• 2 months ago
A Flower on the Neverland (2024) Episode 14 Eng Sub
00:42What's your tool
01:00Oh, man, I am sure one
01:07Turn to don't shut the school
01:14She's in here. Yeah. Well, hi. Hi. What's my name?
01:30Who don't judge oh don't change
01:37You can't see
01:44She's y'all
01:48Wait, I can't hear
01:52Punchin shall we need a child?
02:05Boy, I'm afraid they're here. Oh, yeah
02:10What happened? Oh, I mean, he's in there. Yeah, you should see neither yet. Yeah, I just seen war
02:18See you
02:36That's a little bit Rona you can come back home with that
02:43Well, they shot Yanguo so將軍沒那麼說不然早被我們寧果收拾了
02:58Sure, yeah
03:05Sure, I'm sure it's a double thing. I don't know how your shit. You got some of the whole way
03:10Now what Gina don't buy holla. She'll do anything
03:14Today the room may even go home. Oh, you're such a man. We have our own man
03:23You know, I
03:25Y'all saw Nima done. She didn't change. Oh
03:29You saw some of you shouldn't oh, no, they'll see I
03:35Thought she's a shoo-shoo
03:37Shoo-shoo. I had to walk
03:39The winning go back shit you'll quit it. You mean you're going to get home. Don't you think about that? Yeah, you'll pinch it's
03:48Shut up, you know, she was a hunk. Oh, yeah
03:54Come on, honey, don't pimp. Yeah
03:59So you don't show shit you're a homeboy
04:01You know that I see it's all right. I love you. He's young from now
04:05We'll be making a huge issue
04:06I'm told you before I buy me teacher. How are you guys? Oh, that's wrong. China. Did you see someone?
04:12How do you think it's on Sunday? No, but would you eat some show?
04:15You can't do shit. It's all back in China. Don't go to church. Oh, yeah, you should choose your house
04:22Come on, but I'm sure that
04:28What I don't go she's a little man, you know, you don't see so much
04:33How are you holding on to a giant young boy? So let me home. So jungle
04:39Couldn't you buy to eat? You know, what's on the engine? We're not just a little tootsie. What's a little deal?
04:48How are you
04:59You some
05:01Home where you go to the woods and I wish it was you
05:03Where did you buy what you're doing? And how you think I would just wish it's a young girl who's
05:08Here you don't watch you know what you should
05:13You're going to do that. It's easy to see
05:17Don't know
05:19How should I put you on you do I'm going to miss him
06:28Wait, how much is that? You're too good. You're too good you did
06:34What was that you lost I don't know you don't know how to do it. You know, what am I like, you just got some job
06:41You don't know how much is that you're on to
06:45You know I don't know how much is that you got on to you know I don't know how much is that you got on to you think of you
06:54You're not going to say what you're doing to me
07:02Yeah, it's it's it's on you
07:46你怎么知道今天落马山会出事的? How did you know something would happen at Mount Luoma today?
07:48我这可不是瞎猜啊 I'm not guessing.
07:50我和花丞相商量过 I've discussed it with Minister Hua.
07:51认为这帮贼子呢 I think these bandits
07:54很可能趁金珠坠透的机会来下手 are likely to take advantage of Jinzhu's chance to break free.
07:57二叔... Uncle...
08:03那日,花家宝库遭人闯入 That day, someone broke into the Hua family's treasury.
08:06我发现了屠山火器和这张纸条 I found the Tushan Flame and this note.
08:10这原来是屠山火器? So this is the Tushan Flame.
08:12本以为屠山一族已经烟消云散 I thought the Tushan Clan had dispersed.
08:14没想到他们躲在暗处 I didn't expect them to hide in the dark.
08:16闯入宝库的人应是好意提醒 The person who broke into the treasury was probably trying to warn us.
08:19刘叔说查香居藏有火器要害书院学子 Uncle Liu said there was a fire in the tea house and it was going to harm the students.
08:23可等我暗中赶到时 But when I arrived in the dark,
08:25那批火器已经不见了 the fire was gone.
08:26暗中? In the dark?
08:29秘密行事才不会打草惊蛇 Only in a secret situation can we stay alert.
08:32否则今日哪有机会埋伏屠山一族 Otherwise, we wouldn't have the chance to ambush the Tushan Clan today.
08:35丞相表面上不声张 其实暗中通知了我 The Prime Minister didn't say anything, but he told me in secret.
08:38屠山一族既然要杀害书院弟子 We should give them a chance
08:41我们做补螳螂的黄雀 since the Tushan Clan is going to kill the students.
08:46怪不得突然来个金猪坠土 No wonder there was a golden pig that fell to the ground.
08:49骆马山不安全 I wanted to keep you here,
08:52但又怕屠山一族起疑 but I was afraid the Tushan Clan would suspect us.
08:55若这次不能将他们一网打尽 反被他们识破我的计谋 If we can't kill them all this time and prevent them from seeing through my plan,
08:59那今后你会有更大的危险 you'll be in even greater danger.
09:02祁鈺 这次是二叔对不住你 让你冒险了 Qiyu, I'm sorry I put you in danger this time.
09:06二叔不必这样 Uncle, you don't have to do this.
09:08丞相再三叮嘱让我保护好你 The Prime Minister repeatedly told me to protect you,
09:11可你偏偏不听话 还要自己跑出来 but you didn't listen and ran out on your own.
09:18这是什么 What's this?
09:19别动 Don't move.
09:20别动 Don't move.
09:23宁玄舟 Ning Xuanzhou?
09:25你给我脱下来 You, take her down.
09:26我不 I won't.
09:28这小子 我要去找他算账 This boy, I'm going to get even with him.
09:42主人 属下无能 在龙马山反而中了红武徽的圈套 Master, it's my fault. I fell into Hong Wuhui's trap on Mount Longma.
09:48读中好手 几乎尽散 He's one of the best fighters in the clan.
09:51红武徽有这般本事 Hong Wuhui is that good?
09:54他吊吊小鱼还行 抓你这条大鱼 还得亲自动手 He can catch fish, but he can't catch you.
10:17走 Let's go.
10:48不但有金银 还暗藏兵器盔甲 不但有金银 还暗藏兵器盔甲 They have gold and weapons.
10:52这伙人图谋甚大 They're up to no good.
11:43Is it your second uncle?
11:44Anyway, my second uncle is definitely on the side of good people.
11:48But why did he hide the fact that Wen Hou went to the Flower Manor to find him before he died?
11:54Maybe Wen Hou was talking to him about a personal matter and told him to keep it a secret.
11:57So he can't let Wen Hou down in the Tianchi Forest's trust in him.
12:02Is this explanation a little tough?
12:05I told you that the Tushan Fire Qi is very dangerous. How dare you use it?
12:14Tushan Fire Qi?
12:16I remember you told me before that this is what you brought from home to protect yourself.
12:20Isn't it the protection weapon of the royal family of Ning?
12:25You even put it on the table for me to see before.
12:28You want to see my bottom line, right?
12:30Commander Ning, it's a good trick.
12:33Xiyu, I actually...
12:35I want to make sure that you don't know anything about the Tushan Clan.
12:38So that I can completely wash away the suspicion on you.
12:41So that I can protect you better.
12:43This explanation is a little tough.
12:47Xiyu, I was wrong.
12:51I'll take it as a punishment.
12:53You pretend to be pitiful every time. I don't do this every time.
13:33Don't think about the gentle words of Xiyu
13:40As long as I have you, I will love and hate the world
13:48The world is like a smile to you
13:55The world is like a smile to you
14:03Your love is like a smile to me
14:10Time goes round and round
14:18Time goes round and round
14:26Time goes round and round
