Dead Island Game-play Part 25 is about completing side quests named 'A New Broom Sweeps Clean', 'Last Chance On The Wall'. It wasn't pretty easy as killing a military friend who became zombie of the quest giver. Completing 'Last Chance On The Wall' side quest was tough. Watch the video :)
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#DeadIslandGameplay #DeadIslandAct2 #Chapter5MixedBlessings #LastChanceOnTheWall #ANewBroomSweepsClean
00:00Hello everyone, this is CrazyGravity and I'm back with another episode of Dead Island Gameplay.
00:07This is Act 2 Chapter 5 Mixed Blessings and it is part 25 of this game. Let's go!
00:15Wait for that. Last chance on the wall. Hang the posters.
00:30Ok, I'm not gonna waste my time attacking these people.
00:44Ok, I'm all ready.
01:09Ok, I'm already afraid.
01:39Ok, I think someone is coming...
02:03And done.
02:58Not bad, not bad.
03:04Ok, I can see a mission right here. Ok, some people are gonna give me a mission.
03:15Ok, some survivors.
03:35Yeah, I know that.
03:38A new room to screen. Ok, the names of the missions are quite funny sometimes.
03:46Yeah, I can see that.
03:58Ok, I got it.
04:01See, every time, like, when I try to do a mission, I always get sidetracked and that is a very bad thing about me.
04:10Like, I cannot be focused. I cannot stay focused in a single, like...
04:20Kill mixed infected friends.
04:31Ok, I came down through here.
04:42Oh, what do we got here?
05:10Oh man.
05:13This is the wrong thing to do.
05:39What do we have next? Only pistols.
05:54His friend is, like...
06:22Ok, there is a repair bench.
06:29Ok, throwing all my weapons at the enemy is, like...
06:36It's like my number one instinct. Like, whenever I see a large enemy, a large enemy means, like, a powerful enemy.
06:47Well, what do we got here?
06:57I know how bad I am in this game and I'm sorry for that.
07:03But I'm trying to improve.
07:13Ok, I'm gonna open the door but let me see if I can find some stuff. Ok, this guy was tough. Real tough.
07:25Oh, there's a fruit.
07:51A new broom slips clean.
07:55Cash. Thanks, Nick.
08:20Ok, spy game. Record the transmission for Nick. Ok, got it.
08:51Ok, new quest.
08:55But I'm gonna be going back to my other quest.
08:59When you reach the jungle, record a transmission.
09:01I think this is similar to the A Voice From Above The Skin.
09:06I haven't, maybe, reached the jungle yet.
09:10I'm in a different place.
09:12I mean, not a different place, place.
09:24Ok, Nick's Hub.
09:27There is a place...
09:29So, there are several places in the, like, hometown where this is scattered, like...
09:39Ok, I think I'm gonna change my weapon to this one here.
09:43So, there are several places scattered in the...
09:55In the whole city.
09:57Oh man, I... No, no, no, no, no.
10:01Oh man, there are lots of enemies. I'm not gonna be...
10:05Not gonna be going there.
10:49Ok, I think...
10:53This time I'm gonna use something.
10:56Ok, where's my lardel kit?
11:01Ok, how do I use it?
11:06Yeah, I need one. I need one.
11:08Sorry man.
11:12Where is the wooden baton?
11:52Ok, I throwed those weapons cause he was burning and...
11:57I didn't want to get any burning damage.
12:19Oh man, more enemies.
12:28The more I can get past, the more I can, like, survive, I think.
12:50Ok, these sounds make me real nervous.
13:01Ok, the environment is really creepy man.
13:23If something happened in my city like this...
13:28I would be dead. I would be dead in shock, not while fighting.
13:33That's for sure.
13:38Ok, no enemies I can see.
13:46Oh man, someone is coming.
13:57Ok, that is why my camera works like that, so I can see if someone comes.
14:11Ok, how many posters do you need?
14:15Ok, game saved. That is not a good thing.
14:45Ok, this place or this area is kind of restricted.
14:50Maybe there are survivors inside, I don't know, and I don't want to find out.
14:55I don't know if they are friendly or not.
15:06Snacks! That is what I want right now.
15:16Ok, I don't want to go there right now.
15:19I get sidetracked too much in an open world game like this.
16:05Ok, I will try to avoid as much enemies as possible.
17:03Oof, I only activated the Fury Mode just because I saw that big guy.
17:11Or I wouldn't do it.
17:15Ok, it's raining.
17:22Ok, the wall is running.
17:51Oh man!
17:53No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
17:59Need one medkit. One medkit right away.
18:28Need another medkit.
18:30Wow, that was really great to take medkits.
18:37No, not in the slots.
18:41Thank God, I took two medkits with me.
18:50Ok, come out, come out.
19:29This guy can also throw? Seriously?
19:33Ok, I cannot take that.
20:28Oh, yes.
20:40Ok, where is the axe?
20:45Ok, the axe is there.
20:54Did I lose any weapon? I think one of the fiery weapons where it's at is fine.
21:00Ok, that's where I am.
21:29My timing is so bad that...
21:33Ok, I need to pee.
22:10Oh, yes.
22:47Whew! That was my panic attack.
22:51Destroying all your weapons?
22:56Come on, take it. I don't want to lose it.
23:05Ok, let's play.
23:22Ok, I need that.
23:25Ok, this mission, how long do I have to, like, do this poster thingy?
23:35I remember this place, I've been here.
24:10Whew! Even when they're down, like, they make these sounds that are so creepy.
24:34And definitely scary.
24:37Ok, too much enemies.
24:40Ok, no, wrong button. Go for the molotov.
25:28Man, my timing was great this time.
25:36My fury mode is back and...
25:41Ok, someone's coming.
25:56Ok, you cannot snuck up on me.
26:10Ok, the next one is really close, but I have to go around to go there.
26:20Like, really, really go around.
26:52Yeah, that's what I thought.
26:56How do I like me now?
27:19Ok, I think I'm gonna use my last medkit.
27:23Do I need to use the large one? Maybe the middle one?
27:27I mean, the medium one.
27:42I'm gonna keep my large one to myself.
28:17Now I need the large one.
28:20Like, I don't know how much health kit do I need.
28:33Ok, I think this is the last one. I'm hoping.