• last year
Rachel Leviss Opens Up About Her Healing Journey


00:00Oh wow, it's been a long time coming and I feel like I'm completely transformed in a
00:08Like the dark times were so dark and it felt like there wasn't a way out for the longest
00:14time and I just like buckled down and was focusing on figuring out how to take care
00:23of my mental health and I don't know, getting my life in order and deciding that I need
00:30to start making better decisions for myself because the way that I have been living was
00:34not working for me at all.
00:36And so I just really buckled down and spent those months at the recovery center that I
00:44went to and it took some time to like acclimate and integrate everything that I learned into
00:53my real life and I feel like I'm finally now able to start living for me and now with
01:00the show being over too, it's like there's a new found level of freedom for me now.
01:06Oh my gosh, this is the era, I would say it's the era of freedom.
01:11I'm choosing to surround myself with people that lift me up as a person and that helps
01:19with my freedom and like being my most authentic self and I'm not worrying about like someone
01:30who's controlling, I guess.
01:33And I just feel like it's a, it's an era of healing and I've done most of the healing
01:41work, although I'm still in therapy and I still make it a point to like work, continue
01:48to work on myself because it's an ongoing process, but I just feel like it's this new,
01:57I don't know, stepping into the light in a, in a new found way because before I was still
02:05very hypervigilant about how other people thought of me and all of that stuff.
02:11And now it's like, it is what it is and you can take it or leave it.
02:15And if you aren't vibing with it, that's totally fine.
02:20But like, I'm going to do me and you do you, that type of vibe.
