:40if nothing is happening
04:41in a research club,
04:42you have to kick them out
04:45Don't make the mistake of thinking our club members are weak, Mr. President.
04:52What is this now?
04:54You know that our rugby field is closed, right?
04:58Yes. Some kids who were sick had to be taken to the hospital.
05:01Don't you find it strange?
05:03After all, they were strong rugby players.
05:06The truth is that right before they fell sick...
05:11...those players were hearing strange noises over there.
05:14That's why we found this news in the newspaper 30 years ago.
05:17It says that a man named Yoshida went missing.
05:20He used to work in a construction company.
05:22And he was last seen in Sugisawa 3rd.
05:27The landlord kept calling him.
05:29So he borrowed money from the goons.
05:31And those goons were after him.
05:33This means that the problem in the rugby field...
05:36...is not caused by anyone else but Yoshida's hateful soul...
05:39...who was buried there.
05:41No. This happened because of the insects.
05:44Heart ticks.
05:46A big parasitic tick.
05:48It eats the blood of animals and humans.
05:50It can cause an illness called SFTS.
05:52So what?
05:53Ruhani Club investigates ghosts.
05:55That's why this is a true club activity report.
05:58Stop telling me useless stories.
06:00You are the biggest problem, Yuji Itadori.
06:03Your name is registered in the track and field club.
06:05Not in Ruhani Club.
06:06There are not even 3 members in this club.
06:08Do you understand?
06:12But I had written Ruhani Club in my form.
06:15I have changed it.
06:17The track and field coach?
06:19Yuji, we need you to win the national.
06:22This teacher is a bigger problem than these kids.
06:26Not at all.
06:27I have told you many times that I don't want to participate.
06:29You have to participate.
06:30But why?
06:31I won't force you.
06:33But if you defeat me, you can go.
06:35So let's have a competition.
06:37Let's decide honestly.
06:40I agree.
06:44Will it be right to change the student's application form?
06:53What's the matter with this rugby field?
06:58Is there someone's dead body under this?
07:01Even if there is a dead body, how can it be so powerful?
07:05Maybe there is a second level curse here.
07:07This is definitely happening because of that cursed thing.
07:12He is very powerful.
07:14It is difficult to find him.
07:15It seems that he is close but can also be very far.
07:19This first level cursed thing has become a headache.
07:23Who must have taken him out of there?
07:25And where is he now?
07:27Look there.
07:28There is going to be a competition between the coach Taka and the west middle Yuji.
07:33Which game is it?
07:3814 meters.
07:42Taka is very strong.
07:44What will you do now, Yuji?
07:46Is he very famous in Yuji school?
07:48Maybe this is a false rumor.
07:50But I have heard that he has crossed all the stages of Ninja Warrior.
07:52And I have heard that Mirko Krokop is reborn.
07:54But Mirko is still alive.
07:57Whatever it is, people call him Tiger of West.
08:01Listen, can I throw him in my own way?
08:04Whatever you throw, I will not call it foul.
08:07One more thing.
08:08I just wanted to show how weak you are.
08:10That's why I chose such a game.
08:16He threw 30 meters and broke the world record.
08:20I won.
08:22He looks more like a gorilla than a tiger.
08:24He has blown everyone's mind.
08:27Yuji, you will earn a lot of name in the sports team.
08:30You don't have to stay in Ruhani club forcibly.
08:32Even if you like scary things,
08:34you won't be able to go to a scary place without me, right?
08:38No, we like to be scared.
08:40According to school rules, everyone should stay in a club.
08:43How will I be able to do both?
08:45You can be our host member.
08:47After all, we are Ruhani club.
08:50Isn't it amazing?
08:52I have to go home before 5 in the evening.
08:55If you want, I will stay in this club.
08:57I like the atmosphere of Ruhani club.
09:00If this is what you want, then we accept it.
09:05This boy is amazing.
09:06He has done such an amazing job without Shapit Shakti.
09:09He must be just like his mother.
09:13Oh my god, it's 4.30.
09:15Let's go, coach. I have to go now.
09:27He has that Shapit thing.
09:30He is very fast.
09:31I have heard that he can run 50 meters in 3 seconds.
09:34Is he a human or a cheetah?
09:49I told you not to come here.
09:51And don't bring flowers for me.
09:53Even I don't like this.
09:56Anyway, I don't bring this for you.
09:57This is for the nurses.
09:58Then don't bring it.
10:00And what about your club?
10:01You go to your club.
10:03Calm down.
10:05It closes before 5.
10:07If I didn't have free time, I wouldn't have come to you.
10:11You listen to me.
10:12Because I don't have much time left.
10:14I don't want to listen.
10:16You have to listen.
10:17I want to tell you something before I die.
10:20This is about your parents.
10:22I said I am not interested.
10:25Grandpa, stop acting like a cool before you die.
10:29Every man wants to leave this world in style.
10:32You are really a fool.
10:35Why do you get angry for everything?
10:37Stay as you are.
10:41Disgusting upbringing.
10:51You are strong, so help others.
10:54If not someone else, at least protect the people around you.
10:58Don't worry if you get lost.
11:00Don't care if they will be grateful or not.
11:03Save as many people as you can.
11:05If not many, at least one.
11:07When you die, you should have many people with you.
11:10I don't want you to die alone like me.
11:25Yes, tell me what's the matter?
11:29Can you hear me?
11:30Say something, Yuji.
11:34Hello, hello.
11:38My grandpa is no more.
11:51Okay, now all our important paperwork is done.
11:54Okay, thank you for your help.
11:56Are you sure you are okay?
11:58Actually, I was not okay before.
12:01But I am fine now.
12:03I am fine.
12:05I am fine.
12:07I am fine.
12:09I am fine.
12:11I am fine.
12:13I am fine.
12:15I am fine.
12:17I am fine.
12:19I am fine.
12:21I am fine.
12:23I am fine.
12:25I am fine.
12:27I am fine.
12:29I am fine.
12:31I am fine.
12:32I am fine.
12:34I am fine.
12:36I am fine.
12:38I am fine.
12:40I am fine.
12:42I am fine.
12:44I am fine.
12:46I am fine.
12:48I am fine.
12:50I am fine.
12:52I am fine.
12:54I am fine.
12:56I am fine.
12:58I am fine.
13:00I am fine.
13:02I am fine.
13:04I am fine.
13:06I am fine.
13:08I am fine.
13:10I am fine.
13:12I am fine.
13:14I am fine.
13:16I am fine.
13:18I am fine.
13:20I am fine.
13:22I am fine.
13:24I am fine.
13:26I am fine.
13:28I am fine.
13:30I am fine.
13:32I am fine.
13:34I am fine.
13:36I am fine.
13:38I am fine.
13:40I am fine.
13:42I am fine.
13:44I am fine.
13:46I am fine.
13:48I am fine.
13:50I am fine.
13:52I am fine.
13:54I am fine.
13:56I am fine.
13:58I am fine.
14:00I am fine.
14:02I am fine.
14:04I am fine.
14:06I am fine.
14:08I am fine.
14:10I am fine.
14:12I am fine.
14:14I am fine.
14:16I am fine.
14:18I am fine.
14:20I am fine.
14:22I am fine.
14:24I am fine.
14:26I am fine.
14:28I am fine.
14:30I am fine.
14:32I am fine.
14:34I am fine.
14:36I am fine.
14:38I am fine.
14:40I am fine.
14:42I am fine.
14:44I am fine.
14:46I am fine.
14:48I am fine.
14:50I will switch on the lights.
14:52No, it is important to create the right atmosphere.
14:54The purpose of Ruhani Club is to enjoy the thrill of fear.
14:57Anyway, nothing is going to happen with this.
15:00It is open.
15:15A human finger?
15:18Is this real?
15:23This is...
15:28What happened?
15:33Is it easy to open the curse seal?
15:36No, people who don't have the curse power can't do this.
15:41Turn right. There is a shortcut from here.
15:43But that curse thing is very powerful.
15:45And that seal is ancient.
15:47It must be made of paper.
15:49Still, I don't understand this curse thing.
15:52Which floor is it on?
15:54Fourth floor.
15:59What is happening here?
16:01I will go and see.
16:04I will also go.
16:06He is in trouble, right?
16:08I have only known him for a few months.
16:10But he is my friend. I have to help him.
16:12You stay here.
16:19What time is it now?
16:26The bell is ringing at 11 o'clock.
16:32What kind of monster is this?
16:35Thank God.
16:38Where did you disappear?
16:40Help me.
16:46Help me.
16:47The curse has been released.
16:50His energy is everywhere.
16:55Get out of my way.
16:57You evil monsters.
17:05Teach him a lesson.
17:08Should I listen to him and stay here?
17:12What am I afraid of?
17:15Both of them will die.
17:18I understand.
17:20I am feeling the presence of death here.
17:22I am afraid of dying.
17:24Was I scared then?
17:26No, I didn't feel that way then.
17:28I didn't cry out of fear then.
17:31I cried because I was sad.
17:33But my grandpa's death and the death that is in front of me now.
17:38What is the difference between the two?
17:40You are powerful, so help others.
17:44Help others.
17:51The number of curses is increasing.
17:53He is somewhere here.
18:02Finally, I found him.
18:05He was a very stubborn and stubborn man.
18:08No one went to meet him except me.
18:11Don't die alone like me.
18:14He was right.
18:16No, this cursed thing will kill the girl too.
18:20I can't do anything.
18:31Yuji, you?
18:33Your death was right, grandpa.
18:40Such a death.
18:44It is absolutely wrong.
18:50So this is what the curse is.
18:52This is really very strange.
18:58I was going to ask why you came here.
19:01But very good.
19:03Don't be so arrogant.
19:05By the way, tell me who is eating the curse?
19:08The power of my curse.
19:10Can you see them?
19:11Usually no one sees the curse.
19:13Only when you are close to death or in such a special place.
19:16Okay, now I understand.
19:18That's why I have never seen a ghost in my life.
19:21Aren't you scared?
19:24I was a little scared.
19:26But you know, one day we all have to die.
19:32I just want the people I know to die properly.
19:36By the way, I don't know much about this.
19:39Is he the one?
19:41Yes, the first-class curse of Sukuna.
19:44Be thankful that no one has eaten it yet.
19:47Who will eat it? Is it tasty?
19:49Don't talk nonsense.
19:51You get a powerful power by eating it.
19:53It is dangerous, so give it to me.
19:55Okay, take it.
20:36Oh no! What should I do? I don't understand.
20:41Yuji, I told you to take them and run away from here.
20:45You yourself are in a big problem right now.
20:52Only a curse can end other curses.
20:54You can't defeat it.
20:56Is there any use of these things now?
20:58If I leave, you will die.
21:01If I run away now, I will have very bad dreams.
21:05So be quiet.
21:07And anyway, with me...
21:09Help others.
21:11There is a very big curse attached.
21:24Idiot, give me your finger.
21:26Otherwise, it will eat you too.
21:32Why will it eat? Is it tasty?
21:35Don't talk nonsense.
21:37You get a powerful power by eating it.
21:43Now there is only one way to save everyone.
21:46I need the curse power, right?
21:49Yuji, no.
21:51Don't do this.
21:53Yomensukuna's finger.
21:55This is a first-class curse.
21:57This boy will die by eating it.
22:01Maybe this is his last hope.
22:37I knew it.
22:39The real fun of light comes in the body.
22:43It was very bad.
22:45What I was afraid of finally happened.
22:47That first-class curse got a body.
22:50The cursed soul's body is born.
22:53Where are all the people?
22:55Where are the women?
22:57It feels good to be in such an age.
23:00Why do women and children have to be born?
23:03I don't know.
23:05Women and children are living like insects.
23:11It will be a massacre.
23:18What are you doing with my body?
23:21Give it back to me.
23:23How can you burn yourself?
23:25Because this is my body.
23:28Is he massaging my face?
23:30Don't move.
23:32You are not a human now.
23:36According to Jujitsu rules.
23:38Yuji Tadori.
23:40I will kill you.
23:42You are cursed.
