Venezuela | José Contreras appears in front of the Supreme Court of Justice

  • 2 months ago
José Contreras from the Popular Democratic Right Party attends to summon from the Supreme Court of Justice for a hearing for the July 28th elections investigative process. teleSUR


00:00The electoral chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice is holding hearings with the former
00:05electoral candidates of the July 28th elections. This is part of an investigation into the electoral
00:11process, an inquiry asked by the re-elected president, Nicolás Maduro, in the face of the
00:19fraud callings promoted by the far-right wing, a premeditated plan that they were announcing
00:26for several months ago, that they were not able to accept the results if president Nicolás Maduro
00:35was the winner. This court started the hearing for individual appearance of former candidates
00:43under legal representatives today, a process that will last until this Friday, August 9th,
00:50and opposition candidates Manuel Rosales of Un Nuevo Tiempo, also José Luis Cartaya for the
00:56Mesa de la Unidad Democrática and José Simón Calzadilla for the Venezuelan movement were the
01:01first to appear today before the highest judicial authority of the country. Also,
01:10this instance received representatives from right-wing organizations, among whom
01:16were Zulia governor Manuel Rosales from Un Nuevo Tiempo party, José Cartaya from
01:21Democratic Unity Trump table and also José Calzadilla movement for Venezuela. Let's recall
01:28that none of them presented either evidence or records to the judges. The biggest highlight
01:35of the day was the former electoral candidate José, no, the former electoral candidate Edmundo
01:44González, who is representing the far right wing of the country, refused to assist today to the
01:52court, so did not appear at the hearing in the Supreme Court of Justice electoral chamber today,
01:58where he was expected to present the voting records from these presidential elections held on July 28th.
02:06This means that Edmundo González disobeyed an explicit mandate from the Supreme Court
02:14and according to the Supreme Court president Caricia Rodríguez, who is at this moment addressing
02:20the people present at the courtroom of the electoral chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice,
02:26she assured that the failure to appear before the electoral chamber will have consequences,
02:33all provided for in Venezuela's current legal system. The extreme right registered for elections
02:41and also put up election witnesses, but since before the electoral process González already
02:47announced that he would sign fraud. After realizing they would not win, they choose
02:53to promote violence with the intention of starting a civil war, violence that have had consequences
02:59for the country. The outbreaks of violence promoted by this extreme right wing between
03:05Monday and Tuesday, the following days of the elections, where the results were already
03:10released by the National Electoral Council, did not have as a protagonist peaceful citizens,
03:17as the authorities assured earlier this week. They were not formed by students nor trade unions and
03:26most of the people who were arrested following these criminal events assured during the arrest
03:34that they didn't even go to vote. The extreme right did not succeed in mobilizing workers
03:42or young men, so during the protests these culprits burned official facilities, government
03:51buildings, educational institutions, health centers, also monuments among others, and this
03:58is what had the sole motivation of receiving payments from abroad. During these days of
04:07violence more than 80 officers were injured by these criminals. Regarding this judicial process
04:16that is taking place in the Supreme Court of Justice, let's recall that former candidate of
04:21the great patriotic Paul and also constitutional president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro,
04:28will appear on Friday before the Supreme Court, and this political coalition assured that it's
04:35prepared to deliver a hundred percent of the electoral records that are in their possession.
04:41Let's remember that this week the Supreme Court president Carizlia Rodríguez summoned all former
04:49presidential candidates to present the electoral records in their possession, and this is what we
04:57are witnessing at this moment, a process that started today in Caracas, Venezuela, where several
05:03former candidates already have assisted to show the documents that support
05:13their claims, and this is a process that is taking place in order to clarify the transparency
05:24of the electoral process in the country, an electoral process that is worldwide renowned
05:31for its security, for its transparency, for the technological support that it has,
05:40a process that was outed for several weeks after the election day, a process that also
05:49got the over 100, over 1,000, my pardon, of observers who assured that these were
06:00transparent elections. However, the far-right incest, that there has been a fraud,
06:09a claim that is not news, that they have been doing the same operation for over 20 years.
06:19For as long as they see their interest affected. At this moment, the president of the Supreme Court
06:27of Justice of Venezuela, Carizlia Rodríguez, entered the courtroom and is addressing to the
06:34people present at this moment, representatives and also former candidates that took part in
06:41the elections of July 28th in the country. Let's recall that this is an inquiry presented
06:56by the president-elect Nicolás Maduro in response to the contentious action presented
07:05for a thorough investigation into the presidential elections to clear any
07:10accusations of fraud. Despite that the far-right wing is the one that is claiming that these
07:18elections were fraudulent, the main candidate or former candidate of the elections Edmundo González
07:30failed to appear today before court.
