• last year
Womb 2010.Dopo la morte prematura del suo amante, una donna decide di riportarlo in vita dando alla luce un suo clone


00:02:06If you need
00:02:12You perlera sempre con te non importa. Rasa non dirai niente
00:02:22Anche se tene say andato non vuol dire che tu non sia più qui
00:02:30Forse avevo solo bisogno di questo dono
00:02:37Quello che mi hai dato alla fine
00:05:25Vuoi che ti legga qualcosa no, grazie
00:05:34Buonanotte nonno
00:06:04Ciao, io sono tommy e tu
00:06:14Ti sei trasferita qui
00:06:17No, ci abita mio nonno adesso sta da lui
00:07:33Tuo nonno al telefono
00:07:37E sta dormendo ora devo svegliarla
00:07:44No, non ci sono problemi può dormire questa notte
00:08:48Mi dici dove andiamo
00:11:01Finora questa lumaca visto soltanto dei fili d'erba sicuramente pensera di essere su un altro pianeta
00:11:10Magari possiamo portarla a vedere il mare domani
00:11:13Io non ci sarò domani devo andare via
00:11:22Ritorni a casa
00:11:26No, dove vai a tokyo in giappone
00:11:35Come mai
00:11:38Mia madre lavora lì
00:11:40Abiteremo al settantaduesimo piano settantaduesimo
00:11:47In alto
00:11:51Ora devo andare
00:12:41Partirò alle sei vado via con il traghetto
00:12:52Sono qui
00:12:59Pronto tommy
00:13:38Ora Rebecca
00:15:24Miss cozy cosa desidera
00:15:29Circo tommy
00:15:31Non, abita più qui da tanto tempo
00:15:37Il suo viso lo conosco ci siamo incontrate da qualche parte
00:15:42Sono rebecca
00:15:48Rebecca la bambina che andata in giappone
00:15:54Per un po tommy non ha parlato d'altro che di andare a tokyo
00:16:01Poi ha smesso di pensarci per fortuna
00:16:08Dove abita adesso
00:16:11Conosci il porticciolo nuovo accanto al terra piena lo troverai lì
00:16:54Chi sei
00:16:57Che fai qui
00:17:00Sto cercando thomas
00:17:03Sono io
00:17:05Tu chi sei
00:17:20Ciao Tommy
00:17:37Lei chi è
00:17:43Come era il giappone
00:17:4872 esimo piano
00:17:56Ok vogliamo presentarci io sono rose lui e tommy tu chi sei
00:18:11Ci tornerai no ho finito gli studi che hai studiato matematica
00:18:18E adesso è adesso che fai e laboro software per apparecchi sonar
00:18:27I sonar per la ricerca di micro fratture nei serbatoi sotterranei
00:18:35Tipo tipo quelli dei distributori di benzina a volte si crepano
00:18:51Bingo ti ha lasciata entrare così
00:18:55Non è mai successo lui gli strani li attacca le donne poi a una ha morso una gamba forse aveva uno strano odore
00:19:02Magari invece il tuo gli piace
00:19:11Forse dovreste cominciare ad annusarvi anche voi
00:19:28Quanti anni sono
00:19:43Io vado
00:20:45Rosa sacca se qui
00:20:48Non lo so
00:20:57È la tua ragazza no la mia ragazza
00:21:10Lo conosciuto ieri non l'avevo mai vista prima
00:21:47Una passato tanto tempo da quando è morto tuo nonno
00:21:56Sì tanto tempo
00:22:00Ma è strano
00:22:05Questa casa
00:22:08Me la ricordavo più grande
00:22:11Ricordi quella sera
00:22:14Volevi venire a salutarmi perché avevi avuto una buona idea ma poi non s'è più venuto
00:22:22Qual era l'idea te la ricordi
00:22:27Credevo che non me l'avresti più chiesto
00:22:56Io volevo venire a portartela quella mattina
00:23:03Tokio sarebbe stata una grande avventura per lei
00:23:17Le ho dato da mangiare per quasi un anno dopo che sei partita
00:23:25Le ho visto fare la cacca mentre mangiava
00:23:30Il che è notevole
00:23:33Poi sembrava malata
00:23:37E un giorno non è più uscita dal guscio
00:23:44Era morta
00:23:50Perché non s'è venuto
00:23:54Non mi sono svegliato
00:24:00Ma ora sono sveglio
00:24:38Sei fredda
00:24:42Non è vero
00:24:44Non è vero
00:24:46Non è vero
00:24:48Non è vero
00:24:50Non è vero
00:24:52Non è vero
00:24:54Non è vero
00:24:56Non è vero
00:24:58Non è vero
00:25:00Non è vero
00:25:02Non è vero
00:25:04Non è vero
00:25:06Non è vero
00:25:08Non è vero
00:25:10Non è vero
00:25:14È strano
00:25:18Lo so
00:26:10What are you doing this weekend?
00:26:16What you do.
00:26:18No, I don't think so.
00:26:21I have to go.
00:26:23I come with you.
00:26:25I have to go alone.
00:26:27I'll be away for two days.
00:26:29Where you go, I go.
00:26:36No, no, you can't come there.
00:26:44Then don't go.
00:26:53Where there was the pond before, they put thousands of tons of reinforced concrete.
00:26:59It's all in six months.
00:27:00What a record.
00:27:01Officially it's a wellness center.
00:27:03The name is Sparkling Park.
00:27:06The profits will mainly come from cyber prostitution, plastic surgery and cloning of domestic animals.
00:27:15They opened last week.
00:27:17This will be their first weekend.
00:27:18Or rather, our weekend.
00:27:20Because there will also be our group.
00:27:23Pollen Group.
00:27:25Militants who fight for the protection of the environment.
00:27:28It's all planned.
00:27:29We will be in 23 to participate in the action.
00:27:33With our arrival, we will unleash the mass hysteria.
00:27:36Guaranteed, mass hysteria.
00:27:38We will send the surveillance service in tilt.
00:27:40And in the meantime, the others outside will block accesses and exits from the parking area using rapid-fire cement.
00:27:46Do you know how it works?
00:27:48No, huh?
00:27:49It works great.
00:27:51And then the press and TV will arrive.
00:27:52And how do you unleash it?
00:27:54Mass hysteria.
00:28:22Let's go.
00:28:34So, do you see all these bags?
00:28:36They will serve to bring my breeding of beetles that we will release in shops, restaurants, in the pool.
00:28:41In all the places where there are more people.
00:28:46Sparkling Park.
00:28:53I already have six bags ready.
00:29:12Where are you going?
00:29:13I have to do.
00:29:14And what is that stuff?
00:29:16They are bags.
00:29:18Don't you want a coffee?
00:29:20No, thank you. Not now.
00:29:22Don't you even give me a kiss?
00:29:41What's up?
00:29:42I like your plan.
00:29:44You came up with it all by yourself, right?
00:29:48Are you sure?
00:29:53I'm just a humble beetle farmer, Rebecca.
00:29:58Maybe I'm not worthy of you.
00:30:02I've always wanted to meet a beetle farmer.
00:30:19I have to pee.
00:30:23Is it urgent?
00:30:25Very much, yes.
00:30:48Come on.
00:31:18Come on.
00:31:48I have to pee.
00:32:18I will wait for you until it will be necessary.
00:33:18I love you.
00:33:48I love you too.
00:34:18I love you too.
00:34:49I love you.
00:34:51I love you.
00:34:53I love you.
00:34:55I love you.
00:34:57I love you.
00:35:18I love you.
00:35:48I love you.
00:36:04I can't eat. I'm sorry, Rebecca.
00:36:07Sit down, at least.
00:36:13I can't even sit down.
00:36:19Can you tell us why you invited us?
00:36:25Yes, of course.
00:36:48He could come back to us.
00:37:02Come back? Who? Thomas?
00:37:29Department of Genetic Replication.
00:37:33Who would deliver him?
00:37:58We are both atheists.
00:38:01And Thomas is an atheist like us.
00:38:05But that doesn't mean we can crawl into our loved ones' graves and clone them.
00:38:12We are not breeding animals.
00:38:15We accept what life gives us.
00:38:20Like what life takes away from us.
00:38:25But what?
00:38:33Life is also giving us this possibility.
00:38:39This gift.
00:38:45Do you understand?
00:38:59If I were you, I would repaint this room in white.
00:39:54Thank you.
00:40:03Do you want us to move?
00:40:11He loved the sea.
00:40:14He'll love it again.
00:40:18But we can't stay here.
00:40:21We'll leave in a few days.
00:40:28Thank you, Ralph.
00:40:36Think about it.
00:40:38You can still change your mind.
00:41:08Thank you.
00:41:23Thank you.
00:41:39Thank you.
00:41:42Thank you.
00:41:45Thank you.
00:41:47Thank you.
00:41:50Thank you.
00:41:52Thank you.
00:41:54Thank you.
00:41:56Thank you.
00:41:58Thank you.
00:42:00Thank you.
00:42:08Thank you.
00:42:39Thank you.
00:42:41Thank you.
00:42:43Thank you.
00:42:45Thank you.
00:42:47Thank you.
00:42:49Thank you.
00:42:51Thank you.
00:42:53Thank you.
00:42:55Thank you.
00:42:57Thank you.
00:42:59Thank you.
00:43:01Thank you.
00:43:03Thank you.
00:43:05Thank you.
00:43:06Thank you.
00:43:08Thank you.
00:43:10Thank you.
00:43:12Thank you.
00:43:14Thank you.
00:43:16Thank you.
00:43:18Thank you.
00:43:20Thank you.
00:43:22Thank you.
00:43:24Thank you.
00:43:26Thank you.
00:43:28Thank you.
00:43:30Thank you.
00:43:32Thank you.
00:43:34Thank you.
00:43:36Thank you.
00:43:38Thank you.
00:43:40Thank you.
00:43:42Thank you.
00:43:44Thank you.
00:43:46Thank you.
00:43:48Thank you.
00:43:50Thank you.
00:43:52Thank you.
00:43:54Thank you.
00:43:56Thank you.
00:43:58Thank you.
00:44:00Thank you.
00:44:02Thank you.
00:44:04Thank you.
00:44:15Quanto hai il bambino?
00:44:17Tre mesi.
00:44:20Vuoi un pò di torta?
00:44:22L'ho fatta io.
00:44:24Grazie, non ora, devo andare.
00:44:36It's all right, my love.
00:44:53Eat, my dear.
00:44:59It's just the two of us.
00:45:06It's just the two of us.
00:45:08It's just the two of us.
00:45:32Are you there?
00:45:35Come out, I have to tell you something.
00:45:38Come out.
00:45:41I know. I have to go to elementary school.
00:45:44And I'll start on Monday.
00:45:47Yes, Monday you'll start school.
00:45:50Come out now.
00:45:53But I can see you well from here.
00:46:04We have to talk about your father.
00:46:12Your father died in a car accident.
00:46:23I thought he was back on his planet.
00:46:26On his planet?
00:46:30But your father was from this planet.
00:46:34Oh, what a shame.
00:46:36Listen, Thomas.
00:46:39Your father was real.
00:46:42He was a biology student.
00:46:45And he was hit by a car.
00:46:53Do you understand, my love?
00:47:06I love you.
00:47:08I love you.
00:47:10I love you.
00:47:35A man of words and not of facts
00:47:37is like a garden full of herbs.
00:47:39And when the herbs start to grow
00:47:41it's like a garden full of snow.
00:47:44And when the snow starts to fall
00:47:46it's like a little bird on a little wall.
00:47:49And when the little bird takes flight
00:47:51it's like an eagle in the sky.
00:47:54And when the sky starts to make noise
00:47:56it's like a lion at the door.
00:47:59And when the door starts to give in
00:48:01it's like a stick on the back.
00:48:04And when the back starts to hurt
00:48:06it's like a temper in the heart.
00:48:09And when the heart starts to bleed
00:48:11you're dead.
00:48:13You're dead for sure.
00:48:40Die every time!
00:48:44Try again.
00:49:09Try again.
00:49:32He's coming to see me tonight.
00:49:41Do you want something to eat?
00:49:59Ciao, Mama.
00:50:01Look what a beautiful rabbit.
00:50:05It's beautiful.
00:50:07What's your name?
00:50:09My name is Dima.
00:50:11And his name is Fiocco.
00:50:13Fiocco of snow or just Fiocco?
00:50:15Just Fiocco.
00:50:17Fiocco of snow or just Fiocco?
00:50:33Well, we're going.
00:50:35Bye, Tommy. See you later.
00:50:45Do you want to come and play at our house, Dima?
00:50:50No, thanks.
00:50:59I didn't smell anything. Did you?
00:51:01I did.
00:51:03What smell?
00:51:04The smell of copy.
00:51:06The smell of copy, Mama.
00:51:08They have a strange smell.
00:51:10How do you know?
00:51:12It's something everyone knows.
00:51:14The smell of liquid glass cleaner.
00:51:17It comes from the skin.
00:51:44Erika said you invited little Dima to your house.
00:51:49Yes, so?
00:51:54Here, Rebecca.
00:51:56We have nothing against clones of human beings.
00:51:59Some clones are good people.
00:52:02You can't say anything to them.
00:52:04But it's too complicated for our children.
00:52:10In the news they talk about it all the time,
00:52:13but frankly,
00:52:15we don't want our children to have to deal with those things.
00:52:19And I guess not even you.
00:52:23Dima is the victim of a completely wrong incest.
00:52:26His mother gave birth to his own mother.
00:52:29Didn't you know?
00:52:36Of course not.
00:52:38It's obvious that if I had known,
00:52:40you would never have invited him to your house,
00:52:42am I right?
00:52:46I'm sure of it.
00:52:48It's obvious that if I had known,
00:52:50you would never have invited him to your house,
00:52:52am I right?
00:53:03No, no, of course not.
00:53:14I have to go now.
00:53:45Move it, Eric!
00:53:48Move it!
00:53:57Tommy, come here and give me a hand.
00:54:00The birthday party is yours.
00:55:03Molly, it's Rebecca.
00:55:05You forgot to invite me to today's party.
00:55:27I understand.
00:55:48Happy birthday, Tommy.
00:55:50But the others aren't here yet.
00:55:52It's just the two of us.
00:55:56Just the two of us?
00:55:58But why?
00:56:02The others aren't coming.
00:56:05Why aren't they coming?
00:56:12Because of the copy?
00:56:15But we didn't invite the copy.
00:56:17We didn't invite it on purpose.
00:56:23Why aren't they coming?
00:56:27Tell me.
00:56:34Because they don't want to!
00:56:37Their mothers don't want them to leave us.
00:56:41Why not?
00:56:43Because they're stupid.
00:57:06Because they're stupid.
00:57:36Where are we going, Mom?
00:58:07It's just like I imagined.
00:58:12Do you like it?
00:58:17It's strong.
00:58:18It looks like the end of the world.
00:58:25It's beautiful.
00:58:28It's beautiful.
00:58:30It's beautiful.
00:58:32It's beautiful.
00:58:34It's beautiful.
00:58:36It's beautiful.
00:59:06Come on, run!
00:59:37I thought they were extinct a long time ago.
00:59:41Can I take one home?
00:59:48But we're already home.
01:00:06I love you, Mom.
01:00:38I'm home!
01:00:44Just a moment.
01:01:07It's strong.
01:01:11What will you call it?
01:01:15I don't know.
01:01:44Thank you, Mom.
01:02:04Hi, I'm Mark.
01:02:10We're close.
01:02:19Can you show me the binoculars?
01:02:24Come on.
01:02:26Let's go.
01:02:29Can you show me the binoculars?
01:02:33Come on.
01:02:58Come on.
01:03:28Can you show me the binoculars?
01:03:32Come on.
01:03:34Let's go.
01:03:36Come on.
01:03:38Let's go.
01:03:40Come on.
01:03:42Come on.
01:03:44Come on.
01:03:46Come on.
01:03:48Come on.
01:03:50Come on.
01:03:52Come on.
01:03:54Come on.
01:03:56I don't know.
01:03:59I told you, it was an accident.
01:04:06What kind of accident?
01:04:12We were in the car, we stopped.
01:04:15He got out and another car hit him.
01:04:19What kind of car?
01:04:22A van, Tommy. It was very fast.
01:04:26What kind of van?
01:04:28I don't know.
01:04:32Why did you stop?
01:04:45Why did you stop?
01:04:47I had to pee.
01:04:49I had to pee.
01:05:19Come on.
01:05:21Come on.
01:05:23Come on.
01:05:48Now I can do whatever I want to you.
01:05:53Then do it.
01:08:09Good night, mom.
01:08:24Good night, Tommy.
01:08:42Everything will be fine, my dear.
01:08:53Everything will be fine.
01:09:23Good morning.
01:09:37Good morning.
01:09:46Good morning.
01:09:48How strange.
01:09:50I dreamed
01:09:52that I was at the university.
01:09:54I was a can covered with rust.
01:09:57Maybe it wasn't a can,
01:09:59but, I don't know,
01:10:01a metal container.
01:10:06I was walking,
01:10:09like an old robot.
01:10:13And when I bent over,
01:10:16a strange brown liquid started to come out of my mouth.
01:10:21What a dream.
01:10:28Good morning.
01:10:34Mom, this is Monica.
01:10:36Monica, my mother.
01:10:47What did you dream?
01:10:57Enjoy your breakfast.
01:11:13We woke you up last night.
01:11:17I wasn't sleeping.
01:11:19It was almost dawn.
01:11:22Don't you ever sleep?
01:11:34Monica went to pick up some things.
01:11:37She'll be back soon.
01:11:39She'll stay here for a while,
01:11:41if you feel like it.
01:11:48I think she's cute.
01:11:52Of course she can stay.
01:12:09What did you find?
01:12:11What did you find?
01:12:13I like these thoughts.
01:12:15Scary snowstorms on all the seas.
01:12:18The lands, the mountains,
01:12:20that last millions of years,
01:12:22with billions of tiny crystals of snow
01:12:24that swirl everywhere,
01:12:26and there's not one that's the same as the other.
01:12:28You know, like us.
01:12:30Us people?
01:12:32Yes, like us.
01:12:34But also think of the living things
01:12:36that don't have a face or fingerprints.
01:12:38Think of the cells of our brains,
01:12:40think of how many birds there are.
01:12:42They come after the dinosaurs,
01:12:44so much earlier than us.
01:12:46Imagine how many billions of different feathers
01:12:48were produced by seagulls, crows,
01:12:50pigeons, hummingbirds and penguins.
01:12:52I'm thinking of the whole world,
01:12:54it's a scary number.
01:12:56I don't know how many billions,
01:12:58billions, billions of feathers.
01:13:00And there aren't two of the same.
01:13:02Doka feather.
01:13:04It's almost inconceivable
01:13:06how many billions of incredibly complex structures
01:13:09What is it?
01:13:11I don't know, Tommy.
01:13:13It's just...
01:13:17immature talk.
01:13:21Yes, really.
01:13:28So what?
01:13:30Do you like kids?
01:14:06Come in.
01:14:08Hi, Mom.
01:14:10It smells so good.
01:14:12She made it for you.
01:14:14I was her cook assistant.
01:14:16He's a great cook assistant.
01:14:18You're too good.
01:14:22Thank you.
01:14:36I'm not hungry. I'll eat later.
01:15:06I'm a great guy.
01:15:08I'm a champion.
01:15:54Good night.
01:15:56Good night.
01:16:26Good night.
01:16:56Good night.
01:17:26Good night.
01:18:04It's you.
01:18:26It's you.
01:18:57I'm going to take a shower.
01:19:02Let's do it together.
01:19:32Don't do it.
01:19:34It's okay.
01:19:36No, Tommy.
01:19:48Stop it.
01:19:56Stop it.
01:20:26Stop it.
01:20:56Why? What's wrong?
01:21:00I think she's awake.
01:21:26I think she's awake.
01:21:56I think she's awake.
01:22:10Don't you have anything to say?
01:22:52Good morning.
01:22:56Good morning.
01:23:02She's looking for someone.
01:23:26Go inside, Tommy.
01:23:34Who are you?
01:24:04Who are you?
01:24:20Who are you, Mom?
01:24:34Who are you?
01:25:04Who are you?
01:25:34Who was that woman?
01:25:38Who was that woman?
01:27:50I know her.
01:27:56I know her.
01:28:38Let me in.
01:28:44You've been in there for hours.
01:28:50Open the door.
01:28:56You've been in there for hours.
01:29:00I don't know you.
01:29:10I don't know you.
01:29:12I don't know you.
01:29:14I don't know you.
01:29:16I don't know you.
01:29:22I don't know you.
01:29:24I don't know.
01:29:25I don't know.
01:29:26I don't know.
01:29:27I don't know.
01:29:28I don't know.
01:29:29I don't know.
01:29:30I don't know.
01:29:31I don't know.
01:29:32I don't know.
01:29:33I don't know.
01:29:34I don't know.
01:29:35I don't know.
01:29:36I don't know.
01:29:37I don't know.
01:29:38I don't know.
01:29:39I don't know.
01:29:40I don't know.
01:29:41I don't know.
01:29:42I don't know.
01:29:43I don't know.
01:29:44I don't know.
01:29:45I don't know.
01:29:46I don't know.
01:29:47I don't know.
01:29:48I don't know.
01:29:49I don't know.
01:29:50I don't know.
01:29:51I don't know.
01:29:52I don't know.
01:29:53I don't know.
01:30:16Come, Ma.
01:30:47I have to tell you something.
01:30:55When I was nine,
01:30:59I was on the beach.
01:31:02It was cold.
01:31:07And I met a child.
01:31:09What? What? What child?
01:31:11And what beach do you mean? Who was that woman?
01:31:44I don't know.
01:32:14I love you.
01:32:45I love you.
01:32:50I love you.
01:32:58I love you.
01:33:07I love you.
01:33:09I love you.
01:33:17I love you.
01:33:21I love you.
01:33:29I love you.
01:33:31I love you.
01:33:38I love you.
01:33:43I love you.
01:33:48I love you.
01:33:55I love you.
01:34:01I love you.
01:34:06I love you.
01:34:12I love you.
01:34:16I love you.
01:34:31No, no, no.
01:35:01I'm scared.
01:35:11I'm scared.
01:35:17Now, Mama,
01:35:20I don't know who you are.
01:35:25And I don't even know who I am.
01:35:32Who are you, Mama?
01:35:38Who are you?
01:35:45Why did you do it?
01:35:50Why did you do this?
01:35:55And you ask me? Now you're here.
01:35:57And with this? With this?
01:35:59And with this? With this? With this?
01:36:02What do I have to do now?
01:36:04What do I have to do with this disgusting life of shit?
01:36:06Don't you understand that at this point I don't know who I am anymore?
01:36:09Do you understand? Do you understand or not?
01:36:13That you can love more.
01:36:17More of what?
01:36:20Now you're here.
01:36:25And you're alive.
01:36:29Don't touch me, Mama.
01:36:33Take these hands off me.
01:36:49Who are you?
01:36:59Who are you?
01:37:04Answer me.
01:37:09Who are you?
01:37:29Who are you?
01:37:59Who are you?
01:38:29Who are you?
01:38:31Who are you?
01:38:33Who are you?
01:38:35Who are you?
01:38:37Who are you?
01:38:39Who are you?
01:38:41Who are you?
01:38:43Who are you?
01:38:45Who are you?
01:38:47Who are you?
01:38:49Who are you?
01:38:51Who are you?
01:38:53Who are you?
01:38:55Who are you?
01:38:57Who are you?
01:39:27Who are you?
01:39:29Who are you?
01:39:31Who are you?
01:39:33Who are you?
01:39:35Who are you?
01:39:37Who are you?
01:39:39Who are you?
01:39:41Who are you?
01:39:43Who are you?
01:39:45Who are you?
01:39:47Who are you?
01:39:49Who are you?
01:39:51Who are you?
01:39:53Who are you?
01:39:55Who are you?
01:39:57Who are you?
01:39:59Who are you?
01:40:01Who are you?
01:40:03Who are you?
01:40:05Who are you?
01:40:07Who are you?
01:40:09Who are you?
01:40:11Who are you?
01:40:13Who are you?
01:40:15Who are you?
01:40:17Who are you?
01:40:19Who are you?
01:40:21Who are you?
01:40:23Who are you?
01:40:39Thank you
01:40:53Thank you
01:41:23Thank you
01:41:53Thank you
01:42:23Thank you
01:42:53Thank you
01:42:55Thank you
01:42:57Thank you
01:42:59Thank you
01:43:01Thank you
01:43:03Thank you
01:43:05Thank you
01:43:07Thank you
01:43:09Thank you
01:43:11Thank you
01:43:13Thank you
01:43:15Thank you
01:43:17Thank you
01:43:19Thank you
01:43:21Thank you
01:43:23Thank you
01:43:25Thank you
01:43:27Thank you
01:43:29Thank you
01:43:31Thank you
01:43:33Thank you
01:43:35Thank you
01:43:37Thank you
01:43:39Thank you
01:43:41Thank you
01:43:43Thank you
01:43:45Thank you
01:43:47Thank you
01:43:49Thank you
01:43:51Thank you
01:43:53Thank you
01:43:55Thank you
01:43:57Thank you
01:43:59Thank you
01:44:01Thank you
01:44:03Thank you
01:44:05Thank you
01:44:07Thank you
01:44:09Thank you
01:44:11Thank you
01:44:13Thank you
01:44:15Thank you
01:44:17Thank you
01:44:19Thank you
01:44:21Thank you
01:44:23Thank you
01:44:25Thank you
01:44:27Thank you
01:44:29Thank you
01:44:31Thank you
01:44:33Thank you
01:44:35Thank you
01:44:37Thank you
01:44:39Thank you
01:44:41Thank you
01:44:43Thank you
01:44:45Thank you
01:44:47Thank you
01:44:49Thank you
01:44:51Thank you
01:44:53Thank you
01:44:55Thank you
01:44:57Thank you
01:44:59Thank you
01:45:01Thank you
01:45:03Thank you
01:45:05Thank you
01:45:07Thank you
01:45:09Thank you
01:45:11Thank you
01:45:13Thank you
01:45:15Thank you
01:45:17Thank you
01:45:19Thank you
01:45:21Thank you
01:45:23Thank you
01:45:25Thank you
01:45:27Thank you
01:45:29Thank you
01:45:31Thank you
01:45:33Thank you
01:45:35Thank you
01:45:37Thank you
01:45:39Thank you
01:45:41Thank you
01:45:43Thank you
01:45:45Thank you
01:45:47Thank you
01:45:49Thank you
01:45:51Thank you
01:45:53Thank you
01:45:55Thank you
01:45:57Thank you
01:45:59Thank you
01:46:01Thank you
01:46:03Thank you
01:46:05Thank you
01:46:07Thank you
01:46:09Thank you
01:46:11Thank you
01:46:13Thank you
01:46:15Thank you
01:46:17Thank you
01:46:19Thank you
01:46:21Thank you
01:46:23Thank you
01:46:25Thank you
01:46:27Thank you
01:46:29Thank you
01:46:31Thank you
01:46:33Thank you
01:46:35Thank you
01:46:37Thank you
01:46:39Thank you
01:46:41Thank you
01:46:43Thank you
01:46:45Thank you
01:46:47Thank you
01:46:49Thank you
01:46:51Thank you
01:46:53Thank you
01:46:55Thank you
01:46:57Thank you
01:46:59Thank you
01:47:01Thank you
01:47:03Thank you
01:47:05Thank you
01:47:07Thank you
01:47:09Thank you
01:47:11Thank you
01:47:13Thank you
01:47:15Thank you
01:47:17Thank you
01:47:19Thank you
01:47:21Thank you
01:47:23Thank you
01:47:25Thank you
01:47:27Thank you
01:47:29Thank you
01:47:31Thank you
01:47:33Thank you
01:47:35Thank you
01:47:37Thank you
01:47:39Thank you
01:47:41Thank you
01:47:43Thank you
01:47:45Thank you
01:47:47Thank you
01:47:49Thank you
01:47:51Thank you
01:47:53Thank you
01:47:55Thank you
01:47:57Thank you
01:47:59Thank you
