The Kerala Story (2023) Full Hindi Movie

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The Kerala Story (2023) Full Hindi Movie
The Kerala Story (2023) Full Hindi Movie
The Kerala Story (2023) Full Hindi Movie
The Kerala Story (2023) Full Hindi Movie
The Kerala Story (2023) Full Hindi Movie
00:00:00People from outside have come and created a scene with our students.
00:00:04So, Student Union President, I want my college wall to be clean.
00:00:10We teach humanity here.
00:00:12In future, I hope you will make our institution, our Kerala,
00:00:18and the whole of India, and the whole world, proud.
00:00:30It's time to stand up for our students.
00:00:33Stand up for our Kerala.
00:00:37Stand up for our Kerala.
00:00:40Stand up for our Kerala.
00:00:43Stand up for our Kerala.
00:00:47Are you sure?
00:00:51I will do. Ciao Player.
00:00:56So you are continually telling us that your name is Shalini, but we have no proof of that name with us.
00:01:05Shalini does not exist. Nowhere.
00:01:09And right now the Indian government just announced you are so.
00:01:13Sir, I am Shalini. I don't know how to prove it to you.
00:01:19This is a very dangerous game, sir.
00:01:21This game is to kill my soul, to kill Shalini's soul and make her a slave.
00:01:27A robotic slave, Fatima.
00:01:31And see sir, they are successful also because I am sitting here in front of all of you.
00:01:36Tell me, when exactly you joined ISIS?
00:01:40It is important to know when I joined ISIS, why I joined and how I joined, sir.
00:01:48There is a motive behind every mission.
00:01:50It is important to know how a simple nursing student is turned into a suicide bomber.
00:01:59I don't know why no one wants to hear these things.
00:02:02Why no one does anything, I don't know.
00:02:06The whole of Kerala is sitting on top of a time bomb, sir.
00:02:10God's own country will end.
00:02:12Save her, please.
00:02:18God's own country will end.
00:02:22God's own country will end.
00:02:35I am not listening to you. Get out of here.
00:02:37Come on.
00:02:38Get out of here.
00:02:40Get out of here.
00:02:42Everyone is sitting here. Get out of here.
00:02:44Get out of here.
00:02:45Get out of here.
00:02:47Get out.
00:02:50Get out.
00:02:52Get out.
00:03:06My mother.
00:03:12No need, sir.
00:05:05How much longer will it take?
00:05:08We'll be there in half an hour, Shahbaz.
00:05:11That's your home for a few days.
00:05:13As soon as you get the caliph's order, you'll be taken to Syria.
00:05:19But we'll be with you until then.
00:05:23I have to leave you and go back to Balochistan.
00:05:51Ishaq, I miss my mother a lot.
00:05:56If I was at home in this condition,
00:05:59my mother would have taken such good care of me.
00:06:03Please let me talk to my mother once.
00:06:06Don't be silly. Please.
00:06:09Munna, the phone is very small.
00:06:12I'll just tell her that we reached and that we're all safe and everything is okay.
00:06:15I just want to...
00:06:17Don't you know how risky it is for you to call home in India right now?
00:06:21The phone will be under surveillance.
00:06:25When our phone was taken to Sri Lanka,
00:06:28the girl said, we'll give you a new phone here.
00:06:31When will you give me a new phone?
00:06:35Your phone call will be traced.
00:06:38Those infidels will know our location.
00:06:47Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
00:06:53Know your real purpose, Fatima.
00:06:57In the path of Jihad,
00:06:59we have to sacrifice our loved ones first.
00:07:04And anyway, according to ISIS,
00:07:07girls are not allowed to keep their phones under Sharia law.
00:07:13Yes, sir.
00:07:32They didn't tell us in India that keeping a phone under Sharia law is a sin.
00:07:41And when Sharia law was made, where was the mobile phone?
00:07:45I don't know that.
00:07:47But it is a sin.
00:07:49And the punishment for a sin is death.
00:08:03Allah Hafiz.
00:08:05Allah Hafiz.
00:08:40Ishaq. Stop it, Ishaq. What are you doing?
00:08:43I'm very tired.
00:08:46I'm pregnant, Ishaq.
00:08:48I'm a widower.
00:08:49Should I give up my right for someone else's illegitimate child?
00:08:53You will accept this child.
00:08:54We got married on this condition, right?
00:08:56And marriage is an agreement, Ishaq. Please.
00:08:57And that agreement also gives me the right to do this.
00:09:00Ishaq, I don't want this.
00:09:02In Islam, it is a sin not to keep your husband happy.
00:09:04Ishaq, I don't want this.
00:09:08Ishaq, I'm not your wife.
00:09:10Nothing will happen to your wife.
00:09:11Ishaq, this is rape.
00:09:13Islam does not allow rape.
00:09:15Whatever the husband does, is not rape.
00:09:17Ishaq, leave me.
00:09:20Thank God.
00:09:21A woman only has to cook and sleep with her husband.
00:09:25She doesn't have to take pills like a free woman like us.
00:09:30Now you only think.
00:09:31If this pain doesn't go away, then I'll go to hell.
00:10:15Katrina, get me a cup of tea.
00:10:18You look like her.
00:10:20You are a good mother.
00:10:21Beauty queen.
00:10:23Thank you.
00:10:24Sipping hot.
00:10:27Do you need some pill help?
00:10:31You are going like Cinderella.
00:10:33As if a prince charming is waiting for you in this city.
00:10:37Poor girl.
00:10:38He doesn't think she's dead.
00:10:43I don't wear makeup.
00:10:45Without math, okay?
00:10:47I look better in hijab.
00:10:49I love natural beauty.
00:10:50Anyway, no makeup look is trending on celebrities these days.
00:10:54Bollywood's first hijabi heroine.
00:11:01I think full makeup or natural look.
00:11:04Whatever you wear, you should wear it with full confidence.
00:11:07Excuse me.
00:11:13Yes, I'm coming. Just 5 minutes.
00:11:15Listen, be nice and careful.
00:11:20Okay, so girls, we are going out for our first dinner together.
00:11:28I have a small work at the beach.
00:11:31My cousin is waiting downstairs.
00:11:33You guys come along.
00:11:35It will be a city trip.
00:11:37Anyway, the beach here is the best in Kerala.
00:11:39I'm telling you.
00:11:42Hi, I'm Ramesh.
00:11:44I'm doing MBBS final year.
00:11:46And this is Abdul.
00:11:47He's a well-known, renowned businessman of Castle Gord.
00:11:51Come on, Ramesh.
00:11:53Don't overact.
00:11:55I hope you guys are comfortable.
00:11:57Sorry for the inconvenience.
00:11:59There was so much space in the car.
00:12:01We are all comfortable.
00:12:03Please pray for me so that one day I become a big man.
00:12:05I buy a helicopter.
00:12:07Then I'll take you all for a ride.
00:12:11So, Ramesh, what plans after MBBS?
00:12:14What plans after MBBS?
00:12:16After MBBS?
00:12:18Yeah, I'm trying for MS.
00:12:21If it happens in a good college,
00:12:23we'll fly to US or UK.
00:12:26Why US or UK?
00:12:28Why not India?
00:12:32Look, you get only one life to live.
00:12:34And we Muslims...
00:12:36What is that word in Hindi you use for rebirth?
00:12:40Punar janam.
00:12:42Punar janam. Yes, correct.
00:12:44We Muslims don't even believe in that.
00:12:46You know, we believe in afterlife and not rebirth.
00:12:49In our Islam, it is said that whatever you earn in life,
00:12:52donate some of it to Zakat and help people with it.
00:12:56Now think about it.
00:12:58If I go to US or UK, I'll earn more.
00:13:01I'll be able to help more people.
00:13:03And I want to enjoy both life and afterlife.
00:13:06So, that is the plan.
00:13:45You two can come with us.
00:13:48It's our treat.
00:13:54I'm giving you a chance to have dinner with beautiful girls.
00:13:57We'd love to, but we have some urgent work.
00:14:00We'll join you in a while.
00:14:02You guys carry on.
00:14:04God, this looks so delicious.
00:14:07We should all take a photo.
00:14:09Because we're all eating out for the first time.
00:14:11I'll send my mom also.
00:14:29I didn't know you guys have a ritual.
00:14:32We Catholics always pray before eating.
00:14:35By the grace of Mother Mary and Jesus, we thank them.
00:14:39And we thank God.
00:14:41Don't you guys pray before eating?
00:14:44I don't.
00:14:46But yes, my father told me once that we should definitely thank God of food and farmers.
00:14:53My mom and grandma say some slogans in Sanskrit.
00:14:57I don't know it specifically.
00:15:00I just see yummy food and then I eat it.
00:15:04No, no.
00:15:06We say thank you.
00:15:07We say thank you to our mothers, cook sisters and basically whoever cooks for us.
00:15:13But we say thank you after eating.
00:15:16So that next time we can eat better food.
00:15:23Eating without prayer is a sin.
00:15:28Why are you like that?
00:15:38You think you're better than them?
00:15:41Wasn't there?
00:15:43If you all want to cook, yeah please.
00:15:46Please cook.
00:16:35If you don't mind, can I ask you something?
00:16:41You were saying, eating without prayer is a sin.
00:16:47And what were you praying for?
00:16:49I was thanking God.
00:16:51I was saying, Oh God, thank you so much for giving us this food.
00:16:57You are so great.
00:16:59And the food we eat is because of God's mercy on us.
00:17:03So if we don't thank God, then his anger takes us to hell fire.
00:17:09Hell fire?
00:17:11What is hell fire?
00:17:13You don't know?
00:17:15Hell fire.
00:17:17So whatever wrong we do in this life, we are punished for it after death.
00:17:24And whatever good we do, we get heaven for it as a reward.
00:17:29Punishment even after death?
00:17:30Punishment even after death?
00:17:32My father is an atheist.
00:17:34He says religion is the opium to the people.
00:17:37God didn't make religion, humans made it.
00:17:40So there is no need to be formal with God.
00:17:46Your father is a communist.
00:17:48And what you are saying is the politics of communists.
00:17:54Mother, look.
00:17:56Asifa was talking about hell fire.
00:17:58What is hell fire?
00:18:01I was telling you.
00:18:03God has said in the hadith that hell fire is 70 times hotter than the world's fire.
00:18:11And there is a dark well in hell, where all sinners are tied with iron chains and burnt.
00:18:17So those who believe in God, they get heaven.
00:18:21And those who don't believe in Islam, they are burnt in hell fire.
00:18:27This sounds so painful.
00:18:30Yes, and this is not even a normal fire.
00:18:33It produces 70 times more heat.
00:18:36Go to hell meaning, today I understood.
00:18:40My mother.
00:18:43This is the first time I am hearing about praying in fear of God's anger.
00:18:49God has a relationship of love.
00:18:52It should be like our relationship with our parents.
00:18:56Like that, no?
00:18:57I agree.
00:18:59But why would God get angry? This is not right.
00:19:02God, you are not getting angry.
00:19:05But wait a minute.
00:19:07We are Hindus.
00:19:09Why would we go to hell?
00:19:11That's what.
00:19:13Why would your God punish us Hindus?
00:19:17This world is ruled by God.
00:19:20Only God.
00:19:22And you are a non-believer.
00:19:24You will surely go to hell.
00:19:25And anyway, the Day of Judgment is not religion specific.
00:19:30It does come in everyone's life one day.
00:19:33And I am sorry.
00:19:35You are a non-believer.
00:19:37You will surely go to hell.
00:19:40Only God can save you.
00:19:42No one else.
00:19:50What Asifa used to say was very scary.
00:19:53I had no answer to challenge that fear.
00:20:08Nimma was from Kottayam.
00:20:10That's why she used to go to her house every weekend.
00:20:14Geetanjali liked the hostel more than the house.
00:20:18My house was far away.
00:20:20So I couldn't go much.
00:20:22Asifa used to take me and Geetanjali to her house every weekend.
00:20:29Last Eid, all four of us celebrated together.
00:20:33Asifa's family was very nice.
00:20:36Her mother used to make vegetarian food for me.
00:20:43Rameez, Abdul and Mujib's closeness started from that time.
00:20:51Rameez, Abdul and Mujib's closeness started from that time.
00:21:22The training will start from today.
00:21:25And after the training, all the ways to Syria will be open.
00:21:33And then I will be a complete Mujahideen.
00:21:37And you will become a Sunnah.
00:21:42But you will have to wait a little longer.
00:21:51And you will have to wait a little longer.
00:23:16Patriots. Criminals.
00:23:19Long live Akbar!
00:23:29Punishment is not the verdict.
00:23:32It is a lesson.
00:23:34A lesson so that no law can be broken again.
00:23:37And any who are stuck with this path...
00:23:41...are at the mercy of the Prophet.
00:23:46Shariah Rasool ka bataya hua rasta hai
00:23:48Aur is rasta se batakna
00:23:50Allah Rasool ke shan ke khilaf hai
00:23:54Is lanki ne jo kiya
00:23:56Wo ek guna hai
00:23:58Aur iske shohar ne
00:24:00Iski khata nada randaz karke
00:24:02Isko wo guna karne diya
00:24:04Wo usse bhi bada guna kar hai
00:24:06Aur ab ye sabak
00:24:08Ek nazar ban jayegi
00:24:10Naray Takbir
00:24:12Allah o Akbar
00:24:14Allah o Akbar
00:24:16Allah o Akbar
00:24:18Allah o Akbar
00:24:20Allah o Akbar
00:24:22Allah o Akbar
00:24:26Allah o Akbar
00:24:30Allah o Akbar
00:24:34Tum thek ho?
00:24:36Yeah, I'm okay
00:24:40Mera naam Shazia hai
00:24:44Tumne mujhe colony mein nahi dekha?
00:24:46Main tumhari neighbour hoon
00:24:48I'm sorry
00:24:50Maine sabko sirf
00:24:52Burqa pehenta rahe dekha hai na
00:24:54Islehi nahi pehachana
00:25:02Assalam-o-Alaikum, I'm Shalin
00:25:08Kaafi achha naam hai
00:25:10Fatima tum market mein
00:25:12Akeli ghoom rahi thi
00:25:14Aur wo bhi iss halat mein
00:25:20Tum bhaagne ki koshish
00:25:22Toh nahi kar rahi thi na
00:25:26Tum bhaagne ki koshish kar rahi thi
00:25:28Ya Allah
00:25:32Tumhe pata nahi yeh
00:25:34Kitna ghatarnak ho sakta hai
00:25:36Yeh aur toh ke liye toh yeh naam mumkin hai
00:25:42Unhone wo ladies ka
00:25:44Hand kyun kat kiya?
00:25:46Tukhe usne lipstick lagay thi
00:25:50Sirf lipstick baine ke liye
00:25:52Dhaat kata?
00:25:54And that Deva mein
00:25:56Yeh Bhagwan
00:25:58There is no Bhagwan
00:26:00There is only Allah
00:26:02Aur Sharia mein yeh haram hai
00:26:04I'm sorry
00:26:10Tum mujhe yeh sab bol rahi ho
00:26:12Tum akeli market mein ghoom rahi thi na
00:26:14Tumhe koi gole laga deta toh
00:26:18Wo mujhe nahi maarenge
00:26:20Jisne haath kata wo mera pati tha
00:26:22Wo kushani commander hai
00:26:24Wo sab log usse order lete hai
00:26:26Tum dhyan se chalo
00:26:30Mera jo yeh moh tha
00:26:32Syria jaane ka
00:26:34Wo din par din
00:26:36Toote jaana tha
00:26:38Yeh sab wo nahi tha
00:26:40Jo hume bataya gaya tha
00:26:42Mujhe aisaas hone laga
00:26:44Ki yeh ek
00:26:46Bada trap hai aur
00:26:48Hum sab isme buri tarah se fas gaye
00:26:50Behi rahimi se maarte logon ko dekhkar
00:26:54Mujhe zyada mere hone wale
00:26:56Bache ki chinda hone lagi
00:26:58Kahin dino tak wo
00:27:00Kata hua haath aur
00:27:02Kata hua sar dekhkar sab
00:27:04Yeh mujhe
00:27:06Haunt karne lage
00:27:10Aur mera darna jayas bhi tha
00:27:12Kyuki guna kya hota hai
00:27:14Aur guni ki saza kya hoti hai
00:27:16Yeh mene hindu religion
00:27:18Mein kabhi nahi jaana tha
00:27:22Assalam o alaikum
00:27:24Walaikum assalam
00:27:26Main ek khaas cheez
00:27:28Tume dikhana chahata
00:27:34Yeh video dekhiye
00:27:38Yeh dawa
00:27:40Jise humari bhaasa ke andar
00:27:42Chemical courage kaha jata hai
00:27:46Pharma ki bhaasa ke andar
00:27:48Keptagon aur amphetamine kaha jata hai
00:27:50Jo aapke jihad ke jazbe ko kabhi
00:27:52Marne nahi degi
00:27:54Jo aapke maqsat se kabhi
00:27:56Bhadakne nahi degi
00:27:58Aur madaan e jang mein yeh dawa
00:28:00Lambe samay tak aapko bhooka
00:28:02Pyaasa aur neem ki shiddah se door rakhegi
00:28:04Yeh aapke buskil insaan ko maar ke
00:28:06Jo aapke andar hai
00:28:08Ek mujahideen ko paida karegi
00:28:10Jo kal tamam Islam ki states ke
00:28:12Parcham ko buland karne wala hai
00:28:14Apne gunaahon ki maafi maang ke
00:28:16Jannat paane wala hai
00:28:18Aur in kafiro ke mooh se
00:28:20Allahu Akbar nikalwaane wala hai
00:28:24Wala hai taqbeer
00:28:26Samjhid yaadiyo
00:28:28Yeh dawaai
00:28:30Tumhare kaam ko aasaan kar dega
00:28:32Dawa dena shuru karo
00:28:34Unhe karib lao
00:28:36Khandaan se juda karo
00:28:38Jishmaani rishte banao
00:28:40Zarurat pade to unhe
00:28:42Pregnant karo
00:28:44Aur jal se jal
00:28:46Agle mission ke liye hume handover karo
00:28:48Wo tisri radhki ka kya hua
00:28:52Wo catholic hai jannat
00:28:54Easily nahi maanega
00:28:56Mujib ko kuch special karna hoga
00:28:58Kamal hai
00:29:00Itna waqt guzar gaya
00:29:02Aur tum teen ladkiya nahi la par
00:29:04Udhar UK aur Europe se
00:29:06Har maini 25 se 30 ladkiya
00:29:08Apni marji se
00:29:10Syria pauch rahi hai
00:29:12Maulvi sahab
00:29:14Maulvi sahab
00:29:46Neema ka message aa gaya
00:29:48Kab se wait kar raha hai
00:29:50Wait ho gaya
00:29:52Bye Asifa
00:30:06They left
00:30:16You both
00:30:18What's the time
00:30:28It's so bad
00:30:44Kya batameezi hai
00:30:46Please hit her just now
00:30:48Mai phirse lagayega
00:30:50Mera marji hai
00:30:56Ek minute
00:30:58Hum police complaint karega
00:31:00Police complaint karege
00:31:02Hamara danda band karan dekhi
00:31:04Dhanki dekhi
00:31:06Dhanki dekhi
00:32:22Am sorry guys, but yet on either
00:32:26Shaitanukumoka chaiyota or tum log nae de diya mocha chaitanuka put a shukra manao Allah na bachaliya tumko
00:32:32Tumne socha wah itni sari ladkiyon ko chodke tum tino ke saati aisa kyun hua are you justifying them?
00:32:39But tum kuch socha
00:32:41Itni sari ladkiya toh market mein khali tum tino thi jino ne hijab nahi paina tha, right?
00:32:48Hijab pehni ek bhi ladki ke saath nai kabhi rape hota hai, nai kabhi koi unhe chhedta hai because Allah always protects us
00:32:56I'm sorry, but he's not like your God. Are you trying to say only Allah protects? Other gods don't protect. Exactly
00:33:06Because tum log ka God itna helpless hai, khudi doosron se madad maang ka rahta hai
00:33:11Even your Jesus Nima. It's not the time
00:33:14See, I understand what you are going through
00:33:17But tum ek baar socha, koi God ka beta
00:33:21God ka beta suli par latkaya jaa raha hai, zinda aur God aakar apne beta ko nahi bacha pa raha, wo tum log ko kaise bachayega?
00:33:30Stop now
00:33:37I'm sorry, okay
00:33:42But tum socha
00:34:01Kya hua, bolo?
00:34:07Toda zyada kar diya, itna kapde nahi paadna tha
00:34:11Pahila din tha na
00:34:13Idiot, rakho abhi, hum baad mein baat karte hain
00:34:23Baar jaane ke liye bhi tension ho raha hai
00:34:27Dogs, bad people
00:34:29Abko daravane sapne aata hai, just can't sleep
00:34:33I'm so sorry guys, I was not there with you
00:34:36Agar hum log saath hote, toh aisa kabhi nahi hota
00:34:41Listen, they both are really ashamed
00:34:43Yeh poora Kasargod ke liye bahucha Rab ki baat
00:34:47Ab, raste par aar aadmi se thoda dar lagna na kar
00:34:51Yeh sabhi musalmanon ko inhone na badnaam karke rakhti hai
00:34:54These bloody ba...
00:34:58Sorry for my language
00:35:01Shalini, with Anjali, I'm sorry again
00:35:06But I promise yeh kabara nahi hoka
00:35:09These bloody rogues
00:35:11Aisa sabak sikhenge, zindagi baad yaad hakhenge
00:35:14Isi liye main inko yaha pe laaye, do fix the rogues
00:35:18I just thought, raat ko teek se neenda hai
00:35:21It's nothing, just anxiety
00:35:23Don't overthink now
00:35:25Tum kaisa doctor hai?
00:35:27Unko koi medicine do na, to calm them
00:35:35Acha listen
00:35:37Usko ek chauta sa kaam hai
00:35:39But I shall be back soon
00:35:41But kuch bhi kaam hai, to I'm just a call away
00:35:47So, this is the pill
00:35:51Take one one pill
00:35:53Jab bhi anxiety feel ho, just have this
00:36:00Yeh thanks anna
00:36:04Thank you
00:36:34Tum mila mujhe ko, meri khushal naseebi
00:37:02Sang yuhi guzare, yeh zindagi bhi
00:37:09Mere liye hi tu aaya zame pe, band le bandhan
00:37:17Mere hamdan, mere hamdan
00:37:25Tum mila mujhe ko
00:37:32Tum mila mujhe ko
00:37:52You know what I really like about you and Geetu?
00:37:56Ke hindu hokar bhi na, tum dono ne hijab pehne
00:38:00Kyunki wo pehne ke baad, nobody misbehaves or teases us
00:38:05Mujhe bahut safe feel hota hai, na na Geetu?
00:38:10Agar aadmi ki nazar buri na ho, to?
00:38:16So then, I don't know
00:38:20To, us budhke mein, usko jisam nahi, ek bahut hi khubsurat si rooh dikhege
00:38:30Usse mohapat ho jaana to laajmi hai
00:38:33To kya, Islam mein mohapat karna guna nahi hai?
00:38:38Nikah mein, qazi bhi aakhir mein kya poochte, kabool hai ya nahi
00:38:45Saara khel hi, ek doosre ko kabool kar lene mein hai
00:38:49Agar dono ko kabool ho, to, ish guna kaara
00:38:53But what about physical intimacy?
00:38:55I mean, Islam ki according, yeh shaadi se pehle illegitimate hota hai, right?
00:39:00It is not acceptable, right?
00:39:02It is not acceptable
00:39:04Infact, Islam kya, kisi bhi religion ke hisaap se, yeh na jaayis hai, agar one night stand hoto
00:39:10Lekin, agar do log, kisi relationship ko zindagi bhar nivane ka faisla karte hain
00:39:17To, woh intimate ho sun bharai kya hai?
00:39:19Like, Abdul only said, you know, kabool naama
00:39:23Kabool naama to, do log ke beech, peri baar sex karne se pehle bhi ho sakta
00:39:59Masdi mein hi rehti ho main fursat mujhe milti nahi
00:40:06I am amazed at myself
00:40:11I don't live in myself
00:40:14A new world of dreams is decorated
00:40:18Day and night I am living there
00:40:22Day and night I am living there
00:40:36Day and night I am living there
00:40:39Day and night I am living there
00:40:42Day and night I am living there
00:40:45Day and night I am living there
00:40:48Day and night I am living there
00:40:51Day and night I am living there
00:40:54Day and night I am living there
00:40:57Day and night I am living there
00:41:00Day and night I am living there
00:41:03Aren't you going home for Diwali?
00:41:08No, we will do some pooja at home
00:41:13School festival was like a holiday
00:41:17So it was fun
00:41:18Now what, it's just eating yummy food
00:41:20You know, so we can eat
00:41:22All these traditional myths
00:41:24And all religious things
00:41:26I don't know much
00:41:27What will I do at home?
00:41:28All this pooja, rituals
00:41:30I haven't done it since childhood
00:41:32But Diwali is a big festival, no?
00:41:34You don't want to celebrate it with your family
00:41:36We can do all that in old age
00:41:38This is not the time
00:41:40I don't think so
00:41:42I have been praying since childhood
00:41:44And I don't think
00:41:46God needs any age to pray
00:41:48I agree with Neema
00:41:50My wife has been praying since childhood
00:41:53God listens
00:41:55Yes, but there should be faith
00:41:57But there is no faith, Asifa
00:41:59Why is there no faith?
00:42:01God exists, 100%
00:42:05Yes, but not like
00:42:07The Hindus claim
00:42:09Da Vindu
00:42:11Asifa, you have a lot of energy
00:42:13We will start again
00:42:14I have to go to the church
00:42:15I will pray
00:42:16And happy Diwali to you both, bye
00:42:18Wait no, for some time
00:42:19No, no, no, I have to go, bye
00:42:26Which God do you believe in?
00:42:28Amma said
00:42:30Forget it, you are dieting
00:42:38You didn't tell me
00:42:40Which God do you believe in?
00:42:42If there is one God, tell me
00:42:44There are millions of Gods and Goddesses in our religion
00:42:46I think Shiva is a big God
00:42:50See, I am sorry
00:42:52See, I am sorry
00:42:54But you must have heard the story of a big God
00:42:56Where he is carrying his dead wife on his shoulder
00:42:58And roaming all over India
00:43:00What are you telling?
00:43:02Is there such a story?
00:43:04Now you tell me
00:43:06How can a God who cries like a common man
00:43:08on his wife's death
00:43:10be a God?
00:43:14So you are trying to say that
00:43:16Shiva took his dead wife all over India
00:43:20But in North India
00:43:22Ram and Krishna are big Gods
00:43:24They are known to be great
00:43:26You must know the story of Ramji
00:43:28Everyone knows
00:43:30How he took his wife, Ravan
00:43:34So now you tell me
00:43:36If he is a God, can't he save his wife alone?
00:43:38To save his wife
00:43:40He needs the help of monkeys
00:43:42And you ask those monkeys
00:43:44I am sorry
00:43:46Your one God
00:43:48Your one God used to
00:43:50play with every girl
00:43:52What kind of a God is he?
00:43:54Who falls in love with every girl
00:43:56And he left his country
00:43:58and went somewhere else
00:44:00Does God ever get scared?
00:44:02And how will he help you
00:44:04who are scared of him?
00:44:06You mean to say
00:44:08100 crore people are wrong
00:44:10F**k ya
00:44:12This is so complicated and confusing
00:44:14It is confusing
00:44:16because you are following
00:44:18the wrong path
00:44:20It's very beautiful and sacred
00:44:22I'll show you the right path
00:44:32Are you serious?
00:44:34Government doesn't believe
00:44:36But it happens
00:44:38Otherwise, where would I get drugs?
00:44:40And these drugs are used
00:44:42a lot
00:44:44These drugs have an immediate effect
00:44:46Not a side effect
00:44:48They want a suicide bombers
00:44:50Not a well trained army
00:44:56It's hurting a lot
00:44:58I have to go to the hospital
00:45:00I have to go to the hospital
00:45:02My husband must be coming
00:45:04I can't come with you
00:45:06I'll do one thing
00:45:08I'll send Razia with you
00:45:10She'll take you to the hospital
00:45:12Please call mom
00:45:20I am here with you
00:45:22Just check
00:45:24They are using proper drugs
00:45:26Just relax
00:45:28Do you trust me? You'll be fine
00:45:30We just need to push
00:45:32Now the baby
00:45:34The baby is kept properly
00:45:36They don't do anything to the baby
00:45:38Let me keep it properly
00:45:40I promise you
00:46:06I want to call my mom
00:46:08One call
00:46:10I just want to tell her
00:46:12You can take the phone
00:46:20It's not a small gun
00:46:22It's a mortar
00:46:24Where are you going?
00:46:28I've got admission for Indian and American Embassy
00:46:32I've been training for the last few days
00:46:36You'll come back, won't you?
00:46:38I'm not going as a suicide bomber
00:46:40There will be rocket launchers and grenades in the front line
00:46:42Don't worry
00:46:46Can I come with you?
00:46:54We can't even have sex properly because of this
00:46:56And you want to come with me?
00:46:58With whom?
00:47:02I feel suffocated here
00:47:04How long will we stay here?
00:47:06When will we cross the border?
00:47:08I won't go anywhere
00:47:12Without me
00:47:14You can't even leave this city
00:47:16You can't even leave this neighborhood
00:47:20I'll leave in a minute
00:47:34You're a lonely woman
00:47:36They'll sell you
00:47:38Or shoot you
00:48:22I can't manage
00:48:24There's no money, no food, no clothes
00:48:26She's continuously crying
00:48:28I don't know what to do
00:48:32I've got some medicines
00:48:42Give it to me
00:48:44Give it
00:48:52What happened?
00:48:54What happened?
00:48:58Let me talk to my mother
00:49:00Just one call
00:49:02Fatima, don't you understand?
00:49:04It's illegal to keep a woman's phone
00:49:06It's illegal
00:49:10I haven't contacted anyone in two years
00:49:12Shazia, please
00:49:14Let me talk to my mother
00:49:16She'll handle everything
00:49:18I don't know what to do
00:49:20I'm so tired
00:49:22I don't know how to manage
00:49:26Just once
00:49:46There's an emergency
00:49:48I need your help
00:49:50I need to make a call
00:49:52Open the door
00:49:54No, it's impossible
00:49:56I just need to make a call
00:49:58You know this call is tracked by the U.S. Security Agency
00:50:00And we get the location
00:50:02Just a minute
00:50:04Just one call
00:50:06For my daughter
00:50:08I beg you
00:50:14You know it's not safe to stay outside
00:50:16Just open the door
00:50:24Just one call
00:50:26I need to talk to my mother
00:50:28My mother hasn't seen my daughter
00:50:30You can't make a phone call
00:50:34You can message her
00:50:36Okay, no problem
00:50:38You can just message her
00:50:40But she won't reply
00:50:42I'll have to end the call before she replies
00:50:4430 seconds
00:50:46Not more than that
00:50:52There's an emergency
00:50:54Please listen to me
00:50:56I'm going to Shehbaz
00:50:58It's a city
00:51:00It's a city called Herat
00:51:02Ishaq took me there
00:51:04I'm going back
00:51:06I'll go to the police with you
00:51:08I'll tell them to pressurize
00:51:10Maulvi and Asifa
00:51:12They don't know about this place
00:51:14Tell them
00:51:16I'll go back to India as soon as possible
00:51:20Give the police my address
00:51:24Please take me back
00:51:26I'll apologize to everyone
00:51:30I'm sorry
00:51:32I'm sorry
00:51:38We should go now
00:51:44Thank you, Usna
00:51:46You're really very kind
00:51:48May Allah always protect you
00:51:52Not through this door
00:51:54Go through the back door
00:51:56My husband must be on his way
00:51:58Thank you
00:52:10No, no, no
00:52:12This is not my phone
00:52:28No, no, no
00:52:30No, no, no
00:52:32No, no, no
00:52:34No, no, no
00:52:36No, no, no
00:52:38No, no, no
00:52:40Murder! Murder! Murder!
00:52:42Murder! Murder!
00:52:46You are going home
00:52:48but can you tell me
00:52:50about Abdul and Rameez?
00:55:50I'm taking her for two minutes
00:55:54From the office
00:55:58Or a minute. I'm gonna make a phone be naked. I'm not a friendship. Maybe I'll be
00:56:03Not like that. Yeah, I was too stressed it up. My mother was giving me hell at home. I
00:56:09Just could not handle it only
00:56:11see in the
00:56:14My communist father, you know, make up lecture vanilla the limitations of hijab people and it's so-called right my amma
00:56:22She thought this is some kind of a fancy dress competition
00:56:25Shallow, I'm telling you now communists are the biggest hypocrites
00:56:30I'll tell you a father you don't know
00:56:35By the way, I still wonder the Maya curve
00:56:39I still bantha to do it in Chile. Let me see. I don't know
00:56:44Live in relationship
00:56:47Austin on a planner. I don't accept it. I don't settle on a cup. I'm going to
00:56:53Marry bodies. It was take a couple a couple of old
00:56:57No, no, oh
00:57:00What action is he gonna get this mojo? They put that tomorrow or up to the beach make a catch up
00:57:06Mean sir, maybe couple a couple a bonus. If any of them don't know couple a couple of bullshit me out. I know everything steady
00:57:12Hello, it's kabaddi. Kassar
00:57:14Chastity because I'm a little bit silly girl
00:57:19But something I'm Guido
00:57:21Experiencing all of this for the first time in my life
00:57:25Now kiya hotel mojit up so much may I read
00:57:31Don't know muscular is a explain car now, but
00:57:36It's a lot back here. I'm a sir man. It was him. I live there
00:57:40Full life Chile bus, you know, I love him
00:57:44Looks at me only no, okay. Okay. Okay excitement too much
00:57:50Now you're talking about not so hard. I'll tell you Ludo kill now, but I got them. No, shut up. You don't anything
00:57:56I'll tell Abdul what you're telling up
00:58:04Islam or okie Tara, we'll Java much of the
00:58:08CDC the barker
00:58:10the Dunia banana, Walla
00:58:12Dunia go Charlie Wallace if a
00:58:16Boy, Allah Rasool bar
00:58:19Allah cool up meet you know, I keep a bunker gay. I'm so scared
00:58:25It's a drama
00:58:27war up me Karima sir, I
00:58:30Skill, yeah, it's a church. I'm under Janaki's over
00:58:35There's our fool pale patty Janaki's over
00:58:41Basically a
00:58:43twist Mandela
00:58:45Knowledge a yoga to smother Joe
00:58:48Takachi yoga to smother Joe
00:58:51Darbar Darbar Darbar technique is over
00:58:54sir, Allah Sidhu, I'm
00:58:57What's up? Murad?
00:59:00Taki a man buddy
00:59:02or so cool
00:59:08As we have a repair a bio and then
00:59:11Yeah, man first my job up need to know I got to be a blower
00:59:20amazing the key but I know
00:59:22a challenge
00:59:24Thank you, baby
00:59:30Charlie and this is Gita Julie, my friend
00:59:34To come say are you happy?
00:59:37Mujahid my now again
00:59:39I'm looking at he sent a key dormitory me right here. Don't you mean to me? I've argued Lakshmi
00:59:47I'm 48 girls missing
00:59:49South Christian head Bucky Hindu a
00:59:53Hum, I'm not sure. Okay. Yeah, I
00:59:56Don't eat money. They say, yeah, I got ready. I think I'll go to my side
01:00:01I'm so 48 girls. That's a mystery
01:00:34Can't miss long cook up will go to
01:00:37Carolina he money. I'm such a park at the
01:00:41Such a pair kill it or could speak or something
01:00:45Could be hot to go something
01:00:49Hey, are you Charlie? Oh
01:00:53Wait, I'm either. I'm you
01:00:59No, yeah, no many monster, okay, I'm not that irresponsible
01:01:04Seriously, I'm with you, but I'm afraid I'll say it's a protective tower. Come on. I'm used to me
01:01:09Yeah, I'm gonna I don't you tell me all this because I'm physical now you had
01:01:13Or come doctor. Oh, no, I'll get DNA test car. Well, I don't go confirmation. They'll die
01:01:21I'm sorry for behaving rudely. Okay, just sit
01:01:27Could you give me a hostel miss up? Oh, but I challenged my college nature
01:01:30Oh, but that's the point. Yeah, everybody will get to know my arm. I will find out. So what will I do?
01:01:35I'm down. I'm down. Relax. Relax. Relax
01:01:39You're not understanding. Listen to me. My mom finds out that just listen to me
01:01:44Alas, I think I did how
01:01:47The tomb problem boulder. Oh, it's got me solution. Hey
01:01:50Don't let me kiss. I'll shut it. Oh, but how
01:01:54She's a Hindu girl, so so family guess I'll prove Kareem era
01:02:00So to Islam cool nigga
01:02:03Yeah, it's not a problem solve it
01:02:06It's a nigga get back. He butchered him. No, no, I legit made childhood. That's the way problem. I had a tumko
01:02:13Slim let kiss a shoddy economy family with problem. No, yeah
01:02:18Charlene co Islam Kabul Karna Hoga
01:02:21Sadie can you conversion? Yeah, yeah, but in the heart of our unit. What is he telling? I'm telling a pregnant
01:02:28may hijab any kid
01:02:30Ayaar, okay, but suddenly I saw Muslim banjara. No, no, no, no, no
01:02:36Come on, Ellie. I'm already shoddy clay but shake late. Oh my goodness. I can do it. Hello
01:02:41Did you know so far? Yeah, yeah, thank you. I'm on a prayer. Huh? Don't be silly. Okay, please understand what she's going through
01:02:48She just needs some time to think okay
01:02:50Let's get back to work. Wait, I read it. I took tomorrow. He'll be a butcher kill you. I'll kill it. He'll go back
01:02:56Put a time to a bus ocean again, right?
01:03:01No, he's
01:03:03Okay, I'm doing a shoddy car late to them. It's up to you go Jaiga
01:03:14But also crew much better
01:03:24Okay, kabula
01:03:27He kept there
01:03:30mess senior sabotage early to come to my key shoddy cup
01:03:33how far is the family major confessions Kayla back Karna hoga to
01:03:37Just you're not
01:03:39cool, Anna, Tom
01:03:42Then me kiss me
01:03:55To teach us we're the
01:04:01Come back
01:04:05See the Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyz to the beach a coop suratna D
01:04:11Just get on a surf run we're gonna get below Kabbadi J. But it's give me check
01:04:18Just to check but I got to more man
01:04:21got her has our own terrible a small set to beat our own money
01:04:29Allah Tala what our homie did they
01:04:32What did they do that?
01:04:36Amarich and that's okay
01:05:12As-salamu alaykum
01:05:13Karate is doing strike me. I'm a lot of Nukes on hoga
01:05:17which the cleave kiss at McKenna pradayaki
01:05:21Ishaq Shaheed, okay
01:05:23Allah Tala name of a sucker. I mean I mean
01:05:50Yeah, it's a market
01:05:53Yeah, it's both buddy girl. Did you these people will not let me live alone and now how will I take care of the baby?
01:05:58I can't even get out of the house for the market or it part of my shantaja and we pass passport being a
01:06:03They took my passport also in my India. What was case? I'll get my coach got the room
01:06:07But they go
01:06:10Don't about me to go shishmukh. I got to me about me to go shishki
01:06:15To me I'm already mad at me
01:07:10Mean if I look me up at the mirror parents it
01:07:13Well, I can't even
01:07:15Joe, I like only man time. Okay, then
01:07:18many John
01:07:28And I'll do in a calm kill it off eat it
01:07:33Better better than that
01:07:41come up knee-jerk, I'll be cool Tico Anisha, but
01:07:44Tucked him up near past life. Maybe Joe gave me put on a other cook. I said, I'll be
01:07:48Or I said, oh, come on. He's a bunny. Give up deep
01:07:51Kitanjali cook up in a book. Oh
01:07:56Tomorrow father a coffee
01:07:58Or coffee Roneka gonna talk about me. Oh, that's up. Talk to me. They took the name of a room to put her name on
01:08:04Or to go look what we did it was the tomorrow at Banda
01:08:09Coffee to me the daughter could be behind me. Okay. It's yours
01:08:25Now the meaning of a look me now has a firm a
01:08:29Thumper in the just a happy man's name
01:09:04Say I'm a potato, you know, it'll be Islam Kabul
01:09:12Yes, I'm mine sir, but I'll stay you up the heart attack a lot of hair
01:09:19Sabah, okay, it's gonna man. Nevali. I'm in Sankey
01:09:25Mean salamity chat, you know, I'm gonna get bad. I can't handle me. No, I'm not chatting to Islam Kabul karla
01:10:04Means they have not come to the air to me or get my wife like a goblin Mia
01:10:15Take the dinkovic for the day that I was a guy
01:10:20Marry just another one. Okay, but also he to that a
01:10:26Alamgir orange a joke, ah, Madhura chore guy Hindustan me. What's a pura karne kamo ka?
01:10:34Is is hunk of the air?
01:10:37Yeah, but pull on a
01:10:43Don't say such my mahabhat kirti. Oh, of course, but they'll do you push me about it
01:10:51To fit to my research area children of us to make a bar bar see a janaki rat laga rakhi
01:10:59Many carna me India choker. No, I'm gonna put our key kidnapper. Nisse, but I or kushnaya Ota
01:11:07or to make a tea
01:11:08I'm Khalifa kamakam a joker. It's puri dunya me Islam kapar. Chambal and Kare Islam kapar. Chambal and
01:11:14Yeah, here I got over
01:11:16as if I keep that
01:11:19Move it. Oh, yeah, I got that
01:11:21Syria Jana Zaroor, you know, yeah, but yeah, do much to the car. I do you know
01:11:28Sabotage the car again, ah, but I don't get
01:11:33Many of them have up to me for now. They're a kiss on you
01:11:38Thank you
01:11:40May the cook was a mutt
01:11:44May touch go for a barker to me
01:11:47hagana, okar
01:11:50Just Charlie kiss at a sub or a time. I'm so much. I'm a cheetah. Can I make a trap me first guy?
01:11:55Felly Islam kibar a man. She is cheap. I think
01:11:58They're a marriage. They're partner car. Judah. Not a key. I'll talk to you. Mama. I thought sex
01:12:05Yet, oh, I check it to Nicola important
01:12:11Mean I'll be Charlene Jessa. Oh, Jada. Oh, maybe they're a bunch of him. I'll buy Jada. Oh, Mary Mardan keep it. Well, I'll tell you mother
01:12:22What's coming in a pyramid, huh? What's coming in now?
01:12:35Am artfully major
01:12:45Get it
01:12:50Yeah, we come up each other
01:12:56It's okay. Just a pulley digital album key library. I'm a repast
01:13:00I'm gonna show me to make each kid virgin. I a photo smidgen
01:13:05Yeah, we'll eat you
01:13:11Up to soon
01:13:14Marissa, I think I'll go to Syria chaliky to
01:13:18record now, we'll a key
01:13:21To tell me do you make a runga viral social media pay?
01:13:26To touch go to touch a little number to call it
01:13:43Both burahua Miribachi to Marissa
01:13:48Rami's of Lord can I hang?
01:13:51Well, I mean, I'm me Kassad Maldive chalaga
01:13:56Okay, well, it's got which muscly who gave
01:14:01When I jumped at Aki, we're not terrible or could curse Nikolai ka
01:14:09Koffer hey
01:14:12Those are Malaga, Osa, but Mira Kaka
01:14:17And it's budget. I'm pregnant now
01:14:24Allah before Saracovity
01:14:27What's up, TK?
01:14:29Agar, Allah ka koi Nate Banda
01:14:33Tum sinikha karele
01:14:35or is much a co
01:14:37Apna naam de de
01:14:39To a se better or kya ho sakta havi, but Rami's is the love of my life
01:14:45My Rami se pyar karte tumhe kisi aur se nikah kaise kar sakte ho
01:14:49Adapati la
01:14:50Allah ko samjho bachi kuch faizle jazbaat se nahi
01:14:56dimaag se liye jate hai
01:14:59Tum apne ghar toh wapas ja nahi sakte ho
01:15:02o tumhe apna inge bhi nahi hor
01:15:06Iss bachi ko bhi nahi gira sakte ho
01:15:10Naukri tumhare paas hai nahi
01:15:13Aur tumhari nurse ki degree bhi abhi puri nahi hui hai
01:15:21Koi aur rasta hi nahi hai toh
01:15:25Main jee hui kyu
01:15:27Why should I live?
01:15:29Kisi aur se nikah karne se accha hai mai mar jao rather die kuth kuch hi kar leti ho
01:15:36Islam kabool karne ke baad kuth kushi ke liye soch raha hai ho
01:15:41Dozak mein jaana chahati ho
01:15:45Tumhara pehla guna
01:15:47ki nikah ke bina jismani talukaat banayi
01:15:51Doosra guna
01:15:53Nikah ke bina maa bani
01:15:56Aur teesra guna nashe ki goliyan khai
01:16:00Mabab tumhare kaafir hai
01:16:03Allah kis kis guna ki saza de tumhe
01:16:07Toh kisi aur se nikah karne se guna maaf ho jayega
01:16:12Iss mulk mein rehte hui toh nahi
01:16:17agar tum
01:16:19nikah karke
01:16:20Allah ki raha mein uska paigam
01:16:24aur hukumat badhane ke liye khalifa ki khidmat karne ke waaste
01:16:30Apne shohar ke saath Syria chale jaa
01:16:33Toh Allah ek toh kya
01:16:36Hazaro guna maaf kar dega
01:16:38Tumhare liye jannat ke darwaze khol dega
01:16:44Iss haath naam hai uska
01:16:47Bada hi neg banda hai
01:16:55Pehle Christian tha
01:16:57Abhi haal hi mein Islam kabool kiya hai
01:17:58It's hard
01:18:02But I'm bored
01:18:05Mere wajah se aapko heart attack aaya
01:18:12Mere wajah se bahut bada galti hua
01:18:15Magar galti sirf mere nahi
01:18:18Aapki hai
01:18:20Yeh videshi ideology
01:19:06Big mistake
01:19:09Mere muajjal
01:19:34Kabool hai
01:20:34What did he say?
01:20:43He said,
01:20:45I'm very happy that my daughter married a boy of her choice.
01:20:51I will accept my son-in-law.
01:20:56I'm ready to accept Islam.
01:21:00I just want to take my daughter and my son-in-law to my house.
01:21:06I'm ready to do anything for my only daughter.
01:21:10Aunty, you...
01:21:12You're our...
01:21:13He's not a father.
01:21:14Don't say anything else to him.
01:21:17I just want to marry them.
01:21:21I'm just asking.
01:21:23He said everything.
01:21:27Shalini, what did he say?
01:21:28Aunty, listen to me.
01:21:29Listen to me.
01:21:30What did he say?
01:21:32He said...
01:21:33Aunty, let it be.
01:21:34What did he say?
01:21:35He said...
01:21:36Aunty, listen to me.
01:21:37Listen to me.
01:21:38Listen to me.
01:21:39Listen, what you're saying is not possible.
01:21:41Aunty, listen to me.
01:21:42What you're saying is not possible.
01:21:44She's my daughter.
01:21:45I want to live with my daughter.
01:21:47This is impossible, aunty.
01:21:48How will you live with her?
01:21:51When he came home in a hijab, you had a hard time, didn't you?
01:21:54I don't understand, child.
01:21:56Aunty, you don't understand. I'm here with him. You go.
01:22:01Aunty, you go.
01:22:18They didn't let me bring Shalini along.
01:22:24Neither did Shalini insist on coming.
01:22:28Why did this happen?
01:22:30Why does she want to come home?
01:22:37Aunty, the reason...
01:22:41Shalini is pregnant.
01:22:49Shalini is pregnant.
01:22:57A sensational incident has shaken the soul of Kerala.
01:23:01Someone has uploaded hundreds of nude photos and videos of a girl
01:23:04from social media to the government website and her official Twitter handles
01:23:09to more than a hundred groups and has created a sensation.
01:23:15This person has tagged everyone on the government website and her official Twitter handles
01:23:20and has uploaded these photos and videos.
01:23:23The sources say that these uploads are from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Malaysia.
01:23:29This girl is said to be a student of a nursing college in North Kerala.
01:23:46Shalini is pregnant.
01:23:48Shalini is pregnant.
01:23:51Shalini is pregnant.
01:23:54Shalini is pregnant.
01:23:57Shalini is pregnant.
01:24:00Shalini is pregnant.
01:24:03Shalini is pregnant.
01:24:06Shalini is pregnant.
01:24:09Shalini is pregnant.
01:24:12Shalini is pregnant.
01:24:17Shalini is pregnant.
01:24:21Shalini is pregnant.
01:24:24Shalini is pregnant.
01:24:42It is so bad with those girls who refuse to go to Syria.
01:25:12Ishaq and I were ready.
01:25:14That's why she was taking our special classes.
01:25:17There were 3-4 other couples with us.
01:25:20But everyone had different plans.
01:25:34We were not taught anything.
01:25:37We were brainwashed, indoctrinated and hallucinated.
01:25:41We wanted to get out of India as soon as possible.
01:25:44Then I happily got ready to go to Syria.
01:25:48You don't know how dangerous those medicines are.
01:25:52You have seen those videos where they easily cut the necks of the infidels.
01:25:58After taking these medicines, a person is ready to do anything dangerous.
01:26:05Without any fear.
01:26:07So, becoming a killing machine is not a big deal.
01:26:20Some people gave us passports, visas, all the paperwork and documents.
01:26:27Everything happened so easily.
01:26:29Because Salafi Centre, travel agencies and embassies were all busy.
01:26:35Salafi Centre gave us a lot of money.
01:26:39And Asifa was doing a lot of shopping.
01:26:46At that time, I didn't know that Ishaq was facing a lot of sedation and national security cases.
01:26:52Interpol had issued a red-corner notice against him.
01:26:57We were given a lot of documents.
01:26:59And everything was asked to be memorized.
01:27:02Even the maps.
01:27:04Like toposheets, solar compass, survival apparatus.
01:27:08So that no one from the immigration officer to the border had any doubt on us.
01:27:19Before leaving for Colombo, I was allowed to meet my mother.
01:27:23But I only told my mother that we were going to Colombo for our honeymoon.
01:27:28This meeting was also planned by the Salafi Centre.
01:27:32They knew that my mother would go to the police station and file a complaint.
01:27:36Thank God.
01:27:37Thank God, mother.
01:27:39I will come back from Colombo and meet you again.
01:27:42At home.
01:27:43Take care, mother.
01:27:44Don't worry, mother.
01:27:50Call her.
01:28:02Good night.
01:28:03Good night.
01:28:10Shalini, where are you? Where are you?
01:28:13You were missing.
01:28:15We thought you didn't like us, so we went away from you.
01:28:19Where are you now?
01:28:20I have come to Colombo for our honeymoon.
01:28:22Mima, I can't tell you.
01:28:24I am actually happy after so many days.
01:28:28You married Ramesh?
01:28:30No, not Ramesh.
01:28:32I married Ishaq.
01:28:35Mima, I am pregnant.
01:28:37And actually it is a very long story.
01:28:41Ramesh betrayed me and went away from India.
01:28:45Asifa did everything.
01:28:47Asifa, Ramesh, Abdul, Mujib, they are all together.
01:28:51Ramesh didn't go anywhere.
01:28:52He is here with another girl.
01:28:54He is having an affair.
01:28:55You told me to meet Mujib.
01:28:58I went to meet him.
01:29:02But I told my father that I won't convert.
01:29:07He mixed blood in my glass.
01:29:13He used to rape me when I was unconscious.
01:29:36Everyday, 11-20 people used to come.
01:29:42After that, I couldn't even count.
01:29:47Everything used to get blurred.
01:29:54They made a mistake.
01:29:57They made a mistake.
01:30:00They made a mistake.
01:30:03They made a mistake.
01:30:07It was very difficult for me to escape from there.
01:30:10No one even wrote my FIR.
01:30:13Guru, no.
01:30:15Geetanjali committed suicide.
01:30:18Did you?
01:30:20When did she call me?
01:30:22Abdul destroyed Geetanjali and her family.
01:31:06Shalini, please come back.
01:31:10Neema, I'll talk to you.
01:31:12I'll call you.
01:31:13I'll call you sometime.
01:31:15I'll talk to you later.
01:31:17I'll call you back.
01:31:37My friend Neema called.
01:31:41Neema was raped.
01:31:44And Geetanjali committed suicide.
01:31:48Neema never believed in God.
01:31:51Now, Geetanjali has converted to Islam.
01:31:54She's a Muslim.
01:31:56She's a Muslim.
01:31:58She's a Muslim.
01:32:00She's a Muslim.
01:32:02She's a Muslim.
01:32:03Neema never believed in God.
01:32:05Now, Geetanjali has converted to Islam.
01:32:13Maybe they're being punished for their sins.
01:32:34When we were leaving Colombo,
01:32:37even if it was just once,
01:32:39I thought,
01:32:41what's happening isn't right.
01:32:44Why would God be so merciless?
01:32:47Geetanjali and Neema were believers.
01:32:50Why is this happening to them?
01:32:53But I had such a scary thought in my mind
01:32:56about God's wrath
01:33:00that I agreed
01:33:01that they're being punished for their sins.
01:33:31Sir, this is not a matter of conversion.
01:33:34Sir, it is a threat to our national security, sir.
01:33:38Sir, this is a global agenda.
01:33:42Sir, these machineries are isolated in Europe and America.
01:33:46But our bad luck is that
01:33:49our political silence is too big, sir.
01:33:52Our ex-Chief Minister said
01:33:55that if we don't convert,
01:33:57our political silence is too big, sir.
01:34:00Our ex-Chief Minister said
01:34:03that in the next 20 years, Kerala will become an Islamic state.
01:34:07As per government's report placed in the Assembly in June 2012,
01:34:12an average of 2,800 to 3,200 conversions
01:34:16are happening
01:34:18from Hindu and Christian families to Islam every year.
01:34:22More than 30,000 girls are missing, sir.
01:34:25The unofficial number is 50,000.
01:34:28We all believe that, sir.
01:34:30Case is registered.
01:34:38261, sir.
01:35:15It's a big nexus between a local organization of Kerala and ISIS.
01:35:21They're raising a ruthless, ruthless army of suicide bombers
01:35:26by an apparent harmless conversion, sir.
01:35:30Is this harmless?
01:35:33I can understand your emotions.
01:35:37And respect too.
01:35:39Your complaint will begin proceedings from today.
01:35:44But what you're saying...
01:35:48Your documents are not sufficient.
01:35:53This is the law, madam.
01:35:56And the law is based on evidence, not emotions.
01:36:01You're giving us news and numbers.
01:36:03Not evidences.
01:36:05The credible evidence.
01:36:07Now you tell me.
01:36:09Can we interfere in the life decisions of two such adults?
01:36:13God is great!
01:36:15God is great!
01:36:17God is great!
01:36:19God is great!
01:36:21Get up!
01:36:23You describe it to me!
01:36:25She's too young!
01:36:27You describe it to me!
01:36:29Get up!
01:36:31She's too young! She can't do it! Let her go!
01:36:35Let my daughter go!
01:36:42Let my daughter go!
01:37:06Let my daughter go!
01:37:09You took so long to write my FIR.
01:37:16When will you get justice?
01:37:21Even when Shalini Siri and Yaman leave?
01:37:24Will you still ask for evidence?
01:37:30You know about Kasargod's territory, don't you?
01:37:34In some of the villages there, Sharia...
01:37:36Sharia runs like Siri and Yaman.
01:37:39Will you still ask for evidence?
01:37:42In Sri Lanka, Singapore, Afghanistan...
01:37:45In everyone's blasts, you find boys from Kerala.
01:37:48Will you still ask for evidence?
01:37:56Okay, fine, sir.
01:37:59Okay, fine.
01:38:01You wait, sir.
01:38:03You better go.
01:38:33You came for me, didn't you?
01:38:35You turned me into a slave.
01:38:38A sex slave.
01:38:42You didn't come today.
01:38:45Slowly, I'll understand everything.
01:38:49These people don't kill us.
01:38:53They just kill the souls every day.
01:38:57We are their slaves.
01:39:00That's why they kill us for free.
01:39:05The men who die in the war...
01:39:08either have to become a sex slave...
01:39:13or have to jump off a building...
01:39:16and say, Allahu Akbar.
01:39:21Besides that, women have no other choice.
01:39:30Raghav Lakshmi...
01:39:33and Shalini...
01:39:51Come on, let's go.
01:39:55Come on, let's go.
01:39:59Let's go.
01:40:03Let's go.
01:40:05Let's go.
01:40:07Let's go.
01:40:09Let's go.
01:40:24Let's go.
01:40:54Let's go.
01:41:17Let's go.
01:41:20Allahu Akbar!
01:41:23Allahu Akbar!
01:41:26Allahu Akbar!
01:41:40Allahu Akbar!
01:41:46What are you doing?
01:41:47Get out!
01:41:48Get out!
01:42:01Oh, my God!
01:42:15The way I studied the map,
01:42:18I thought we were crossing the Iranian desert and heading towards Irbil,
01:42:23which is close to the Syrian-Turkish border.
01:42:26And Syria-Iranian-Turkish border, I knew, was under the control of US and UN peacekeeping force.
01:42:33I knew this was my last chance to escape from there.
01:42:55Syria-Iranian-Turkish border
01:43:25Syria-Iranian-Turkish border
01:43:55Syria-Iranian-Turkish border
01:44:25Syria-Iranian-Turkish border
01:44:55Syria-Iranian-Turkish border
01:45:25Syria-Iranian-Turkish border
01:45:55Syria-Iranian-Turkish border
01:46:26Sir, whatever was the truth, I have told you everything.
01:46:32If you take me to India, I will expose everybody who is involved in this terrorist activity.
01:46:39Shalini, we have all the evidence of you being a terrorist.
01:46:44But we don't have any evidence to consider you innocent.
01:46:48You have come here with proper training.
01:46:51You have crossed three countries with a fake passport.
01:46:53We hardly can help you.
01:46:56Before you left India, all your efforts were to come to Syria.
01:47:00And after coming here, you stayed in their hideout with a militant for almost a year.
01:47:05How can anyone prove you innocent?
01:47:08An Indian government has zero tolerance for any terror link.
01:47:12You have cooperated with us so far in this investigation.
01:47:15And you have also guided us graphically about the terror network in India.
01:47:19And for this confession, you have helped us in many ways.
01:47:21We will make sure that we will provide you a safe place at this facility.
01:47:25And you will get access to the best of our legal team.
01:47:28And we will also try to find your daughter.
01:47:34You please feel comfortable in my facility.
01:47:41Can I talk to my mother on the phone in Kerala?
01:47:59Tell me.
01:48:01Tell me, Shalini.
01:48:04Are you alright?
01:48:07Tell me.
01:48:09Tell me how much I am searching for you.
01:48:13Tell me.
01:48:16Tell me.
01:48:18You have become a mother.
01:48:19You have become a mother.
01:48:21How does it feel to become a mother?
01:48:24Do you know how it feels to become a mother?
01:48:32Just come home once.
01:48:35We will be together this time.
01:48:39I am not sad.
01:48:41I just called to tell you that I am fine.
01:48:45Don't worry, mother.
01:48:48I am trying to come home.
01:48:51I will call you again.
01:49:01Forgive me, mother.
01:49:04I am really, really sorry.
01:49:07I know that you have suffered a lot because of me.
01:49:12Don't worry.
01:49:15Everything will be fine.
01:49:18Everything will be fine.
01:49:21I will make everything fine.
01:49:24I promise.
01:49:36Shalu, open the door.
01:49:58What is your name?
01:50:02Shalini Unnikrishnan.
01:50:05A Hindu.
01:50:07From Kerala.
01:53:45Saayon par bhi dar ka pehra Dard khalaon se bhi gehra
01:54:13Cheekhoon ki badhti abadi Behri ho gayi saari wale
