The Boys Season 4 Official Trailer

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00:00I look back at my life, and all I see are the messes I made, and I ain't got time to
00:17fix it.
00:18I can do one thing right, but the time I got left, I can't do it alone.
00:28I can't do it without you.
00:33This country is corrupt beyond repair.
00:37So we gotta save it.
00:41It's not gonna be easy.
00:42We're gonna have to do some terrible things.
00:44For the greater good.
00:45You'll no longer be beloved celebrities.
00:51You will be wrathful gods.
00:54Show me a little wrath.
00:58That doesn't sound good, Ashley.
01:00Oh yeah, no shit, Ashley.
01:01Sorry, Ashley.
01:04The whole world is about to burn.
01:07We need someone like you, Billy, before the Supes start rounding us up and dumping us
01:11off in camps.
01:13I have found the answer to all our prayers.
01:17A virus that kills Supes?
01:19This is insane and desperate, even for you.
01:22Well, insanely desperate's where we are, don't you think, love?
01:26Let's go.
01:27Chop-chop, motherfuckers.
01:33This is a biblical war of good versus evil.
01:36I'm declaring hunting season on Star-Ladders.
01:43Leave it up to me, kid!
01:46I can't believe this is fucking happening to me again.
01:52Look, we've all done bad shit.
01:54What's insane is that our solution to every problem is murder.
01:59Violence isn't brave.
02:03Violence is power.
02:07That's a spirit jam.
02:08Who wants a creamy, delicious milkshake?
02:11If we're ever gonna win against monsters, we need to start acting human.
02:24You're all fucking welcome.